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David Gold Matejka


Pirate Island

Introduction The huge ocean smoothly brushes around the tiny island that will be our home. Mighty palm trees cover the island and sand is the majority of the rest. We drink coconut water and eat monkey corpses. The salty water is surrounding the sandy island. Trees infest the entire island. Traps catch our only source of food and the surrounding islands is setting over the horizon. We hear the ocean hit against the sandy shore and we hear the wind rustling on the trees. We smell the salty sea air and the coconuts on the tall trees. We feel the hot sand, the rough bark of the trees, and the soft ocean water against the soft sandy beach. Chapter 1 Modifications Part I- Analysis of the problem The first step in building a successful civilization is to secure basic human needs such as food and water. Due to its geography, the major challenges the civilization of Pirate Island faces in achieving a basic food and water supply includes the following: 1. Food- Our civilization would have a tough time farming, we dont have any food to grow and we dont have much soil. Also the terrain is already littered

David Gold Matejka with trees that dont produce food. Although we will have a little room for farming, we have tons of fish surrounding our island. 2. Water- our civilization will also have a hard time getting water because we have tons of salt water, but no fresh water. Even though we have a lot of rain. We would have to invent something to catch it with. During the dry season, we would only be able to live on our water reserves. So we would have to protect it from other animals. Another challenge we would have is that we would need to find where all the other animals get their water, which might be surrounded with predators trying to get some food from the water source. Part II- Proposed Solutions Modifications are how humans change the environment to fit the way they live. In our case food and water, our civilization will never survive without securing human needs Our food modifications will be to herd cows from our island and from other island that we would take over. We would kill one cow a day and use it for food and we would build shelter out of the skins of the cows. With the bones of the cows we would cut down trees to make more room for farming. We would use the trees to make fishing pools and sturdier shelters to store extra food. Like the ancient Greeks Instead of cattle, which need lots of flat land for grazing, they raised sheep, which can graze on the side of mountains We will herd cows(Frey 249). Our water modifications will be to use bones of cow to cut down trees and we would hollow out the trunk to catch water. After hollowing out the trees. We would have a slightly more reliable water source. Like the Arabs They conserved in canals and reservoirs (Frey 78). We would make reservoirs out of tree stumps. We would then build earth steps (like the ancient Greeks) and have the reservoir water run through the crops. We are likes the Arabs in the way that we have a extremely unreliable water source and we must conserve water in order to survive.


David Gold Matejka


Lessons from Democracy Athens was a Direct Democracy. They had a Council of 500, which proposed laws for Athens citizens to vote on. The public could propose laws too. The first cup had a small hole drilled into the bottom. The speaker could only talk until all the water ran out of the top cup and into the bottom cup Frey 261, The Athenian citizens were very proud of their The Athenians voted on almost everything, the only flaw to their government was that laws were constantly changing, so they couldnt get anything done. Proposed laws had to be approved by a much larger group, the assembly. Frey 261. They could propose anything and the assembly would debate whether it was a good law. The Athenians were proud of their freedom Frey 261 The Athenians were as free as they could get in the ancient world Sparta was an oligarchy. Which means 30 people governed Sparta. They were called the Council of Elders. It consisted of two kings and 28 elders, The elders held the real power in Sparta Frey 265 which were over 60 that could veto laws. Once they were elected they server for life -Frey 265. This shows how dedicated the Spartans were to making laws and keeping the Sparta fair. The Spartan Citizens had no say in the government. When there were thirty leaders, it was hard for a biased or unfair law to be passed. But after the elders and kings made the laws, a assembly had to vote yes or no on laws. The assembly was made up on Spartan males. The assembly had very little power. Frey 265 The assembly could only veto laws, and could not debate on any of the laws. At first the Romans were a Monarchy, but then changed to a Democracy or a Republic. There was two classes of Roman citizens, The Plebeians the poor class and the Patricians the wealthy class. The Patricians had more rights than the Plebeians, but slowly the Plebeians got rights. But not all of Rome was equal Frey 19 At first they tried revolting violently. But later they realized peaceful strikes were more powerful than vicious attacks. The plebeians had to fight for what they wanted Frey 319 Eventually they got to put two Plebeians and they also got to veto unfair laws. After a while the Patricians made the Twelve Tables. Which were written down laws so that the Patricians could not make up laws. Eventually all Romans became equal. After 200 years of struggle the plebeians had won their fight for equality Frey 320

Laws I. If there is a overpopulation, anywhere between 10- 50 people will be drafted to fight to the death in a Hunger Games.

David Gold Matejka II. Anyone who steals or murders will be brutally executed. If someone murders than they will be executed in the same way that they killed the person. If they are unsure of how they died they will be torn apart by attack dogs III. Equal rights for all IV. Pirates can only attack other civilizations and citizens must maintain and keep order in the civilization V. Any person who tries to rebel or overthrow the civilization will be publically executed. VI. If you are accused by a crime and there are no witnesses than you are innocent Their are many threats to our civilization. One of which is if the population tries to rebel. This is a problem because the citizens can very easily overthrow us, so our solution is public execution or be thrown in a secluded prison, Depending on how bad the situation is. Another problem is over population. If there is a big population than we will start running out of food and water. If we have this problem we will take the names of all the prisoners and put them in a box. We will pick one man and one woman from each cellblock. The 24 prisoners will be put in a large outdoor arena and fight to the death. There shall be four knives and four swords in the arena. If anyone beats animals than they shall be thrown in the arena no matter how many people there is in the arena. The entire population can watch this death match. If a person wishes to have a certain prisoner gain a advantage, they can sponsor them by sending some food or water for a large sum of money. The government will use the extra money. Any person can bet on a certain prisoner. Therefore it shall be called the Hunger Games. After there is one victor, they will be allowed to be freed from the prison if they serve in the military for a minimum of a year. This will go on for once a month until there is no longer a over population problem. Another threat is Animal abuse and non equal rights. We will fix this just by throwing them in the Hunger Games. Most of the threats to this civilization can be fixed with a monthly Hunger Games. My laws are a lot like the Hammurabis code. We have eye for a eye punishment like the code but we also have equal rights for everyone. Another thing we have that is different from the code but is more strict is the Hunger Games. Some of our laws are a eye for a eye deal, like the law that states Any person who murders another man will be killed in the exact same way that the man killed the other man, if the court is unsure how he killed the man he shall be torn apart by attack dogs David Gold Matejka. This is why my laws are effective. My laws are supposed to keep everyone in order. Our civilization has very strict laws so that people keep in line and almost all laws have death sentences or be thrown in a Hunger Games. My laws prevent any threat to our civilization. All raiders will not want to attack us because they know they will have


David Gold Matejka to fight the death in the Hunger Games. All criminals will steer clear cause of the Hunger Games. And many other kinds of thieves and pirates will not want to mess with Pirate Island because of the Hunger Games. If someone does a crime against a person and it is not extreme enough to fight to the death about it. They will be placed in a boxing ring and be forced to fight until one-person surrenders or dies. These laws seem strict but they are meant to protect the people. Analysis What we can learn from Julius Ceaser is that we have to help everyone, not just the poor. We would have to lower taxes for the poor, but not so much that the rich will get angry. We have to give slaves to the rich and poor, but we would need to find more political prisionors


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