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Department of Community Outreach & Professional Development

Course Title: PD Series: Department: Instructor: Email:

Poetry in History/Social Studies Common Core Creativity Department of Community Outreach & Professional Development Kathleen Marleneanu

Course Description:
This eLearning Professional Development course is designed to train 6th-12th grade History/Social Studies teachers in Arkansas on how to integrate the reading and writing of poetry as a form of analysis into lessons in a way that engages students and helps meet the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for Literacy in History/Social Studies 6-12.

Instructional Goal:
A teacher successfully completing this eLearning training course will be able to help meet CCSS for Literacy in History/Social Studies (grades 6-12) through the integration of poetry into their classes by the methods of reading and writing.

Course Objectives:
Sub Goal 1: Teachers will learn how to effectively integrate the reading of poetry into History/Social Studies classroom instruction to meet the CCSS. After successful completion of this training course, the teacher will be able to Create a History/Social Studies lesson plan using the reading and written analysis of poetry, correlated to the CCSS. Model the reading and written analysis of poetry in terms of History/Social Studies. Sub Goal 2: Teachers will learn how to effectively integrate the writing of poetry into History/Social Studies classroom instruction to meet the CCSS. After successful completion of this training course, the teacher will be able to Create a History/Social Studies lesson plan using the writing and performance of poetry, correlated to the CCSS. Model the writing and performance of poetry as a form of analysis in terms of History/Social Studies.

Required Text(s):
All required texts and materials will be included and/or linked to this course. Supplemental readings are also provided for basic review of poetry concepts and further topics of interest.

Computer/Technical Requirements:
This is a fully online course; therefore, access to a computer with high speed Internet is required. Word processing software is also required for certain assignments, as well as a method for basic audio and/or video recording via the computer.

Discussions: You will participate in a total of four course discussions. To receive full credit, you must answer each prompt completely and respond to at least two of your course mates in the time allotted. Quizzes: You will be expected to take a quiz upon the completion of each lesson (two total). Each quiz will consist of between five and ten questions, and cover the content presented in its corresponding lesson. Lesson Plan Projects: You will create a total of two lesson plans during this course, one concerning the reading of poetry, the other the writing of poetry. These lesson plans should be developed with one or more of your History/Social Studies classes in mind, being relevant in terms of grade level and content. Poetry Journal: Your Poetry Journal will be a repository for poems that you collect throughout this course (both found and self-written) that you feel you will be able to utilize in your History/Social Studies classes in the future. A minimum of six poems are required to receive full credit, with at least one of these poems being of your own composition. Assignment Introduction Discussion Discussion Lesson 1: Reading Poetry Quiz Lesson Plan Project For CCSS Discussion Lesson 2: Writing Poetry Quiz for CCSS Lesson Plan Project Poetry Journal Reflection Discussion Points Possible 15 15 20 150 15 20 150 50 15 Total: 450

The Discussions, Poetry Journal, and Lesson Plan Projects will be graded based on rubrics provided with each assignment. Quizzes will be available to take a maximum of two times if desired. You are expected to submit each assignment on or before the presented due dates unless you have obtained prior approval from the instructor for late submission. Late or missing assignments will detrimentally affect your grade, and consequently, the awarding of PD credit for the course. Point Distribution Assignment Type Points Possible Discussions (4x15) 60 Quizzes (2x20) 40 Poetry Journal (1x50) 50 Lesson Plan Projects (2x150) 300 Total: 450 Grading Scale 70-79% = C 60-69% = D
Partial Credit

90-100% = A

80-89% = B

50-59% = F

Full Credit

Topical Outline:
Lesson Introduction Topic Introduction to Course Content
Personal Introductions CCSS Resources Rhythm & Meter Finding Poetry Integration into Instruction Creating a Lesson Plan Types of Poetry Finding Prompts Integration into Instruction Creating a Lesson Plan Personal Reflections Poem Collection

Lesson 1

Reading Poetry for CCSS

Lesson 2

Writing Poetry for CCSS


Reflection on Learning

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