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Boy Tobias Blackford Girl Amira Kniffen Term for water stealers is Lighting thieves Chasing military General

ral Black trench coats and main guy has a gas mask a boy is running dragging a girl along, both are breathing heavily. The boy has a gun and the girl is un-armed. They are getting chased by about 5 men all of which are armed, one of which with an energy pack, he seems to be leading his group as he is in front

Keep running ami, we are goanna make it! turns around and lets a shot loose into the group of chasing men, he hits one of them who falls

as they turn a corner a man next to her gets shot by the men behind and her white dress gets blood on it, she starts panicking

Leading man
Stop! fires a shot of energy at them, it misses and hits a person just in front of them. Person who gets hit drops to the ground and starts violently coughing up blood

she sees the person die and slowly a bit of determination arise in her face* Tobes, they got the blue stuff out * she says worryingly and panicky, constant rain of bullets getting fired at them

Dont worry Ami, I got this! Keep running and hide! pushes her on, hides behind a small mound of dirt and starts unloading rounds into the chasing men. He hits two of them, one of which falls straight away, the other in the leg who cries out and gets pulled behind cover

One of the men chasing

you are goanna pay for that you lighting thief!!! lets out a load of rounds into the area he is hiding behind, Hits a civilian who drops and screams silence apart from the guy screaming

The leading man of the chasing group

You know the penalty for stealing water? Death! song piece of crap! You fricking lighting

this time charges a shot and lets it lose, noise is loud and hits the wall Tobias is behind. Wall gets destroyed, Tobias goes flying

grunts of pain , crawls towards the forest

Toby! runs over and helps Tobias up

Keep moving, I have messed up my legs..j-just looks into Amiras eyes take this and hide pushes the gun into Amirias hands Its only got 4 shots in it, but you need to live, I will get you some time nervously laughs

B-but, you cant die! You cant get caught! I-I dont know what to do or where to go! hugs Tobias tightly Dont leave me begins to cry a bit voices of shouting men getting closer

Go! Go into woods pushes her on MOVE! begins to try hold in a cry of pain Amira runs into the woods and hides behind a tree and begins to try hold in a cry Tobias gets shot and starts to gurgle and spurt out blood Amaria, as Tobias starts to die and stop choking, starts to gain a desperate yet determined look on her face. Tobias dies

The leading man of the chasing group

laughs manically covered in Tobias blood Amira screams maniacally too and breaks cover and lets lose the last shots of the gun at him.1 hits him square in the head and he dies. Amaria then runs out and holds Tobiass body tightly and crys a little bit. She then gets up, drops the gun, and runs off into the forest fade to black When stories end, new ones must begin fade to Amaria standing on a hill overlooking a town on fire

in a voice over last week, I was running, Running with the one person I thought could save me, now, I run with the lighting song title comes up the lightings song

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