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1. Supposo the oounte recorded by a Goigor counter follow a Poisson procoss with an evoragn


oftwo oounts p6r


lessthan l0 seconds?o,rE3s !b].Yhry !9u (c) what ir thc probebility that the first oount ogcu$ betvyoen I and2minutss fr;r start-up? z'ThQ tirns between oalls to calls of 15 minutes.

tiur tlrorq are no oourts in e 3o-geaond intorvol? o,lozs llq y t" p""94tlp p*Pluiutythot*e firrteomtoecurB in


plumbing *upply business lr exponentially disnibuted with a mean time between

(:) IIt Is^the probabilif " (d)Dotermlno


fl }kl i: t*P"}illv tt* there aro no oarrs withrn a 3o-mrnute rnterval? o,6ss (b)-whrt lr *: thc!ryq"t llnt onr erll rntvm wt*rtniJi.mrrut
flrat ttro firet oau anivor


tho length ofan lntsrval

uriloirIor,.rc wiuri;i ;"d rb ilffi;Jrn"ffiuriingr o.loer oftlme sucrr o"ioo ffi*ffity ofat loast ons call ln the lntsrval

ls 0.90.

3' $uppoec that *re tlmo-tofsllurc (in houro) of fans in a porsonnl oomputcr can be modeled by an expo,nential distribution with I * 0,0008 p-no{ion of the fans will last at teast 10,000 houre? 0,04gr lll (b) IFl what pro,portio,n of the fan' wiu rast * most 7000 hours? oins

4. The time between arrivals of taxis at a busy intersection is exponentialry distibuted with a mean of r0 laf )pat lo tho probabiltty urat yru wrlt longpr thrn ono hour ror i t *i? 0,00r, wlil-is tho probabiuty that ono arrivos (c) Determine x suoh gt g" prolaliritr that you wait more than x minurEs rs 0.10. zs,or -than (d) Dctornrtne x suah that the ,o"t i,* *att lese irob*irity i minutee is 0.90, zro3 (s) Dcterrrrino.* ruch fl,rr th irououiHti.tnu ioo weit lese minutes is 0.50. o,s3r

$i,#,,ffi1-"#1rff"ffi#,*",*iG f*I*.tid;#- *i.


5' The lifetime of a mmhanical assembly in a vibration test is exponentially disributed wittr a mean of400 hours. (a) What is the probgbility that an assembly on test fails in less than 100 hours? or:rz (b) rMhat is the probability that operates for more than 500 hours before failurs? oJg6s (c) If an assembly has bein on test rot +oo-Lirr *rrat is &o probability ofa failure in tho next 100 hours? orzrz

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ffl flf#ffiHii:,rT:,Hfi;,tl"i,xlthe probabititv that at least one fairs in ress than 100 hours? Assumo that *t"t it tn"probabilitvthat all have faired by s00 hours?Assumethe

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