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Date: 01/12/09 The TPO, Address..

Subject: CONFIRMATION OF SIX MONTHS INDUSTRIAL TRAINING Dear Sir, It is our pleasure to confirm ou t!at "r. #nrollment $o. student of "%A in our colle&e 'it! (ef. code: . 'ill 'or) 'it! our compan as an *Industrial +rainee, for t!e period of Si- mont!s. +!e mana&ement 'ill .ie' !is performance continuousl durin& t!e period of !is trainin& and if !is performance 'ill be found satisfactor and outstandin&, mana&ement can decide to retain !im as a permanent emplo ee of t!e or&ani/ation. 0e !ope t!e same co1operation in future.

+!an)s 2 (e&ards, S!i)!a 3( "ana&er 4SSA534 %orporation, S.%.4. 6, 1st 7loor, $o.elt 8la/a, 4pp. 8ar) 8la/a, 9ud!iana 1 1:1001 ;8b.< +#9: =91 161 2>>2>>? =91 161 2>>2>:? @(9: !ttp://'''.ossa&!

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