Tissue Cell Salts

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Tissue Cell Salts and how Schuessler Cell Salts are used

Read, how Tissue Cell Salts work and how Schuessler Cell Salts help.
In his investigations Dr. Schuessler (1821 - 1898) discovered that 12 vital mineral materials must be present for perfect functioning. lac! or poor distribution leads inevitabl" to malfunctions# $hich are again a cause for diseases. Dr. Schuessler cell salts are not minerals in the usual sense# as the" occur in food or are contained in food b" au%iliar" means. &herefore# it concerns us not to ad'ust the lac! (uantitativel"# but that the individual cells can use the mineral materials e%isting in the blood. )orrectl" proportioned# the use of &issue )ell Salts can also decrease $rin!les (signs of aging).
Dr. Wilhelm Schssler

What are Schuessler Tissue Cell Salts ?

&issue )ell Salts are homoeopathic prepared# and "ou ma" purchase them as potent homoeopathic medicines from pharmacies. *ood minerals are ta!en up b" the organism and serve as building materials and form the mineral basis for the bod" and the metabolic processes. &he mineral materials of the Dr. Schuessler+s cell salts can rather be called ,function means,. &he" $or! rather b" ad'usting and helping the building materials to ma!e better use of the cells. &he (uic! increase is due to the fact that the mineral materials can be ta!en in the blood better $hen absorbed through the mouth mucous membrane. &he" are therefore more readil" available to the bod" to ad'ust disturbances of the e(uilibrium bet$een the internal environment of the cells and the cell gaps. -otent Schuessler )ell Salts travel particularl" $ell to the effective place in the cells. In addition the" pla" a role opposite to energ" and storage mediums# $hich energi.e the bod" for an increased admission of the missing mineral salt. &he )arrier /aterial $ithin the tablets is lactose# the common increase is D0 and D12# thus relativel" lo$ po$er stages. Schuessler &issue )ell Salts e%clusivel" concern substances# $hich are present in the human organism. Note: lso in li(uid drop form available for people $ho suffer from lactose intolerance.

2006 - 2009 - alternative-medicine-naturopathy.com

1ealth can onl" be achieved and diseases onl" durabl" healed or improved if the organism is able to ad'ust itself and react appropriatel" to changing conditions and re(uirements. &his reali.ation represents the substantial basic principle of the regularization medicine . &he condition to be able to react over appropriatel" is ho$ever an intact biochemistr" of the cells and the Interstitium. &he condition of the Interstitiums is of crucial importance for the operabilit" of the cells# the organs and the total organism. &he mineral materials# as Dr.Schuessler revealed their effect# function at the cell membrane and $ithin the cell# in addition# in the Interstitium. &he cell salts are a !ind therapeutic agent. &he" provide for the improvement of the information transfer and solution of bloc!ades# improvement of cellulose change and for the increased potential of the diaphragm. dditionall" the" provide an increase in the effect of 1omeopathic /edicine and )onventional medicine# regulari.ation and neutrali.ing of acid# as $ell as activating the immune s"stem. Schuessler )ell Salts have 12 main purposes as $ell as 12 au%iliar" purposes. *or minor# temporar" illnesses "ou can ta!e Schuessler &issue Salts in order to improve s"mptoms# alleviate pain and assist the healing process.

More about Schuessler Cell Salts

&he greatest advantage of biochemistr" is in the fact that the Schuessler &issue )ell Salts are $ithout side effects and can be used in con'unction $ith other medicines.

Intake: How to intake Tissue Cell Salts correctly:

*or acute illnesses2
-lace 1 (3ne) tablet in the mouth ever" 4 to14 minutes and leave to dissolve or suc!.

For chronic illnesses:

During the course of the da" place 0 to 15 tablets in the mouth and leave to dissolve or suc!. &he tablets can also be dissolved in hot $ater. In addition "ou should al$a"s drin! stilled $ater or tap $ater# never mineral $aters. *or dissolving and stirring please al$a"s select a plastic spoon. Spoons made of metal lo$er the effectiveness of the Schuessler &issue )ell Salts or even nullif" their effect altogether. fter dissolving them in $ater drin! slo$l" in sips.

What do have to consider as !ia"etic# Notes $or !ia"etics:

6ecause of the lactose Diabetics must account for their bread inta!e. *ift" tablets correspond to one slice of bread. -atients $ith lactose intolerance can use the Schuessler )ell Salts no$ also available in lactose free li(uid or globules.

2006 - 2009 - alternative-medicine-naturopathy.com

Application: Main Purposes 1-1 an! their "application":

the Schuessler Cell Salts

%alcium $luoride - Schuessler &issue %ell &alts No ' for the bones )alcium fluoride (Schuessler )ell Salts 7o 1) is present in the cells of the marro$ in the bones# in tooth nerves and all fle%ible fibers. lac! of )alcium *luoride leads to8 please read further. %alcium phosphate - stabili.ation purpose of the Schuessler (issue %ell &alts No 2 )alcium phosphate (Schuessler )ell Salts 7o 2) is contained predominantl" in all bod" cells and in the bone cells. lac! leads to8 please read further. . . Ferrum phosphate - inflammation purposes of the &chuessler (issue %ell &alts No ) *errum phosphate (Schuessler )ell Salts 7o 9)2 Iron is present in the blood and in the muscle cells. &he iron contained in the red blood corpuscles absorbs o%"gen from the air $e inhale. lac! leads to8 please read further. . . *otassium chloride - mucous membrane use of the Schuessler &issue %ell &alts No + -otassium chloride (Schuessler )ell Salts 7o :) is a component of nearl" all bod" cells and stands in close relationship $ith the connective tissue. lac! leads to8 please read more8 *otassium phosphate - nerve and muscle uses of the Schuessler (issue %ell &alts No , -otassium phosphate (Schuessler )ell Salts 7o 4) is present in brain cells# the nerves and in the muscle cells. lac! leads to# please read more. . . *otassium sulphate - s!in uses of the &chuessler (issue %ell &alts No 6 -otassium sulphate (Schuessler )ell Salts 7o 0) is present in the upper s!in cells and muscles. lac! leads to# please read further. . . -agnesia phosphate - nerve uses of the Schuessler &issue %ell &alts No . /agnesia phosphate (Schuessler )ell Salts 7o ;) is present in the muscles# blood corpuscles# nerves# brain# in bones and teeth. /agnesium phosphoricum is used as the /0ot .1. lac! leads to8 please read further. . . &odium chloride - $ater uses of the Schuessler (issue %ell &alts No 2 Sodium chloride (Schuessler )ell Salts 7o 8) and<or common salt occurs in all bod" fluids and fabrics. Sodium chloratum regulates $ater absorption and deliver" of cells. lac! leads to8 please read on8

2006 - 2009 - alternative-medicine-naturopathy.com

&odium phosphate - neutrali.ing use of the &chuessler (issue &alts No 9 Sodium phosphate (Schuessler )ell Salts 7o 9) is a component of the blood corpuscles# muscles# the nerve and brain cells as $ell as li(uid fibre. lac! leads to8 please read further. . . &odium sulphate - elimination use of the Schuessler &issue %ell &alts No '0 Sodium sulphate has the abilit" of (uic!l" e%creting e%cessive tissue fluid accumulated $ith metabolic $astes# from the bod". lac! leads to8 please read more. . . &ilicea - stabili.ation purposes of the Schuessler (issue %ell &alts No '' Silicea (Schuessler )ell Salts 7o 11) is a component of the connective tissue# the marro$# the mucous membrane# the hair# the nails# the bone and nerves. lac! leads to8 please read further. . . %alcium sulphate - regeneration purposes of the &chuessler (issue %ell &alts No '2 )alcium sulphate (Schuessler )ell Salts 7o 12) occurs in the gall bladder and in the liver. lac! leads to8 please read on. . .

Important Note Do not self diagnose or self treat serious and chronic illnesses !ou must consult with "our ph"sician or specialist in order to recei#e complete ad#ice for "our condition.

(issue %ell salts 3rder $orm

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2006 - 2009 - alternative-medicine-naturopathy.com

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