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Hachinski Ischaemic Score

Purpose The Hachinski Ischaemic Score (HIS) represents a brief clinical tool helpful in the bedside differentiation of the commonest dementia types, Dementia of Al heimer!s Type (DAT) and "ascular Dememntia ("aD)# It!s utility has been $alidated by meta%analysis in patholo&ically $erified patients 'ith dementia# A cut%off score ( ) for DAT and * + for "aD has a sensiti$ity of ,-. and a specificity of ,-. (/oroney 0--+)# It is not useful in determinations bet'een mi1ed dementia and other dementia types# Item No. 0 2 3 ) 6 8 + , 0: 00 02 03 Description Abrupt onset Step'ise deterioration 4luctuatin& course 5octurnal confusion 7reser$ation of personality Depression Somatic complaints 9motional incontinence History of hypertension History of stroke Associated atherosclerosis 4ocal neurolo&ical symptoms 4ocal neurolo&ical si&ns Value 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 2

HIS items distin&uishin& "aD from DAT 'ere step'ise deterioration (odds ratio (;<), 8#:8), fluctuatin& course (;<, +#8:), hypertension (;<, )#3:), history of stroke (;<, )#3:) and focal neurolo&ical symptoms (;<, )#):)# Reference /oroney, =#T#, /eta%analysis of the Hachinski Ischaemic Score in patholo&ically $erified dementias# 5eurolo&y, )-, 0:-8 > 00:6#

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