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Anne Frank Digital Journal Entry #6 I AM

In her diary, Anne remarks, paper is more patient than man (pg.2). Annes use of metaphor in this famous passage illustrates her desire to confide in a friend more patient than any other, her diary, Kitty. In this sixth journal entry, you will demonstrate your understanding of simile and metaphor through the medium of spoken-word poetry. Here is your assignment: 1. Begin your poem with the phrase, I am 2. Write eight lines that includes a mix of creative similes and metaphors (at least two of each) that describe you, your hopes, dreams, fears, interests, likes, dislikes, etc. 3. End your poem with only your name as the tenth line 4. Your poem does not need to rhyme. 5. Paste to your digital journal with a graphic. Here is an example from Mr.Deppe... I am Curious like a child who never stops asking why I am the dog who chases his tail until he dies

Running in circles, like a frenetic one-manned race Exhausted as the sun from setting my own pace Though yet, I am still burning for all to see The dark inside self that I hide with the glowing outside me I am a patient peddler of endless questions I am the consumer of countless suggestions Jamie Deppe

I am I am a dog trying to find a nest of rabbits, Constantly looking For the key To my hunger

I am A fire Burning until there is nothing but ashes.

Leaving no trace I am As fast as a race car, Leaving math class I am like A pencil Being Sharpened Until there is nothing left. ,

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