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Man-against-man Combat Handguns 05/1999

SCENARIO As you pull into your driveway and park, a strange car pulls up to the rear and stopsblocking your exit. At the same time several men jump out and advance on you with weapons drawn. If you are going to save yourselftime is short! PROCEDURE he two shooters start seated in car with pistols holstered and hands clasped in lap. At signal, shooters will draw and engage target to side!then exit car and engage target to rear. "irst one to hit his stop plate wins round. #witch sides and repeat. SCORIN wo out of three wins will determine winner of bout. NO!E #hooter$s should be reminded to be mu%%le conscious and to take enough time to handle situation safely.

SCORIN &ach target must have at least one center hit or any combination of hits to total seven points. Any number of shots may be fired, at the discretion of the shooter. 'hen satisfied all targets are neutrali%ed, the shooter ceases firing to stop his time. Any target that does not have at least one center hit or a combination of hits totaling seven points will add a five!second penalty to the shooter$s total time. &ach hit on a bystander or hostage target will count for a five!second penalty, and a five!second penalty may also be given for failing to properly utili%e cover, or for other serious tactical mistakes. he final score will be total time, plus any penalties assessed against the shooter. (ajor caliber cartridges such as the .)) (agnum, .)* +olt, .)* A+,, .)- #.', ./*0 (agnum, etc., will be scored at *!)!1 points in each target %one. (inor caliber rounds such as the ./2 #pecial, 3mm, etc., will be scored *!/!1 in each %one. his roughly reflects the stopping power of the various cartridges that may be used. A"!ERNA!E SCORIN #$OR !RAININ PURPOSES
If any target does not have the re4uired point total, the shooter will be declared DEAD A! !HA! SPO!%

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