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TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction2 The Numbers Number 1...3 Number 2...4 Number 3...5 Number 4...6 Number 5...

7 Number 6...8 Number 7...9 Number 8...10 Number 9...11 Number 10.12 Number 11.13 Birth Month...14 Yearly Cycles15 Master Cycles16 Destiny Chart.17 Chart Positions..18 Calculations...19 Chart Analysis Process.20 Chart Analysis Example21

INTRODUCTION Each soul starts its earthly journey as a humble seed. In Platos allegory of the cave the processes of sprouting the seed begins with a turn of the head from the wall inside the cave of false truths. The journey out of the cave requires dedication and passion. Awakening to the infinite is a process of transformation and discovery, full of exciting challenges. In many traditions this journey crosses many lifetimes. In each lifetime a new and exciting destiny awaits the awakened soul. The soul chooses the location, time, date, and family of birth to provide it with specific gifts, assets, challenges, and lessons to aid in its growth and development. Along the way the soul may choose to live in karma (life of lessons) or to live in dharma (life of service). The secret to living in dharma is partly revealed in the numerology of ones birth-date. Awareness of the influences of ones birth-date will help unlock the door to understanding the uniqueness of the soul and its journey this time around. This is the destiny cyclethe numerological influences of this lifetime. This numerological system is a powerful science that will help you unlock your destiny so you can live the best life every. It will also reveal the path that allows you to return to your heavenly home. After all, we are spiritual beings on an earthly journey. The more you work with the system taught within these pages, the deeper you will understand yourself and others. The key to learning this system is to have fun, stay light, and laugh a lot. May the long time sun shine upon you, all love surround you, and may the pure light within you guide your way home.

SA-TA-NA-MA The seed humbly stumbles into the unseen This is the beginning of time and space, the new and the old collide Can you discover the past in the future? Growth requires positive action or non-action The awakened soul is the master of willing and choosing Now transformed multiple realities must balancestand firm in paradox and anomaly Intuition, originating from sacred space, propels the head into the heart The elevated self forgives, protects, and understands Wandering into infinitySurrender and return home Radiance of the soul

THE NUMBERS 1st Energy Body (Soul Body) Key Ideas: Heart over HeadHumility and Creativity Positives: Strong desire to Know Thyself Balanced Head and Heart (Water and Fire, Heaven and Earthly will) Own best friend, independent, humble Creative, focused, takes initiative Smile is a sign of heart mastery Negatives: Headstrong, stubborn, and ruled by head Ego, no humility or self-understanding Confused without sense of self-identity Overly intellectual and outwardly focused Sympathetic instead of compassionate Denies true feelings and difficulty with self-love Feels disconnected and isolated Lives in a state of small me thinking Physical: Spine and Kidney/Heart Integration Kidney and bladder Summary: Personality: Holy person/Wise one (Guru: Nanak) Key Question: Can I be compassionate and can I be creative? Can I be compassionate and creative with myself and others in my activity and in my attitude? Do I act from the Heart? Karma: Must come from the heart to harmonize external world. Must find consistency in life. Soul: Must come from the heart to deal with internal stress. Logic will lead to a dead end. Must find inner focus and self-love. Gift: If on spiritual path then super-creative and comes from the heart. Past: If on spiritual path then super-creative and balanced intellect and emotions. Destiny: Spirituality is expressed as creativity and compassion from the heart.

2nd Energy Body (Negative Mind) Key Ideas: Longing to BelongObedience and Containment Positives: Senses Danger of decision and situations Obeys inner teacher and connected to spiritual teacher Connection to infinity (like an 11) Happiness in partnership with other Sees Polarities of life 2s a company, 3s a crowd Good decision-making (Sword) Strong Navel Gives from the heart, but does not give their heart away Negatives: Relates only to infinite Blind to risks (fools rush in) Nobody until somebody loves you (lose of self in relationship) Fears abandonment and rejection Driven by urge to merge Love-a-holmic Empathetic to a fault Overly attached Always scanning and questioning Physical: Heart, Small intestine, pericardium, San Jiao (triple warmer) Summary: Personality: Lover, Student (Guru: Angad) Key Question: In my urge to merge, in my need for completion, can I calculate the danger in a given situation? Karma: Negative mind must work properly to ensure external harmony. Fools rush in. False self-confidence. Soul: Protects oneself from bad decisions and understands their connection to God. May feel insecure and indecisive. Gift: Connects with the other easily and sees danger in any situation. Past: Connects with the other and seen as a good person to discuss relationships with. Clearly sees the risks of life. Destiny: The perfect student, dedicated, deep connection with infinite. Desires meaningful relationship with other. \

3rd Energy Body (Positive Mind) Key Ideas: Devil or DivineEquality and Positivity Positives: Makes the best out of every situation Service oriented Sees potential and possibility Concerned with equality and fairness Mischievous and humorous Social, creative, expressive, intuitive Earth mother (turtles) Team-worker and supportive Good mediator 3s a company, but 2 is too few Negatives: Pulled down by negativity Unfocused, depressive, insecure Feels unsupported and worries a lot Gets caught in a triangle of conflicts People pleaser to a fault Physical: Depression, insomnia Liver, Gallbladder Tendons and Ligaments Summary: Personality: Magician/Entertainer/Martyr (Guru: Amar Das) Key Question: Will I allow myself to see the positive and experience the good of life? Am I open to all possibilities in life? Karma: Must be positive in all external dealings needs to see harmony and goodness in life. Must not be a people pleaser; discover the ability to say no. Soul: Must see himself in a positive light must see self as a Soul not a sinner. Must see and incorporate their shadow. Gift: Always positive and cheerful. Beacon of light and hope always smiling. Past: Cheerful and positive. Determined and up lifting. Destiny: Must see equality in all situations and take care of everyone. Sees the positive and brings humor to life.

4th Energy Body (The Neutral Mind/Meditative Mind) Key Ideas: Cup of PrayerService, Compassion and Integrity Positives: Mental Mastery, good listener, good organizer, and logical Master of the yogic mindnon-judgmental and observant Sees the whole picture (Cup of Prayer) Non-reactive, detached, neutral True Compassion Perceptive and decisive and acts quickly on decision Master of Darshan Negatives: Too rational, wavering mind, reactive, stuck in mental excuses Cant see the whole picture, stuck in pros and cons Takes sides in disputes Indecisive, organized to a fault, cant think outside the box Overly critical and skeptical Judgmental of self and others Physical: The brain itself Lungs and Large Intestine Throat Third Eye Summary: Personality: Counselor/advisor (Guru: Ram Das) Key question: Will I be able to be a non-judgmental, intuitive observer with balanced thinking? Will I act upon inner wisdom? Karma: Must come from a place of neutrality and become a good listener. You tend to be opinionated and out of balance. Soul: Must learn to listen to his inner voice and be decisive. May be closed minded and unchanging. Gift: Neutral, humble and focused on service. Internal and externally balanced. Past: Person has a neutral mind and other come to them for advice. Destiny: This person must be service oriented, balanced and committed to daily meditation.

5th Energy Body (Physical Body) Key Ideas: Half God/Half Man, Teacher, Balanced, Flexible, Sacrifice Positives: Strong Body, disciplined, physically active Natural teacher Ability to Sacrifice Natural Salesman and networker The Star has energy to spare! Flexible goes with the flow, balanced Always reassessing priorities Negatives: Couch potato, loves to eat (especially sweets) Chooses comfort, over sacrifices Cant set priorities, compulsive, Co-dependant, Addictive Unbalanced, inflexible, narcissistic, over indulgent, intolerable Physical: Whole body, particularly spine and joints Spleen and Stomach Summary: Personality: Teacher/Leader/Star (Guru: Arjun) Key Question: Will I use my strength for the good of all? Karma: Must master their body sacrifice and willpower. Either over or under concerned with the physical body. Soul: Balance of internal process requires self-control. Cannot find help from inside the self, and considers the body flawed. Gift: Ability to teach and is self-disciplined. Manages energy well. Past: Seen as someone capable of self-sacrifice. Can easily relate to others. Destiny: Must become a teacher by example- personification of what he teaches. Ability to share and connect with others.

6th Energy Body (Arch Line over the Heart) Key Ideas: Person of Prayer, Justice, Protection and Projection Positives: Mastery of word, keeps commitments Flexible number, but not world traveler Meditative life in action. The power of mothers prayer. Home and home relationships, Homemaker Sacred person who can create sacred space with their presence Eager to learn new things Their presence blesses others and heals others, natural protectors Natural meditators, with blessed protection Love for family Strong self-esteem, confidence and self-worth, feels protected in life Dont feel the need to complete school Negatives: Talks without thinking, lacks integrity, over-commits Lacks self-confidence, self-worth, and self-esteem Doesnt feel at home anywheredislikes to travel Prone to illness Physical: Immune system Kidney and Bladder Heart and Kidney IntegrationHeart problems Summary: Personality: Priest/Shaman (Guru: Hargobind) Key Question: Will I allow myself to speak the truth of my heart and keep my commitments? Can I manifest my goals with integrity? Karma: Must be consistent, follow through, meet commitments, and concentrate. Intentions are good, but fail to turn out as desired. Soul: Must keep sense of self and stay centered. You are selfdeceptive. Gift: Good focus, powerful prayer, lucky. Past: Use meditation or focus to work through blocks. Constant and consistent in thought and deeds Destiny: Must be a person of prayer, meditation, concentration, centered. You must learn to create your own reality.

7th Energy Body (Aura) Key Ideas: Platform of Elevation, Mercy, Security, Self-Identity, Love. Positives: Divine Shield, strong sense of self, inner warrior, boundary setter Can be alone without feeling lonely, strong when alone Can handle any situation, say the right thing at the right time Model of grace and nobility Can clean their closets, inner analysis Inspiring and uplifting to others (cosmic forklift) Outer reflection of nervous system Relates to fifth chakra: came here to be heard, voice of healing Can go inside the self and discover truths to share with others Negatives: Easily swayed by surroundings Dont deal well with inner issues, constant worry Use negative language against self and others Afraid to be alone, fear of dark as a child Hermit, avoids intimacy, impatient, controlling, dissociative Lacks boundaries, Daydreamer, Unconnected Present without presence Others believe them, but they dont believe self Judgmental of self and others Cannot act without knowingruns mind in mental circles Nervous, jumpy, compulsive Physical: Nervous system, Throat, ADHD, Dissociative mental states Heart and Small Intestines, Pericardium and San jiao (triple Burner) Summary: Personality: Healer/Speaker/Hermit (Guru: Har Rai) Key Question: Will I uplift and nurture myself and others? Do I feel secure in universal love? Karma: Must learn to manage aura confidence, strong sense of self. Easily pressured and influenced by others. Soul: Must be uplifting in his internal processes. Weak sense of self. Looks to outward appearance for sense of self. Gift: Always uplifting life of the party. Past: Elevates others. Master the secret of presence. Destiny: Must learn to uplift all of humanity including self. Has strong presence and desire to be who you really are.

8th Energy Body (Pranic Body) Key Ideas: Finite to Infinite, Self-Initiating, Fearless, Energized, Power Positives: Natural Healer, Natural Warrior, Fearless competitor Controls All three minds (executive mind) Linked to infinitespiritual and temporal worlds Fiery personality, likes power, delegator, directive Master of money, good entrepreneur Master of the breath The Great Accelerator Supercharged Human-being True decision maker, the doer, the boss, the general Totally in charge Sees consequences of action before action Big hearted, philanthropic Negatives: Tries to get energy from gross forms (food, stimulants) Neglects the breath Bossy, Self-critical and critical of others Demanding, Poor decision maker Too much fire: argumentative, bad temper Ignorant of consequences Stingy with money or spendthrift Healer who cannot heal self Lacks energy, continually self-defeating Physical: Lungs, liver: asthma, arthritis, IBS, autoimmune. Liver and Gallbaldder Lack of physical energy leads to addictions Summary: Personality: Warrior/General (Guru: Har Krishna) Key Question: Will I be fearless and Supercharged? Karma: Must see and take steps to get from A to B long-range planner. May feel a lack of energy and time. Soul: Must not be fearful. Must not be scared to see the shadow side of the self. May feel abandoned. Gift: Fearless dreamer and planner. Can generate energy and resources at will. Past: Fearless and carries through when others fail. Destiny: Life of purity give up life with joy and compassion so others can live. Connect to the energy of infinity.


9th Energy Body (Subtle Body) Key Ideas: Mystery or Mastery, Calmness, Subtlety Positives: Tuned into what is really happening Deep understanding of others and life, sees into the soul of things Disciplined, focused, consistent, constantfinishes what they start Ability to let go, completely, and move on Mantra: I know the unknown is known to me Knows the Mind of God Attitude of gratitude and grace Highly intuitive (a triple 3)the conscious channel This energy field carries the soul after death Great depth of perception, doesnt miss a thing Feminine projection Highly intelligent Old Master with qualities of consistency and constancy Fearless understanding of death, often works with the dying Rides the wave of life Negatives: Innocently Nave, Gullible, Inconsistent, Undependable, unfocused Undisciplined, lives in a fog, lacks understanding of life Ungrateful, complaining, confused, fails to complete things Difficulty letting go Wanderer, Bookish Knowledge, jack-of-all-trades Physical: Master glandspituitary, pineal Lungs and Large intestine Summary Personality: Recorder/Sage/Humanitarian (Guru: Teg Bahadur) Key Question: Will I allow myself to be subtle and calm? What is the real purpose of life? Karma: Must learn to see the subtleties of life and gracefully present your knowledge. Must also master one thing do it every day- so you can see the subtleties of what you master. Continually misunderstood when communicating knowledge to others. Soul: Must not be so hard on the self and find joy in mastering something. This leads to finding joy in the complete knowledge and mastery of any situation may take time so be patient. Must see what others see in you. Desire for completion. Gift: This person picks up on the subtlety of any situation quickly he is a master. Can speak to anyone at any level Past: Learns things very quickly and can access information at will. Destiny: Must be very masterful and calm in whatever they do brings out the subtleties of life. Sees the big picture and communicates knowledge with ease.


10th Energy Body (Radiant Energy Body) Key Ideas: All or Nothing, Royal Courage, Radiance Positive: Soul Plus radiancemagnified 1st energy body Old royalty, royal courage Knows the right way to do things Highly Creative and Natural Leader Naturally Charismatic, fearless in taking a standforefront of Battle Sovereignty, Soldier Saint Good initiator Inner qualities of steel (strength) and diamonds (clarity) Martial arts abilities The best at everything (good isnt good enough) Like to stand out and be admired All or nothing personality (100% there or not there) They dont compete they win Leave hair uncut and wear white to energize radiant body Negatives: Full of fear, avoids leadership, bully, procrastinator Cant be the best they, so will be the worst (temper tantrum) Perfectionistnever feel good enough Energy fluctuates sporadicallyunaware of their power Makes false starts Always comparing Physical: Spine and colon Spleen and stomach Summary Personality: King/Queen/Warrior Saint (Guru: Gobind Singh) Key Question: Will I allow myself to be creative, courageous and radiant? Karma: All or nothing. Underachiever. Always expected by others to be radiant and may instead be withdrawn Soul: Avoid the attitude of I cant do it. Low self-esteem, and desire to be part of the status quo. Gift: Whatever they do will be radiant 110%. Radiates royalty. Past: Does everything with zest and radiance. The center of their universe. Destiny: Must manifest royal courage. Always does their best in life


11th Energy Body (All Bodies as One) Key Ideas: The Divine, Divine Vision, Truth for All, Perfection of Being Positives: Commands wealth in all forms Number of the Guru, divine teacher All bodies connectedlink to divine Spiritual master returned to master earth realm Poets, bringers of truth and light Live at one with the Will of Godexample of total surrender Divinely inspired and inspiring Feel the divine when in their presence Destiny is fixed Divine Visionary (What an 11 dreams and 8 will build) Negatives: Can forget the infinite Can be in divine conflictat war with God Must discover how money and other forms of power work Angry that they have to do this again Ungrounded, lost in daydreams, fanatic Physical: Mental/emotional/spiritual dissociation Spiritual Problems can manifest anywhere so consider other numbers Summary Personality: Divine Channel (Guru: Siri Guru Granth Sahib) Key Question: Will I allow myself to know all and be all? Do I allow the infinite to flow through me? Karma: Must realize that they have mastery of the physical plane. Must find perfection, even though they feel that everything is imperfect. Soul: Must realize that God is the master of his life and he cannot control it himself. Must find the spiritual in all aspects of life. Gift: Can express energy of anyone of the bodies when needed. A person of right action. Past: Constantly reminds others of God. Lives continually in the present moment. Destiny: Must become a constant reminder of God can expand others to infinity people always walk away feeling elevated and conscious.


January (1) Main question: Its all about me, who am I on all levels? Fear: Do I deserve to exist? February (2) Main question: Do I deserve love, will someone love me? Fear: Will I be abandoned? March (3) Main question: Am I liked, do people appreciate me? Fear: Do I fit in? April (4) Main question: Does anyone know me? Fear: Can I give love free of conditions? May (5) Main question: How can I be a star and move this body? Fear: Will I have enough energy to do this? June (6) Main question: What is sacred in my life, am I safe and protected, do I have roots and what is home? Fear: Am I worthy of anything? July (7) Main question: Do I have a voice and will anyone listen to me? Fear: Do I connect with anything, where is my flock? August (8) Main question: I am I powerful and where does my power come from? Fear: I have to much power, I must lock it up September (9) Main question: Can I master everything? Fear: I dont know? October (10) Main question: I am I courageous and where is my power? Fear: not knowing self and not being powerful November (11) Main question: Can I discover and connect to the divine, where is God? Fear: God abandoned me


YEARLY CYCLES The Yearly Cycle relates to the overall numerological influences surrounding that particular year. Each month has its own particular influence as well, which allows you to address the energy of the year from a unique perspective. Number 10: New Beginnings Number 11: Relationships. Time for getting cozy with someone or with God. Number 3: Play, go-with-the-Flow. Busy time, can lead to over-commitment and stress. Number 4: Plant your garden. Time of Form, planning, and organization. Meditation. Number 5: Year of the physical body Time for flexibility and movement. Number 6: Power of Thought and Prayer. Time for focusing on the heart and home. Number 7: Power of the word expressed. Cycle of Self-doubt. Speak your truth to the world. Number 8: High energy and power. Grow Roots and Foundations. Number 9: Completion and letting go. Time of Self-Mastery.


MASTER CYCLES Consciousness Cycle (7 Year Cycle) 1. Key Ideas: Awareness of who you aresense of self, priorities, how you understand world, strength of navel (Second and Third Chakra), connection to your soul. 2. Questions: Who am I, What are my values, What is important to me, Can I stand the definition of who I am? Woman Cycle (9 Year Cycle) 1. Key Ideas: Re-definition of self as a Woman in the worldPrayer and love, focus of defining the divine feminine. 2. Key Question: Who am I as a women, How do I express the divine feminine in my life? Applied Intelligence Cycle (11 Year Cycle) 1. Key Ideas: Shift in applying our sense of self in the worldchange in strategy for fulfilling our purpose in life, Career shift. 2. Questions: How do I accomplish my purpose in life, what do I want to do with my life? Life Cycle (18 Year Cycle) 1. Key Ideas: Change in energy and relationshipshow we apply our energy, level and quality of energy, how we organize relationships, major life style change, focus on how to move smoothly through life. 2. Questions: Which relationships are important to my life in its current context, where is my energy focused, what is the level and quality of energy in my life?



Name: _______________ Birth Date: ______________
(Challenges) Projection Soul (Gifts) Gift

Age: _______


Destiny Path

Base (Subconscious)

Destiny Gift

Karma Personal Cycle

Past Life Current Master Cycle (years) Consciousness (7): _____ Women Cycle (9): ______ Applied Intelligence (11): ____ Life (18): _____

Cycle gift



Soul Number: ____________ Meaning : How your soul is elevated and link to the souls harmony. Reveals what makes you feel the happiest or most miserable. Greatest internal struggle in life. Karma Number: __________ Meaning : Your external lessons in this life and focus of external harmony. Gift Number: ____________ Meaning : God given talent of this life. Past Life Number: ________ Meaning : Your past life experiences available to you in this life. Becomes more available as you follow your destiny. Destiny Path Number: _____ Meaning : Your souls mission of service in life. Leads to fulfillment. Destiny Gift Number: _____ Meaning : How you can assist your soul in walking its path.

Challenge Number: _______ Meaning : How your soul can address your Karma. What supports you at your foundation. Asset Number: __________ Meaning : Your present and past life strength combined. Clue to Past life Experience. Projection Number: ______ Meaning : How others see you (your projections). Base Number: __________ Meaning : Who you are at your core. Personal Cycle: _________ Meaning : The energy body that is influencing you for the year. Cycle Gift Number: ______ Meaning : Added benefits given for the year

Current Date: ______________


CHART POSITIONS Soul (Conscious awareness in this life) Gives insight into what makes you most happy and most miserable Relates to your physical and psychological self Soul is also concerned with what you will struggle with internally in this life Soul is part of the path that helps fulfill your destiny Represents the link to your soul and focus of internal harmony Karma (Subconscious influences in this life) Karma is concerned with external struggles in this life The karma and soul can form a lock and cause stress Represents focal point of external harmony Gift (Conscious awareness of Gift from God) Using your gifts helps you meet the challenges of life Ask person if they had a hard time accepting gifts when younger Spiritual discipline helps you use the gifts Using your gifts allows you direct connection to God Past life (Subconscious awareness of past life mastery) The positive of this number is expressed as you move on your spiritual path This number represents something you have mastered in a past life Destiny (Souls service to the world) Our purpose in life is to experience our excellence and then to go home. If we experience our excellence we can become a shining light in the world The door home opens many times, but we go when we are ready. This is the direction of souls service What you need to do in this lifetime to feel fulfilled Mastery of this number allows the divine to radiate through you Gift of Destiny (What you brought to help you with your destiny) Projection (How the world sees youimpression you leave with others) Base (What you are at your corewhat you really get) If you do not use the base then you are a projection without a foundation. Assets (Sum of all gifts) Additional gift to help you unlock the locks

CALCULATIONS General notes: Reduce everything to single digits If more than one number, add numbers together Do not reduce a 10 or an 11 Remember to consider special numbers Soul NumberDay of birth Karma NumberMonth of birth Challenge NumberSoul + Karma Gift NumberAdd last two digits of birth year Past Life NumberAdd all digits of birth year Asset NumberGift + Past life Projection NumberGift + Soul Core NumberPast life + Karma Destiny NumberDay of birth + Month of birth + year of birth Year CycleCurrent year + Day of birth + Month of birth Month cycleYear cycle + Number of the month Day CycleMonth cycle + Number of the day of that month


SUGGESTED CHART ANALYSIS PROCESS 1. Remember that this is a tool for self-understanding. Stay non-judgmental and simply present the information. 2. Use your intuition and see what number (or numbers) the individual is currently resonating with. 3. Look at the year cycle and master cycle numbers to see what is currently influencing their life. 4. Look at the soul/karma/challenge combo first. People flip between their dharma and their karma. As they move into their destiny path of service, their karma is resolved. 5. The Karma gives clue to the deepest physical/emotional/spiritual issues. I see these numbers working at the core of the individual a. The soul is the head b. The karma is the coresolar plexus c. The challenge is the support and foundation 6. Make the Assumption that the individual is stuck in the karma and then ask yourself where do they find their support in life. 7. The support is found in the challenge number. Investigate the challenge number/karma number combo. You may find that they go into the challenge when trying to get out of the karma, but they may get stuck flip-flopping between the two. 8. Now look at the soul number (what makes them most happy and most frustrated). Ask yourself what is the positive aspects of the soul number they can use to unlock the karma. 9. Take a look at the base/karma/challenge combo. See if there are any potential locks in those combinations. 10. Take a look at the projection number. Use your intuition to see how they project the core of who they are out to the world. 11. Now tell a story of what the individual might expect and experience while progressing from the Karma/challenge combo to the base number. (Karma/challengeSoulprojectionbase) 12. Remember that gender does have an effect on the numbers a. FemaleCreates joy and peace in life b. MaleDefends the joy and protects the peace 13. Look at the missing numbers to see if any might be beneficial 14. Look at the linking numbersdifference between numbersfor possible remedies. 15. Take a look at the gift side and see what they might have in reserve to help break any locks. Are they using their gifts? 16. Pay close attention to any repeating patterns or multiple numbers. Look at the geometry of the chart and other possible flows that may give you clues about the person. 17. Finally, look at the destiny path combo (basesouldestiny number). Tell a story about what this means in relation to the entire chart. 18. Remember that you are here to serve and uplift. Remind the individual to take the information with a grain of salt and see how it feels to them.



(Challenges) Projection Soul

(Gifts) Gift


Destiny Path

Base Destiny Gift (Subconscious)




Past Life



CHART EXPLANATION I. The 9 is masked by the two threes. The master is masked by the easygoing playful self II. She needs to learn how to use the 10, but lives in the three because it is easy for the soul and comfortable. III. The 3 individual is shy, not outspoken, operated behind the scenes, feared being judge, and hides behind laughter and service. IV. 6 in the karma is the life of meditation and embracing the sacred heart. The music/chanting of the 7 will help in solving the karma of the 6. The 7 loves to sing and the 6 loves to dance in musical harmony. V. The 4 allows the person to be a good listener, but the 7 helps the individual activate their own voice VI. With the 7, the more they go inside the more wisdom they are able to share with the world. People should listen to people with 7s. VII. The 3 and 7 can lock up when the person gets physically deflated because the 7 will go into a cave and not come out. To unlock this the 3 needs to laugh and have fun. VIII. This person is missing an 8, 2 and 5. 5 is the physical body. The 9 has the mental qualities of the 5, but the physical qualities are still missing. 5 and 8 are movers5 is the gearshift, 8 is the gas. The 8 is the most important thing missingso the individual needs to energize the body with pranic breath. IX. 10 is associated with horses and this person used to ride horses when younger. This helped to stimulate the pranic body. X. This person is a 10 that acts like a 3stealthy. The key is for the individual to embrace the 10 and become the queen that she is. XI. Destiny: A leader of women, master of the heart.



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