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Joo Diogo Rosas Leito was born in 1990 in Gondomar, Portugal.

Started his guitar studies with Cristina a!elar at the age o" 10 at #!ademia de $%si!a de Gondomar. &n '00( began his !lassi! guitar studies with )ugo San!hes at Curso de $%si!a Sil*a $onteiro. #ttended master !lasses with some o" the most im+ortant guitar +la,ers li-e Carlo $ar!hioni, )ubert .a++el, $argarita /s!ar+a, Laura 0ong, Joa1uin Cler!h, $ar!in D,lla, Pablo $ar1ue2 or #niello Desiderio. 3inner o" alread, 11 "irst +ri2es in guitar !om+etitions in Portugal studied with De4an &*ano*i! at 5ni*ersidade de 6*ora until '01' and is !urrentl, stud,ing with 7oran Du-i! in 8he )ague Ro,al Conser*atoire where is !om+leting his master degree. Pla,ed in some o" the most im+ortant halls in Portugal as Casa da $%si!a 9Porto: or Centro Cultural de el;m 9Lisboa: and re!orded "or #ntena ' 9national radio: a li*e !on!ert. 5ses a guitar made b, the gree- !onstru!tor #l-is /"thimiadis 9'01':.

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