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Questionnaire Dear respondent, We are students of DAVIET and as part of our curriculum we are conducting a market research.

We would like your cooperation for the same, with an assurance that all the information, which youll give, will remain confidential 1. Which brand of detergent do you use to wash your clothes? i) Ariel . ii) Tide . iii)Surf Excel . iv) Any Other (Plz specify)________ 2.Whats your average (per month) consumption of Tide? i) >1kg . ii) 500gm-1Kg . iii) 250gm-500gm . iv) <250gm . 3. For how long are you using Tide? i) <6 Months . iii) 1-2 year(s) . ii) 6 12 Months . iv) > 2years .

4. With which company do you associate the Tide? i)P&G . ii)HLL . iii)J&J . iv) Any Other (Plz sepecify)________ 5. How did you come to know about Tide? i) Retailer ii) Friends iv) Press Ad v) T.V. vi) Radio

iii) Relatives

6. Which pack size ofTide do you generally buy? i) 1.5 Kg Pack . ii) 1 Kg Pack . iii) Kg Pack . iv) 200 gm Pack . v) 20 gm satches . (Following question is only for those respondents who dont use Surf Excel) 7. Any specific reason for not trying Tide. i) Lack of awareness ii) Highly priced iii) Non availability iv) Negative feedback v) Others (specify)______________

Personal Details Name _________________________________ Gender Male Age Group a) O up to 18 years c)above 35 years Profession a)Student c) Self-employed e) Others (specify)______________ Annual Income level a) O Up to 50,000 c)1 lk 2 lk Thanks for your cooperation Female b) 18-25 years

b) Service d) Business

b) 50,000-1 lk d) above 2 lk

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