Jan 10th-16th

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Name:_____________ January 10th- 16th, 2014

Fa"i#y Ti$s% &icture This' 6uring your ne7t outing or gathering, ta5e a%tion-$a%5ed $hotos, then ha8e your %hi d %reate %a$tions to go #ith ea%h $i%ture! ,ssem9 e the $i%tures and %a$tions in a $i%ture 9oo5 or a 9um, and add s$ee%h and thought 9u99 es to %reate a $ersona i&ed : and $ro9a9 y hysteri%a -- gra$hi% no8e ! S$e##in( Words% stri5e, string, s$ ash, s$ it, s%ru9, s%ra$, say, #ere, read, gi8e! )ha##en(e *ord% a9out +eadin( ,o(- .om$ ete the January (onth Reading /og for a -i&&a .ou$on)

January 17th : -roCd 6ay : NB '.DBB/ January 20th : (/F 6ay : NB '.DBB/ January 22nd : .hi%5-fi -a Night)

*,nother great #ee5 at ;indsor -re$aratory Friday/Saturday/Sunday ,%ademy)) Dec. 13th, 14th, 15th , 2013 * Read for 20 minutes to an adu t! "ou may read a seuss anding!#ee9 y!%om story, ne#s$a$er arti% e or a maga&ine arti% e! *'unshine (ath)) +eadin(% ;e are sti in 0nit <) 3his #ee5 #e s$o5e **rammar: +s and ,re a9out mem9ers of our fami y! ;e added ne# #ords to **rammar: -un%tuation and .a$ita /etters our 8o%a9u ary su%h as: trust, mem9er, fortunate, Monday Dec. 16 , 2013 * Read for 20 minutes to an adu t! *0se ea%h s$e ing #ord in a senten%e! 1use atta%hed ined $a$er2

ing 09790

%on%erned = share! ;e a so added ne# #ords to our e8er gro#ing sight #ord ist) 3hose #ords are: %a , ho#, there, so, more = funny! 3his #ee5, #e a so s$o5e a9out the etter >+i? and its ong @i@ sound! +n *rammar, #e s$o5e a9out the #ords >is? and >are?! ;e use >is? to te a9out one $erson, $ a%e or thing) ;e use >are? to te a9out more than $erson, $ a%e or thing) Math% ;e are sti in 3o$i% 7 this #ee5) (onday #e re8ie#ed a the su9tra%tion #e #ere taught $rior to our t#o #ee5 9rea5! 3hen #e mo8ed on to using fa%t fami ies to do su9tra%tion as #e as #ord $ro9 ems)! Science% +n '%ien%e this #ee5, #e s$o5e a9out (atter) (atter has three states: so id, iAuid and gas) +n % ass #e sorted different states of matter and used .heerios to sho# ho# there $arti% es oo5! ;e a so used the heat from our hand to %hange the state of itt e %ho%o ate morse s! .ea#th% 3his #ee5 (BRC DC,/3D %ame in to ta 5 a9out hea thy teeth) 3hey shared #ith us the im$ortan%e of 9rushing and f ossing)) ;hat a great $resentation) 0sing #hat #e earned, #e %reated '0-CR ER0'D and his side5i%5 3BB3D to he $ remind us to 9rush))

Tuesday Dec. 17th , 2013 * Read for 20 minutes to an adu t! * (ath: 3o$i% 7-7 * (ath: 3o$i% 7-4 Wednesday Dec. 1 th, 2013 *Read for 20 minutes to an adu t! * (ath 3o$i% 7-9 *Reading .om$rehension Thursday Dec. 1!th , 2013 * Return home#or5) -arent signature: _______________________

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