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Nature of Geoscience Reflection: What is geoscience? What is the process of doing geoscience?

It is the study of the Earth and the bio- geo- chemical processes that have shaped and continue to shape it. The process is varied, but is reasonably ell summari!ed as observation follo ed by a proposed e"planation for the observation. The observation can be of a natural setting or a laboratory setting #the latter more common today than in early geoscience$. The e"planation should address the local observation as ell as other %no n observations related to it. &inally, at some level the e"planation should be testable. &uture or% may sho the e"planation to be false, or it may continue to confirm it.

Group ans er: 'cience is an ongoing process here e e"amine and investigate the natural phenomena e have come to e"perience in the natural orld using human ingenuity and the scientific method. It is the culmination of ideas and discoveries that are continually added to among researchers orld ide. ()oing science* is the process of observing natural phenomena and gathering evidence to test a hypothesis to be refined through repeated application of the scientific method. +odern science is recorded in ritten form #,ournals, etc.$- therefore, the riting of science is fundamental to the process of (doing* science.

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