Vintage Wedding DVD Help

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Vintage Wedding DVD

1. Stanuaiu Size
2. Piint Reauy - CNYK Suu upi with Smm bleeu
S. )** +,%& -.,$,' /0# '1#&$ ,23"4$
4. Pieset uiauient map anu Bue Satuiation Aujustment layeis foi photo effects.

Links to Fonts useu aie listeu below
)**056 # 7.,$,
1. uo to the pictuies foluei
2. Bouble click the "Pictuie Beie" layei to open up the smait object
S. Place photo in smait object (optimizeu foi stanuaiu 6x4 size)
4. Save
89 Bone & Bone

!,5$' %'"*:
Foi names of Couple (these aie font options foi you to tiy)

;."'" #&" <&"" <,5$':




Quilline Sciipt

;."'" #&" -#0* <,5$ ,-$0,5' #5* 4#5 2" %'"* 0< +,% #=&"#*+ .#/" $."1:

Caipentei Sciipt

Zapfino Linotype

Bickham Sciipt Pio

!,5$' <,& >,*+ ;"?$:

Nyiiau Pio oi Aiial
Nuseo oi Tiajan Pio (if alieauy installeu on youi machine)

Thank you foi puichasing this file. If you aie having any soit of queiy oi pioblem
with this file, I uige you to get in touch with me via my email (below). I will uo
all I can to make suie you aie satisfieu.
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