NURS 1566 Clinical Form 3: Clinical Medications Worksheets

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NURS 1566 Clinical Form 3: Clinical Medications Worksheets (You will need to make additional copies of these forms)

Generic Name clonidine Classification ose $oute Time'fre(uency Antihypertensive, !"# mg %& ) * hours %$N adrenergic %eak &nset uration Normal dosage range +,* hr -!,.! min /,#+ hr !"# mg 0id, increase 0y !"#,!"+ day ( +,* days, usual maintanence dose is !"+,!". mg'day in +,- divided doses up to +"* mg loading dose 1hy is your patient getting this medication 3or 45 meds, compati0ility with 45 drips and'or solutions 2ypertension Trade Name Catapres

6echanism of action and indications 7timulates alpha,adrenergic receptors in the CN78 which results in decreased sympathetic outflow inhi0iting cardioacceleration and vasoconstriction centers, prevents pain signal transmission to the CN7 0y stimulating alpha,adrenergic receptors in the spinal cord (1hy med ordered)

Nursing Im lications !"hat to #ocus on$ Contraindications'warnings'interactions 2ypersensitivity, anticoagulant therapy, or 0leeding pro0lems, 7erious cardiac or cere0rovascular disease, $enal insufficiency Common side effects rowsiness, dry mouth, withdrawl phenomenon

4nteractions with other patient drugs, &TC or her0al medicines (ask patient specifically) Additive hypotension from other antihypertensives such as Toprol, and 9isinopril"

Nursing %rocess& 'ssessment (%re,administration assessment) 6onitor intake and output ratios and daily weight, and assess for edema daily, especially at 0eginning of therapy, monitor 0lood pressure and pulse fre(uently during initial dosage ad<ustment and periodically throughout therapy" Give only if ;% is = #/!'>!

9a0 value alterations caused 0y medicine 6ay cause transient increase in 0lood glucose levels 6ay cause decreased urinary catecholamine and vanillylmandelic acid (56A) concentrations8 these may increase on a0rupt withdrawal, 6ay cause weakly positive Coom0s: test result ;e sure to teach the patient the following a0out this medication 7ame time each day, even if feeling well" All routes of clonidine should 0e gradually discontinued over +,* days to prevent re0ound hypertension, Advise patient to avoid driving or other activities re(uiring alertness until response to medication is known, Caution patient to avoid sudden changes in position to decrease orthostatic hypotension" 'ssessment )(aluation 1hy would you hold or not gi(e this med? Check a#ter giving 4f ;% is under #/!'>!" ecrease in ;%

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