Consumer Behaviour: Course Code: MMS 203 Credit Units: 03 Course Objective

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Course Code: Course Objective:

To identify and understand the consumers behaviour both household market and business market. It makes a connection between customer behaviour principles and the elements of marketing strategy. Allowing the students to see how an understanding of customer behaviour is crucial to successful marketing programs.

MMS 203

Credit Units: 03

Course Contents:
Modu e I: Underst!ndin" Consu#er Be$!viour Introduction, Consumer Behaviour & ecision !aking !odel, Customer "rofile. #egmentation, Criterion for effective segmentation, Criterion for effective Targeting, implementing segmentation strategies Modu e II: Consu#er Rese!rc$ Consumer $esearch "rocess. Modu e III: E%tern! In& uences on Consu#er Be$!viour Culture & #ubculture, #ocial Class % &ifestyle "rofiles of the #ocial Classes, 'roup Influence % (nderstanding the power of $eference 'roups, )ousehold Consumption Behaviour % *amily ecision !aking & Consumption $elated $oles. Modu e IV: Intern! In& uence on Consu#er Be$!viour +eeds & !otivation % ynamics of !otivation, !otivational $esearch, &earning % Behavioural &earning Theories, "ersonality *actor % Theories of "ersonality, Brand "ersonality, #elf& #elf Image, Attitude % #tructural !odels of Attitudes, Attitude formation, #trategies of Attitude Change ' "erception % ynamics of "erception, Consumer Imagery. Modu e V: Cross Cu tur! Consu#er Be$!viour: An Intern!tion! (ers(ective Cross% Cultural Consumer Analysis, Alternative !ultinational #trategies, Cross Cultural "sychographic #egmentation, !arketing !istakes. Modu e VI: Consu#er In& uence ynamics of ,pinion &eadership, iffusion of Innovations. Modu e VII: Consu#er )ecision M!*in" + Be,ond Consumer ecision !aking "rocess, Consumer ecision !aking !odels, "roblem $ecognition & !aking, "ost%"urchase Behaviour. Modu e VIII: E#er"in" -rends Integrating the concepts with other functions of !anagement &ive pro-ect to be undertaken starting with conception of idea to final e.ecution. Case studies &atest emerging trends and practices. ecision

E%!#in!tion Sc$e#e:
Co#(onents .ei"$t!"e /01 C /0 A 1 C/1 EE 20

-e%t + Re&erences:
Text: #chiffman, &eon ', & 3anuk , &eslie &a4ar, 5006, Consumer Behaviour, "rentice )all of India References: Assael, )enry, Consumer Behaviour, Asian Books "vt. &td &audon, avid &,& Bitta, Albert 7 ella, Consumer Behaviour, Tata !c'raw )ill &eud8uest, 5006, Consumer Behaviour Bi4tantra "ublication Batra, #atish 3., & 3a4mi, # ) ), Consumer Behaviour, 9.cel Books

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