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Grand Ledge High School

Course Syllabus

Trimester Course Syllabus


Accounting I (A)
Trimester: I
Teacher Name: Mr. Ryan Johns Grand Ledge High School Office: 517.925.5815 Teachers Direct Phone Number: 517.925.5894 Contact Times: M F (7:15 7:35 am or 2:45 3:45 pm) *or by appointment Email: *email is preferred and will allow for the quickest response Purpose/Course Description:
Accounting is a skill-level course that is of value to all students pursuing a background in business, marketing, or management. This course covers the concepts and principles of accounting as they relate to a service business organized as a proprietorship. Accounting is not a spectator sport. In order to learn it, you must do it yourself. I am available for help whenever you feel you need it. Never hesitate to let me know what you need in order to be successful! Always remember that you will only get out of this class what you put into it.

Topics, Key Concepts, and Units of Study:

This course includes planned learning experiences that develop initial and basic skills used in systematically computing, classifying, recording, verifying, and maintaining numerical data involved in financial records including the paying and receiving of money. It provides in-depth study of the accounting cycle for sole proprietorships, including record keeping, preparation of financial statements, and the theory of accounts. Computer technology and problem-solving techniques are used to supplement classroom instruction.

Textbooks Used and Other Sources:

! Accounting, Gilbertson & Lehman, 2009 ISBN: 978-0-538-44705-8. ! Textbook Websites: " "

Grand Ledge High School Materials Needed (Supplies Suggested):

! Lined Paper (dedicated notebook or 3-ring binder) ! ! ! Pencil Eraser Highlighter

Course Syllabus

! !

Binder / Folder* Calculator*

*Students who cannot obtain these items should see the teacher immediately.

Methods of Instruction:
May include, but are not limited to: ! ! Lecture / Notes Presentations ! ! Guided practice Individual work ! ! Group work Online activities

Instruction includes information on keeping financial records, summarizing them for convenient interpretation, and analyzing them to provide assistance to management for decision-making. Computer applications will be integrated throughout the course where applicable. In addition to stressing basic fundamentals and terminology of Accounting, instruction will provide initial understanding of the preparation of budgets and financial reports, operation of related business machines, and career opportunities in the accounting field.

Evaluation/Grade Calculations:
Trimester grades are calculated by using the following percents: Trimester Marking Period Grade: 90% Class work: Assessments: 60% 30% Trimester Exam: 10%

Types of Evaluation and Assessment:

May include, but are not limited to: ! ! ! Daily assignments Homework Notes ! ! ! Quizzes Tests (Pre & Post) Online activities ! ! Online assessments Projects / Presentations

Quizzes: There will be at most two quizzes per unit. Quizzes demonstrate understanding of the content from the classwork. Tests: There will be a test for each unit studied. ** Quizzes and Tests remain in the
classroom, but students may make arrangements to review assessments with the teacher.

Grand Ledge High School

Course Syllabus

Final Exam: A cummulative exam will be given at the end of the trimester and will be weighted 10% of the trimester grade.
** All students must take the exam.

Test Retake: Students will be allowed to retake a maximum of two chapter tests if the student has: (1) reviewed the original test with the teacher and (2) has the chapter homework completed. The two grades (original & retake) will be averaged to calculate the final grade on the test.

Grading Scale:
93-100 90-92 87-89 83-86 80-82 77-79 A AB+ B BC+ 73-76 70-72 67-69 63-66 60-62 0-59 C CD+ D DF

Assignment Expectations:
Assignments are expected to be properly labeled, neat, complete, and turned in on time. Late Assignments: Assignments not turned in on the due date will be given a zero grade. Although strongly discouraged, late assignments from a chapter can be turned in ONLY UNTIL the day of the chapter test. Any assignment not turned in on time will receive half-credit OR less. If the student is absent on the day of a quiz or test, the student will receive a zero. The student is required to make arrangements with the teacher to make up the missed assessment within ONE WEEK of the absence. If the student does not attend the designated time for the make-up quiz or test, the student will receive a zero grade. **In the event of an emergency or extenuating circumstance you may request for other arrangements to be made.

Classroom Procedures
Student Responsibilities & Expectations:
! ! ! BE RESPECTFULrespect yourself, others, and school property. BE PREPAREDbring your book, folder, paper, and pencil to every class. BE ON TIMEbe in your assigned seat when the bell rings. ALWAYS USE COMMON SENSE :)

Grand Ledge High School Consequences:

Course Syllabus

Students consequences for not carrying out the above listed responsibilities and expectations can include (but are not limited to) a written referral, after-school detention, in-school suspension, and/or out-of-school suspension, all of which will be accompanied by parent contact.

Passes will be given at the discretion of the teacher for legitimate purposes only. No passes will be issued during the first fifteen minutes of class. Come prepared!

Cheating is the act of obtaining answers or completing assignments in a fraudulent or deceitful manner. NEVER copy from another student! Copying or allowing another student to copy will result in a 0 for the assignment, and possible suspension (one hour three days). Staff and administrators will determine disciplinary action.

Technology and Use:

! ! ! ! ! ! All technology use will follow rules and guidelines set forth by Grand Ledge Public Schools and Grand Ledge High School. Personal technology (mobile devices, iPads, iPods, earbuds, etc.) will be permitted or prohibited at the instructors discretion. Personal technology, when permitted, will be used in a respectful, non-disruptive manner. NO FOOD OR BEVERAGES WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE COMPUTER AREA. Beverages kept in the designated location will be the only exception. Students are highly recommended to have their own calculator. Students may NOT share calculators on quizzes or tests. IF CLASSROOM EQUIPMENT (COMPUTERS, PRINTERS, ETC.) IS USED INAPPROPRIATELY, PRIVILEGES TO USE THE EQUIPMENT WILL BE LOST.

Attendance: The High School attendance/tardy policy is available on-line in the student
handbook at:

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