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Other BBC DOCTOR WHO books include:

THE EIGHT DOCTORS by Terrance Dicks VAM IRE SCIE!CE by Jonathan Blum and Kate Orman THE BOD"S!ATCHERS by Mark Morris GE!OCIDE by Paul Leonard WAR O# THE DA$E%S by John Peel THE DEVI$ GOB$I!S #ROM !E T&!E by Keith Topping and Martin Day THE M&RDER GAME by Steve Lyons THE &$TIMATE TREAS&RE by hristopher Bulis B&SI!ESS &!&S&A$ by !ary "ussell I$$EGA$ A$IE! by Mike Tucker and "obert Perry THE RO&!DHEADS by Mark !atiss THE BOO% O# $ISTS by Justin "ichards and #ndre$ Martin A BOO% O# MO!STERS by David J %o$e

DOCTOR WHO titles on BBC Video include:

THE WAR MACHI!ES starring &illiam %artnell THE AWA%E!I!G+#RO!TIOS starring Peter Davison THE HA I!ESS ATRO$ starring Sylvester Mc oy ublished b/ BBC Books 0n i12rint o3 BBC World4ide ublishin5 BBC World4ide $td6 Woodl0nds6 )- Wood $0ne $ondon W(, -TT #irst 2ublished (778 Re2rinted (77)6 (777 Co2/ri5ht 9 $04rence Miles (778 The 1or0l ri5ht o3 the 0uthor h0s been 0sserted: Ori5in0l series bro0dc0st on the BBC #or10t 9 BBC (7'* $AI%A 9 Or50ni;0tion 3or the Ethic0l Buri0l o3 S20ce Ani10ls Doctor Who 0nd TARDIS 0re tr0de10rks o3 the BBC ISB! - .'* <-.88 . I105in5 b/ Bl0ck Shee26 co2/ri5ht 9 BBC (778 rinted 0nd bound in Gre0t Brit0in b/ M0ck0/s o3 Ch0th01 Co=er 2rinted b/ Bel1ont ress $td6 !orth012ton Scanned by the Camel BBCV '()* BBCV '(,BBCV .)-*


:::0 bod/ 4ill re10in in 1otion until 0nother 3orce 0cts u2on it:



In #lien Bodies6 the 4ord >10n? is used to describe 0n/ 10le sentient li3e@3or16 0nd the 4ord >4o10n? is used to describe 0n/ 3e10le sentient li3e@3or16 e=en 4hen the li3e@3or1s in Auestion 0renBt technic0ll/ hu10n: This 10/ not be strictl/ 0ccur0te6 but it does 5et rid o3 04k40rd sentences like >the 10le 1ulti@0r1ed se1i@hu10noid %el;oni0n 3ish@2erson shook his he0d?: Si1il0rl/6 the 4ord >hu10noid? is used to describe 0n/ li3e@3or1 th0t rese1bles 0 hu10n bein56 e=en 4hen 0 non@hu10n is s2e0kin5C 0 Ti1e $ord 4ould 0ctu0ll/ describe so1eone 0s >lookin5 G0lli@ 3re/0n? inste0d o3 >lookin5 hu10noid?6 but this looks clu1s/ 0nd sli5htl/ e1b0rr0ssin5 on 202er: An/one reAuirin5 3urther in3or10tion 0bout cross@s2ecies tr0nsl0tion con=entions should consult re30ce III o3 ro3essor Thri2stedBs eDcellent !enetic Politics Beyond the Third 'one: Ask /our loc0l libr0r/ i3 the/ c0n order /ou 0 co2/: But onl/ i3 /ou enEo/ 40stin5 2eo2leBs ti1e:


rolo5ue: $0st Rites ( , * < . ' 8 ) 7 Dr010tis erson0e Ho1unculetteBs Stor/ Str0n5e Men 0nd Their Co120nions $o0thin5 the Alien &!IS"CBS Stor/ De0th6 De0th6 0nd F Good Grie3 F More De0th The Continuit/ Bo1b The #0ctionBs Stor/ The Bod/sn0tchers GRe2riseH Sur2risedI Mr JiDotlBs Stor/ The Bod/ olitic En30nt Terrible E@%ob0ltBs Stor/ (- Wh0t is 0n Identit/ Crisis6 An/40/I (( Mind Mush The Shi3tBs Stor/ (, Shi3t4ork (* A@$es@son@in@An@0@to@1/ The De0d M0nBs Stor/ (< #in0l O33er E2ilo5ue: $0st Rites ( < (< ,,7 *) <* .* ', ') 88 )8 7, (-( ((((' (,' (*' (<( (.( ('( ('' (8'


The Doctor h0d s0id heBd 40nted to conduct 0 3uner0l: Well6 4h0te=er 10de hi1 h022/: HeBd been st0ndin5 0t the console 3or o=er 0n hour no46 ne=er 1o=in5 3ro1 the s2ot6 ne=er lookin5 u2 3ro1 the controls6 ne=er e=en botherin5 to check the sc0nner: Occ0sion0ll/6 the TARDIS 4ould de10teri0lise6 but the tri2s 4ould be short 0nd the shi2 4ould 5ro0n its 40/ b0ck into re0lit/ 03ter 0 second or t4o: E=er/ no4 0nd then6 S0r0h 4ould 40nder into the console roo1 to see ho4 thin5s 4ere 5oin56 0lthou5h there 40s ne=er 0n/thin5 4orth lookin5 0t on the screen: #0r@040/ st0r clusters6 0nd the s20ces 4here st0r clusters couldnBt be bothered 3or1in5: E=entu0ll/6 03ter 0 hundred or so short ho2s6 so1ethin5 interestin5 3in0ll/ 022e0red: >Interestin5? bein5 0 rel0ti=e ter16 1ind /ou: It 40s 0 sil=er s1e0r6 h0n5in5 in the =0cuu1 o3 no4here@in@20rticul0rC not 0 2l0net6 not 0n 0steroid6 not e=en 0 sinister 0b0ndoned s20ce@st0tion: Kust 0 s1e0r: LWh0t6 is th0t itIB S0r0h 5ru12ed: The Doctor didnBt re2l/: He looked u26 0t l0st6 0 3ro4n o3 concern bloo1in5 01on5 the 4rinkles 0t the corners o3 his 1outh: Still 4e0rin5 his >5ri1? eD2ression6 S0r0h noted: Actu0ll/6 the DoctorBs 30ce h0d 0 kind o3 built@in 5ri1ness 0bout it: A nose th0t 40snBt so 1uch h04k@like 0s =ulture@ish6 0 3ore@ he0d th0t so1eone h0d c0r=ed 4orr/ lines into 4ith 0 S4iss Ar1/ kni3e::: so1eti1es6 his 3e0tures 0l1ost looked 0s i3 the/Bd been scul2ted out o3 10rble6 0nd th0t 4hite h0ir o3 his F 4hich ne=er see1ed to 5et ru33led6 no 10tter ho4 10n/ =entil0tor sh03ts he cr04led throu5h F didnBt 10ke hi1 look 0n/ 1ore hu10n: LOh6B S0r0h 1u1bled: LSorr/: #or5ot: A 3uner0l: So1bre 0t1os2here 3ro1 no4 on: ro1ise:B LTh0nk /ou6B s0id the Doctor6 Auite 5entl/6 0nd his h0nd 2er3or1ed 0 3i3teen@second b0llet 0cross the console: The centr0l colu1n shi3ted 0n inch or so6 the sc0nner 3lickerin5 0s the TARDIS 1o=ed closer to the s1e0r: It 40s 0 1et0l tube6 th0t 1uch 40s cle0r no46 e=identl/ 0 relic 3ro1 the d0/s 4hen stickin5 0ntenn0e 0ll o=er s20cecr03t 40s considered to be 0 re0ll/ s10rt ide0 0nd /ou could still use the 4ord >rocket? 4ithout 0n/one sni55erin5: S0r0h tried to look interested: LWh0t is itIB she 0sked: LA to1b6B s0id the Doctor: He couldnBt resist 0 touch o3 the the0tric0l6 God bless hi1: LItBs been 3lo0tin5 3reel/ 3or so1e ti1e no4: Th0tBs 4h/ it took the TARDIS so lon5 to 3ind it6 /ou seeI !o 3iDed co@ordin0tes: WonBt be lon5 be3ore it 5ets 2ulled b0ck into E0rthBs 5r0=it/ 0nd::: (sht:B He de1onstr0ted the conce2t o3 0t1os2heric burn@u2 b/ 10kin5 0n el0bor0te 5esture 4ith three o3 his 3in5ers: S0r0h cl0cked her ton5ue: LAll ri5ht: "ou s0id /ou 40nted 0 3uner0l: An/ eD2l0n0tions6 or should I Eust 5o o33 in 0 sulk 050inIB The Doctor s1iled6 but onl/ 4e0kl/: LThereBs 0 bod/ inside th0t c02sule6 S0r0h@K0ne: The bod/ o3 0 tr0=eller: A 5re0t tr0=eller6 /ou 1i5ht s0/: This is so1ethin5 IB=e been 1e0nin5 to do since the e0rl/ d0/s6 but itBs onl/ no4 IB=e 2ut the ne4 de10teri0lis0tion circuit in th0t the TARDIS c0n steer hersel3 2ro2erl/:::B S0r0h h0d the horrible 3eelin5 she 40s 0bout to be kidn022ed 0nd led blind3old into Techno5ubbins Cit/: LSo 4h/ 4ould 0n/one 40nt to 2ut 0 cor2se into orbitI Bit 5ri;;l/6 isnBt itIB LOh6 the occu20nt 40s 0li=e 4hen the c02sule 40s l0unched: Ali=e 0nd kickin5:B LWh0t 4ent 4ron5IB L!othin5 4ent 4ron5: It 40s 0 one@40/ tri26 th0tBs 0ll:B The colu1n shi3ted 050in6 0nd so1ethin5 be50n to 10teri0lise on the 3loor o3 the console roo16 0 (


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3e4 3eet 3ro1 4here S0r0h 40s st0ndin5: The obEect 40s rou5hl/ the s01e sh02e 0s 0 shuttlecock6 0 cou2le o3 /0rds 3ro1 ti2 to t0il: !o6 not 0 shuttlecockC 1ore like one o3 those ice@cre01s /ou used to 5et in the B'-s6 the ones th0t c01e in 2l0stic cones 4ith b0lls o3 bubble5u1 0t the botto1: The sh02e 40s s1ooth 0nd 1et0llic6 4ith rust@coloured letters stencilled 0cross its sur30ce: The 4ords 4erenBt in En5lish6 0nd the Rs 4ere the 4ron5 40/ round: It 40s the sil=er thin56 S0r0h re0lised: Or 0t le0st6 the c02sule th0t h0d been 0tt0ched to the end o3 the sil=er thin5: The TARDIS h0d ne0tl/ 10teri0lised 0round it: S0r0h h0d no ide0 4here the rest o3 the tube 1i5ht h0=e 5one6 but she doubted it 40s 4orth 0skin5: The Doctor knelt do4n6 4ith 0 s10ll si5h o3 e33ort6 then sli22ed his sonic 4h0tsit out o3 0 crushed =el=et 2ocket 0nd 5ot to 4ork on the c02suleBs ri=ets: A 1inute l0ter6 the 4ide end o3 the obEect 3ell 040/: The scent o3 old le0ther 0nd electri3ied 0ir 403ted out o3 the s20ce inside6 but there 4ere none o3 the s1ells S0r0h 4ould h0=e 0ssoci0ted 4ith de0th6 no hint o3 dec0/ or deco12osition: Tr/in5 not to 3eel like 0 s2ect0tor 0t 0 tr033ic 0ccident6 she sAu0tted do4n neDt to the Doctor 0nd 2eered into the o2enin5: There 40s h0rdl/ 0n/ roo1 in there6 0l1ost no s20ce 3or su22lies6 b0rel/ enou5h e=en 3or the t0n5led 10ss o3 1et0l 0nd rubber th0t 40s 2resu10bl/ the rudi1ent0r/ li3e@su22ort s/ste1: Kust 0s S0r0h 40s re0chin5 the conclusion th0t no nor10l hu10n bein5 could 2ossibl/ h0=e sAuee;ed into the thin56 her e/es 3ocused on the cor2se: It 40s sti33 0nd it 40s 20le6 its bod/ cl012ed to 0 throne o3 le0ther 0nd 2l0stic6 0 look o3 eDh0ustion s1e0red 0cross its 30ce: It 40s the cor2se o3 so1ethin5 th0t h0d died stru55lin5: It 40s the cor2se o3 0 s10ll do5: S0r0h re10ined silent 0s the/ crossed the sur30ce o3 Juiesci06 not bein5 0ble to think o3 0n/thin5 re1otel/ 4orth4hile to s0/: The Doctor 1ore or less i5nored her6 0nd concentr0ted on dr055in5 the 4ooden c0sket behind hi1: The botto1 o3 the boD 10de n0st/ crunchin5 sounds 050inst the blue 2ebbles6 but the 0t1os2here see1ed to so0k u2 the noise6 turnin5 it into nothin5 1ore th0n 0 1u33led scr0tchin5: E=en the 0ir here h0s t0ct6 S0r0h re3lected: The/ sto22ed 0t the to2 o3 0 lo4 hill6 4here the stones bene0th their 3eet 4ere tinted =iolet b/ 0 sun th0t 40s either slo4l/ settin5 or slo4l/ risin5: The sun 40s hu5e 0nd red6 but see1ed to 5i=e o33 =er/ little he0t: S0r0h 2ulled her h0nds into the slee=es o3 her Eu12er6 4hile the Doctor be50n si3tin5 throu5h the rocks on the hillto2 0round the1: Juiesci0 40s nothin5 but rocks6 0220rentl/: As 30r 0s the e/e could see6 e=er/thin5 40s blue 0nd E055ed6 0 l0ndsc02e o3 cerule0n 2l0te0us 0nd lu12/ turAuoise 1ount0ins: E=entu0ll/6 the Doctor 3ound 0 rock th0t 40s rou5hl/ the s01e si;e 0s 0 to1bstone6 0nd be50n burnin5 letters into its sur30ce 4ith his scre4dri=er thin5u11/: Without 40itin5 3or instructions6 S0r0h st0rted di55in56 2ushin5 the 2ebbles 0nd the cob0lt@coloured e0rth 0side until sheBd 10de 0 hole bi5 enou5h 3or the c0sket: Once his 4ork h0d been co12leted6 the Doctor b0l0nced the to1bstone 0t the he0d o3 the 5r0=e: HeBd c0r=ed the n01e $AI%A into the rock in block c02it0ls6 4ithout d0tes or descri2tions: The Doctor tu55ed the c0sket to40rds the hole6 1o1ent0ril/ c0tchin5 S0r0hBs e/e 0nd 5i=in5 her 0 3leetin5 s1ile Go3 5r0titude6 she su22osedH be3ore the boD slid into its 3in0l restin5 2l0ce: LThe 3irst tr0=eller e=er to le0=e the E0rth6B he s0id6 0s he stood be3ore the 5r0=e: His =oice 40s tired 0nd 3r05ile6 little 1ore th0n 0 4his2er: L(7.8: The S2utnik T4o eD2eri1ent: Sent out into the d0rk 2l0ces 4ithout 0n/ 40/ o3 5ettin5 ho1e 050in: Alone 0nd 0b0ndoned:B S0r0h lo4ered her e/es: She 40snBt sure 4h/: LWh/ do I c0reIB she he0rd the Doctor 1utter: He scoo2ed u2 0 h0nd3ul o3 blue dirt6 0nd let it sli2 throu5h his 3in5ers onto the lid o3 the c0sket: A3ter th0t6 there 40s silence: There 4ere no n0ti=e li3e@3or1s on Juiesci06 S0r0h noted6 no 2red0tors or


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sc0=en5ers or 0n/ o3 n0tureBs other little 5r0=erobbers6 des2ite the bre0the0ble 0t1os2here: And co1e to think o3 it6 4here 40s the 0ir co1in5 3ro16 i3 there 4erenBt 0n/ treesI Brie3l/6 she 4ondered i3 this 4hole 4orld h0d been set u2 b/ the Doctor6 2ut here 2urel/ 3or the 2ur2oses o3 the buri0l: LThis is the 3urthest s/ste1 in E0rthBs 50l0D/6B the Doctor eD2l0ined6 5entl/: S0r0h 4ondered i3 he 40s 0ddressin5 her6 or the occu20nt o3 the co33in: LAs 30r out 0s /ou c0n 40nder: As 5ood 0 2l0ce to rest 0s 0n/: "es: As 5ood 0 2l0ce 0s 0n/:B S0r0h s0id nothin5: The/ stood b/ the 5r0=e 3or 0 3e4 1inutes 1ore be3ore he0din5 b0ck to the TARDIS: LWellIB S0r0h 0sked: On the sc0nner6 0 2ur2le@=eined 2l0net b0sked in the li5ht o3 its sun: Juiesci06 S0r0h re0lised6 seen 3ro1 the Auiet side o3 the ionos2here: The c02sule h0d 0lre0d/ =0nished 3ro1 the 3loor o3 console roo1: LSent b0ck into s20ce6B the Doctor told her6 his 0ttention 3iDed on the console 050in: L >Thin5s co1e 3ro1 the =oid6 0nd return to the =oid:? B L"ou kno4 the 0ns4er re0ll/6 donBt /ouIB The Doctor looked u2 0t her6 3urro4in5 his bro4: LOn the 2l0net6B S0r0h el0bor0ted: L"ou 0sked 4h/ /ou c0red: Oh6 co1e on: "ou kno4 4h/ /ou c0re: I kno4 ) do:B He 20used 3or 0 1o1ent6 0s i3 4onderin5 4hether to t0ke her seriousl/ or not: LDo /ouIB he 0sked: S0r0h nodded: L"ou buried $0ik06B she s0id: LBut:::B Then the TARDIS 3olded itsel3 out o3 eDistence6 0nd the sentence 40s 3inished in 0n entirel/ di3@ 3erent 50l0D/: A hundred 1illion ni5hts 20ssed on Juiesci0: !othin5 ch0n5ed6 0nd no one else c01e:

East Indies ReVit Zone, 15:06 (Local Time There 4ere thin5s in $ieuten0nt Bre510nBs h0ir6 0nd she 40s 2rett/ sure the/ 4ere tr/in5 to 10ke nests in her sc0l2: The bu5s 4ere the 4orst thin5: The he0t6 she could de0l 4ith6 e=en i3 her shirt no4 sho4ed s4e0t st0ins 4here she didnBt e=en kno4 she h0d 5l0nds: The dirt6 she could de0l 4ith6 e=en i3 the treeto2s ke2t dribblin5 touc0n@5u0n0 onto her shoulders 0nd her trousers 4ere co=ered in se=er0l eDcitin5 ne4 =0rieties o3 0ni10l eDcre1ent: The tediu16 she could de0l 4ith6 e=en i3 sheBd been 40lkin5 throu5h the r0in3orest 3or so lon5 th0t she 40s st0rtin5 to see hidden 1ess05es in the b0rk: She tu55ed 0t her h0ir6 2ullin5 out 0 3e4 bl0ck str0nds stuck to5ether 4ith 3our@d0/@old h0irs2r0/6 0nd 3elt the insects sAuir1in5 bet4een her 3in5erti2s: The/ st0rted bitin5 their 40/ into her h0nd6 so she 4ent >u5h? 0nd tossed the1 into the under5ro4th: SiD 1etres u2 0he0d6 Colonel %orte; sto22ed6 turned6 0nd looked b0ck 0t her: LInsects6B she s0id: LSir:B The Colonel nodded: His 30ce re1inded Bre510n o3 one o3 the stone he0ds on E0ster Isl0nd6 0 ne0r@ rect0n5ul0r block o3 skull 4ith 0 3ro4n th0t looked like it h0d been chiselled into 2l0ce: Bre510n s04 his e/es st0rt to 5l0;e o=er 050in: LInsects6B he 05reed: LThe insects 0renBt 4h0t the/ see1: Be 0lert6 $ieuten0nt:B L"es6 Sir: I 4ill6 Sir:B So 30r on this eD2edition6 the Colonel h0d n01ed o=er 3i3t/ di33erent thin5s th0t 4ere >not 4h0t the/ see1ed?6 3ro1 the n0ti=es the/Bd 1et 0t the l0st =ill05e out2ost to the s10ll 10110ls nestin5 in the 3orest c0no2/: %orte; h0d been in &!IS"C 3or o=er thirt/ /e0rs6 0ccordin5 to his ident sheetC heBd been 20rt o3 the ISC di=ision durin5 the C/berbre0ches in the B*-s6 heBd been 0t S0sk0toon 4hen the Re2ublic0ns h0d issued their ulti10tu1 050inst C0n0d0: I3 the ru1ours 0t &!IS"C Centr0l 4ere true6 heBd 0lso been shot 0t b/ 2rehistoric le1ur@2eo2le 0nd sur=i=ed 0n 0ss0ssin0tion 0tte12t b/ 0n 0ndroid 0ss0ssin 2osin5 0s the !or4e5i0n Minister 3or He0lth: The hu10n br0in6 Bre510n re3lected s05el/6 is not desi5ned to de0l 4ith th0t kind o3 thin5: She brie3l/ 4ondered i3 sheBd end u2 like hi1 one d0/6 0nother =icti1 o3 Dis2l0cer S/ndro1e6 t4o ste2s 040/ 3ro1 0 20dded cell 0nd seein5 robot 0ss0ssins 2eekin5 out 3ro1 behind the bushes: %0thleen Bre510n h0d been 20rt o3 &!IS"C 3or nine o3 her t4ent/@se=en /e0rs6 0nd F 4ith the eDce2tion o3 the 2ickled eDhibits in the $ittle Green Museu1 F h0d ne=er seen 0n eDtr0terrestri0l: She 40s Auite h022/ to kee2 it th0t 40/6 0s 4ell: God kne46 the/ 4ere b0d enou5h 4hen the/ 4ere stu33ed 0nd di22ed in 3or10ldeh/de: Suddenl/6 the bu5s 4ere b0ck in 3orce6 stickin5 hot 2ins into her sc0l2: The/ 4ere suckin5 her blood6 Bre510n 40s sure o3 it6 0nd she 3elt skinn/ enou5h 0lre0d/ 4ithout 0n/ 1ore o3 her bod/ 10ss bein5 t0ken 040/: At the l0st out2ost6 sheBd tried to bu/ so1e insect re2ellent 3ro1 the =ill05e 1edi@ cine 10n6 but heBd ended u2 sellin5 her 0 boD o3 0s2irin heBd insisted h0d been 10de 3ro1 the roots o3 loc0l 1/stic herbs6 des2ite the 30ct th0t the 20cket h0d been 10rked 4ith the n01e o3 0 le0din5 1ultin0@ tion0l dru5s co120n/ 0nd 0 sell@b/ d0te o3 ,*+<+,-'<: LWh0t 3or /ou 5o into 5re0t d0rk@he0rt 3orestIB the 1edicine 10n h0d 0sked6 2retendin5 he couldnBt s2e0k 2ro2er En5lish Eust in c0se the/ turned out to be tourists: Colonel %orte; h0d 2u33ed out his chest6 so the 10n could see the insi5ni0 on his shirt 2ocket: LWeBre se0rchin5 3or the 2l0ces o3 the 0ncients6B heBd intoned6 like it h0d been so1e kind o3 hol/ 1is@ <


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sion: LWeBre lookin5 3or the &nthink0ble Cit/:B A10;in5l/6 the 1edicine 10n h0d ke2t 0 str0i5ht 30ce: L"ou 5o to neDt lon5house6B heBd s0id: LSee %010l0 the Sho2: He kno4: He kno4 0ll 0bout secret o3 Cit/:B %010l0 h0d turned out to be 0 4rinkled6 dr/@ro0sted n0ti=e 4ho r0n 0 sou=enir sho26 its 10in line bein5 t@shirts be0rin5 the le5end I SAW THE &!THI!%AB$E CIT" A!D $IVEDM6 2lus 102s sho4in5 4here the best &#Os could be si5hted: Bre510n h0d 4ondered ho4 he 10n05ed to st0/ in business: She 0nd the Colonel 4ere the onl/ 3orei5ners sheBd seen 0round the =ill05e6 0nd the isl0nd h0rdl/ h0d the 30cilities 3or touris1 these d0/s6 not since the interior h0d been re@c0r2eted 4ith 3orest: Still6 10/be it 40s the o33@se0son 3or &#Os: %010l0 h0d 0ctu0ll/ succeeded in sellin5 the Colonel 0 bu12er sticker6 4hich heBd insisted 40s re0ll/ 0 luck/ t0lis10n in dis5uise: It 40s hi5hl/ unlikel/6 heBd s0id6 th0t the/Bd 3ind the &nthink0ble Cit/ 4ithout it: %orte; h0d nodded 0nd s0id th0t the bu12er sticker 40s not 4h0t it see1ed: O3 course6 e=en 4ith the sticker6 %010l0 h0dnBt been 0ble to 2ro1ise the1 the/Bd 3ind 4h0t the/ 4ere lookin5 3or: Once the 1erch0ndise h0d been 20id 3or6 heBd 2ointed out th0t the Cit/ h0d onl/ been si5hted 3our or 3i=e ti1es in the t4ent/ /e0rs since the isl0nd h0d been turned into 0 ReVit None6 e=en thou5h the entire 3orest h0d been 1eticulousl/ sur=e/ed 0nd =@1022ed: %010l0 h0d 2roudl/ 2ointed out th0t it 40s there3ore the l0st true >lost cit/? on the 30ce o3 the E0rth: The l0st thin5 Bre510n h0d noticed be3ore le0=in5 the sho2 h0d been the 1ess05e on %010l0Bs o4n t@shirt6 4hich heBd 4orn o=er 0 tr0dition0l n0ti=e 2ol/ester loincloth: SO6 THIS M&ST BE THE H&MA! DE$EGATIO!6 it h0d re0d: Bre510n h0dnBt understood th0t 0t 0ll: rob0bl/ 0 n0ti=e in@Eoke: She s04 %orte; h0d sto22ed 1o=in56 0nd 40s st0rin5 u2 0t the o33ice@5re/ 20tches o3 sk/ Eust =isible bet4een the treeto2s: !o sunshine here6 thou5ht Bre510n6 not these d0/s: Still d01n hot6 thou5h: LHere6B %orte; 2rocl0i1ed: She blinked the s4e0t out o3 her e/es: LSirIB LHere: Here: This is the 2l0ce:B He eDtended 0n 0r1 in her 5ener0l direction6 0 thick 2ink br0nch .2er cent 30t 0nd .- 2er cent 1uscle: LThe c0rd6 $ieuten0ntIB Bre510n re0ched into her to2 2ocket6 0nd sli22ed the c0rd out o3 its 2rotecti=e en=elo2e: The c0rd 40s 0 brilli0nt 1et0llic sil=er6 its sur30ce re3lectin5 sh0r2 4hite li5ht into her e/es des2ite the ob=ious 0bsence o3 sun: LSirI I6 er1::: I thou5ht 4e 4ere lookin5 3or the Cit/6 Sir:B %orte; nodded: LDid /ou e=er see Brigadoon6 $ieuten0ntIB LEr6 no: !o6 Sir:B LBe0uti3ul 3il1: Be0uti3ul: All those 4onder3ul old son5s: Do /ou kno4 4h/ the/ donBt 4rite son5s like th0t 0n/ 1ore6 $ieuten0ntIB Oh God6 his e/es 4ere 5oin5 0ll 5l0ss/ 050in: L!o6 Sir: !o ide0:B %orte; shook his he0d6 s0dl/: L!o: !either h0=e I: !either h0=e I:B He 3ell silent: LEr1::: Sir:::IB LBri50doon: It 40s 0 =ill05e: In Scotl0nd: "ou re1e1ber Scotl0ndI !o: "ou 4ere born 03ter the &ni3ic0tion: I re1e1ber: This =ill05e::: this Bri50doon::: it bec01e misplaced:B Bre510n 40s h0=in5 trouble 4orkin5 out 4hether he 40s t0lkin5 0bout re0l li3e or the 3il16 no4: LIn 4h0t 40/6 SirIB %orte; shot her 0 sus2icious 5l0nce6 0s i3 the 0ns4er 4ere ob=ious6 0nd b/ 0skin5 sheBd re=e0led hersel3 to be 0n e=il ene1/ s2/@clone: LIt 40s 5oin5 to be 0tt0cked b/ 4itches6B he s0id: LSo it 40s re1o=ed: Brilli0nt t0ctic6 I 0l40/s thou5ht: The loc0l 2eo2le 10de 0 de0l: With God: So th0t Bri50doon 4ould =0nish 3ro1 the E0rth6 0nd onl/ re022e0r 050in once e=er/ hundred /e0rs: C0n /ou i105ine th0t6 $ieuten0ntI A 2l0ce th0t onl/ eDists once in e=er/ centur/: And then onl/ 3or one d0/:B Bre510n nodded: She ke2t noddin5 until she 40s sure he 40snBt 5oin5 to 0dd 0n/thin5 else 4ithout 0 2ro12t: LIs this rele=0nt6 SirIB


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LO3 course itBs rele=0nt6B the Colonel sn022ed: LWh/ 4ould I 1ention it i3 it 4erenBt rele=0ntI Here: Here is 4here 4e enter the &nthink0ble Cit/:B LOh: Wh0t &nthink0ble Cit/ 4ould th0t be6 SirIB %orte; 50=e her 0nother one o3 his looks: LGet 0 5ri2 on /oursel36 $ieuten0nt6B he s0id6 0nd 2ointed: Bre510n 3ollo4ed his 3in5er6 onl/ to 3ind hersel3 st0rin5 0t 0 5i50ntic stone cube6 0 solid o33@4hite block set into the 5round 0 cou2le o3 20ces to her le3t: So ne0r6 in 30ct6 th0t there 40s no 40/ she should h0=e been 0ble to 5et this close to it 4ithout noticin56 unless it h0d s2ont0neousl/ 022e0red out o3 thin 0ir or::: !o: Th0t 40/ lies 10dness6 Bre510n told hersel36 or Dis2l0cer S/ndro1e 0t the =er/ le0st: The block 40s ei5ht 1etres 0lon5 e0ch side6 2ri1iti=e 2icto5r01s o3 tin/ bubblehe0ded Von D0niken s20ce1en scr0tched into its sur30ce 3ro1 to2 to botto1: Bre510n ste22ed b0ck6 0nd s04 there 40s 0nother cube neDt to it6 0nd 0nother neDt to th0t6 0nd 0nother neDt to th0t6 0nd::: LOh God6B she cro0ked: LOh6 !od:B !ene"a #e$t%al &%o"ince, 1':(' (E$%otime The Doctor 3olded his h0nds6 n0rro4ed his e/es6 3urro4ed his bro46 le0ned b0ck in his ch0ir6 un3olded his h0nds6 3ro4ned6 s1iled6 cocked his he0d6 dru11ed his 3in5ers on the deskto26 o2ened his 1outh to 0sk 0 Auestion6 thou5ht better o3 it6 closed his 1outh6 3ro4ned 050in6 scr0tched the b0ck o3 his he0d6 0nd 4ent >1111?: LRe1ind 1e6B he 3in0ll/ s0id: LHo4 does the horse/ thin5 1o=eIB Across the bo0rd6 Gener0l Tchike lit u2 0nother ci50rette: LThe knight6 Doctor6 1o=es t4o sAu0res 3or40rd 0nd one to the side: "our 1o=e:B LT4o 3or40rd 0nd one to the sideI Is th0t itIB LTh0tBs it6B 5ru1bled Tchike6 cou5hin5 the 4ords out o3 his 5ut6 the 40/ onl/ 0 2ure@blood e0stern Euro2e0n could: LIt c0nBt 1o=e 0lon5 its o4n eDistenti0l ti1elineIB The Gener0l shook his he0d6 his Eo4ls Aui=erin5 behind the nicotine clouds: LDoctor6 4e 05reed: Onl/ the bisho2s 0re ti1e@0cti=e: The rooks h0=e 1ini10l h/2ers20ci0l c020bilit/6 0nd the Aueen c0n 10ke b0r50ins 4ith the Hi5her o4ers o3 Cre0tion to 1o=e 0round corners: The kni5hts 5o t4o 3or@ 40rd 0nd one to the side: Still /our 1o=e:B The Doctor nodded6 his curls bouncin5 u2 0nd do4n Eust 0bo=e his e/eline: Juite distr0ctin56 th0t: One o3 this bod/Bs 1ore ob=ious desi5n 3l04s: LSo si12le6 0nd /et so::: 4e couldnBt 2l0/ so1ethin5 0 little 1ore co12lic0ted6 could 4eI IB1 sorr/6 IB1 3indin5 it 0 bit h0rd to concentr0te 0t the 1o1ent:B The Gener0l ru1bled the rudest 4ord in the Russi0n l0n5u05e: LWe 05reed: E0ch ti1e 4e 2l0/6 the rules beco1e onl/ 0 little 1ore co12leD: "our ide06 Doctor: "ou s0id 4e 4ould underst0nd e0ch other better i3 4e cre0ted the rules to5ether:B The Doctor si5hed: EDtr0=050ntl/: LItBs this ne4 neuros/ste1 o3 1ine: E=er since the ch0n5e::: 1/ l0st li3e 40s so 5ood 0t chess6 it t0kes 0 4hile to re1e1ber:::B He 4i55led his 3in5ers o=er the bo0rd 3or 0 3e4 1o1ents6 te0sin5 the eD2ect0nt 2ieces6 then 3in0ll/ 5r0s2ed one o3 his kni5hts 0nd shunted it into the b0ttle;one: The Gener0l 5runted6 0nd re0ched out 3or 0 bisho2: He li3ted it into the 20l1 o3 his h0nd6 si5ni3/in5 th0t it 40s 1o=in5 into 0nother ti1e3r01e: L"ou re0lise 4h/ I 40nted to see /ou hereIB LWe h0d 0n 022oint1ent to 2l0/6 I thou5ht:B LOther th0n th0t:B LAh:B The Doctor thou5ht 0bout it 3or 0 1o1ent: LWell6 I 2resu1e /ouBre 5oin5 to tr/ to eDecute 1e:B Gener0l Tchike dro22ed the bisho2 into the to2 dr04er o3 his desk6 0nd let 0 5re0t 2lu1e o3 5re/


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s1oke out o3 his lun5s: L erce2ti=e6B he s0id: The Doctor shru55ed: LOh6 /ou kno4: A3ter 0 3e4 hundred /e0rs o3 eD2erience6 /ou c0n tell 4hen so1ebod/ 40nts to kill /ou: C0ll it instinct: M/ 1o=eIB The Gener0l t022ed so1e 0sh 3ro1 the end o3 his ci50rette onto the 3loor o3 his o33ice: rob0bl/ Eust kee2in5 the cle0ners on their toes6 the Doctor decided: The o33ice 40s l0r5e6 soulless6 0nd eD2ensi=e@ lookin56 in th0t orderC e=er/ 0=0il0ble sur30ce decor0ted 4ith &!IS"C insi5ni0: The desk 40s the onl/ 10Eor 3urnishin56 le0=in5 0 =0st eD20nse o3 2lush c0r2et bet4een the door 0nd the tinted 4indo4 Gbul@ let2roo36 n0tur0ll/H th0t took u2 the 4hole o3 the 30r 40ll: The desk 40s set in 3ront o3 the 5l0ss6 Tchike se0ted 4ith his b0ck to the Gene=0 sk/line: L"ou 5ot in 1/ 40/6B Tchike eD2l0ined: L!othin5 2erson0l6 I kno4: "ou h0bitu0ll/ 5et in 2eo2leBs 40/: ItBs in /our Eob descri2tion: I underst0nd:B LJuite: And 4h0t do the 204ns doIB LThe/ Eust 5o 3or40rds: $isten to 1e6 Doctor: The 3irst ti1e 4e 1et: S0sk0toon: ,-.<: When /ou 4ere still 4e0rin5 th0t other bod/ o3 /ours6 the little b055/ one: "ou re1e1berIB LI re1e1berMB E=en the Doctor 40s sur2rised 0t ho4 eDcited he sounded: The 1e1or/ h0d 5ot lost so1e4here in >the ch0n5e?6 0nd 5ettin5 it b0ck 40s like bein5 5i=en 0n uneD2ected 2resent: LWe 3ou5ht the Mont0n0 Re2ublic0n Militi0 to5ether: The/ 4ere usin5 ther1os/stronic 4e02ons the/Bd bou5ht 3ro1 the Sel0chi0ns6 the/ 4ere 5oin5 to tr/ 0nd t0ke o=er C0n0d0::: 4h0te=er h022ened to 0ll those ther1os/stron bo1bsIB L"ou ble4 the1 u2:B The Doctor scr0tched his e0r: LOh /es: Th0t 40s it:B LI h0d direct orders 3ro1 the inner circle o3 the World Nones Authorit/ itsel3: Orders to c02ture the 0rsen0l6 not to neutr0lise it: I h0d 0 dut/ to brin5 those 4e02ons in: A s4orn dut/6 Doctor:B LI couldnBt 0llo4 th0t kind o3 technolo5/ to 30ll into the 4ron5 h0nds6 Gener0l: I3 itBs 0n/ conso@ l0tion6 IB1 sure it didnBt hurt /our c0reer:B LI underst0nd: As I s0id: But /ou 5ot in 1/ 40/: And honour de10nds I 2unish /ou 3or it:B The Gen@ er0l took 0n eDtr0@lon5 dr05 on the ci50rette6 then 2ushed hi1sel3 out o3 his ch0ir: L"ou hurt 1e6 I hurt /ou: "ou seeIB LM1116B s0id the Doctor: T)e *nt)in+a,le Cit-, 15:.1 (Local Time Mr JiDotl 40s short6 3ro5@like6 0nd 5enetic0ll/ sh0bb/: His suit 40s 5enuine Scint0chi6 0cAuired 0t 5re0t eD2ense 3ro1 the 30shion@butchers o3 Vienn0 ri106 but he 40s surrounded b/ 0n 0ur0 o3 che02ness th0t 0l40/s 10de his clothes look 0s thou5h the/ 4ere tr/in5 to slide o33 his bod/ in dis5ust: E=en his 30ce see1ed to h0=e been desi5ned 3or li3e in lo4 societ/6 its 3e0tures kno4in5 the/Bd ne=er be 0ttr0cti=e 0nd settlin5 3or 0 kind o3 3ish@e/ed ru12ledness inste0d: He liked to tell hi1sel3 he looked 10ture be/ond his /e0rs: In truth6 he looked 1ore like 0 thirt/@ /e0r@old 4hoBd sold o33 the neDt 3i3t/ /e0rs o3 his li3e 0t b0r50in b0se1ent 2rices: !ot re0ll/ old6 Eust l0ckin5 0 3uture: !o4 Mr JiDotl 01bled 0lon5 the inside o3 the Cit/ 40ll6 h0nds stu33ed into his trouser 2ockets6 idl/ s4e0rin5 0t the touc0ns th0t c0ckled in the 3orest on the other side o3 the 2eri1eter: Des2ite the 30ct th0t e=er/thin5 40s 5oin5 to 2l0n6 des2ite the 30ct th0t the 3irst three dele50tions h0d 10n05ed to re0ch the Cit/ 4ithout doin5 0n/ l0stin5 d0105e to the structure o3 loc0l s20ce@ti1e6 0nd des2ite the 30ct th0t heBd so 30r 10n05ed to sto2 the ri=0l re2resent0ti=es killin5 e0ch other6 Mr JiDotl 40s de3i0ntl/6 c0t@ e5oric0ll/ 1iser0ble: It 40s the cli10te6 he decided: He0t or no he0t6 he 40s st0rtin5 to snee;e6 shi=er6 0nd cou5h u2 s10ll /ello4 5obbets o3 1ucus 4hich h0d no ri5ht to be in his thro0t in the 3irst 2l0ce:


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Glu1l/6 he 4i2ed his nose on the 0r1 o3 his E0cket: Then he re1e1bered he 40s su22osed to be u240rdl/ 1obile6 0nd 10de 0 1ent0l note to h0=e n0s0l sur5er/ 0t the ne0rest o22ortunit/6 or 2ossibl/ to bu/ so1e h0ndkerchie3s6 4hiche=er 40s e0sier: &240rdl/ 1obile: Th0t 40s the thin5 to re1e1ber: This 40s the Bi5 Ti1e6 c02it0l B6 c02it0l T: !o 1ore skulkin5 0round seed/ cockt0il b0rs scr02in5 n0rcotic residue out o3 the 0shtr0/s6 no 1ore 2er@ 3or1in5 b0ckstreet 5ene@s2lices 3or second@r0te thu5s 4ho 40nted to 0=oid D!A 3in5er2rintin5: I3 this 4hole sheb0n5 4ent o33 4ithout 0 hitch::: $hen this 4hole sheb0n5 4ent o33 4ithout 0 hitch::: heBd be o33 Hooke/ Street 3or li3e 0nd into the str0tos2here o3 the nouveau cool: "ouBre 0 res2ected tr0der in hi5h@Au0lit/ 1erch0ndise no46 Mr JiDotl re1inded hi1sel36 one o3 the ne4 breed o3 u2@0nd@u2 socioecono1ic Rott4eilers: Cheer u26 3or 2it/Bs s0ke: He sur=e/ed the Cit/ 0s he 40lked6 tellin5 hi1sel3 he 40s in co12lete control here6 tellin5 hi1sel3 nothin5 h022ened inside the 2eri1eter 4ithout his s0/@so: It 40snBt eD0ctl/ true6 but it 10de hi1 3eel better: The Cit/ h0d been built to i12ress his clients6 2ut to5ether in 0 d0/ or so 4ith 0n old block tr0ns3er 1odul0tor 0nd so1e stick/@b0cked 10tter 0u51enters: ThereBd been 0 3e4 teethin5 troubles 4ith the Bri50doon circuit6 0t 3irst F the Cit/ h0d 2roEected 5host@i105es o3 itsel3 b0ck40rds 0nd 3or@ 40rds in ti1e on 1ore th0n one occ0sion6 thou5h Mr JiDotl doubted 0n/one 4ould h0=e noticed F but o=er0ll6 he 40s 2rett/ 2le0sed 4ith the 40/ the 2l0ce h0d turned out: Most o3 the buildin5s 4ere Eust 3or sho46 n0tch: Hollo4 shells 3orce@4e0thered to look like 0ncient ruins6 co=ered in little 2icto5r01s JiDotl ho2ed looked suit0bl/ ethnic: In 30ct6 the onl/ 3ull/ 3urnished structure 40s the ;i55ur0t6 the 5re0t ste22ed 2/r01id 0t the de0d centre o3 the Cit/ enclosure: "e0h6 >5re0t? 40s 0 5ood 4ord: E=er/thin5 in the Cit/ h0d to look >5re0t?: The s01e 40/ the Se=en Hundred Wonders o3 the G0l0D/ 4ere su22osed to be >5re0t?: The s01e 40/ the W0ll o3 Chin0 40s su22osed to be >5re0t?: E=entu0ll/6 he re0ched the ne0rest Cit/ 50te6 0 coloss0l G/u26 >coloss0l? 40s 5ood6 >coloss0l? 40s e=en better th0n >5re0t?H 1e50lithic 0rch set into the 40ll 0t the south@4estern ed5e o3 the enclosure: As eD2ected6 the 5round b/ one o3 the 50te@stones 40s d012: Tr/in5 not to 5et 0n/ closer th0n he 0bso@ lutel/ h0d to6 Mr JiDotl sni33ed 0t the 4et 20tch: $eo20rd urine: Good: This 40s 4here the 0ni10ls usu0ll/ c01e to relie=e the1sel=es6 but the/ 4erenBt eD0ctl/ re5ul0r6 0nd JiDotl h0dnBt been sure 4hether 0n/ o3 the c0t s2oor 4ould be 3resh enou5h 3or hi1 to use: He slid the decoder out o3 his E0cket 2ocket6 0cti=0tin5 it 4ith 0 3lick o3 his thu1b be3ore di22in5 the business end into the 2uddle: Mr JiDotl h0d 2ut 0 lot o3 thou5ht into the Cit/Bs securit/ s/ste1s: At 3irst6 heBd considered usin5 robotic sur=eill0nce de=ices6 birds 4ith securit/ c01er0s in their he0ds6 c/bernetic 0ni10ls 4ith 5lo4in5 red e/es6 th0t kind o3 thin5: But it h0d 0ll see1ed 0 bit pass*6 re0ll/: In the end6 heBd decided on 0 little selecti=e breedin5 inste0d: The isl0nd 0lre0d/ h0d 0 2ri1iti=e bio@induction s/ste1 in 2l0ce6 inst0lled t4o dec0des e0rlier b/ 0 loc0l 5o=ern1ent 4ith 0n obsessi=e en=iron1ent0l stre0k6 so 0ddin5 0 3e4 ne4 biod0t0 s/ste1s to the 4orks h0dnBt been 0 2roble1: As 0 result6 the leo20rds heBd introduced to the ecos/ste1 h0d r02idl/ e=ol=ed neur0l s/ste1s c020ble o3 tr0nsl0tin5 sensor/ in3or10tion into 2iD@2ulses 0nd encodin5 the d0t0 0s hor1on0l tr0ces: Or6 to 2ut it 0nother 40/6 e=er/thin5 the 0ni10ls 4itnessed 5ot turned into TV 2ictures 0nd stored in their urine: Mr JiDotl 0llo4ed hi1sel3 0 brie3 1o1ent o3 s1u5ness: Credit 4here itBs due6 he thou5ht: I h0=enBt lost 1/ touch: The decoder sorted throu5h the recent 1e1ories o3 the leo20rd th0t h0d 4et this 20rticul0r 20tch6 0nd 3ed the d0t0 to the t4o@inch 2iDscreen set into the 10chineBs h0ndle: Mr JiDotl s04 the r0in3orest throu5h the 0ni10lBs e/es 0s it cre2t bet4een the trees6 the i105e blurrin5 0nd Eu12in5 4hene=er the cre0ture blinked or turned its he0d: #in0ll/6 t4o sh02es bec01e =isible throu5h the 5reener/: With 0nother 3lick o3 his thu1b6 Mr JiDotl set the de=ice to 5i=e hi1 sound 0s 4ell 0s =isu0ls: LDid /ou e=er see Brigadoon6 $ieuten0ntIB


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LEr6 no: !o6 Sir:B LBe0uti3ul 3il1: Be0uti3ul: All those 4onder3ul old son5s: Do /ou kno4 4h/ the/ donBt 4rite son5s like th0t 0n/ 1ore6 $ieuten0ntIB L!o6 Sir: !o ide0:B Mr JiDotl checked the decoderBs chrono1eter: Th0t h0d h022ened t4ent/@siD 1inutes 05o6 so::: He stood6 shook the decoder6 0nd sli22ed it b0ck into his Scint0chi E0cket: T4ent/@siD 1inutes: B/ no46 the &!IS"C re2s 4ould h0=e 3ound 0n entr0nce 0nd st0rted eD2lorin5 the Cit/: Assu1in56 o3 course6 the/Bd re1e1bered their in=ite c0rd: JiDotl he0ded b0ck to40rds the ;i55ur0t6 deter1ined to re0ch the buildin5 be3ore his l0test 5uests 0rri=ed: I3 no oneBs 0round to o33er the1 drinks6 he thou5ht6 the/ 1i5ht st0rt 5ettin5 u5l/: Hu10ns 0re like th0t: !ene"a #e$t%al &%o"ince, 1':.( (E$%otime L"ou kno4 the stor/ o3 Sir G040in 0nd the Green %ni5ht6 o3 courseIB s0id the Gener0l: LM11: Which =ersion o3 the stor/ 4ere /ou thinkin5 o3IB LThe Eisenck ort3olio:B LOh6 the neutered =ersion: E0rl/ t4ent/@3irst centur/:B The Doctor cle0red his thro0t6 0nd 10de 0 5re0t sho4 o3 brushin5 so1e i105in0r/ dust o33 his E0cket l02els6 thou5h 3or no 20rticul0r 0udience: The Gener0l h0d his b0ck turned no46 0nd 40s 50;in5 out 0t the sk/line on the other side o3 the 4indo4: LThe Green %ni5ht s0/s heBll let 0n/ 10n cho2 o33 his he0d6 0s lon5 0s he c0n co1e b0ck the neDt d0/ 0nd cho2 o33 the he0d o3 his eDecutioner: The kni5hts 30ll o=er the1sel=es to do it6 bec0use the/ donBt kno4 the Green %ni5ht c0n 40lk 040/ 3ro1 his dec02it0tion 4ith 0 s1ile on his 30ce: HeBs not Auite hu10n6 /ou see: Sir G040in is the one 4ho 5ets to do the deed6 so the neDt d0/6 he h0s to o33er his neck to the Green %ni5ht: And he does: Kust to kee2 the 2ro1ise:B L!ot Eust bec0use o3 the 2ro1ise: "ou donBt underst0nd6 do /ou6 DoctorIB The Doctor did his best to look con3used: LDonBt IIB LThe soldierBs directi=e: To continue the c/cle o3 retribution6 e=en in the 30ce o3 de0th: E=en 4hen /ou kno4 the conseAuences 4ill kill /ou: S0/ 4h0t /ou like6 0bout kno4in5 !02oleon or 1eetin5 H0i5 or 40tchin5 0t A5incourt: Tell 1e /our 30ir/ stories: It 10kes no di33erence: "ou donBt underst0nd: "ou ne=er h0=e: "ou ne=er 4ill:B LI see:B The Gener0l still h0d his b0ck turned6 0nd the sunset 40s 20intin5 shin/ 20tches o3 or0n5e on to2 o3 his 30t6 b0ld he0d: The Doctor took the o22ortunit/ to 1o=e one o3 TchikeBs bisho2s to 0 1ore con=enient sAu0re: !ot che0tin56 he told hi1sel3: M0kin5 the 501e 1ore co12leD: LAnd 0re /ou thinkin5 o3 h0=in5 1/ he0d cut o336 0t 0llIB The Gener0l 20used: LItBs 0 2ossibilit/: IB=e re0d /our 1edic0l re2orts: All the old idents 3ro1 the &!IT d0/s: I kno4 re5ener0tion c0n onl/ do so 1uch: le0se 2ut th0t bisho2 b0ck 4here it 40s6 Doctor: "ou re1e1ber Colonel %orte;I Ser5e0nt %orte;6 0s he 40s nine /e0rs 05o:B L"es: Serious@lookin5 10n6 =er/ sAu0re E04: T0lked 0bout Nen Buddhis1 0 lot: R0ther con3used6 I thou5ht: Still6 10/be he 40snBt 4h0t he see1ed:B LThe Colonel is on 0 1ission 3or 1e: In the E0st Indies ReVit None: Does th0t 1e0n 0n/thin5 to /ouIB LE0st Indies ReVit::: Borneo: "ou 1e0n Borneo:B Gener0l Tchike turned b0ck to the chessbo0rd6 0 50r5o/leBs s1ile bre0kin5 out 0cross his 30ce: He thinks heBs 4on so1e kind o3 =ictor/ o=er 1e6 1used the Doctor6 but heBs still 4orried 0bout sho4in5 his h0nd: He kee2s skirtin5 the issue6 ch0n5in5 the subEect: LTell 1e so1ethin56B Tchike s0id: LDo /ou kno4 4h/ /ouBre 0llo4ed to 1o=e so 3reel/ on this 2l0netI Wh/ /our inter3erence in our 0330irs is tol@ er0tedI Wh/ E0rth 05rees to 2ut u2 4ith /ou6 the 40/ it doesIB


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LAh: Well6 I 40snBt 040re E0rth kne4 0bout 1e6 1uch:B Tchike n0rro4ed his e/es: L!ot the co11oners: The 5o=ern1ents: The &nited !0tions: The World Nones Authorit/: The ones 4hoB=e s2ent the l0st three hundred /e0rs cle0nin5 u2 /our litter:B LOh6 the1:B The Doctor 3ro4ned: LIB1 sorr/6 IB=e 3or5otten the Auestion:B LIBll tell /ou 4h/ E0rth 2uts u2 4ith /ou6 Doctor: Bec0use it thinks /ouBre i11ort0l: Th0t one 1is@ 5uided belie3 is 4h0t kee2s /ou 0li=e: ItBs 4h0t sto2s our 3in5er1en blo4in5 /our u5l/ ch0n5elin5 30ce o33 the second /ou ste2 out o3 th0t 2olice boD o3 /ours: "ou underst0ndI E0rth thinks /ouBre i11ort0l6 0nd itBs sc0red o3 the conseAuences i3 it tries to 2ro=e /ouBre not: Th0tBs 4h/ the CIA didnBt 2ut 0 bullet throu5h /our thro0t in the (78-s6 0nd th0tBs 4h/ I didnBt kill /ou 1/sel3 0t S0sk0toon: All 4e e=er needed 40s 0n 0ssur0nce: One scr02 o3 e=idence /ou c0n bleed 0s 4ell 0s the rest o3 us:B The 5rin turned into 0 sn0rl: The Doctor tensed: LAnd th0t isnBt 4here the bisho2 40s6B sneered the Gener0l: The door o3 the o33ice 3le4 o2en: The Doctor 40s on his 3eet in 0 second6 but the Gener0lBs 1en 4ere 0lre0d/ s40r1in5 into the roo1: D0rk uni3or1s6 the Doctor noted6 red &!IS"C insi5ni0 on their shoulder20ds: Bl0ck 10sks6 like 2l0stic eDecutionersB hoods6 =isors 2ulled do4n o=er their e/es: The 3e0tures o3 the T0ctic0l Securit/ Di=ision: l0s10 ri3les 2ri1ed 0nd re0d/: !0tur0ll/: The 1en 3ro;e into 2osition on the other side o3 the o33ice6 4e02ons t0r5eted: W0itin5 3or the 3irin5 order6 the Doctor re0lised: He st0rted to b0ck 040/6 ed5in5 0round the desk to40rds the Gener0l: LWe no4 h0=e our 0ssur0nce6B Tchike 5ro4led: LThe rules h0=e ch0n5ed: "ou 10/ consider /oursel3 0 =0lid t0r5et:B LWould it ch0n5e 0n/thin5 i3 I s0id I h0d 0bsolutel/ no ide0 4h0t /ouBre t0lkin5 0boutIB L!o:B LThou5ht not:B The Doctor took 0 dee2 bre0th: L!o l0st reAuests6 thenI Ti1e 3or one 3in0l 4hite chocol0te 1ouseI Sorr/6 IB1 tr/in5 to 5i=e u2 on the Eell/ b0bies:B He re0ched into his E0cket: The 1en 4ere 2re20red 3or such 0 1o=eC e=identl/6 the Gener0l h0d 40rned the1 0bout the terrible thin5s th0t could e1er5e 3ro1 his 2ockets: The ne0rest 5unner 3ired once6 0 40rnin5 shot6 the 2l0s10 burst burnin5 the elbo4 o33 the DoctorBs E0cket 0nd i120ctin5 050inst the bullet2roo3ed 4indo4 behind hi1 4ith 0 s0tis3/in5 splud: The Doctor ho4led6 clutchin5 his 0r1 0s i3 1ort0ll/ 4ounded6 then 3ell b0ck40rds in 0 5r0ce3ul6 dis@ tr0ctin56 0nd so1e4h0t o=er@el0bor0te s2in: The Gener0l o2ened his 1outh to 5i=e the 3irin5 order: The Doctor thre4 hi1sel3 0t the 4indo46 sl011in5 his elbo4 050inst the eD0ct s2ot 4here the 2l0s10 burst h0d 4e0kened its cellul0r structure: L+ire6B Tchike b0rked: The 5l0ss cr0cked: The 20ne sh0ttered: The Doctor dro22ed out o3 the o33ice 0nd tu1bled to40rds the 5round6 3ort/@siD store/s belo4: The Gener0l c0l1l/ 3olded his h0nds behind his b0ck be3ore ste22in5 to40rds the e12t/ 4indo4@ 3r01e: LSirIB The le0der o3 the T0ctic0l Securit/ unit shu33led u2 to hi16 0nd res2ect3ull/ r0ised his =isor: LItBs o=er 3ort/ store/s6 Sir: When he hits the 5round FB LHe 4onBt hit the 5round6B s0id Tchike: LSir:::IB LHe 4onBt hit the 5round: HeBs the Doctor:B Tchike 2eered out o3 the o33ice: There 40s no bod/ on the 20=e1ent belo46 no s20tterin5 o3 blood 0t 5round le=el6 no si5n o3 the Doctor 0t 0ll: The securit/ 10n cou5hed ner=ousl/: LWe6 uh::: 4e 1issed hi16 Sir6B he s0id: L"es: We 1issed hi1:B The Gener0l turned b0ck to his desk:


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LSorr/6 Sir:B Tchike 40=ed the 02olo5/ 0side: LThere 4ill be other o22ortunities: I thou5ht this 1i5ht be the ti1e: erh02s I should h0=e kno4n better:B He consulted the deskto2 or50niser neDt to the chessbo0rd: LWeBre scheduled to 2l0/ 050in on Kul/ ('th neDt /e0r: "ou c0n h0=e 0nother shot 0t hi1 then:B LSir::: do /ou think heBll sho4 u2I I 1e0n6 03ter tod0/ FB LHeBll be there: He h0s to be there:B The Gener0l s0t6 so1e4h0t 4e0ril/6 the 1ock@le0ther ch0ir si5hin5 2iti3ull/ under his 4ei5ht: L!o4 IB=e h0d 1/ ch0nce to cut o33 his he0d6 heBll 40nt the ch0nce to cut o33 1ine:B T)e *nt)in+a,le Cit-, 15:.6 (Local Time LC0nBt /ou Eust 0ns4er the d01ned AuestionIB de10nded Mr Ho1unculette: LWho6 eD0ctl/6 0re /ou su22osed to be re2resentin5IB Mr JiDotl tried not to s1irk: Th0t6 he thou5ht6 40s 0s close to di2lo10c/ 0s Ho1unculette e=er 5ot: The 10n 0cted 0s i3 heBd been on the ed5e o3 0 ner=ous bre0kdo4n since birth6 0s i3 he 4ere still 40itin5 3or 0 5ood eDcuse to h0=e 0 3ull@blo4n 2s/chotic 3it: Ho1unculetteBs 2eo2le h0d been in=ol=ed in 0 20rticul0rl/ un2le0s0nt 40r 3or so1e ti1e no46 0nd it h0d le3t the1 horribl/ neurotic: JiDotl h0d sto22ed in the stone 20ss05e40/ outside the 0nteroo16 ho2in5 to he0r so1ethin5 interestin5 3ro1 the other side o3 the door40/6 but 0ll heBd he0rd so 30r 40s Ho1unculetteBs usu0l 4hinin5 50r5le: !ot th0t Mr JiDotl re0ll/ h0d to e0=esdro2: He h0d the 4hole ;i55ur0t bu55ed 0n/40/: There 40s 0 brie3 silence 3ro1 the 0nteroo1: LCon3identi0lit/IB s20t Ho1unculette: LDonBt t0lk to 1e 0bout con3identi0lit/: $et 1e tell /ou so1ethin56 /ouBre de0lin5 4ith 0n 05ent o3 the 1ost secreti=e 0nd::: 0re /ou listenin5 to 1eIB Mr JiDotl decided to ste2 in be3ore the 10n st0rted r0ntin5: LA3ternoon6B he s0id6 bri5htl/6 2retendin5 not to h0=e he0rd 0n/ o3 the 2recedin5 con=ers0tion: LGet@ tin5 to kno4 e0ch other6 0re 4eI $o=el/: ThereBs so1e chees/ nibbles in the cockt0il loun5e6 i3 /ouBre interested:B The ch01ber 40s s10ll6 0nd lit b/ 3l01in5 torches 4hich6 in Mr JiDotlBs o2inion6 lent 0 lo=el/ Gothic 3eel to the 2l0ce: The 0nteroo1 40s s0nd4iched bet4een the 20ss05e40/ 0nd the con3erence h0ll6 the 0re0 un3urnished eDce2t 3or 0 t0ble 0nd 0 h0nd3ul o3 o0k@3l0=oured 2l0stic ch0irs: Ho1uncu@ lette 40s s2r04led 0cross 0t le0st three o3 these6 st0rin5 0t the 3ront 205e o3 the ,e$ Bornean !a-ette: Mr JiDotl h0d onl/ le3t the ne4s202er on the t0ble to 0dd 0 touch o3 loc0l colour to the roo16 0nd he 40s 3r0nkl/ 010;ed 0n/one 40s botherin5 to re0d it: Ho1unculette still h0dnBt ch0n5ed out o3 the bl0ck business suit heBd been 4e0rin5 4hen heBd 0rri=ed6 e=en thou5h it 40s s20ttered 4ith 1ud 0nd st0ined 4ith so1ethin5 th0t looked disturbin5l/ like or50nic 40ste: E=identl/6 thou5ht JiDotl6 heBd co1e str0i5ht here 3ro1 the rou5hest bo0rdroo1 1eetin5 in histor/: !o one else 40s =isible in the roo16 but th0t 40snBt sur2risin5: The other occu20nt6 the one Mr H h0d been shoutin5 0t6 4ouldnBt be seen or he0rd until it 40nted to be: LWe 4ere 4onderin5 ho4 1uch lon5er 4eBre 5oin5 to h0=e to 40it6B hissed Ho1unculette6 0l1ost liter0ll/ l/in5 throu5h his teeth: LI 1e0n6 I 4ouldnBt be so rude 0s to su55est 4eBre 5ettin5 i120tient FB L erish the thou5ht6B cut in Mr JiDotl: LF but 4eBre re0chin5 the st05e 4here 4e 1i5ht be thinkin5 0bout 5ettin5 i120tient6 0t so1e 2oint in the ne0r 3uture: I3 /ou 5et 1/ 1e0nin5:B Mr JiDotl tried to look cheer3ul: L!ot 5ettin5 ed5/6 I ho2e6 Mr H: S04 /our little 3riend u2 on the roo36 on the 40/ in: Still eD2ectin5 trouble6 0re 4eIB LM0rie isnBt 1/ 3riend6B sn022ed Ho1unculette: LSheBs 1/ co120nion: ThereBs 0 di33erence:B Then he sto22ed sco4lin56 Eust 3or 0 1o1ent6 0nd looked 5ener0ll/ 0nDious inste0d: LOn the roo3I Wh0t 40s she doin5 on the roo3IB


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LSheBs /our >co120nion?6 Mr H6 not 1ine: $ooked like she 40s kee2in5 40tch6 to 1e:B Ho1unculette rel0Ded: Visibl/: Th0t didnBt h022en o3ten6 in Mr JiDotlBs eD2erience: Ho1uncu@ letteBs 30ce looked 0s i3 it h0d been built 3or tensionC it 40s lon56 it 40s n0rro46 0nd it 40s to22ed b/ 0 cro2 o3 thinnin5 bl0ck h0ir th0t 0ll the 5el in MutterBs S2ir0l couldnBt 10ke st/lish: LM0rie isnBt h022/ 0bout the securit/ 0rr0n5e1ents in this 2l0ce6B he 1uttered: LSheBs 4orried 0bout 0n 0tt0ck 3ro1 the outside: "ou donBt e=en h0=e 0n/ 0t1os2heric de3ences set u2:B Mr JiDotl s1iled dis0r1in5l/: He ho2ed: LRel0D6 Mr H: Onl/ 0nother three6 er6 20rties to co1e be3ore 4e c0n st0rt 2roceedin5s6 0nd one o3 the1Bs onl/ 0 cou2le o3 1inutes 040/ no4: $isten6 i3 /ouBre 5ettin5 itch/ 3eet6 4h/ not 5o 0nd h0=e 0 ch0t 4ith Mr Tr0sk in his 5uestroo1I Sure heBd be 5l0d o3 the co120n/:B LTh0nk /ou6 no6B s20t Ho1unculette: Mr JiDotl o2ened his 1outh to s0/ so1ethin5 30cile 0nd re0ssurin56 but 3ound hi1sel3 suddenl/ dis@ tr0cted b/ the t0ble: There 40s 0n unusu0l 20ttern in the 4ood 5r0in6 0 20ttern heBd ne=er noticed there be3ore: It looked 0l1ost like::: lettersI THE H&MA! RE RESE!TATIVES ARE COMI!GI s2elt the t0ble: Mr JiDotl 5ri10ced: L"e0h: "e0h6 th0tBs ri5ht6 Mr Shi3t: Wh/ dB/ou 0skIB He st0red 0t the t0ble6 but the 4ords h0d 30ded 040/: His e/es 40ndered to40rds the ne4s202er: I WAS EO $ORI!G THE #OREST EAR$IER6 re0d the 3ront@205e he0dline: I SAW THEM MA%I!G THEIR WA" HERE: Mr JiDotl 2icked u2 the 202er 0nd st0rted re0din5 the le0d stor/6 4hich h0d until 0 3e4 seconds 05o been 0bout 0 10Eor sc0nd0l in=ol=in5 the resident o3 M0lt0: LDidnBt see /ou6 did the/6 Mr SIB BARE$"6 re0d the ne4s2rint: THE WOMA! MIGHT HAVE CA&GHT SIGHT O# ME AT THE VI$$AGE6 B&T I GCO!TI!&ED O! AGE THREEH Mr JiDotl turned the 205e: G#ROM AGE O!EH DO&BT SHE %!EW WHO I WAS: TE$$ ME SOMETHI!G6 MR JIOOT$: LWh0te=er /ou like6 Mr S:B Mr JiDotl tried to 10int0in his s1ile: He h0ted t0lkin5 to the Shi3t: He h0ted t0lkin5 to 0n/ non@cor2ore0l li3e@3or1: The Shi3t 40s the 1essen5er o3 0 2o4er 4hich enEo/ed de0lin5 in 0bstr0cts6 3or so1e re0son: It 40s 0 2urel/ conce2tu0l entit/6 onl/ eDistin5 0s 0 set o3 ide0s inside the he0d o3 4hoe=er it 40nted to co11unic0te 4ith: Ri5ht no46 it 40s so1e4here inside Mr JiDotlBs neuros/ste16 0lterin5 his 2erce2tions so he could see its little >1ess05es? 4orked into the teDt o3 the ,e$ Bornean !a-ette: He 3li22ed throu5h the rest o3 the 202er6 e=entu0ll/ sto22in5 0t the cross@ 4ord: ( ACROSS: Wh/ eD0ctl/ did /ou in=ite hu10ns to this 0uctionI M/ e12lo/ers 0ssu1ed th0t onl/ re2resent0ti=es o3 ti1e@0cti=e cultures 4ould be here G)6'H: LTh0tBs 4h0t 4e thou5ht6 0s 4ell6B sco4led Ho1unculette6 e=identl/ h0=in5 re0d the s01e thin5 on the s2orts 205e: Mr JiDotl sni33ed: L"e0h6 4ell: The/Bre 3ro1 &!IS"C6 the/B=e 5ot their o4n re0sons 3or 40ntin5 the 2ro2ert/: Th0tBs 4h/ the 0uctionBs bein5 held on E0rth6 so the hu10n re2s c0n 5et here 4ithout bustin5 0 5ut:B * DOW!: S2e0kin5 o3 the >2ro2ert/?::: IB=e been lookin5 o=er this Cit/ o3 /ours: The RelicBs in /our =0ult6 trueI T4o le=els belo4 5round le=el G.6,6<6,H: LThere 0 2roble1 4ith th0t6 Mr Shi3tIB (8 ACROSS: !o: I took the libert/ o3 ins2ectin5 the securit/ de=ices 2rotectin5 it6 thou5h: Inter@ estin5: M0/be 0 little o=er@co12lic0ted: Ho4e=er::: G*6<H LThe securit/ h0d better be u2 to scr0tch6 th0tBs 0ll6B Ho1unculette sn022ed6 interru2tin5 the cross@ 4ord: I3 such 0 thin5 4ere 2ossible: L"ou kno4 ho4 10n/ 10Eor 2o4ers 0re 5oin5 to be 03ter th0t Relic6 donBt /ouI The l0st thin5 4e 40nt is 0 bunch o3 C/ber1en turnin5 u2 on our doorste2:B


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Mr JiDotl shook his he0d: LE=er/thin5Bs sorted6 Mr H: The Cit/Bs 5ot 0 Bri50doon circuit in e33ect6 so /ouBd need so1e 2rett/ s10rt technolo5/ Eust to 5et in here 4ithout 0n in=ite c0rd: And the C/ber1en 0renBt 5oin5 to be co1in5 b0ck to E0rth 3or 0nother /e0r or so6 I checked: !o oneBs 5oin5 to 50tecr0sh the 0uction: Trust 1e on this6 0ll ri5htIB Ho1unculette 10de 0 1uted 5runtin5 sound th0t 1i5ht Eust h0=e been 0 l0u5h: LIB1 0 Ti1e $ord6B he s0id: LWe donBt trust 0n/one unless the/Bre de0d or stu2id: WeBre like th0t:B

London, Ea%t), Se/tem,e% (16' The S.uare/s a ruin0 you can smell that much (rom here1 Scorched concrete and sick air0 streetlamps melted into puddles by (usion engines0 skeletons o( burned2out vehicles spra$led across the pavements1 The city/s too old and tired to even bother sinking into the dust1 This is $here it all started0 then1 &here the (irst o( the invaders dropped out o( the sky0 $here the local politicians $ere herded together and incinerated1 345terminated60 ) should say1 "ight there0 across the river in Parliament S.uare1 The sky/s grey over London0 (ull o( pus0 (ull o( old pollution1 By no$0 %omunculette $ill have taken that as his cue to be maudlin and depressive (or the rest o( the day0 the moody old stoat1 #ll ) kno$ about the 4nglish $eather is this7 it plays hell $ith my monitors1 ) lost track o( %omunculette three minutes ago0 and he/s the only li(etrace around here1 O( course0 he could have taken me $ith him to the S.uare0 but he says )/m not too good on my legs1 %e likes to think he/s better than me at some things1 )t makes him (eel good about being carbon2based1 The 5round h0d =0nished 3ro1 under Ho1unculetteBs 3eet: He 40snBt used to the 5round doin5 thin5s like th0t6 so he 40s too sur2rised to 20nic 2ro2erl/ 0s he tu1bled to40rds the ri=er: One 1o1ent heBd been st0ndin5 on the brid5e6 the neDt heBd been tre0din5 0ir: Si12le 0s th0t: !o 40rnin56 no eD2l0n0@ tion: His bod/ t4isted 0s he hit the 40ter6 his 0r1s instincti=el/ thr0shin5 0round in se0rch o3 0 h0ndhold: He s40llo4ed his 3irst 1outh3ul o3 slud5e be3ore he e=en kne4 he 40s sinkin56 0nd 3elt the che1ic0l 2ollut0nts burnin5 the 1e1br0ne 0t the b0ck o3 his thro0t: The neDt thin5 he kne46 his 3eet 4ere touchin5 the thick 10t o3 detritus 0t the botto1 o3 the ri=er: He 3elt so1ethin5 crunch under his shoe6 thou5h he 40snBt sure 4hether it 40s 2l0stic or bone: Durin5 the in=0sion6 the hu10ns h0d du12ed 0 lot o3 their de0d do4n here6 le0=in5 the cor2ses to h0=e their 3lesh/ bits bitten 040/ b/ the 20r0site s2e@ cies th0t h0d le0rned to li=e in the bl0ck40ter 0re0s: So: The brid5e h0d dis022e0red: #ro1 ri5ht underne0th hi1: Without 0 sound: An0rchitectsI Ho1unculette suddenl/ re0lised he 40snBt bre0thin5: He 20nicked6 0nd thr0shed his li1bs 0round 3or 0 bit lon5er6 until he re1e1bered th0t he 40snBt supposed to be bre0thin5: His res2ir0tor/ s/ste1 h0d 5one into e1er5enc/ shutdo4n6 0nd he h0dnBt e=en noticed it: Ho4 lon5 could he st0/ like this6 thou5hI Ho4 lon5 did he h0=e be3ore his lun5s 2o22edI One 2roble1 0t 0 ti1e6 he decided: An0rchitects: Think 0n0rchitects: Dise1bodied intelli5ences6 cre0ted b/ the ene1/ durin5 the e0rl/ /e0rs o3 their 0ss0ult on G0lli3re/: Accordin5 to the in3or10tion the Celestis h0d sli22ed to the Hi5h Council6 the 0=er05e 0n0rchitect 40s like 0 2ri1iti=e co12uter =irus6 0 cluster o3 2re@2ro5r011ed instructions desi5ned to corru2t 0nd re@order d0t0: But 0n0rchitects could eDist outside the con3ines o3 0 co12uter s/ste1: The/ could in3iltr0te 0rchitecture6 inh0bit build@ in5s6 10ni2ul0te corners 0nd 0n5les: The/ could disru2t the in3or10tion th0t held structures to5ether6 rebuild 4hole cities 0t 4ill: When the Hi5h Council h0d been told 4h0t the thin5s 4ere c020ble o36 the/Bd thou5ht it 40s 0bsurd: Then the/Bd re0lised th0t the 0n0rchitects 4ere 2roducts o3 the s01e kind o3 technolo5/ the Ti1e $ords h0d used to build the e0rl/ TARDIS 1odels: The/Bd h0d 0l40/s h0d the kn0ck6 but onl/ the ene1/ h0d thou5ht o3 turnin5 the technolo5/ into 0 4e02on: Ho1unculette tried not to sco4l6 but it 4ent 050inst his b0sic n0ture: An0rchitects: Ob=iousl/: The (<


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ene1/ h0d tr0cked hi1 0nd M0rie6 Eust like the l0st ti1e6 0nd the/Bd t0ken the brid5e 040/ 4hile heBd been crossin5 3ro1 the Albert E1b0nk1ent to 0rli01ent SAu0re: Ho1unculette s4ore6 sendin5 bubbles 3ull o3 eD2leti=es u2 to40rds the sur30ce o3 the ri=er: He should h0=e 0sked M0rie to l0nd closer to the SAu0re: He 3ound hi1sel3 re1e1berin5 the horror stories heBd he0rd6 0bout ho4 the $ord Ruth=entr0coliD0b0Dil h0d st0r=ed to de0th inside his o4n TARDIS 4hen 0n 0n0rchitect h0d hiE0cked the =essel 0nd turned the centr0l corridor into 0n endless MPbius loo2::: !o: !o: He couldnBt let his i105in0tion 5et the better o3 hi16 not no4: He h0d 0 1ission to co1@ 2lete6 he could co12l0in 0bout the 4orkin5 conditions once it 40s 0ll o=er: He 40s s03e under the 40ter6 0t le0st6 4here there 4ere no 40lls or 3loors 3or the 0n0rchitect to 2ossess: So6 he could tr/ 1o=in5 0cross the botto1 o3 the ri=er6 5ettin5 0s close to 0rli01ent 0s 2ossible be3ore 10kin5 0n/ 0tte12t to bre0k the sur30ce: I3 he 40s luck/6 he 1i5ht e=en sh0ke o33 the 0n0rchitect th0t 40/: I3 he 40s luck/: Ri5ht: 4veryone stays a$ay (rom this part o( London0 apparently1 )t smells o( politics and bad radiation1 This city $as a ma8or population centre0 once1 One o( the t$elve key political sites on the planet0 according to the Matri5 records1 The invaders came here0 in their little toy saucers0 letting 4arth kno$ it $as hopelessly outgunned0 casually $iping out the odd city by $ay o( demonstration1 &hen the demand (or surrender came0 some o( the politicians sealed themselves into the Parliament buildings0 and let the aliens set the corridors alight $ith them still inside1 ,ot out o( principle1 Politicians don/t have principles0 not even on this side o( Mutter/s Spiral1 They 8ust had no$here else to go1 &ait1 The $eather must be clearing up0 )/m getting traces again1 Li(etraces0 t$o o( them0 (rom inside one o( the buildings1 %omunculette must be one0 so $ho/s the other9 Bro0dl/ s2e0kin56 the House o3 Co11ons h0dnBt ch0n5ed 1uch in the *-- /e0rs since its construction: ThereBd been 0 reno=0tion e=er/ h0l3@centur/ or so6 the odd terrorist bo1bin5 to blo4 out the 4indo4s or 5ut the o33ices6 but 3or the 1ost 20rt it 40s still the s01e old 1onstrosit/ it h0d 0l40/s been: Ho1unculette re50rded the corridors o3 2o4er 4ith 0 1iDture o3 conte12t 0nd disinterest: This6 0ccordin5 to the Hi5h CouncilBs In3or10tion6 40s 4here heBd 3ind the Relic: I3 the M0triD 40s ri5ht6 it h0d belon5ed to the hu10n 1ilit0r/ 3or the l0st centur/ or so: When the in=0sion h0d co1e6 0nd E0rth societ/ h0d coll02sed o=erni5ht6 0ll the trinkets the 1ilit0r/ h0d collected o=er the /e0rs h0d been dis@ 2ersed6 30llin5 into the h0nds o3 the looters 0nd the tr0ders: One such indi=idu0l6 the M0triD d0t0 cl0i1ed6 40s holed u2 here: Ho1unculette ke2t 1o=in5 0lon5 the o0k@20nelled 20ss05es o3 the House6 idl/ 4i2in5 the bl0ck ri=er@slud5e 3ro1 his h0nds onto the l02els o3 his suit: The Hi5h Council h0d in3o20cked enou5h d0t0 0bout loc0l culture 3or hi1 to be 0ble to 3ind his 40/ 0round6 0t le0st: There 4ere still scorch 10rks on the 40lls6 2lus 20tches o3 0sh 4here secret0ries 0nd securit/ 5u0rds h0d been 5unned do4n b/ the in=0ders6 but other th0n th0t the corridors 4ere cle0ner th0n Ho1unculette 4ould h0=e eD2ected: Well lit6 too6 b/ neon stri2li5hts th0t see1ed to h0=e been 3itted Auite recentl/: Si5ns o3 h0bit0tion6 Ho1un@ culette deduced: So1eone 40s in residence here6 des2ite the loc0l t0boos 0bout the H0unted Ground o3 West1inster: A 3e4 /e0rs 05o6 these 20ss05es 4ould h0=e been cr04lin5 4ith in=0ders: Ho1unculette i105ined the1 killin5 o33 the loc0l 2olitici0ns6 issuin5 co110nds in their stu2id tin =oices: In=0ders 0l40/s took out the le0ders 3irst6 it 40s 0 st0nd0rd t0ctic: $ike the ene1/Bs 3irst strike on G0lli3re/6 their botched 0tte12t to kill o33 the Hi5h Council: >Botched?: 1e0nin56 the Ti1e $ords h0d been luck/: E0rth h0d been luck/6 too: It h0d been in=0ded6 /es6 but onl/ b/ 0 bunch o3 1indless bio1ech0noids 4ith s2eech i12edi1ents: The Ti1e $ords6 1e0n4hile6 4ere u2 050inst so1ethin5 really d0n5erous: #ro1 so1e4here u2 0he0d6 there 40s 0 hissin56 cr0cklin5 sound: Ho1unculette 3ro;e6 0nd his


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bre0thin5 s4itched itsel3 o33 050in: Mo1ents l0ter6 the cr0cklin5 40s dro4ned out b/ 0 =oice6 s1ooth 0nd 3e1inine6 but 50r5lin5 st0tic: L4very time $e say goodbye0 ) cry a little111/ De(initely a human li(etrace0 some$here near the centre o( the %ouse1 ) can smell %omunculette moving in on it1 Smell9 Bad vocabulary1 Some day0 )/ll have to devise a proper terminology (or sub2 organic sensory e5periences1 ,o0 maybe not1 )/d be the only one $ho/d understand it1 Ho1unculette didnBt kno4 1uch 0bout En5lish 0rchitecture6 but he kne4 0 deb0tin5 ch01ber 4hen he s04 one: The h0ll 40s rin5ed 4ith b0lconies 0nd c01er0 nests6 0nd6 b/ the look o3 the16 the se0ts on either side o3 the h0ll F t4o 5re0t b0nks o3 the16 0ll co=ered in sickl/ 5reen le0ther F h0d been in 2l0ce 3or centuries: The 20tch o3 3loor 0t the centre o3 the ch01ber 40s 5r0ced b/ 0 1os0ic: The 20ttern 40s 30ded6 but Ho1unculette kne4 enou5h loc0l histor/ to reco5nise the s/1bol o3 the World Nones Authorit/: :) can hear a lark some$here0 $aiting to sing about it111/ The 1os0ic 40snBt the 3oc0l 2oint o3 the deb0tin5 ch01ber6 thou5h: !or 4ere the 2l0stic 10n@ neAuins6 three or 3our hundred o3 the16 e0ch se0ted in one o3 the ch0irs6 their 30ces 20inted 4ith 10d e/es 0nd t4isted s1iles: !or 4ere the 4e02ons6 the thous0nds u2on thous0nds o3 old 3ire0r1s th0t h0d been 2inned to the 40lls like butter3lies6 h0n5in5 b/ their tri55er@5u0rds 3ro1 rusted n0ils: !or 4ere the s2e0kers6 3our hu5e bl0ck cuboids set into the corners6 10kin5 the 3loor =ibr0te 0s the/ 2u12ed out the son5 Ho1unculette h0d he0rd 3ro1 the corridors: LThere/s no love song (iner111/ !o: The 3oc0l 2oint o3 the ch01ber 40s its other li=in5 occu20nt6 4ho s0t on 0 30ded throne directl/ bet4een the t4o se0tin5 blocks6 his le5s dr02ed l0;il/ o=er one o3 the 0r1s o3 the ch0ir: The 10nBs skin 40s bl0ck: ure bl0ck: His skin tone 40snBt 2urel/ 5enetic6 b/ Ho1unculetteBs reck@ onin5C dec0des o3 eD2osure to 2ollut0nts 0nd 0lien r0di0tion h0d done their bit6 0s 4ell: The Bl0ck M0n h0d d0rk br0ided h0ir6 stu33ed under 0 to2 h0t th0t looked older th0n 0rli01ent itsel36 4hile his clothes 4ere eD2ensi=e@but@3r0/ed6 2rob0bl/ looted 3ro1 one o3 $ondonBs 10n/ nouveau riche cor2ses: His to2co0t 40s bl0ck6 his suit 40s bl0ck6 his tie 40s bl0ck: In 30ct6 the d0rkness o3 hi1 40s onl/ broken u2 b/ t4o thin5s: The 3irst 40s 0 3lo4er6 0 brilli0nt red bloo1 2inned to his l02el: Arti3ici0l6 Ho1unculette 5uessed6 10/be 5ro4n in 0 2l0sto5ene tube: The second 40s his s1ile: A 4hite6 be0ti3ic s1ile6 the kind o3 4hite th0t needs che1ic0l 022lic0tions to 10int0in: L111but ho$ strange the change0 (rom ma8or to minor111/ The Bl0ck M0n 40=ed his h0nd: So1e 1ech0nis1 in the ch01ber 1ust h0=e noticed the 1o=e1ent6 bec0use the 1usic sto22ed in 0n inst0nt: LEll0 #it;5er0ld6B he dr04led6 0s i3 th0t eD2l0ined e=er/thin5: The Bl0ck M0nBs e/es 4ere shut6 Ho1unculette re0lised: C0utiousl/6 he 1o=ed do4n the 0isle to40rds the throne6 ins2ectin5 the 10nneAuins on either side o3 hi1 0s he 40lked: Their 30ces 4ere 5rotesAue6 0ll leers 0nd sn0rls: LAll 1/ 1inisters6B the Bl0ck M0n s0id6 0lthou5h he h0dnBt o2ened his e/es6 0nd he h0dnBt sto22ed s1ilin5: L!ot so 1uch to s0/6 these d0/s:B Ho1unculette sto22ed 0 cou2le o3 1etres in 3ront o3 the throne: L"ou sell 4e02onsIB he 0sked: L eo2le co1e here to bu/ 5uns 3ro1 /ouI Is th0t itIB The Bl0ck M0n o2ened his e/es6 0t l0st: His irises6 Ho1unculette s046 4ere 0s d0rk 0s his skin: LThe/B=e 0l40/s sold 4e02ons in this 2l0ce6B the Bl0ck M0n s0id: LWe02ons to their 3riends6 4e02ons to their ene1ies: Got the 4orks: l0s10 ri3les: "ou 40nt 2l0s10 ri3lesI Re0l eD@1ilit0r/: Got 2istols6


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5ot 1ort0rs: E=en 5ot 0lien bi5shot 5uns: ED2ensi=e6 those 0lien bi5shot 5uns:B His s1ile 4idened e=er so sli5htl/6 0nd his 30ce 4rinkled u26 10kin5 hi1 look se=er0l dec0des older th0n he h0d be3ore: H0=in5 s0id th0t6 Ho1unculette 40snBt sure ho4 old heBd looked be3ore: LRelics: IB1 interested in relics: Th0tBs 0ll:B The Bl0ck M0n l0u5hed 0t th0t: The l0u5h 40s 0l1ost subsonic: LWh0t kind o3 relics /ou thinkin5 o3I Relics th0t 5o >boo1?IB Ho1unculette shook his he0d6 then le0ned 3or40rd6 so he could hiss the neDt three 4ords 4ithout the 10nneAuins he0rin5: LThe To/ Store6B he s0id: The Bl0ck M0n didnBt re2l/ str0i5ht 040/: Ho1unculette 40tched his irises 4idenin56 blottin5 out the 4hites o3 his e/es: Ho1unculette 4ondered i3 the 10n 40s usin5 so1e kind o3 n0rcotic: ItBd eD2l0in the s1ile6 0n/40/: LED2ensi=e6B the Bl0ck M0n s0id6 e=entu0ll/: L!ot i12ort0nt6B Ho1unculette sn022ed: The Bl0ck M0n nodded: LWh0te=er /ou s0/: Got 1ost o3 the stu33 the/ ke2t in the To/ Store: Got thin5s the C/ber1en le3t behind6 b0ck in the ,-*-s: Got re0l Ice W0rrior relics6 3ro1 be3ore the/ dro22ed the rock: "our kind o3 lineIB L!o: IB1 lookin5 3or so1ethin5 s2eci3ic: A boD: A c0sket: T4o 1etres lon56 10de o3 1et0l: ItBs 5ot FB LSorr/6B the Bl0ck M0n cut in: LC0nBt hel2 /ou:B Ho1unculette 3linched: Wh0t 40s th0t su22osed to 1e0nI LItBs i12ort0nt6B he insisted: LC0nBt hel2 /ou:B The Bl0ck M0n shru55ed6 0nd stretched6 but he didnBt sto2 5rinnin5: LTr/ neDt door: Tr/ the ;o1bie@1en in the House o3 $ords: H0h@h0h:B Ho1unculette b0red his teeth: L$isten to 1e: "ou donBt kno4 4ho I re2resent: We 40nt the Relic6 0nd 4e kno4 itBs here: We sc0nned this 2l0netBs entire ti1eline: We 4orked out th0t this 40s the 1ost o22ortune 1o1ent to re1o=e it:B He e12h0sised the bit 0bout sc0nnin5 the ti1eline: I3 this 10n de0lt in 0lien technolo5/6 heBd 2rob0bl/ he0rd o3 the Ti1e $ords6 e=en i3 it 40s Eust 0s 0 ru1our: The Bl0ck M0n didnBt look i12ressed6 thou5h: LDonBt 5ot it6B he s0id: LH0d it:B Ho1unculette 3elt hi1sel3 bl0nche: L"ou::: h0d itIB LH0d it: Went:B !o: !o6 no6 no: The Hi5h Council h0d been sure this ti1e3r01e 40s the best er0 to sei;e the Relic: I3 the Bl0ck M0n h0d 0lre0d/ sold it6 it 1e0nt::: :::th0t so1eone else h0d inter=ened: So1eone ti1e@0cti=e: The ene1/I LWe need it6B Ho1unculette 5ibbered: L"ou donBt underst0nd: We need it: The 40r::: i3 4eBre 5oin5 to st0nd 0 ch0nce:::B He stu1bled to40rds the throne6 3ists clenched6 0dren0line 5l0nds 4orkin5 o=er@ ti1e: He 5uessed there 4ere 2rob0bl/ sel3@t0r5etin5 de3ence s/ste1s 0round the ch01ber6 ho1in5 in on hi1 e=en no46 but 0t this st05e he didnBt 1uch c0re: The Bl0ck M0n thre4 u2 his 0r1s6 2resu10bl/ in 0 5esture o3 2e0ce: LC0re3ul6B he s0id: LC0re3ul:B C0l1l/6 he re0ched into the 2ocket o3 his to2co0t: LM0tter o3 30ct6 1/ bu/er::: the 10n in Auestion::: s0id thereBd be so1eone else turnin5 u2 03ter the 2ro2ert/: $e3t 0 1es@ s05e: SeeIB He held so1ethin5 out 3or Ho1unculette to ins2ect: Ho1unculette blinked: It 40s 0 c0rd6 like 0 business c0rd6 but thinner th0n 202er 0nd 0 brilli0nt sil=er in colour: C0utiousl/6 he took it 3ro1 the Bl0ck M0nBs h0nd6 then turned it o=er in his 20l1: The c0rd 40s co=ered in scr0tches 0nd s4irls6 4hich see1ed to reor50nise the1sel=es 0s he 40tched6 3or1in5 4ords in Hi5h G0lli3re/0n: He noticed 0 set o3 co@ordin0tes6 0220rentl/ 3or 0 TARDIS n0=i50tion0l s/ste1:


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LAn in=it0tionIB Ho1unculette Aueried: LSeeI "ou 40nt the 2ro2ert/6 /ou 5o t0lk to the ne4 o4ner:B The Bl0ck M0n le0ned b0ck on his throne: L"ou 40nt 0n/ bi5shot 5uns6 /ou co1e b0ck6 h0hIB Ho1unculette looked u2 0t hi16 but the 10n h0d 0lre0d/ closed his e/es: He 40=ed 0t the 40lls6 0nd the 3e10le =oice st0rted sh0kin5 the 3loor 050in: L111every time $e say goodbye1/ Oh look1 %ere comes %omunculette1 %e/s snarling0 ) see1 ) suppose that means $e/ll be reporting another mission (ailure1 It took Ho1unculette 0l1ost 0n hour to 5et b0ck to M0rie: He decided it 40s so1ethin5 to do 4ith the 0n0rchitect 1o=in5 the l0nd10rks 0round6 but 4hen he told M0rie this6 she insisted heBd Eust 5ot hi1@ sel3 lost: LI didnBt detect 0n/ 0n0rchitect6B she s0id6 2ointedl/: The/ stood in the s2ot 4here the/Bd 0rri=ed on E0rth6 neDt to 0 5re0t 5re/ sl0b o3 ro0d40/ on the other side o3 the ri=er: In her current bod/6 M0rie 40s 0 5ood he0d t0ller th0n Ho1unculette6 her skin the s01e colour 0s chocol0te6 her h0ir 2l0ited behind her b0ck: Her clothes 4ould 2rob0bl/ h0=e been 30shion0ble in the e0rlier h0l3 o3 the t4ent/@second centur/6 0lthou5h ,('7 40s 0 notorious 30shion bl0cks2ot6 0220rentl/: LI told /ou6 the brid5e =0nished 3ro1 under 1e6B Ho1unculette 5ru1bled: LAre /ou sure /ou didnBt Eust 30ll o33 itIB Ho1unculette 50=e her his best sco4l: LO2en u26B he s0id: M0rie si5hed6 then dre4 0 line 0cross her 30ce 4ith her 3in5er6 3ro1 the centre o3 her 3orehe0d to the ti2 o3 her chin: Her he0d o2ened u2 obli5in5l/6 the cr0ck un3oldin5 into 0 door40/ bi5 enou5h to 0cco11od0te 0 decent@si;ed hu10noid: Ho1unculette =0nished into her interior6 0nd her 30ce 3olded itsel3 b0ck into the usu0l con3i5ur0tion behind hi1: Seconds l0ter6 she de10teri0lised 4ith 0 4hee;in56 5ro0nin5 sound: LAn/ ide0s 4ho le3t the in=it0tionIB M0rie 0sked: Ho1unculette looked u2: Hi5h 0bo=e hi16 the do1e o3 the console roo1 resol=ed itsel3 into 0 102 o3 the loc0l ti1e contours: M0rie stretched 3luorescent lines bet4een the bu12s 0nd eddies6 usin5 the co@ordin0tes on the in=ite c0rd to c0lcul0te the shortest 2ossible route 3ro1 t4ent/@second centur/ En5@ l0nd to their ne4 destin0tion: L"ouBre the one 4ith the d0t0b0nks6B Ho1unculette s0id: L"ou tell 1e:B $ike 0ll t/2e (-* TARDIS units6 on the outside M0rie rese1bled 0n inh0bit0nt o3 4h0te=er en=iron@ 1ent she h022ened to l0nd in: And like 0ll t/2e (-* TARDIS units6 on the inside she tended to 10ke her 2resence 3elt 0s 0 dise1bodied =oice: E=er/ no4 0nd then6 Ho1unculette 5ot the n0st/ 3eelin5 she 40s st0rtin5 to de=elo2 delusions o3 5odhood: LI see 4eBre he0din5 3or 1ore E0rth co@ordin0tes6B M0rie 1used6 ne0tl/ ch0n5in5 the subEect: LI 4ish 4e could 5o so1e4here eDotic 3or 0 ch0n5e: %ic; I 3eel like 3leDin5 1/ 5r0=it/ co12ens0tors: I3 I s2end one 1ore d0/ in 0 G@t/2e en=iron1ent6 IBll 5et rickets:B LSto2 co12l0inin5 or IBll t0ke /ou b0ck to Dronid:B LS0dist: !o46 letBs see: WeBre he0din5 3or 0n E0st Indi0n loc0tion6 0bout 0 centur/ in the rel0ti=e 20st: H11: Actu0ll/6 I donBt think IB=e 5ot 0n/thin5 suit0ble to 4e0r: I h0=e 0n A10;oni0n su2er1odel on 3ile6 but th0tBs 0bout 0s ne0r to the 10rk 0s I c0n 5et: IB1 5oin5 to h0=e to 2ick u2 so1e decent 30shion 0ccessories once 4e 5et there:B LWeBre 5oin5 to h0=e to do so1ethin5 0bout th0t !0rcissus co12leD o3 /ours6B Ho1unculette sco4led: LI3 /ou 5i=e 0n intelli5ent entit/ 0 ch01eleon circuit6 /ou c0n h0rdl/ eD2ect her not to de=elo2 0 sense o3 =0nit/: And donBt bother 5ettin5 co13ort0ble6 b/ the 40/: We 0rri=ed in the E0st Indies ReVit


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None t4ent/@3our seconds 05o6 loc0l ti1e:B LI kno46B s0id Ho1unculette: LI he0rd /ou hiccu2: One o3 these d0/s6 4eBre 5oin5 to h0=e to 5et th0t 3iDed6 0s 4ell:B


Accordin5 to the c0lend0r on her 4rist40tch GK020nese desi5n6 c020ble o3 tellin5 the ti1e 0t thirt/ le05ues belo4 se0 le=el 0nd 5oin5 >ee2? ri5ht in the 1iddle o3 school 0sse1bl/H6 S010nth0 An5eline Kones h0d kno4n the Doctor 3or se=en 1onths6 three 4eeks6 0nd siD d0/s: B/ S01Bs reckonin56 this 1e0nt he s0id or did so1ethin5 2ro3oundl/ str0n5e e=er/ ,:( hours6 on 0=er05e: Includin5 the hours 4hen S01 40s 0slee26 n0tch: O3ten6 sheBd 40ke u2 in her roo1 on bo0rd the TARDIS in the e0rl/ hours o3 the Grel0ti=eH 1ornin56 onl/ to disco=er th0t the Doctor h0d done t4o or three dee2l/ ineD2li@ c0ble thin5s durin5 the ni5ht6 le0=in5 the e=idence l/in5 in 1ess/ little he02s 0round the shi2Bs cor@ ridors: But tod0/ 40s 0 5ood d0/ 3or hi5h str0n5eness6 e=en b/ the DoctorBs st0nd0rds: Since sheBd 4oken u26 S01 h0d been 1/sti3ied b/ 0 5r0nd tot0l o3 3i=e di33erent thin5s: Strange thing number one: the DoctorBs de20rture: S01 h0d 40ndered into the 5r0nd do1e o3 the TARDIS console roo1 to 3ind hi1 2re20rin5 to le0=e the shi2: The doors h0d been o2en6 0nd heBd been st0ndin5 0t the threshold6 str0i5htenin5 his E0cket 0s i3 re0d/in5 hi1sel3 3or 0n i12ort0nt bo0rdroo1 1eetin5: He 4ould h0=e looked 2rett/ s10rt6 i3 it h0dnBt been 3or the 5r022lin5 hook slun5 o=er his shoulder: Strange thing number t$o: the DoctorBs eD2l0n0tion: HeBd looked 0l1ost e1b0rr0ssed 4hen heBd seen S016 0nd h0d 0cceler0ted his r0te o3 E0cket@str0i5htenin5 0ccordin5l/: LGoin5 3or 0 Auick 501e o3 chess6B heBd s0id: As heBd 40lked out o3 the TARDIS6 heBd 40rned her not to 3ollo4 hi1 under 0n/ cir@ cu1st0nces: S01 h0d obe/ed his instructions6 3or once: Kust to 2ro=e she could6 re0ll/: Strange thing number three: the co12uter si1ul0tion: A3ter the Doctor h0d le3t6 S01 h0d sni33ed 0round the console roo1 3or 0 bit6 3or the si12le re0son th0t she didnBt o3ten 5et the ch0nce to 3ondle the controls 4ithout h0=in5 the b0cks o3 her h0nds sl022ed: SheBd 3ound 0 co12uter 1onitor screen set into one o3 the 20nels6 0 screen sheBd ne=er noticed be3ore6 so either it 40s 0 ne4 0ddition to the l0/out or it h0d onl/ recentl/ been une0rthed 3ro1 bene0th the bits o3 h0rd40re 0nd e12t/ /o5hurt 2ots th0t ke2t clutterin5 u2 the console: $ike e=er/thin5 else on the TARDIS6 the co12uter h0d looked 2osi@ ti=el/ 0n0chronistic: The 5r02hics h0d been bri5ht 0nd block/6 the kind /ou used to 5et on those cr02 old 1icroco12uters the/ h0d in schools b0ck in the B)-s: On the dis2l0/6 thereBd been 0 crude re2resent0tion o3 0n o33ice block6 0 5re/ sl0b co=ered in bi5 sAu0re 4indo4s: Stuck to the side o3 the buildin56 tilted 0t ninet/ de5rees so its b0se 40s 0tt0ched to the outside 40ll6 thereBd been 0 rect0n5ul0r blue blob: The TARDIS6 S01 h0d 5uessed: As sheBd 40tched6 0n 0ni10ted 5r02hic h0d 2o22ed out o3 the buildin5: A little 2ink 10n6 tu1blin5 3ro1 0 to2@3loor 4indo4: The 10n@5r02hic h0d 30llen in 0n 0rc6 dro22in5 20st the TARDIS 0nd =0n@ ishin5 o33 the botto1 o3 the screen6 4hile 0t the to2 o3 the dis2l0/ the co12uter h0d reeled o33 0 series o3 co12leD eAu0tions to do 4ith the 3i5ureBs descent =elocit/: A3ter 0 4hile6 0nother 10n h0d 30llen out o3 the 4indo46 0t 0 di33erent 0n5le6 but heBd 0lso 1issed the TARDIS: The little 1en h0d ke2t co1in56 until6 3in0ll/6 one h0d hit the tin/ TARDIS: I11edi0tel/6 the 10n h0d =0nished6 0nd the TARDIS 5r02hic h0d 3l0shed =ictoriousl/: Then the 4hole seAuence h0d be5un 050in6 st0rtin5 4ith the 3irst6 doo1ed6 2ink le02er: Strange thing number (our: the DoctorBs re@entr/: While S01 h0d been tr/in5 to 3i5ure out the 2oint o3 the co12uter si1ul0tion6 thereBd been 0 thu12in5 sound 3ro1 so1e4here behind her: SheBd turned6 to see the Doctor l/in5 on his b0ck ne0r the TARDIS doors: HeBd been s2r04led 0t 0 2eculi0r 0n5le6 0r1s outstretched6 0s i3 heBd Eust 30llen out o3 the sk/: He h0dnBt been c0rr/in5 his 5r022lin5 hook: ,-


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S01 h0d 3olded her 0r1s6 4hich 40s 4h0t she usu0ll/ did 4hen she 40nted 0n eD2l0n0tion: The Doctor h0d l0in there 0 4hile6 not 1o=in56 0 hu5e 5rin 2l0stered 0cross his cho2s: #in0ll/6 heBd s0t u26 3lickin5 0 ro5ue 4is2 o3 h0ir out o3 his 30ce: LIntern0l 5r0=it/ co12ens0tors6B heBd be01ed: LDo /ou kno46 I h0d no ide0 4hether th0t 4ould 4orkIB And 3in0ll/6 strange thing number (ive: the DoctorBs sudden deter1in0tion to be so1e4here else: As soon 0s heBd 2icked hi1sel3 u2 o33 the 3loor6 heBd d0rted 0cross to the console 0nd h0d st0rted h01@ 1erin5 ne4 0l5orith1s into the s/ste1s6 e=entu0ll/ 2unchin5 G/es6 0ctu0ll/ 2unchin5H the de10teri0l@ is0tion s4itch: E=en no46 he 40s bus/ d0rtin5 0round the controls6 3in5erin5 this6 4obblin5 th0t: S01 h0dnBt un3olded her 0r1s /et: LGood 501eIB she 0sked6 1ore th0n 0 little tersel/: The Doctor 0ns4ered 4ith 0 40=e o3 his h0nd: LHe che0ts6B he s0id: LIB1 sure he che0ts: He 1o=es 2ieces 0round bet4een re5ener0tions:B LWho doesIB LThe Gener0l:B He 3in0ll/ looked u2 0t her6 0n eD2ression o3 do2e/@e/ed concern on his 30ce: S01 re0lised he 40s checkin5 out her clothes: LAre /ou sure th0tBs suit0bleIB S01 looked do4n 0t hersel3: She 40s 4e0rin5 4h0t she liked to think o3 0s The B0sics6 0 20ir o3 MQS Ee0ns6 0r1/ boots sheBd 3ound in 0n OD301 sho2 in Shoreditch6 0nd 0 t@shirt 3ro1 the TARDIS 40rdrobe th0t h0d 0220rentl/ been =er/ 30shion0ble in (78': L!o Ide0: I 1e0n6 seein5 0s /ou h0=enBt told 1e 4here it is 4eBre 5oin5 or 0n/thin5:B The Doctor 5l0nced do4n 0t the controls 050in: S01 4ondered i3 heBd 0lre0d/ 3or5otten their desti@ n0tion: LBorneo: E0st Indies ReVit None: $0te t4ent/@3irst centur/:B LBorneoI Th0tBs hot6 /e0hIB LWell6 Auite:B L!o 2roble16 then: Short slee=es 0nd 0r1/ boots: Good 3or 0 sunn/ d0/:B LI s0id it 40s hot: I ne=er s0id it 40s sunn/: ED2ect err0tic 4e0ther 0nd se=ere 0t1os2heric 2ollu@ tion:B The TARDIS 5round to 0 h0lt 0s he s2oke6 the colu1n 0t the he0rt o3 the console co1in5 to rest 4ith 0n 0ll@conAuerin5 thunk: As i3 the shi2 h0d run s10ck b0n5 into the 2h/sic0l uni=erse 0nd bruised its nose: S01 re0ched 3or the le=er 4hich6 eD2erience h0d t0u5ht her6 0cti=0ted the sc0nner: The Doctor sl022ed the b0ck o3 her h0nd6 0nd re0ched 3or 0n entirel/ di33erent le=er th0t did eD0ctl/ the s01e Eob: The ceilin5 shi11ered6 the do1e 3illin5 u2 4ith 0n i105e o3 the en=iron1ent outside the shi2: S01 0ssu1ed this 40s so1e kind o3 holo5r02hic techniAue6 0lthou5h the l0st ti1e sheBd s0id th0t to the Doc@ torBs 30ce heBd 5ru1bled so1ethin5 0bout 2ri1iti=e li3e@3or1s 0l40/s tr/in5 to brin5 technolo5/ do4n to their o4n le=el: Which 40s rich6 S01 h0d thou5ht6 co1in5 3ro1 0 10n 4ho used 10ser@1odul0ted 0rtron ener5/ to 10ke to0st: A 3orest c0no2/ 20inted itsel3 0cross the ceilin56 the br0nches stretchin5 0cross 0 3e0tureless 5re/ sk/: L$0te t4ent/@3irst centur/6B noted S01: LSo1e o3 the r0in3orests 10de it6 then:B L!o the/ didnBt: Th0tBs 4h/ this is 0 ReVit None:B The Doctor 2ressed 0nother s4itch on the con@ sole6 0220rentl/ 0t r0ndo1: As luck 4ould h0=e it6 the s4itch 40s the one th0t o2ened the doors: T4o 0nd 0 h0l3 1inutes l0ter6 S01 3ound out 4h/ the Doctor h0d 0sked 0bout her clothes bein5 suit@ 0ble: The he0t 40snBt the 2roble1: A r0in3orest6 she told hersel36 isnBt Eust 0n En5lish 3orest 4ith the te1@ 2er0ture turned u2: The b0ck5round noise6 the s1ell6 the 2ricklin5 3eelin5 /ou 5et 4hen the s4e0t st0rts 2oolin5 u2 under /our 0r1s 0nd /our bre0stsC itBs 0 4hole ne4 r0n5e o3 eD2eriences: He0t or no he0t6 she 3elt like she needed 1ore clothes6 like she h0d to 2ut on 0n o=erco0t 0nd+or 0 bi5 3lo22/ h0t: It 40s 0 2s/cholo5ic0l thin56 she re0lised: Clothes 4ere 0 de3ence6 0 b0rrier bet4een her bod/ 0nd the en=i@


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ron1ent: She could 2r0ctic0ll/ 3eel the b0cteri0 cr04lin5 into her s/ste1: The insect bites didnBt hel26 either: LAlso6 4eBre bein5 40tched6B s0id the Doctor6 4ith his usu0l 3l0ir 3or 2seudo@tele20th/: He 40s ins2ectin5 the under5ro4th ne0r the TARDIS6 stridin5 0round the trees 4ith his h0nds behind his b0ck6 2olitel/ 0=oidin5 the 1ore intelli5ent@lookin5 2l0nts: S01 sc0nned the 5reener/6 but the onl/ 0ni10l li3e she could see 40s 0 sin5le touc0n6 e/ein5 her u2 3ro1 the br0nches o3 0 tree: re@ su10bl/6 th0t 40s 4h0t the Doctor h0d 1e0nt: LTh0tBs not 4h0t I 1e0nt6B the Doctor s0id: S01 considered 3oldin5 her 0r1s 050in6 but decided it 40snBt 4orth the bother: LSo64h0t eD0ctl/ 0re 4e doin5 in this 2l0ceI !ot th0t I des2er0tel/ 40nt to 5et out o3 here or 0n/thin5:B She e12h0sised the 4ords ) desperately $ant to get out o( here6 but the Doctor didnBt t0ke the hint: He st0rted sh0kin5 his he0d: LSo1ethin5 the Gener0l s0id: The E0st Indies ReVit None: So1ethin5 to do 4ith 1e: At le0st6 th0tBs 4h0t he i12lied:B LWh0t Gener0lIB LThe Gener0l: I 5et the n0st/ 3eelin5 thereBs 0 loose end so1e4here 0round here6 0nd IB1 1issin5 it:B The Doctor turned to the touc0n6 0nd shru55ed 02olo5etic0ll/: S01 didnBt look u2 0t the bird 050in: M0inl/ bec0use she 40s 4orried she 1i5ht see it shru55in5 b0ck: LRi5ht: $oose ends: Wh0t do 4e look 3or6 eD0ctl/IB LWe look 3or 4h0te=er it is the 2erson res2onsible 3or the thin5 4eBre lookin5 3or doesnBt 40nt us to 3ind:B The Doctor 20used6 to let th0t sink in: Or 2ossibl/ 3or bre0th: LWhile 4e 4ere 10teri0lisin56 the TARDIS noticed so1ethin5: So1ethin5 out o3 2h0se 4ith the nor10l e=ent chronolo5/: H0=e /ou seen Brigadoon6 b/ the 40/I Bi5 301il/ s2ect0cul0r: $ots o3 Scottish 2eo2le 4ith uncon=incin5 0ccents:B LEr::: IB=e seen Braveheart6 i3 th0tBs 0n/ 5ood:B L!o6 it isnBt:B The Doctor 3in0ll/ 3inished sh0kin5 his he0d6 0s i3 heBd onl/ Eust noticed he 40s still doin5 it: LThe 2oint is6 so1e4here 0round here is 0n obEect 4hich onl/ eDists 0t s2eci3ic 2redeter1ined ti1es: I con=inced the TARDIS to 10teri0lise in 2h0se 4ith it6 so 4h0te=er the obEect is6 4e should be 0ble to 3ind it 4hene=er 4e like: In theor/6 0n/40/:B S01 clicked her 3in5ers: LI 5et it: So6 4hen /ou s0id 4e 4ere bein5 40tched:::B LI 40s t0lkin5 0bout So1ersetBs leo20rd:B LCo1e 050inIB LSo1ersetBs leo20rd: Genetic0ll/ enh0nced 20nther: De=elo2ed on E0rth durin5 the ,-.-s6 used 0s 5u0rd do5s b/ the =er/ rich: Juite 0 st0tus s/1bol in K020n6 I belie=e:B S01 re0lised his e/es 4ere 3iDed on so1ethin5 behind her: She dul/ turned: She didnBt see 0n/thin5 1uch6 but then6 in 0n en=iron1ent 0s 3ull o3 stu(( 0s this one6 there 40s 2lent/ /ou could 1iss: $ots o3 colour6 lots o3 det0il: S02lin5s 4ith brilli0nt 5reen le0=es6 o=er@ri2e 3ruits th0t looked like eDh0usted 10n5os6 s20rklin5 /ello4 bloo1s shelterin5 bet4een the trees::: "ello4 bloo1s: er3ectl/ circul0r /ello4 bloo1s6 e0ch 4ith 0 bl0ck slit runnin5 3ro1 to2 to botto1: "ello4 bloo1s th0t onl/ 5re4 in 20irs6 0nd onl/ in those he0=il/ sh0ded 0re0s 4here the 3orest c0no2/ sto22ed the sunli5ht re0chin5 5round le=el: The /ello4 thin5s 1o=ed: St0/in5 in 20irs: Se=er0l 4ide6 c0t@like 30ces be50n to e1er5e 3ro1 the sh0de6 the >bloo1s? t4inklin5 in their sockets: The b0ck5round noise o3 the r0in3orest6 the t4itterin5s 0nd scr0tchin5s o3 the insects6 40s b0cked u2 b/ 0 b0ssline o3 lo4 5ro4lin5: L!ot the kind o3 4ildli3e /ouBd eD2ect to 3ind here6B the Doctor 4ent on6 hel23ull/: LIn 30ct6 the ReVit ecos/ste1 isnBt desi5ned to 0cco11od0te 0n/ l0r5e 2red0tor6 0lthou5h usu0ll/ FB LDoctor6B s0id S01: LH11IB LWh0t eD0ctl/ 0re 4e 5oin5 to doIB The Doctor cle0red his thro0t: LVer/ 5ood Auestion: Re1ind 1e6 did I e=er tell /ou 0bout > l0n B?IB


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RRR $ieuten0nt Bre510n looked u2 0t the ;i55ur0t6 0nd tried to re1e1ber ho4 to be i12ressed: Bein5 i12ressed 40s h0rder th0n it sounded6 ri5ht no4: 0rtl/ bec0use she 40s eDh0usted 03ter the trek throu5h the 3orest6 but 1ostl/ bec0use F h0=in5 seen 0n 0lien $ost Cit/ 022e0r out o3 no4here in the 1iddle o3 0 1022ed ReVit None F it 40s 5oin5 to t0ke 1ore th0n s10rt 0rchitecture to 10ke her 5o 3unn/ 0t the knees: And 40snBt th0t the 3irst si5n o3 Dis2l0cer S/ndro1eI Acce2tin5 the bi;0rre6 the 0lien6 the do4n@ ri5ht stu2id6 4ithout AuestionI A3ter the 3irst cou2le o3 C/ber10n incursions6 1ost o3 the 2oor sods 4hoBd 10n05ed to 5et out o3 &!IS"C h0d ended u2 either 3oundin5 reli5ious cults in $A or de=el@ o2in5 4h0t the 1ilit0r/ 2s/chi0trists c0lled >eDtended JuiDotis1?: Seein5 4ind1ills 0s 5i0nt 0lien 0tt0ck robots6 belie=in5 tin/ little 1en 4ere li=in5 inside their TV sets6 th0t kind o3 thin5: All o3 4hich 10de Bre510n think o3 her su2erior o33icer: %orte; 40s st0ndin5 0t her side6 st0rin5 u2 0t the stone 3ront05e o3 the ;i55ur0t: E=er/ centi1etre 40s co=ered in tin/ little ideo5r01s: Bre510n 4ondered i3 the Colonel 40s tr/in5 to re0d the1 0ll: LSirIB she s0id: He didnBt res2ond: LSir6 thereBs nobod/ here: We 4ere su22osed to be 1et: The in=it0tion:::B LThereBs so1ebod/ u2 there:B LSirIB LOn the roo3: ThereBs so1eone st0ndin5 on the roo3:B Bre510n looked u26 but she couldnBt see 0n/one: All she s04 4ere the hu5e ste22ed l0/ers o3 the buildin56 to4erin5 o=er the rest o3 the Cit/: All o3 0 sudden6 she 3elt incredibl/ n0useous: When she looked do4n 050in6 Colonel %orte; h0d =0nished: L$ieuten0ntIB Bre510n Eu12ed: There 40s 0 tunnel in 3ront o3 her6 0 rect0n5ul0r o2enin5 in the 3ront o3 the ;i5@ 5ur0t: Another one o3 those 022e0rin5@out@o3@thin@0ir@4ithout@0n/@40rnin5 thin5s6 Bre510n told her@ sel36 0nd she sur2rised hersel3 b/ not bein5 =er/ sur2rised: She could see the Colonel st0ndin5 in the 20ss05e40/6 3l0nked b/ torches6 the 3ireli5ht bouncin5 o33 the h0rd ed5es o3 his 30ce: He 40s lookin5 b0ck 0t her i120tientl/6 not underst0ndin5 4h/ she h0dnBt 3ollo4ed hi1 in /et: So Bre510n 3ollo4ed hi1 in: The tunnel 40s str0n5el/ co13ort0ble: !o c0r2ets or 3urnishin5s6 but co13ort0ble 0n/40/: The 40lls 4ere s1ooth6 un10rked b/ the s20ce10n c0r=in5s6 0nd so1eho4 the li5ht 3ro1 the torches 10n05ed to 10ke the 2l0ce look cos/ inste0d o3 horri3/in5: The corridor 3elt like it h0d been 0ir@conditioned6 0lthou5h there 4erenBt 0n/ =isible si5ns o3 =entil0tion: The chic o3 0n Inc0n ruin6 thou5ht Bre510n6 but 4ith 0ll the 1od cons thro4n in: The 20ss05e40/ 4idened out in 3ront o3 the16 e=entu0ll/ beco1in5 0 3our@40/ Eunction: The Colonel sto22ed 1o=in5: The 10n h0d 0 =05uel/ be1used look on his 30ce6 Bre510n noticed: But then6 he usu0ll/ did: When thin5s 4erenBt 4h0t the/ see1ed: L"ouBre correct6 $ieuten0nt6B %orte; told her: LSirIB LWe should h0=e been 1et: Recon:B LReconI Colonel6 I donBt FB L"ou 4ill st0/ here6 0t the 2oint 4e 4ill re3er to 0s Eunction nu1ber one: "ou 4ill 40it 3or 1/ return6 or 3or the 0rri=0l o3 the 20rt/ 4eBre due to 1eet: Is th0t cle0rIB L"e0h6 but::: I 1e0n6 is th0t our best o2tion6 SirI I3 4eBre se20r0ted:::B LThis is not to be considered 0 hostile en=iron1ent6 $ieuten0nt: This is 0 1ission o3 di2lo10c/: We 0re not to 0ntici20te 055ression o3 0n/ kind:B Bre510n cou5hed 02olo5etic0ll/: L"es6 Sir:B


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%orte; nodded6 then 10rched o33 0lon5 the 20ss05e40/ directl/ 0he0d: Bre510n 40tched the 40/ he 1o=ed: Sti33 li1bs6 1ech0nic0l 1o=e1ents: He 40lked like he t0lked6 she thou5ht: She tried sAuintin5 into the d0rkness in 3ront o3 hi16 but she couldnBt see the end o3 the 20ss05e6 not 3ro1 here: LTerri3ic6B she hissed6 0s soon 0s he 40s out o3 si5ht: She 4r022ed her 0r1s 0round hersel3: !ot th0t she 40s cold: "ou couldnBt be cold6 out here in the Indies: She 3elt eD2osed6 thou5h6 h0d done e=er since sheBd 0rri=ed on the isl0nd: Bein5 here6 in the 0lien stron5hold6 didnBt 10ke her 3eel 0n/ 1ore secure: Alien: Oh6 Kesus6 /es: %orte; h0d seen so1eone on the roo36 heBd s0id6 but he h0dnBt 5one into det0il: At the =er/ le0st6 Bre510n should h0=e 0sked: So1ebod/ hu10nI So1ebod/ hu10noidI She re1e1bered the book6 the little 2ocketbook6 the one sheBd been issued 4ith 4hen sheBd been 040rded (7@$ securit/ cle0r0nce b/ &!IS"C Centr0l: T/2ic0l o3 &!IS"C6 it h0d been c0lled The 4ye2 Spy Book o( #lien Monsters6 0nd bet4een the co=ers thereBd been 2ro3iles o3 e=er/ ET s2ecies the or50nis0tion h0d e=er shot 0t: The C/ber1en h0d been on the 3irst 205e6 unsur2risin5l/6 but the book h0d 5one on to describe such obscure 0nd eDcitin5 s2ecies 0s the M0rti0ns6 the Sel0chi0ns6 the %r/noids6 the Hur50lnooks6 the B0ndersn0tchers6 0nd the Rock@E0tin5 "ello4@Bellies: SheBd been ordered to 1e1orise the book6 then e0t it: Onl/ l0ter6 4hen sheBd 50ined ,-@$ cle0r0nce6 h0d she been in3or1ed th0t the book 40s 0 credulit/ test: Onl/ 0 h0nd3ul o3 the BEMs in it 4ere re0l: The rest h0d been in=ented b/ so1e idiot in Centr0lBs Tr0inin5 Di=ision: The 3irst si5n o3 ins0nit/6 her su2eriors h0d chuckled6 40s 4hen /ou re0d the book 0nd belie=ed e=er/ 4ord o3 it: Oh6 0nd /ou 4erenBt re0ll/ su22osed to e0t it6 either: So1ebod/ s2oke: Bre510n 20nicked: LHelloIB she s0id: She turned6 checked the corridor6 s04 nothin5: So1ebod/ s2oke 050in: Too Auietl/ to 10ke out the 4ords6 thou5h: Co1e to think o3 it6 there 1i5ht not h0=e been 0n/ 4ords: Or e=en 0n/ noises: !o noises: Bre510n tried to 5et 0 5ri2 on 4h0t she 40s thinkin5: SheBd de3initel/ he0rd so1ethin56 but it 40s 0s i3 the sound h0d 5one ri5ht into her skull6 not sto22in5 0t her e0rs 3irst: Subsonics6 thenI She tried to identi3/ the direction the non@sound h0d co1e 3ro16 0nd decided on 0 side@20ss05e6 the one to the le3t: &h@huh: But this 40s 0 re0l horror 3lick 1o1ent6 ri5htI Cue innocent 3e10le ch0r0cter6 he0rin5 0 noise 0nd 5oin5 o33 to in=esti50te 0lone: Re0d/ to h0=e her 0r1s bitten o33 b/ the 0lien 1onster round the corner: Alien 1onster: Soberin5 thou5ht6 0round here: Bre510n sto22ed 1o=in5: The side@20ss05e 40s 1uch like the 10in corridor6 but there 4ere door40/s on either side6 h0l3 0 do;en in 0ll: She couldnBt 10ke out the 30r end o3 the corridor6 0lthou5h th0t 40s 4here the sound see1ed to be co1in5 3ro1: Ahe0d: Ahe0d6 0nd do4n: She listened: !o6 she didnBt need to listen: And it 40snBt subsonics6 it 4ent dee2er th0n th0t: I3 the sound 40s re0chin5 her br0in 4ithout touchin5 her e0rs::: tele20th/I M0/be: Bre510n h0d been 5i=en 0 >4h0t to do in c0se o3 2sionic 0tt0ck? lesson 0t the colle5e in Gene=06 but the 0d=ice h0d been =05ueC e=en Centr0l still 40snBt sure 0bout the 2s/chic stu33: She tried to re1e1ber 4hich o3 the 0liens in the E/e@S2/ book 4ere su22osed to h0=e tele20thic 0bilities: The Ti1e $ords did: The Juirk03lee5s did: Or 4ere the/ 10de u2I Bre510n suddenl/ 3ound she 40s 1o=in5 050in6 40nderin5 to40rds the source o3 the noise: She sto22ed: She sto22ed ri5ht neDt to one o3 the door40/s: There 40s 1o=e1ent 3ro1 the roo1 inside: Bre510n turned her he0d: As 30r 0s she could 10ke out6 the roo1 40s 0l1ost entirel/ b0re: But then6 the 3urnishin5s 4erenBt


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the 3irst thin5 on her 1ind: There 40s 0 si12le bunk on the other side o3 the ch01ber6 o22osite the door40/6 0 sin5le 3i5ure 2erched on its ed5e: The 3i5ureBs 3eet 4ere on the 3loor6 its shoulders hunched6 its 3e0tures lit b/ the 5utterin5 torches: It 40s hu10n: Hu10noid: M0le: We0rin5 clothes: Wh0t kind o3 clothesI Bre510n 3ound it h0rd to c0re: It h0d 0 he0d6 0 nor10l@sh02ed he0d6 0nd the 30ce::: The 30ce 1o=ed 0s she 40tched: The skin broke o2en be3ore her e/es: #olds un3olded6 4rinkles re0dEusted the1sel=es: Sh0r2 4hite obEects6 h0rd 0nd solid6 e1er5ed 3ro1 the 3lesh: S1ilin5: Th0t 40s 0ll it 40s doin5: S1ilin5: Oh6 God: The 30ce 40s Eust 0 30ce6 0 nor10l 30ce6 but e=er/thin5 th0t 10de 0 hu10n bein5 re0ll/ hu10n h0d been sucked out o3 it: It 40s 0s i3 her 1ind couldnBt 0cce2t this collection o3 3e0tures 0s 0 30ce 0t 0ll: She could onl/ see it 0s 0 lu12 o3 skin 0nd bone6 couldnBt 0tt0ch 0n/ hu10nit/ to it6 the 40/ /ou 4ere su22osed to 4hen /ou c01e 30ce@to@30ce 4ith 0nother li=in5 thin5: The 10n on the bed ke2t s1ilin5: A de0d 10nBs 5rin: $ike he kne4 4h0t the rest o3 the 4orld 4ould think o3 hi16 0nd didnBt 1uch c0re: Bre510n 3elt 1uscles t4itch behind her cheeks: She re0lised so1e 20rt o3 her unconscious h0d res2onded to hi16 40s tr/in5 to s1ile b0ck: At the s01e ti1e6 her h0nd 40s re0chin5 3or her belt6 tr/in5 to 3ind her 5un: But o3 course6 she 40snBt c0rr/in5 0 5un: This 40s 0 1ission o3 di2lo10c/: This 40snBt to be con@ sidered 0 hostile en=iron1ent: LBiod0t06B s0id the Doctor: LWh0t a2huh 0bout itIB s0id S01: LI kne4 there 40s so1ethin5 4ron5 0s soon 0s 4e ste22ed out huh2huh o3 the TARDIS: We Ti1e $ords h0=e cert0in huh 1ech0nis1s built into our o4n biod0t0: It 10kes us huh2hun =er/ sensiti=e to distortions in the biod0t0 0round us:B L"ou 1e0n a2huh like D!A6 ri5htIB L!ot Eust D!A: When I s0/ biod0t0 huh2huh I 1e0n so1ethin5 th0t 5oes dee2er th0n huh2huh2huh si12le 5enetics: In e=er/ cell o3 e=er/ or50nis16 thereBs 0 1ine o3 in3or10tion 40itin5 to be huh 0ccessed: #or eD012le6 su22osin5 /ou tr0=el throu5h 0 huh2huh 3our@di1ension0l huh 3eedb0ck loo2 in the TARDIS: Bec0use o3 the =0rious huh ener5ies rele0sed b/ the loo26 the eD2erience o3 the huh2huh2 huh2huh Eourne/ 4ill be encoded into the =er/ huh essence o3 /our biolo5/: I3 /ou kno4 ho4 to re0d it6 /ou c0n disco=er the 1ost re10rk0ble thin5s 3ro1 huh biohuhd0t0huh:B LI didnBt a2huh kno4 th0t:B L!o: Well: The hu10n r0ce doesnBt re0ll/ h0=e 1uch need 3or 0d=0nced biod0t0 technolo5/: Genetics is the onl/ huh2huh thin5 /our s2ecies re0ll/ c0res 0bout: O3 course6 5enetic in3or10tion does 3or1 20rt o3 /our biod0t0 huh 10triD6 but itBs not 0ll there is to it:B LAnd /ou reckon a2huh a2huh a2huh so1eoneBs a2huh 3iddled 4ith the biod0t0 o3 these leo20rdsIB LI think so1eoneBs >3iddled 4ith? the biod0t0 o3 huuuuuuh this 4hole en=iron1ent:B L#2huh: O%: DoctorIB L"esIB LHo4 lon5 h0=e 4e been runnin56 no4IB LWh/I !ot out o3 huh bre0th6 0re /ouIB LWho6 1eI #2huh: God6 no:B LGood:B Without 40rnin56 the Doctor let 5o o3 S01Bs h0nd: She 5ur5led in 2rotest6 lost her b0l0nce6 0nd 2itched 3or40rd: The Doctor h0d been dr055in5 her 0lon5 behind hi16 0s i3 heBd thou5ht she 4ouldnBt h0=e kno4n ho4 to run on her o4n: All the ti1e6 sheBd been 0ble to he0r the c0ts 2oundin5 throu5h the under5ro4th behind the1: In the trees6 the touc0ns h0d been screechin5 like c0r 0l0r1s: S01 2ulled her 30ce out o3 the 1ulch on the 3orest 3loor: #or the 3irst ti1e6 she re0lised she 40s in


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3ront o3 0 buildin5: It re1inded her o3 one o3 those 2l0ces /ou used to see on #rthur 1 larke/s Mysterious &orld6 0n old te12le co=ered in scr0tch/ little stick 3i5ures: The buildin5 40s no bi55er th0n 0 l0r5e shed6 built out o3 stone the colour o3 dent0l 2l0Aue: The Doctor stood in 3ront o3 the entr0nce6 idl/ ins2ectin5 the c0r=in5s 0round the 0rch40/: S01 c0st 0 5l0nce b0ck o=er her shoulder: She s04 the under5ro4th bein5 2ushed 0side6 s04 he0=/ 1uscles ti5htenin5 under co33ee@coloured 3ur: But the Doctor 40s still ins2ectin5 the c0r=in5s6 0s thou5h he h0d 0ll the ti1e in the 4orld: He 40s like th0t6 so1eti1es: He 40s like th0t 0t the 4orst o3 ti1es: S01 o2ened her 1outh to shout out 0 40rnin56 but 0 1o1ent l0ter6 he 40s 5one6 =0nished into the 1outh o3 the buildin5: S01 dr055ed hersel3 o33 the 5round 0nd stu1bled 03ter hi1: LOh6 5ood 5rie36B the Doctor s0id to hi1sel3: There 40snBt 1uch roo1 to 1o=e inside the buildin5C 1ost o3 the s20ce 40s t0ken u2 b/ the 10chine: To the n0ked e/e6 it 40s 0 si12le cube6 siD 3eet 0lon5 e0ch side6 10de 3ro1 the s01e 10teri0l 0s the buildin5 itsel3: Its sur30ce 40s co=ered in 20nels6 0ll en5r0=ed 4ith the s01e tired old 2icto@ 5r01s: All the 0rtistic inte5rit/ o3 40ll202er6 the Doctor decided: He ste22ed closer to the 10chine: The bits o3 hi1 th0t 4ere hu10n insisted it 40s nothin5 1ore th0n 0 block o3 stone: #ortun0tel/6 the bits th0t 4erenBt kne4 better: He could 3eel the e33ect the de=ice 40s h0=in5 on the en=iron1ent6 its little 10ni2ul0tions6 its biolo5ic0l 5r0=it/: His senses h0d dr04n hi1 to it6 2ulled hi1 here 0cross the r0in3orest: He he0rd S01 stu1ble into the buildin5 behind hi16 50s2in5 3or bre0th: LDoctor FB she be50n: LShhh6B s0id the Doctor: He b0shed the 10chine6 t4ice6 4ith his 3ists: Obli5in5l/6 one entire 20nel6 t4o 3eet 4ide 0nd t4o 3eet hi5h6 3ell 040/ 3ro1 the sur30ce: It 3elt 1ore like 2l0stic th0n stone6 0nd it bounced 4hen it hit the 5round: The Doctor 2eered into the s20ce inside the block6 eD01inin5 the intern0l 4orkin5s: The technolo5/ 40s 30irl/ str0i5ht3or40rd: V0rious electronic co12onents 4ere E011ed into the interior6 su2erdense 2l0stic c0bles connectin5 1or2ho5enic 3ission =i0ls to the biosensor/ b/2ut s/ste1s: There 4ere 0lso 0 nu1ber o3 little 3l0shin5 li5hts6 but he h0d no ide0 4h0t those 4ere: He sAuee;ed both his h0nds into the s20ce: S01 40s 0t his shoulder no46 scr02in5 his neck 4ith short6 ner=ous bre0ths: Outside6 the 4hole 3orest 40s 5ro4lin5: LWh0t FB be50n S01: LItBs 0 securit/ de=ice6B the Doctor eD2l0ined: LI thou5ht 0s 1uch 4hen I s04 the leo20rds:B He 40tched S01Bs re0ction out o3 the corner o3 his e/e: LThis controls the biod0t0 0round hereIB L!ot eD0ctl/: The ReVit None 40s desi5ned b/ hu10ns6 0nd hu10ns didnBt build this: The 10chine 40s 2l0nted here b/ so1eone else: So1eone 4ho 40nted to 2rotect their 2ro2ert/:B LThen this thin5 controls the leo20rdsIB LAnd the insects:B The 3orest ke2t 5ro4lin5: The Doctor 4ondered i3 heBd see 0 bi5 c0t st0ndin5 in the entr0nce i3 he turned 0round: He 10de the 2oint 0c0de1ic b/ not turnin5 round: LAs soon 0s 4e ste22ed out o3 the TARDIS6 I 40s bitten b/ so1ethin5: So 4ere /ou: I3 I kno4 1/ biotechnolo5/6 the insects 0re 2ro5r011ed to t0ke biod0t0 s012les 3ro1 0n/one 4ho 5ets too close: I3 the/ decide the =is@ itorBs 3riendl/6 0llBs 4ell 0nd 5ood: I3 not6 the/ c0ll out the 5u0rds:B But 4hoBd use 0 securit/ s/ste1 this co12lic0ted6 he 4ondered6 0nd 4ho 4ere the/ tr/in5 to i12ressI LThis 10chine cont0ins biod0t0 s012les 3ro1 e=er/one 4hoBs 0uthorised to be here6B he concluded: L"ou 1e0n6 like 0 5uest listIB L$ike 0 5uest list: Ah:B The DoctorBs 3in5ers touched liAuid6 brushed the sur30ce o3 0 tin/ reser=oir


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dee2 inside the 5uts o3 the 10chine: A 3luid bio@0rr0/6 then: er3ect: The subst0nce 40s stick/ 0nd ri22led eD2ect0ntl/ bene0th his 3in5erti2s: LGi=e 1e /our h0nd:B LWh/IB s0id S01: So he i5nored her6 5r0bbed her h0nd 0n/40/6 0nd locked it bet4een his 3in5ers: LO46B she s0id6 0s he thrust both his h0nd 0nd hers into the bio@0rr0/: There 40s 0 1o1ent o3 sheer bodil/ con3usion6 0s the Doctor 3or5ot eD0ctl/ 4ho he 40s 0nd 4h0t he 40s doin5: A side@e33ect o3 co1in5 into cont0ct 4ith the 0rr0/6 he re0soned: He 40s beco1in5 20rt o3 it6 0nd it 40s tr/in5 to beco1e 20rt o3 hi16 tr/in5 to 3orce its d0t0 into his bios/ste1: He denied it 0ccess6 0nd told it to st0/ o33 S016 0s 4ell: The bio@0rr0/ obli5ed: It kne4 better th0n to 0r5ue 4ith 0 li3e@3or1 like hi1: The Doctor 4ithdre4 his h0nd6 0nd let 5o o3 S01: His 3in5ers 4erenBt e=en 4et: The 0rr0/ h0d b0cked do4n6 0nd no4 it 40s kee2in5 itsel3 to itsel3: S01 10de 0 sudden 50s2in5 sound: The Doctor turned: One o3 the 20nthers 40s st0ndin5 0t the threshold o3 the buildin56 its 1uscul0ture 2r0ctic0ll/ 3illin5 the 0rch40/: Thou5h its bod/ looked tense6 there 40s 0 30intl/ be4ildered look on its 30ce6 0s i3 it h0d been in the 2rocess o3 doin5 so1ethin5 i12ort0nt6 but h0d 3or5otten eD0ctl/ 4h0t: The Doctor ste22ed 3or40rd: The 0ni10l didnBt re0ct: He ke2t 40lkin56 until he 40s ri5ht in 3ront o3 the cre0ture6 then re0ched out 3or its 30ce: A3ter 0 1o1entBs thou5ht6 the 20nther st0rted lickin5 his 3in5ers: The Doctor s1iled: LWeBre on the 5uest list6B he s0id: Mr JiDotl 40ddled 0lon5 the 20ss05e40/ 0t 3ull tilt6 4onderin5 i3 heBd be 0ble to ret0in th0t di5ni3ied6 2ro3ession0l 0ir e=en 4hen thin5s 4ere 30llin5 020rt 0round his e0rs: !ot th0t 0n/thin5 h0d 5one 4ron56 0s such: The >2ro2ert/? 40s s03e6 Ho1unculette h0dnBt 5ot round to 2h/sic0ll/ 0ss0ultin5 hi16 0nd e=er/thin5 40s 5oin5 0ccordin5 to schedule: #ro1 the 2oint o3 =ie4 o3 di2lo10c/6 thou5h6 thin5s could h0=e been better: The hu10ns h0d turned u2 0t the ;i55ur0t: T4o o3 the16 both 3ro1 &!IS"C: Mr JiDotl h0d been so bus/ 0r5uin5 4ith Ho1unculette6 he h0dnBt e=en noticed their 0rri=0l until heBd run into the 10n F %orte;6 his n01e 40s F in one o3 the tunnels bet4een the entr0nce 0nd the con3erence h0ll: The trouble 40s6 the 10n h0d le3t the other hu10n re2 b0ck in the 10in corridor6 0nd b/ the ti1e Mr JiDotl h0d re0ched her sheBd 0lre0d/ stu1bled 0cross the 5uest roo1s: At le0st6 sheBd stu1bled 0cross Tr0skBs 5uest roo1: The 5irl h0d been 0t the ;i55ur0t entr0nce 4hen JiDotl h0d 3ound her6 retchin5 her 5uts out: HeBd hustled the t4o hu10ns into the cockt0il loun5e6 the 3e10le lookin5 decidedl/ 5reen 0round the 5l0nds: HeBd le3t the1 there 4ith 0 co12li1ent0r/ bottle o3 so1ethin5 he didnBt think the/Bd 3ind too toDic6 s0/in5 heBd 3or10ll/ introduce the1 to the others soon6 0nd 0ssurin5 %orte; th0t /es6 0ctu@ 0ll/6 the ch0irs 4ere eD0ctl/ 4h0t the/ see1ed: Mr JiDotl skidded to 0 h0lt in the 5uest@roo1 corridor: "e0h6 O%6 so 10/be the hu10n 4o10n h0d 0 2oint: Tr0sk 40snBt 0n e0s/ entit/ to de0l 4ith6 not b/ 0n/oneBs st0nd0rds: Ho1unculette looked the s01e 0s 0n/ other hu10noid6 0nd /ou e=en 5ot used to the Shi3t6 03ter 0 4hile: Tr0sk6 thou5h::: it 40snBt 0s i3 there 40s 0n/thin5 2h/sic0ll/ 4ron5 4ith the 10n6 0s such: I3 /ou s04 0 2hoto o3 hi16 /ouBd think he 40s 2er3ectl/ nor10l: It 40s onl/ 4hen /ou s04 hi16 in the 3lesh6 th0t /ou re0lised: The si5n0ls he 50=e o33: The ;o1bie bod/ l0n5u05e: He didnBt 1o=e like 0 li=in5 thin5: M0inl/ bec0use he $asn/t 0 li=in5 thin5: Mr JiDotl steeled hi1sel36 then 40lked u2 to the door40/ o3 Tr0skBs roo1: LA3ternoon6 Mr T6B he s0id6 tr/in5 to sound cheer/: LI he0r /ou h0d 0 little =isitor:B Tr0sk 40s sittin5 on the bed6 0 skelet0l s1ile 3iDed on his 30ce: The 5irl h0d s0id heBd been s1ilin56 JiDotl re1e1bered: He 4ondered i3 Tr0sk h0d ch0n5ed his 30ci0l eD2ression since sheBd been here: L"es6B s0id Tr0sk: LThis roo1 h0s no door:B


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His =oice6 like his 30ce6 h0d 0bsolutel/ no tr0ce o3 li3e in it: JiDotl h0d to concentr0te Eust to 3i5ure out 4h0t the 4ords he s0id 0ctu0ll/ 1e0nt: L"e0h: Sorr/ 0bout th0t: Desi5n o=ersi5ht: !ot too 1uch o3 0 2roble16 I ho2eIB L!o: Mr JiDotlIB LEr16 /e0hIB LI 40nt to s2e0k to /ou: In 2ri=0te:B So1ethin5 turned in JiDotlBs sto10ch: LBit on the bus/ side ri5ht no46 Mr T: Dele50tes turnin5 u2 0ll o=er the 2l0ce 0nd e=er/thin5: M0/be l0ter on 4e c0n 3i5ure so1ethin5 out6 /e0hIB L"ou kno4 4ho I re2resent6B Tr0sk cre0ked: Mr JiDotl 5l0nced 0round the roo16 ho2in5 to 3ind 0n eDcuse to end the con=ers0tion: &nsur2ris@ in5l/6 there 40snBt one: Tr0skBs roo1 40s b0re6 020rt 3ro1 the bunk: LI kno46 Mr Tr0sk6 I kno4: $ook6 I 4onBt tell 0n/ o3 the others6 i3 th0tBs 4h0t /ouBre 4orried 0bout: DiscretionBs 0ssured6 /e0hI A lot o3 the other bidders h0=enBt 10de their6 er6 their 0lle5i0nces eD0ctl/ 2ublic6 i3 /ou 3ollo4 1e:B LI 40nt to 10ke 0 de0l:B JiDotl st0red 0t hi1: Then 4ished he h0dnBt: LWell6 /e0h: I 1e0n6 /ouBll h0=e /our ch0nce to 10ke /our bid FB L!o: I 40nt to 10ke 0 de0l: With /ou: Con3identi0ll/: Be3ore the 0uction:B LTh0tBs not eD0ctl/6 /Bkno46 re5ul0r6B s0id Mr JiDotl: LI kno46B s0id Tr0sk: There 4ere 0 lot o3 5uest roo1s in the ;i55ur0t: More6 in 30ct6 th0n 4ould e=er be needed: The lo4est le=el 40s 0 =erit0ble l0b/rinth o3 corridors6 2e22ered 4ith 2seudo@stone ch01bers 3ull o3 40r1 0ir 0nd torchli5ht: There 40s 0bsolutel/ no need 3or 0n/ 1ore roo1s to be 0dded: !e=ertheless6 0 ne4 door40/ s2ont0neousl/ 022e0red in the 40ll o3 one o3 the side@20ss05es6 10te@ ri0lisin5 4ith 0n u5l/ 5r0tin5 sound 4hich F 0ccordin5 to one 2o2ul0r 1/tholo5/6 0t le0st F 40s the sound o3 Ti1e itsel3 5ro0nin5 in 05on/: In de3i0nce o3 the nor10l l04s o3 s20ti0l di1ension6 0 ne4 set o3 roo1s 022e0red on the other side o3 the door40/: A3ter 0 4hile6 t4o 3i5ures ste22ed out into the corridor6 0nd stood there 3or 0 3e4 1o1ents6 sur@ =e/in5 their surroundin5s: The shorter o3 the t4o 4ore 0 Victori0n 3uner0l 5o4n6 he0=/ skirts s4ee2in5 the 3loor6 0 d0rk =eil 2ulled 0cross her 30ce: The t0ller 3i5ure 4ore 0 suit6 Eust 0s so1bre in st/le: !ot eD0ctl/ ele50nt6 but cert0inl/ 3or10l: Cere1oni0l6 e=en: Bene0th the 4o10nBs =eil 40s 0 30ce o3 r04 bone: The snout 40s sh0r26 the E04 40s set into 0 2er@ 10nent leer6 0nd there 4ere E055ed holes on either side o3 the 30ce6 e12t/ s20ces 4here the delic0te 1ech0nis1s o3 the e0rs should h0=e been: The 3e0tures o3 0 skeleton6 the skull o3 0n enor1ous b0t: The 10nBs 30ce 40s6 to 0ll intents 0nd 2ur2oses6 identic0l: The t4o 3i5ures locked 0r1s6 then turned6 0s one: The/ 1o=ed o33 0lon5 the corridor6 0t 0 20ce th0t could onl/ h0=e been described 0s >rel0Ded?: T4o 1ore o3 Mr JiDotlBs 5uests h0d 0rri=ed in the ;i55ur0t:


E=er/ no4 0nd then6 S01 3ound hersel3 thinkin5 o3 the Doctor 0s 0 set o3 res2onses6 not 0 10n F h0l3@ 10n F person F 0t 0ll: M0/be6 Eust 10/be6 th0t 40s the onl/ 40/ 0 2oD/ hu10n 1ind like hers could co1e to ter1s 4ith hi1: As 0n eAu0tion6 r0ther th0n 0 li=in5 bein5: A 3unction o3 the uni=erse6 4hose 2ur2ose 40s to G0H bre0k into 2l0ces 0nd GbH bre0k out o3 the1 050in: It didnBt 10tter 4hether he 40s de0lin5 4ith 0 c0st@iron 20dlock or 0 bunch o3 5enetic0ll/ en5ineered touc0ns: Securit/ de=ices 4ould t0ke one look 0t hi1 0nd 5i=e u2: The 40ll o3 the >$ost Cit/? h0dnBt been 30r 3ro1 the outhouse 4here the Doctor h0d 3ound the biod0t0 10chine: HeBd strolled ri5ht throu5h the Cit/ 0rch40/ 4ithout 0 second thou5ht6 he0d in the 0ir6 h0nds behind his b0ck: HeBd 10de str0i5ht 3or the centr0l 2/r01id6 sni33in5 disd0in3ull/ 0t the s10ller buildin5s 0round it: LShodd/ 4ork10nshi26B heBd 1u1bled6 1ore th0n once: The/ 4ere inside the 2/r01id no4: S01 h0d seen 0 lot o3 corridors o=er the l0st 3e4 1onths6 but the 20ss05es here 4ere so1ethin5 ne4: !o =ent sh03ts or stri2 li5htin56 3or 0 st0rt: $ots o3 Aui=erin5 sh0do4s6 lots o3 3lickerin5 torches: More like the cloister roo1 o3 the TARDIS th0n6 s0/6 the con@ nectin5 tunnels on bo0rd the <uet-el: These corridors 4ere 1ore::: LCorridor/6B S01 su55ested6 0ccident0ll/ s0/in5 it out loud: A cou2le o3 1etres 0he0d o3 her6 the Doctor sto22ed 0t 0 three@40/ Eunction: He see1ed to h0=e he0rd her6 3or once: L"es6 the/ 0re6 0renBt the/IB he 1uttered: He sur=e/ed the Eunction 3or 0 1o1ent or t4o6 then licked his 3in5er 0nd held it in the 0ir: L urit/ o3 0rchitecture: Most corridors 0re built to be 3unction0l6 but this oneBs su22osed to 5i=e the i12ression o3 being 0 corridor6 Eud5in5 b/ the 3eel o3 it: Are /ou 2s/chic6 0t 0llIB S01 suddenl/ re0lised the Doctor h0d turned to 30ce her: She s04 bi5 blue@5reen e/es in the h0l3@ li5ht: St0rin56 not botherin5 to blink: "ou could tell6 b/ the look on his 30ce6 th0t the Doctor thou5ht his e/es 4ere 3ull o3 10dness 0nd 2oetr/: The/ 4erenBt6 thou5h: In 0 2re=ious li3e6 this h0d 2rob0bl/ been his best h/2notisin5 st0re6 but his 30ce 40s built di33erentl/ no4: S01 kne4 0ll 0bout the DoctorBs 2re=ious li=es6 the other bodies heBd li=ed in 0nd lost o=er the /e0rs: She 0lso kne4 th0t >this? Doctor6 >her? Doctor6 still didnBt re0ll/ underst0nd 4h0t he looked like6 or 022reci0te the i12ression he le3t on the rest o3 the uni=erse: Ho4 lon5 h0d he been 40lkin5 0round like thisI Three /e0rs6 b/ his reckonin5I And he h0dnBt 3i5ured out 4ho he 40s /et: Kust 3or 0 second6 she 3elt sorr/ 3or hi1: Bec0use he 40nted to be 0 3orce o3 n0ture 050in6 he 40nted to be the incredible esc02in5 eAu0tion 0ll the ti1e6 but inste0d he 40s tr022ed in 0 h0l3@hu10n bod/ 4ith 0 b0b/@30ce 0nd 3lo22/ curls: L s/chicIB S01 Aueried: The Doctor broke o33 the st0re: LThereBs so1ethin5 here: So1ethin5 tr/in5 to 10ke cont0ct: I c0n 0l1ost 3eel:::B He 2unctu0ted the sentence b/ Eu12in5 u2 0nd do4n: Testin5 the 5r0=it/6 10/be: LBene0th our 3eet: So1ethin5 bene0th our 3eet: Thro4in5 out tendrils:B LO%6 let 1e tr/ 0nd tr0nsl0te this into En5lish: So1ebod/ in this 2/r01idBs tr/in5 to 10ke 2s/chic cont0ct 4ith /ou6 is th0t 4h0t /ouBre s0/in5IB LItBs not 0 2/r01id: ItBs 0 ;i55ur0t:B A ne4 eD2ression 10teri0lised on his 30ce: It took S01 0 3e4 1o1ents to identi3/ it 0s 0 look o3 2ure hurt: $ike 0 child 4hose 20rents h0d Eust told hi1 th0t he s1elled: LIt doesnBt 40nt to t0lk to 1e: E=er/ ti1e it co1es close6 it 2ulls 040/: ItBs tr/in5 to 10ke ,7


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cont0ct6 but itBs:::B The sentence ended in 1id@2onti3ic0tion: The Doctor 1o=ed6 30ster th0n S01 could 3ollo4: With one s1ooth 1otion6 he turned6 0nd le02t b0ck do4n the 20ss05e40/ to40rds her: A second l0ter6 he 40s st0ndin5 4ith his b0ck 2ressed 050inst the corridor 40ll6 2ullin5 S01 to40rds hi1: His h0nd 40s cl012ed 0cross her 1outh be3ore sheBd e=en 10n05ed to o2en it: There 40s 0 second or t4o o3 0bsolute silence: Then there 4ere 3ootste2s: Hu10n 3ootste2s6 b/ the sound o3 the1: Around the corner: Gettin5 closer: T4o 3i5ures 40lked 20st the corridor 4here S01 0nd the Doctor stood6 1o=in5 0cross the 1outh o3 the t@Eunction: S01 40tched the1 5o b/6 but the 3i5ures didnBt e=en 5l0nce in her direction: The torch@ li5ht turned the t4o ne4co1ers into s1ud5es o3 or0n5e 0nd bl0ck: S01 tried to 3ocus on the contours o3 their clothes6 the det0ils o3 their 30ces::: She hiccu2ed: So1eho46 she 10n05ed to do it silentl/: E=entu0ll/6 the 3i5ures dis022e0red 0lon5 the tunnel: The Doctor held S01 still 3or 0nother 1inute or so6 10kin5 sure the co0st 40s cle0r be3ore he let her 5o: S01 st0rted s2ittin5 0s soon 0s she 40s 3ree o3 hi1: L"euch6B she s0id: The Doctor nodded: L"es: The/ 4erenBt =er/ 0ttr0cti=e6 4ere the/IB LI 40s t0lkin5 0bout /our h0nd: Do 0ll Ti1e $ords t0ste o3 chicken6 or is it Eust /ouIB The Doctor 20used 3or 0 second6 0s i3 considerin5 stickin5 one o3 his 3or5ers into his 1outh to test it6 then 3ro4ned: L!o4 is not the ti1e6 S01:B L"e0h6 I kno4: Those t4o: I thou5ht the/ 4ere hu10n6 but:::B LButIB LThe/ didnBt h0=e 30ces: Skulls: The/ h0d b0re skulls: !ot hu10n skulls6 either:B The Doctor looked 2ensi=e: LH0l3@hu10n6 h0l3@b0t: Ho4 did the/ 10ke /ou 3eelIB God6 it 40s 0 hell o3 0 d0/ 3or Auestions: LWell6 the/ 4ere kind o3::: I donBt kno4: The/ didnBt 10ke 1e 3eel 0n/thin56 1uch: Oh6 ri5ht: I think I kno4 4h0t /ouBre 5ettin5 0t: E=er/ ti1e IB=e been ne0r 0n 0lien so 30r6 IB=e been 0ble to 3eel it: $ike there 40s so1ethin5 di33erent 0bout the1: resent co120n/ not eDce2ted:B The Doctor looked indi5n0nt6 1uch to S01Bs s0tis30ction: LBut those t4o didnBt 10ke 1e 3eel 0n/thin5: The/ 1i5ht 0s 4ell h0=e been 0 cou2le o3 2eo2le in 10sks: Ri5htIB The Doctor 2eered 0lon5 the tunnel 03ter the skull@2eo2le: LThe/ $ere 0 cou2le o3 2eo2le in 10sks: The #0ction recruits 05ents 3ro1 0ll sorts o3 r0ces:B He 4ri55led his shoulders6 3ei5nin5 0 shudder: LIB1 still 2ickin5 u2 biod0t0 tr0ces: More intense th0n usu0l: Bein5 in cont0ct 4ith th0t 10chine 1ust h0=e hei5htened 1/ senses:B LThe #0ctionIB The Doctor see1ed suddenl/ irrit0ted6 0s i3 the thrill o3 eD2l0inin5 thin5s to stu2id hu10ns h0d 3in0ll/ 4orn thin: He re0ched into his E0cket: L#0ction 0r0doD: ItBs 0 301il/ 0330ir:B LA 4h0tIB A book e1er5ed 3ro1 the 0rc0ne de2ths o3 the DoctorBs inside E0cket 2ocket: It 40s 0 s10ll 202er@ b0ck6 0nd it looked 0s thou5h it h0d s2ent the l0st cou2le o3 centuries h0n5in5 0round in 0 lo3t so1e@ 4here: His e/es still 3iDed on the 20ss05e6 the Doctor 2ressed it into S01Bs outstretched h0nds6 0lthou5h S01 40s sure her h0nds h0dnBt been outstretched the l0st ti1e sheBd checked: Str0n5e thin5 nu1ber ei5ht/@nine6 she decided: The co=er o3 the book 40s bl0ck6 10rked 4ith hundreds o3 tin/ 4hite 4rinkles 0nd s2eckled 4ith c0rtoonish dr04in5s o3 50l0ctic s2ir0ls: Or 4ere the/ s4irls o3 D!AI Wh0te=er: S2l0shed 0cross the co=er6 in block/ 4hite letters th0t 1i5ht h0=e been used 3or the titles o3 0 biblic0l e2ic st0rrin5 Ch0rlton Heston6 4ere the 4ords GE!ETIC O$ITICS BE"O!D THE THIRD NO!E: &nder th0t 40s the 0uthorBs n01e F G&STO&S R THRI STED F 0nd6 in s10ller letters6 the 4ords HARDCO " OC%ET EDITIO!: A de0d 40s2 40s stuck to the s2ine:


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S01 3licked throu5h the /ello4ed 205es: "ello4ed b/ s2ilt co33ee6 she 5uessed6 not 05e: There 40s no si5n o3 0n indeD6 but the corner o3 one 205e 40s turned do4n6 close to the end o3 the book: She ski1@re0d so1e o3 the teDt there: !ot 0n e0s/ t0sk6 in this li5ht: 4ven in primitive cultures0 $here temporal physics is considered to be little more than science (iction0 people are a$are o( the problems time travel can cause1 Perhaps the most (amous o( all the (our2 dimensional conundrums is the so2called 3!rand(ather Parado561 Suppose0 goes the argument0 ) $ere to travel into the past and murder my o$n grand(ather0 as a young man1 )( ) did this0 my (ather $ould never e5ist0 and so = logically = neither $ould )1 %o$ever0 i( ) never e5isted0 ) could never have trav2 elled back in time and murdered my grand(ather1 %ence0 my (ather did e5ist0 and so ) did travel back in time and murder my grand(ather111 and so on and so (orth1 But in time2active cultures such as that o( the Time Lords0 these parado5es are more than mere (antasy1 To them0 the perils o( time travel are harsh realities0 and Time Lord (olk stories are (ull o( cau2 tionary tales about characters $ho inadvertently murder their o$n ancestors0 or disobedient children $ho break the +irst La$ o( Time >though there is some disagreement in Time Lord society as to $hat the +irst La$ actually is?1 +or !alli(reyans0 the $ord 3Parado56 has the same connotations that the $ord 3Sethite6 did (or the ancient Osirans0 or that the $ord 3Satan6 still does (or many human tribes1 3Parado56 is the greatest imaginable evil0 the dark side o( the time2travelling li(estyle0 a horror never to be mentioned in polite society111 0r0doD: As in6 #0ction 0r0doD: The 3olded 205e 40s 0n introduction to the #0ction: S01 looked u26 to 0sk the Doctor i3 this 40s 2ure coincidence6 or i3 heBd 2l0nned it th0t 40/: But the Doctor 40snBt there: S01 sco4led6 0nd sAuinted into the 5loo1 0t the 30r end o3 the 20ss05e: H0l340/ 0lon5 it6 she s2otted 0 blur o3 5reen =el=et6 stridin5 o33 into the de2ths o3 the ;i55ur0t6 0220r@ entl/ in 2ursuit o3 Mr 0nd Mrs B0t@He0d: She 5l0nced do4n 0t the book 050in: )nevitably0 there are those $ho have a morbid (ascination $ith such evils1 Just as the human race has spa$ned 3Satan2$orshippers60 at least one group e5ists $hich has dedicated itsel( to the study o( Parado50 turning its back on traditional Time Lord values and instead embracing a (orm o( dark sha2 manic spiritualism1 )ndeed0 this group is not unlike one o( the voodoo cults o( Mutter/s Spiral0 $ith its o$n pantheon o( spirits and demons0 and its o$n occult rituals1 The group is kno$n as +action Parado50 and it/s hard to describe the dread this name con8ures up in the minds o( the Time Lord archons111 S01 0dEusted her sco4l b/ 0 1illi1etre or t4o6 then 3ollo4ed the Doctor: She thre4 the book o=er her shoulder 0s she 40lked6 le0=in5 it l/in5 in the 1iddle o3 the 20ss05e40/: She h0d 0 sus2icion th0t the DoctorBs 2ockets 4ould be 0ble to 5ro4 0nother co2/ 0t 0 1o1entBs notice6 i3 the/ needed to: Ho1unculette 2oured hi1sel3 0nother 5l0ss o3 4h0te=er it 40s in the bottle: He 40snBt sure ho4 1uch o3 the stu33 heBd drunk6 but he 40s still in control o3 0ll his 30cilities: redict0bl/: LC0nBt 5et drunk6B he s0id: LIB1 d01ned i3 IB1 not 5oin5 to tr/6 thou5h:B He turned to the 4o10n sit@ tin5 0t the b0r neDt to hi1: LH0=e /ou been to Si1i0 %%7)6 e=erIB Shee2ishl/6 the 4o10n shook her he0d: L!o: And /ou kno4 4h/6 donBt /ouI Bec0use /ouBre hu10n6 th0tBs 4h/: Too stu2id to 5o 0n/@ 4here:B He st0rted slooshin5 the stu33 0round in his 5l0ss6 tr/in5 to 10ke the clots o3 5reen 5o 040/: On %%7)6 his House h0d s2ent 4hole 1onths like this: Se0led into the silos under the 2er103rost6 40itin5 3or the ene1/ 2robes to 3inish sc0nnin5 the sur30ce: His entire House: Doin5 their best to 5et drunk6 or


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to 5o 10d6 or to do 0n/thin5 th0tBd sto2 the1 thinkin5 3or 0 4hile: Other s2ecies h0d it e0s/: Other s2e@ cies 4erenBt 0lcohol@i11une: Hu10ns 4ould h0=e been 0ble to drink the1sel=es blind in the d0rkness6 sin5in5 son5s o3 033ection0te co1r0deshi2 0nd 10kin5 Eokes th0t 4ouldnBt h0=e been 3unn/ to 0n/one on this side o3 the consciousness threshold: The hu10n 4o10n 4rinkled her nose: Ho1unculette 4ondered i3 she 40s sni33in5 0t the stu33 in the 5l0ss6 or 0t the stu33 on his suit: He didnBt 1uch c0re: Her 2roble16 not his: &nless /ou counted the Shi3t6 4hich Ho1uculette didnBt6 there 40s onl/ one other 2erson in the cockt0il loun5e: The 10le hu10n6 Colonel so1ethin5: Ho1unculette thou5ht 0bout the o33icers in the Ti1e $ord $0st W0=e6 the old 1en 4hoBd 3orce@re5ener0ted the1sel=es until their skins h0d been co=ered in bl0ck or50nic bl0st@2roo3in5: Then he thou5ht 0bout the 30t idiot in the 5reen shirt6 sittin5 0t 0 t0ble 0t the b0ck o3 the loun5e6 st0rin5 into s20ce: The contr0st 40s 0l1ost l0u5h0ble: The cockt0il loun5e 40s /et 0nother stone@40lled roo1 ne0r the he0rt o3 the ;i55ur0t6 this one 3itted 4ith 0 b0r 0nd 1ore drinks c0binets th0n Ho1unculette could be bothered countin5: The 3urnishin5s didnBt 10tch the st/le o3 the 0rchitecture6 here: E=en i3 /ou 4ere in the 1iddle o3 the &nthink0ble Cit/6 JiDotl h0d s0id6 0 cockt0il loun5e h0d to look like 0 cockt0il loun5e: There 4ere so1e l04s o3 the uni@ =erse th0t Eust couldnBt be broken: The hu10n 4o10n ner=ousl/ shi3ted her b0ckside 0round on her 30ke 4ooden b0r stool: LItBs kind o3 interestin56B she s0id6 ob=iousl/ 3orcin5 hersel3 to 10ke 2olite con=ers0tion: LThe 40/ /ou drink: "ou look =er/::: hu10n: &hh: Or is th0t 0n insult 4here /ou co1e 3ro1IB LWh0t do you thinkIB Ho1unculette slurred: L!o6 but re0ll/6 4h0t I 1e0nt 40s::: oh6 !od:B So1ethin5 h0d distr0cted the 4o10n6 h0d 10de her look to40rds the door40/: Ho1unculette thou5ht 0bout turnin5 to see 4h0t she 40s 5042in5 0t: He s2ent 0 3e4 1o1ents 4onderin5 i3 it 40s 4orth the bother: In the end6 he decided th0t e=en i3 it 40snBt 4orth the bother6 heBd enEo/ co12l0inin5 0bout h0=in5 to 10ke the e33ort: So he turned: And s2illed his drink: There 4ere t4o 2eo2le st0ndin5 in the door40/: So1ethin5 1o=ed 0round in Ho1unculetteBs bo4els6 the result o3 0 dee2@rooted 0t0=istic terror 0s old 0s ci=ilis0tion itsel3: He 3elt 0 40=e o3 interest ri22le 0cross the ch01ber6 the Shi3tBs 40/ o3 2rickin5 u2 its e0rs: The 3e10le ne4co1er li3ted her =eil6 0nd re1o=ed the 10sk she 4ore bene0th the 30bric: It 40s re0l bone6 Ho1unculette re0lised6 the 3ront h0l3 o3 0 5enuine skull: The 30ce under the 10sk 40s /oun56 unAuestion0bl/ hu10n: The 4o10n 40s in her t4enties6 her cheekbones sh0r2 tri0n5les under 0 l0/er o3 20le 4hite skin: Red h0ir 40s dr04n b0ck 0cross her 3orehe0d 0nd tied behind her neck: Her e/es 4ere so3t6 4ide6 5reen: Her 3e0tures 4erenBt 0s h0rsh 0s /ouBd eD2ect 3or so1eone 4ho 40lked 0round dressed 0s 0 de0d b0t: To Ho1unculette6 she looked 1ore like 0 child th0n 0n/thin5 else: Re0d/ to belie=e 4h0te=er 30ir/ stories she liked the sound o3: LGood 03ternoon6B she s0id6 2olitel/: Her =oice 40s so3t: Cultured: LM/ 301il/ n01e is Cousin Kustine: This is $ittle Brother M0nEuele: The S2irits 0re 4ith us6 0nd 4e ho2e /ouBll beh0=e 0ccord@ in5l/:B The securit/ centre 40s6 lo5ic0ll/6 the best@de3ended 20rt o3 the ;i55ur0tC 3ro1 here6 /ou could shut o33 0ll the Cit/Bs de3ences6 includin5 the ones 0round the Relic: Mr JiDotl kne4 F ho2ed6 0n/40/ F the s/ste1s 4ould be ho1in5 in on hi1 0s he shu33led to40rds the ch01ber6 t0kin5 the 022ro2ri0te biolo5@ ic0l s012les: As 0l40/s6 he eD2erienced 0 1o1ent o3 2ure 20r0noi0 0t the door40/ o3 the roo16 0nd thou5ht 0bout 4h0t 1i5ht h022en i3 the de3ences didnBt reco5nise hi1 3or so1e re0son: !othin5 tried to ri2 his he0d o33 0s he ste22ed throu5h the door40/6 thou5h6 so he c0l1ed do4n 0 bit: HeBd been in Tr0skBs roo1 4hen the 0l0r1s h0d sounded: HeBd been 0ble to he0r the touc0ns6 e=en 3ro1 the de2ths o3 the ;i55ur0t6 screechin5 their 20rsonBs noses o33 out in the 3orest: Tr0sk h0d ke2t


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t0lkin56 re50rdless: Mr <i5otl1 ) have an o((er1 # personal o((er1 To make1 To you1 JiDotl should h0=e broken o33 the con=ers0tion ri5ht there 0nd then6 should h0=e scurried o33 to check the de3ences: But it 40s h0rd6 5ettin5 040/ 3ro1 Tr0sk: "e0h6 sure6 he 10de /ou 3eel like e=er/ li=in5 cell in /our bod/ 40nted to be on the other side o3 the 2l0net6 but 4hen it c01e to 10kin5 /our 1uscles 1o=e::: 4hen /ou 4ere 0round Tr0sk6 the 0t1os2here 0l40/s 3elt kind o3 stick/6 like the 0ir h0d died 0nd 2utre3ied in his 2resence: Better this $ay1 )n private1 # private meeting1 So JiDotl h0d stood there6 like 0 5re0t 30t de0d thin56 40tchin5 Tr0skBs E04 bobbin5 u2 0nd do4n until heBd 3inished his s2iel: He still h0dnBt 5ot to 5ri2s 4ith the de0l Tr0sk h0d su55ested: Most o3 the bidders 4ould be o33erin5 technolo5/6 4e02ons d0t06 in3or10tion6 but Tr0sk::: <i5otl1 Think1 Think about this1 @ery care(ully1 The securit/ centre 40s6 like e=er/ other roo1 in the ;i55ur0t6 10de out o3 10the10tic0ll/ re2li@ c0ted stone: But the other 0re0s 4ere built 3or the co13ort 0nd con=enience o3 the 5uests6 4here0s the securit/ centre 40s desi5ned to be 0s re2ulsi=e 0s 2ossible: Currents o3 cold 0ir s4e2t 0round the 40lls6 2u12ed into the ch01ber throu5h hidden =entil0tion sh03ts6 the oD/5en l0ced 4ith ne50ti=e ions6 so /ou 3elt like there 4ere thin5s cr04lin5 o=er /our skin 0ll the ti1e: Bron;e 50r5o/les sAu0tted in the corners6 10kin5 dis5ustin5 r0s2in5 noises 0nd bre0thin5 out noDious 3u1es: The roo1 40s hun5 4ith t02estries6 too6 de2ictin5 =0rious scenes o3 de5r0d0tion6 1util0tion6 0nd hu10noid s0cri3ice: Mr JiDotl h0d 2ro5r011ed the 3ibres to 1o=e 0bout 4hen the/ kne4 no one 40s lookin56 so the e/es didnBt so 1uch 3ollo4 /ou 0round the roo1 0s kee2 lookin5 o=er /our shoulder in 0 >behind /ouM? kind o3 40/: In the centre o3 the ch01ber 40s the 10ster console: It looked seriousl/ out o3 2l0ce here6 (-- 2er cent st0te@o3@the@0rt desi5ner h0rd40re6 too co12leD to dis5uise 0s 0 chunk o3 stone: Mr JiDotl sh01bled 0cross to the controls6 0nd t022ed his 3oot i120tientl/ 0s 0 custo1ised 2iDscreen be50n to rise 3ro1 the sur30ce o3 the console: The 2iDscreen 50=e hi1 the lo4@do4n: So1ethin5 h0d 10teri0lised ne0r the Cit/ 40ll6 in reson0nce 4ith the Bri50doon circuit: T4o biolo5ic0l units h0d le3t the c02sule6 0nd the/Bd been 2ursued b/ the leo20rds 3or se=er0l 1inutes be3ore::: Be3ore the/Bd si12l/ sto22ed re5isterin5: Accordin5 to the 2iDscreen6 the/ no lon5er sho4ed u2 on the securit/ sc0n: At le0st6 not 0s intruders: Mr JiDotlBs toes sto22ed t022in5: Outside6 the touc0ns 4erenBt scre01in5 0n/ 1ore: I3 the intruders h0d been killed6 their bodies 4ould still h0=e re5istered 0s 0lien biod0t0: E=en i3 the leo20rds h0d e0ten the16 thereBd be so1e kind o3 tr0ce: The 2iDscreen 40s non@re3lecti=e6 4hich 40s 0 2it/6 0s Mr JiDotl 40s Auite interested in kno4in5 4hether heBd 0ctu0ll/ 5one 20le: His 3in5ers 3le4 0cross the console6 co0Din5 0nd c0Eolin5 the controls until the 2iDscreen 50=e hi1 0 =isu0l re2resent0tion o3 the biod0t0 inside the securit/ s/ste1: The in=ite c0rds h0d been desi5ned to t0ke sur30ce tr0ces 3ro1 the bidders 0nd tr0ns1it the in3or10tion b0ck to the Cit/Bs d0t0core6 so the biod0t0 o3 0ll those 4ho should h0=e been 0ttendin5 the 0uction 40s ke2t in 1e1or/: JiDotl 40tched the in3or10tion 40lt; 0cross the screen: Most o3 the biod0t0 40s hu10n: The t4o &!IS"C re2s6 the #0ction 0r0doD 2eo2le Ghu10n@2lusH6 Ho1unculette Ghu10n@2lus@2lus@2lus@2lusH::: There 4ere t4o un301ili0r tr0ces on the screen: Mr JiDotl 3elt his bod/ te12er0ture dro2 b/ 0 5ood ten de5rees: !obod/ should h0=e been 0ble to insert ne4 d0t0 into the 4orks6 not th0t Auickl/: To do so1ethin5 like th0t6 /ouBd need to be biod0t0 ultr0@040re: E=en 0 Ti1e $ord 4ouldnBt h0=e been 0ble to 10n05e it: Well6 0 Ti1e $ord resident6 10/be6 so1eone 4hoBd 4orn the S0sh o3 R0ssilon 0nd 3in5ered the Gre0t %e/6 but 020rt 3ro1 th0t::: Oh no: !ot hi1: le0se: One o3 the t4o 0lien biod0t0 re0din5s 40s hu10n: JiDotl kne4 this onl/ bec0use it 40s so si1il0r to the &!IS"C re0din5s: The second tr0ce 40s di33erent:


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He kne4 th0t tr0ce: HeBd seen it be3ore: The l0st ti1e heBd seen it6 it h0d been 1ore err0tic6 0 1ore co12leD 20ttern6 but there 40s no 1ist0kin5 it: LHi16B JiDotl s0id6 0nd his =oice echoed 0round the 40lls o3 the ch01ber6 beco1in5 0 series o3 hideous sli22er/ noises: LItBs hi1: ItBs him:B #0ction 0r0doD shouldnBt h0=e been on E0rth: Co1e to think o3 it6 #0ction 0r0doD shouldnBt h0=e been 0n/4here6 re0ll/: So1e4here in the b0ck o3 the DoctorBs cerebellu16 0uto10tic 2rocesses 4ere listenin5 out 3or S01Bs 3ootste2s: She 40s still there6 so1e4here behind hi1 in the corridor: !othin5 to 4orr/ 0bout6 then6 not /et: The rest o3 his 1ind could concentr0te on 1ore i12ort0nt::: !o: :::on 1ore critic0l 10tters: B0ck on G0lli3re/6 in the d0/s 4hen the skies h0d been the kind o3 or0n5e /ou onl/ e=er see1 to 5et in childhood 1e1ories6 the S2irits o3 the #0ction h0d been nu1bered 01on5 Ti1eBs bo5e/1en6 like R0ssilonBs Mi1ic or the Gre0t V012ires: !o4 heBd run into the16 t4ice6 4ithin 0 cou2le o3 dec0des: T4ice in t4o re5ener0tions: erh02s it 40s sheer ch0nce: Or 2erh02s so1ethin5 h0d h022ened to the uni=erse6 so1ethin5 so l0r5e /ou couldnBt s2ot it 3ro1 do4n here 0t 5round le=el: So1e 5re0t c0t0cl/s1ic e=ent6 sc0tterin5 the #0ctionBs 05ents 0cross the continuu1: The Doctor i105ined the1 in3iltr0tin5 the 4hole o3 histor/6 e=en in3iltr0tin5 his o4n 20st: Resh02in5 the ti1elines so th0t he ke2t runnin5 into the16 ti1e 0nd ti1e 050in: Did he h0=e the s01e histor/ he 4oke u2 4ith6 he 4onderedI H0d he e=er 1et the Gener0l6 be3ore tod0/6 or h0d the 10n been slotted into his li3e 4hile heBd been 0slee2I H0d S01 been here6 /esterd0/I H0d he been hereI M0/be 3our@di1ension0l =oodoo@cults 4ere like buses: "ou 40ited 0ll eternit/ 3or one6 0nd then::: the Doctor shook his he0d6 3orced hi1sel3 to concentr0te on the 10tter in h0nd: !o ti1e 3or 3li220nc/: He still h0d to 4ork out 4h0t 40s h022enin5 here in the t4ent/@3irst centur/: The Cit/ 40snBt the #0c@ tionBs 4ork: I3 the cult h0d desi5ned the ;i55ur0t6 it 4ould h0=e been co=ered in dried blood 0nd scre01in5 skulls: The DoctorBs 0uto10tic 2rocesses told hi1 to sto2 40lkin5: He did 0s the 2rocesses told hi16 0nd listened: Consciousl/6 this ti1e: S01 40s still trottin5 0lon5 behind hi16 so ob=iousl/6 so1ethin5 else h0d 0lerted his senses: Wh0tI The Doctor turned: To the le3t: Actin5 on instinct: A st0irc0se 40s set into 0n 0lco=e there6 0 set o3 h0rd stone ste2s le0din5 u2 to the neDt le=el o3 the ;i55ur0t: There 40s so1eone st0ndin5 0 3e4 ste2s u26 st0rin5 0t hi1: He 4ould h0=e Eu12ed6 i3 he h0dnBt h0d se=er0l centuriesB eD2erience o3 bein5 cre2t u2 on: The 4o10n 40s t0ll: T0nned: A10;oni0n6 e=en: !ot 0ttr0cti=e6 but 4ell@desi5ned6 the s01e 40/ e0rl/ t4ent/@3irst centur/ 0uto1obiles 4ere 4ell@desi5ned6 0ll sleek lines 0nd 0erod/n01ic cur=es: She 40s South A1eric0n6 i3 her clothes 0nd skin tone 4ere 0n/thin5 to 5o b/: She stood 0bsolutel/ still6 not e=en blinkin5: A less eD2erienced obser=er 1i5ht h0=e 0ssu1ed sheBd been 2h/sic0ll/ tr0ined6 10/be 0s one o3 those 5l01orous 3e10le 0ss0ssins hu10n bein5s see1ed to 5et such 0 kick out o3: The Doctor kne4 better6 o3 course: The 4o10n 40s 5i=in5 o33 no biod0t0 si5n0ls: Or50nic0ll/6 0 co12lete bl0nk: Al1ost 0uto10tic0ll/6 he 5rinned6 0nd eDtended his h0nd: LGood 03ternoon: "ou 1ust be in ch0r5e 0round here: I 40s 4onderin5 i3 /ou could hel2 1e: I think IB1 0 bit lost:B The 4o10n didnBt res2ond: The Doctor tried to 5uess 4h0t 40s 5oin5 throu5h 4h0te=er she h0d 3or 0 1ind: He tried not to think 0bout S01: I3 he e=en 5l0nced b0ck 0lon5 the 20ss05e6 the 4o10n 4ould notice the e/e@1o=e1ent:


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He 4ithdre4 his h0nd: LAh: O3 course: #or10l introductions: I 40s 3or5ettin5: Ho4 do /ou do6 IB1 FB He 3inished the sentence there6 bec0use he 5uessed th0t F i3 the 4o10n 40s 0 securit/ unit6 0s he sus2ected F this 4ould be the 2oint 0t 4hich sheBd 5et sick o3 his bl0therin5 0nd 5o 3or the thro0t: He eD2ected her to l0sh out 0t hi16 or tr/ to 2in hi1 to the 5round6 or 0t the =er/ le0st de10nd to see his 20ss2ort: He de3initel/ didnBt eD2ect her to o2en u2 her 30ce 0nd un3old it into 0 502in5 bl0ck ch0s1 l0r5er th0n her entire bod/: Ho4e=er6 this is eD0ctl/ 4h0t she did: LWh0t the hell 0re they doin5 hereIB the 0lien c0lled Ho1unculette 40s scre01in5: Bre510n tried to 3i5ure out the best 40/ o3 retre0tin5 into 0 corner 4ithout 0n/one noticin5 her: A cou2le o3 1inutes 05o6 the loun5e h0d been Auiet6 0nd sheBd been close to o2enin5 u2 0 1e0nin53ul di0@ lo5ue 4ith Ho1unculette6 0lbeit 0 1e0nin53ul di0lo5ue in 4hich he ke2t sl055in5 her o33 3or bein5 0 2ri1iti=e 02e@descend0nt G4hich be55ed the Auestion6 4h0t 40s he descended 3ro16 eD0ctl/IH: E=en thou5h the letters on the beer10ts h0d ke2t shi3tin5 0round6 tr/in5 to 5et her 0ttention6 Bre510n h0d been on the =er5e o3 thinkin5 this >3irst cont0ct? business 40snBt 5oin5 to be 0s h0rd 0s sheBd eD2ected: But e=er/thin5 h0d 5one =er/ 4ron5 =er/ Auickl/: The t4o b0t@30ced 2eo2le h0d 0rri=ed6 0nd Ho1unculette h0d suddenl/ st0rted shoutin5 0nd s4e0rin5 0t the1: At his t0ble6 Colonel %orte; h0d tensed u26 his s4e0t/ 0r1s 3leDin5 under his shirt6 re0d/ 3or co1b0t: E=en the beer10ts h0d tried to retre0t: #in0ll/6 Mr JiDotl h0d hurried into the roo1: So 30r6 Bre510n h0dnBt seen hi1 40lk 0n/4here: JiDotl thrust his h0nds dee2 into the 2ockets o3 his suit: He looked like heBd been eD2ectin5 so1ethin5 like this6 sooner or l0ter: L!ot sure 4h0t /our 2roble1 is6 Mr H: I3 /ouB=e 5ot6 /Bkno46 so1e kind o3 2erson0l 2roble1 FB L#0ction 0r0doDM #0ction 0r0doD6 3or::: I 1e0n6 look 0t the1M $ookMB Ho1unculette 40=ed his h0nd 0t the skull@2eo2le6 4ho h0dnBt 1o=ed 0n inch since heBd be5un his r0nt: >Cousin Kustine?6 her 10sk held bet4een delic0te bl0ck@5lo=ed 3in5ers6 see1ed 0lert: E=en interested: But not insulted: LWe recei=ed 0n in=it0tion6B Cousin Kustine told Ho1unculette6 so3tl/: L le0se: ThereBs re0ll/ no need to be 03r0id:B Ho1unculette s2luttered 0t her6 but didnBt 5et 0s 30r 0s 3or1in5 0n/ 4ords: Bre510n re0lised he 40s holdin5 0n e12t/ bottle in his h0nd6 0nd 3or one n0st/ 1o1ent she thou5ht he 40s 5oin5 to chuck it: LWe should be introduced6B s0id Colonel %orte;: All e/es turned on hi1: The Colonel 40s st0ndin56 30cin5 the t4o #0ction 0r0doD 2eo2le: Bre510n 4ondered i3 he 40s 0bout to h0=e 0nother 3unn/ turn: LColonel Kose2h %orte;6B he 4ent on6 sn022in5 to 0ttention: L&!IS"C: On beh0l3 o3 the 2eo2le o3 E0rth6 4elco1e to our s10ll 0nd be0uti3ul 2l0net:B Bre510n 4inced: It 40snBt 0 3ull rendition o3 the >Greetin5s6 BEM? s2eech 3ro1 the &!IS"C h0ndbook6 but it 40s b0d enou5h: !onetheless6 Cousin Kustine nodded 5r0ciousl/: Ho1unculette snorted: L"ouBre 40stin5 /our bre0th: SheBs 0s hu10n 0s /ou 0re: !o6 I t0ke th0t b0ck: SheBs less hu10n th0n /ou 0re:B Cousin Kustine looked unsh0ken: LWeB=e co1e on beh0l3 o3 the #0ction: On beh0l3 o3 the S2irits6 0nd on beh0l3 o3 the Gr0nd30ther hi1sel3: I renounce 1/ hu10nit/ 3or the s0ke o3 the 301il/:B LS2iritsIB re2e0ted Colonel %orte;: He sounded 5enuinel/ interested: Bre510n re1e1bered 4h0t sheBd he0rd 0bout hi1 b0ck in Gene=0: A3ter S0sk0toon6 heBd s2ent 0 /e0r in Indi06 on one o3 those s2iritu0l disco=er/ 1issions the 1ilit0r/ 2s/chi0trists 4ere 0l40/s t0lkin5 0bout: &!IS"C h0d =er/ ne0rl/ 2ut hi1 in the Nen 0trol6 03ter th0t6 4hich 40s second@best to 0 s2ell in 0 20dded roo1 4ith so3t 3urniture: Bre510n h0d the horrible 3eelin5 this con=ers0tion 40s 0bout to 5et 1/stic0l6 bi5 st/le: Ho1unculette st0rted slobberin5 050in be3ore Cousin Kustine could 0ns4er: LThe #0ctionBs 0 =oodoo


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cult: Kust like /our =oodoo cults on this re0r@end o3 0 2l0net:B LWe h0=e si1il0r custo1s6B Kustine 05reed: LBut6 4ith res2ect6 the 301il/ 0s2ires to 5re0ter thin5s: We h0=e no de0lin5s 4ith the S2irits o3 E0rth: Onl/ the S2irits o3 0r0doD:B L >As2ires?IB Ho1unculette sAu04ked6 2r0ctic0ll/ s2ittin5 on his o22onent6 e=en thou5h the/ 4ere 1etres 020rt: L"ouBre 0 bunch o3 thu5s6 th0tBs 0ll: Cri1in0ls 4ho 5ot luck/: "ou onl/ 4e0r th0t::: th0t:::B Ho1unculette 5estured to40rds KustineBs 10sk6 2resu10bl/ not bein5 0ble to 3ind 0 suit0ble 4ord 3or it: L"ou onl/ 4e0r that bec0use /ou 40nt to sc0re 2eo2le: S2irits6 1/ b0ckside:B #or the 3irst ti1e6 Cousin Kustine looked 5enuinel/ o33ended: LThen 4e h0=e 0 con3lict o3 belie3s6B she 0nnounced6 so1eho4 10n05in5 to kee2 her =oice le=el: %orte; 40s noddin5 his he0d o33: Mr JiDotl 40s slo4l/ ed5in5 his 40/ b0ck out o3 the roo1: Ho1unculette 40s still sn0rlin5: L"ou stole e=er/thin5 /ou kno4 3ro1 us: "our 4hole::: 5rubb/ little 50n5::: onl/ eDists bec0use o3 our technolo5/: Go on6 tr/ 0nd den/ it:B LTh0tBs not FB L$ook: See th0tI "ou see itIB Ho1unculette 40s lookin5 0round the roo1 3or su22ort6 his 3in5er sh0kin5 0s he 2ointed 0t the bone 10sk: LTell the1 4h0t it is6B he de10nded: LGo on: Tell the1:B Cousin Kustine looked 040/6 onl/ 3or 0 1o1ent: LItBs 0 skull6B she 0d1itted: LWh0t o3I Tell the1: Wh0tBs it the skull o3IB Kustine looked une0s/: LThe skull o3 0 Ti1e $ord:B LH0hMB Ho1unculette 4hirled 0round6 like 0 l04/er 4hoBd Eust 10de 0 de=0st0tin5 0tt0ck on the 0ccused: LSeeI Th0tBs 1/ 2eo2le sheBs t0lkin5 0bout: M/ 2eo2le:B Bre510n 5042ed: The 10sk 40s 4ider th0n Ho1unculetteBs 4hole he0d: She i105ined 0 skull Eust like it6 4rithin5 under the 10nBs skin6 burstin5 out 0t the ed5es: Ti1e $ords h0d di1ension0l en5i@ neerin56 0ccordin5 to the &!IS"C 3iles: Did the/ h0=e he0ds th0t 4ere bi55er on the inside th0n on the outside6 or 4h0tI LThe Ti1e $ords 3ou5ht 0 5re0t 40r6 10n/ /e0rs 05o6B Cousin Kustine eD2l0ined6 0ddressin5 the other re2resent0ti=es en masse: LThe/ 4on: I3 the/Bd lost6 b/ the 5r0ce o3 Ti1e6 then this is ho4 the/ 4ould h0=e looked:B She r0ised the 10sk 0 little: Ho1unculette snorted 050in: LTh0t 10sk shouldnBt eDist in this ti1eline: "ou see ho4 d0n5erous the/ 0reI E=en their he0d5e0r bre0ks the $04s o3 Ti1e: E=en their he0d5e0r:B He st0rted l0u5hin56 3or no i11edi0tel/ ob=ious re0son: Bre510n 4ondered i3 he 40s 5ettin5 h/steric0l: Cousin Kustine 1erel/ nodded: LO3 course: ThereBs 5re0t 2o4er in these tote1s: The Ti1e $ords 4ould h0=e us destro/ thin5s th0t shouldnBt eDist: Onl/ the 301il/ underst0nds their =0lue:B LOo26B s0id Mr JiDotl: I11edi0tel/ the 3ocus o3 the situ0tion ch0n5ed: Mr JiDotl h0d b0cked out o3 the door40/6 tr/in5 to 5et 0s 30r 040/ 3ro1 the 0r5u1ent 0s 2ossible: &n3ortun0tel/6 heBd b0cked into so1eone co1in5 u2 the 20ss05e: Suddenl/6 0ll o3 Bre510nBs 0nDieties6 0bout the ;i55ur0t6 0bout the 0uction6 0bout the 0liens6 co1@ 2letel/ dissi20ted6 onl/ to be re2l0ced 4ith one si12le 0nd terrible ne4 sens0tion: #ull@blo4n bod/ 0nDiet/: %0thleen Bre510n 40s 20le@skinned6 ('* centi1etres t0ll6 0nd h0d h0ir th0t stuck to5ether in u5l/ clu12s 4hene=er it 40s eD2osed to d0/li5ht: She 40snBt technic0ll/ un3it6 but 4hene=er &!IS"C r0n 0 st0nd0rd 2h/sic0l JRT her test scores ho=ered o1inousl/ 0round the -:' 10rk6 0nd sheBd ne=er told 0n/one 0bout the 20ins in her 5uts or the needles in her le5s 4hen she did the ten@kilo1etre sur=i=0l run: Where0s6 b/ contr0st6 the 4o10n 4hoBd 40lked into the roo1 40s t0ll6 bron;ed6 0nd F in 0 =er/ re0l sense F 2er3ect: She 40snBt e=en 0ttr0cti=e6 0s such: The 40/ she 1o=ed told the 4orld she didnBt need to be 0ttr0cti=e: I3 su2er1odels 4ere 0s cool 0s the/ thou5ht the/ 4ere6 Bre510n decided6 then this 40s ho4 the/Bd look: The 4o10n 10noeu=red 20st Mr JiDotl 4ithout bre0kin5 her stride6 brushed 20st the #0ction


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0r0doD re2resent0ti=es 4ithout 0 second 5l0nce6 0nd sto22ed in 3ront o3 Ho1unculette: LThere 10/ be 0 2roble16B she told hi1: Ho1unculette dro22ed the bottle: It bounced: L roble1I Wh0t kind o3 0 2roble1IB LAn intruder:B E=er/one re0cted to th0t6 eDce2t %orte;: Cousin Kustine eDch0n5ed 5l0nces 4ith her co1r0de: Mr JiDotl shu33led b0ck into the roo16 0n 0nDious look on his 30ce: The beer10ts see1ed ed5/: Ho1uncu@ lette looked like his he0d 4ould eD2lode i3 he he0rd 0n/ 1ore b0d ne4s: LED2l0in6B he sn022ed: LI 3ound so1eone 40nderin5 0round the ;i55ur0t: He didnBt h0=e 0n in=it0tion:B Mr JiDotl cle0red his thro0t: LEr16 ho4 do /ou kno4 he didnBt h0=e:::IB LI sc0nned hi16B the 4o10n re2lied6 e1otionlessl/: L!o in=it0tion:B Ho1unculetteBs e/es looked 0s thou5h the/ 4ere 5ettin5 re0d/ to 2o2 out 0nd 5o 40lk0bout: LWhere is he no4IB LHere6B s0id the 4o10n: A bl0ck hole blosso1ed 3ro1 the 3ront o3 her he0d6 0nd so1ethin5 0l1ost t4o 1etres t0ll 40s =o1ited out o3 her skull6 l0ndin5 in 0 1ess/ he02 on the 3loor o3 the cockt0il loun5e: Bre510n lost her 5ri2 050in: &nder his bre0th6 Colonel %orte; recited 0nother 10ntr0: The others 4ere 10kin5 too 1uch noise 3or the1 to be 0ble to he0r it: Truth be told6 it h0d been /e0rs since %orte; h0d needed 0 10ntr06 but it 40s 0ll 20rt o3 the 2rocedure: To 0n old &!IS"C h0nd6 it 40s 0s nor10l 0s checkin5 /our s03et/@c0tch or 2olishin5 /our boots: The 0lien 4o10nBs 30ce 3olded b0ck in on itsel3: The 10n 4hoBd been belched out o3 her he0d l0/ 1otionless on the 3loor6 30ce@do4n6 cle0rl/ unconscious: The other re2resent0ti=es 4ere 1o=in5 in on hi16 curious looks on their 30ces: %orte; 3elt the thin5 th0t h0d identi3ied itsel3 0s the Shi3t 4his2er throu5h his consciousness6 e05er to see the intruder throu5h 0 10teri0l 20ir o3 e/es: Ho1unculette nud5ed the intruderBs bod/ 4ith the ti2 o3 0 dirt@encrusted shoe: The intruder obli5@ in5l/ rolled onto his b0ck6 0nd e=er/one le0ned 3or40rd to 2eer 0t his 30ce: EDce2t 3or $ieuten0nt Bre510n6 o3 course6 4ho 40s bus/ bein5 sick in the corner: The 30ce 40s strikin56 but h0rdl/ re10rk0ble: $on5 3e0tures6 s1ooth skin6 0 hi5h 3orehe0d: The 10nBs e/es 4ere closed6 but so1eho4 he still 10n05ed to look 5entl/ be1used: The 10ntr0 3ro;e on the ColonelBs li2s: Wh0t h0d Gener0l Tchike told hi1I Wh0t h0d he been told 0bout the 1issionI The other re2resent0ti=es st0rted 0r5uin5 050in: The Ti1e $ord 40s /ellin5 insults 0t Mr JiDotl6 4ho 40s si1ult0neousl/ 20nickin5 0nd re0ssurin5 his 5uests th0t there 40s no c0use 3or 20nic: But %orte; 40s 0lre0d/ se=er0l kilo1etres 0bo=e the16 eDtendin5 his s2irit until it touched the roo3 o3 the 4orld6 Eust 0s his chie3s 0t the Go0 Institute o3 Milit0r/ S2iritu0lit/ h0d t0u5ht hi1: Risin5 0bo=e 2roceedin5s: Mo=in5 out o3 re0ch o3 the noise: Re1e1berin5:

0%i1ona, Ea%t), 2a%c) (06' WeBre st0ndin5 in 0 desert th0t used to be 0 count/: WeBre on the ed5e o3 0 cr0ter6 0lthou5h it t0kes us 0 4hile to 3i5ure th0t outC 4eBre not used to seein5 holes this bi5: The c01er0 1o=es6 s4ee2in5 0cross the l0ndsc02e until 4e c0n 10ke out the si;e o3 the 2it: ItBs enor1ous6 kilo1etres 3ro1 side to side6 the 3loor c0r2eted 4ith dr/ bones6 crushed 1et0l6 0nd sh0ttered concrete: ItBs the hoeniD S0ndbo4l: The st0teBs 1ost 301ous cit/ used to st0nd here6 but o3 course6 there h0snBt been 0n/thin5 4orth seein5 since the W0rs o3 Inde2endence: Most o3 hoeniD =0nished in less th0n 0 1inute6 they s0/: The 2eo2le li=in5 on the outskirts 1o=ed out 03ter th0t6 0s their ho1es be50n to slide 0nd sink into the S0ndbo4l: !obod/Bs Auite sure 4h/ the cit/ 40s t0ken out6 e=en tod0/: They s0/ it 40s 0 Tesl0 bo1b6 2l0nted in the cit/ 3ound0tions b/ terrorists 3ro1 the bre0k040/ Southern st0tes6 but no oneBs e=er been 0ble to eD2l0in 4h/ the/Bd 40nt to 5et rid o3 0 cit/ 0ll the 40/ out in Ari;on0: Besides6 4ho c0res 4h0t they s0/I So 4e kee2 turnin56 t0kin5 in 0ll the little 1otor@ho1e =ill05es in the desert 0round us6 the c012s 4here the descend0nts o3 the cit/Bs re3u5ees h0=e been li=in5 since B*8: There 0re tr0iler 20rks 0s 30r 0s the e/e c0n see6 b0ttleshi2@si;ed c0r0=0ns built to house hundreds6 their 4heels rustin5 040/ 0nd sinkin5 into the dust: But itBs not the =ehicles 4eBre interested in: The c01er0 is ;oo1in5 in6 0uto@ 3ocusin5 on 0 20tch o3 e12t/ 4hite s0nd o33 on the hori;on: There 0renBt 0n/ c0r0=0ns there: All the 2eo2le h0=e been 1o=ed 040/: The 0re0Bs blocked o33 b/ >eDtre1e 3orce? cordons6 5re0t screens o3 tr0ns20rent 2l0stic 4ired to 1ini0ture 2l0s10 5ener0tors: The onl/ =ehicles inside the cordon 0re 5o=ern1ent =ehicles: "ou c0n tell the/Bre 5o=ern1ent =ehicles6 bec0use the/ donBt h0=e re5istr0tion 2l0tes: The c01er0 5oes to 10Di1u1 105ni3ic0tion: We see 2eo2le inside the enclosure6 1ostl/ 1en6 dressed in he0=/ bl0ck suits des2ite the Ari;on0 he0t: Most o3 the1 0re 4e0rin5 sh0des6 e=en thou5h the 30shion this /e0r is 3or sel3@2ol0risin5 cont0ct lenses Ge=er/bod/ kno4s th0tH: ThereBs so1ethin5 in the centre o3 the enclosure6 surrounded b/ =ehicles on 0ll sides: So1ethin5 the 1en@in@bl0ck 0re 5u0rdin5: So1ethin5 the/ donBt 40nt us to see: !ene"a, Ea%t), 0/%il (06' LItBs 0 hole in the 5round6B s0id Gener0l Tchike: LWe took 0 s0tellite 2icture6 be3ore the A1eric0ns shot do4n the l0st RetCon 2robe: We think itBs 0n i120ct cr0ter: A 2in2rick6 neDt to the S0ndbo4l:B He slid his 3in5ers 0cross the cont0ct 20nel6 0nd the 2icture 3ro;e on the cine=id screen: The screen 40s 0 holo5r02h6 so the i105e ho=ered 0bo=e the sur30ce o3 the t0ble 0t the de0d centre o3 the W0r Roo1: The cine=idBs controls 4ere set into the 0r1 o3 the Gener0lBs ch0ir6 0nd /ou h0d to o2en 0 secret co120rt1ent to 5et 0t the1: Childish6 thou5ht Tchike: He 4ondered i3 the technic0l st033 4ere still 3it@ tin5 eEector se0ts in &!IS"C st033 c0rs: There 4ere 3i=e indi=idu0ls 0t the t0ble6 the 1ini1u1 nu1ber reAuired 3or 0n/ &!IS"C Concl0=e: It 40s 0 Nodi0c $e=el 1eetin56 '-@$ cle0r0nce 0nd 0bo=e6 so there 4ere none o3 the usu0l secret0ries or securit/ 5u0rds in 0ttend0nce: The W0r Roo1 looked e12t/ 4ithout the1: Ble0k: The 40lls 4ere sheer bl0ck6 4hich didnBt hel26 the onl/ decor0tion bein5 the old &! insi5ni0 st012ed 0cross the t0bleto2: The &! 40s 0 Eoke6 0nd h0d been e=er since White0cre h0d si5ned the World Nones Accord in B*)6 but &!IS"C still liked to 2retend it took its 1other or50nis0tion seriousl/: LGo=ern1ent 05ents6B s0id Bri50dier Ren0ult6 4ith 0 nod to40rds the 3ro;en 1en@in@bl0ck on the *)


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screen: LDinner suits 0nd d0rk 5l0sses: The usu0l dress code:B L rotectin5 0 hole in the 5roundIB Aueried Dr M0rtiniAue: Ren0ult turned his s4i=el@ch0ir to40rds Tchike: LI 0ssu1e 4eBre not Eust t0lkin5 0bout 0 1eteorite strike here6 Gener0l:B LSk/dro2 Scen0rio #our6B Tchike re2lied: LWh0te=er hit the 5round 40s 0rti3ici0l: Alien: Our sources tell us it l0nded ne0r the hoeniD S0ndbo4l on M0rch ,'th6 0t 0round ((:*-: This 3oot05e 40s t0ken on the ,8th6 usin5 0n MI8 1icroc01er0:B His h0nd 1o=ed b0ck to the cont0ct 20nel: LThereBs 1ore6 o3 course:B So 4eBre b0ck in the desert6 but the 2ictureBs 4obblin5: The c01er010n is runnin56 d0rtin5 bet4een 020rt1ent@si;ed 1obile ho1es 4ith 2ort0ble sunc0tcher 5ener0tors str022ed to their roo3to2s: When the c01er0 sto2s sh0kin56 4e see 0 tr0iler c0r0=0n in 3ront o3 us6 its door broken o33 its hin5es: T4o o3 the 1en@in@bl0ck st0nd outside6 2inionin5 0 third indi=idu0l bet4een the1: The =icti1 is 10le6 in his thirties6 4ith 5re0se@coloured h0ir h0n5in5 do4n to his 40ist6 his 30ce co=ered in stubble 0nd stickin5 2l0sters: Tr0iler tr0sh6 then: One o3 the thous0nds 4ho 10de it out o3 the hoeniD suburbs be3ore the/ slid into the dust: HeBs /ellin5 so1ethin5 0s the 1en@in@bl0ck 5r0b his 0r1s6 but 4e donBt he0r 0n/ sound: !o4 one o3 his 0ss0il0nts looks u26 to40rds the c01er0: Suddenl/6 e=er/thin5 5oes 4hite: We re0lise the c01er010n h0s ducked behind so1ethin56 0lthou5h 4e c0nBt tell 4h0t: The neDt thin5 4e kno46 thereBs 0 3lurr/ o3 1o=e1ent: We 3eel like 4eBre t4inin5 050in: This ti1e6 4e sus2ect 4eBre bein5 3ollo4ed: Tchike sto22ed the cine=id 3oot05e: LThe 0lien obEect hit the 5round in the 1iddle o3 0 tr0iler co11unit/6B he eD2l0ined: L!o kno4n c0s@ u0lties: Ob=iousl/6 the 0uthorities took the usu0l 2rec0utions:B LWitness inti1id0tion6B noted M0Eor@Gener0l B0el: LIB=e 5ot 0 Auestion6B s0id ro3essor Co50n: E=er/bod/ s4i=elled in his direction: Co50n h0dnBt s0id 0 4ord u2 until no4: The 10n 40s En5lish6 0nd there3ore n0tur0ll/ reser=ed: Or6 to 2ut it 0nother 40/C no one c0red 4h0t he h0d to s0/6 1ost o3 the ti1e: LWho took this 3oot05eIB Co50n 0sked: LOne o3 our 2eo2le: Colonel %orte;: Workin5 underco=er in Ari;on0:B There 40s 0 lon56 dr04n@out 5ro0n 3ro1 Dr M0rtiniAue: LIs there 0 2roble16 DoctorIB 0sked the Gener0l: M0rtiniAue crossed her 0r1s6 0nd turned do4n the corners o3 her 1outh: L%orte; is ins0ne6B she s0id: LI 4orked 4ith hi1 in Ont0rio: His ide0 o3 >underco=er? is to dress u2 like 0 n0ti=e A1eric0n 0nd 5o 0round 0skin5 2eo2le i3 the/Bre 4h0t the/ see1: We should h0=e 2ut hi1 in 0 ho1e /e0rs 05o:B She shot 0n 0ccusin5 5l0nce 0t B0el6 0nd Tchike 40s 5l0d to see the M0Eor@Gener0l sAuir1 in his se0t: It 40s e0s/ to dislike B0el6 4hether he did his Eob 4ell or not: The 10n h0d 0 n0st/ little be0rd6 0 n0st/ little 5no1eBs 1outh6 0nd t4o n0st/ little 2i55/ e/es: He ne=er did 0n/thin5 4ron56 0s such6 but Tchike 0l40/s 5ot the 3eelin5 he 40s on the brink o3 doin5 so1ethin5 dee2l/ irrit0tin5: His uni3or1 didnBt suit hi16 either: He looked like heBd be h022/ 4orkin5 0s 0 501e@sho4 host6 not h0ndlin5 2er@ sonnel 0nd recruit1ent 3or 0 20r01ilit0r/ or50nis0tion: E=en one 0s rundo4n 0s &!IS"C: LDonBt st0rt on 1e6B B0el 0nnounced6 in his slither/ !e4 Ne0l0nd 0ccent: L%orte; 40s the best 10n 4e h0d re0d/: $ook6 I donBt h0=e to tell 0n/one here ho4 short 4e 0re on 10n2o4er: We donBt h0=e 2eo2le Aueuein5 u2 to kick the cr02 out o3 C/ber1en 0n/ 1ore: I3 4e h0dnBt cut h0l3 the !CO r0nks out o3 the or50nis0tion6 4eBd h0=e 1ore o33icers th0n 5round 05ents b/ no4: H0l3 o3 our lieuten0nts 0renBt Au0li3ied 3or o33icer dut/6 dB/ou kno4 th0tI The/B=e Eust stuck 0t the Eob lon5 enou5h to 2ro=e


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the/Bre not co12letel/ br0in@de0d:B M0rtiniAue looked uncon=inced: L"ouBre seriousl/ tellin5 1e /ou couldnBt 3ind 0n/one s0ner th0n %orte;IB LThis is besides the 2oint6B Tchike ru1bled: LI 40nt /our o2inions on the 3oot05e6 not on the c01@ er010n: W0tch:B A cut: A s2lice: WeBre not in the desert 0n/ 1ore: WeBre in 0 h0n50r6 2rob0bl/ 0t 0n 0irb0se6 Eud5in5 b/ the 1ilit0r/ 20int@Eob: Oh6 /ou kno4 the kind o3 2l0ce: "ouB=e seen the 1o=ies6 /ouB=e he0rd the ru1ours6 /ouB=e 40tched 4d Bogeley/s onspiracy %our on Ch0nnel (-(: Accordin5 to the 3olk stories6 4hene=er 0n 0lien shi2 cr0shes on E0rth6 the soldiers turn u2 0nd dr05 the 4reck05e o33 to 0 h0n50r like this: ItBs tr0@ dition0l: $etBs concentr0te on the thin5s 0round us: In the dist0nce6 on the other side o3 the h0n50r6 1en 0re 4orkin5 on 0 2iece o3 serious hi5h@tech 10chiner/6 but itBs onl/ 0 helico2ter: rob0bl/ 3itted 4ith 4h0te=er 4e02onr/Bs 30shion0ble this se0son F l0st /e0r it 40s =ir0l 1issiles6 the /e0r be3ore th0t it 40s 2s/che@5uided 40rhe0ds6 /ou kno4 the drill F but itBs de3initel/ 10n@10de: !o &#Os here: There 0re other sh02es in the h0ll6 thou5h: So1e the si;e o3 c0rs6 so1e the si;e o3 te0 chests6 lined u2 in ne0t ro4s 3ro1 here to the 30r 40ll: We c0nBt see 4h0t the/ 0re6 bec0use the/Bre 0ll co=ered 4ith the obli50tor/ 5reen 1ilit0r/ t0r20ulin: The c01er010n sne0ks 3ro1 ite1 to ite16 shelterin5 behind the 10teri0l 4hene=er 0 technici0n looks his 40/: There 0re t05s on the obEects6 little 5re/ 2l0stic t05s6 tied to the corners o3 the t0r2: We 40tch the c01er010nBs h0nd re0ch 3or one: He turns it o=er bet4een his 3in5ers6 re0ds the tin/ di5it0l nu1bers: Ob=iousl/6 this isnBt 4h0t heBs lookin5 3or6 bec0use he 1o=es on: LM/ God6B hissed Bri50dier Ren0ult: Tchike 3ro;e the 3oot05e: Ren0ult 40s 5o55lin5 0t the cine=id 0s i3 heBd Eust seen the 30ce o3 Kesus Christ inside 0 2o1e5r0n0te: Still6 Ren0ult did h0=e 0 tendenc/ to o=erre0ct: The Bri50dier 40s C0n0@ di0n6 4ith the kind o3 0ttr0cti=e@/et@borin5 3e0tures th0tBd look 5ood in 0 Holl/4ood 0ction 1o=ie: E=identl/6 Ren0ult h0d noticed this hi1sel36 bec0use he tried to 10ke e=er/ 4ord he uttered sound interestin5 0nd dr010tic: The 10n 40s 0n eD2erienced 3ield 05ent6 thou5h6 0nd heBd s2ent 0 5ood 3e4 /e0rs 4orkin5 3or &!IS"C in !orth A1eric06 so heBd see1ed like 0 5ood choice to 0ttend the Con@ cl0=e: LTh0tBs the To/ Store6B Ren0ult 4ent on6 still lookin5 3or Osc0r no1in0tions: LItBs the s01e 0s the 3oot05e the %ourly Telepress s1u55led out in B.<:B As usu0l6 Dr M0rtiniAue looked dubious: LI 0l40/s thou5ht the Telepress stor/ 40s 0 Eoke:B ro3essor Co50n r0ised his h0nd: T/2ic0l En5lish6 thou5ht Tchike: He looked like he 40nted to le0=e the roo1: LIB1 sorr/6 I donBt::: 4h0tBs the To/ StoreIB LItBs 4here the A1eric0ns kee2 0ll their little 0lien kee2s0kes6B eD2l0ined M0rtiniAue: LThe/ used to h0=e 0 h0n50r in !e4 MeDico6 but the/ 1o=ed it to $os An5eles 03ter the St0tes 3ell 020rt:B Ren0ult 40s noddin5: LSo %orte; 10de it into the To/ Store: IB1 i12ressed:B I3 onl/6 thou5ht Tchike: LWh0t /ouBre seein5 isnBt the To/ Store 2ro2er6 Bri50dier: The To/ Store is i12enetr0ble: rotected b/ co110ndeered 0lien technolo5/: I3 it 4erenBt6 4eBd h0=e t0ken it b/ no4: This h0n50r is 0 cle0rin5 house: E=en 4ith inside hel26 4e c0nBt 5et 0n/ 3urther in th0n this: !either could the Telepress:B LThen 4eB=e 5ot so1eone 4orkin5 inside the A1eric0n or50nis0tionIB There 40s 0 1ur1er 0round the t0ble: B0ck in the d0/s o3 the &!6 Tchike re1e1bered6 &!IT h0d entered ne5oti0tions 4ith !orth A1eric0 to tr/ to 5et 0 look 0t its 0lien relics: O3 course6 4hen &!IT h0d been su2erseded b/ &!IS"C 0nd the &nited St0tes h0d ce0sed to be &nited6 the t0lks h0d broken


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do4n: There 40s no di2lo10tic link bet4een the 2o4erblocs no46 Eust nonsto2 subter3u5e: And6 to be honest6 Tchike 2re3erred it th0t 40/: &!IT h0d been so3t: &!IT h0d been 4e0k: Th0t 40s 4h/ the or50nis0tion h0d 30llen6 0nd th0t 40s 4h/ the 1ilit0nt 4in5 o3 the &!Bs >Securit/ "0rd? h0d risen to t0ke its 2l0ce: Tchike tried not to consider the 30ct th0t &!IS"C 40s 5oin5 the s01e 40/ 0s its 2redecessor: He st0rted the 3oot05e 050in6 le0=in5 Ren0ultBs Auestion un0ns4ered6 0nd 30st@4ound throu5h the borin5 bits: The c01er010n re0ches out 050in6 touchin5 0nother one o3 the t05s: The nu1ber 10tches the one heBs been 5i=en b/ his cont0ct F 4eBre re0din5 bet4een the lines here6 n0tur0ll/ F so he sticks his he0d u2 o=er the to2 o3 the t0r20ulin6 to 10ke sure none o3 the helico2ter technici0ns 0re 40tchin5: The/ 0renBt: Slo4l/6 c0re3ull/6 he li3ts the 30bric: &nderne0th6 so1ethin5 is 5lo4in5: ItBs 0 boD: A c0sket: The s01e si;e 0s the 0=er05e co33in6 3ro1 4h0t 4e c0n see o3 it: It see1s to be 10de out o3 1et0l6 thou5h the 3oot05e isnBt cle0r enou5h to sho4 us the sur30ce in det0il: The boD is throbbin56 2ulsin56 0nd the li5htBs c0usin5 inter3erence lines 0cross the cine=id: This6 4e kno46 is the obEect th0t 3ell out o3 the sk/ ne0r the hoeniD S0ndbo4l: The c01er0 Eerks6 s4in5s 0round: We see s1ud5es o3 4hite6 s1ud5es o3 5re/: eo2le: Mo=in5: Technici0ns 0re 2ointin56 3i5ures 0re 3loodin5 out o3 d0rkened door40/s on the other side o3 the h0n50r: The c01er010n turns 0nd runs: Tchike turned to Co50n: L ro3essorI "our de20rt1ent6 I think:B Co50n 2r0ctic0ll/ Eu12ed 0s he bec01e the centre o3 0ttention: He 0ddressed the other three6 not Tchike hi1sel3: LAhh::: 4ell: The Colonel 40s su22lied 4ith6 0h6 4ith both 5ener0l 0nd s2eci3ic 1oni@ torin5 eAui21ent6 in 0ddition to the c01er0: The re0din5s 4ere6 4ere6 4ere 20ssed to 1e b/ the Gen@ er0l 0 3e4 d0/s 05o: IB=e h0d 1/ 2eo2le t0ke 0 look 0t the1: A 5ood took: Ahe1:B LAndIB Tchike 2ro12ted: Co50n 40s /oun5 3or 0 10n in his 2osition6 not 1uch o=er thirt/C 4ith bi5 stu2id blue e/es 0nd 0 3lo22/ blond 3rin5e6 but he see1ed to be 2r0ctisin5 to be 0n old En5lish eccentric 0lre0d/: HeBd be 4e0rin5 4ire@3r01ed 5l0sses neDt6 the Gener0l decided: Co50n cle0red his thro0t: LWell: Well: "es: WeB=e 3ound so1e =er/ unusu0l thin5s: T0ch/on tr0ces6 3or 0 st0rt: Juite eDtre1e t0ch/on tr0ces:B LT0ch/onsIB Dr M0rtiniAue looked st0rtled6 1uch to TchikeBs 01use1ent: LAre /ou su55estin5 th0t boD is 0 ti1e 10chineIB LAhh6 no: The sc0n didnBt 2ick u2 0n/ si5ns o36 o36 o3 intern0l technolo5/: It see1s to be eD0ctl/ 4h0t it6 0h6 see1s to be: A boD: !ot 0 =ehicle o3 0n/ kind:B LAn esc02e 2odIB su55ested Ren0ult: Co50n nodded enthusi0stic0ll/: L"es: "es: I 1e0n6 I should think: But i3 itBs 0n esc02e 2od6 its chro@ no1etr/::: th0t is6 it doesnBt see1 conte12or0neous 4ith::: 4h0t IB1 s0/in5 is6 I think it tr0=elled throu5h ti1e to 5et here: And there 0re tr0ces o3 Sil=erber5 ener5/: Ver/6 =er/ sur2risin5: "es:B M0rtiniAue le0ned b0ck in her s4i=el ch0ir6 0nd l0u5hed: LSil=erber5 ener5/: Si5ns o3 2s/chic 0cti=it/: #rin5e science6 ro3essor:B L!o6 no6 itBs true6B 3lustered Co50n: LIn 4hich c0se6 the 2od 10/ not h0=e needed n0=i50tion0l s/s@ te1s: It 10/ h0=e been 5uided b/::: 4ell6 b/ the 1ind o3::: o3 4hoe=er 40s inside it: The s01e 2rinci2le 0s 0 2s/che@5uided 1issile6 but n0=i50tin5 throu5h 3our di1ensions: Ver/ co12leD: Ver/ co12leD:B Tchike shi3ted his 4ei5ht 3ro1 one buttock to the other: The notion o3 ti1e tr0=el disturbed hi1: He h0d 2erson0l re0sons 3or th0t6 o3 course: #i=e /e0rs 05o6 heBd er0sed 0ll the o33ici0l records o3 the Doc@ torBs eDistence 3ro1 the &! 3iles: These d0/s6 nobod/ belo4 the r0nk o3 Bri50dier e=en kne4 the old inter3erer eDisted: The Ti1e $ords 4ere 1entioned in The 4ye2Spy Book o( #lien Monsters6 but th0t


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40s 0ll: L"ou see our 2roble16 thenIB the Gener0l s0id6 0ddressin5 the rest o3 the Concl0=e: LWe h0=e e=er/ re0son to think the 2od 40s occu2ied 4hen it cr0shed: !o4 40tch this:B WeBre seein5 the 40lls o3 the h0n50r ;i2 20st: WeBre seein5 e=er/thin5 in 3l0shes o3 kh0ki 0nd 5un@ 1et0l 5re/: A 3i5ure in sun5l0sses 1o=es out in 3ront o3 us6 but the c01er010nBs 3ist Eu12s into the 3r01e6 0nd cr0cks the 10n@in@bl0ck 0cross the E04 be3ore he c0n 3inish dr04in5 his 5un: And 4e notice so1ethin5 else: The c01er0 doesnBt sto2 1o=in56 so 4e onl/ see it 3or 0 s2lit@second6 but itBs there6 no doubt 0bout it: As 4e lurch to40rds the eDit6 4e 20ss 0n o2en door40/6 the entr0nce to 0 side@ch01ber: We 5li12se the 2eo2le 0t the threshold6 lookin5 u2 0t the c01er0 4ith sur2rised looks on their 30ces: The/Bre dressed di33erentl/ to the other 2ersonnel here: !ot 1en@in@bl0ck6 not technici0ns: The/ 4e0r co=er0lls6 so the/ look 1ore like s0nit0tion 4orkers th0n 0n/thin5 else: There 0re 3our o3 the16 0nd bet4een the1 the/ c0rr/ 0 stretcher: On the stretcher is 0 b056 0 chr/s0lis o3 tr0ns20rent 2l0stic6 se0led6 t055ed6 0nd 0ir@2roo3ed: Inside the b05 is 0 bod/: The c01er0 s2ins: The 2icture 3ree;es: There 40s 0 lon5 silence: LWh0t h022ened to %orte;IB 0sked M0rtiniAue6 3in0ll/: LI 1e0n6 IB1 0ssu1in5 he didnBt 5et out 0li=e:B Tchike l0u5hed: Or 0t le0st6 he 5runted6 4hich 40s 0s close to 0 l0u5h 0s he e=er c01e: LOb=iousl/ he 5ot out 0li=e6 Doctor: Or 4e 4ouldnBt be sittin5 here 40tchin5 this: Would 4eIB M0rtiniAue looked c/nic0l: But then6 she 0l40/s did: She 40s on the brink o3 bein5 0n old 4o10n these d0/s6 her h0ir the colour o3 steel 4ire6 her suit 10kin5 her look 1ore like 0 co120n/ director th0n 0 Denobiolo5ist: LHe 5ot outI #ro1 th0t 2l0ceI With 0ll those MIBs 0roundIB LIB1 not 0t libert/ to discuss the ColonelBs t0ctics6 Doctor: I3 /ou 3eel /our securit/ cle0r0nce isnBt 5ood enou5h6 /ouBll h0=e to t0ke the 10tter u2 4ith the M0rsh0l:B L"ou 1e0n6 he did h0=e inside hel2IB Gener0l Tchike 5ro4led 0t her: LDr M0rtiniAue6 /ouBre here 0s 0 consult0nt on eDtr0terrestri0l con@ cerns: IBd ho2ed /ouBd be 1ore interested in the bod/ th0n in &!IS"CBs A1eric0n connections:B M0rtiniAue si5hed: LWh0t do /ou 40nt 1e to s0/I resu10bl/6 it c01e out o3 th0t c0sket: But itBs 0 cor2se6 I c0nBt see 4h0t use itBll be to the A1eric0ns: ItBs not 5oin5 to be tellin5 the1 0n/ secrets6 is itIB Tchike 5rinned his 1ost hostile 5rin6 0nd re0ched into the to2 2ocket o3 his uni3or1 E0cket: L!oI Then /ou donBt belie=e the 0lienBs D!A 1i5ht be o3 =0lue6 3or eD012leIB LWell::: i3 /ouBre 0 rese0rch scientist6 10/be:B M0rtiniAue n0rro4ed her e/es: LWh/I Wh0t do /ou kno4IB LI kno46 Doctor6 eD0ctl/ 4h0t th0t 0lien is: And I kno4 eD0ctl/ 4h0t it re2resents: Shortl/ 03ter %orte; returned to Gene=06 4e recei=ed this: I 3ound it on 1/ desk: !obod/ kno4s ho4 it 5ot there:B Tchike dre4 the c0rd out o3 his 2ocket: E=en in the di1 li5ht o3 the W0r Roo16 it s20rkled: The s01e 40/ the c0sket in the cine=id h0d s20rkled: LAn in=it0tion6B he s0id6 be3ore 0n/one could 0sk: LThis c0rd tells us the eD0ct n0ture o3 the bod/ in the ColonelBs 3il1: It doesnBt 5i=e us 0 n01e6 but it 5i=es us enou5h clues: And it tells us ho4 4e c0n 5et our h0nds on it6 e=en thou5h the A1eric0ns h0=e 1o=ed it to the To/ Store: Wh0t I 40nt to kno4 is6 4h0t kind o3 cre0ture 4ould send us so1ethin5 like thisIB


The h0ll 40s 3ull o3 de0d 2eo2le6 0lthou5h the Doctor 40snBt sure i3 the/ kne4 the/ 4ere de0d: The/ cert0inl/ didnBt see1 too 2erk/6 0n/40/: The/ 4ere 20le6 e=en the ones 4ho h0dnBt been 4hite 4hile the/Bd been 0li=e6 0nd their clothes h0d been 4orn do4n to nothin56 ble0ched o3 0ll hu10nit/ b/ Ti1e6 Motion6 0nd the sundr/ other 3orces 5o=ernin5 this 20rt o3 the uni=erse: One o3 the de0d 1en shu33led u2 to the Doctor6 0nd kicked hi1 o=er 4ith the toe o3 his boot: The Doctor rolled onto his b0ck: He couldnBt see the 40lls o3 the ch01ber6 not 3ro1 do4n here on the 3loor: The ed5es o3 the roo1 4ere in sh0do46 0nd he 40s sure the corners 4ere shi3tin5 0round o3 their o4n 0ccord6 de3/in5 0ll the kno4n l04s o3 0rchitecture 4hile the/ kne4 nobod/ could see the1: O1inous sh02es ho=ered Eust outside his 3ield o3 =ision6 their 30ces conce0led b/ the d0rkness: The Doctor sAuinted6 tried to brin5 the1 into 3ocus6 but 0ll he could 10ke out 4ere the silhouettes o3 hi5h coll0rs 0nd bl0ck robes: The d0rkness6 he re0lised6 40s 4h0t the sh02es h0d inste0d o3 30shion sense: The/ h0d to re10in unseen: I3 the/ 4ere seen6 the/Bd be re0l6 0nd i3 the/ 4ere re0l6 the/Bd lose their 2o4er: The de0d 4ere their sl0=es6 the ones 4ho 1o=ed in the li5ht 4hile the 2u22et@10sters slithered 0round in the corners: The 4hole scen0rio 40s 301ili0r: The Doctor 4ondered i3 it 40s 0ll 0 1e1or/6 dred5ed u2 3ro1 one o3 his 20st li=es: Or e=en::: LOh6 no6B he s0id: LDonBt tell 1e itBs 0 2re1onition:B LIs he hu10nIB inAuired 0 =oice 3ro1 the b0ck o3 the h0ll: The sl0=e6 the 2u22et6 the de0d 10n6 looked do4n his nose 0t the Doctor: He 40s C0uc0si0n6 his skin tin5ed 0 n0st/ 5reen: !ot M0rti0n 5reen6 Eust n0use0 5reen: His h0ir 40s slicked b0ck6 /et so1eho4 1ess/ 0t the s01e ti1e: S20ce@ti1e 0no10lies I c0n de0l 4ith6 the Doctor told hi1sel36 but 20r0doDic0l h0irst/lesI LI told /ou6B the de0d 10n s0id: His =oice 10de the Doctor think o3 d/in5 slu5s: LThe securit/ in this 2l0ce is 0 1ess:B LItBs 0ll ri5ht6B the Doctor told hi1: The de0d 10n looked 0l0r1ed: LWh0tIB LItBs 0ll ri5ht: I kno4 ho4 /ou 3eel: I 40s 0 sl0=e6 too:B He h0d no ide0 4h/ heBd s0id th0t6 but it see1ed to 3it the situ0tion: The de0d 10n turned6 to40rds the sh0do4/ 3i5ures in the sh0do4/ corners: LHeBs 10d: Wh0t did /ou do to hi1IB L!othin5: He 20ssed out 0s soon 0s I took hi1 on bo0rd 1/sel3: I3 heBs th0t sensiti=e to 1/ secure 0rr0/6 he 1ust be ti1e@040re:B The =oice 40s 3e10le: Ste0d/: The Doctor noted 1ore th0n 3ort/ s10ll det0ils in the enunci0tion th0t 50=e the =oice 040/ 0s s/nthetic: A si5h 3ro1 the d0rkness: L$etBs 0ll c0l1 do4n 0 1o1ent here6 /e0hI Securit/Bs 3ine6 Mr H6 e=er/thin5Bs on the le=el: Kust 0 little bit o3 0 1isunderst0ndin56 O%IB L"ouBre s0/in5 this idiotBs 0nother one o3 /our biddersIB The de0d 10n 10de 0 sickl/ cou5hin5 noise th0t sounded 0 bit like >h0h?: LHo4 10n/ 1ore sur2rises h0=e /ou 5ot lined u2 3or us6 JiDotlIB L$ook6 I think 4h0tBs h022enin5 here is6 4eBre 0ll 5ettin5 0 bit tensed u2: Ri5htI We need to sit b0ck 3or 0 4hile 0nd6 /Bkno46 t0ke stock:B The Doctor concentr0ted on the =oice: It c01e 3ro1 one o3 the sh0do4/ 3i5ures6 but::: He s0t bolt u2ri5ht: The de0d 10n Eu12ed b0ck6 0 look o3 sheer 20nic s2l0tterin5 itsel3 0cross his 3e0tures: <*


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LIB1 not hereMB the Doctor shouted: #i=e 20irs o3 e/es blinked 0t hi1: At le0st one o3 the16 he 5uessed6 40s 0rti3ici0l: LI 1e0n6 IB1 not 4here I thou5ht I 40s6B the Doctor eD2l0ined: LSo1e 3or1 o3 h0llucin0tion6 2rob@ 0bl/: IB1 sorr/6 I thou5ht /ou 4ere 0ll ti1eless bein5s o3 unli1ited e=il6 0nd IBd co1e here to de3e0t /ou:B There 40s 0 ston/ silence: The Doctor h0d 0 5ood look 0round: The ch01ber 40s s10ll@ish6 cer@ t0inl/ not the 5r0nd h0ll heBd i105ined: The 40lls 4ere 10de out o3 ers0t; stone6 but there 40s 0n incon5ruous cockt0il b0r stuck in one corner: The le0ther ch0irs didnBt eD0ctl/ 3it the st/le o3 the 2l0ce6 either: There 4ere ei5ht other li3e@3or1s in the roo1: T4o 4ere hu10n6 4e0rin5 conte12or0r/ 1ilit0r/ uni3or1s: &!IS"C insi5ni0 on their bre0st 2ockets6 the Doctor noted: Then there 4ere the 0r0doD cultists heBd seen e0rlier: The 3i3th indi=idu0l 40s the 4o10n 4hoBd 0ccosted hi1 in the corridor6 the one 4hose 30ce h0d o2ened u2 0nd s40llo4ed hi16 0nd /es6 heBd h0=e to think 0bout the r01i3ic0tions o3 th0t 0t so1e 2oint: !eDt to her 40s 0 ru12led little 10n 4ho looked like he 40nted to be so1e4here else: The Doctor 5ot the i12ression heBd 40nted to be so1e4here else e=er since heBd been born: Then there 40s the de0d 10n: !o4 the Doctor 40s seein5 thin5s 0 little 1ore cle0rl/6 the 10n see1ed 1uch he0lthier th0n he h0d done: He still looked 0 bit under the 4e0ther6 0nd he still s1elled like heBd 40shed in e0u de che1ic0l s2ill05e6 but other th0n th0t6 he could 0l1ost h0=e been hu10n: The Doctor held out his h0nd: LI 02olo5ise: "ouBre 0li=e 03ter 0ll: M/ 1ist0ke:B The 10n took 0nother ste2 b0ck6 0nd shot 0 ner=ous 5l0nce 0t the 4o10n 4ith the un3oldin5 he0d: The Doctor retr0cted his h0nd6 then stru55led to his 3eet6 10kin5 0 bi5 son5 0nd d0nce out o3 the 1o=e1ent: Gi=in5 hi1sel3 ti1e to think: >Bidders?6 the 10n in the s1ell/ suit h0d s0id: >Bidders?: These 2eo2le h0d 0ll been in=ited here6 2resu10bl/ b/ the ner=ous@lookin5 indi=idu0l: There3ore::: LIB1 here 3or the 0uction6B he 0nnounced: There 40s 0 lon5 silence: Those 0sse1bled in the roo1 st0red 0t hi1 bl0nkl/: The Doctor crossed 0 cou2le o3 1et02horic0l 3in5ers: Then 0ll e/es turned on the ner=ous 10n: He sAuir1ed 0ccordin5l/: JiDotl: Th0t 40s the n01e the not@0ctu0ll/@de0d 10n h0d used: The Doctor strode 3or40rd6 his h0nd outstretched: L"ou 1ust be Mr JiDotl: !ice to 1eet /ou6 0t l0st: IB=e been lookin5 3or40rd to this 3or6 oh6 05es6 I should think:B Another tense 1o1ent: Then JiDotl took his h0nd: The Doctor 40snBt sure6 but he thou5ht he 3elt 0 de5ree o3 relie3 in JiDotlBs sh0ke: L"e0h6 hi: Gl0d /ou could6 /Bkno4: M0ke it:B The bi55er@on@the@inside 4o10n s2oke 050in: LED2l0in: I3 heBs in=ited6 4h/ doesnBt he h0=e 0n in=it0tionIB The Doctor 0nd JiDotl eDch0n5ed 5l0nces: LOh6 1ine 1ust h0=e 5ot lost in the 2ost6B the Doctor bl0thered: He h0d no ide0 4h/ JiDotl 40s 5oin5 0lon5 4ith the blu336 but he 40snBt 5oin5 to 0r5ue the 2oint: He c0st his e/es 0round the roo16 lookin5 3or 0n eDcuse to der0il the con=ers0tion6 0nd his 50;e settled on one o3 the hu10ns6 the 10n in the &!IS"C out3it 4ith the o33icerBs stri2es on his shoulder: LSer5e0nt::: olonel %orte;MB the Doctor eDcl0i1ed: LSo 5ood to see 0 301ili0r 30ce: Still re0din5 u2 on the Nen Buddhis1IB The Colonel looked st0rtled: B/ his side6 the other hu10n shu33led her 3eet: L"ou kno4 1eIB The Doctor bobbed his he0d: LO3 course6 /ou 4ouldnBt re1e1ber: IB=e ch0n5ed so 1uch since the l0st ti1e 4e 1et: IB1 the DFB LEr6 ri5ht6 /e0h6B cou5hed JiDotl: He ke2t cle0rin5 his thro0t6 loudl/6 until he 40s sure the Doctor 40snBt 5oin5 to s0/ 0n/ 1ore: LWe should h0=e so1e kind o3 soci0l e=ent6 5et e=er/one introduced 2ro2erl/6 /e0hI M0/be 0 nice 5et@to5ether u2 in the roo3 50rden or so1ethin5: In the 1e0nti1e6 4h/ donBt 4e 0ll 5o b0ck to our roo1s 0nd 5et 0 bit o3 restI Onl/ one 1ore 20rt/ to 5et here be3ore 4e c0n st0rt the biddin56 0nd then6 /Bkno4:::B LThere 40s one 20rt/ to co1e be3ore he 0rri=ed6B the nonor50nic 4o10n 2ointed out6 noddin5


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to40rds the Doctor: L&h@huh: Ri5ht: Well6 I 1i5ht h0=e 1iscounted: An/40/6 the 2oint IB1 10kin5 is6 I think 4eBre 0ll 0 teens/ bit on ed5e6 0nd 4e need to::: oh6 no:B The Doctor turned to see 4h0t JiDotl 40s 502in5 0t: A 301ili0r sh02e h0d 022e0red in the door40/6 0nd 40s st0rin5 0t the indi=idu0ls 50thered in the roo16 ob=iousl/ not kno4in5 4hether to s0/ hello or 10ke 0 run 3or it: >Ee2?6 4ent S01Bs 4rist40tch: The Doctor cou5hed6 2olitel/: LThis is 1/ tr0=ellin5 co120nion6 Miss Kones o3 $ondon: S016 co1e in: We 4ere 0ll 5ettin5 0cAu0inted: Al1ost:B S01 looked 0s i3 heBd Eust told her he 40s 5oin5 out to h0=e dinner 4ith Mr 0nd Mrs Dr0shi5: When she r0ised her h0nd6 in 5reetin56 she looked like she 40s on the =er5e o3 holdin5 u2 the other h0nd 0nd surrenderin5: LHi6B she s0id6 4e0kl/: L$ook6 IB1 sorr/6 IB1 tot0ll/ lost here: Wh0tBs 5oin5 on: DoFIB LWell6 0n/40/6B s0id Mr JiDotl: He 2r0ctic0ll/ shouted it6 des2er0te to sto2 S01 3inishin5 the sen@ tence: The Doctor shot hi1 0 2u;;led look: Al1ost i12erce2tibl/6 JiDotl shook his he0d: A 5esture th0t s0id: not no4: T0lk l0ter: Alone: And in th0t one 1o1ent o3 cont0ct6 there 40s 0 kind o3 underst0ndin5: A s2lit@second o3 reco5ni@ tion: Technic0ll/6 the Doctor kne46 Ti1e $ords 4erenBt su22osed to be 0ble to reco5nise e0ch other 03ter the/Bd re5ener0ted: But it h022ened6 0ll the s01e: !o 10tter ho4 1uch /our 30ce ch0n5ed6 thereBd be so1ethin5 le3t o=er6 so1ethin5 too subtle to 2ut /our 3in5er on: Th0t 40s 4h0t he 3elt no4: !ot th0t he 40s sure JiDotl 40s 0nother Ti1e $ord6 but he kne46 one 40/ or 0nother6 the/ 4erenBt eD0ctl/ str0n5ers: JiDotl looked 040/6 0nd 3orced 0 s1ile bet4een his li2s: LWell6 0n/40/6B he re2e0ted: LTi1e 3or 0 Auick recess be3ore thin5s 5et into 3ull s4in56 O%I Good:B The Doctor 5l0nced 0round the roo1: The others 4ere 1utterin5 01on5 the1sel=es6 lookin5 sli5htl/ thro4n: He s2otted the A10;on 4o10n sli22in5 out throu5h the door40/: So s1ooth6 no one else h0d e=en noticed her 5oin5: LIBd like to kno4 one thin56B s0id the 3e10le 0r0doD cultist: Her =oice 40s so3t: Curious6 r0ther th0n thre0tenin5: In the s01e 40/ =i=isectionists 0re >curious?6 the Doctor 1used: LWho6 2recisel/6 does this 05ent re2resentIB LMeI Oh6 IB1 inde2endent:B The Doctor sl022ed his he0d: LO3 courseM I kne4 I 40s 1issin5 so1ethin5:B All e/es 4ere on hi1 050in: LEi5ht 2eo2le6B the Doctor 4ent on: LI noticed ei5ht 2eo2le 4hen I 4oke u26 but I onl/ counted se=en: Who did I 1issIB There 40s 0 lon5 20use: The Doctor looked 0round6 but the 30ces o3 the other >bidders? 4ere bl0nk: #in0ll/6 he 3ound the 0ns4er to his Auestion 4ritten in the cr0cks o3 the ne0rest 40ll: "O&BRE VER" ERCE TIVE6 re0d the cr0cks: MOST EO $E WO&$D!BT EVE! HAVE AC%!OW$EDGED M" EOISTE!CE: LEr16 h0=e /ou 1et Mr Shi3tIB 1ur1ered JiDotl: He sounded 0l1ost e1b0rr0ssed: So1e4here in her consciousness6 M0rie h0d entire subs/ste1s de=oted to inter2erson0l d/n01ics: V0st neur0l c0n/ons6 3ull o3 r04 2s/cholo5/ 0nd un2rocessed in3or10tion: The s/ste1s h0dnBt e=er been used: At le0st6 not to their 3ull 2otenti0l: M0rie h0d been brou5ht into bein5 03ter the st0rt o3 the 40r Gbrou5ht into bein56 not 0ctu0ll/ constructedC (-* TARDIS units 4ere desi5ned to re2roduce in 0 10nner th0t 40s 0l1ost or50nicH6 0nd in 40rti1e6 soci0l en5ineerin5 40snBt re0ll/ 0 2riorit/: The 2s/@ cholo5ic0l s/ste1s 4ere so 3inel/ honed th0t6 0t (-- 2er cent e33icienc/6 the/ could 2redict e=er/ thou5ht in or50nic 1inds 4ith 0 10r5in o3 error o3 less th0n (:* 1illi3reuds: Here in the ;i55ur0t6 o3 course6 the 0bilit/ 4ould h0=e been useless: The Shi3t 40s 0 non@or50nic6


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i12ossible to 2redict: Tr0sk 40s 0 2ost@or50nic6 his 1oti=es uncle0r6 thou5h M0rie h0d her sus2icions 0bout 4here his lo/0lties l0/: The 1inds o3 the hu10ns 4ere e0s/ to 30tho16 in the1sel=es6 but eD2osed to so 10n/ un2redict0ble ele1ents6 there 40s no 40/ o3 kno4in5 3or sure 4hich 40/ the/ 1i5ht Eu12: And no4 there 40s the intruder: M0rie h0d sc0nned his bod/ 4hen heBd been inside her secure 0rr0/6 sheBd run the usu0l 5enetic 0nd 1or2hic tests: The ne4co1er 40s 0 Ti1e $ord6 his biod0t0 too co12leD to unr0=el 4ithout 0 dee2er sc0n: Another non@line0r in3luence: And JiDotl h0d sto22ed the str0n5er identi3/in5 hi1sel36 his soci0l 10ni2ul0tions h0d been ob=ious e=en to M0rieBs dec0/in5 2er@ son0l 2rotocols: SheBd h0=e to t0lk this throu5h 4ith Ho1unculette 0t so1e 2oint: Brie3l/6 M0rie 4ondered 4hether it 40s 4orth le0rnin5 ho4 to si5h con=incin5l/: She 40s sure it 40s 4h0t 0n or50nic 4ould h0=e done 0t this st05e: She sto22ed 0t 0 Eunction6 h0l340/ 0lon5 the 10in corridor o3 the ;i55ur0t: At the b0ck o3 her 1ind F 0t the b0ck o3 the organic 20rt o3 her 1ind6 the 20rt th0t eDisted in si12le 3ourdi1ension0l s20ce6 the 20rt th0t 0cted 0s 0 re0l@4orld 0nchor 3or the rest o3 her bod/ F so1ethin5 shi3ted to one side6 1o=ed like 0 rocker s4itch: Her dee2@le=el sensor/ s/ste1s h0d been 0cti=0ted: Senses buried close to her 2o4er core 4ere re0chin5 u2 throu5h the interior di1ensions6 u2 to40rds her skin: #eelers ri22ed o2en the so3t non@ 10tter bet4een the outer shell 0nd the inner bod/6 te0rin5 0t the 2h/sic0l connections o3 M0rieBs 3ore@ br0in: Thin5s too l0r5e 0nd subtle to 10ni3est the1sel=es in the 10teri0l 4orld tried to 3orce their 40/ 0lon5 0 conduit the 4idth o3 her s2in0l colu1n: A 1o1ent o3 con3usion: M0rie h0dnBt 0cti=0ted the dee2 senses6 not consciousl/: She 4ondered i3 thereBd been so1e kind o3 s/ste1 30ult6 the sort o3 hitch the or50nic 20rt o3 her br0in couldnBt 5et 0 3iD on: Or h0d she 5i=en the 0cti=0tion order 4ithout kno4in5 itI I3 so6 the instinct could onl/ h0=e co1e 3ro1 the lo4er re0ches o3 her bod/6 3ro1 the de2ths o3 the 0rtron en5ines6 or the buried re3leDes o3 the 3luid links: She ordered the dee2 senses to de0cti=0te: W0it until 4eBre outside6 she told the1: !ot here: Too 1uch inter3erence in the ;i55ur0t6 3eedb0ck 3ro1 the block tr0ns3er 10teri0l: The in3or10tion 4ould be blindin56 de03enin56 1ore th0n her sur30ce 1ind 4ould be 0ble to 2rocess: But her s/ste1s re3used to listen: M0rie 3elt the shell o3 her bod/ o2enin5 u2: !e4 i12ulses6 ne4 res2onses: F JiDotl 40s co=erin5 so1ethin5 u2: F There 40s 0nother Ti1e $ord in the ;i55ur0t: F She kne4 4ho Tr0sk 40s 4orkin5 3or: F She kne4 4ho the Shi3t 40s 4orkin5 3or: These 4ere the thou5hts the dee2 senses 4ere res2ondin5 to: !ot her conscious co110nds: The rest o3 her bod/6 the rest o3 the shi26 40s tr/in5 to unr0=el the secrets o3 the &nthink0ble Cit/6 the codes o3 lo5ic th0t 5o=erned the 1o=e1ents o3 JiDotlBs other 5uests: She 3elt like 0 tin/ he0d on 0 blo0ted bod/: A 10ss o3 d0t0 4ith 0 hu10noid 30ce: This 40s 20r0noi06 then: This 40s 20nic: M0rie un3olded6 the interior structures o3 the TARDIS 40ntin5 F de10ndin5 F to be set 3ree: She 3elt her 0r1s unr0=el6 re=e0lin5 4e02ons s/ste1s the si;e o3 s10ll 1oons: T0r5etin5 1ech0nis1s6 o2er0tin5 on the uni=erseBs 1ost co12leD di1ension0l le=els6 be50n se0rchin5 the 0re0 3or suit0ble =icti1s: There 40s so1ethin5 outside: Outside the ;i55ur0t6 be/ond the 10teri0l l0/ers o3 this 2l0net: W0itin5 3or 0ll the dele50tes to 0sse1ble6 40itin5 3or the 2ieces to 30ll into 2l0ce: It 40s 0 tr026 it 40s 0ll 0 tr026 0nd =er/ soon the tr02 4ould be s2run5: W0s JiDotl 20rt o3 itI W0s the other Ti1e $ordI R0ndo1 20rticles o3 10tter 4ere thro4n u2 out o3 M0rieBs 2o4er core6 10ni3estin5 the1sel=es 0s dro2lets o3 h0rd s4e0t on her skin: A 1illion 0rti3ici0l e/es s2r0n5 loose in her s2in0l colu1n6 st0red out o3 her bod/6 0nd 4ent blind: The t0r5etin5 1ech0nis1s str0ined inside her 0r1s6 then tore throu5h


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her 3lesh6 des2er0tel/ 2robin5 the 4orld outside: Deter1ined to 2in do4n the thre0t: #indin5 nothin5: There 40s the echo o3 0n eD2losion: Then c01e the eD2losion itsel3: Then 0bsolute silence: Mr JiDotl didnBt e=en 3linch: HeBd 3elt the 03ter@shock be3ore the bl0st: As i3 the deton0tion h0d been so i12ort0nt6 it h0d 0nnounced its co1in5 lon5 be3ore it h0d 0ctu0ll/ 0rri=ed: It 40s Ho1unculette 4ho broke the silence: His e/es 4ere bul5in5 out o3 his skull6 no4: LWeBre under 0tt0ck6B he hissed: Mr JiDotl s40llo4ed: LIt 40s nothin56 Mr H: Re0ll/6 it 40s nothin5: M0/be one o3 the 10tter 0u5@ 1entors b0ck3irin56 /e0hIB LWould th0t re2resent 0n/ re0l thre0t to our s03et/IB 0sked Cousin Kustine: Her =oice 40s c0l1 0nd Auiet6 so e=er/bod/ i5nored her: L"ou think I donBt kno4 4h0t 0n 0tt0ck sounds likeIB Ho1unculette shrieked: LTh0t 40s so1e kind o3 2l0s10 burst6 or::: I donBt kno4:::B LDi1ension0l incursion6B s0id the indi=idu0l JiDotl kne4 3ull 4ell h0d to be the Doctor: Ho1unculette s2un 0round to 30ce hi1: LWh0tIB L"ou he0rd the echo: A 1inor ru2ture in loc0l s20ce@ti1e6 IBd s0/:B The Doctor shru55ed: L!ot th0t IB1 cl0i1in5 to be 0n eD2ert:B Ho1unculette 40s 2r0ctic0ll/ bo55lin5 his 30ce o33: LDi1ension0l incursionI Wh0t kind o3 ludicrous technob0bble is th0t su22osed to FB &neD2ectedl/6 he 3ell silent: LM0rie6B he 50r5led: And suddenl/6 he 40s 0t the door40/6 h0=in5 bounded 0cross the roo1 4ith 0 sin5le ste2: JiDotl 50=e 0 shee2ish 5rin6 0nd 10de sure e=er/bod/ in the roo1 5ot to see it: LTechnic0l hitch6B he told the re2s: Then he 3ollo4ed Ho1unculette out into the 20ss05e40/: Ho1unculette 3ound M0rieBs bod/ in the 10in corridor6 0t the Eunction bet4een the 5uest roo1 20ss05e 0nd the ;i55ur0t entr0nce: He didnBt reco5nise it 0s 0 bod/6 to be5in 4ith: The 3irst thin5 he s04 40s the h0tst0nd6 2ro22ed u2 050inst the 40ll bet4een the torches: A3ter th0t6 he s04 the tiles6 20tches o3 o33@4hite 3loorin5 torn out o3 the TARDIS interior 0nd sc0ttered 0lon5 the corridor: A so30 clo55ed u2 the side@20ss05e to Ho1uculetteBs ri5htC he identi3ied it 0s the sh0bb/ red one 3ro1 M0rieBs second0r/ console roo16 but onl/ h0l3 o3 it see1ed to be there6 the other bein5 e1bedded in the corridor 40ll: An u2turned bookc0se l0/ be/ond the so306 =o1itin5 out shredded 205es co=ered in scr04ls o3 Hi5h G0lli@ 3re/0n: M0rie 40s she 40s l/in5 there: !ot 0n obEect M0rie F the de0d he0rt o3 M0rie F l0/ 0t the centre o3 the Eunction6 her s2ine 2ressed 050inst the 3loor6 her he0d tilted 0t 0n 0n5le th0t 10de her look 0s thou5h sheBd broken her neck: The entire le3t side o3 her bod/ 40s 1issin5: It 40s 0s i3 so1eone h0d dr04n 0 line6 0 s1ooth contour6 3ro1 her cheek to her 0nkle6 0nd torn 040/ e=er/thin5 on one side o3 it: Her le3t 0r1 40s 5one: So 40s 0 lot o3 her 30ce: She 40s 0 2erson his co120nion she 40s his de0d M0rieBs ri5ht e/e 40s int0ct: The le3t e/e 40s in 2l0ce6 but the skin h0d been torn 040/6 le0=in5 0 2e0rl o3 2ure bl0ck th0t didnBt e=en bother 2retendin5 it 40s or50nic: A thin56 inste0d o3 0n or50n: An obEect: She 40s she 40s not 0n obEect: She 40s 0 2erson: She 40s


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she 40s his co120nion: His de0d he 40s bendin5 o=er her6 knees 2ressin5 050inst the broken tiles6 the 30bric o3 his suit so0kin5 u2 cold liAuid 3ro1 the 3loor: W0ter: oolin5 0round her bod/: Sucked out o3 the 2uri3ic0tion s/ste1 th0t h0d been 20rt o3 de0d co120nion 0nd there 4ere 3ootste2s6 4et 3ootste2s: Mr JiDotl6 the hu10ns6 the 10n in the ridiculous =el=et E0cket6 0nd He looked into her e/es6 tried to look into her e/es6 3ound hi1sel3 st0rin5 into her he0d inste0d: !othin5 but st0tic inside her 0nd Mr JiDotl 40s le0nin5 o=er his shoulder6 5042in5 0t the 4ound in M0rieBs side6 st0ndin5 in her li3eblood6 her 40ter su22l/6 4ithout e=en 0n 02olo5/: The 10n in the =el=et E0cket 40s ho=erin5 behind hi1: S2ect0tors: Vultures: Ho1unculette re0ched out 3or M0rie6 40ntin5 to 2ress his h0nd 050inst her cheek6 but his 0r1 sli22ed into the 4ound 0nd =0nished into her interior: Ho1unculette looked u26 0nd 1et JiDotlBs stu2id 3ro5@e/ed st0re: LAou = promised = security6B he s0id: His =oice 40s 0 lon56 str0n5ul0ted 5ur5le: JiDotl looked sc0red6 st0rted to b0ck 040/: Ho1unculette stood6 3elt the ur5e to st0nd u2 0nd hit the 10n6 to cr0ck his he0d 050inst the 40ll 0nd kee2 cr0ckin5 until the 4ound 40s 0s bi5 0s M0rieBs: LSheBs 0 TARDIS6B s0id the curl/@h0ired 10n: He 40s st0rin5 into M0rieBs bod/6 tr0ns3iDed: Sur@ 2rised: Alien =ulture: It 3elt 0l1ost like 0 =iol0tion6 like the 10n 40s unr0=ellin5 e=er/ 1/ster/ o3 Ho1un@ culetteBs co120nion: Curl/@h0ir Eu12ed b0ck6 0s 0 3ilin5 c0binet sAuee;ed itsel3 out o3 M0rieBs 4ound 0nd shunted itsel3 0cross the corridor: The 10tter le3t inside her 40s 3orcin5 its 40/ out6 2iece b/ 2iece: us 3ro1 the 4ound: LShe 40s 0tt0cked6B Ho1unculette s0id: He kne4 there 40s so1e kind o3 3eelin5 in his =oice6 but he didnBt kno4 4h0t it 40s su22osed to be: Curl/@h0ir looked u2 0t hi1: LM0/be not: IB1 sorr/6 I kno4 /ouBre u2set: But this doesnBt look like 0n 0tt0ck 3ro1 the outside: I donBt kno4 o3 0n/ 4e02on th0t could c0use 0n incursion like this: It looks like the d0105e 40s done b/ so1ethin5 intern0l:B He looked do4n 0t M0rie 050in: LDid::: M0rie::: h0=e 4e02ons s/ste1sI De3encesIB LShe 40s 1/ co120nion6B Ho1unculette 4hined: LO3 course she h0d 4e02ons s/ste1s:B The 10n nodded: LI think so1ethin5 tri55ered the1: Altered the1 in so1e 40/: Her o4n 4e02ons took her 020rt 3ro1 the inside:B LEr16 ri5ht:B Mr JiDotlBs =oice: E=en his 4ords sounded like the/ 4ere tr/in5 to sne0k 040/: LM0/be 4e should think this throu5h 0 bit 1ore6 /Bkno46 c0re3ull/:::B Ho1unculette closed his e/es: LGet her b0ck to our roo16B he s0id: He 3elt 3luid tricklin5 do4n his 3in5ers6 0nd kne4 it 40s blood: HeBd been clenchin5 his 3ists6 scr02in5 o2en his skin 4ith his n0ils: When he o2ened his e/es 050in6 the curl/@h0ired 10n 40s still eD01inin5 M0rie6 0 5or1less eD2ression on his stu2id 0lien 30ce: LA TARDIS6B he 1uttered: LWell 4ell 4ell:B Another 2oD/ corridor6 thou5ht S01: Gre0t: A3ter the eD2losion6 thin5s h0d Auietened do4n 0 bit: Accordin5 to the Doctor6 the/Bd stu1bled 0cross so1e kind o3 0lien 0uction6 0rr0n5ed b/ the i12ossibl/ shi3t/ Mr JiDotl6 0lthou5h nobod/ h0d bothered tellin5 S01 4h0t 40s u2 3or 5r0bs here: JiDotl 40s su22osed to be 0 sche1in5 inter2l0net0r/ 10ster1ind6 but to S01 heBd looked 0nd sounded 1ore like 0 reEect 3ro1 Only +ools and %orses: Thin5s 4erenBt 5oin5 4ell 3or hi16 ob=iousl/6 0s the Doctor h0d 50tecr0shed the 20rt/ 0nd one o3 the other clients h0d s2ont0neousl/ sel3@destructed in the 1iddle o3 the ;i55ur0t:


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LBut th0tBs not the 4orst thin56B the Doctor h0d told S016 03ter JiDotl h0d hel2ed the 4o10nBs co1@ 20nion c0rr/ o33 her bod/: Her bod/ h0d consisted not Eust o3 0n 0ctu0l cor2se6 but se=er0l 2ieces o3 3urniture6 0s 4ell: LShe 40snBt hu10n: She 40snBt e=en or50nic: She 40s 0 TARDIS:B LA::: hold on: "ouBre 4indin5 1e u2:B LI told /ou be3ore: A 3ull/@3unctionin5 TARDIS c0n look like 0n/thin5: A 1otorbike6 0n Ionic colu1n FB LF 0 sed0n ch0ir: "e0h6 /ouB=e 5i=en 1e the lecture: When /ou s0id >0n/thin5?6 I didnBt kno4 /ou 1e0nt anything 0n/thin5: I didnBt kno4 /ou 1e0nt people 0n/thin5:B LTh0tBs bec0use our TARDIS isnBt 0d=0nced enou5h to h0=e 0 3ull/@de=elo2ed 2erson0lit/ 10triD: M0rie F th0t 40s her n01e6 b/ the 40/ F 1ust h0=e been 1uch 1ore co12leD:B S01 h0dnBt co11ented on the 40/ the Doctor h0d s0id >our? TARDIS inste0d o3 >1/? TARDIS: Touchin56 th0t: L"ou 1e0n6 she 40s 0 ne4er 1odelIB LVer/ ne4: So ne46 in 30ct6 she doesnBt e=en eDist /et:B S01 h0d blinked: LSorr/6 is this 0 4eird;o ti1e tr0=el thin5 IB1 1issin5 the 2oint o3IB LThe 3uture6 S01: We Ti1e $ords c0nBt in=esti50te the 3uture o3 our r0ce: WeBre like the or0cles o3 0ncient Greece6 re0ll/: We c0n 2ro2hes/ e=er/thin5 eDce2t our o4n destinies: Mr Ho1unculette is 0 Ti1e $ord6 one 3ro1 0n er0 in G0lli3re/Bs 3uture: Ho4 30r in the 3uture6 IB1 not sure:B LIs th0t b0dIB LB0dIB The Doctor h0d looked 0s thou5h sheBd su55ested e0tin5 li=e 0n0cond0s: LIt could be dis@ 0strous: I3 I le0rn 0n/thin5 0bout 3uture G0lli3re/0n histor/6 c0us0lit/ could he d0105ed be/ond 0ll conce2tion: E=en b/ bein5 here6 IB1 bre0kin5 one o3 the 10Eor h04s o3 Ti1e: I 3or5et 4hich $04 it is6 eD0ctl/: It could be the Third:B LTerri36B S01 h0d s0id: A3ter th0t6 the Doctor h0d stor1ed o336 in the direction o3 the 5uest roo1s: HeBd s0id he 40nted to t0lk 4ith Mr JiDoti6 thou5h he h0dnBt s0id 4h/: S01 h0d been le3t to 40nder the corridors 0lone: Accordin5 to the Doctor6 the 2l0ce 40s Auite s03e6 0nd JiDotl h0d 10de sure there 4ere 0ll the co13orts 0n or50nic li3e@3or1 could 0sk 3or: S01 h0dnBt bothered 2ointin5 out th0t the 2l0ce 40s nonetheless 0n enor1ous torchlit 2/r01id in 4hich one 5uest h0d 0lre0d/ bitten the dust: Co13ort 40snBt re0ll/ 0n issue: She sto22ed 0t 0n $@sh02ed turnin5: SheBd been 3ollo4in5 0 sin5le t4isted 20ss05e40/ 0round the ;i55ur0t6 0nd she 5uessed sheBd =er/ ne0rl/ co1e 3ull circle: She onl/ sto22ed bec0use she s04 1o=e@ 1ent u2 0he0d: A s2ot o3 li5ht: $ike the torchli5ht6 onl/ s10ller6 not 0s bri5ht: S01 cre2t to40rds the 5lo46 stickin5 to the sh0do4s 4hene=er she could: Wh0te=er the Doctor h0d s0id 0bout di2lo10c/6 she re0ll/ didnBt 40nt to run into either o3 the b0t@skulls 050in: She 5ot the 3eelin5 the/ 4ere the kind o3 2eo2le 4hoBd been 3irst in line to cut u2 the 3ro5s in biolo5/ cl0ss: As she 5ot closer6 she re0lised the 5lo4 40s the end o3 0 lit ci50rette: There 40s 0n 0lco=e to the le3t o3 the 20ss05e6 0 st0ir40/ u2 to the neDt le=el: Sittin5 on the botto1 ste26 ci50rette in h0nd6 40s the skinn/ d0rk@h0ired 4o10n S01 h0d seen in the cockt0il loun5e: Then6 sheBd looked ner=ousC no46 she looked sh0ttered6 the s4e0t st0ins 2r0ctic0ll/ 4eldin5 her shirt to her skin: The 4o10n looked u2: She 4ould h0=e been 0ttr0cti=e6 i3 her 30ce h0dnBt been co=ered in blue slee2 lines 0nd her h0ir h0dnBt been droo2in5 o=er her e/es in stick/ bl0ck tent0cles: S01 r0ised her h0nds: LItBs O%6B she s0id: LT4o 0r1s6 t4o le5s6 one he0d: IB1 s03e: Honest:B The 4o10n l0u5hed: The l0u5h turned into 0 cou5h: She dro22ed the ci50rette6 0nd stubbed it out 4ith her boot: LDonBt kno4 i3 the/B=e 5ot 0n/ 0shtr0/s 0round here6B she s0id: L"ouBre hu10n6 0renBt /ouI I 1e0n6 re0ll/ hu10n:B S01 nodded: LO% i3 I Eoin /ouIB


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The 4o10n shi3ted to one side: S01 2lonked hersel3 do4n on the ste2 neDt to her: LTh0nks: Been h0=in5 0 look 0round this 2l0ce: #eet 0re st0rtin5 to kill 1e:B L&h6B s0id the 4o10n: S01 held out her h0nd: She 40snBt eD0ctl/ sure 4h/ she 40s tr/in5 to strike u2 0 con=ers0tion like this: M0/be it 40s 0 t/2ic0l hu10n re0ction6 4hen there 4ere so 10n/ 0liens 40nderin5 0round the 2l0ce: All those o3 like 5enes ended u2 stickin5 to5ether6 in the end: God6 there 40s nothin5 like inter@ 50l0ctic tr0=el to brin5 out the bi5ot in /ou6 40s thereI LS010nth0: S01: S01 Kones:B The 4o10n 1ulled o=er the h0nd 3or 0 1o1ent or t4o6 then shook it: LBre510n: $ieuten0nt Bre510n: &!IS"C: &h: In the interests o3 5ood ci=ili0n rel0tions6 10/be /ou should c0ll 1e %0thleen or so1ethin5:B S01 h0d no ide0 4h0t &!IS"C 40s6 but she nodded 0n/40/: L"ouBre 4ith the >inde@ 2endent?IB LWh0tI Oh: "ou 1e0n6 the Doctor:B L"e0h: Hi1: HeBs not one o3 us6 is heIB S01 tried to 5et 0 3iD on %0thleenBs 0ccent: It sounded =05uel/ En5lish6 but 0 20rticul0rl/ distorted 0nd A1eric0nised kind o3 En5lish: With 0 hint o3 #rench6 10/be: LOne o3 4hoIB L&s: "ou kno4:B %0thleen h0l3@shru55ed: LWh0t I 1e0n is6 /ouBre not 4orkin5 3or 0n/ o3 the 2o4erblocs on this 2l0net: "ouBre not here on beh0l3 o3 E0rth: A1 I closeIB Good Auestion6 thou5ht S01: LI think 4eBre su22osed to be non@2olitic0l: I kee2 tr/in5 to 5et the Doctor to 5o M0rDist on 1e6 but he 4onBt do it: Ho4 do /ou kno4 heBs not hu10n6 0n/40/IB LChrist kno4s: Instinct6 10/be: All /ou h0=e to do is 5et close to the16 0nd /ou c0n tell: !o one e=er tells /ou stu33 like th0t6 do the/IB >The1? 1e0nin5 >0liens?6 S01 2resu1ed: LDB/ou 1eet 0 lot o3 the1 in /our6 er6 line o3 4orkIB she 0sked: %0thleen re0ched into her b0ck20ck6 4hich sheBd t0ken o33 0nd rested on the 3loor bet4een her le5s: LMe 2erson0ll/I !o2e: This is 1/ 3irst ti1e in 0cti=e BEM ser=ice: The/B=e ne=er let 1e ne0r the Bu5s be3ore: I think IB1 st0rtin5 to 3i5ure out 4h/: This 1ust be th0t >culture shock? thin5 I kee2 he0rin5 0bout:B LE=er/one 5ets th0t6B S01 told her6 noddin5 s/120thetic0ll/: But she 40s thinkin5 0bout her 3irst 1eetin5 4ith the Doctor6 her 3irst tri2 in the TARDIS: She h0dnBt h0d 0n/ 2roble1s then: $ike the bits o3 the br0in th0t de0lt 4ith culture shock h0d been s4itched o33 0s soon 0s sheBd ste22ed into the con@ sole roo1: A side@e33ect o3 the TARDIS6 or so1ethin5 in her 5enesI Bre510n 2ulled out 0 20cket o3 ci50rettes6 0nd 3licked it o2en: LI onl/ Eoined u2 so I could 5et to see the C/ber1en: Str0i5ht out o3 technic0l colle5e: Me6 I 1e0n6 not the C/ber1en: I 4ouldnBt h0=e Eoined the re5ul0r 0r1/ i3 /ouBd held 0 5un to 1/ he0d: Soldiers 0re borin5: C/ber1en 0re 4orth shootin5 0t:B She 50=e S01 0 1e0nin53ul 5l0nce: LI 40s the kind o3 kid 4ho h0d VirchCon 3i5hters inste0d o3 B0rbie dolls: "ou 2rob0bl/ 5uessed th0t:B S01 ke2t noddin5: SheBd h0d Star &ars 3i5ures6 hersel3: %0thleen o33ered her the ci50rette boD: LTh0nks6 no:B %0thleen 5runted6 then lit u2 0 ci50rette 3or hersel3 4ith 0 dis2os0ble li5hter6 le0=in5 the rest o3 the 20cket on the ste2 beside her: LI 40snBt eD2ectin5 the1 to be like this6B she s0id6 bet4een bre0ths o3 s1oke: LJiDotl: "ou 3riend: Th0t Ti1e $ord6 4h0tBs his n01eI Ho1unculette: Wh0t IB1 s0/in5 is6 the/ look hu10n6 but the/Bre not: "ou c0n tell: DonBt kno4 ho4:B LBiod0t06B su55ested S01: LSo1ethin5 in the biolo5/: The si5n0ls the/ 5i=e o33:B %0thleen shru55ed: LRi5ht no46 IB1 su22osed to be soci0lisin5: I think IBll lose 1/ 5ri2 i3 I h0=e to 5et ne0r Ho1unculette 050in: "ou looked 0 hell o3 0 lot 1ore co13ort0ble 0round /our 0lien th0n ) 4ouldB=e done6 th0tBs 0ll IB1 s0/in5:B LItBs not like /ou eD2ect6B S01 s0id: LI 1e0n6 bein5 4ith the Doctor:B L"e0hI Wh/6 4h0tBs it likeIB


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S01 h0d to think 0bout th0t: LItBs like::: look6 I donBt nor10ll/ t0lk 0bout this stu336 but IBll tell /ou6 O%I ItBs like the one ti1e I 5ot tot0ll/ o33 1/ 30ce:B LThe one ti1eI Are /ou sure /ouBre hu10nIB Ver/ 3unn/6 thou5ht S01: "e0h6 the one ti1e: The ti1e sheBd 40nted to 3ind out eD0ctl/ ho4 lib@ er0l@1inded her 20rents 4ere6 4hen it c01e do4n to it: LIt 40s like e=er/thin5 looked out o3 s/nc6 0ll o3 0 sudden6B she told %0thleen: L$ike the 4orld h0d 1o=ed t4o inches to the le3t6 0nd no one h0d told 1e 0bout it: "ou 5et 20r0noid6 /ou 5et con3used:::B LAnd th0tBs 4h0t it 3eels like h0n5in5 0round 4ith 0n 0lienIB L!o: $isten: A3ter 0 4hile6 I 3i5ured out the best 40/ o3 de0lin5 4ith stu336 4hen /ouBre in th0t kind o3 st0te: "ou h0=e to 0ct c0su0l: "ou h0=e to 2retend the 4orldBs 0l40/s been th0t 40/6 0nd nothin5 unusu0lBs h022enin5: And th0t 40s 4h0t it 40s like6 the 3irst cou2le o3 4eeks I s2ent 040/ 3ro1 E0rth: It 40s one stu2id situ0tion 03ter 0nother: All these 2l0nets I 5ot t0ken to6 0ll these 2l0ces 4here the sk/Bs 5reen or the se0Bs 10de out o3 0cid:B L$et 1e re0d bet4een the lines here6B s0id %0thleen: LWh0t /ouBre s0/in5 is6 /ou 4ent cr0;/:B L!o: "ou donBt 5o cr0;/: Well6 10/be /ouBd 5o cr0;/ i3 /ou tried to 3i5ht it6 but /ou donBt: "ou 5i=e in to it: $ike thereBs 0 ne4 set o3 rules6 0nd /ou h0=e to 5o 0lon5 4ith the1: Does th0t 10ke senseIB %0thleen nodded6 but S01 5ot the 3eelin5 she 40snBt re0ll/ 3ollo4in5 0 4ord o3 it: Bec0use %0th@ leen h0dnBt 5i=en in to it /et6 h0d sheI She 40s still tr/in5 to li=e in 0 s03e6 ordin0r/6 str0i5ht@line kind o3 4orld6 0nd it 40s 5oin5 to dri=e her 10d6 i3 she 40snBt c0re3ul: S01 5l0nced do4n 0t the ci50rette boD6 l/in5 on the ste2 bet4een her 0nd the $ieuten0nt: Si5n o3 nor10lit/6 she thou5ht: The kind o3 thin5 /ouBd see stu33ed do4n the b0ck o3 the bike r0ck 0t Co0l Hill6 or l/in5 in the 5utters on %in5sl0nd Ro0d: M0/be the 20cket h0d been 2ut there 0s 0 kind o3 re1inder: A token o3 the thin5s sheBd 5i=en u2 4hen sheBd 40lked into the TARDIS: A little so1ethin5 3ro1 the t4entieth centur/: She 2icked u2 the boD6 0nd re0d the lo5o on the 3ront: C$O&D TE!6 it re0d: THE ORIGI!A$ CA!!ABIS CIGARETTE: MA!&#ACT&RED I! BIRMI!GHAM6 E!G$A!D: L"ou sure /ou donBt 40nt oneIB %0thleen 0sked: She 40snBt de0d: His co120nion there 40s 0 hole in her side6 but there 40s 0 2ulse in her he0rt6 the throbbin5 o3 en5ines in the lo4er le=els o3 her bod/: M0rie 40s in the 5uest roo16 0nd Ho1unculette 40s inside M0rie6 s4i11in5 in the s20ce bet4een her outer sel3 0nd her inner sel36 3orcin5 his 40/ into the console roo1 on the other side o3 the di1ension0l ru2ture: A he0rtbe0t to 5uide hi1: The scent o3 ions in her 0t1os2here: She 40s d0105ed6 she 40snBt de0d6 so1ethin5 in her h0d shut o33 the 4e02ons s/ste1s in ti1e: A s03et/ 2rotocol: Ho1unculette 3elt s/n@ thetic 0ir on his 30ce 0s he dr055ed hi1sel3 into the console roo1: There 40s h0rdl/ 0n/ li5ht6 onl/ the tiniest o3 =ibr0tions bene0th his 3eet: M0rieBs roundels 4ere 5lo4in56 but di1l/: D/in5: !ot de0d: SheBd been 0tt0cked: There 40s 0n 0ss0ssin6 or 0 2otenti0l 0ss0ssin6 ri5ht here in the ;i55ur0t: So1e@ bod/ h0d =iol0ted his co120nion6 2rob0bl/ 4ith 0 =irus o3 so1e kind: So1ebod/ h0d tricked her into 0cti=0tin5 her de3ences6 lettin5 her 4e02ons s/ste1s te0r her 020rt 3ro1 the inside: An 0ss0ssin: And it 40snBt di33icult to 4ork out 4ho: M0rieBs 1ind 40s in 2ieces6 but there 40s still 2o4er do4n in her bell/6 enou5h 3or 0n e1er5enc/ resuscit0tion: SheBd be re20ired: Resurrected: And once her li3e h0d been restored6 Ho1unculette told hi1sel36 the 3irst thin5 he h0d to do 40s re0cti=0te her 4e02ons s/ste1s: There 40s 0n 0ss0ssin6 0nd the 0ss0ssin 4ould 20/: One 40/ or 0nother6 the 4ill o3 the Hi5h Council 4ould be done: RRR


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While6 0l1ost 0 li5ht@/e0r 040/6 0 sin5le bl0ck s20ceshi2 3lickered into eDistence6 its sc0nnin5 1ech0@ nis1s lockin5 onto 0 cert0in s2eci3ic buildin5 on the sur30ce o3 the E0rth: S0tis3ied6 the shi2Bs 2ilot returned the =essel to interstiti0l s20ce6 0nd 2lotted 0 course 3or its 3in0l destin0tion:


Bre510n 3ished the in=ite c0rd out o3 her 2ocket6 then tried re0din5 the s10ll 2rint: The li5ht 40s still bl0;in5 o33 the sur30ce o3 the c0rd6 e=en here inside the ;i55ur0t: The 4ords 0t the botto1 o3 the teDt 4ere blurred6 0nd the letters ke2t shi3tin5 the1sel=es 0round in 3ront o3 Bre510nBs e/es: Or r0ther6 her e/es ke2t shi3tin5 the1sel=es 0round in 3ront o3 the letters: When the c0rd h0d been l0b@tested in Gene=06 the En5lish 0n0l/sts h0d re2orted the teDt to be in En5lish6 the #rench 0n0l/sts h0d re2orted the teDt to be in #rench6 the Ger10n 0n0l/sts h0d re2orted the teDt to be in Ger10n6 0nd the S4iss 0n0l/sts h0d re2orted the teDt to be in En5lish6 #rench6 0nd Ger10n: All 0t the s01e ti1e: LWellIB 0sked the 5irl 4ho c0lled hersel3 S01: Bre510n st0rted sAuintin5: LThereBs so1ethin5 here 0bout >suit0ble 0cco1od0tion 4ill be 2ro=ided?6 but I donBt kno4 i3::: does th0t 4ord look like >hos2it0lit/? or >hos2it0l? to /ouIB LEr::: >hos2it0lit/?:B LTh0nk God 3or th0t:B Bre510n c0st her e/es 0round the 5uest roo1 Mr JiDotl h0d 2ro=ided 3or her 0nd the Colonel: As eD2ected6 the 40lls 4ere 10de o3 stone 0nd h0d 3l01in5 torches n0iled into the16 but 020rt 3ro1 th0t the decor 40s 2rett/ 0cce2t0ble: There 4ere t4o beds6 both co=ered in du=ets th0t could h0=e consu1ed 4hole 0r1ies: A 3e4 s10ller 2ieces o3 3urniture 4ere sc0ttered 0round the roo16 so3t 0r1ch0irs in so3t colours6 e=en 0 cou2le o3 20dded 3ootstools: S01 40s checkin5 out the 3iDtures 0nd 3ittin5s 0s 4ell6 but she didnBt look h022/: LDonBt /ou think thereBs so1ethin5 odd 0bout 0ll thisIB she 0sked: L&hh: DonBt tell 1e: >Bene0th this l0/er o3 0220rent co13ort lie the 2s/chic tendrils o3 0n 0lien 1ind 20r0site:? B S01 st0red 0t her: Bl0nkl/: LWh0t6 re0ll/IB LI 40s Auotin5: &!IS"C tr0inin5 3il1: O%6 IBll 5o 0lon5 4ith /ou: Wh0tBs odd 0bout 0ll thisIB LThis stu33:B S01 eD2eri1ent0ll/ 2rodded 0n 0r1ch0ir6 but it 0bsolutel/ re3used to turn into 0 hideous 0lien sh02e@shi3ter 0nd bite her h0nd o33: LI 1e0n6 itBs cos/6 /e0h6 but 4h0tBs the st/le su22osed to beIB LSt/leI I donBt kno4: !o st/le: ItBs Eust 0n 0r1ch0ir:B LBut thereBs no such thin5 0s >Eust 0n 0r1ch0ir?6 ri5htI I3 so1eone En5lish 10kes 0 ch0ir6 the ch0ir looks kind o3 En5lish/: I3 so1eone A3ric0n 10kes 0 ch0ir6 it looks kind o3 A3ric0n/: This ch0ir doesnBt look 0n/thin5/:B S01 indic0ted so1e o3 the other 3urnishin5s 0round the roo1: LA cou2le o3 4eeks 05o I 40s in the 3ortieth centur/: And the ch0irs there looked 0ll 3ortieth centur/@ish: I su22ose /ou onl/ st0rt noticin5 this kind o3 thin5 4hen /ou ti1e tr0=el 0 lot:B L&hat did /ou s0/IB s0id Bre510n: LI s0id6 the ch0irs in the 3ortieth centur/ FB L!o6 to hell 4ith the ch0irs6 I 1e0nt 0bout:::B Bre510n re0lised she h0d no 40/ o3 0skin5 the Aues@ tion >4h0t do /ou 1e0n6 ti1e tr0=elI? 4ithout soundin5 like 0 1oron6 so she shut u2: S01 ke2t t0lkin5: LI3 JiDotlBs 0 ti1e@tr0=eller too6 0nd he kne4 he 40s 5oin5 to h0=e to do this roo1 u2 s2eci0ll/ 3or hu10ns6 IBd h0=e thou5ht heBd 5o out 0nd look 0t hu10n 3urniture in 0 histor/ book or so1ethin5: But the ch0irs 0nd thin5s donBt look like the/ co1e 3ro1 0n/ 2eriod in histor/:B LGre0t: The ch0irs 0renBt 4h0t the/ see1:B Bre510n 5l0nced o=er her shoulder 0t %orte; 0s she s0id it: The Colonel 40s sittin5 cross@le55ed on one o3 the beds6 e/es closed6 h0nds on his knees: Still 1ed@ it0tin5: "ou could 5i=e hi1 0 5ood sl02 0round the e0rs ri5ht no46 thou5ht Bre510n6 0nd he still 4ouldnBt co1e b0ck do4n to E0rth: She so1eho4 resisted the te12t0tion to test this h/2othesis: .*


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S01 40s still 05onisin5 0bout the u2holster/: LIB1 thinkin5 0bout 4h0t the Doctor s0id: Biod0t0: DB/ou think /ou could tell 4h0t kind o3 3urniture so1eone 1i5ht like6 Eust 3ro1 4h0tBs in their biolo5/IB Bre510n shru55ed: L ossible: "ouBre t0lkin5 0bout D!A6 th0t kind o3 thin5I I3 /ou kno4 so1eoneBs 5ot t4o le5s 0nd 0 tush 3ro1 4h0tBs in their 5enes6 /ou c0n 2rob0bl/ 3i5ure out 4h0t kind o3 ch0irs the/Bd 40nt to sit on:B S01 sn022ed her 3in5ers: LAnd i3 /ou kno4 4h0t li5ht 3reAuencies 0nd stu33 their e/es res2ond to6 /ou c0n 4ork out the best colour sche1e 3or the1: $ike this roo1: ItBs so::: I donBt kno4::: taste(ul: "ou kno4 4h0t I thinkI I think this 4hole 2l0ce 40s 2ut to5ether usin5 /our biod0t0 0s 0 4h0tsit: As 0 te12l0te:B Bre510n 1i1ed 0 round o3 022l0use: LKesus6 /ouBre 5ood 0t this: All I kno4 is6 /ouBre su22osed to sh0ke h0nds 4ith the1 i3 the/B=e 5ot 0r1s 0nd shoot 0t the1 i3 the/B=e 5ot tent0cles 5ro4in5 out their 30ces:B And e=en 0s she s0id it6 so1ethin5 3l0shed 0cross Bre510nBs 1ind6 so1ethin5 bri5ht 0nd cle0r 0nd uneD2ected: She 40snBt sure6 but she 5uessed th0t6 3ro1 the outside6 her e/es 4ould be 2o22in5 out o3 her he0d like sheBd seen 0 =ision o3 the Vir5in M0r/: L"ou 0ll ri5htIB 0sked S01: LI think I Eust h0d 0 5re0t ide06B s0id Bre510n: Tr0sk 40s s1ilin56 0nd h0d been e=er since the hu10n 4o10n h0d co1e to the roo1: The s1ile h0d st0rted out 0s 0 1uscul0r t4itch6 the result o3 0 soci0l i12ulse Tr0sk h0dnBt 0ctu0ll/ h0d 0n/ use 3or in ne0rl/ 3our hundred /e0rs: Since the 4o10n h0d le3t6 heBd h0d no re0son to ch0n5e his eD2ression6 so he h0dnBt bothered resettin5 his 30ci0l 1uscles: He cert0inl/ 40snBt h022/6 thou5h: He 40snBt 0n/thin56 1uch: He 40s 040re6 0s 0l40/s6 o3 his res2onsibilities6 0nd th0t 40s 0s close to sel3@040reness 0s he 40nted to 5et: His controllers h0d ch0r5ed hi1 4ith the t0sk o3 reco=erin5 the Relic6 0nd c0rr/in5 it b0ck to Mictl0n b/ 4h0te=er 1e0ns bec01e necess0r/: Be/ond th0t6 there 40s nothin5 o3 i12ort0nce to consider: !o need 3or 0n/ ne4 thou5hts inside his he0d: )deas are (or the living1 #or the 3irst ti1e in dec0des6 Tr0sk 3elt hi1sel3 3linch: Ide0s 0re 3or the li=in5: It 40s true6 o3 course6 it 40s =er/ true: But the thou5ht 40s6 in itsel36 0n ide0: Please don/t be alarmed0 Mr Trask1 )t/s only me1 The Shi3t: The 3irst entit/ Tr0sk h0d encountered 4hen heBd returned to E0rth6 4hen heBd turned u2 0t the Cit/ entr0nce 4ith the sun se0rin5 his e/es 0nd the he0t o3 the 3orest burnin5 the de0d 3lesh o33 his li1bs: The Shi3t 40s in his he0d: !estlin5 0t the b0ck o3 his br0in: ) apologise (or my directness0 Mr Trask1 Bsually0 )/d be much more subtle $hen communicating $ith a more physical being than mysel(1 %o$ever0 your .uarters are a little sparse1 ,ot much oppor2 tunity (or mani(estation0 i( you understand me1 L"es6B s0id Tr0sk6 thinkin5 on his 3eet: #nd there aren/t many concepts in your mind ) can easily0 shall $e say0 inhabit1 This is $hy )/m speaking to you directly through the creative centres o( your brain1 This $ould kill any living creature0 )/m sure1 %o$ever0 your creative centres aren/t doing very much0 at the moment1 ,o o((ence intended1 L!o o33ence t0ken6B Tr0sk re2lied: #nother bidder has arrived in the ity0 Mr Trask1 ) thought you should be in(ormed1 ,obody seems to kno$ $ho he is or $hat e((ect he might have on the auction1 Tr0sk thou5ht 0bout this 3or 0 1o1ent or t4o: LAndIB Mr Trask0 ) kno$ $ho you represent0 and you kno$ $ho ) represent1 ,aturally0 )/m .uite happy (or us to keep each other/s secrets0 but you/d have to admit0 our ob8ectives are111 in opposition0 shall $e say9 O((icially0 our respective employers $ouldn/t $ant anyone to kno$ $e had even this degree o(


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contact1 Tr0sk nodded6 but s0id nothin5: The balance o( po$er must be maintained0 Mr Trask1 # threat to your people is also a threat to mine1 %e/s coming1 Perhaps you/ll see $hat ) mean1 LGood 03ternoon6B s0id 0 ne4 =oice: It took Tr0sk 0 4hile to 3i5ure out th0t it h0d co1e 3ro1 so1e@ 4here on the outside o3 his he0d: There 40s so1eone st0ndin5 0t the threshold o3 his roo1: Tr0sk 40snBt sure 0bout the 10nBs s2e@ cies6 but he st0nk o3 li3e: He 40s t0ll6 sli16 lon5@le55ed: He looked shocked 4hen Tr0sk 10de e/e con@ t0ct 4ith hi16 but he reco=ered hi1sel3 Auite 4ell: L!ice to see 0 h022/ 30ce 0round here6B s0id the 10n6 s1ilin5 5eni0ll/: LI donBt think 4eB=e 1et: M/ n01eBs S1ith6 or 0t le0st6 th0tBs the nom de guerre I see1 to kee2 endin5 u2 4ith6 li3eti1e 03ter li3e@ ti1e: At le0st I didnBt choose it 1/sel36 this ti1e: And /ou 0re:::IB LTr0sk6B s0id Tr0sk: LAh: Well6 I 40s 4onderin5 i3 /ou could hel2 1e: IB1 lookin5 3or Mr JiDotl: I donBt su22ose /ou h0=e 0n/ ide0:::IB The 10nBs e/es 4ere d0rtin5 0round the roo16 t0kin5 in the decor: Or l0ck o3 it: L!o6B Tr0sk s0id: The str0n5er nodded6 0220rentl/ h0=in5 run out o3 thin5s to s0/: L"es: Well: IB1 sure IBll be seein5 1ore o3 /ou l0ter6 0n/40/: Goodb/e 3or no46 Mr Tr0sk:B The 10n turned to 5o6 then sto22ed de0d: He 5l0nced o=er his shoulder6 Eust brie3l/: LAnd /ou6 Mr Shi3t:B A 1o1ent l0ter6 he 40s 5one: Aou see9 Tr0sk nodded: )/ve got things to do be(ore the auction0 Mr Trask1 ) thought it $as only (air to $arn you about this ne$111 $ell0 let/s not call it a threat1 Let/s call it a 3concern61 LTh0nk /ou6B cro0ked Tr0sk6 but the Shi3t didnBt re2l/: Alone 050in6 Tr0sk considered the >concern?: He 40snBt con=inced the ne4 bidder 4ould 10ke 0n/ di33erence to his 2l0ns: Whoe=er the 10n S1ith 40s6 he 40s li3e: And 0ll li3e 40s susce2tible: An entirel/ uneD2ected thou5ht suddenl/ unr0=elled inside Tr0skBs he0d: $i3e: When heBd seen S1ith6 the 3irst thin5 heBd noticed h0dnBt been the 10nBs 30ce6 or his bod/6 or his clothes: It h0d been th0t Au0lit/ o3 li3e: Stron5er th0n it 40s in 1ost or50nis1s: Stron5 enou5h th0t /ou could s1ell it6 i3 /ou kne4 4h0t to s1ell 3or: Tr0sk h0d onl/ scented th0t kind o3 intensit/ in 0 li=in5 thin5 once be3ore6 0nd th0t h0d been in the e0rl/ /e0rs6 4hen heBd t0ken li3e 3or 5r0nted: The e0rl/ /e0rs: The 3in0l 1o1ents: Tr0sk re1e1bered bein5 under the 40ter6 chokin5 on his l0st 1outh3ul o3 oD/5en but not bein5 0ble to let it 5o: His 0r1s6 4e0ker th0n the/ should h0=e been6 4ere tr/in5 to 2ull the rest o3 his bod/ u2 to the sur30ce: His h0nds broke 3ree o3 the 40ter6 touched 0ir 0bo=e his he0d6 but so1ethin5 40s dr055in5 hi1 do4n6 tu55in5 0t his 0nkles: There 40s liAuid 2ressin5 050inst e=er/ inch o3 skin6 se0rchin5 3or 0n o2enin5: Re0d/ to 3ill u2 his lun5s: It 40s su22osed to be 0 5ood 40/ to die6 0 2e0ce3ul 40/6 but Tr0sk kne4 itBd 0ll be o=er 0s soon 0s he 50=e u2 0nd tried to bre0the in: Th0t 40s the h0rdest thin5 to t0ke: %no4in5 th0t 4hen he died6 it 4ould be his 30ult: There 40s no 2e0ce in 0 de0th like th0t: And then he s04 the 30ce6 ho=erin5 in the 0ir on the other side o3 the sur30ce: Inches 0bo=e his he0d: The 30ce 40s old6 serious6 0 terrible 3ro4n stretched bet4een 0 20ir o3 s055in5 cheeks: The 10n 4hoBd brou5ht hi1 here to die: Tr0sk looked u2 0t the 10n6 0nd s04 hi1 3or 4h0t he 40s: $i3e: Sheer li3e: And the Au0lit/ 40s in3ectious: So in3ectious th0t Tr0sk 10n05ed to 3i5ht 050inst the l0ke 3or 0 5ood thirt/ seconds 1ore be3ore the l0st o3 the 0ir sli22ed out o3 his lun5s: So in3ectious th0t e=en no46 sittin5 in the ;i55ur0t centuries l0ter6 Tr0sk could 3eel the 20nic 0nd the n0use0 see2in5 into his ner=ous s/ste16 e=en thou5h he kne4 he 40s su22osed to be de0d to 3eelin5:


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$i3e: The 10n 4hoBd 022e0red in the door40/ o3 the 5uest roo1 h0d been Eust like the 10n on the other side o3 the 40ter: His 30ce 40s di33erent6 thou5h: "oun5er: So it couldnBt be6 surel/ couldnBt be6 the s01e 10n: L111Smith0 or at least0 that/s the no1 de 5uerre ) seem to keep ending up $ith0 li(etime a(ter li(etime111/ &nless::: L111keep ending up $ith0 li(etime a(ter li(etime111/ W0s it 2ossible:::I L111li(etime a(ter li(etime111/ W0s it 2ossible th0t S1ith 40s the oneI The one 4ho6 0ll those /e0rs 05o6 h0d been res2onsible 3or 2uttin5 Tr0sk 01on5 the r0nks o3 the de0dI LRun this b/ 1e 050in6B s0id S01: LWh0t is it 4eBre su22osed to be doin56 eD0ctl/IB $ieuten0nt Bre510n F %0thleen F 40s hurtlin5 throu5h the corridors o3 the ;i55ur0t6 her he0d d0rtin5 3ro1 side to side6 2eekin5 into the corners6 nosin5 0round in the 0lco=es: LWe 40nt to 3ind the other 5uest roo1s: The/Bre 0ll su22osed to be in the s01e 20ss05e6 but JiDotl 1o=ed us 0round 03ter I 3ound the de0d 5u/:B S01 tried to kee2 u2 4ith her: h/sic0ll/ 0s 4ell 0s conce2tu0ll/: L&16 4h0t kind o3 de0d 5u/ 40s thisI I 1e0n6 0 1urdered de0d 5u/6 or 0 5u/ 4ho Eust h022ened to be de0dIB LA s1ilin5 de0d 5u/: #or5et 0bout it6 it doesnBt 10tter ri5ht no4:B The/ re0ched 0nother Eunction6 0nd %0thleen s4un5 o33 to the ri5ht: LItBs like /ou s0id: The 5uest roo1s c0n tell /ou e=er/thin5 /ou need to kno4 0bout the 2eo2le st0/in5 there: Ri5htIB S01 sucked her li2: LW0it 0 1inute: %0thleen6 0re /ou su55estin5:::IB L$ook6 IB1 &!IS"C6 O%I And /e0h6 I kno4 4eBre not the 1ost 2ro3ession0l out3it in the 4orld FB LI didnBt kno4 th0t6B S01 1u1bled: LF but the de3ence o3 this 2l0net is kind o3 in our brie3: So 4h0t IB1 s0/in5 is6 4e h0=e 0 Auick look 0round the other roo1s6 0nd 4e 5et the 0d=0nt05e: We c0n st0rt 3i5urin5 out eD0ctl/ 4h0t the other BEMs 0re6 0nd 4h/ the/Bre here6 10/be:B L%0thleen:B S01 5r0bbed the 4o10nBs shoulder6 dr055in5 her to 0 h0lt: %0thleen looked irrit0ted6 but relie=ed 0t the s01e ti1e6 0s i3 she 4ere 5l0d sheBd been 5i=en 0n eDcuse to sto2 runnin5: L$isten: H0l3 0n hour 05o /ou looked like /our he0d 40s 5oin5 to burst i3 /ou s04 0nother 0lien: !o4 /ouBre tr/in5 to bre0k into their hotel roo1s:B LWe donBt h0=e to bre0k in: There 0renBt 0n/ doors:B L >We?I WhoBs this >4e?IB %0thleen 50=e S01 0 sus2icious look: S01 tutted 0t her: LI donBt 1e0n IB1 5oin5 to turn out to be 0 M0rti0n s2/ or 0n/thin5: I 1e0n6 in c0se /ouBd 3or5otten6 4eBre su22osed to be ri=0ls here: WeBre both biddin5 3or the Relic6 4h0te=er itBs 1e0nt to be:B Bre510n6 S01 h0d le0rned6 didnBt kno4 4h0t the 0uction 40s 0ll 0bout either: The Colonel did6 but he 40snBt s0/in5 0n/@ thin5: At le0st6 he 40snBt s0/in5 0n/thin5 th0t 10de sense: LThe 0uction isnBt the 10in thin5: ItBs 0 Auestion o3 2l0net0r/ securit/:B S01 40snBt sure i3 %0thleen 40s Auotin5 0nother &!IS"C tr0inin5 3il16 or Eust t0lkin5 dri=el: LWeBre both hu10n6 th0tBs 4h0t 10t@ ters here:B LWh0tIB L$ook6 I donBt::: I donBt kno4 ho4 to s0/ this: We 4ere st0ndin5 there in our roo16 0nd /ou s0id 4h0t /ou s0id 0bout biod0t06 0nd::: it 10de sense6 O%I I h0d this ide06 0nd it 10de sense: Christ6 I donBt kno4: I donBt kno4 4h0t else to s0/: I think 10/be IB1 st0rtin5 to 3i5ure out ho4 to do 1/ Eob 2ro2@ erl/:B S01 si5hed: $oudl/: L%0thleen6 /ouBre 0 seriousl/ 1essed@u2 indi=idu0l:B


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L"e0h6 4ell6 IB1 &!IS"C: IB1 2rob0bl/ 5oin5 to end u2 like the Colonel one d0/6 I 1i5ht 0s 4ell 2r0ctise bein5 0 s0d loser no4:B She st0rted sni33in5 0round the 20ss05e40/6 4ith 0 30intl/ be1used look on her 30ce6 0s i3 sheBd 3or5otten 4here she 40s: S01 tried to distr0ct her: LS2e0kin5 o3 the Colonel6 donBt /ou think 4e should tell hi1 4h0t 4eBre doin5:::IB LHeBs 1edit0tin5: ItBs like h/2nosis6 /ou c0n do serious d0105e to so1eoneBs 2s/che i3 /ou 40ke the1 u2 e0rl/: He/6 S01IB L"e0hIB LI think 4eB=e 3ound so1ethin5:B %0thleen h0d 1o=ed 0 3e4 20ces u2 the corridor6 0nd no4 she 40s st0ndin5 in 3ront o3 one o3 the o2en door40/s6 st0rin5 into the roo1 on the other side: She h0d the s01e =05uel/ sick look S01 h0d seen on her 30ce in the cockt0il loun5e: With less th0n 0bsolute con3idence6 S01 ski22ed u2 to her side6 0nd 2eered throu5h the door40/: Se=er0l hundred skulls 2eered b0ck 0t her: There 40s 2o4er in the circuits 050in6 li5ht 0cross the do1e o3 the console roo1: Ho1unculette 1o=ed 0round the cur=e o3 the 40ll6 2ressin5 his h0nds 050inst the 0ccess 20nels o3 M0rieBs inner bod/: Gener@ 0ll/6 Ho1unculette didnBt h0=e 1uch o3 0 so3t touchC he r0rel/ 5ot 1ore sensiti=e th0n bein5 0ble to tell the di33erence bet4een eth0nol 0nd st0in re1o=er: But this 40s di33erent: This 40s::: M0rie: He closed his e/es6 3elt the b0st0rd te0r ducts bul5in5 behind the lids 050in6 0nd 4ondered6 in the 3e4 bits o3 his br0in th0t st0/ed lo5ic0l6 4h/ the ducts h0dnBt been e=ol=ed out o3 the Ti1e $ord bios/ste1 centuries 05o: He could 3eel the li3e le3t in M0rieBs bod/6 the tr0ces o3 sentience buried in the 10teri0l o3 the 40ll: Her 1ind 40s in 2ieces: So1e4here in her de2ths6 Ho1unculette kne46 thereBd be the 1e1or/ record o3 her l0st 1o1ents: Her l0st 1o1ents 0s 0 co12lete entit/: He h0d to 3ind it: To kno4 4h0t sheBd been thinkin5: To sh0re 4h0t sheBd eD2erienced6 e=en: He kne4 sheBd been 0tt0cked6 0nd he kne4 4hoBd 0tt0cked her6 so the in3or10tion 40snBt 0ctu0ll/ use3ul6 0s such: It 40s 2erson0l thin5: One 40/ or 0nother6 he h0d to 3eel heBd been 4ith her 4hen it h0d h022ened: Ho1unculette o2ened his e/es 050in6 3orced hi1sel3 to look 0round the console roo1: The roo1 40s int0ct6 no4 heBd used the drone cl012s to st0bilise M0rieBs 0rchitectur0l core6 but the s/ste1s 4ere still 0 1ess: E=er/ TARDIS eDisted on 1illions o3 le=els6 0 lot o3 the1 too subtle 3or e=en the Ti1e $ord 1ind to 2ercei=eC the structure o3 the console roo1 40s onl/ 0 1odel o3 the true he0rt o3 the shi26 sc0led do4n to 3it into its userBs senses: M0rie 40s sick6 /ou could tell th0t 0t 0 5l0nce6 bec0use the 0ccess 20nels linin5 the 40lls looked buckled 0nd burnt6 0s i3 the roo1 h0d been 5utted b/ 3ire: Ridiculous6 o3 course: The 30bric o3 0 TARDIS could st0nd 0 3ull@on ther1onucle0r bl0st 4ithout so 1uch 0s 0 scorch 10rk: The sin5ed 20nels 4ere there 3or the s0ke o3 022e0r0nce6 the shi2Bs 40/ o3 let@ tin5 Ho1unculette kno4 so1ethin5 40s 4ron5: As i3 heBd needed tellin5: B/ the s01e token6 the 3loor h0d turned the colour o3 0sh6 0nd 3r0ctured electric0l c0bles hun5 li12l/ 3ro1 the ceilin56 tin/ blue s20rks Eu12in5 3ro1 bre0k to bre0k: Ho=erin5 in the centre o3 the roo1 40s 0 3ull@len5th holo5r01 o3 0 sin5le hu10noid 3i5ure: Gettin5 the holo5r01 2roEection s/ste1 b0ck in order h0d been 0 ni5ht10re6 0nd Ho1unculette h0d 0l1ost lit@ er0ll/ been 3orced to h011er the circuits into sub1ission 4ith 0 sonic 1onke/@4rench: E=en no46 the holo5r01 40s 20le6 ble0ched6 sli5htl/ blurr/: When M0rie h0d been 0tt0cked6 her eDtern0l inter30ce h0d been ru2tured: Ho1unculette h0d recti3ied th0t be3ore heBd done 0n/thin5 else: HeBd 2ro5r011ed the ch01eleon circuit to re3or1 her outer bod/6 he0lin5 o=er the 4ound: The holo5r01 40s linked to the ch01eleon circuit6 0nd dis2l0/ed 0n i105e o3 the 40/ M0rie looked on the outside: She 40s shorter th0n she h0d been6 blonde6 20le@skinned: She 4ore 0 d0rk blue uni3or16 4ith 0 sil=er b0d5e 0nd 0 dink/ little h0t: M0rieBs de30ult settin56 these d0/s: A /e0r or so 05o6 Ho1un@


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culette h0d t0ken her to t4entieth centur/ $ondon6 0nd 4hile the/Bd been there the ch01eleon circuit h0d E011ed: As 0 result6 M0rie h0d been stuck in the sh02e o3 0 (7'-s British 2olice4o10n 3or se=er0l 1onths: Ho1unculette h0d 3iDed the 30ult6 e=entu0ll/6 but 4hene=er M0rie h0d trouble 4ith her intern0ls6 the old 2olice4o10n bod/ 4ould usu0ll/ 2o2 b0ck into eDistence: Ho1unculette re0lised heBd closed his e/es 050in: More s0lt@40ter under his lids: Stu2id: M0rie 40s his co120nion6 o33ici0ll/ 0ssi5ned to hi1 b/ the Hi5h Council: He 40s su22osed to be 0n 05ent o3 40r: Att0ch1ent 40s su22osed to be unthink0ble: But M0rie h0d been 0tt0cked: And 4h0te=er JiDotl s0id6 it 40s ob=ious6 20in3ull/ ob=ious6 4h0t h0d h022ened: So1ethin5 h0d 1essed 0round 4ith the structure o3 s20ce@ti1e6 e=en the str0n5er in the =el=et E0cket h0d kno4n th0t: At 0n/ other ti1e6 Ho1unculette 4ould h0=e sus2ected the 05ents o3 the ene1/: But not here: !ot no4: A3ter 0ll6 e=er/bod/ kne4 0bout the #0ction: E=er/bod/ kne4 0bout their ritu0ls6 the blood@ hun5r/ =oodoo rites the/ used 0s 4indo4@dressin5 to co=er u2 the 2rocedures the/Bd stolen 3ro1 the Ti1e $ords: The/ tore holes in the continuu16 2ut it do4n to the 4ork o3 the >S2irits?6 e=en 0cted like the/ 4ere 2roud o3 the d0105e the/ did: B0st0rds: S0distic6 bloodthirst/ b0st0rds: Ho1unculette 3elt his 3in5ers ti5hten6 onl/ no4 noticin5 the 40/ heBd been holdin5 the sonic 1onke/ 4rench: Wei5hin5 it u2 in his 20l16 5ri22in5 it like 0 club: Be3ore he e=en kne4 4h0t he 40s doin56 his thu1b h0d 3licked the tri55er6 de0cti=0tin5 the sonic 1ech0nis1: Turnin5 the 4rench into nothin5 1ore th0n 0 lu12 o3 he0=/ 1et0l: The Doctor 40s concerned: #or so1eone 4ho h0d6 on 10n/ occ0sions6 3ooled hi1sel3 into thinkin5 the uni=erse 40s his res2onsibilit/ 0nd his res2onsibilit/ 0lone6 concern 40s nothin5 ne4: But this 40s 0 20rticul0rl/ he0=/ 0nd o1inous kind o3 concern: The kind /ou could cut u2 into slices 0nd ser=e 4ith chi2s: HeBd been 20cin5 the corridors o3 the ;i55ur0t 3or 0 5ood hour no46 2okin5 his nose into the side@ 20ss05es6 5oin5 e=er/4here he thou5ht he could 5o 4ithout tri55erin5 the 0l0r1 s/ste1s: There 40s still no si5n o3 Mr JiDotl: The 10n h0d 40nted to t0lk6 but 03ter th0t business 4ith the TARDIS@ 4o10n6 heBd si12l/ =0nished: On his tr0=els 0round the buildin56 the Doctor h0d t0lked to the li=in5 de0d6 enEo/ed 0 lon5 >con=ers0tion? 4ith the Shi3t6 0nd e=en 40=ed to 0 0r0doD cultist Gsurel/ 0 3irstH6 but he 40s no 4iser 0bout 4h0t 40s 5oin5 on here: The Doctor turned the neDt corner6 0nd 2r0ctic0ll/ 40lked into Mr Ho1unculette: Ho1unculette looked 1uch 0s he h0d done in the cockt0il loun5e6 onl/ 4orse: The Doctor be01ed 4hen he s04 the 10n6 0nd o2ened u2 his 0r1s in 4h0t he ho2ed looked like 0 5esture o3 co1r0deshi2: In truth6 he 40s s2re0din5 his 0r1s to sto2 Ho1unculette 5ettin5 20st hi1 in the corridor: LMr Ho1unculette6 I 2resu1eIB the Doctor s0id: LIB1 sorr/6 I donBt think 4e 4ere 2ro2erl/ intro@ duced:B Ho1unculette sto22ed de0d: LIB=e been told /ouBre here on beh0l3 o3 the Ti1e $ords6B the Doctor 4ent on: LAn 0ncient 0nd noble r0ce6 so IB=e he0rd: I 4ondered i3 I could t0lk to /ou 0bout the1 3or 0 1o1ent:B LGet out o3 1/ 40/6B droned Ho1unculette: The Doctor 5l0nced do4n 0t the thin5 in Ho1unculetteBs h0nd: A tool o3 so1e kind6 e=identl/6 co=ered in Eur/@ri55ed hi5h@tech 0dd@ons: &nder 0n/ other circu1st0nces6 the Doctor 4ould h0=e 022ro=ed o3 the 4ork10nshi2: ED0ctl/ the kind o3 thin5 he 1i5ht h0=e 2ut to5ether hi1sel36 in 30ct: But Ho1unculette 40s holdin5 it in 1uch the s01e 40/ /ouBd hold 0 4e02on: The Doctor 4ondered ho4 1uch d0105e the Ti1e $ord 40s c020ble o3 doin5: He 40s 4ir/6 not =er/ 1uscul0r6 but it 40snBt 4ise to underesti10te so1eone on the brink o3 5ibberin5 neurosis: So the Doctor ste22ed 0side6 0nd let Ho1unculette sto12 o33 0round the corner: L!ot =er/ t0lk0ti=e6B 1used the Doctor: Still6 2erh02s th0t 40s 3or the best: Wh0t could he h0=e


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0sked the 10n6 0n/40/I >Ho4 0re thin5s b0ck 0t ho1e6 in 1/ 3utureI? uerile6 e=en i3 it h0dnBt been 050inst the $04: A 40r6 the Shi3t h0d told hi1: G0lli3re/ 40s in=ol=ed in 0 40r: He could h0=e 0sked Ho1unculette 4ho the old ho1e4orld 40s su22osed to be 3i5htin56 0t le0st: He could h0=e 0sked 4h0t kind o3 ene1/ could h0=e 2ushed the Hi5h Council this 30r6 30r enou5h to 3or5et 0bout their non@inter=entionist 2olic/ 0nd 5et 1iDed u2 in JiDotlBs 0uction: It 40s true6 4h0t heBd s0id to S016 0bout the Ti1e $ords not bein5 0ble to see into their o4n 3utures: All 20rt o3 the 1ech0nis1s R0ssilon h0d cre0ted 4hen heBd kick@st0rted the E/e o3 H0r1on/ 0nd inst0lled the inter30ces in the 3irst TARDIS units: I3 the Doctor h0d sli22ed bet4een the cr0cks o3 the s/ste16 stu1bled 0cross 0 2iece o3 3orbidden histor/::: Then 4h0tI Wh0t 4ould he do 4ith the 3orekno4led5eI #ind out 4ho the Ti1e $ords 4ere F 4ould be F u2 050inst6 0nd tr/ to 4i2e the ene1/ 3orces out be3ore the/ 5ot 055ressi=eI The Doctor shuddered: LT0lk 0bout 0 2re@e12ti=e strike6B he 1uttered: It 40s 2ossible6 thou5h: He could sto2 the 40r be3ore it e=en be50n: Histor/ 4ould bend th0t 30r6 i3 he 0sked it nicel/: And it 40s cert0inl/ 4h0t the Hi5h Council 4ould h0=e 40nted hi1 to do: E=en the Celesti0l Inter=ention A5enc/ 4ould h0=e b0cked hi1 u26 this ti1e: But he didnBt 4ork 3or the Hi5h Council: He 40s 0 3ree 05ent: W0snBt heI The Doctor shook his he0d: He h0d to 3ind Mr JiDotl: He h0d to 3ind out 4h0t 40s 0t st0ke here6 4h0t 40s on o33er 0t the 0uction: Then6 0nd onl/ then6 could he st0rt 10kin5 2l0ns: It 40snBt 0 roo1: It 40s 0 shrine: Bre510n didnBt kno4 eD0ctl/ 4here the di=idin5 line 40s bet4een 0 >roo1? 0nd 0 >shrine?6 but she 40s 2rett/ sure this 2l0ce crossed it6 0nd then so1e: It 40s bi55er th0n the other 5uest roo1s6 3or 0 st0rt: A 5re0t do1ed 0re06 like the inside o3 0 c0thedr0l6 4ith bl0ck 5irders 3or1in5 bl0ck 0rches 0cross 0 bl0ck ceilin5: The decor 40s 0220llin56 no other 4ord 3or it: The 40lls 4ere inset 4ith circul0r indent0tions6 do;ens 0nd do;ens o3 the16 roundels co=erin5 e=er/ 0=0il0ble sur30ce: Set into e0ch o3 the circles 40s 0 skull: So 30r6 Bre510n h0dnBt t0lked hersel3 into 5ettin5 too close to 0n/ o3 the16 but she 5uessed the skulls 4ere re0l: #ro;en into the 40lls 4ith their E04s locked o2en: The 40/ the shrine 40s desi5ned6 the/ looked 0l1ost like or50nic ele1ents6 like the/Bd 5ro4n out o3 the 0rchitecture: The 3loor 40s 20=ed 4ith 1et0l sl0bs6 the colour o3 dec0/6 e0ch one co=ered in s4irls o3 dirt 0nd lines o3 rust: At le0st6 Bre510n ho2ed it 40s rust: There 40s 0nother 2ossibilit/6 o3 course: In the centre o3 the do1e 40s 0 d0is6 0 section o3 3loorin5 r0ised 0 cou2le o3 centi1etres 0bo=e the rest o3 the roo1: A 2er3ect circle6 0bout 0 1etre 3ro1 side to side: The lines 0nd scr0tches 4ere 1ore intense there: Bre510n could 10ke out hints o3 5eo1etric 20tterns6 but nothin5 de3inite: Se=er0l l0/ers o3 the rust@subst0nce co0ted the d0is6 e0ch set o3 sAui55les co=erin5 u2 the l0st: L&rr6B s0id S01: At this 1o1ent in ti1e6 it 40s the 1ost 2ro3ound thin5 0n/ hu10n bein5 could 2os@ sibl/ h0=e s0id: LIB1 not 5oin5 to be sick6B Bre510n cro0ked6 once sheBd 5ot her thro0t b0ck under control: LIB1 de3@ initel/6 2ositi=el/6 0bsolutel/ not 5oin5 to be sick:B S01 ste22ed 3or40rd6 her shoes sAue0lin5 050inst the 3loor o3 the shrine: There 40s 0 hell o3 0n echo in here: LWell6 I think 4e c0n 10ke so1e 2rett/ 5ood 5uesses 0bout 4ho this belon5s to:B L&h@huh: The t4o 4ith the b0t@10sks: #0ction so1ethin5:B L 0r0doD:B S01 st0rted snu33lin5 0round the ed5es o3 the shrine6 lookin5 curious: Curious6 thou5ht Bre510n: !ot co12letel/ re=olted: Worr/in56 th0t: The 5irl 40s /oun56 /oun5 enou5h to be in hi5h school6 but she 0cted like 0 2ost@5r0d 0rch0eolo5/ student h0n5in5 0round her 3irst di56 40din5 throu5h the old bones 4ith her e/es 4ide o2en 0nd her ton5ue h0n5in5 out: rob0bl/ the 40/ the Doctor h0d tr0ined her: LItBs bi55er th0n 0ll the other roo1s6B S01 2ointed out:


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L"e0h6 I kind o3 noticed:B LAnd there 0renBt 0n/ torches: The other roo1s h0=e 5ot torches6 4h0te=er the 3urnitureBs like:B S01 nodded to40rds the ne0rest 40ll: There6 2l0nted bet4een the 502in5 roundels6 40s 0 =ertic0l stri2 th0t looked 0 lot like 0 neon tube: There 4ere 0 lot o3 the1 0round the shrine6 3illin5 the 0ir 4ith 0 Aue0s/ blue@tinted li5ht: LThe 0t1os2here 3eels di33erent6 too: And I 1i5ht be 4ron5 0bout this6 but I think the door40/Bs 0t 0 3unn/ 0n5le:B Bre510n 3elt like scre01in5: LEnou5h6 O%I Wh0tBs /our 2ointIB LI donBt think this roo1Bs 20rt o3 the buildin5 0t 0ll: I think it kind o3::: 10teri0lised here:B S01 crossed the 3loor 050in6 5i=in5 the d0is 0 4ide berth: She 40s he0din5 3or the other o2enin56 Bre510n re0lised6 the 0rch40/ set into the 40ll on the 30r side o3 the do1e: LSeeI Another 40/ out: IBll bet /ou 0n/ 1one/ /ou like it 5oes dee2er into the shi2:B LShi2IB Bre510n Aueried: S01 sto22ed b/ the door40/: She sli22ed her h0nd into the b0ck 2ocket o3 her Ee0ns6 0lthou5h it looked to Bre510n like 0n 0uto10tic 1o=e1ent6 like she didnBt re0ll/ kno4 4h0t she 40s doin5: #or the 3irst ti1e6 Bre510n noticed 0 bi5 lu12 in the 30bric there: L#0ction 0r0doD6B S01 40s s0/in5: LDidnBt th0t 10n::: Ho1unculette6 is th0t his n01eI DidnBt he s0/ so1ethin5 0bout the #0ction nickin5 their technolo5/ o33 the Ti1e $ordsI Oh6 hell:B S01 h0d 3ished 0 s10ll 202erb0ck book out o3 her 2ocket: #ro1 the other side o3 the roo16 Bre510n could see the 4ords GE!ETIC O$ITICS BE"O!D SOMETHI!G@OR@OTHER on the co=er: S01 40s st0rin5 0t the book 0s thou5h sheBd Eust 2ulled 0 li=e 10ckerel out o3 her 20nts: LI thou5ht I le3t this:::B she be50n6 then tr0iled o33: LWh0te=er: The DoctorBs 105ic 2ockets 1ust be in3ectious:B She st0rted 3lickin5 throu5h the book6 3in0ll/ sto22in5 0t 0 205e ne0r the end: She 1u1bled so1ethin5 Bre510n didnBt Auite c0tch6 but it sounded like >I 4onder i3 0 3r0ction hose ho4 to builder t0r diss?: It 40s 0t (8:<<6 4hen he 40s st0rtin5 to think 0bout lettin5 the sun set o=er the &nthink0ble Cit/6 th0t Mr JiDotlBs luck r0n out 0nd he 1et u2 4ith the Doctor: Re0ll/6 he should h0=e con3ronted the Ti1e $ord 0s soon 0s heBd h0d the ch0nce6 but Auite 3r0nkl/ JiDotl didnBt h0=e the ner=e to 5o throu5h 4ith th0t kind o3 3ull@sc0le con3ront0tion: So heBd been scur@ r/in5 0round the ;i55ur0t like 0 he0dless cockro0ch 3or the l0st hour or so6 3indin5 thin5s to do 0round the 20ss05e40/s6 little loose ends to be tied u2 be3ore the 0uction: An/thin5 to 2ut o33 the ine=it0ble: #in0ll/6 he 10de the 1ist0ke o3 le0=in5 the hi5h@securit/ section on the second le=el 0nd t0kin5 the st0irc0se b0ck do4n to the 5round 3loor: The Doctor 40s 40itin5 3or hi1 0t the botto1 o3 the ste2s: Th0t 40s the 40/ it see1ed to JiDotl6 0n/ho4: The 1eetin5 40s 2rob0bl/ 0ccident0l6 but the Doctor h0d 0 n0st/ h0bit o3 10kin5 e=er/thin5 he did look 2re2l0nned: LAt l0stMB the Doctor s0id6 cl022in5 his h0nds to5ether: Kust 1/ luck6 thou5ht JiDotl6 heBs in one o3 his sel3@ri5hteous re5ener0tions: JiDotl 3ro;e on the ste2s6 5i=in5 hi1sel3 the 0d=0nt05e o3 hei5ht6 i3 nothin5 else: LEr16 /e0h: Doctor: Hi: $isten: IB1 0 bit bus/ ri5ht no4 FB LSo I see6B interru2ted the Doctor: Mr JiDotl 4ondered i3 0n/one 0round here 4ould e=er let hi1 3inish 0 sentence: LThe Ti1e $ords: #0ction 0r0doD: The li=in5 de0d: Juite 0n 0ssort1ent:B LBusiness is business6 Doctor: C0nBt be5rud5e 0 10n 3or tr/in5 to 10ke 0 decent li=in56 c0n /ouIB The Doctor looked sus2icious: LAnd /ou kno4 4ho I 016 0s 4ell: H0=e 4e 1et be3oreIB LEr6 4ell:::B L >JiDotl?: Th0tBs not /our re0l n01e:B LHo4 dB/ou kno4IB LBec0use >JiDotl? is 4h0t the/ c0ll the 5od o3 ludicrous 2ro3it 10r5ins on Golobus: Juite e5o@ centric o3 /ou6 IBd h0=e thou5ht:B He 3urro4ed his 3orehe0d: LWeB=e 1et be3ore: I kno4 4e h0=e: IB1


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not sure /ou 0l40/s h0d th0t 30ce6 thou5h: I c0nBt Auite 2ut 1/ 3in5er on 4h0t it is 0bout /ou:::B LWell6 ne=er 1ind th0t no46 /e0hIB JiDotl re0lised he 40s b0ckin5 040/ u2 the st0irs: The Doctor 40s 0d=0ncin5 0ccordin5l/6 10tchin5 hi1 ste2 3or ste2: L$ook6 Doctor6 /ou kno4 4h0t itBs like: IB=e 5ot enou5h on 1/ h0nds6 /Bkno46 4h0t 4ith h0=in5 to sto2 the bidders te0rin5 e0ch other to bits 0nd 0ll: I re0ll/ donBt think the/Bre 5oin5 to be too h022/ 0bout so1eone like /ou 40lkin5 0round the 2l0ce6 no o33ence 1e0nt:B The Doctor took o33ence 0n/40/: LWh/I Do I h0=e so1e kind o3 re2ut0tionIB Th0tBs 2uttin5 it 1ildl/6 thou5ht Mr JiDotl: L"ouBre 10kin5 thin5s 0 bit 1ore6 er6 co12lic0ted6 th0tBs 0ll: Wh/ donBt /ou 5o 040/ 0nd le0=e us to it6 /e0hI I 1e0n6 itBs not like 4eBre thre0tenin5 the 2l0net or 0n/thin5:B LWh0t 0re /ou doin5 here6 JiDotlIB And 0ll o3 0 sudden6 JiDotl noticed the DoctorBs e/es: The 40/ the/ 4ere bl0;in56 0 brilli0nt6 h/2@ notic blue: He 5ot the i12ression the Doctor h0d been 2r0ctisin5 his st0re 0ll d0/6 0nd h0d onl/ Eust 10n05ed to 5et it ri5ht: L"ou donBt 40nt to kno46 Doc: I 1e0n6 Doctor: Trust 1e:B LItBs 0n 0uction: So 4h0t 0re /ou 0uctionin5I So1ethin5 =er/ =0lu0ble6 I should think6 i3 the Ti1e $ords 0re in=ol=ed: !ot 0 4ork o3 0rt6 IBd 5uess: A 4e02onIB The Doctor ke2t 0d=0ncin5: Mr JiDotl ke2t retre0tin5: He 5ot the horrible 3eelin5 he 40s 5oin5 to run out o3 ste2s 2rett/ soon: LWell6 /e0h: I 1e0n6 the Ti1e $ords think itBs 0 4e02on:B LThe/ think itBs 0 4e02onIB LItBs the codes: The biod0t0 codes:B LGo on:B LThe bod/Bs biod0t0: ThereBs so1ethin5 in it the/ think the/ c0n use to 4in their 40r: I donBt kno4: Th0tBs 4h0t Mr H::: th0tBs 4h0t Ho1unculette told 1e:B The Doctor n0rro4ed his e/es6 but didnBt blink: LA bod/I Th0tBs 4h0t this Relic o3 /ours isI "ouBre 0uctionin5 o33 0 bod/IB Mr JiDotl nodded6 du1bl/: Then he stu1bled b0ck40rds6 his le5s tr/in5 to 3ind the neDt ste2 u2 0nd disco=erin5 there 40snBt one: He thu12ed do4n onto his b0ckside 0t the to2 o3 the st0irs: The Doctor stood o=er hi16 noddin5 thou5ht3ull/: LTh0t 10kes sense: #0ction 0r0doD 0re obsessed 4ith biod0t06 their ritu0ls run on it: But to 5o to 0ll this trouble::: it 1ust be the bod/ o3 so1eone i12ort0nt: So1eone 4ith 0 re2ut0tion: So1eone 4ith uniAue ele1ents in their biolo5ic0l 2ro3ile:B LWell6 /e0h:B LWho6 JiDotlI Whose bod/ is itIB L$ook6 I kno4 /ouBre u2set FB :&hose body9/ A50in6 th0t st0re: Solid blue: JiDotl s40llo4ed6 re0ll/6 re0ll/ h0rd: L"ours6B he sAue0ked: LSorr/:B


Smit)mansto3n, 4%onid, local -ea% 15515 The dre01s 4ere 5ettin5 4orse: Or r0ther6 the dre01 40s 5ettin5 4orseC it 40s the s01e e0ch ti1e6 0nd Cousin S0nEir0 couldnBt re1e1ber dre01in5 o3 0n/thin5 else since heBd been 0ssi5ned to the Mission: It didnBt co1e e=er/ ni5ht6 but 4hene=er it c01e6 the det0ils 4ere cle0rer6 the colours 4ere bri5hter6 0nd the 20in 40s sh0r2er: In the dre016 S0nEir0 40s 0 bo/ 050in: $/in5 in his bed6 in his roo1 0t the 301il/ or2h0n05e6 in the hills on the other side o3 the c02it0l: The roo1 40s d0rk6 but S0nEir0 3elt sure it h0d the s01e ble0ched 40lls 0nd 0rched 4indo4s 0s his roo1 0t the Mission6 0s i3 his re0l surroundin5s 4ere tr/in5 to o=er@ 4rite the 0rchitecture o3 the dre01: He 3elt rou5h6 s4e0t@h0rdened bl0nkets o=er his bod/6 rubbin5 050inst his b0re skin6 his skinn/ 3in5ers 2ullin5 the 10teri0l u2 o=er his nose 0nd 1outh: He 40s ei5ht /e0rs old6 0nd he 40s 03r0id: Bec0use there 40s so1eone else in the roo1: The 3irst ti1e heBd h0d the dre016 heBd thou5ht the 3i5ure h0d been dressed 0ll in bl0ck6 but no4 he 40s be5innin5 to re0lise its robes 4ere 0 dee26 dirt/ red: The 3i5ure didnBt h0=e 0 30ce6 not 0 2ro2er one: There 40s 0 skull on to2 o3 its neck6 the bone 3e0@ tures o3 0n 0ni10l /oun5 S0nEir0 didnBt reco5nise: There 40s 0 20tch o3 cold under S0nEir0Bs le5s: &rine 0cross the undersheet: The skull@30ced 10n ste22ed 3or40rd6 to40rds the bed6 brin5in5 4ith it the scent o3 le0ther 0nd de0d skin: A sil=er sc0r6 0 sh02e S0nEir0 h0d ne=er been 0ble to identi3/6 o2ened u2 01on5 the 3olds o3 its 5o4n: Then6 0s 0l40/s6 there 40s 20in: "oun5 S0nEir0 cried out6 0nd old S0nEir06 in his bed 0t the Mission6 cried out 0lon5 4ith hi1: When S0nEir0 04oke6 there 40s li5ht in the roo16 0nd 0 sick throbbin5 under his ribs: Ghost 20in6 4orse th0n usu0l: His e/es 3lickered 0cross the ceilin5 0bo=e hi16 tr0cin5 the 3ilth/ bl0ck cr0cks 3ro1 one side o3 the roo1 to the other6 3in0ll/ 3ocusin5 on the s20ce 0t the end o3 the bed: The cere1on/ 10sk 40s there6 0s e=er6 2erched on its little 4ooden st0nd: The 30ce o3 the cre0ture in the dre016 o3 course: Str0n5eC the ei5ht@/e0r@old S0nEir0 in the dre01 ne=er reco5nised the 10sk6 e=en thou5h old S0nEir0 4oke u2 4ith it st0rin5 hi1 in the 30ce e=er/ d0/ o3 his li3e: But then6 S0nEir0 1used6 I 4ouldnBt h0=e kno4n 4h0t 0 cere1on/ 10sk looked like 4hen I 40s ei5ht: The 301il/ ne=er sho4ed its 0rte30cts6 its >3etishes?6 to the children: HeBd been thirt/@3our 4hen his o4n 10sk h0d been 2resented to hi16 4hen heBd risen 3ro1 $ittle Brother to Cousin: S0nEir0 cr04led out o3 the bed6 re0ched 3or his d0/robe6 0nd 3olded it 0round his bod/6 tr/in5 to i5nore the sense o3 re=ulsion he 3elt 4hen he s04 his o4n bloodless6 4ithered li1bs sli22in5 into the slee=es: #i3t/ /e0rs old6 lookin5 ei5ht/6 0t le0st: The other 1e1bers o3 the 301il/ 0t the Mission t0lked 0bout th0t6 behind his b0ck: The/ s0id heBd 10de 0 20ct 4ith b0d S2irits6 0nd this 40s the 2rice heBd 20id: He 4ould h0=e l0u5hed6 i3 heBd h0d the stren5th: The others 4ere di33erent: The/ 4ere /oun56 the/Bd been brou5ht to Dronid 3ro1 4orlds 0s 30r 020rt 0s $ur10 0nd S0losto2us6 but S0nEir0 h0d been born 0nd r0ised here6 0nd he kne4 the truth o3 it: There 4ere thin5s in the 0ir on Dronid6 thin5s the loc0ls ne=er t0lked 0bout: The/ took /ou 020rt6 hour b/ hour6 /e0r b/ /e0r: The/ bit chunks out o3 /our li3e6 0te 040/ /our skin 0nd bones: The le50c/ o3 the Ti1e $ords6 thou5ht S0nEir0: The/Bd done so 1uch to this 2l0net: So 1uch d0105e: LCousinIB S0nEir0 didnBt bother to turn: He kne4 4h0t heBd see: $ittle Sister Kustine6 4e0rin5 the s01e out3it6 ',


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d0/ in 0nd d0/ out: The bl0ck =el=et dress sheBd brou5ht 3ro1 E0rth6 4hen the 301il/ h0d recruited her: SheBd be ho=erin5 in the door40/ o3 S0nEir0Bs roo16 her he0d bo4ed res2ect3ull/: He 4ondered i3 sheBd s2end the rest o3 her li3e like this: He i105ined her 0s 0n old 4o10n6 4orn to nothin5 b/ Dronid6 her red h0ir turned 5re/6 2er3or1in5 the s01e old duties dec0de 03ter dec0de: S0nEir0 1u1bled the E0rliest r0/erC Kustine 50=e 0ll the correct res2onses: She 40s onl/ se=enteen6 S0nEir0 re1e1bered: Still /oun5 enou5h to t0ke the S2irits 0t 30ce =0lue: LThereBs ne4s6 Cousin6B Kustine s0id6 once the 3or10lities 4ere o=er: L$ittle Brother %ol10n is b0ck 3ro1 the cit/: HeBs been 40tchin5 the Cor2or0tion 3or us:B S0nEir0 1o=ed 0cross to one o3 the 4indo4s6 0s he did e=er/ 1ornin5: It 40s 0 hole in the 40ll6 nothin5 1oreC no 4e0ther on Dronid these d0/s6 no 4ind or r0in6 no need 3or 5l0ss: Outside6 on the street behind the Mission6 there 40s nothin5 but red dust 0nd cru1blin5 stone4ork: A h0nd3ul o3 /oun5 1en lurked 01on5 the ruins on the other side o3 the street6 doin5 their best to look 10cho 0nd d0n@ 5erous 4hene=er 0n/bod/ 40ndered 20st: LAndIB S0nEir0 2ro12ted: L%ol10n belie=es the Cor2or0tion h0s 3ound 0 relic6B Kustine 4ent on: There 40s 0 touch o3 eDcite@ 1ent in her =oice6 4hich she 40snBt hidin5 Auite 4ell enou5h: L&nder the 4reck05e o3 the cit/ centre: Hidden in 0n under5round bunker6 he s0/s:B S0nEir0 turned to her6 0t l0st: The $ittle SisterBs he0d 40s still bo4ed: LA relicI Wh0t sort o3 relicIB LThe $ittle Brother 40snBt cert0in6 Cousin: He described it 0s 0 co33in6 thou5h he couldnBt eD01ine it closel/: !ot 4ithout the Cor2or0tion noticin5 hi1: The/ s0/ the bunkerBs been there since the C0t0@ cl/s1:B S0nEir0 cou5hed 0 chuckle out o3 his thro0t: >C0t0cl/s1?: So dr010tic6 the ne4bloods: The Ti1e $ords h0d 3ou5ht the 3irst b0ttle o3 their 40r on Dronid 0l1ost h0l3 0 centur/ 05o: The n0ti=es ne=er s2oke o3 it6 but the o33@4orlders liked to think o3 it 0s 0 W0r in He0=en6 0ll hell3ire 0nd thunder: O3 course6 S0nEir0 kne4 better: It 40snBt the b0ttle th0t h0d destro/ed the cities6 it 40snBt the b0ttle th0t h0d sucked the li3e out o3 the 2l0net: The Ti1e $ords h0d done th0t 03ter the b0ttle h0d ended6 in 0 des2er0te 0tte12t to co=er their tr0cks: G0lli3re/ liked to kee2 its secrets: LItBs 0 Ti1e $ord 0rte30ctIB S0nEir0 Aueried: $ittle Sister Kustine 4rinkled her nose: LThe $ittle Brother 40snBt sure: He::: 0cted r0ther r0shl/:B LED2l0in:B LHe cont0cted so1e o3 the 301il/Bs 0llies in the cit/: The/ 05reed to 0tt0ck the Cor2or0tionBs stron5@ house there:B Kustine sni33ed the 0ir 0s she s2oke: L%ol10n thou5ht::: he belie=ed the relic 1i5ht be o3 so1e i12ort0nce6 Cousin: A Ti1e $ord 4e02on6 2erh02s: $e3t o=er 3ro1 the C0t0cl/s1:B LThe $ittle Brother should h0=e consulted 1e 3irst6 0s 4ell he 1ust kno4:B S0nEir0 tried to sound 0n5r/6 but the e33ort 10de hi1 3eel =er/6 =er/ tired: L!e=ertheless: I should like to eD01ine this ite1 0t 3irst h0nd: And the s1ell th0tBs troublin5 /ou6 $ittle Sister6 is 1/ o4n urine: IB=e 4et 1/ bed: Does th0t bother /ouIB Kustine ke2t her e/es 3iDed on the 3loor: Her 30ce 40s too 20le to blush6 thou5h: L!o6 Cousin S0nEir0:B LGood: We shouldnBt let these s10ll thin5s 4orr/ us: !o4: $e0=e 1e: I need to dress:B It took the1 the best 20rt o3 0 d0/ to re0ch the cit/ 3ro1 S1ith10nsto4n: The 301il/ o4ned 0n 0uto@ 1obile6 one o3 the 3e4 th0t h0d sur=i=ed the >C0t0cl/s1?6 0lthou5h its bod/4ork h0d been e0ten 040/ b/ the clock4ork b0cteri0 the Ti1e $ords h0d introduced to the 2l0net6 0nd its en5ine 2u12ed thick bl0ck s1oke into the 0t1os2here 4here=er it 4ent: There 4ere no ro0ds connectin5 the to4ns 0n/ 1ore6 so the 10chine trundled o=er the 1ounds o3 debris th0t h0d once been the suburbs6 sto22in5 in the sh0nt/@to4ns 4hene=er Kustine bec01e tr0=el sick: The/ 20ssed 3e4er 0nd 3e4er 2eo2le 0s the/ dro=e into the cit/ centre: The 2l0ce 40s 2oisonous6 0nd e=er/one kne4 itC /ou Eust didnBt li=e there6 unless /ou could 033ord the 0lien 1edic0l eAui21ent


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the Cor2or0tion 2eddled: The stron5house6 4hen the/ re0ched it6 turned out to be 0 rottin5 three@store/ buildin5 th0t h0d once been 0n 0d1inistr0tion o33ice: A2t6 S0nEir0 decided: The cults 0nd the cri1in0l 5rou2s 4ere the onl/ 5o=ern1ent Dronid h0d le3t: The Cor2or0tion 10de its ho1e in the c02it0l6 4hile #0ction 0r0doD 40s bus/ tr/in5 to rebuild its 2o4erb0se in the s10ller to4ns 0round it: Brie3l/6 S0nEir0 4ondered i3 the 2l0net 40s re0ll/ 4orth 3i5htin5 o=er6 but he 2ut the thou5ht out o3 his 1ind: On the inside6 the buildin5 40snBt 1uch di33erent to the Mission6 0ll ble0ched 40lls 0nd dirt/ cr0cks: E=identl/6 the 0tt0ck on the stron5house h0d 3inished so1e ti1e 05o: There 4ere bodies in the 3o/er6 30llen Cor2or0tion securit/ 5u0rds6 h0l3 0 do;en or so 0rr0n5ed in 0 1ess/6 blood@3lecked he02 b/ the door40/: So1e o3 the 301il/Bs cit/ 0llies ho=ered in the sh0do4s 0t the ed5es o3 the roo16 5i55lin5 01on5 the1sel=es 0nd e/ein5 u2 Kustine 0s she 40lked 20st the1: All 1en6 S0nEir0 noted: M0n/ o3 the1 h0d teeth sh0r2ened to 2oints: At le0st6 S0nEir0 ho2ed the/Bd been sh0r2ened6 he cert0inl/ h0dnBt he0rd o3 the cit/ 0t1os2here c0usin5 D!A 1ut0tions like th0t: Most 4ere dressed in suits6 the kind th0t h0d been 2o2ul0r 01on5 the u240rdl/@1obile undercl0sses be3ore the Ti1e $ords h0d 0rri=ed6 4ith 5old 1ed0llions d0n5lin5 0round their scr04n/ necks: The usu0l trib0l identi3iers6 thou5ht S0nEir0: Their 3ore30thers h0d 2rob0bl/ belon5ed to the 5hetto 50n5s6 be3ore the cities h0d 30llen: The/Bd 0ll be de0d b/ thirt/: Still6 i3 the/ 10de use3ul 0llies6 so 1uch the better: It 40s 5ood to h0=e dis2os0ble 2eo2le on /our side: The/ 3ound the relic in 0n o33ice6 4hich S0nEir0 0ssu1ed h0d belon5ed to the stron5houseBs co1@ 10nder@in@chie36 4hile heBd been 0li=e: The roo1 40s6 like 0ll the others6 4hite@40lled 0nd 5rubb/6 but there 4ere no 4indo4s6 the onl/ li5ht co1in5 3ro1 0 20r033in l012 n0iled to the ceilin5: In the centre o3 the o33ice 40s 0 desk6 0nd 2erched on the desk6 1ore th0n 0 little 2rec0riousl/6 40s 0 c0sket: It 40s 1et0llic6 4ith t4o s/1bols S0nEir0 didnBt reco5nise etched into its lid6 0nd it 2ulsed 4ith 0 so3t sil=er li5ht6 4hich the Cousin 5uessed 4ould 2rob0bl/ be h/2notic i3 /ou st0red 0t it 3or lon5 enou5h: One o3 the #0ctionBs 0llies slouched in 0 ch0ir b/ the desk6 his sAuint/ little e/es se0rchin5 the roo1 3or so1ethin5 to rest his 3eet on: T4o o3 his underlin5s ho=ered ne0rb/6 lookin5 distinctl/ unco13ort0ble: LGot /our boD6B the le0der s0id6 4hen S0nEir0 ste22ed 3or40rd: The 10nBs 30ce 40s lon56 his 3e0tures 4ere lu12/6 0nd he dribbled 4hen he s2oke: S0nEir0 2resu1ed so1e sort o3 5enetic de3or1it/ 40s in=ol=ed: The Cousin 1o=ed to ins2ect the c0sket: The t4o thu5s shu33led to40rds hi16 doin5 their best to look 1en0cin5: There 40s so1ethin5 not Auite ri5ht 0bout their e/es6 S0nEir0 noticed: ossibl/ it 40s the dru5s the/ 4ere t0kin5: LDid I s0/ /ou could touch itIB drooled their le0der: S0nEir0 0tte12ted to look 2ious: LDo I t0ke it /ouBre 5oin5 to 0sk 3or re1uner0tionIB The le0der sni55ered like 0 1oron: He 2rob0bl/ 40s 0 1oron6 thou5h6 so the Cousin couldnBt 30ult hi1 3or th0t: LCost us lots to 5et into this 2l0ce: Guns: A11o: Or50nis0tion0l costs: #ollo4IB #r0nkl/6 S0nEir0 40s 010;ed he could s0/ 4ords like >or50nis0tion0l? 4ithout slobberin5: LWh0t do /ou 40ntIB he 0sked: LW0nt /ou to look into so1ethin5: W0nt /our hel2: &se those s2eci0l bu5@e/es /ou 5ot:B L$ook into 4h0t6 2recisel/IB The 10n 5rinned 0 s04@toothed 5rin: L#uture: Our 3uture: Cor2or0tionBs st0rtin5 to notice us6 3ollo4I A1bushes: Set@u2s: The/ s0/6 either /ou 4ork 4ith us6 or /ou donBt 4ork: We 40nt to kno4 ho4 the/Bre tooled u2: Where the/Bre 5oin5 to be 1o=in5 in6 4hen the/Bre thinkin5 o3 2l0/in5 b0d little tricks on us: DonBt 40nt to 5et snuck u2 on: DonBt 40nt to 4ork 3or the1: DonBt 40nt to 4ork 3or 0n/one:B


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LI think 4e c0n co1e to so1e 0rr0n5e1ent6B S0nEir0 s0id: Kustine looked horri3ied6 but she didnBt s2e0k: LO3 course6 IBll need to ins2ect the c0sket be3ore I c0n 05ree to 0n/thin56B he 0dded: The le0der 5l0nced 0t his 1en: Then he shru55ed6 0nd 5ot to his 3eet: L"ou c0n look: DonBt 5et too eDcited6 hehIB And6 4ith 0nother n0st/ little 5ur5le6 the 10n s0untered out o3 the o33ice6 his t4o l02@ do5s in to4: Kustine 40ited until the/ 4ere out o3 e0rshot be3ore she s2oke: LCousin6 /ou c0nBt::: th0t is6 4ith res2ect:::B S0nEir0 022ro0ched the c0sket6 0nd r0n his 3in5ers 0cross the lid: "es: As heBd thou5ht: A co33in6 Ti1e $ord desi5n: LIs there 0 2roble16 $ittle SisterI erh02s /ou donBt think 4e should do de0ls 4ith our 0lliesIB Kustine bo4ed her he0d: LCousin6 he 40nts us to use the techniAues 3or his o4n bene3it: The S2irits::: such 0 thin5 4ould be disres2ect3ul6 surel/IB LItBs 4ise to kee2 oneBs 0llies h022/6 $ittle Sister:B LBut the S2irits:::B LThe S2irits 0re 0 con=enience: Their 2ri1e 3unction is to be use3ul6 not to be 4orshi22ed: Which is the 5re0ter 4e02onI The Gr0nd30ther hi1sel36 or the 04e the 2eo2le h0=e 3or hi1IB LI::: Cousin6 3or5i=e 1e: I donBt underst0nd:B Kustine didnBt see1 to kno4 4here to look: Ob=iousl/6 she decided her best o2tion 40s to ch0n5e the subEect6 bec0use she 0sked: LThe relic: ItBs 4h0t /ou eD2ectedIB L"es: A bod/: Al1ost cert0inl/ 0 Ti1e $ord:B LIs his bio10ss use3ulIB S0nEir0 20tted the lid o3 the c0sket: LWe h0=e 0ll the G0lli3re/0n d0t0 4e could 2ossibl/ need: A cor2se is o3 no =0lue to us: We h0=e no control o=er the de0d6 e=en i3 4e h0=e their biod0t0: Th0tBs the 40/ o3 the Celestis6 not the 40/ o3 the 301il/:B $ittle Sister Kustine looked 2u;;led: L#or5i=e 1e6 Cousin: I3 th0tBs true6 4h/ do /ou 40nt to b0r50in 3or the c0sketIB LBec0use the de0d 1ust be 5i=en their due rites: E=en the de0d o3 G0lli3re/: Besides 4hich6 I 40nt to 10ke our 0llies 3eel the/Bre 5ettin5 so1ethin5 3or nothin5: I3 the/ de3ect to the Cor2or0tion6 Dronid 4ill ne=er be ours:B He thou5ht 0bout th0t 3or 0 1o1ent: LWh0tBs le3t o3 Dronid 4ill ne=er be ours6B he corrected hi1@ sel3: The/ 2er3or1ed the ritu0l b0ck 0t the Mission6 in the ch01bers o3 the 301il/ shrine: Cousin S0nEir0 let Kustine s2e0k the 0rtin5 r0/er: When the S2irits l0tched onto the c0sket6 0nd 2ulled it 040/ throu5h the 3olds o3 s20ce@ti1e6 the $ittle Sister 0ctu0ll/ Eu12ed: SheBd ne=er been res2onsible 3or 0 de10teri@ 0lis0tion be3ore6 S0nEir0 re1e1bered: He tried not to s1ile 0t the look on her 30ce: SheBd 2er3or1ed the rite 4ell6 thou5h: One d0/6 4hen she re0lised the true si5ni3ic0nce o3 the S2irits6 sheBd 10ke 0 5ood Cousin: erh02s e=en 0 5ood Mother: The/ 40tched the 2ro5ress o3 the c0sket on one o3 the shrineBs 1onitors6 40tched it tu1blin5 040/ throu5h the =orteD6 he0din5 to40rds 4h0te=er destin0tion the S2irits h0d chosen 3or it: Kustine6 0s 40s tr0dition0l6 2r0/ed th0t the bod/ 1i5ht c0use 0s 1uch d0105e to c0us0lit/ 0s 2ossible: Once the i105e h0d 30ded 3ro1 the 1onitor6 S0nEir0 tried to eD2l0in 4h/ it 40s so i12ort0nt to 5i=e e=en the ene1ies o3 the 301il/ the 2ro2er l0st rites: Cere1on/ 40s the ke/6 he told her: When she understood th0t6 sheBd underst0nd the S2irits: He kne4 sheBd 5et it one d0/: The dre01 40s di33erent th0t ni5ht: Cousin S0nEir0 40s 0n old 10n6 not 0 bo/: He 40s 4e0rin5 his 301il/ robes6 st0ined 4ith the s2ilt


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bio10ss o3 0 do;en cere1onies6 the 10sk o=er his 30ce 10kin5 hi1 cou5h 0nd 4hee;e: He 1o=ed throu5h 0 buildin5 3ull o3 beds6 0 slee2in5 child tucked into e0ch 0nd e=er/ one: Al0r1in5l/6 there 40s 0 kni3e in his h0nd: He reco5nised it 0s the cere1oni0l bl0de 3ro1 the Mission6 the one he 0nd Kustine h0d used to dr04 the blood 3or the de10teri0lis0tion rite: A silhouette sli22ed out o3 0 d0rkened corner6 0nd blocked the door40/ 0he0d o3 S0nEir06 0 li=in5 40ll o3 dried blood 0nd bl0ck 1uscle: The 0220rition h0d one 0r16 0lthou5h the sh0do4 it c0st h0d t4o: S0nEir0 tried to dr04 0nother bre0th6 but the 0ir turned to s1oke in his lun5s: The Gr0nd30ther h0d one 0r16 the 301il/ le5ends cl0i1ed: HeBd cut o33 the other one hi1sel36 to re1o=e the t0ttoo the Ti1e $ords h0d br0nded hi1 4ith: Could it re0ll/ be:::I LIB1 not the Gr0nd30ther6B the silhouette s0id: LOnl/ 0 1essen5er:B S0nEir0 tried to s2e0k: He 3elt like 30llin5 to his knees6 like scre01in56 like runnin5: He re1e1bered 4h0t heBd s0id to Kustine 0bout the S2iritsC heres/6 e=en i3 it h022ened to be true: le0se6 he thou5ht6 2le0se no: I 1e0nt no disres2ect6 but Kustine is so /oun56 she doesnBt re0lise::: LTh0t isnBt the 2roble16B s0id the 1essen5er: Its =oice 40s s1ooth6 but so3t6 no louder th0n 0 hiss: LItBs 0bout the bod/:B LThe bod/IB S0nEir0 10n05ed to r0s2: LOh6 /es: Wh0t did /ou do6 CousinI Wh0t did /ou thro4 040/I The S2irits 0re distressed: The Gr0nd30ther is dis2le0sed:B LI 2er3or1ed the 2ro2er rites6B S0nEir0 2rotested6 4hee;in5 4ith e=er/ s/ll0ble: He tried to 2ri;e o33 the 10sk6 but it 4ouldnBt bud5e: The silhouette l0u5hed6 0nd its sh0do4 l0u5hed 4ith it: LOh6 idiot bo/M Throu5h biod0t06 4e beco1e stron5: This is our 40/: The Relic 40s h0nded to /ou on 0 2l0te6 0nd /ou 50=e it u2 to the =orteD: Its 4ill is too stron5 3or the S2irits to steer its 20ss05e: The Relic is lost to us6 no4:B LIt 40s 0 de0d bod/MB S0nEir0 cou5hed: LDe0dM Its biod0t0 40s o3 no useMB LA le5end ne=er dies6 Cousin: "ou should kno4 th0t:B LA le5endIB S0nEir0 cl04ed 0t the 10sk6 0nd 3elt one o3 his 3in5ern0ils bre0k 050inst the bone: LThen the bod/::: 4ho:::IB The one@0r1ed sh02e le0ned 3or40rd6 0nd 4his2ered in Cousin S0nEir0Bs e0r: It 4his2ered the n01e o3 the de0d Ti1e $ord6 told the Cousin the true n0ture o3 the bod/ in the boD: The 4his2ers echoed inside the 10sk6 until the 4hole 4orld see1ed to be 10de out o3 the 4ords: L!oMB S0nEir0 ho4led: The silhouette shr0nk b0ck: L"es6 Cousin6 /es: "ou seeI The Gr0nd30therBs 2le0sure 40s to 2ossess the biod0t06 to 5ro4 3ro1 its stren5th: "et /ou thre4 the bod/ 040/6 4ithout lookin5 bene0th its skin: Is there 0n/ sin 4orse th0n thisIB LThen::: thereBs to be 0 2unish1entIB The Gr0nd30therBs 1essen5er didnBt s2e0k: It 1o=ed 0side6 1eldin5 4ith the sh0do4s 0round it6 let@ tin5 S0nEir0 20ss: The Cousin ste22ed 3or40rd6 his le5s 1o=in5 o3 their o4n 0ccord: The roo1 0he0d 40s his o4n roo16 in the or2h0n05e: In 3ront o3 hi1 there 40s 0 bed6 0nd in the bed l0/ 0n ei5ht@/e0r@old bo/: Cousin S0nEir0 he0rd the hu11in5 o3 the shrine in his e0rs6 0nd kne4 the S2irits h0d brou5ht hi1 here: #or the brie3est o3 1o1ents6 S0nEir0 s04 hi1sel3 0s the bo/ s04 hi16 0 3i5ure in 0 blood@t0inted robe6 his 30ce the skull o3 0 b0t: The Cousin 1o=ed to the side o3 the bed6 0nd r0ised the kni3e: A sc0r o3 sil=er6 un3oldin5 3ro1 his 5o4n: This 40s his 2unish1ent6 then: Cousin S0nEir06 05ed 3i3t/6 st0bbed the bo/ cle0n throu5h the he0rt: "oun5 S0nEir06 05ed ei5ht6 cried out once 0nd died: But i3 "oun5 S0nEir0 died6 then Cousin S0nEir0 h0d ne=er eDisted: Which 1e0nt he CouldnBt h0=e killed the bo/: Which 1e0nt he did eDist: Which 1e0nt he could h0=e killed the bo/: Which 1e0nt heBd ne=er eDisted: Which 1e0nt he couldnBt h0=e killed the bo/: Which 1e0nt he did eDist: Which 1e0nt:::


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Cousin S0nEir0 1urdered the child6 0nd 40s hi1sel3 1urdered6 050in 0nd 050in 0nd 050in: He 3elt his li3e bein5 dis0sse1bled 0nd re0sse1bled6 dis0sse1bled 0nd re0sse1bled6 dis0sse1bled 0nd re0s@ se1bled6 until his ti1eline s40llo4ed its o4n t0il6 0nd there 40s nothin5 le3t o3 hi1 but di=ine 0nd 2er@ 3ect 0r0doD:


The bl0ck shi2 re@entered nor10l s20ce 0bout 0 thous0nd kilo1etres 0bo=e the sur30ce o3 the E0rth6 on the =er/ 3rin5es o3 the 2l0netBs ionos2here: Its 0rri=0l sent shock40=es throu5h the 2s/chic 0uror0 o3 the entire e0stern he1is2here6 c0usin5 2eo2le 0cross Indi0 0nd M0l0/si0 to see disturbin5 20tterns in the st0tic o3 their TV sets6 0nd 3orcin5 i105es o3 i12ossible 10chines into the 1inds o3 Asi0Bs le0din5 rese0rch scientists: #or 4eeks 03ter40rds6 the continentBs !e4 A5ers 4ould eD2erience =isions o3 bi;0rre 2l0nets 10de entirel/ out o3 cr/st0l6 but 2ut it 0ll do4n to so1ethin5 in the 40ter: The shi2Bs sc0nnin5 1ech0nis1s sur=e/ed the isl0nd th0t h0d once been c0lled Borneo6 3indin5 the eD2ected t0ch/on disturb0nces 0t the he0rt o3 the bio@en5ineered r0in3orest: In the control section o3 the =ehicle6 0 t4o@2ron5ed h0nd be50n 4irin5 0n in=ite c0rd into the n0=i50tion0l b0nks6 the 2incers 1o=in5 4ith sur2risin5 5r0ce 0nd 2recision: A 3e4 1inutes l0ter6 the =essel 40s brou5ht into 2h0se 4ith JiDotlBs Bri50doon circuit6 0nd the &nthink0ble Cit/ bec01e =isible to the shi2Bs sin5le occu20nt: !on@or50nic sensor/ s/ste1s 1onitored the buildin5s 4ith 0 sens0tion th0t 1i5ht6 i3 the obser=er h0d been hu10n6 h0=e been c0lled eDcite1ent: The bl0ck s20ceshi2 2ro12tl/ dro22ed into E0rthBs 5r0=it/ 4ell: S01 2eered 0lon5 the corridor6 but the decor 40s the s01e 0s 30r 0s the e/e could see: Skulls6 skulls6 1ore skulls: She looked o=er her shoulder: Behind her6 in the 10in 20rt o3 the shrine6 %0thleen 40s 40nderin5 0round the r0ised section o3 the 3loor6 lookin5 co12letel/ thro4n b/ the 4hole thin5: S01 4ondered 4hether there 40s so1e kind o3 re0ssur0nce she should h0=e been 5i=in5 the 4o10n: Then she re1e1bered th0t %0thleen 40s 0bout 0 dec0de older th0n she 40s: An o33icer in 0n inter@ n0tion0l 1ilit0r/ or50nis0tion6 3or GodBs s0ke: S01 10de 0 1ent0l note to 0sk the $ieuten0nt 4h0t &!IS"C stood 3or6 the neDt ti1e the/ h0d 0 1o1ent to the1sel=es: She turned her 0ttention b0ck to the 20ss05e 0round her: The #0ctionBs shi2 40s 0 lot like the TARDIS6 but 1ore >o2en 2l0n?: The TARDIS 40s desi5ned 0s 0 =ehicle6 4ith 0ll the roo1s 0nd cor@ ridors stu33ed into one h0nd/ little boDC but the shrine 40s 1ore like 0 set o3 roo1s6 c020ble o3 slidin5 into other 2eo2leBs 0rchitecture 0s it s04 3it6 0 loc0tion r0ther th0n 0n obEect: The 20ss05e 0he0d 40s lined 4ith blue li5htin5 stri2s 0nd d0rk ionic colu1ns6 the 3loor co0ted 4ith 1udd/ scr0tches 0nd s4irls: S01 crouched do4n to ins2ect the 10rkin5s: The d0rker lines looked like dried blood6 but i3 it 40s re0l hu10n be0n@Euice6 0 hell o3 0 lot h0d been s2illed here: M0/be the shi2 r0n on the stu336 like in the stories the Doctor h0d told her 0bout the Gre0t V012ires: M0/be the skulls 4ere the re10ins o3 the 2eo2le the shrine h0d consu1ed: "euch: LHell6B s0id %0thleen: S01 turned6 0nd stood: B0ck in the shrine6 %0thleen 40s st0ndin5 3ro;en b/ the d0is6 st0rin5 0t 0 second 3i5ure ne0r the entr0nce: Be3ore sheBd e=en identi3ied the sh02e6 S01 h0d thro4n hersel3 050inst the 40ll o3 the 20ss05e6 sAuee;in5 hersel3 bet4een t4o o3 the colu1ns: There 40snBt 1uch li5ht here6 she re0soned6 so she 2rob0bl/ 40snBt =isible 3ro1 the shrine: She 3elt so1ethin5 2ress into her b0ck6 2resu10bl/ the E04bone o3 one o3 the skulls: There 40s 0 =ibr0tion runnin5 throu5h the skull6 0 hu11in5 o3 2o4er: S01 held her bre0th: #ro1 the shrine6 she could he0r the sound o3 %0thleenBs 3eet6 skitterin5 0cross the 3loor: And so1ethin5 else: Bre0thin5: He0=/ bre0thin5: Whoe=er h0d 0rri=ed in the shrine6 S01 concluded6 he 40s 4e0rin5 0 10sk: LDonBt touch 1e6B %0thleen s0id: ')


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More skitterin5: LI 5ot lost6 O%I le0se: IB1 sorr/: I re0ll/6 re0ll/ donBt 40nt to be here:B The bre0thin5 sto22ed: S01 5uessed the 10sk h0d co1e o33: L) don/t $ant to be here;/ %0thleen /elled: A50inst S01Bs b0ck6 the skulls hu11ed 0 little 1ore loudl/: As i3 the/ kne4 the shi2 40s 0bout to be 3ed: The Doctor dr055ed Mr JiDotl 0lon5 the corridor6 his 3in5ers t4isted 0round the 10nBs e0r lobe: JiDotlBs le5s 4ere 0 little on the short side6 so he 2r0ctic0ll/ h0d to ski2 do4n the tunnel to kee2 u2 4ith the Doctor: As he bounced 3ro1 le5 to le56 he 10de the occ0sion0l 5runt o3 2rotest6 but so 30r he h0dnBt bothered resistin5: L!o4 ugh letBs tr/ 0nd be nng re0son0ble 0bout this6 O%IB JiDotl 5ur5led6 0s the Doctor h0uled hi1 0round the neDt corner: LI c0n see /ouBre ooh u2set6 but6 /Bkno46 thereBs ahg no need to 5et n0st/ rrp1/ L!0st/IB The Doctor let 5o o3 the e0r6 then 40tched 0s JiDotl lost his b0l0nce6 bounced o33 the 40ll6 0nd 3ell onto his b0ckside: L"ouBre sellin5 o33 1/ o4n 1ort0l re10ins6 0nd /ou donBt 40nt 1e to 5et n0st/IB JiDotl rubbed the bruised 20rts o3 his 0n0to1/6 but didnBt 5et u2: LBusiness is business6B he 1uttered: The Doctor tried to re1e1ber the l0st ti1e heBd been 0n5r/: Re0ll/6 re0ll/ 0n5r/: He couldnBt: HeBd been indi5n0nt6 /es: And heBd o3ten been 0 little sn022ish6 since heBd 0cAuired this bod/C the s01e 40/ /ou could 5et 0 little sn022ish 4hen /ou bou5ht 0 ne4 20ir o3 shoes 0nd 3ound the/ didnBt Auite 3it 2ro2erl/: But this 40s the 3irst ti1e heBd been angry 0n5r/ in Auite 0 4hile: Re0ll/6 he 40s sur2rised ho4 e0s/ it see1ed: $osin5 his te12er see1ed 0 1uch si12ler 2rocess th0n it h0d done6 s0/6 h0l3 0 dec0de 05o: Another Auirk o3 his ne4 2erson0lit/6 he 5uessed: It 40s three@0nd@0@h0l3 /e0rs old6 but he still h0dnBt looked in 0ll the corners: So 1uch in his he0d6 these d0/s6 it could t0ke hi1 centuries to sort it 0ll out: He took 0 dee2 bre0th: LWh/6 JiDotlIB he s0id: LWh/IB The 10n shru55ed: LItBs 0 =0lu0ble 2iece o3 bio10ss: $isten6 i3 itBs 0n/ consol0tion6 there 40s 0 ri5@ orous screenin5 2ro5r011e6 ri5htI $ots o3 r0ces onl/ 40nted /our sti33::: I 1e0n6 /our6 er6 e0rthl/ re1@ n0nts::: so the/ could 5lo0t 0 bit: E=er/one 40nts /our he0d on 0 stick: I onl/ in=ited the ones 4ho h0d6 /Bkno46 0 s2eci0l use 3or it:B It 40snBt 1uch o3 0 consol0tion6 re0ll/: The Doctor 40s st0rtin5 to 3eel like 0 c0n o3 do5 3ood: LThen itBs true6 4h0t /ou told 1e be3oreI The Ti1e $ords 40nt to use 1e 0s 0 4e02on o3 so1e kindIB LOh6 /e0h: The/Bre des2er0te: !o4 so1e o3 the Celestis 0re 5oin5 o=er to the other side6 the 40rBs 5oin5 to hell in 0 h0ndb0sket FB LShhM ShhMB The Doctor closed his e/es 0nd 2ut his h0nds o=er his e0rs: LI donBt 40nt to he0r it: I donBt 40nt to kno4 0n/thin5 0bout the 3uture:B But then6 kno4in5 0bout the 3uture 40s ine=it0ble6 40snBt itI To so1e de5ree6 0n/40/: The/ 4ere t0lkin5 0bout his bod/: Which 1e0nt his 3uture 40s 0lre0d/ here6 l/in5 in 0 co33in@boD6 so1e4here in the ;i55ur0t: So: This 40s it: His 40ke: A bunch o3 b0ck@st0bbin5 3our@di1ension0l 20r0sites6 0ll tr/in5 to 5et their h0nds on 4h0te=er 40s le3t o3 his 3lesh 0nd blood: He re1e1bered th0t ti1e on !ecros6 4hen heBd stu1bled 0cross his o4n to1bstone: It h0d been 0 30ke6 o3 course6 0n el0bor0te 2r0ctic0l Eoke6 but it h0d set hi1 thinkin5: Wonderin5 4hose 30ce heBd be 4e0rin5 4hen he 40s lo4ered into the 5round: Wonderin5 4hether heBd 10ke it to the end o3 the t4el3th re5ener0tion: He could look6 i3 he 40nted: Oh6 5ood 5rie36 no: He o2ened his e/es: LAre /ou sure itBs 1eIB he 0sked:


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Do4n on the 3loor6 JiDotl nodded: L"u2: $isten6 i3 it hel2s6 /ouBre not 5oin5 to snu33 it until 03ter FB LJiDotlMB LSorr/:B LWh0t I 1e0n is6 0re /ou sure it isnBt 0 3or5er/I A cloneI A si1ul0cru1IB L"ou think I couldnBt s2ot 0 clone6 4ith 0ll the biotech IB=e 5ot 0round hereI An/ho46 0 clone 4ouldnBt h0=e the bits o3 biod0t0 /ouB=e 2icked u2 o=er the /e0rs6 itBd onl/ h0=e the inbuilt 5enetic stu33: Other4ise6 IBd be sellin5 0 co2/ to e=er/one here: Sorr/6 Doc: Er6 Doctor: M/ condolences 0nd e=er/thin5:B LItBs underne0th us6B the Doctor 1ur1ered: LDo4n in the c0t0co1bs under the ;i55ur0t: The =oice I he0rd: A tele20thic tr0ce: Th0tBs 4h/ it didnBt 40nt to t0lk to 1e6 bec0use it kne4::: bec0use ) kne4::: I couldnBt be 0llo4ed to co11unic0te 4ith 1/sel3: !ot 3ro1 be/ond the 5r0=e:B A sudden thou5ht struck hi1: LAre /ou sure IB1 de0dIB JiDotl l0u5hed6 then re0lised it 40s in b0d t0ste6 0nd 2retended heBd been cle0rin5 his thro0t: L"e0h6 2rett/ sure:B LBut IB1 still tele20thic0ll/ 0cti=e: I kno46 I kno46 Ti1e $ords 0re su22osed to be 0cti=e 03ter de0th6 residu0l 2s/chic 2o4er 0nd so 3orth6 but to be th0t 5ood 0 tr0ns1itter::: 10/be IB1 3ei5nin5 de0th: M0/be itBs so1ethin5 to do 4ith 1/ res2ir0tor/ b/20ss s/ste1: IB=e done it be3ore:B L"ouBre h/2er0cti=e e=en 0s 0 cor2se6 Doctor: Th0tBs 4h/ /ouBre 4orth so 1uch6 /e0hIB Cor2se: The Doctor shuddered6 but not =isibl/: Did the 10n re0ll/ h0=e to use th0t 4ordI Bod/6 he could de0l 4ith: C0d0=er6 e=en: But corpse::: LWhereBs the control centre o3 this Cit/IB he 5ro4led: E=en he 40s 010;ed ho4 thre0tenin5 he sounded: JiDotl looked suit0bl/ st0rtled: LItBs6 er6 on the neDt le=el do4n: But /ou c0nBt 5o there:B LThe de0d c0n 5o 0n/4here:B The Doctor r0ised his e/es to the ceilin5: LAnd I s0id I didnBt belie=e in 5hosts6B he s0id6 0ddressin5 0n/ 10Eor su2ern0tur0l 2o4ers 4ho 1i5ht h0=e been 20ssin5 b/: At le0st the 10n looked hu10n: When heBd cre2t into the shrine6 heBd been 4e0rin5 the b0t@skull o=er his 30ce6 but no4 the 10sk 40s o33: He 40s6 Bre510n Eud5ed6 e=en /oun5er th0n Cousin Kustine h0d been: His skin 40s rou5h6 t0nned6 2ock10rked6 2ulled so ti5htl/ 0cross his 30ce th0t he see1ed 0l1ost 0s skelet0l 0s his he0d5e0r: He h0d d0rk h0ir6 tied into 0 2on/t0il 0t the b0ck o3 his he0d6 0nd there 40s 0 s10ll sc0r 0cross his 3orehe0d: Bre510n 5uessed it 40s sel3@in3licted: She re1e1bered the =ideoc0sts sheBd seen o3 the urb0n tribes in $ittle SSo 0olo6 on the 4est co0st o3 the C0n0di0n #ed: Dro2@outs 4ho identi3ied e0ch other b/ the sc0rs the/ 4ore: The 10n::: $ittle Brother so1ethin5::: looked Eust like one o3 the 50n5@runners6 Br0;ili0n 3e0tures 0nd 0ll: Onl/ his e/es didnBt 3it the stereot/2e: 0le blue: Ar/0n blue: Cont0cts6 10/be: The $ittle Brother ke2t 1o=in5 3or40rd: Bre510n ke2t b0ckin5 040/: He 40s t0ller th0n she 40s6 0nd 2rob0bl/ co1b0t@tr0ined: His clothes 4erenBt ide0l 3or 0ction F he looked re0ll/6 re0ll/ unco13ort@ 0ble in th0t suit F but then6 Bre510nBs bod/ 40snBt ide0l 3or 0ction6 either: :) don/t $ant to be here;/ she sAu04ked: Then her heel c0u5ht 050inst so1ethin5 on the 3loor behind her6 0nd she tu1bled b0ck40rds: A3ter 0 3e4 1o1ents6 Bre510n 3ound hersel3 st0rin5 u2 0t the 2itch@bl0ck ceilin5 o3 the shrine: Her b0ckside 0ched 1ore th0n her b0ckbone6 so 0t le0st it h0d been 0 5ood 30ll: There 40s 0 4et 20tch under her h0nd6 0s i3 sheBd 30llen into 0 2uddle: The 30ce o3 the #0ction cultist 10teri0lised 0bo=e her he0d: A s1ile stretched itsel3 0cross his li2s: The s1ile 10de his 1outh look like 0nother cere1oni0l sc0r: L"ou on the sl0b6B he dr04led: Bre510n t4isted her he0d to one side: She re0lised she 40s l/in5 on the d0is 0t the centre o3 the ch01ber: #ro1 here6 she could 10ke out the det0ils o3 the rust 20tterns6 5eo1etric 3i5ures th0t looked


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0s thou5h the/Bd le0ked str0i5ht out o3 so1eoneBs =eins: She 3i5ured out 4h/ her h0nd 40s 4et6 0t l0st: LBlood6B she s0id: L!o blood6B the $ittle Brother told her6 the s1ile@4ound o2enin5 u2 0 little: LBio10ss: We t0ke th0t 3ro1 one o3 the Cor2Br0tion: Took 0 4hole d0/6 cuttin5 th0t son@o3@0@bitch o2en:B LOh6 God6B Bre510n cro0ked: The Ti1e $ord6 Ho1unculette6 h0d s0id so1ethin5 0bout #0ction 0r0doD bein5 0 =oodoo cult: Voodoo 40s ille50l in 1ost 20rts o3 the 4orld these d0/s6 03ter 4h0t h0d h022ened in H0iti in the B<-s6 0nd 1ost o3 4h0t Bre510n kne4 c01e 3ro1 the old schlock 1o=ies: Voodoo ritu0l in=ol=ed the use o3 biolo5ic0l 10tter6 e=er/bod/ kne4 th0t: "ou used 2eo2leBs h0ir 0nd toen0il cli22in5s to c0st s2ells 050inst the1: "ou used blood to 0cti=0te the 105ic: Th0t 40s it: The shrine 40s 0li=e: Bre510n h0d re0d the tech re2orts6 she kne4 0ll 0bout the >li=in5 technolo5/? the 0liens used6 the or50nic shi2s o3 the N/5ons6 the thinker@4e02ons o3 the Sel0chi0ns: The shrine 40s 0 shi2 4ith 0 1ind o3 its o4n: I3 hu10n bein5s h0d built 0 2l0ce like this6 it 4ouldB=e been 3ull o3 co12uter b0nks 0nd n0=i50tion0l s/ste1s6 but the #0ction did thin5s di33erentl/: The onl/ 40/ /ou could co11unic0te 4ith the shrine 40s throu5h the blood rites6 0nd Bre510n 40s l/in5 on to2 o3 the control 20nel: S0cri3ice 0 chicken 0nd /ouBre on /our 40/: LI donBt 40nt to be here6B Bre510n hollered: LIt 40s 0 1ist0ke: IB1 sorr/: IB1 sorr/:B L"ou are here6 &!IS"C bitch: This6 sBour shrine: "ou donBt co1e here: Kust 1e6 1/ Cousin6 0nd the S2irits: An/one else6 th0tBs s0c@ree@le5e:B He didnBt sound like he 40s outr05ed b/ the bl0s2he1/6 thou5h: He sounded like he thou5ht it 40s 0ll 0 bi5 Eoke: Bre510n decided to ch0nce her 0r1: Oh6 5re0t: Hell o3 0n eD2ression to think o36 0t 0 ti1e like this: LWh0t do /ou 40ntIB The $ittle Brother sto22ed s1ilin5: He re0ched into the to2 2ocket o3 his E0cket: LS0tis30ction6B he s0id: L"ou 40nt to kee2 the S2irits h022/6 is th0t itIB LS2irits: Huhuh: "ou think IB1 5onn0 be like 0 4itch@doctor6 like Tar-anI "ou think IB1 5onn0 40=e 1/ un50@bun50 stick 0t /ou6 turn /ou into 0 do5I "ou 0lre0d/ 0 do5: &!I@bitch:B He took his h0nd out o3 his 2ocket: Bre510n s04 there 40s so1ethin5 0tt0ched to it: It looked 0 lot like 0 knuckle@ duster6 but 1uch 1ore intric0te6 the 2roduct o3 0 hi5her technolo5/: There 40s 0 tin/ 5l0ss =i0l con@ nected to e0ch 3in5er: As Bre510n 40tched6 s2ines eDtended 3ro1 the =i0ls: !eedles: S/rin5es6 10/be: #our o3 the1 in 0ll: The $ittle Brother ins2ected the de=ice6 then turned to Bre510n: LW0nt so1ethin5 3ro1 /ou6B he s0id: LThen I 5o let /ou run: Hok0/IB Colonel Kose2h Ar1it05e %orte; 40s 5ettin5 close to Cloud !ine: He kne4 this 3or 0 30ct6 bec0use heBd been c0re3ul to count the Clouds 0s heBd 20ssed the1: The 0d=0nt05e o3 the 1ilit0r/ 1ind6 he re0soned: Kust bec0use /ou 4ere 5oin5 to h0=e 0n out@o3@bod/ eD2erience6 th0t 40s no eDcuse 3or slo22iness: HeBd been 0scendin5 the =0rious le=els o3 eDistence 3or 0bout h0l3 0n hour no46 0ll the 4hile 1edi@ t0tin5 on the e=ents o3 the 0uction: As he 20ssed throu5h Cloud Se=en6 he 40s 0ss0iled b/ 30lse 0n5els6 tin/ 4hite@4in5ed 5oblins 4ith 30ces stolen 3ro1 the other re2resent0ti=es in the ;i55ur0t: One o3 the cre0tures6 0do2tin5 the 3e0tures o3 the 10n in the 5reen =el=et E0cket6 t4ittered 0round the ColonelBs he0d: LSer5e0nt::: olonel %orte;MB he eDcl0i1ed: LStill re0din5 u2 on the Nen Buddhis1IB LI donBt kno4 /ou6B %orte; told hi1: LOh6 IB1 sure /ou do6B the 10n s0id: LDonBt /ou re1e1ber S0sk0toonIB L%orte;MB It 40s 0nother o3 the 0n5els: It looked like Mr JiDotl6 but it sounded 1ore like Gener0l Tchike: LDonBt /ou kno4 /our dut/6 ColonelI ThereBs 0 tr0itor in our 1idst: A thre0t to the securit/ o3 E0rth: De0l 4ith hi1 0t once:B


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T4o other 0n5els6 skelet0l b0ts 4ith do=esB 3e0thers stuck to their 4in5s6 3luttered 20st: LThe S2irits 0re 4ith us6B one 0nnounced6 Eo/ousl/: LBut 4e h0d orders to c02ture those ther1os/stron bo1bs6 not destro/ the1:B LSi6B 033ir1ed the other: LThe str0n5e is truther th0n /ou think6B s0id Mr Ho1unculette: LThe school5irl is not 4h0t she see1s:B LBut so1eti1es 1/ 0r1s bend b0ck6B 0dded one 20rticul0rl/ 0n5elic 0n5el 4ith 0n un3oldin5 30ce: LWho 4ould li=e in 0 bod/ like thisIB 0sked the Doctor: DoctorI Where h0d he co1e 3ro1I %orte; decided the 0n5els h0d 2rob0bl/ been sent 0s 0 distr0ction b/ the In3ern0l #orces o3 Cre0tion6 so he 40s 5l0d to 3ind hi1sel3 dri3tin5 out o3 their re0ch: But Cloud Ei5ht 40s neDt6 0nd i3 0n/thin56 it 40s 5oin5 to be e=en 4orse: The re0l1 o3 dre01s6 %orte; kne4: #ull o3 broken i105es6 r0ndo1 0ssoci@ 0tions: LThereBs so1ethin5 /ou h0=e to kno46B s0id the Doctor: The s2irit o3 Colonel %orte; uttered the stron5est curse10ntr0 he kne4: The Doctor6 050in: The 1e1or/ o3 the 10n h0d 3ollo4ed hi1 u2 3ro1 Cloud Se=en: The Doctor 40s di33erent to the 40/ the Colonel re1e1bered hi16 t0ller 0nd older: The det0ils 4ere uncle0r6 thou5h6 0s the Ti1e $ord 40s 4e0rin5 0 shroud o=er his he0d: LWe 0re 0ll o3 us li=in5 inside the bottle6B the Doctor eD2l0ined6 4hile the 4or1s o3 the 0str0l 2l0ne be50n e0tin5 040/ his 3lesh: LAnd one d0/6 the bottle 4ill bre0k: Then 0ll 4orlds 4ill be one 4orld: The inside 4ill 1eet the outside:B LBut 4h0t 0bout the 0uctionIB 0sked %orte;: The Doctor considered this: LI donBt kno4: Wh0t h0=e /ou 5ot to o33erIB %orte; 2u33ed out his chest6 or 0t le0st6 the 20rt o3 his hi5her li3e@essence th0t 40s currentl/ 2re@ tendin5 to be his chest: LIB1 not concerned 0bout 1/ bid6 Doctor: ItBs the other re2resent0ti=es IB1 thinkin5 o3:B The Doctor nodded: His shroud bobbed u2 0nd do4n: L#or the record6 1ost o3 the1 4ill be o33erin5 in3or10tion: Technic0l d0t0: We02ons s2eci3ic0tions:B LIs th0t 0llIB %orte; 3elt 0 s4ellin5 o3 2ride in his 2seudo@chest: LThen I h0=e no re0son 3or concern: Wh0t I h0=e to o33er Mr JiDotl is 5re0ter th0n 0n/ 10teri0l re40rd:B LRe0ll/I Wh0tBs th0tIB LWh0tBs u2 on Cloud !ine6B %orte; re2lied: He =er/ ne0rl/ s1iled 4hen he s0id it: A3ter 0 4hile6 Cousin Kustine h0d 5ro4n tired o3 sAuintin5 0t the cr0cks in the 40lls: So sheBd se0rched the roo1s o3 the ;i55ur0t 3or 0 better 1ediu1 o3 co11unic0tion6 3in0ll/ 3indin5 the ne4s202er in the 0nteroo1: She o2ened it 0t the TV 205e6 4hich su22lied her 4ith 0 listin5 o3 toni5htBs 2ro5r011es on the Borne0n !0tion0l Ch0nnel: Tele=ision: She re1e1bered th0t 3ro1 Dronid: #r051ented 2ictures: Hu10n 30ces6 like her o4n: Bodies 3ull o3 li3e6 d0ncin5 to 0lien rh/th1s: #0bulous 0nd inco12rehensible: ,-:-- !e4s 0nd 4e0ther: ,-:(- The Week in S2ort6 inc: InterC01 results ser=ice: ,-:*- E=enin5 1o=ie: %arvey G(7.-H6 in ReMode *D 4here 0=0il0ble: Cl0ssic co1ed/ st0rrin5 K01es Ste40rt: Hello 050in6 Cousin Kustine: Are /ou 4ellI "ou see1 distr0cted: Cousin Kustine nodded 3or10ll/: LIB1 2er3ectl/ 3ine6 Mr Shi3t: Th0nk /ou:B ,,:*- Culture shockI Kustine 3elt hersel3 bite her li2: LIs it re0ll/ so ob=iousIB ,,:<. Onl/ to 1e6 I should think: LGood: !o4: We 4ere discussin5 the ne4 0rri=0l: "ouBre concernedIB


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,*:-. IB1 sus2icious: I 2icked u2 0 3e4 o3 his notions6 4hen he 0rri=ed: Did /ou kno4 heBs 0 Ti1e $ordI Cousin Kustine didnBt kno46 0nd the ne4s sur2rised her: LI understood Mr Ho1unculette 40s here on beh0l3 o3 G0lli3re/:B ,*:.- He is: Which be5s the Auestion6 4here does this interlo2er co1e 3ro1I One o3 the ne4blood HousesI LDonBt trust hi16B s0id 0 =oice: Kustine looked u2 3ro1 the ne4s202er6 to see 0n un301ili0r outline stu1blin5 into the 0nteroo1: It 40s 0 10n: Or h0d been6 once: He 40lked 4ith slo46 he0=/ strides6 0s i3 4orried his le5s 1i5ht 30ll o33 i3 he 1o=ed too 30st: A20rt 3ro1 her e/es6 0ll KustineBs senses told her there 40s no one in the roo1 eDce2t her 0nd the Shi3t: At le0st6 no one li=in5: LThe Ti1e $ord: DonBt trust hi1: He killed 1e: %illed: Me:B L"ouBre be0uti3ul6B Kustine 4his2ered: The 10n st0red 0t her6 4ithout 3eelin5: Kustine kne4 4h0t sheBd s0id6 0nd kne4 ho4 undi5ni3ied it 1ust h0=e sounded6 but it 40s the si12le truth: This 10n 40s 2ure6 the 40/ onl/ the de0d could be 2ure: In hi16 e=er/thin5 the 301il/ h0d t0u5ht Cousin Kustine to res2ect 40s 10de 3lesh: L!ot i12ort0nt6B the 10n s0id: L$isten to 1e: The Ti1e $ord: He killed 1e: I kno4 hi1: IB1 sure: HeBs FB He didnBt 5et the ch0nce to 3inish the sentence: A cluster o3 50n5lin5 li1bs rushed out o3 the cor@ ridor 0nd into the 0nteroo16 knockin5 the de0d 10n to one side6 0nd he keeled o=er6 4ithout 0n/ kind o3 co12l0int: Be3ore Kustine could e=en c0tch her bre0th6 so1ethin5 40s 1o=in5 to40rds her 30ce 0t hi5h s2eed: She ducked: A blur o3 sil=er sl022ed the 0ir 0bo=e her he0d: Ho1unculette: HeBd bolted into the roo16 1o=in5 30ster th0n so1eone 0s sickl/@lookin5 0s hi1 should h0=e been 0ble to 1o=e: Cousin Kustine s04 0 sn0rl on his 30ce6 0 4ed5e o3 1et0l in his h0nd: She 3elt the Shi3t stu1blin5 0round inside her he0d6 lookin5 3or so1e 40/ o3 co11unic0tin5 4ith her6 but there 40s no 40/ 3or it to 10ni3est itsel3: All Kustine could see 40s Ho1unculette6 0 r05b05 o3 eD2leti=es 0nd bon/ li1bs6 doin5 his best to s10sh his 4e02on into the side o3 her skull: S01 shouted: %0thleen didnBt res2ond: The $ieuten0nt looked 0lert6 but she see1ed to be listenin5 to so1ethin5 else entirel/: S01 3in0ll/ c0u5ht u2 4ith her in one o3 the ;i55ur0tBs dee2er corridors6 ne0r 0 st0ir40/ th0t 2re@ su10bl/ led to the b0se1ent le=el: %0thleen tried to hurl hersel3 do4n the ste2s6 but S01 10n05ed to 5r0b her shoulders be3ore she could 10ke it: She 2ulled %0thleen b0ck into the corridor6 4here the 4o10n slid to the 3loor6 0nd 3in0ll/ sto22ed 1o=in5: EDh0usted6 0t l0st: S01 knelt do4n b/ her side: #indin5 %0thleen h0dnBt been e0s/: S01 h0d st0/ed hidden in the 20s@ s05e o3 the #0ctionBs shrine6 4hile $ittle Brother M0nEuele h0d 2er3or1ed his >interro50tion? in 4h0t h0d sounded like 0n A1eric0nised South A1eric0n 0ccent: #in0ll/6 thereBd been 0 noise S01 h0dnBt reco5nised: It h0dnBt sounded nice: %0thleen 0nd M0nEuele h0d le3t the shrine to5ether: S01 h0d 40ited 0 1inute or t4o6 then sc0r2ered 03ter the1: Out in the corridors o3 the ;i55ur0t6 thereBd been no si5n o3 the #0ction cultist6 but 03ter 0 4hile S01 h0d 3ound Bre510n 050in6 hurtlin5 do4n 0 torchlit 20ss05e into the 5uts o3 the buildin5: Bre510nBs 30ce 40s 2ressed 050inst the 3loor no4: S01 tried to 5et her 0ttention: L%0thleenIB !o re2l/: L%0thleenI Wh0t h022enedIB !o re2l/: LC0n /ou he0r 1eI Wh0t did he do to /ouIB Inst0ntl/6 %0thleenBs 0r1 shot out 3ro1 underne0th her: S01 blinked: The 4o10n 40s 4e0rin5 0 short@slee=ed shirt6 so the li1b 40s b0re 3ro1 the shoulder do4n6 0nd the 10rks 0lon5 her 3ore0r1


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4ere in 2l0in =ie4: #our s10ll dots6 the colour o3 burnt 3lesh: $ike so1eone h0d 0tt0cked %0thleen 4ith 0 hole@2unch: LI 50=e M0nEuele 4h0t he 40nted6B %0thleen s0id6 3l0tl/: H11: Th0t sounded o1inous: LAnd 4h0t did he 40ntIB %0thleen 3in0ll/ looked u2: !ot 0t S016 thou5h: She 40s st0rin5 into the 0lco=e6 4here the st0ir40/ 40s set: LC0n /ou he0r hi1IB she s0id: St0rtled6 S01 looked 0round6 h0l3@eD2ectin5 to see the $ittle Brother cree2in5 u2 on the1: There 40s nobod/ in si5ht: LHe s0/s he c0n 10ke it sto26B %0thleen 4ent on: LHe s0/s thereBs no need to be 03r0id: He s0/s heBs the one the 1onsters 0re 03r0id o3: He c0n 10ke the1 5o 040/: ThereBs e=il in the uni=erse: So1e thin5s 1ust be 3ou5ht:B Oh6 hell6 she 40s re0ll/ losin5 it no4: L$isten to 1e6 %0thleen: "ouBre delirious: I donBt kno4 4h0tBs been done to /ou6 but:::B S01 sto22ed t0lkin5: She kne4 no one 40s listenin5: %0thleen un3olded her li1bs6 0nd st0rted 2ullin5 hersel3 u2ri5ht: LHe s0/s I donBt h0=e to 4orr/ 0bout 0n/thin5: !ot e=en Dis2l0cer S/ndro1e:B S01 2ut her h0nds 0round the $ieuten0ntBs shoulders6 1ore 0s 0 5esture o3 su22ort th0n to hel2 her u2: LDis2l0cer S/ndro1eIB she Aueried: LDis2l0cer S/ndro1e: Dis2l0cer S/ndro1e:B %0thleen 2r0ctic0ll/ s0n5 the 4ords: L&!IS"C 2er@ sonnel 0re 3i3teen ti1es 1ore likel/ to co11it suicide th0n the 0=er05e hu10n bein5: Did /ou kno4 th0tIB She see1ed to be 0ddressin5 the st0ir40/: S01 shook her he0d: LIB1 co1in56B %0thleen concluded: Then she broke 3ree o3 S01Bs 5ri26 0nd thre4 hersel3 do4n the st0irs: The Doctor h0dnBt s2oken in 05es: HeBd strolled 0lon5 the corridor to the securit/ centre 4ithout 0 secondBs hesit0tion6 JiDotl in to46 0nd nothin5 h0d tried to sto2 hi1: The de3ensi=e s/ste1s should h0=e identi3ied hi1 0s 3orei5n 10tter6 JiDotl re1inded hi1sel36 should h0=e ri22ed hi1 to 2ieces: M0/be one o3 the circuits h0d 1essed u2 050in: Or 10/be the stories 0bout the Doctor 4ere true: The/ s0id heBd been 0ble to 40nder throu5h de0th@ tr02s 4ithout 0 scr0tch6 4hile heBd been 0li=e: Which kind o3 contr0dicted the stories 0bout ho4 heBd died6 but there /ou 5o: The Doctor didnBt e=en sto2 in his tr0cks 4hen he s04 the 3ull horror o3 the securit/ centre: He he0ded str0i5ht 3or the 10ster console6 0nd the 2iDscreen obedientl/ un3olded itsel3 3ro1 the sur30ce 0t his touch: JiDotl 5l0nced 0t one o3 the t02estries on the 30r 40ll6 the one de2ictin5 the sentient dinos0ur s04in5 the he0ds o33 the =est0l =ir5ins: The dinos0urBs e/es 4ere leerin5 in JiDotlBs direction6 0s i3 to s0/6 >/ouB=e lost the 2lot6 sunshine?: The Doctor 40s bus/ 2roddin5 the controls b/ the ti1e JiDotl re0ched the console6 the 2iDscreen c/clin5 throu5h the sche10tics o3 the ;i55ur0t: E=entu0ll/6 the Doctor 3ound 0 102 o3 the lo4est le=el6 0nd the screen sho4ed hi1 the co12leD criss3cross o3 tr02s 2rotectin5 the Relic: The bod/ itsel36 in its se0led c0sket6 40s indic0ted b/ 0 2oint o3 solid sil=er li5ht: The Doctor st0red 0t it: And st0red: And st0red: LEr1:::B JiDotl 2ro12ted: LI donBt underst0nd6B the Doctor 1uttered: JiDotl looked u2 0t the t0s2estr/ 050in: E=en the =est0l =ir5ins 4ere l0u5hin5 0t hi16 no4: LWh/IB the Doctor 4ent on: LWh/ 4ould the Ti1e $ords need 1/ bod/ so b0dl/I Ho1unculetteBs 0n 05ent o3 the Hi5h Council6 heBs not here to 10ke sure I 5et 0 decent buri0l:B LItBs like I s0id6 G0lli3re/ needs /our biod0t0 codes: ItBs the 40r:B The Doctor shook his he0d: LWh0tBs so s2eci0l 0bout 1/ biod0t0I All Ti1e $ords h0=e the s01e


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sort o3 thin5 in their biolo5/: I kno4 IB=e 5ot 1ore 2r0ctic0l eD2erience th0n 1ost o3 the others6 0nd thereBs still th0t little Auestion o3 1/ 0ncestr/ to be cle0red u26 but e=en so:::B Mr JiDotl 4ondered ho4 1uch he could s0/ 4ithout the Doctor h0=in5 0 5o 0t hi1 3or >d0105in5 the delic0te 4eb o3 s20ce@ti1e?: LAll ri5ht6 itBs like this: At the st0rt o3 the 40r6 G0lli3re/ lost 0 lot o3 stu336 /e0hI Most o3 its secrets 5ot scrubbed b/ the:::B The Doctor 50=e hi1 0 40rnin5 5l0nce: L:::b/ the ene1/: I 1e0n6 IBll tell /ou this 1uch6 those sods c0n 4i2e out in3or10tion 0s 30st 0s the/ c0n 4i2e out 10tter: Most o3 the Ti1e $ordsB bi5 5uns 5ot t0ken out: The De10t Gun6 the S0sh o3 R0ssilon6 the 4orks: "ou kno4 ho4 1uch the Hi5h CouncilBs technolo5/ relies on biod0t0 codes6 ri5htI Most o3 the biod0t0 codes 4ent6 too:B The Doctor 3ro4ned: LIB1 0n eD@ resident o3 the Hi5h Council: IB=e 5ot 0ll the codes the/ need:B L"u2: And not Eust th0t:B JiDotl 20used: L$isten6 IBll tr/ not to 5i=e too 1uch 040/ here6 but::: bet4een no4 0nd the ti1e 4hen /ou6 /Bkno46 3in0ll/ kick the bucket::: other stu33 h022ens to /ou: I 1e0n6 /ou 1i5ht think /ouB=e 5ot 0 lot o3 4eird bits in /our biod0t0 no46 but 40it until the::: the end:B JiDotl 4i2ed his bro4 4ith the slee=e o3 his E0cket: This h0d to be the h0rdest con=ers0tion o3 his li3e: L"our bod/Bs 5ot 0ll kinds o3 secrets stu33ed into its biod0t0: Thin5s the Ti1e $ords h0=e lost: And 4hen I s0/ lost6 I 1e0n6 tot0ll/:B The Doctor considered this 3or 0 3e4 1o1ents: LThe/ could 5o b0ck in ti1e: Get hold o3 the in3or@ 10tion the/ need be3ore it 40s destro/ed b/ the ene1/:B L!o2e: DoesnBt 4ork: The ene1/Bs 3i5htin5 0 3our@di1ension0l 40r here: The t4o sides 0re in 06 4h0t dB/ou c0ll it6 0 te12or0l st0le10te: The/Bre blockin5 o33 4hole chunks o3 histor/ to e0ch other:B The Doctor looked 0220lled: LThen the ene1/ 1ust kno4 0s 1uch 0bout te12or0l 1ech0nics 0s the Ti1e $ords do: I donBt think I 40nted to kno4 th0t:B L&h: An/ho4: G0lli3re/ c0nBt 5et in touch 4ith its o4n 20st6 but technic0ll/6 /ouBre not 20rt o3 G0l@ li3re/Bs 20st: !ot 0n/ 1ore: "ouBre 0 rene50de6 /ouBre 0n inde2endent: Too trick/ to 2ut 0 ti1e block0de on: Besides6 /our bod/Bs 1ore 2o4er3ul th0n 0n/one elseBs6 the/ reckon:B The Doctor held u2 his h0nd6 1otionin5 JiDotl to sto2 t0lkin5: LAll ri5ht: I donBt 40nt to kno4 ho4 the 40r st0rts6 0nd I donBt 40nt to kno4 4ho the ene1/ is: Are: Will be: But /ou c0n tell 1e one 1ore thin5: Who 0re the CelestisIB JiDotl looked 0round the ch01ber: He 40snBt sure 4h/: In c0se there 4ere 0n/ s2ies h0n5in5 0round in the corners6 he su22osed: LThe Celestis 0re Ti1e $ords6B he s0id: LThe ones 4ho s04 the 40r co1in5: I 1e0n6 0ccordin5 to Ho1unculette6 the Hi5h Council 5ot t0ken b/ sur2rise 4hen it 0ll st0rted: The/B=e 5ot th0t 5i;1o on G0lli3re/ 3or 2redictin5 the 3uture:::B LThe M0triD6B the Doctor s0id: JiDotl nodded: Actu0ll/6 heBd kno4n 3ull 4ell 4h0t it 40s c0lled6 but he didnBt 40nt to look like he kne4 too 1uch: L"e0h6 th0t: But the M0triD onl/ 10kes 5uesses6 ri5htI Bec0use the Ti1e $ords 0renBt 0llo4ed to 2eek into the 3uture6 not 2ro2erl/: And 0n/40/6 the ene1/ 0re ti1e@0cti=e6 so the M0triD didnBt see Be1 co1in5: So1ethin5 to do 4ith non@line0rit/: But 5et this: A bunch o3 hi5h@r0nkin5 Ti1e $ords outside the Hi5h Council still 3i5ured out the 40r 40s 5oin5 to h022en6 donBt 0sk 1e ho4: And the/ 5ot sc0red6 bec0use6 /Bkno46 i3 the ene1/ kill /ou6 the/ donBt Eust kill /ou: The/ 10ke sure /ou ne=er eDisted in the 3irst 2l0ce: So this bunch o3 Ti1e $ords decided to 5et out6 the onl/ 40/ the/ could:B The DoctorBs 0ttention 40s 3iDed on hi1 no4: Which 40s 0 5ood Eob6 JiDotl re0lised6 bec0use it 1e0nt he h0dnBt noticed the 40/ the 2iDscreen h0d ch0n5ed: It no4 dis2l0/ed 0 si12le ,D i105e o3 the ;i55ur0t roo3: A s10ll bl0ck s2eck h0d 022e0red in the sk/ 0bo=e the buildin5: JiDotl ke2t t0lkin5: LAn/ho4: This bunch o3 Ti1e $ords::: the/ c0ll the1sel=es the Celestis6 ri5htI::: decided to 5et one o=er on the ene1/: Re0ll/ s10rt 1o=e6 the/ 10de:B The Doctor crossed his 0r1s6 0s i3 to s0/ >t0lk 30ster?: LWhich 40sIB LThe/ 4i2ed the1sel=es 3ro1 the continuu1: I 1e0n6 co12letel/:B LWh0tIB


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L"u2: The Celestis took the1sel=es out o3 s20ce 0nd ti1e: Scr0tched out 0ll tr0ces o3 the1 e=er eDistin5 in the 2h/sic0l uni=erse: Be0tin5 the ene1/ to it6 kind o3:B LTh0t doesnBt 10ke sense6B s0id the Doctor: L"e0h6 it does: Bec0use F 0nd this is the cle=er bit F 4hen the/ took the1sel=es out o3 re0lit/ like th0t6 the/ 2ut the1sel=es on6 /Bkno46 0nother 2l0ne o3 eDistence: The/ kind o3 sto22ed bein5 re0l6 0nd turned into::: ide0s: Bec0use /ou c0n kill 0 2erson6 but /ou c0nBt kill 0n ide0: Get itIB JiDotl shot 0 Auick 5l0nce 0t the 2iDscreen: The s20ceshi2 40s 5ro4in5 l0r5er b/ the second6 its outline slo4l/ 3illin5 the sk/ 0bo=e the ;i55ur0t: JiDotl ho2ed the Doctor 4ouldnBt see it: HeBd 2rob0bl/ reco5nise the desi5n6 the s1u5 5it: The Doctor6 ho4e=er6 looked like he 40s 0 1illion 1iles 040/: LIB1 not sure I underst0nd: The Celestis 0re Ti1e $ords 4ho 2ut the1sel=es into conce2tu0l s20ceIB His e/es 4idened6 0nd he sl022ed hi1sel3 on the 3orehe0d: L"ou 1e0n6 like the Shi3tIB JiDotl sAuir1ed: LEr16 4ell::: IB1 not re0ll/ su22osed to tell 0n/one 4ho the Shi3tBs 4orkin5 3or:::B LI see:B The Doctor nodded: LRe1o=0l 3ro1 the 10teri0l 2l0ne: &sin5 the s01e kind o3 technolo5/ th0t 2ut the $0nd o3 #iction to5ether6 IBd i105ine: In5enious: Tot0ll/ 10d6 o3 course6 but::: CelestisIB He 40s t0lkin5 to hi1sel3 no46 JiDotl re0lised: LThe Celesti0l Inter=ention A5enc/I ItBs their le=el o3 ins0nit/:::B He sto22ed 1ur1urin56 0nd 5l0red 0t JiDotl6 4ho Auickl/ took his e/es o33 the 2iDscreen: LSo: The Ti1e $ords need 1/ bod/ to st0nd 0 ch0nce o3 sur=i=0l: But /ouB=e decided to sell it to the hi5hest bidder:B LItBs like I s0id: The l04s o3 econo1ics: Business is FB LI kno4 4h0t /ou s0idMB Instincti=el/6 JiDotl ducked: The Doctor h0dnBt 0ctu0ll/ thro4n 0 2unch6 but the outburst h0d 0l1ost been =iolent enou5h to le0=e 0 bruise: LDo /ou h0=e 0n/ ide0 4h0t sort o3 3ire /ouBre 2l0/in5 4ithI The 30te o3 1/ cor2se could deter1ine the 30te o3 the entire li3eline: This 0uc@ tion could turn out to be the 1ost i12ort0nt e=ent in the entire histor/ o3 sentient li3e:B Mr JiDotl cle0red his thro0t: L"Bkno46 I 40s Eust thinkin5 o3 1/ interests:::B L#0ction 0r0doDM The Ti1e $ordsM The CelestisM Wh0t 0re /ou eD2ectin5 to h022enI Do /ou think the/Bre 0ll 5oin5 to sit do4n 0round 0 t0ble 0nd t0lk 0bout this 2olitel/IB LWell6 /e0h6 0ctu0ll/: $ook6 Doctor6 I donBt think /ou underst0nd the kind o3 2ro3it 10r5ins 4eBre t0lkin5 0bout here:B L ro3itsM ro3itsM "ouBre 2l0/in5 4ith the Web o3 Ti1e6 0nd 0ll /ou c0re 0bout is ho4 Ti1e $ord bio10ss is doin5 on the #T indeDMB The Doctor thre4 his 0r1s 4ide6 0s i3 to c0ll u2on so1e 0ncient 0nd terrible 5od o3 rhetoric: LI3 /ouBre so deter1ined to 2ut the 4hole uni=erse in Eeo20rd/6 4h/ didnBt /ou 5o the 4hole ho5I Wh/ didnBt /ou Eust in=ite the D0leksIB I11edi0tel/6 Mr JiDotlBs e/es shot b0ck to the 2iDscreen: The Doctor noticed6 this ti1e6 0nd turned to see 4h0t he 40s lookin5 0t: The bl0ck s20ceshi2 h0d touched do4n on to2 o3 the ;i55ur0t6 its underbell/ 3l0ttenin5 1ost the roo3 50rden: The Doctor turned b0ck to JiDotl6 0n eD2ression o3 0bsolute horror on his 30ce: L"ou didnBt6B he s0id: Mr JiDotl tried to look 02olo5etic:

Cousin Kustine kne4 her 0r1s 4ere in the 4ron5 2osition be3ore she e=en s04 the 4rench s4in5in5 b0ck to40rds her 30ce: In her o4n ti1e6 on her o4n 2l0net6 e=en the 4ord >2h/sic0l? h0d been con@ sidered sli5htl/ obscene6 but the tr0inin5 on Dronid h0d er0sed the old sti510: She 40snBt 0sh01ed o3 her bod/ 0n/ 1ore: She kne4 the subtle eAu0tions th0t 5o=erned close@Au0rter co1b0t6 kne4 ho4 to 1o=e $ith the o22onent 0s 4ell 0s against hi1: So she kne4 there 40s no 40/ on E0rth she could sto2 the 4rench be3ore it s10shed into the side o3 her skull: In the h0l3@second she Eud5ed she h0d le3t be3ore the i120ct6 Kustine told the Gr0nd30ther 4h0t 40s h022enin56 0nd res2ect3ull/ 0sked hi1 to 2re20re 0 2l0ce 3or her 0t the 301il/ t0ble: !0tur@ 0ll/6 the Gr0nd30ther didnBt dei5n to re2l/: The 4rench Eerked in Ho1unculetteBs h0nd: The rh/th1 40s broken: The 3lo4 o3 the co1b0t ch0n5ed in 0n inst0nt: Kustine re0rr0n5ed her li1bs 4ithout 0 1o1entBs hesit0tion6 re0d/in5 hersel3 3or 0 counter@strike: $ittle Brother M0nEuele 40s st0ndin5 behind Ho1unculette6 5ri22in5 the Ti1e $ordBs 4rist 4ith both h0nds: Kustine h0dnBt noticed the $ittle Brother co1e into the roo1C he h0dnBt been 20rt o3 the 3lo4 until no46 he h0dnBt e=en been 0 consider0tion: Ho1unculette didnBt see1 to notice M0nEuele 40s there: His e/es 4ere still 3iDed on Cousin Kustine6 0s i3 he couldnBt underst0nd 4h/ the 4rench 40snBt connectin5 4ith her he0d: Kustine 2unched hi1 in the thro0t: Ho1unculette 5055ed6 then dro22ed the 4e02on: Kustine l0shed out 050in6 b0rrel@2unchin5 his neck: Ho1unculette didnBt look hurt 4hen he dro22ed to the 5round: Irrit0ted6 but not hurt: LTh0nk /ou6 $ittle Brother6B Kustine s0id6 once sheBd c0u5ht her bre0th: M0nEuele 50=e her 0 Auick s0lute6 0nd 0 5rin broke out 0cross his 30ce: Kustine tried not to think o3 it 0s 0 nasty 5rin: In her o4n ti1e6 be3ore the #0ction h0d 3ound her6 she 4ould h0=e considered M0nEuele to be the lo4est 3or1 o3 hu10n li3e6 0 cre0ture th0t h0d ne=er e=en stood 0 ch0nce o3 5ettin5 close to the Gr0ce o3 God: One o3 the cri1in0l cl0sses6 0nd 4orse th0n th0t6 0 3orei5ner: $i=in5 2roo3 th0t Mr D0r4in 40s ne0rer to the truth th0n KustineBs elders h0d 40nted to 0d1it: The #0ction h0d reconditioned her6 o3 course: The/Bd t0u5ht her th0t 0ll bein5s 4ere 0s one in the e/es o3 the Gr0nd30ther6 th0t the re0l haves 4ere those 4hoBd 3ound the S2irits6 0nd the re0l haven/ts 4ere those 4ho still belie=ed in the deceits o3 the Ti1e $ords: But e=er/ no4 0nd then6 0 little 2iece o3 En5l0nd 4ould 3ind its 40/ into her thou5hts6 0nd sheBd 4onder 4h0t her 301il/ F her 3irst 301il/6 her old 301il/6 her 5enetic 301il/ F 4ould h0=e s0id 0bout the $ittle Brother: SheBd tried dressin5 hi1 u2 like 0 5entle10n6 but th0t 40s the onl/ concession sheBd 10de to her 20st: LI c0nBt 5et u26B s0id Tr0sk: Kustine turned: Tr0sk 40s l/in5 on his side ne0r the door40/ o3 the 0nteroo16 his li1bs 2er3ectl/ sti33: HeBd 30llen like 0 skittle6 thou5h he didnBt see1 u2set: M0nEuele sni55ered: Kustine shot hi1 0 40rnin5 5l0nce: LDe0d Eoints6B Tr0sk told the1: L!ot 3leDible:B The Doctor ho22ed u2 the l0st 3e4 ste2s o3 the st0ir40/6 0nd 3ound the 5loo1 o3 the ;i55ur0t 5i=in5 40/ to the G3r0nkl/ 1iser0bleH d0/li5ht o3 the r0in3orest: The roo3 o3 the buildin5 40s s1ooth 0nd 3l0t6 0 sAu0re o3 o33@/ello4 stone siDt/ 3eet or so 0lon5 e0ch side: JiDotl h0d done his best to turn the 0re0 into 0 2le0s0nt little 50rden6 co12ens0tin5 3or the l0ck o3 soil b/ 2l0ntin5 the 3lo4ers in bubbles o3 88


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h/dro2onic liAuid6 4hich 3lo0ted 0round the 2l0ce on tin/ 0nti5r0= cushions: The bubbles 4ere =er/ 4ell beh0=ed6 ne=er 3lo0tin5 0bo=e e/e le=el or 40nderin5 o=er the ed5e o3 the roo3: There 40s 0lso 0 l0r5e 2uddle o3 liAuid in the 1iddle o3 the 50rden6 4here the bl0ck s20ceshi2 h0d touched do4n 0nd sAu0shed 0ll the bubbles underne0th it: So1e 2eo2le h0d no res2ect 3or horticulture6 the Doctor told hi1sel3: Mr JiDotl 022e0red 0t his side6 bre0thin5 he0=il/ 03ter the run u2 the three 3li5hts o3 st0irs: As soon 0s he s04 the shi26 the 10n st0rted str0i5htenin5 his tie 0nd brushin5 the dirt o33 his l02els: The Doctor 50=e hi1 0 2it/in5 look: L!o eDcuse 3or lookin5 sh0bb/6B JiDotl sni33ed: LI donBt think the/Bll c0re 1uch 0bout /our 30shion sense6B the Doctor told hi16 10tter@o3@30ctl/: L!ot unless /ouBre 4e0rin5 0 2erson0l ener5/ dis2ersion 3ield 0nd three@inch@thick 0r1our 2l0tin5:B JiDotl looked de3i0nt6 3or once: LThereBs not 5oin5 to be 0n/ trouble here6 /Bkno4: An/one 0ttendin5 the 0uction h0s to 0bide b/ strict rules o3 non@hostilit/6 it s0/s so on the in=ite c0rds: Abso@ lutel/ no hi5h@technolo5/ 4e02ons 0llo4ed in the Cit/6 eDce2t 3or those th0t c0nBt be se20r0ted 3ro1 their o4nersB bodies:B He indic0ted the shi2 4ith 0 40=e o3 his h0nd: LEr::: their 5uns are det0ch0ble6 0renBt the/IB The Doctor shook his he0d: It 40s h0rd to belie=e e=en JiDotl could be this 0bsurd: LAnd ho4 0re /ou 5oin5 to en3orce these rules o3 non@hostilit/6 2recisel/IB L!ot 0 2roble16 belie=e 1e: The Cit/ looks 03ter th0t kind o3 thin5 itsel3:B LD012in5 3ieldsIB L"u2: Ener5/ 4e02ons 0nd co1busti=e 0rte30cts donBt 3unction 2ro2erl/ inside Cit/ li1its: EDce2t 3or ci50rette li5hters6 ob=iousl/: $isten6 I kno4 ho4 ner=ous /ou 1ust be ri5ht no4: The 5u/s::: I 1e0n6 the clients on th0t shi2 0renBt 5oin5 to be too 2le0sed to see /ou here6 /e0hI M0/be6 /Bkno46 /ou should 5et out o3 the 40/ 4hile /ou c0n:B The Doctor 4ondered i3 th0t 40s su22osed to be 0 thre0t: LI3 the D0leks re0ll/ 0re here6 I 40nt to be 0round to kee2 0n e/e on the1: DonBt 4orr/6 IB1 Auite 5ood 0t 10kin5 sure the/ donBt kill 1e: IB=e h0d 2lent/ o3 eD2erience: So1e o3 it Auite recent:B LWh0t dB/ou 1e0n6 >i3? the D0leks 0re re0ll/ hereI Th0tBs 0 D0lek shi26 ri5htIB The Doctor took 0nother look 0t the =essel th0t h0d 20rked itsel3 on the roo3: He h0dnBt 20id 1uch 0ttention to the desi5n be3ore no46 10inl/ bec0use it 40snBt =er/ nice: Con=ention0l s20ceshi2s 4erenBt 1uch to his likin5 0n/40/6 but the bl0ck shi2 40s little 1ore th0n 0n u5l/ lu12 o3 1et0l 4ith ion en5ines 4elded to the underside: LI donBt reco5nise the sh02e6B he 0d1itted: LBut bl0ck is 0 =er/ D0lek colour: $et 1e think: $0te t4ent/@3irst centur/::: b/ no46 1ost o3 the D0leks 0re sc0ttered 0round the ed5es o3 MuttersB S2ir0l6 tr/in5 to build u2 0 decent 50l0ctic 2o4erb0se: The ones 4ho 5ot le3t behind on Sk0ro 0re Eust st0rtin5 to think 0bout 2uttin5 to5ether their o4n little e12ire: The >st0tic electricit/? 2h0se o3 D0lek de=elo21ent6 i3 IB1 not 1ist0ken: Still6 1/ D0lek histor/Bs 0l40/s been 0 bit rust/: It 4ouldnBt be so b0d i3 it didnBt kee2 ch0n5in5 0ll the ti1e:B JiDotlBs res2onse to 0ll this 40s dro4ned out b/ 0n un2le0s0nt cl0nkin5 sound 3ro1 the bo4els o3 the s20ceshi2: As the Doctor 40tched6 0 section o3 the hull det0ched itsel3 3ro1 the shi2Bs bod/: A h0tch@cu1@50n540/6 0lthou5h the 1ech0nis1 40s so clu1s/6 it 10de the cr03t look like it 40s 30llin5 020rt 0t the se01s 4hen it o2ened out: A 3e4 do;en 1ore 3lo4er@bubbles 2o22ed under the 50n540/Bs 4ei5ht 0s it thu12ed 050inst the ;i55ur0t roo3: There 40s 0 lon5 20use: !othin5 h022ened: LI think the/Bre 40itin5 3or us to 5o to the16B the Doctor s0id6 out o3 the corner o3 his 1outh: JiDotl did 0nother one o3 his little ner=ous shu33les: LEr1::: Doctor6 /ou do re0lise th0t i3 4e 5o onto the shi26 the Cit/ s/ste1s c0nBt 2rotect usIB LOh6 /es:B


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LBut then 050in6 4h/ 4ould the/ 40nt to hurt us6 ri5htI I3 the/ kill us6 the/ 4onBt 5et hold o3 /our::: the/ 4onBt 5et hold o3 the Relic:B LTrue6B s0id the Doctor6 cheeril/: L&nless the/ torture us to 3ind out ho4 to b/20ss /our securit/ s/s@ te1s be(ore the/ kill us:B The 20use returned: And this ti1e6 it brou5ht so1e o3 its 3riends 0lon5 4ith it: LA3ter /ou6B s0id JiDotl: L#0ir enou5h6B s0id the Doctor6 0nd strolled to40rds the 50n540/6 40=in5 0 3e4 o3 the 3lo4er@ bubbles out o3 his 20th 0s he 40lked: Bu12: Bre510n 3elt her he0d cr0ck 050inst one o3 the ste2s: She tried r0isin5 her h0nds to 2rotect her 30ce6 but her 0r1s 4ere t4isted behind her b0ck: At le0st6 she 5uessed her 0r1s 4ere t4isted behind her b0ck: She couldnBt 0ctu0ll/ 3eel the16 thou5h6 so the/ could h0=e been 0n/4here: Bu12 bu12: Th0t 1i5ht h0=e been her shoulder bre0kin5: Bre510n didnBt notice the 20in6 20rticul0rl/: She 40s too bus/ concentr0tin5 on the =oice: It 40s the s01e =oice sheBd he0rd 4hen sheBd 3irst 0rri=ed 0t the ;i55ur0t6 not eD0ctl/ inside her he0d6 not eD0ctl/ outside her he0d: It 40s louder no4: She 5uessed she 40s 5ettin5 closer to its source: Bu12: Bu12 bu12: Bu12: S01 40s so1e4here 0bo=e her::: belo4 her::: 4hiche=er 40/ 40s u2::: trottin5 do4n the ste2s 0nd c0llin5 out her n01e: %0thleen: The n01e sounded 3unn/6 3or so1e re0son: !o one c0lled her %0thleen 0n/ 1ore: She 40s Bre510n: Or6 $ieuten0nt: Or6 Miss Chicken@$e5s6 to the rest o3 the st033 0t Gene=0: Bu12 bu12: When h0d she sto22ed bein5 %0thleen 0nd st0rted bein5 Bre510nI !o6 look6 th0t 40snBt i12ort0nt no46 0nd besides6 the =oice 40s tellin5 her not to 4orr/ 0bout it: It 40s st0rin5 into her e/es G/e0h6 so =oices couldnBt 0ctu0ll/ st0re6 so 4h0tIH6 s1ilin5 5entl/ G0nd the/ couldnBt s1ile6 either6 but 050in6 so 4h0tIH: All she h0d to do6 the =oice eD2l0ined6 40s re0ch its bod/: It needed co120n/: Hu10n co1@ 20n/: It h0d 0 1ess05e6 3ro1 the 3uture6 but onl/ 0 hu10n bein5 4ould be 0ble to underst0nd it: !o 1ore bu12s: SheBd re0ched 0 l0ndin56 on the 3irst 3loor belo4 5round le=el: The stone underne0th her 40s s20ttered 4ith blood6 2rob0bl/ her o4n: #or 0 1o1ent6 she lost tr0ck o3 the =oice6 0nd th0t 40s 4hen she noticed the 20in: The ner=es st0rted unt4istin5 in her shoulders 0nd le5s: She 3elt blood tricklin5 o=er her li2s: #or the 3irst ti1e since sheBd st0rted 30llin56 she seriousl/ considered scre01in5 in 05on/: But then the =oice s2oke 050in: Do4n6 it insisted: The neDt le=el do4n: Bre510n 2eered 0cross the l0ndin56 0nd s04 the ste2s stretchin5 out in 3ront o3 her: She he0rd S01 ste22in5 onto the l0ndin5 behind her6 bre0thin5 he0=il/: LWh0t 0re /ou FB S01 be50n6 but she shut u2 4hen Bre510n thre4 hersel3 do4n the neDt 3li5ht o3 st0irs: Cousin Kustine ordered M0nEuele to hel2 5et Tr0sk onto his 3eet6 4hich didnBt eD0ctl/ 2ut the little Brother in 0 5ood 1ood: M0nEuele 5ot 0 5ood 4hi33 o3 the de0d 5u/Bs BO 4hile he 40s doin5 it: The sti33 didnBt s1ell o3 2utre30ction or old 1e0t or 0n/thin56 but it 40snBt 0 nice eD2erience: $ike sni33in5 che1ic0ls: %ind o3 3l0t: %ind o3 st0le: Tr0sk didnBt e=en th0nk hi16 once he 40s u2 0nd 0bout: He Eust s0id so1ethin5 0bout the Ti1e $ord bein5 d0n5erous6 then sto12ed out throu5h the door40/: Kustine ke2t her e/es 3iDed on the ;o1bie 0s he lurched o33 do4n the corridor: She looked like she 40s 5oin5 to st0rt slobberin5 0n/ 1inute: WouldnBt th0t be t/2ic0l6 thou5ht M0nEuele6 i3 she h0d the hots 3or 0 sti33I Bitch 1ust h0=e thou5ht she 40s too 5ood 3or 0n/one li=in5 0nd bre0thin5: HeBd been tr/in5 to 5et into the CousinBs 20nts 3or


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1onths6 3irst b/ 2l0/in5 the hu1ble@but@obedient ser=0nt6 then resortin5 to the old rou5h@but@5ood@ n0tured@street@urchin 0ct: So 30r6 no 2ro5ress: Sure6 she 40s his Cousin6 she 40s su22osed to be his elder in the 301il/6 but 4h0t the hellI LGot 0 2resent 3or /ou6B he s0id: Kustine noticed hi16 0t l0st: M0nEuele stuck his h0nd into his 2ocket6 0nd 2ulled it out 4ith the bios012ler 4r022ed 0round the knuckles: He 40=ed it in 3ront o3 the CousinBs e/es6 so she could see ho4 3ull the collection =0l=es 4ere: LHu10n 5irl6B he s0id: L#ound her in the shrFB L!o:B Kustine 2ut her 3in5er to her li2s: L!ot here:B M0nEuele looked o=er his shoulder: Ho1unculette l0/ on the 3loor 0t the other side o3 the roo16 30ce@do4n in 0 2uddle o3 his o4n s2it: The Ti1e $ord 40snBt unconscious6 0s such6 but his senses 4erenBt 5oin5 to be doin5 1uch 4ork 3or the neDt cou2le o3 1inutes: Kustine h0d 5one str0i5ht 3or the 10Eor neck ner=es: The/ 4ere bi5 on Ti1e $ord 0n0to1/6 b0ck on Dronid: LDonBt 4orr/ Bbout hi1: HeBs not 5onn0 he0r 0 thin5:B L!ot hi1:B Kustine closed her e/es 3or 0 1o1ent: Sho4in5 o336 M0nEuele thou5ht6 tr/in5 to look 0ll serene 0nd 1/stic0l: Bitch: LThe Shi3t isnBt here: Good:B LHu10n 5irl6B M0nEuele re2e0ted: L#ound her do4n in the shrine: $uck/ us:B The bios012ler 4ouldnBt 4ork in the Cit/6 M0nEuele h0d been told6 but the shrine 40snBt re0ll/ 20rt o3 the Cit/6 bec0use it 40s in 0nother di1ension6 or so1ethin5 like th0t: He didnBt underst0nd the technic0l stu336 but the 2rinci2le 40s e0s/ to 3i5ure out: The shrine 40s 301il/ territor/: On 301il/ territor/6 /ou could do 4h0t /ou liked to outsiders6 s01e 0s in little SSo 0olo: He couldB=e done 1ore to the &!IS"C bitch th0n t0ken 0 biod0t0 s012le6 but he h0dnBt been in the 1ood: Too skinn/ 3or hi16 0n/ho4: LHo4 5ood 0 s012le did /ou 5etIB 0sked Kustine: LDee2 0s it 5ets: Dee2 0s I could 4ithout ri22in5 her u2:B LEnou5h 3or 0 control riteIB L"e0h:B LGood: Thin5s 0re 5ettin5 out o3 h0nd:B She 5l0nced 0t the 4rench6 the one Ho1unculette h0d dro22ed on the 3loor o3 the 0nteroo1: LWe 10/ need 0nother 05ent6 soon:B LWh0te=er6B s0id M0nEuele: On the other side o3 the roo16 Ho1unculette st0rted 1o=in5 050in6 so M0nEuele crossed o=er to hi1 0nd st012ed on his he0d: The interior o3 the shi2 40s bl0ck: itch bl0ck: JiDotl 5uessed he 40s st0ndin5 in 0 short 20ss05e6 10/be 0n 0irlock tunnel6 but the 40lls 4ere suckin5 u2 the li5ht 3ro1 outside the h0tch be3ore it could re0ch his e/es: HeBd 40ited 0 5ood t4o 1inutes be3ore heBd 3ollo4ed the Doctor into the 5uts o3 the shi26 40itin5 to see i3 thereBd be 0 he0rt@4renchin5 scre01 3ro1 inside: Ob=iousl/6 there h0dnBt been: LInterestin56B s0id the Doctor: He 40s 0 little 40/ in 3ront o3 JiDotl6 2rob0bl/ 0t the end o3 the tunnel: Oh6 5re0t: Trust him to 5et enthusi0stic6 0ll o3 0 sudden: LWh/ isnBt there 0n/ li5ht in hereIB JiDotl 1u1bled: LM11I Oh6 there is: The 40lls 0re lu1inescent:B LThe/Bre bl0ck6 Doctor:B L"es: $u1inescent bl0ck: Hu10noid e/es c0nBt 2ick u2 the 3reAuencies:B JiDotl re1e1bered ho4 the 5uest roo1 heBd 2re20red 3or the D0leks h0d looked: The roo1 h0d been bl0ck6 0s 4ell6 the 40lls co=ered 4ith bu12s 0nd nodules JiDotl h0dnBt understood the 2ur2ose o3 0t 0ll: HeBd ho2ed6 re0ll/ re0ll/ ho2ed6 the/ h0dnBt been 0n/thin5 to do 4ith seD: There 4ere so1e thin5s he didnBt 40nt to h0=e to i105ine: L"e0h6 4ell6 1/ e/es 0re 2rett/ 1uch hu10noid 0t the 1o1ent6 0nd IBd kind o3 2re3er it i3 I could see 4here I 40s 5oin56 /Bkno4IB he 1ur1ured:


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LDonBt 4orr/: There should be 0 second0r/ li5htin5 s/ste1 on bo0rd so1e4here: When the/ see 4eBre co1in5::: h11: !o46 th0t re0ll/ is interestin5:B JiDotl re0lised the Doctor 40s 5oin5 to kee2 s0/in5 >interestin5? until so1eone 0sked hi1 4h0t he 40s t0lkin5 0bout: O%6 4h0te=er 10de hi1 h022/: LWh0tBs u2IB LTouch the 40lls:B JiDotl hesit0ted: LIB1 not 5oin5 to 5et 0 shock or 0n/thin56 01 IIB LKust touch the1:B !er=ousl/6 JiDotl eDtended 0 h0nd6 0nd brushed the ne0rest 40ll o3 the tunnel: It 40s cold: Ver/ cold: There 40s e=en 0 thin l0/er o3 3rost on the sur30ce: LTh0t isnBt 3rost6B the Doctor s0id6 10kin5 JiDotl 4onder i3 the 2s/chic d012ers heBd h0d 2l0nted in his skull 4ere 2l0/in5 u2: At le0st three o3 the 2o4ers heBd in=ited to the 0uction 4ere kno4n to h0=e rudi1ent0r/ tele20thic 0bilities6 so the d012ers h0d see1ed like 0 4ise 2rec0ution: JiDotl scr02ed so1e o3 the not@3rost o33 the 40ll6 0nd crunched it bet4een his 3in5ers: LMore like cr/st0l6 ri5htIB LSt0nd b0ck: IB1 5oin5 to o2en this door:B LEr6 4h0t doorIB There 40s 0 hi5h@2itched sAue0lin5 sound6 3ollo4ed b/ 0 dr04n@out 1ech0nic0l 5ro0nin5: E=en in the bl0ckness6 JiDotl could 10ke out the 40ll 0t the end o3 the tunnel irisin5 o2en: There 40s 0 4ider 0re0 on the other side o3 the o2enin56 2resu10bl/ the control section o3 the shi26 0lthou5h it 40s too d0rk to be cert0in: A sAu0t 2ill0r@boD sh02e stood in the 1iddle o3 the o2enin56 0 d0rk silhouette 0bout the s01e hei5ht 0s Mr JiDotl: #or one horri3/in5 1o1ent6 JiDotl s04 hi1sel3 0s 0 c/bor5 1i5ht see hi16 0 contour 102 o3 he0t tr0ces 0nd biolo5ic0l 3unctions: LInterestin56B the Doctor s0id6 irrit0tin5l/: LHere: Co1e 0nd see:B JiDotl didnBt 1o=e: LDoctor6 look6 I donBt think /ou should::: /Bkno4:::B LOh6 thereBs nothin5 to be 4orried 0bout: ItBs Auite de0d:B LDe0dI "ouBre sureIB LIB1 sure: T0ke 0 look:B So JiDotl took 0 look: In 30ct6 4hen he 40s 4ithin s2ittin5 dist0nce o3 the sh02e6 he e=en con=inced hi1sel3 to re0ch out 0nd touch it: The sur30ce o3 the thin5 40s 0s cold 0s the 40ll h0d been6 0nd co0ted 4ith the s01e kind o3 cr/st0l@3rost: JiDotl couldnBt be sure6 in this li5ht6 but he couldnBt see the tell@t0le 10rkin5s o3 0 1e1ber o3 the D0lek r0ce: !o e/e@st0lk6 no sucker@0r16 no bu12/ bits 0round the b0se: LIs it 0:::IB he be50n: LI donBt kno4:B JiDotl sensed the Doctor 40s 3ro4nin5: LIt 40s 0li=e6 or 20rtl/ 0li=e: A li3e@3or1 4ith 0n outer 1et0llic shell 0nd 0n or50nic interior: But in this st0te6 itBs i12ossible to s0/ 3or cert0in 4h0t s2ecies it belon5ed to:B JiDotl ke2t 2roddin5 the sur30ce o3 the sh02e: He 3elt the do1e 0t the to2 o3 its bod/ cr0ck under his 3in5ers: LWh0t h022ened to itIB LIts cellul0r structure h0s been tot0ll/ recon3i5ured: The outer shellBs brittle6 the c0sin5Bs been turned into se1i@solid cr/st0l: There6 /ou 3eel th0tIB The Doctor 5r0bbed JiDotlBs h0nd6 0nd 3orced hi1 to stroke one side o3 the de0d thin5Bs bod/: JiDotl 3elt 0n enor1ous hole there: LSo1ethin5Bs 3orced its 40/ into the interior 0nd eDtr0cted the bio10ss inside:B JiDotl 2ulled his h0nd 040/: LWh0t 0re /ou s0/in5 here6 DoctorIB The Doctor 20tted the cor2se on the to2 o3 its do1e: LI donBt kno4 4hether this st0rted out li3e 0s 0 D0lek or not: But 4h0te=er it 40s6 itBs e33ecti=el/ been 2eeled 0nd e0ten:B %0thleen 40s still 1o=in56 in s2ite o3 the ob=ious 1inor inEuries: S01 40s out o3 bre0th b/ the ti1e she


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re0ched the botto1 o3 the st0irs6 but the $ieuten0nt6 4hoBd e33ecti=el/ t0ken the non@tirin5 40/ do4n6 still see1ed Auite 0cti=e: There 40s blood 0ll o=er her 30ce6 0nd the stu33 40s still see2in5 out o3 the cuts on her 3orehe0d: The 40/ she cr04led6 S01 5uessed 1ost o3 her Eoints h0d been t4isted out o3 2osition: S01 trotted u2 the corridor 0he0d o3 her6 0nd sto22ed ri5ht in the 4o10nBs 20th: %0thleen c01e to 0 h0lt 0t her 3eet: Her 30ce 40s terri3/in5: B0ttered stu2id6 but still deter1ined 0s hell: She looked like sheBd Eust seen the o0sis on the hori;on: LHeBs here6B %0thleen cro0ked: S01 crossed her 0r1s: L%0thleen6 /ouB=e Eust bounced do4n t4o 3li5hts o3 st0irs on /our he0d: "ouBre luck/ /ou didnBt bre0k /our neck:B L!o: He 4ouldnBt: He 4ouldnBt let it h022en:B LWho 4ouldnBtIB LThe =oice6B s0id %0thleen: She 40s listenin5 out 3or so1ethin56 S01 re0lised: So she listened6 too: I ne=er 5i=e 0d=ice6 ne=er6 thou5ht S01: But there 0re terrible thin5s in the uni=erse6 thin5s th0t::: 40it 0 1inute6 she 40s thinkin5 rubbish: Concentr0te6 she told hersel3: "ouBre 5ettin5 distr0cted: But i3 /ou could touch the 0lien s0nd6 0nd he0r the cr/ o3 str0n5e birds6 0nd 40tch the1 4heel in 0nother sk/6 then 4eBll burn th0t brid5e 4hen 4e co1e to it6 until it see1s th0t IB1 so1e kind o3 50l0ctic /o@/o::: LC0n /ou he0r itIB %0thleen 0sked: S01 suddenl/ re1e1bered 4h0t the Doctor h0d s0id6 4hen the/Bd been eD2lorin5 the ;i55ur0t to5ether: L#re you psychic0 at all9/ The corridor o2ened out 0 3e4 1etres 0he0d o3 the1: The roo1 0t the end see1ed d0rker th0n the other 20rts o3 the ;i55ur0t S01 h0d seen: %0thleen h0d 0lre0d/ slithered 20st her6 0nd no4 she 40s 5et@ tin5 close to the entr0nce6 slo4l/ 2ullin5 hersel3 to her 3eet: S01 hurried 03ter her: The roo1 0he0d 40s6 in short6 0 =0ult: It 40snBt 0s b0d 0s the #0ctionBs shrine6 but it 40s 5ettin5 there: The 40lls 4ere the colour o3 soot6 10de out o3 4h0t looked like sli1e@encrusted brick: Hu5e rustin5 n0ils h0d been h011ered into the blocks6 0nd hun5 4ith iron ch0ins 3or no 20rticul0r re0son: It 40s su22osed to look like 0 dun5eon6 S01 re0lised: The torches onl/ see1ed to illu1in0te the ed5es o3 the roo16 le0=in5 0 5re0t 2uddle o3 d0rkness 0t the de0d centre o3 the ch01ber: And in the 1iddle o3 the d0rkness 40s 0 c0sket: It 5lo4ed6 but the 5lo4 onl/ lit the boD itsel3C the li5ht so1eho4 30iled to re0ch the s20ce 0round it: The c0sket 40s sil=er6 rou5hl/ the s01e si;e 0nd sh02e 0s 0 co33in: Its sides 4ere 2er3ectl/ s1ooth6 its lid en5r0=ed 4ith t4o c0re3ull/ c0r=ed s/1bols: S01 reco5nised the1 0s Greek letters6 but 40snBt sure 4hich Greek letters the/ 4ere6 eD0ctl/: The second one 40s 2rob0bl/ >si510?6 thou5h: It 40s the Relic: "ou could tell: "ou could tell6 bec0use e=er/thin5 in the ;i55ur0t see1ed to le0d here6 to this 2recise 2osition in s20ce@ti1e: E=er/ centi1etre o3 0rchitecture6 e=er/ 4ord s2oken b/ e=er/ one o3 JiDotlBs 5uests6 2ointed to this =0ult like 0 neon si5n: It 0ll c01e do4n to this: The c0sket 40s the centre o3 the uni=erse6 0nd nothin5 else 10ttered: S01 s04 %0thleen ste2 3or40rd: She 40s 40lkin5 nor10ll/ no46 eDce2t 10/be 3or the sli5htest o3 li12s: S01 5ot the 3eelin5 the c0sket 40s 40itin5 3or her6 c0llin5 her o=er: Whis2erin5: E=en bre0thin5: The $ieuten0nt sto22ed in 3ront o3 the boD: S01 40s sure she s04 the c0sket 3l0re u2 4hen %0thleen 5ot 4ithin touchin5 dist0nce o3 it: Sil=er li5ht 40shed o=er her h0nds 0s she r0ised the1 o=er the lid o3 the c0sket: The Relic 40s suckin5 in 0ir6 t0kin5 0 dee2 bre0th: Antici20tin5: %0thleen 2ut her 20l1s on the sur30ce o3 the lid: Re0d/ to o2en u2 the boD 0nd rele0se the Relic: LWhereBs JiDotlIB hollered Mr Ho1unculette: LGet 1e JiDotlMB At the 1o1ent6 nobod/ see1ed to kno4 4here JiDotl 40s: S2e0kin5 3or hi1sel36 %orte; 40snBt 20rticul0rl/ concerned: All thin5s 4ere one thin56 he re1inded hi1sel36 0nd 0ll souls 4ere one soul:


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The 4orld o3 10tter 4ould 1o=e 0s it 4ould 1o=e6 re50rdless o3 the =0in 0tte12ts o3 1ort0l 3lesh to disru2t its ebb 0nd 3lo4: Althou5h6 to be honest6 he 40s 5oin5 to h0=e to throttle Ho1unculette i3 the 10n didnBt shut u2 soon: Ho1unculette l0/ on the 3loor o3 the 0nteroo16 his h0nds bound behind his b0ck: One o3 the de0th@ cultists stood 5u0rdin5 hi16 2roddin5 hi1 in the sto10ch 4hene=er he tried to 5et u26 but still 30ilin5 to kee2 hi1 Auiet: The other cultist6 the 4o10n6 looked on 4ithout 3eelin5: LMr Ho1unculette 0tte12ted to 0ss0ult 1e6B she eD2l0ined6 turnin5 to 30ce %orte;: The Colonel nodded: LViolence is 0 tr0nsient st0te o3 unillu1in0ted 2h/sic0lit/6B he recited: LJuite6B s0id the 4o10n: %orte; h0d 04oken 3ro1 his 1edit0tion 0 3e4 1inutes e0rlier6 to 3ind hi1sel3 0lone in the 5uest roo1: $ieuten0nt Bre510n h0d 5one 1issin56 2resu10bl/ h0=in5 been c0rried 040/ b/ the 03ore1en@ tioned ebb 0nd 3lo4 o3 10teri0l eDistence: The sound o3 c0ter40ulin5 h0d led hi1 here6 to 0n 0nteroo1 close to the centre o3 the ;i55ur0t: LAni10lsM HereticsM S0distsMB /elled Ho1unculette: The cultist 5u0rdin5 hi1 dul/ 2l0nted 0 3oot in his 5roin: Cousin Kustine ke2t her e/es 3iDed on %orte;: LIB=e been 4onderin5 0bout /our 2l0ce 0t this 0uction6 Colonel: I 1e0n no o33ence6 but I think 1ost o3 us 4ere sur2rised to see hu10ns in 0ttend0nce here:B A 30int s1ile 022e0red on her 30ce: LTh0t is to s0/6 re2resent0ti=es o3 the hu10n r0ce: M0n/ o3 us still re50rd E0rth 0s 0 lo4@interest 4orld:B LWeB=e 5ot 0 s2eci0l interest in the 2ro2ert/6 Ms Kustine6B %orte; told her: L&!IS"C h0s 0 lon5@ st0ndin5 022oint1ent 4ith the 10n in the boD:B L ousin Kustine6B the 4o10n corrected hi1: LBut itBs the n0ture o3 /our bid th0t interests 1e6 Colonel: IB1 curious to kno4 4h0t Mr JiDotl is ho2in5 to 50in 3ro1 E0rth: !ot technolo5/6 cert0inl/: And not in3or10tion6 either: E0rth h0s no te12or0l de3ences: I3 our host 40nted to kno4 0n/thin5 0bout /our culture6 heBd 3ind it out 3or hi1sel3:B LThereBs 1ore to our eDistence th0n 10teri0l concerns6 Cousin Kustine:B Kustine looked bl0nk6 0lthou5h %orte; kne4 she understood hi1 re0ll/: LThen /our bid:::IB LThere 0re so1e 2o4ers in the uni=erse th0t c0nnot be resisted6B %orte; intoned: LThe 3orces o3 k0r1ic =irtue 0nd inner b0l0nce 4ill be s0tis3ied:B Cousin Kustine 0nd her $ittle Brother eDch0n5ed 5l0nces: The/ looked con3used6 but %orte; kne4 it 40s onl/ 0 3ront: $ike hi16 the/ 022reci0ted the 30ct th0t there 4ere hi5her le=els o3 eDistence6 1/s@ teries onl/ the s2iritu0ll/ illu1in0ted could 30tho1: I3 heBd 3or one 1o1ent belie=ed he 40s 0lone in his underst0ndin5 o3 the uni=erse6 heBd 2rob0bl/ h0=e 5one 10d: The 10le cultist Eerked 0 thu1b in the ColonelBs direction6 then 2ut 0 3in5er to his te12le 0nd t4irled it 0round: %orte; 5uessed it 40s so1e kind o3 secret si5n: !o doubt the 10n h0d reco5nised hi1 0s 0 s2iritu0l eAu0l: Without 40rnin56 the 0ir 40s 3illed 4ith 0 hi5h@2itched scre01in5 sound6 4hich see1ed to rin5 out 3ro1 e=er/ corner o3 the roo1 0t once: The touc0ns6 %orte; re0lised: Out in the 3orest6 the birds 4ere screechin5 in 05on/6 0nd the 0rchitecture here h0d ob=iousl/ been desi5ned to let the noise re=erber0te throu5h the 40lls: It 40snBt the 3irst ti1e heBd he0rd the 0l0r1 since heBd been in the ;i55ur0t6 but no4 the touc0ns 4ere 2r0ctic0ll/ sAu04kin5 their lun5s out: So1ethin5 brushed 0cross the ColonelBs s2in0l colu1n: He looked do4n 0t his shirt6 0nd c0u5ht si5ht o3 the letters 1o=in5 0round 0cross the 30ce o3 the &!IS"C insi5ni0: THE CORE DE#E!CES HAVE BEE! TRIGGERED6 the Shi3t re2orted: Cousin Kustine h0d 0220rentl/ seen the s01e 1ess05e6 thou5h not necess0ril/ in the s01e 2l0ce: LMe0nin5IB THE DE#E!CES ROTECTI!G THE RE$IC: TWO $EVE$S DOW!:


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The other cultist hissed: LSo1eoneBs 03ter the sti33:B THE! THE"BRE !OT VER" I!TE$$IGE!T: THE DE#E!CES ARE ROGRAMMED TO TA%E I!TR&DERS TO IECES: WHOEVERBS I! THE VA&$T6 THE"BRE !OT GOI!G TO GET O&T A$IVE: WAIT: IBM GOI!G TO TR" S%IMMI!G THE CIT"BS S"STEMS: IB$$ SEE I# I CA! IDE!TI#" THEM: There 40s 0 20use6 durin5 4hich e=er/bod/ st0rted sAuintin5 0round the roo16 to see i3 there 4ere 0n/ 1ess05es in the stone4ork the/Bd 1issed: #in0ll/6 the Shi3t returned: CO$O!E$ %ORTEN6 it s0id: IBM A#RAID IBVE GOT SOME BAD !EWS: L"ou 1e0n6 this shi2Bs been 0tt0ckedIB The Doctor ke2t 1o=in5 his h0nd 0cross the interior 40ll o3 4h0t he 0ssu1ed 40s the bl0ck shi2Bs control 0re0: LI donBt 1e0n 0n/thin56B he 1uttered: LBut th0t thin5::: the de0d thin56 /e0hI::: it 40s 0 20rt o3 this shi2Bs cre4IB LI should think so:B LAnd so1ethin5Bs killed itIB LM11: Tell 1e6 ho4 10n/ D0leks did /ou in=ite to this 0uctionIB There 40s 0 1o1entBs shu33lin5: Outside the shi26 the touc0ns h0d st0rted shriekin5 050in6 but /ou could he0r JiDotlBs ner=ous t4itches e=en o=er th0t r0cket: LKust the t4o: The in=ites s2eci3/ no 1ore th0n t4o re2s 3ro1 0n/ one6 er6 05enc/:B The Doctor 3in0ll/ 3ound 4h0t heBd been 3u1blin5 3or: A sAu0re 2roEection6 set into the 40ll 0t 40ist hei5ht: He st0rted 3in5erin5 the 1ech0nis1: S0dl/6 it 40snBt desi5ned 3or 0n/thin5 4ith 3in5ers: LSo: I3 4e 0ssu1e this $as 0 D0lek =essel6 there should be 0nother bod/ so1e4here on bo0rd:B He 20used: LJiDotlIB L&h6 /e0hIB LThereBs so1ethin5 IB=e been 1e0nin5 to 0sk /ou: And sto2 shu33lin5:B LWh0tIB LM/ bod/: Ho4 did /ou 5et hold o3 itIB There 40s no re2l/: LI3 1/ bod/Bs so 2o2ul0r6 0 lot o3 2eo2le 1ust h0=e been 40itin5 3or 1e to 20ss 040/6B the Doctor continued: LIB1 0ssu1in5 nobod/ thou5ht the/ could t0ke the risk o3 killin5 1e the1sel=es: M/ re2ut0tion 1ust h0=e been Auite i12ressi=e6 be3ore the end:B JiDotl 1u1bled 4h0t sounded like 0 >/es?: LIBd like to kno4 ho4 /ou 10n05ed to 5et /our h0nds on it be3ore 0n/one else6B the Doctor con@ cluded: LAnd I told /ou to sto2 shu33lin5:B LIB1 not shu33lin56B JiDotl 2rotested: The Doctor 3ell silent: The shu33lin5 4ent on: LOh6B s0id JiDotl: LAh6B s0id the Doctor: He re0ched into his E0cket 2ocket: O=er the /e0rs6 2eo2le h0d o3ten co11ented on his 0bilit/ to 2ro@ duce eD0ctl/ the ri5ht ite1 3ro1 his 2ockets 0t eD0ctl/ the ri5ht ti1e: So1e h0d s2ecul0ted th0t his 2ockets 4ere eDtensions o3 the TARDIS6 others h0d 5uessed he 40s Eust luck/: But then6 the/Bd ne=er re0d "eltstro1Bs Karma and +lares7 The )mportance o( +ashion Sense to the Modern 'en Master : The/ didnBt 022reci0te the thin5s 0 sentient li3e@3or1 could 0chie=e6 i3 he 40s tot0ll/ 0t one 4ith the linin5 o3 his E0cket: The Doctor 2ulled 0 sink 2lun5er out o3 his 2ocket6 thrust it into the 1ech0nis1 in the 40ll6 0nd t4isted it 0 little: The second0r/ li5htin5 s/ste16 the one the shi2Bs ori5in0l o4ners 4ould h0=e used 4hene=er the/ h0d or50nic co120n/+2risoners on bo0rd6 40s en505ed: The Doctor turned: The control section 40s cir@ cul0r6 t4ent/ 3eet 3ro1 side to side6 lined 4ith bl0ck dis2l0/ 20nels 0nd e=en bl0cker n0=i50tion0l s/s@


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te1s: At the 30r side o3 the 0re06 in the 2osition the Doctor kne4 h0d to be the 2ilotBs >se0t?6 40s 0nother lu12 o3 cr/st0llised 1et0l 0nd bio10ss: Seen in direct li5ht6 the thin5 40s hideous6 like 0 20r@ ticul0rl/ eDtre1e 2iece o3 1odern scul2ture: The Doctor 40s re1inded o3 0 h0l3@used6 h0l3@1elted c0ndle: Str0ddlin5 the de0d thin5 40s 0 decidedl/ 0li=e thin5: At 3irst 5l0nce6 it looked 0 lot like 0 s2ider6 0 he0=/ bod/ su22orted b/ n0rro46 o=er@eDtended le5s: Most o3 these le5s 4ere 2l0nted on the 3loor o3 the control section6 0lthou5h 0 cou2le 4ere dr02ed 0cross the dis2l0/ 20nels: The li1bs6 the Doctor re0lised6 4ere sh03ts o3 3leDible cr/st0l6 e0ch one no thicker th0n 0 2iece o3 ro2e: The torso 40s 0 sh02e@ less lu12 o3 the s01e subst0nce6 1uch 1ore dense th0n the le5s6 to22ed b/ 0 5eo1etric >he0d? 10de u2 o3 2recise tri0n5les 0nd rect0n5les: The thin5 h0d no 30ce6 0lthou5h se=er0l delic0te sensor/ eDten@ sions 4ere 0rr0n5ed 0round the cr0ni0l unit6 5l0ss/ blue 3eelers th0t s40/ed 3ro1 side to side 0s i3 t0stin5 the 0ir: A sin5le tendril eDtended 3ro1 the underside o3 the bein5Bs torso6 short but 2o4er3ul@lookin5: The tendril h0d 2unctured the de0d cre0tureBs shell6 0nd the Doctor could see tr0ns20rent =ein@like tubes runnin5 0lon5 its len5th6 so1e 2u12in5 di5esti=e 0cid into the cor2se6 others tr0ns2ortin5 liAue3ied bio@ 10ss u2 into the cr/st0l cre0tureBs bod/: The bio10ss 40s 5reen 4hen it le3t the c0d0=er6 but b/ the ti1e it re0ched its destin0tion6 it h0d cr/st0llised 0nd turned bri5ht blue: E=er/thin5 3in0ll/ clicked into 2l0ce: The cre0ture 40snBt re0ll/ s2ider@like6 not in its n0tur0l en=iron1ent: But it 40s 0d02t0ble: The onl/ solid 20rts o3 the bein5 4ere the >he0d?6 4hich cont0ined the centr0l ner=ous s/ste16 0nd the tendril: Whene=er the cre0ture 1o=ed 3ro1 one kind o3 en=iron1ent to 0nother6 it 4ould sh0tter the rest o3 its bod/ 3ro1 the inside6 then use the tendril to 0bsorb 3resh bio10ss F s0/6 3ro1 0n/ or50nic li3e@3or1 unluck/ enou5h to be in the =icinit/ F 0nd use it to 5ro4 itsel3 0 ne4 shell: The bein5 h0d 0tt0cked the shi26 3orced its 40/ on bo0rd6 0nd killed the ori5in0l cre4: The Doctor couldnBt see it st0ndin5 u2 to the cre4Bs 4e02ons 4ith Eust its tendril6 so he 5uessed the intruder h0d been 0r1ed: It h0d s2ent the tri2 here slo4l/ 0bsorbin5 its 2re/6 s0=in5 u2 enou5h r04 10teri0l 3or 0 ne4 bod/ 4hen it 0rri=ed: The s2ider 3or1 40s 4h0t it 4ore durin5 s20ce 3li5ht6 ide0l 3or lo4@5r0=it/ conditions6 but lookin5 1ore th0n 0 little sh0k/ no4 it h0d re0ched E0rth: Its le5s tre1bled 0s it sucked the l0st o3 the or50nic 10tter out o3 the shi2Bs 2ilot: The Doctor took in the rest o3 the control 0re06 0nd noticed t4o thin5s o3 interest: One 40s the look o3 sheer n0use0 on JiDotlBs 30ce: The other 40s 0 s10ll cr/st0lline 5ro4th6 0tt0ched to one o3 the n0=i@ 50tion0l co12uters: The intruder h0d 2l0nted 0 sub@or50nic control de=ice in the shi2Bs s/ste1s6 10kin5 the =essel obedient to its o4n 4ill: The Doctor h0d eD2ected this6 3or the si12le re0son th0t heBd 1et these cre0tures be3ore: But the l0st ti1e heBd seen the16 the/Bd been 4e0rin5 1uch stockier bodies6 better suited to li3e on 0 hi5h@5r0=it/ 4orld: The cr/st0lline thin5 looked u26 or r0ther6 it t4isted its 3eelers to40rds the h0tch40/: Its he0d s2un on to2 o3 its bod/: L"ou@0re@the@be@in5@c0lled@JiD@ot@lIB it 5ro0ned: Its =oice 40s 0 1onotonous electronic 5ur5le6 like 0 10n 4ith 0 thro0t 3ull o3 n0ils: The Doctor 2ointed to JiDotl: JiDotl 4hi12ered: LI@h0=e@co1e@to@0tt@end@/our@0uc@tion6B the intruder 0nnounced: LEr1::: do /ou h0=e 0n in=iteIB The intruderBs he0d s2un 0 little 30ster6 so JiDotl r0ised his h0nds de3ensi=el/: LI 1e0n6 not th0t /ouBre not 4elco1e: But the securit/ 0round here6 /Bkno46 i3 /ouBre not on the 5uest list:::B LThis@=ess@el@40s@int@er@ce2t@ed@in@1id@3li5ht: I@h0=e@t0ken@2oss@ess@ion@o3@the@in@=it@0t@ion: I@ h0=e@0l@re0@d/@tr0ns@1itt@ed@1/@bi@o@d0@t0@to@/our@Ci@t/Bs@s/s@te1s:B LOh: Well: Th0tBs 0ll ri5ht then:B JiDotl shot the Doctor 0n 0nDious 5l0nce: LDoes this 1e0n:::IB


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LIt 1e0ns 0n/ D0leks /ou 10/ h0=e in=ited 0re 0 no@sho46B the Doctor told hi16 3l0shin5 0 Auick s1ile 0t the cr/st0lline cre0ture: LThe %rotons h0=e co1e to t0ke their 2l0ce:B

T%ad$ce%s"ille, 4%onid, local -ea% 15.66 ,,:..C one c0n do4n6 no ill e33ects so 30r: The club 40s c0lled Shockle/Bs Den o3 Al1ost $i1itless IniAuit/6 0nd it 40s st0rtin5 to 5et on Mr JiDotlBs ner=es: O%6 so the decor 40s nice: All the roo1s 4ere h0l3@lit 0nd sh0d/@lookin56 0nd the b0lls in the 2ool roo1s 4ere 0rti3ici0l intelli5ence Eobs6 so the/ consoled /ou in teen/ sAue0k/ =oices 4hene=er /ou 1issed 0 shot: And /e0h6 there 4ere 2lent/ o3 side@cubicles 4here /ou could do de0ls in 2ri=0te6 0nd /e0h6 the drinks 4ere che02er th0n b0tter/ 0cid: The 2roble16 in JiDotlBs =ie46 40s the clientele: The/ 4ere 0ll ro3ession0ls: ro3ession0ls 4ith 0 c02it0l > ?: JiDotl h0d been h0n5in5 0round the under4orlds o3 MutterBs S2ir0l since heBd been 0 tube@sAuirt6 heBd de0lt in e=er/thin5 3ro1 stolen ti1e c02sules to illicit cloned bod/ 20rts6 but ne=er be3ore h0d he seen 0 2l0net th0t took its cri1in0l o2er0@ tions so seriousl/: I3 /ou 4orked 3or one o3 the or50nised cri1e net4orks on Dronid6 /ou 4ere con@ sidered to be 0 c0reer@1inded citi;en: The ro3ession0ls 4ere the kind o3 2eo2le 4hoBd 2ut >thu5? or >hired killer? on their 20ss2orts 0nd be 2roud o3 it: In theor/6 the set@u2 should h0=e suited Mr JiDotl do4n to the 5round6 but in 2r0ctice6 it 40s 5ettin5 to be 0 20in in the neck: Most o3 the ro3ession0ls cro4din5 0round the b0r 0re0 4ere 4e0rin5 suits6 3or 0 st0rt: !ot cl0ss/ desi5ner nu1bers6 like JiDotlBsC old bl0ck@tie@0nd@E0cket nu1bers: So1e o3 the1 2rob0bl/ de0lt in hot D!A 3or 0 li=in56 but the/ looked like 0 bunch o3 0ccount0nts: All 1uch6 1uch too 3or10l 3or JiDotlBs likin5: He 40s 0 4ild c0rd6 0 one@o336 0 3ree s2irit::: His disco13ort h0d 0bsolutel/ nothin5 to do 4ith the 30ct th0t these 2eo2le 10de hi1 3eel like 0n 010teur: !o no no: !othin5 0t 0ll: Behind the b0r6 0 5irl le0ned o=er to t0ke the order o3 the ro3ession0l st0ndin5 neDt to Mr JiDotl: Another suit6 JiDotl noted: LT4o 5l0sses o3 TeAuil0 Mockin5bird6B the 10n s0id6 r0isin5 his =oice 0bo=e the I@bet@IB=e@shot@1ore@2eo2le@th0n@/ou@this@4eek hubbub 0round hi1: LAnd 4here c0n I 5et hold o3 so1e d/stronic eD2losi=eIB The 5irl checked 0 ch0lkbo0rd on the 40ll behind her: LT4el=e den0ris 3or the drinks6B she s0id: LAnd::: er16 no oneBs in toni5ht 4ho does d/stronic 4e02ons: Will %lutterbu5 1issiles doIB The ro3ession0l 3ro4ned: LI c0n li=e 4ith Be1:B L"ou 40nt Mr Ven#0Dil: HeBs in 2ool roo1 nu1ber three: T4o den0ris ser=ice ch0r5e6 2le0se: Th0nk /ou:B The 10nBs drinks6 4hen the 5irl 3inished 1iDin5 the16 turned out to be bri5ht blue6 4ith t4o thu1b@ si;ed 5enetic0ll/ en5ineered 3l01in5os 40din5 0round in e0ch 5l0ss: Cr0ss6 thou5ht JiDotl: He 40ited until the ro3ession0l h0d 1o=ed 040/ 3ro1 the b0r6 then r0ised his h0nd: LAnother c0n o3 Blue Do56B he s0id: LAnd IB1 lookin5 3or so1e hi5h@le=el 2ro2ulsion s/ste1s here6 /e0hIB ,*:-8C t4o c0ns do4n6 still sober: Mr JiDotl s0t in one o3 the side@cubicles6 o22osite 0 10n 4ho6 0ccordin5 to the 5irl behind the b0r6 40s 5ener0ll/ kno4n 0s >Mr G0briel?: #ro1 4h0t JiDotl h0d 50thered6 the 10n 40s 0 G0brielide0n6 one o3 the 10n/ o33@4orlders 4hoBd co1e to Dronid lookin5 3or 0n e0s/ 2inch: G0brielide0ns didnBt h0=e 2ro2er n01es b0ck on their o4n 2l0net6 so JiDotl couldnBt hel2 3eelin5 th0t the h0ndle this one h0d chosen 3or hi1sel3 40snBt too ori5in0l: In JiDotlBs o2inion6 1eetin5 0 G0brielide0n c0lled >Mr G0briel? 40s like 1eetin5 0 D0lek c0lled >Mr D Arlek? or so1eone 3ro1 E0rth c0lled >H0rold )8


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Hu10n?: L$et 1e 10ke sure IB1 on /our 40=elen5th6B Mr G0briel s0id: LWh0t /ou 40nt6 0nd IB1 not 5oin5 to 1ince 4ords here6 is 0 ne4 de10teri0lis0tion circuit: Is th0t 4h0t /ouBre s0/in5IB JiDotl looked o=er his shoulder6 e=en thou5h there 40s nothin5 behind hi1 but the 40ll: It 40s 0 kind o3 5ut re0ction: LI 4ouldnBt6 /Bkno46 2ut it like th0t6B he s0id: Mr G0briel s1iled 40r1l/: The s1ile didnBt look entirel/ n0tur0l6 but th0t 40s underst0nd0ble6 0s the hu10noid bod/ he 4ore 40s ob=iousl/ 0rti3ici0l: To 5i=e the G0brielide0ns credit6 0t le0st the/ 4ere tr/in5 to blend in on Dronid: LDonBt 4orr/ /oursel36 Mr %e/hoe: !obod/Bs bu55in5 us6 eDce2t 10/be the st0336 0nd the/Bre 2rett/ discreet: !o need to 5et ed5/ Eust /et6 O%IB LJiDotl:B LIB1 sorr/IB LJiDotl: !ot %e/hoe: J@i@D@o@t@l: %ee@hot@l:B LJiDotl: Ri5ht:B Mr G0briel s1iled 050in6 0nd the s1ile 40s eD0ctl/ the s01e 0s it h0d been be3ore6 so the so3t40re in his 30ce cle0rl/ 40snBt =er/ =ers0tile: The G0brielide0n 022e0red to be 1iddle@05ed6 0nd he 40s kind o3 cuddl/6 des2ite the suit 0nd the lu12 in the 2ocket 4here he ke2t his st0ser: He 40s 0 lot like so1eoneBs uncle6 thou5ht JiDotl6 0ll bri5ht e/es 0nd sh0llo4 4rinkles: LThe Ti1e $ords 0renBt 5oin5 to be sni33in5 0round here6 i3 th0tBs 4h0tBs /ouBre thinkin56B G0briel 4ent on: LIB=e been de0lin5 in ti1e@tech e=er since I 5ot to this 2l0net6 0nd the Hi5h Council h0snBt c0u5ht on /et: C0n I 0sk /ou so1ethin56 Mr JiDotlIB LEr6 /e0h: Sure:B LWhereBd /ou 5et 0 TARDIS 3ro16 0n/40/IB JiDotl bit his li2: LWho s0id I h0d 0 TARDISIB LCB1on: "ou need 0 de10t circuit6 th0t 1e0ns /ouB=e 5ot 0 TARDIS: $et 1e 5uess: "ou 5ot 3riends on G0lli3re/6 01 I ri5htI And the/ 10n05ed to sne0k /ou out 0n old t/2e '-6 but the de10t circuitBs 1essed u2: $isten6 IB=e he0rd it 0ll be3ore: "ou donBt h0=e to st0rt sAuir1in5:B JiDotl sAuir1ed 0n/40/: He didnBt like to think o3 his shi2 0s 0 TARDIS 0n/ 1ore: HeBd ch0n5ed its 4hole structure6 its 4hole o2er0tin5 s/ste16 Eust to 10ke sure the Hi5h Council couldnBt tr0ck it: The de10t circuit h0d 2o22ed 0s soon 0s heBd 5ot to Dronid6 0nd heBd been stuck here e=er since: #or 0 4hile6 heBd been h022/ to stick 0round6 but thin5s h0d ch0n5ed in the l0st cou2le o3 d0/s: To be honest6 JiDotl 40s luck/ to h0=e 5ot hi1sel3 str0nded here6 on 0 2l0net 4here it 40s 0t le0st 2ossible to 5et hold o3 s20re TARDIS 20rts: A cou2le o3 5ener0tions 05o6 one o3 the Ti1e $ord C0r@ din0ls h0d tried buildin5 0 2o4erb0se on Dronid6 2uttin5 to5ether 0n 0r1/ in the =0in ho2e o3 o=er@ thro4in5 the Hi5h Council: HeBd been dr055ed b0ck to G0lli3re/ in the end6 n0tch6 but there 4ere still bits 0nd 2ieces o3 ti1e@tech l/in5 0round the cities6 le3t@o=ers 3ro1 his ti1e in residence: The or50nised cri1e net4orks h0d reco=ered 1ost o3 the16 4hich 40s 4h/ the/ 1ore or less r0n Dronid6 these d0/s: The 2l0net 40s 2rett/ 2ri1iti=e F the/ still used co1bustion en5ines 0round here6 3or 2it/Bs s0ke6 0nd the 2eo2le h0d onl/ Eust in=ented TV F but JiDotl h0d he0rd /ou could 2ick u2 the blue2rints 3or 0 de10t 5un in the under4orld6 i3 /ou kne4 4here to look: L"ou 40nt to 5et so1e 1ore drinks inIB 0sked Mr G0briel: ,*:,*C three c0ns do4n6 st0rtin5 to 3eel >rel0Ded?: JiDotl h0d s2ent the l0st 3e4 1inutes s10ll@t0lkin5 4ith Mr G0briel6 skirtin5 0round the bi5 Aues@ tion6 >Ho4 1uch is 0 de10t circuit 5oin5 to costI?: JiDotl kne4 3ull 4ell he 4ouldnBt be 0ble to 033ord the h0rd40re6 not ri5ht 040/: He didnBt h0=e enou5h loc0l currenc/ to hire 0n 0t1os2here =essel6 let 0lone bu/ 0 chunk o3 solid@st0te Ti1e $ord technolo5/: Once he 5ot 0n esti10te 3ro1 G0briel6 heBd be s2endin5 the neDt 4eek or three doin5 little Eobs 0round the c02it0l cit/6 s0=in5 u2 the den0ris: Th0t is6 i3 he didnBt 5et kni3ed in the b0ck 3irst: LDon O0 ristiIB Mr G0briel re2e0ted6 0s i3 not belie=in5 his e0rs:


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JiDotl shru55ed: LWh0t c0n I s0/I I sold the Don so1e 30ult/ 1erch0ndise: Cou2le o3 ite1s th0t didnBt 5o >b0n5? 0s loudl/ 0s the/ shouldB=e done6 ri5htI I 1e0n6 /Bkno46 itBs not like I didnBt o33er hi1 0 re3und or 0n/thin5:B Mr G0brielBs 30ce 4ent into >5ri1? 1ode: L"e0h6 but the DonBs one o3 the old school: Heredit0r/ 50n5ster: So1eone crosses hi16 itBs 0 Auestion o3 honour: $ike 0n insult to his 301il/ n01e:B Mr G0b@ riel dre4 his 3in5er 0cross his thro0t6 Eust to 2ress the 2oint ho1e: Mr JiDotl didnBt need tellin5: HeBd onl/ 1et O0 risti once6 but the Don h0d co1e 0cross 0s 0 Gr0de@A 2s/cho20th: O0 risti h0d been 4e0rin5 0 3ur 4r02 durin5 the 1eetin56 5enetic0ll/ 0u51ented6 4ith 0 1outh 3ull o3 teeth sn022in5 040/ 0t either end: The si5n o3 0n unb0l0nced 1ind6 th0t: LRi5ht6B s0id JiDotl: LThe 2oint is6 he s0/s heBll o=erlook this little 2roble1 i3 I 20/ hi1 b0ck 4ith interest6 /e0hIB LHo4 1uch interest 0re 4e t0lkin5 0boutIB LAbout <-- 2er cent:B Mr G0briel re0ched 3or the Blue Do5: LSo6 /ou 40nt to 5et /oursel3 o33 Drornid 4hile /ouB=e still 5ot 0ll /our le5sIB Mr JiDotl 3elt like hissin5: He h0ted 2eo2le 4ho did th0t: Technic0ll/6 this 2l0net 40s su22osed to be c0lled >Drornid?C th0t 40s the n01e the loc0ls h0d 0l40/s used6 0n/40/: But thereBd been 0 t/2o in the 3irst edition o3 Bartholome$/s Planetary !a-eteer6 so the rest o3 the uni=erse c0lled it >Dronid?6 includin5 the o33@4orlders 4ho c01e to 10ke 0 li=in5+killin5 here: And6 0s the o33@4orlders 4ere 0t the he0rt o3 the 2l0netBs econo1/6 1ost o3 the n0ti=es 4ent 0lon5 4ith the1: So1e 2eo2le 0l40/s h0d to be 2ick/6 thou5h: LThereBs 0 lot o3 de10nd 3or ti1e technolo5/ ri5ht no46B Mr G0briel continued6 bet4een 1outh3uls o3 Blue Do5: L"ou kno4 ho4 it is: E=er/oneBs tr/in5 to 5et 040/ 3ro1 Drornid be3ore the Ti1e $ords co1e b0ck: A lot o3 ro3ession0ls 0re t0lkin5 0bout buildin5 their o4n 0r1ed@u2 TARDIS units6 10/be t022in5 into the E/e o3 H0r1on/ behind the Hi5h CouncilBs b0ck:B LI 5et the ide0: Wh0t /ouBre s0/in5 is6 the circuitBs 5oin5 to cost 1e 0n 0r1 0nd 0::: 40it 0 1inute: Wh0t dB/ou 1e0n6 >be3ore the Ti1e $ords co1e b0ck?IB L"ou h0=enBt he0rdI ThereBs 0 lot o3 unh022/ ru1blin56 do4n in the under5round: The/ s0/ the Hi5h CouncilBs 10kin5 2l0ns 3or so1e kind o3 40r: So1ebod/Bs u2set the16 0nd b0dl/:B Mr JiDotl 3elt like sulkin5: T/2ic0l: He 40s 0l40/s the l0st to kno4 these thin5s: LSo sur2rise 1e: Who 0re the/ su22osed to be 3i5htin5IB LWho kno4sI $ike I s0id6 itBs onl/ 0 ru1our: DB/ou kno4 thereBs 0 4hole 3leet o3 G0brielide0n 40r@ shi2s on its 40/ to DrornidI He0rd it on the TV this 03ternoon:B Mr G0briel chuckled 0n 0rti3ici0l chuckle: LTh0tBs 1/ 5o=ern1ent6 bless Be1: The 4ord is6 the Ti1e $ords h0=e set it 0ll u2: The 40r@ shi2s 0re 0ctin5 3or the Hi5h Council: DonBt 0sk 1e 4h0t the G0brielide0ns 0re 5ettin5 out o3 the de0l:B LIB1 1issin5 so1ethin5 here6B JiDotl s0id: LO%6 so the Ti1e $ords 0re 5oin5 to 40r: Then 4h/ 0re the/ sendin5 the 40rshi2s to DronidIB LWish I kne4: ItBs 5oin5 to be 4here the/ h0=e their 3irst 30ce@o33 4ith the ene1/6 th0tBs 0ll IB=e he0rd: M0/be the/Bre ho2in5 0ll us ro3ession0ls 0re 5oin5 to 5et 4i2ed in the cross3ire: I 1e0n6 itBs e1b0rr0ssin5 3or the16 kno4in5 0 2l0net like this h0s 5ot 2eo2le tr/in5 to build TARDISes on it:B LI h0=e to use the little bi2edsB roo16B s0id Mr JiDotl: ,*:<,C 3our c0ns do4n6 5oin5 be/ond >rel0Ded? 0nd into the re0l1s o3 >intros2ecti=e?: JiDotl h0d 2icked u2 0nother cou2le o3 c0ns on the 40/ b0ck 3ro1 the toilets6 0nd heBd 0lre0d/ do4ned one6 e=en thou5h he h0dnBt 5one b0ck to the cubicle /et: He sto22ed o33 in one o3 the clubBs rel0D0tion loun5es6 4here ro3ession0ls huddled to5ether in sus2icious little clusters6 discussin5 the l0test de=elo21ents in n0rcotics science: The loun5e 40s desi5ned to 10ke the ro3ession0ls 3eel 0t ho1e6 4ith 0 bl0ck@0nd@4hite B0kelite TV 1ounted on the 40ll in one corner6 0nd the skinned cor2ses


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o3 underco=er 2olice1en d0n5lin5 0rtistic0ll/ 3ro1 the ceilin5 on 1e0t hooks: All =er/ t0ste3ul6 re0ll/: JiDotl 10de his 40/ 0cross to the TV: So1eone else 40s 0lre0d/ st0ndin5 in 3ront o3 the screen6 drink in h0nd: The ro3ession0l 40s /oun56 dressed in the obli50tor/ bl0ck suit6 4ith 0n uncon=incin5 3ro4n on his 30ce: Another G0brielide0n6 JiDotl Eud5ed: The TV st0tion F Dronid onl/ h0d the one F 40s runnin5 0 ne4s bulletin: JiDotl 40tched 0 2iece o3 3oot05e th0t h0d 2resu10bl/ been t0ken b/ one o3 the sur=eill0nce s0tellites the o33@4orlders h0d 2ut into orbit: H0l3 0 do;en s20ceshi2s 4ere 1o=in5 throu5h the =0cuu1 in close 3or10tion: The cr03t 4ere 2l0in bl0ck cuboids6 utterl/ s1ooth 0nd 3e0tureless6 but /ou kne46 /ou Eust kne46 th0t 0t 0 1o1entBs notice the/ could o2en u2 their 5un2orts 0nd re=e0l 0 4hole host o3 n0st/ 4e02ons s/ste1s: LG0brielide0n 40rshi2s6B JiDotl 1ur1ured: The ro3ession0l turned to 30ce hi1: The 10n 4ould h0=e looked 4orried6 i3 his 30ci0l so3t40re h0d been subtle enou5h: LThe Ti1e $ords6B he s0id: LThe/Bre co1in5 3or us6 0renBt the/IB L"e0h6 ri5ht6B s0id JiDotl: He tried his best to sound c/nic0l 0bout the 4hole thin5: ,*:<7C 3i=e c0ns do4n6 4obbl/ enou5h to knock o=er 3urniture 4ithout noticin5 it6 but sober enou5h to den/ bein5 drunk in 0n/ 40/6 sh02e6 or 3or1: LAnd th0tBs not 0ll6B Mr G0briel s0id6 on the other side o3 the t0ble: JiDotl 2icked u2 0 cou2le o3 the e12t/ c0ns in 3ront o3 hi1: All o3 0 sudden6 he h0d the irresistible ur5e to b0l0nce the1 on to2 o3 one other: LGo on:B L"ou 40nt to kno4 4h0t else the ru1ours s0/I The ru1ours s0/ the DoctorBs in=ol=ed:B JiDotl h0d 10de 0 three@c0n to4er in record ti1e6 but the 4ord >Doctor? 10de his h0nd sh0ke6 so it 0ll c01e tu1blin5 do4n: LDoctorI $ike6 the Doctor DoctorIB JiDotl thre4 his h0nds u2 in des20ir6 0nd =er/ ne0rl/ 2oked hi1sel3 in the e/e: LO%6 th0tBs it6 sho4Bs o=er: The DoctorBs in=ol=ed: Whoe=er the Ti1e $ords 0re 3i5htin56 the/ donBt st0nd 0 ch0nce:B L"e0hI When did I s0/ the DoctorBs 4orkin5 3or the Ti1e $ordsI Sure6 the stor/ s0/s heBs co1in5 here to 3i5ht 3or G0lli3re/6 but 0 cou2le o3 the 2undits 0re s0/in5 heBs 5one o=er to the ene1/: The/Bre s0/in5 heBs h0d it 4ith the 40/ the Hi5h CouncilBs tre0ted hi1 o=er the /e0rs:B JiDotl belched: LGood luck to 4hoe=er heBs 5oin5 u2 050inst6 th0tBs 0ll )/m s0/in5:B L"e0h: IB=e he0rd the stories: "ou kno4 Mr Abel6 4orks 3or the InCor2or0teI He s0/s he 4in5ed the Doctor 4ith 0 1icro40=e kni3e one ti1e6 0nd the 5u/ Eust 40lked 040/ 3ro1 it: I 1e0n6 0 1icro40=e kni3e: WeBre t0lkin5 serious tissue d0105e here:B LTell 1e 0bout it: $0st ti1e I s04 the Doctor6 there 40s 0 4hole 3lotill0 o3 Antiride0n or50n@e0ters on his t0il6 0nd he 5ot o33 4ithout 0 scr0tch: K011/ sod:B Mr G0brielBs 30ce so3t40re 4ent into sur2rise o=erdri=e: L"ouB=e 1et the DoctorIB LCou2le o3 ti1es: We didnBt 5et on6 /Bkno4IB One b/ one6 JiDotl 2icked u2 0nd shook the c0ns on the t0ble6 but the/ 0ll see1ed to be e12t/6 3or so1e re0son: LAnd IB1 tellin5 /ou6 heBs 0 3orce o3 n0ture: "ou c0nBt 3i5ht 0 3orce o3 n0ture6 ri5htIB Mr G0brielBs 30ce settled do4n 0 bit: LM0/be itBs di33erent this ti1e: I3 the Ti1e $ords 0re 0t 40r6 the ene1/Bs 5ot to be so1eone bi5: I 1e0n6 3or5et the D0leks6 IB1 t0lkin5 big: I3 the DoctorBs e=er 5oin5 to 5et sti33ed6 itBs 5oin5 to be no4: E=er/one 40nts 0 2iece o3 the 0ction: "ou kno4 the CelestisI Word is6 the Celestis h0=e 5ot 05ents on both sides o3 the 3i5ht: And in 0 cou2le o3 the or50nis0tions here on Drornid6 /ou 5et the ide0I And the 0r0doD 2eo2le 0re h0n5in5 0round 40itin5 to see ho4 1uch d0105e 5ets done: "ou kno4 4h0t the/Bre like: Vultures:B LThe #0ctionBs 5oin5 do4n6B JiDotl s0id6 4ith the =oice o3 sli5htl/ inebri0ted 0uthorit/: LThe/B=e been outcl0ssed e=er since the InCor2or0te turned u2 on this 2l0net: He/M This c0n h0snBt been o2ened /et: IsnBt th0t 5re0tIB RRR


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,<:(,C siD c0ns do4n6 5ettin5 to th0t st05e in the e=enin5 4hen it beco1es i12ossible to be bored b/ 0n/ to2ic o3 con=ers0tion6 ho4e=er stu2id or 2ointless it 10/ be: At the end o3 the 1eetin56 JiDotl shook h0nds 4ith Mr G0briel6 but 1issed: As eD2ected6 the 2rice G0briel set 3or the de10t circuit 40s eDtortion0te: When 1/ shi2Bs 4orkin5 050in6 JiDotl told hi1sel36 IB1 5oin5 to tr0ck hi1 do4n 0s 0n e1br/o 0nd inEect so1ethin5 re0ll/ n0st/ into his 0lbu1en: Th0tBll sho4 hi1: He sto22ed b/ the b0r 050in on his 40/ out6 4onderin5 i3 he should 10/be t0ke 0nother cou2le o3 c0ns 4ith hi1: Ri5ht no46 he needed so1ethin5 to t0ke his 1ind o33 his 2roble1s: Or to t0ke his 1ind o33 this le=el o3 re0lit/: Whiche=er c01e 3irst: When he st0rted elbo4in5 his 40/ to40rds the b0r6 ho4e=er6 e=er/thin5 ch0n5ed: In 3ront o3 hi16 10kin5 their 40/ throu5h the cro4d o3 bl0ck@cl0d ro3ession0ls6 4ere t4o 3i5ures JiDotl reco5nised: The/ h0d their b0cks turned6 th0nk3ull/6 but their slicked@b0ck h0ir 0nd che02 desi5ner suits 50=e the1 040/ in 0n inst0nt: So6 3or th0t 10tter6 did the 40/ the/ 4ere hissin5 0t the 5irl behind the b0r: Don O0 ristiBs 1en: Old st/le thu5s6 2rob0bl/ recruited 3ro1 the 5hetto 50n5s: JiDotl h0d seen 0 lot o3 the1 since heBd 0rri=ed on Dronid: !e0nderth0ls6 1ostl/6 0ll sh0r2ened teeth 0nd 5old 1ed0llions: The/ 4ere sli1/6 the/ 4ere u5l/6 0nd the/ tended to be Auite eDtr0ordin0ril/ =iolent: Mr JiDotl turned6 0nd r0n: Which 40s stu2id6 be0rin5 in 1ind ho4 cro4ded the b0r 0re0 40s: He sc0ttered the ro3ession0ls 0round hi16 0nd stu1bled to40rds the eDit6 knockin5 0side the =0rious ch0irs6 5l0sses6 0nd custo1ers in his 20th: Behind hi16 there 40s 0 shout6 then the sound o3 scurr/in5 3eet: JiDotl s4ore: All in 0ll6 his eDit 3ro1 Shockle/Bs Den o3 Al1ost $i1itless IniAuit/ 40snBt 4h0t /ou could h0=e c0lled subtle: ,<:,,C still siD c0ns do4n6 but 0 lot 1ore sober th0n 0 3e4 1inutes 2re=iousl/: JiDotl bolted 0lon5 the b0ck40/s o3 Tr0ducers=ille6 t0ctic0ll/ knockin5 o=er 0n/ 50rb05e c0ns he h022ened to co1e 0cross: There 2rob0bl/ 40snBt 1uch 2oint in doin5 th0t6 but it couldnBt hurt: HeBd looked o=er his shoulder once or t4ice6 0nd he h0dnBt seen 0n/ si5n o3 the thu5s6 so he 5uessed heBd sh0ken the1 o33 b0ck in the slu1s: But then6 it 40s too d0rk to see =er/ 30r6 0nd his =ision 40snBt eD0ctl/ 2er3ect6 4h0t 4ith the curse o3 the Blue Do5 u2on hi1 0nd 0ll: So he ke2t 1o=in56 Eust to be on the s03e side: Don O0 risti 4ould h0=e sent the 1en to 5i=e hi1 0 40rnin5: The kind o3 40rnin5 th0t 10de /ou 5o >ouch? in lots o3 unusu0l 2l0ces: JiDotl 40s runnin5 out o3 ti1e6 0nd runnin5 out o3 o2tions: One 40/ or 0nother6 he h0d to 5et hold o3 the c0sh 3or 0 de10t circuit: And then 4h0tI H11: #unn/: He didnBt nor10ll/ bother 4ith lon5@ter1 2l0ns: #or the l0st h0l3@hour6 thou5h6 thereBd been so1ethin5 n055in5 0t hi1: E=er since Mr G0briel h0d told hi1 0bout the Doctor6 0nd the 5re0t b0ttle th0t 40s su22osed to be co1in5 to Dronid: LMaybe it/s di((erent this time111/ "e0h: He needed his shi2 in 4orkin5 order6 but there 40s 0 2ro3it to be 10de here6 ri5htI HeBd stu1bled into the 1iddle o3 so1ethin5 bi56 10/be bi5 enou5h to sh0ke u2 the 4hole ti1eline: And i3 so1ebod/ kne4 ho4 to eD2loit the situ0tion 2ro2erl/6 s0/6 so1ebod/ 4ith 0 stolen TARDIS 0nd not too 10n/ scru2les::: Oh: Oh6 /es: Th0t 40s it: Th0t 40s lo=el/: Mr JiDotl h0d Eust h0d 0 =er/6 =er/ interestin5 ide0:


The =0ult h0d6 in 0 =er/ re0l sense6 co1e to li3e: And it 40snBt h022/: The 40lls 4ere scre01in5: E0rlier6 Bre510n h0d he0rd the touc0ns shriekin5 their he0ds o33 in the r0in3orest6 0nd no4 the s01e kind o3 sound 40s 3illin5 u2 the =0ult6 0 sAu04kin56 screechin56 c0cklin5 noise th0t see1ed to co1e 3ro1 e=er/ direction 0t once: The =oice 3ro1 inside the c0sket 3ell silent: Bre510n turned6 se0rchin5 the =0ult 3or the source o3 the scre01in56 but 0ll she s04 40s S016 st0ndin5 in the door40/ behind her: #ro;en: $ike 0 r0bbit c0u5ht in he0dli5hts: Bre510n 5uessed she 2rob0bl/ looked the s01e 40/ hersel3: Then the 40lls be50n to blosso1: Shoots 3orced their 40/ out o3 the cr0cks in the stone6 their ste1s shot throu5h 4ith dee2 red 0rteries6 0nd buds the colour o3 de0d 3lesh broke o2en be3ore Bre510nBs e/es: The bloo1s h0d 2et0ls like 3lo4ers6 but the/ 4ere sc0rred 0nd 4rinkled like old skin: So1ethin5 1o=ed under Bre510nBs 3eet6 0nd she stu1bled b0ck40rds6 until her s2ine 40s 2ressed 050inst the side o3 the c0sket: In 3ront o3 her6 the 3loor ri22led6 0s or50nic tendrils 2ushed the sl0bs 0side 0nd re0ched u2 to40rds the torchli5ht: Bre510n st0rted sto12in5 on the 5ro4ths6 tr/in5 to 10sh the1 b0ck into the 5round: It 40snBt re0ll/ 0 r0tion0l res2onse to the situ0tion6 but 4h0t the hellI !o4 the =oice h0d 0b0ndoned her6 she didnBt h0=e 0n/thin5 to do eDce2t 20nic: She looked u2 0s she st012ed6 ho2in5 to 10ke e/e cont0ct 4ith S01 050in6 but S01 40snBt there: The =0ult h0d ch0n5ed sh02e 0round her: !e4 40lls h0d 5ro4n out o3 the stone4ork6 curt0ins o3 2ink 3lesh/ 10teri0l th0t stretched bet4een the 3loor 0nd the ceilin56 held in 2l0ce b/ colu1ns o3 li=in5 1uscle: SheBd obe/ed the =oice 4ithout Auestion: SheBd been 4e0k: In shock6 10/be6 03ter 4h0t h0d h022ened in the shrine: The =oice h0d l0tched onto th0t 4e0kness6 h0d used it to 2ull her here throu5h the corridors o3 the ;i55ur0t: !o4 she 40s 40kin5 u26 0t l0st6 onl/ to 3ind th0t she h0d no 40/ o3 5et@ tin5 out 050in: Co1e to think o3 it6 4h/ h0d she 5one to the #0ctionBs shrine in the 3irst 2l0ceI H0d the =oice led her there6 tooI H0d she ever been in control o3 her o4n bod/I At her 3eet6 0 cluster o3 s02lin5s re0red u2 out o3 the 3loor6 their buds s4ellin5 in 3ront o3 Bre510nBs 30ce until e0ch one 40s the si;e o3 her he0d: The buds 4ere the colour o3 sc0r tissue: The/ 4erenBt 2l0nts6 Bre510n re0lised: B0ck 0t the 50te o3 the &nthink0ble Cit/6 %orte; h0d told her there 40s 0 bio@ induction s/ste1 in 2l0ce on this isl0nd6 2u12in5 ne4 5enetic 10teri0l into the ecos/ste1: The s01e kind o3 de=ice 40s 0t 4ork here in the =0ult: So1ethin5 40s seedin5 the 0re0 4ith li=in5 10tter6 sAuee;in5 blood out o3 the stone: !o hu10n@10de 10chine could h0=e done the Eob this 30st6 thou5h: It took 1onths6 /e0rs6 3or 0 bio@induction s/ste1 to h0=e 0 =isible e33ect on 0n en=iron1ent: !ot seconds: The 3irst o3 the he0d@si;ed buds o2ened u2 in 3ront o3 Bre510n: There 40s 0 2ot0to@sh02ed lu12 o3 bio10ss 0t the centre o3 the 3lo4er6 co=ered in bu12s 0nd indent0tions6 0 stick/ l0/er o3 skin stretched 0cross the sur30ce: A 30ce: A h0l3@3or1ed hu10n 30ce6 too 3l04ed to be 0n/thin5 but u5l/: E=en i3 the 3e0tures h0d been 5i=en ti1e to de=elo26 the nose 4ouldnBt h0=e been stre01lined enou5h6 the e/es 4ouldnBt h0=e been Auite the ri5ht sh02e: And the h0ir6 stuck to the he0d in sli22er/ 4et clu12s6 40s 0 co12lete 1ess: The other buds be50n to un3old6 0nd one 03ter 0nother6 the he0d@3lo4ers o2ened their e/es: All the 30ces 4ere identic0l6 crude co2ies o3 Bre510nBs o4n: She 4ondered i3 this 1i5ht be 0 5ood ti1e to st0rt scre01in5 like 0 b0st0rd: RRR 7,


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The sk/ 40s 0s 5re/ 0s e=er6 but 03ter the interior o3 the s20ceshi2 it looked 2ositi=el/ sunn/: The Doctor noticed6 4ith 1ore th0n 0 little s0tis30ction6 the look o3 shock on JiDotlBs 30ce 0s the 10n shu33led out o3 the shi2 03ter hi1: LTold /ou so6B s0id the Doctor6 out o3 the side o3 his 1outh: JiDotl blinked 0t hi1: LTold /ou so 4h0tIB LTold /ou it 4ouldnBt 5o 0ccordin5 to 2l0n:B The Doctor nodded to40rds the %roton6 4hich 40s e=en no4 stridin5 do4n the shi2Bs 50n540/6 its s2indl/ le5s sh0kin5 under the 4ei5ht o3 its bod/: Its 3eelers 4ere 4obblin5 eDcitedl/6 0nd the Doctor 5ot the i12ression it 40s tr/in5 to decide 4hether to st0rt shootin5 0t the 2l0nts 3lo0tin5 0round the roo3 50rden: The Doctor s04 JiDotlBs teeth clench: L"ouB=e 1et these thin5s be3ore6 ri5htIB LT4ice: This is the 3irst ti1e IB=e seen one in its lo4@5r0=it/ 3or16 thou5h:B LAnd6 uh::: do the/ like chees/ nibbles6 0t 0llIB The to21ost 2rotrusion o3 the %rotonBs bod/6 the 5eo1etric cr/st0l th0t could6 loosel/6 be c0lled its he0d6 s4un5 0round to 30ce the1: At le0st6 th0tBs 4h0t the Doctor 0ssu1ed it 40s doin56 0lthou5h the cre0ture didnBt 0ctu0ll/ h0=e 0 30ce6 0s such: LThe@0=@i@0n@li3e@3or1s@0re@dis@turbed:B JiDotl looked 0t the Doctor: The Doctor shru55ed: LEr6 th0tBs ri5ht6B JiDotl 1u1bled: LThe touc0ns6 /e0hI ItBs /our shi2: The/Bre re0ctin5 to it 0 bit b0dl/: "ou kno4 ho4 0=i0n li3e@3or1s 0re: $isten6 thereBs 0 5uest roo1 0ll l0id out 3or /ou do4nst0irs6 i3 /ou 40nt to 3reshen u2: Or 4h0te=er it is /ou do: I 1e0n6 i3 /ou donBt 1ind the 3urniture:B LThe@0uc@tion@4ill@2ro@ceed@0s@soon@0s@2oss@i@ble6B the %roton insisted: LThere@4ill@be@no@de@l0/s:B L!o6 no6 o3 course not: IB1 sure /ouB=e 5ot 0 lot o3 i12ort0nt thin5s to do b0ck in6 er6 %roton@s20ce:B LM/@des@i5@n0@tion@is@E@%o@b0lt@ ri1e@o3@the@%ro@ton@Ab@sol@ute: Co11@0nd@un@it@o3@the@%ro@ton@ #i3th@$0tt@ice:B LWell FB JiDotl be50n: But the %roton h0dnBt 3inished 40rblin5 /et: LThis@=ess@el@40s@int@er@ce2t@ed: The@in@=i@t0@tion@40s@dis@co=@ered@in@the@2oss@ess@ion@o3@its@cre4: "our@0uc@tion@is@o3@int@er@est@to@the@%ro@ton@Ab@sol@ute: M/@su2@er@i@or@un@its@in@the@%ro@ton@#irst@ $0tt@ice@h0=e@0l@re0d@/@been@no@ti@3ied: A@W0r@s2e0r@h0s@been@dis@20tched@to@this@2l0n@et: The@W0r@ s2e0r@4ill@es@cort@the@Rel@ic@b0ck@to@the@#irst@$0tt@ice@once@it@h0s@been@sec@ured@3or@the@Ab@so@lute:B Th0t sounded like 0 thre0t to the Doctor: JiDotl cert0inl/ looked 0 little t0ken 0b0ck: LTh0t is6 /Bkno46 i3 /ou 10ke the hi5hest bid6B the 10n 2ointed out: L"es6B bubbled E@%ob0lt@ ri1e: LC0n I 0sk 0 AuestionIB s0id the Doctor: LWhereBs /our d/n0tro2eI I kno4 /our 2eo2le ne=er le0=e ho1e 4ithout one:B E@%ob0lt 20used be3ore 0ns4erin5: LI@4ill@not@re@Auire@1/@o4n@=ess@el@to@co1@2lete@this@1iss@ ion:B LRe0ll/I Ho4Bs /our 2o4er su22l/IB LThe@Rel@ic@4ill@be@sec@ured@be@3ore@re@en@er@5i@s0@tion@be@co1es@ne@cess@0r@/:B There 40s 0 bit 1ore he0d@s2innin5: The %rotonBs le5s Aui=ered underne0th its torso: LThe@5r0=@it@/@on@this@2l0n@et@is@ un@suit@0@ble@3or@this@bo@d/: I@4ill@need@to@re@con@struct@1/@eD@ter@i@or@3or1@i1@1e@di@0te@l/:B JiDotl cle0red his thro0t: LWell6 /e0h6 itBs like I s0id: I3 /ou 40nt 1e to sho4 /ou to /our Au0rters:::B Be3ore he could 3inish the sentence6 the %roton sh0ttered: $iter0ll/6 sh0ttered: The le5s disinte5@ r0ted6 0llo4in5 the torso to dro2 to the 5round: The bod/ eD2loded into se=er0l thous0nd sh0rds o3 tr0nslucent cr/st0l on i120ct6 0nd sAu0shed 0 3e4 1ore o3 the 3lo0tin5 2l0nts in the 2rocess: There 40s 0n 0l1i5ht/ cr0ckin5 sound: JiDotl 0ctu0ll/ shrieked6 but the Doctor 1erel/ 4inced: All th0t 40s le3t o3 E@%ob0lt 40s his he0d Gits he0d6 the Doctor corrected hi1sel3C %rotons 4ere strictl/ s2e0kin5 0seDu0l6 0lthou5h the/ 0cted in such 0 loutish 30shion it 40s h0rd to think o3 the1 0s 0n/thin5 but 10leH6 2lus 0 sh02eless lu12 o3 4hite cr/st0l th0t h0d once 3or1ed the inner core o3 the torso: It re1inded the Doctor o3 r04 cl0/ in 0 scul2torBs studio6 re0d/ to be 1oulded into so1ethin5


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1ore 0rtistic: LOh no6B sAue0led JiDotl: LDonBt tell 1e IB=e lost 0nother one:B The Doctor 2eered 0t the cr/st0l: LDonBt 4orr/: ItBs Eust 5ro4in5 itsel3 0 ne4 bod/: $ook:B E=en 0s he s2oke6 delic0te cr0cks 4ere 022e0rin5 0cross the sur30ce o3 the subst0nce: !e4 li1bs 4ere 3or1in5 under the skin6 sAuir1in5 i120tientl/ 0s the/ 5re4: L#0scin0tin5: IB=e ne=er seen this 2rocess be3ore: I 0l40/s 0ssu1ed itBd be 0 2ri=0te 1o1ent 3or the1:B LC0n it he0r usIB LOh6 I shouldnBt think so: See6 the 3eelers h0=e dro22ed o33: It h0snBt de=elo2ed ne4 sensor/ s/ste1s /et:B JiDotl looked distinctl/ unco13ort0ble 0ll the s01e: LO%6 Doctor6 letBs 5et serious here: "ou he0rd 4h0t the li3e@3or1 s0id: ThereBs 0 4hole W0rs2e0r 3ull o3 these thin5s co1in5: Wh0te=er 0 W0rs2e0r is:B L"es: And the/Bre not 5oin5 to be too h022/ i3 E@%ob0lt doesnBt 5et 4h0t he 40nts 0t the 0uction:B The Doctor s0id it in his best I@told@/ou@so =oice6 but JiDotl Eust shru55ed: LC0nBt s0/ it bothers 1e 1uch: Once the 2ro2ert/Bs sold6 IB1 5one: The %rotons c0n blo4 u2 the 4hole soddin5 2l0net i3 the/ 3eel like it: Wh0t IB1 s0/in5 is6 thin5s 0re hottin5 u2 0round here: "ou c0nBt h0n5 0bout 0n/ lon5er: I 1e0n6 4h0t h022ens i3 the bidders 3i5ure out 4ho /ou 0reI WeBre 5oin5 to h0=e 0 riot on our h0nds6 /Bkno4IB L"ou should h0=e thou5ht o3 th0t be3oreMB LI 40s kind o3 eD2ectin5 /ou to st0/ de0d6B JiDotl 2rotested: LO%6 O%: HereBs the de0l: "ou 5o 040/ no46 0nd donBt 5et in the 40/ o3 the 0uction6 /e0hI In return6 IBll let /ou h0=e <- 2er cent: C0nBt s0/ 30irer th0n th0t6 ri5htIB The Doctor 40s 2u;;led: L<- 2er cent o3 4h0tIB LThe 2roceeds: <- 2er cent o3 4h0te=er I 5et 3or the sti33:B The Doctor 3elt his E04 dro2: Th0t h0dnBt h022ened in centuries: LIBll 5i=e /ou /our cut the neDt ti1e I see /ou 0round6B JiDotl told hi1: LRe0ll/: Cross 1/ he0rt: &ni=erse this s10ll6 4eB=e 5ot to bu12 into e0ch other sooner or l0ter:B L"ouBre o33erin5 1e <- 2er cent o3 1/ o4n bod/IB bo55led the Doctor: L&h@huh: I 1e0n6 donBt 5et 1e 4ron5: IBd 5i=e /ou .- 2er cent6 but IB=e 5ot eD2enses to co=er here:B LDonBt be ridiculousMB JiDotl si5hed eDtr0=050ntl/: LI3 /ou 40nt to 2l0/ it like th0t6 3ine: But look6 i3 /ou 40nt /our bod/ b0ck6 thereBs no 40/ I c0n Eust h0nd it o=er to /ou: !ot 4ith this lot 0round: ThereBs onl/ one 40/ /ouBre 5oin5 to 5et /our h0nds on it 4ithout c0usin5 trouble:B LWhich isIB L"ouBre 5oin5 to h0=e to bid 0t the 0uction: $ike e=er/one else:B LO=er 1/ de0d FB the Doctor be50n: He 40s interru2ted b/ 0 sn022in56 cr0cklin5 noise 3ro1 the bod/ o3 E@%ob0lt: The ne4 li1bs h0d 3inished 5ro4in5: The cr/st0l h0d s2lit o2en 0t =0rious str0te5ic 2oints 0cross the torso6 10kin5 40/ 3or 3our thick6 tube@like eDtensions: !ot cr/st0lline6 the Doctor notedC the li1bs looked 1ore like so1e 3or1 o3 3leDible 1et0l: One ended in 0 2incer6 one ended in 0n o2en tube not unlike 0 3l01e@thro4er6 0nd the other t4o ended in 3l0t 2l0tes th0t 1i5ht h0=e been 3eet: resu10bl/6 thou5ht the Doctor6 the %roton h0d so1e kind o3 10lle0ble 1et0llic core: I12ressi=e6 but h0rdl/ e33icient: !o 4onder the thin5s h0d to suck out 2eo2lesB neur0l ener5ies to st0/ 0li=e: A lo4 5ro0nin5 sound issued 3ro1 E@%ob0ltBs he0d6 the one 20rt o3 its bod/ th0t h0dnBt ch0n5ed sh02e durin5 the 1et01or2hosis: #l0kes o3 cr/st0l 3ell 040/ 3ro1 the %rotonBs skin6 the torso scul2tin5 itsel3 into so1ethin5 s1ooth 0nd sh0r2@ed5ed be3ore the DoctorBs e/es: LW0ke/ 40ke/6B he 1uttered6 0s ne4 sensor/ s/ste1s be50n to 3or1 0cross E@%ob0ltBs bod/: RRR


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S01 thre4 hersel3 0t the 40ll 050in: The 2ink stu33 stretched under her 4ei5ht6 but it didnBt bre0k: The 40ll 40s like 0 1e1br0ne6 tou5h enou5h to hold her b0ck6 but thin enou5h to let her see sh02es 1o=in5 0round on the other side: There6 0t the centre o3 the =0ult6 S01 could 10ke out the sil=er 5lo4 o3 the c0sket6 0nd the t0n5le o3 sh0do4s surroundin5 it: %0thleen 40s there6 so1e4here6 lost 01on5 the sil@ houettes o3 the thin5s th0t h0d re0ched u2 out o3 the 3loor: The 40ll h0dnBt been there 0 1inute 05o: It h0d 5ro4n 3ro1 the brick4ork6 like so1ethin5 or50nic: S01 could see 2ur2le =eins runnin5 throu5h the 1e1br0ne6 2ulsin5 in ti1e to the shriekin5 o3 the 40lls: The eDit tunnel 40s behind her6 but so1ethin5 red 0nd stick/ h0d stretched itsel3 0cross the cor@ ridor in 3ront o3 the st0ir40/6 0 4eb o3 r0;or@3ine 3ibres th0t looked to S01 like one o3 those retin0l 20t@ terns /ou s04 in biolo5/ teDtbooks: The 3loor tre1bled under her 3eet: She stood 0side6 0nd 40tched 0s t4o thick@ste11ed 3lo4ers 5re4 3ro1 the cr0cks bet4een the stone sl0bs: The bloo1s turned to look 0t S016 tin/ bl0ck e/es sAuintin5 out o3 their h0l3@3or1ed 30ces: S01 tried to i5nore the 30ct th0t the/ looked Eust like %0thleen: The sl0bs shi3ted 050in6 0s ne4 shoots 3orced the1sel=es u2 into the li5ht: S01 ke2t side@ste22in5 the16 until she r0n out o3 3loor 0nd 3ound hersel3 2ressed u2 050inst one o3 the =0ultBs solid brick 40lls: There 40s no choice6 then: SheBd h0=e to 10ke 0 bre0k 3or it do4n the corridor6 0nd de0l 4ith the retin0@4eb 4hen she c01e to it: SheBd 4orr/ 0bout %0thleen l0ter: Another shoot eD2loded 3ro1 the 40ll b/ her e0r6 s2r0/in5 her 4ith chi2s o3 stone: S01 ducked: The shoot s4un5 to 0nd 3ro 0bo=e her he0d6 1o=in5 3ro1 side to side like 0n ele2h0ntBs trunk: S01 didnBt 1o=e6 didnBt e=en bre0the: I3 it 40s se0rchin5 3or so1ethin56 it 40s 2rob0bl/ se0rchin5 3or her: She didnBt 40nt to 5i=e it 0n/ clues: #in0ll/6 the bud 0t the end o3 the shoot burst o2en: And there 40s 0 b0b/ inside it: A hu10noid b0b/6 the si;e 0nd sh02e o3 0n 0=er05e one@/e0r@old6 scul2ted out o3 stick/ red bio10ss: Its skin 40s 0 102 o3 clotted =eins6 0nd its bi5 bl0ck e/es st0red out o3 0 30t6 3lesh/ 30ce: S01 0l1ost 5055ed: The b0b/ 3lo0ted 0bo=e her like 0 heliu1 b0lloon6 0 thick u1bilic0l cord connectin5 its bell/ to the bud th0t h0d s204ned it: It rubbed its e/es6 4ith tin/@3in5ered h0nds: Then it looked do4n 0t S01: It 40s6 4ithout Auestion6 the 1ost re2ulsi=e thin5 S01 h0d e=er seen: !ot le0st bec0use it 40s so 301ili0r: "e0h6 its skin 40s the colour o3 dried blood 0nd it looked like it h0d been 10de out o3 1ince@ 1e0t: "e0h6 0ll b0bies 4ere 2rett/ si1il0r 0n/40/: But S01Bs 1other h0d sho4n her the old 2hotos o3ten enou5h: God6 she thou5ht: I ne=er kne4 I 40s such 0n u5l/ kid: The 4hole =0ult shuddered: The brick 40ll cr0cked o2en 3ro1 3loor to ceilin5: S01 thre4 hersel3 to40rds the corridor6 throu5h 0 s10ll 50rden o3 Bre510n@30ced 3lo4ers: ink tendrils re0ched out 3or her throu5h the hole in the 40ll6 their buds 2o22in5 o2en 0nd rele0sin5 1ore o3 the 1e0t@b0bies into the 0ir: S01 5l0nced o=er her shoulder 0s she re0ched the 1outh o3 the tunnel: The b0bies 4ere 0t =0rious st05es o3 de=elo21ent6 so1e toddlers6 so1e little 1ore th0n e1br/os6 but 0ll o3 the1 4ere tin/ little S01s: More 501es 4ith biod0t0: It 40snBt h0rd to 3i5ure out 4h0t 40s h022enin5 here: The =0ult 40s usin5 S01Bs o4n biod0t0 to cre0te de3ences6 0s 0 40/ o3 2rotectin5 the 1/sterious Relic: She didnBt kno4 4h/ the de3ences 4ere so co12lic0ted6 thou5h: I3 JiDotl h0d 40nted to 5et rid o3 intruders6 he could h0=e Eust 2ut so1e kind o3 l0ser@screen 0round the c0sket 0nd 3ried 0n/one 4ho 5ot too close: But then 050in6 there 4ere 0 lot o3 0lien s2ecies in the ;i55ur0t6 0nd so1e o3 the1 4ere 2rob0bl/ l0ser@2roo3: So6 i3 the de3ences turned /our o4n biod0t0 050inst /ou6 the/ 4ere bound to 3ind so1ethin5 /ou 4ere susce2tible to: "e0h6 th0t 10de sense: The =0ult kne4 e=er/ 4e0kness S01 h0d: E=en the b0bies::: hu10n bein5s 4ere 3unn/ 0bout b0bies6 S01 kne4 th0t: B0bies 4ere su22osed to be 2ure6 innocent6 lo=0ble: Most hu10ns 4ould h0=e h0d trouble 3i5htin5 b0bies6 the/Bd 3eel like the/ 4ere co11ittin5 0 c0rdin0l sin6 ho4e=er 2i5@u5l/ the s2ro5s 4ere: So1ethin5 5r0bbed S01Bs 3oot: She didnBt kno4 4h0t: She 3ell6 30ce@3irst6 into the o330l@3l0=oured


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under5ro4th: Be3ore she could e=en think 0bout 5ettin5 u2 050in6 she 3elt so1ethin5 ho=erin5 0bo=e her he0d6 bre0thin5 cold 0ir do4n her neck: She tried to turn onto her b0ck6 but 4h0te=er h0d sn0red her 40s holdin5 onto her le5s6 4indin5 itsel3 0round her thi5hs: She 10n05ed to sAuee;e out o3 its 5ri26 e=entu0ll/6 but b/ then she 40s 0lre0d/ cornered: The thin5 ho=erin5 o=er her 40s b0b/@sh02ed6 0nd its siblin5s 4ere bobbin5 u2 0nd do4n 0round it6 0rr0n5in5 the1sel=es into so1e kind o3 0tt0ck 3or10tion: The b0bies 3lo0ted do4n to40rds her 30ce6 their chubb/ little 0r1s outstretched: S01 4ondered i3 the/Bd de=elo2ed teeth /et: Ho1unculette h0d sto22ed stru55lin5: Wh0te=er the cultists h0d used to tie hi1 u26 it 40snBt 5oin5 to bud5e: At the tr0inin5 co12leD on G0lli3re/ OII6 the W0r C0rdin0ls h0d t0u5ht hi1 the b0sics o3 esc02olo5/C 5ener0tions o3 Ti1e $ord rene50des6 heBd been told6 h0d disco=ered th0t there 40s no skill in 0ll the uni=erse 1ore i12ort0nt th0n the 0bilit/ to 5et out o3 ti5ht corners: Ho1u1culette h0d been c/nic0l 0t the ti1e: Esc02olo5/6 heBd thou5ht6 h0dnBt hel2ed 1ost o3 the Ti1e $ords 5et o33 the ori5in0l ho1e4orld be3ore it h0d been 4i2ed: He 40s e=en 1ore c/nic0l no4: He l0/ on his side6 on the 3loor o3 the 0nteroo16 the t4o #0ction 0r0doD lun0tics st0ndin5 5u0rd o=er hi1: The 10n see1ed intent on 3indin5 0 re0son to kick Ho1un@ culette in the sto10ch e=er/ 3e4 1inutes6 4hile the 4o10n still looked 0s serene 0s e=er: The 4itch: Ho1unculette 3elt it burnin5 u2 his ner=ous s/ste1 050in6 the 3ur/ o3 the ri5hteous6 the 1e1or/ o3 M0rieBs broken 30ce: There 40s onl/ roo1 3or one ide0 in his he0d ri5ht no46 0nd the ide0 40s revenge: E=er/thin5 else 40s b0ck5round noise: The 10le cultist kicked hi1 once 1ore6 0nd Ho1unculette scre01ed 0t hi1 in Old Hi5h G0lli3re/0n6 but the shout see1ed like nothin5 neDt to the ho4lin5 o3 the birds outside the ;i55ur0t: LWh0t 0re /ou 5oin5 to do 4ith hi1IB so1ebod/ 0sked: It 40s the hu10n Colonel6 Ho1unculette re0lised: The 10n 40s st0ndin5 so1e4here behind hi1: Cousin Kustine considered the Auestion 3or 0 1o1ent: LWe belie=e 4e should res2ect the belie3s o3 our host: We 4ill le0=e Eud5e1ent o3 Mr Ho1unculette to Mr JiDotl:B LHeBs on his 40/6B s0id 0 ne4 =oice: Ho1unculette 4ri55led 0round until his 30ce 2ointed to40rds the door40/: T4o indi=idu0ls h0d entered the 0nteroo1: One6 the one 4hoBd s2oken6 40s the idiot 4ith the curls 0nd the l0u5h0ble 30shion sense: The other 40snBt e=en hu10noid6 0lthou5h it looked like it 40nted to be: It 40s 0s t0ll 0s the 0=er05e G0lli3re/0n6 its 3lesh scul2ted out o3 s1ooth 4hite cr/st0l: Its bulk/ torso 3illed 1ost o3 the door40/6 0nd t4o thick 0r1s eDtended 3ro1 the 3ront o3 its bod/: One o3 the1 see1ed to end in 0 4e02on o3 so1e kind: LA %rotonIB the 4itch@4o10n s0id: LShee@it6B s1irked her co120nion: The curl/ 10n bo4ed: LM0/ I 2resent to /ou 0ll6 E@%ob0lt@ ri1e o3 the %roton Absolute: #i3th $0t@ tice6 0220rentl/:B He stretched out 0 h0nd6 0s i3 to usher the %roton into the roo1: LI think /ou 0ll should kno46 E@%ob0ltBs 0lre0d/ c0lled in the rein3orce1ents: So 2le0se tr/ to be 2olite:B The cr/st0l 1onstrosit/ sh01bled into the roo16 its he0d s2innin5 stu2idl/ on to2 o3 its bod/: Ho1@ unculette noticed th0t so1eone h0d scr0tched letters into the thin l0/er o3 dust on the 3loor in 3ront o3 hi1: IBVE GOT TO ADMIT6 IBM S&R RISED6 s0id the Shi3t: %orte; cle0red his thro0t: LOn beh0l3 o3 the 2eo2le o3 E0rth FB he be50n: LWe@0re@re0d@/@to@be@5in@the@0uc@tionIB Aueried E@%ob0lt6 not 40itin5 3or the hu10n to 3inish the s2eech: The Colonel looked sli5htl/ insulted: Cousin Kustine ste22ed 3or40rd: LE@%ob0lt@ ri1e: #0ction 0r0doD 4elco1es /ou here6 in the n01e o3 the Gr0nd30ther6 0nd b/ the 4ill o3 the S2irits:B The %rotonBs he0d s2un 0ll the 40/ 0round6 0s i3 se0rchin5 3or these S2irits it 40s bein5 introduced to: L le0se eDcuse us6 but 4e 4erenBt eD2ectin5 0 bein5 such 0s /oursel3: "our 2eo2le 0renBt kno4n to be ti1e@0cti=e6 0nd /our e12ire is 10n/ 1illenni0


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040/ 3ro1 here: We understood /ou 2osessed onl/ theoretic0l kno4led5e o3 the S2irits o3 Ti1e:B LThe@ti1e@corr@i@dor@to@this@loc@0@tion@40s@o2@ened@b/@the@0l@i@en@=ess@el@I@int@er@ce2@ted: The@ W0r@s2e0r@I@h0=e@su11@oned@4ill@3ol@lo4@the@s01e@corr@i@dor:B LBut e=en so: To 3ind /ou interested in the Relic:::B LWh0t she 1e0ns is6 nobod/ t0kes /ou seriousl/6B slurred Ho1unculette: LWe 4ere eD2ectin5 so1eone d0n5erous: The C/ber1en or the Sont0r0ns: E=en the Voord 0re 1ore 3ri5htenin5 th0n /ou 2eo2le:B The other #0ction cultist sni55ered 0t th0t6 but it didnBt sto2 hi1 kickin5 Ho1unculette in the 5uts: The 10n 4ith the curls s1iled: Ho1unculette 5ot the 3eelin5 he 40s l0u5hin5 0t 0ll o3 the1: LI c0n see 4eBre 0ll 5oin5 to 5et 0lon5 s2lendidl/: Mr JiDotlBs 5one to shut o33 the 0l0r1s6 b/ the 40/: &ntil he 5ets b0ck6 does 0n/bod/ 3eel like 0 Auick 501e o3 chessI IB=e 5ot 0 2ocket set 4ith 1e6 0nd I think IB=e 5ot the h0n5 o3 the 40/ the horse/ thin5s 1o=e no4:B Bre510n 40snBt sure 4here the l0b/rinth h0d co1e 3ro1: The l0st thin5 she re1e1bered6 2ro2erl/ re1e1bered6 40s the =0ult: The Relic h0d been behind her6 0nd her o4n 30ce h0d been st0rin5 0t her 3ro1 the buds o3 the 3lesh@2l0nts: She =05uel/ rec0lled seein5 the entr0nce to 0 tunnel so1e4here ne0rb/: She see1ed to re1e1ber tr012lin5 throu5h the 3lo4ers6 crushin5 her o4n he0d under her boots 0s sheBd 10de 3or the eDit: The 40lls o3 the l0b/rinth 4ere s1ooth 0nd 3lesh/6 10de o3 0 subst0nce th0t see1ed 0l1ost tr0ns@ 20rent6 i3 /ou st0red 0t it h0rd enou5h: There 4ere d0rk sh02es 1o=in5 on the other side o3 those 40lls: The 0rchitecture o3 the =0ult h0d cru1bled6 lettin5 the 10;e 5ro4 u2 in its 2l0ce: The 3loor 40s c0r@ 2eted 4ith rubble 0nd bio10ss: Another bunch o3 3lo4ers eD2loded 3ro1 the 5round in 3ront o3 Bre510n: The/ 4ere l0r5er th0n the others sheBd seen6 the buds 0l1ost touchin5 the ceilin56 e0ch ste1 the 4idth o3 one o3 her thi5hs: She skidded to 0 h0lt6 sli22ed6 0nd 3ell onto her b0ck: H0l3 0 do;en crude co2ies o3 her o4n he0d s4un5 do4n 0t her6 blinkin5 in 0 d0;ed 30shion: Kesus: Did she re0ll/ look like th0tI The 30ces 4ere so bl0nd6 so lost@lookin56 so::: stupid: Du1b 0ni10l 30ces: Co4s on the 40/ to the sl0u5hter@/0rd6 hed5eho5s 01blin5 0cross 1otor40/s: "e0h6 0nd 40snBt th0t the truthI $ieuten0nt %0thleen Bre510n6 0 2roud eD012le o3 the hu10n r0ce6 the sentient c0ttle o3 the uni=erse: Around here6 e=en the 3urniture 40s s10rter th0n she 40s: The he0ds s4un5 this 40/ 0nd th0t6 t0kin5 in the l0b/rinth 0round the1 but not underst0ndin5 the 3irst thin5 0bout it: And the/ 4ere so d01ned u5l/: De3or1ed6 e=en: Christ: Ho4 could she6 ho4 could 0n/ hu10n bein56 e=er 30ce the 4orld 050in 03ter 4h0t sheBd seen here in the Cit/I Ho4 40s she e=en su22osed to 2retend to be 20rt o3 0n intelli5ent s2eciesI Stu2id: $ike Ho1unculette h0d s0id: Too stu2id to 5et o33 this 2l0net: There 40s 0 stitch in Bre510nBs side6 0 sick 3eelin5 in her 5ut: She st0nk o3 s4e0t6 the stench o3 0 2ri1iti=e 02e@cre0ture 4ith no control o=er its o4n biolo5/: &5l/: ri1iti=e: &seless: The he0ds ke2t leerin5 do4n 0t Bre510n6 re3lectin5 e=er/ sin5le one o3 her i12er3ections b0ck 0t her: The 3loor tre1bled bene0th her b0ckbone6 but she didnBt bother 5ettin5 u2: There didnBt see1 1uch 2oint tr/in5 to st0/ 0li=e 0n/ lon5er: !ot no4 she kne4 4h0t she 40s re0ll/ 4orth: The dinos0ur 40s still bus/ s04in5 the he0ds o33 the =est0l =ir5ins: Th0t 40s 0 relie36 0n/40/: Ri5ht no46 it 4ouldnBt h0=e sur2rised JiDotl i3 the 3i5ures h0d Eu12ed out o3 the t02estr/ 0nd 5one 40lk@ 0bout in the ;i55ur0t: The securit/ centre h0dnBt been touched since heBd been here 4ith the Doctor6 but so1eho4 the 2l0ce 3elt 0lien to hi1 no46 like 0n old 3riend 4ho suddenl/ 40snBt s2e0kin5 to hi1 0n/ 1ore: !0tur0ll/6 heBd lied to E@%ob0lt: The touc0ns 4erenBt screechin5 bec0use o3 the s20ceshi2: The r0cket the/ 4ere 10kin5 40s louder th0n 0 si12le intruder 0lert: So1ethin5 h0d 0cti=0ted the dee2er


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de3ences o3 the ;i55ur0t: So1eone h0d re0ched the =0ult: Mr JiDotl told the console to 5i=e hi1 0 =isu0l sc0n o3 4h0t 40s h022enin5 do4n on the lo4est le=el: I11edi0tel/6 the 2iDscreen 40s 3illed 4ith 0n i105e JiDotl could onl/ h0=e described 0s dis@ 5ustin5: He sAuinted 0t it 3or 0 5ood h0l3 0 1inute be3ore he re0lised 4h0t he 40s lookin5 0t: It 40s the interior o3 0 hu10n intestin0l tr0ct6 blo4n u2 to 0bsurd 2ro2ortions: He 0sked the console 3or 0n o=er=ie4 o3 the =0ult: Oh6 ri5ht6 no4 it 10de sense: T4o o3 the hu10ns h0d re0ched the Relic: Ho4 the/Bd 5ot th0t 30r6 JiDotl 40snBt sure: M0/be it h0d been so1ethin5 to do 4ith the cor2se: The Doctor h0d 0 thin5 0bout hu10ns6 0ccordin5 to the old storiesC so1ethin5 to do 4ith his retro0cti=e 0ncestr/6 0220rentl/: The tele20thic bits o3 his br0in could h0=e l0tched onto the hu10ns6 e=en 03ter de0th: The sti33 1i5ht h0=e su11oned the16 sent out 0 2s/chic SOS6 2rob0bl/ not e=en re0lisin5 it 40s de0d 0nd there3ore didnBt 0ctu0ll/ need rescuin5: But i3 the bod/ could shut o33 1ost o3 the de3ences 0round it6 Eust usin5 its residu0l 2s/chic 0bilit/::: 4ell6 it 40s no 4onder the Ti1e $ords thou5ht the/ could turn it into 0 4e02on: E=en the cor2se h0dnBt been 0ble to shut do4n the core de3ences6 thou5h: JiDotl c0lled u2 0nother =isu0l: There she 40s6 the &!IS"C 4o10n6 bein5 1en0ced b/ her o4n he0d6 ti1es siD: Oddl/6 the he0ds 4ere st0rin5 her out inste0d o3 0tt0ckin5 her: JiDotl 0sked the console 3or 0 di05nostic: Accordin5 to the 3i5ures on the 2iDscreen6 the s/ste1s h0d 0n0l/sed her biod0t06 0nd 3ound her 5re0test 4e0kness to be 2s/cholo5ic0l6 not 2h/sic0l: S2eci3ic0ll/6 she h0d 0n in3eriorit/ co12leD the si;e o3 the Cr0b !ebul0: She 40s /oun56 she 40s 3it6 she 40s he0lth/6 but she thought she 40s 0 co12lete 4reck on the =er5e o3 tot0l bodil/ coll02se: She h0d 0 bunch o3 022e0r0nce@rel0ted neuroses6 too6 4hich 40s onl/ to be eD2ected in 0 culture 0s 1edi0@040re 0s E0rthBs: The 2l0netBs TV tr0ns1issions 4ere 3ull o3 icon@i105es6 JiDotl h0d noticed6 c/bernetic0ll/ enh0nced 1o=ie le5ends 0nd s1oother@th0n@li3e 2o2 st0rs6 0ll 2l0stic sur5er/ 0nd co12uter 0irbrushin5: Th0t kind o3 thin5 0l40/s 5ot 02e@descend0nts 0 bit 20r0noid: In li5ht o3 0ll this6 the s/ste1s h0d decided not to kill the &!IS"C 4o10n: Inste0d6 the/ 4ere bo1@ b0rdin5 her 4ith sti1uli desi5ned to tri55er 0n industri0l@stren5th ner=ous bre0kdo4n: In short6 the =0ult 40s dri=in5 her 10d: Bein5 tr022ed in 0 l0b/rinth b0sed on the desi5n o3 her o4n l0r5e intestine 40s 0ll 20rt o3 the 2rocess: Mr JiDotl 5o0ded the 10ster console into 5i=in5 hi1 the lo4@do4n on the other hu10n: It turned out to be the DoctorBs little 0ssist0nt: !o sur2rises there6 then: The 5irl 40snBt 0n/4here ne0r 0s unst0ble 0s the &!IS"C 05ent6 so the =0ult 40s 0tt0ckin5 her 2h/sic0ll/6 5ro4in5 10licious little 0ntibodies 3ro1 its bio10ss6 hostile in30nt =ersions o3 the 5irl her@ sel3: As JiDotl 40tched6 0nother biolo5ic0l unit 40s =o1ited out o3 the 40lls: He 3ro4ned 4hen he s04 the 3or1 the ne4 0ntibod/ took: All the de3ences 4ere su22osed to be b0sed on the =icti1Bs o4n biod0t06 but this one looked di33erent6 so1eho4: Did the 5irl h0=e thin5s in her biod0t0 JiDotl h0dnBt detected be3ore6 or h0d there been 0nother s/ste1s 5litchI Well6 0n/40/: Soon6 both the hu10ns 4ould be de0d: JiDotl considered shuttin5 do4n the de3ences 0nd lettin5 the1 out o3 the =0ult6 but then6 i3 he did th0t6 heBd h0=e to boot u2 the securit/ s/ste1s 3ro1 scr0tch6 0nd th0tBd t0ke 0ll d0/: !o: HeBd let the1 snu33 it do4n there6 0nd i3 0n/one 0sked6 heBd s0/ it 40s their o4n 30ult: Di2lo10c/ be d01ned: !either o3 the hu10ns 40s i12ort0nt6 0n/ho4: The &!IS"C 4o10n 40s onl/ 0n 0tt0ch1ent to %orte;6 0nd i3 the 5irl 40s the DoctorBs 2et6 he could e0sil/ 5et hold o3 0nother one: There $ere ne0rl/ ten billion o3 the1 on this 2l0net: All in 0ll6 he h0d 1ore i12ort0nt thin5s to think 0bout: The l0st o3 the bidders h0d 0rri=ed: The re2@ resent0ti=es 4ould be 5ettin5 i120tient6 0nd 3r0nkl/6 Mr JiDotl h0d run out o3 del0/in5 t0ctics: At lon5 l0st6 it 40s ti1e 3or the biddin5 to st0rt: LI3 I untie /ou6 do /ou 2ro1ise not to c0use 0n/ 1ore troubleIB hissed the Doctor: Ho1unculette sco4led u2 0t hi1: LWh/IB


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LWell6 /ou kno4: In the interests o3 2e0ce 0nd 50l0ctic underst0ndin56 I h0=e to insist /ou donBt tr/ to kill Cousin Kustine 050in:B The Doctor looked 0round6 1ore th0n 0 little 3urti=el/: The t4o #0ction 0r0doD 1e1bers h0d le3t Ho1unculetteBs side6 0nd 4ere con=ersin5 in the door40/ o3 the 0nteroo1: He couldnBt he0r 4h0t the/ 4ere s0/in56 10inl/ bec0use E@%ob0lt 40s recitin5 0 s2eech 0bout the su2re10c/ o3 the %roton r0ce to Colonel %orte;: %orte; 40s6 2redict0bl/6 noddin5: The Doctor h0d he0rd 0bout Ho1unculetteBs 0ss0ult on Kustine 3ro1 the Shi3t6 0nd heBd 0lre0d/ 2ocketed the o33endin5 sonic 1onke/@4rench6 3or close ins2ection l0ter on: LAni10ls6B Ho1unculette s20t: LIB1 sorr/IB L#0ction 0r0doD: Do /ou kno4 4h0t kind o3 d0105e those 2eo2le doI Do /ou h0=e 0n/ ide0 o3 the things the/Bre su22osed to 4orshi2I Do /ouIB The Doctor nodded: LI kno4: I 05ree6 itBs =it0ll/ i12ort0nt 4e 10ke sure the/ donBt 5et hold o3 1/::: o3 the Relic: I donBt think s10shin5 KustineBs skull is the best 40/ o3 5oin5 0bout it6 thou5h:B He tried to li2@re0d the con=ers0tion bet4een Kustine 0nd M0nEuele6 but Kustine h0d her b0ck turned 1ost o3 the ti1e6 0nd M0nEuele 40s 2r0ctic0ll/ t0lkin5 throu5h his teeth: The Doctor c0u5ht 4h0t looked like the 4ord >5irl? on the 10nBs li2s: Ho1unculette snorted: LAll ri5ht: I 2ro1ise:B LWh0tI Oh6 5ood:B The Doctor st0rted unt/in5 the Ti1e $ord: The #0ctionBs 05ents h0d used s/1@ bio0d02ti=e cord to do the bindin56 he noticed: The bi5 sho4@o33s: Still6 ro2e 40s ro2e6 ho4e=er s10rt it 40s su22osed to be: He looked u2 0t the cultists 050in: He thou5ht he s04 M0nEuele 2oint to40rds the 3loor6 0nd 1outh the 4ords >in the =0ult?: L#0ster6B hissed Ho1unculette: L"es6 /es: IB1 tr/in5:B The Doctor le0ned 0 little closer to the 10nBs e0r: LActu0ll/6 I 40nted to t0lk to /ou 0bout /our 2eo2le: The Ti1e $ords: Do /ou re0ll/ think the Hi5h Council h0s 0 ri5ht to the RelicIB LRi5ht o3 sur=i=0l6B Ho1unculette 5runted: LBut thin5s c0nBt be th0t des2er0te6 surel/I E=en b/ beco1in5 in=ol=ed in e=ents here6 /ouB=e thre0tened the st0bilit/ o3 the loc0l ti1eline:B He ke2t one e/e on the cultists6 0nd s04 M0nEuele 1utter 4h0t looked like >4eB=e 5ot her biod0t0?: LAnd I su22ose /ou think /ouB=e 5ot 1ore o3 0 ri5ht to the bod/ th0n 4e h0=eIB LWell6 0ctu0ll/:::B The cord c01e loose: Al1ost i11edi0tel/6 Ho1unculette 40s on his 3eet: He 40s Auick6 thou5ht the Doctor6 but he 40snBt eD0ctl/ 5r0ce3ul: LI donBt kno4 4ho /ou 0re6 but I kno4 4h0t /ouBre tr/in5 to do: "ouBre 5i=in5 1e the old >non@inter=entionist? routine: Well6 itBs not 5oin5 to 4ork: We need the 4e02on6 0nd 4eBre 5oin5 to h0=e the 4e02on: &nderst0ndIB The Doctor stood: LI 40s onl/ thinkin5 0bout G0lli3re/Bs res2onsibilities:B LD01n our res2onsibilities: This is 40r:B Ho1unculette turned6 to 30ce the t4o 0r0doD cultists: LAnd IB=e 5ot better thin5s to do 0round here th0n t0lk to /ou:B He st0rted to 1o=e 040/6 in the direction o3 Cousin Kustine: The Doctor 5r0bbed his 0r1: Ho1unculette s2un on his heel6 his 3ists clenched: $uckil/6 it 40s 0t this 2oint th0t JiDotl 01bled into the 0nteroo1: He c0st his e/es 0round the roo16 0 bi5 chees/ s1ile on his 30ce: LI3 I could h0=e e=er/oneBs 0ttentionIB he s0id: L$o=el/: Well6 0s /ouB=e 2rob0bl/ noticed6 IB=e shut o33 the 0l0r1s6 0nd e=er/thin5Bs (-- 2er cent O% 050in:B LThe@0uc@tionIB droned E@%ob0lt: LOh /e0h6 the 0uction: Well6 seein5 0s 1ost o3 us 0re 0lre0d/ here6 4e 1i5ht 0s 4ell 10ke 0 st0rt6 ri5htIB


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The Doctor 3ro4ned to hi1sel3: He h0d ho2ed to del0/ the 0uction 0 little lon5er: LIB1 not sure 4e should rush into this FB he be50n: LShut u26B sn022ed Ho1unculette: L"e0h6B 05reed $ittle Brother M0nEuele6 onl/ no4 noticin5 Ho1unculette 40s 3ree6 0nd lookin5 less th0n h022/ 0bout it: I THI!% WEBVE WAITED $O!G E!O&GH6 s0id the 20tterns in the torchli5ht re3lectin5 o33 E@%ob0ltBs he0d: LWeBre 0ll 05reed6 then6B be01ed JiDotl6 deliber0tel/ 0=oidin5 the DoctorBs 50;e: LGre0t: Mr Shi3t6 dB/ou think /ou could 5o 0nd 3etch Mr Tr0sk6 0t 0llI S0=e us ti1e: Th0nk /ou:B He strolled 0cross the 3loor6 he0din5 3or the door40/ on the other side o3 the roo1: The s20ce be/ond it 40s unlit6 the Doctor noticed: So 30r6 nobod/ h0d 5one 0n/4here ne0r it: LI3 /ouBd 0ll like to 3ollo4 1e6 4e c0n 5et this sho4 on the ro0d:B There 4ere 1utters o3 relie3 3ro1 the 0ssorted bidders: One b/ one6 the/ 3ollo4ed JiDotl throu5h the door40/: Ho1unculette 40s one o3 the l0st to 5oC he see1ed deter1ined not to let the #0ction cult@ ists 5et behind hi1 0t 0n/ 2oint: The Doctor 40tched the Ti1e $ord =0nish into the d0rkness: D01n our res2onsibilities: Th0t 40s 4h0t heBd s0id: Ho1unculette h0d no sense o3 2ers2ecti=e6 no concern 3or the uni=erse@in@5ener0l6 no re50rd 3or the conseAuences o3 his 0ctions: The Hi5h Council h0d 0l40/s been h/2ocritic0l in its de0lin5s 4ith other r0ces6 the Doctor kne4 th0t6 but this 40s sheer blood/@1indedness: %omunculette: A 2u22et: A thin5 cre0ted to 0ct 0s 0n 05ent o3 0 hi5her 2o4er: W0s th0t 0ll the Ti1e $ord 40sI A little bundle o3 ner=es 0nd si12le res2onses6 doin5 the biddin5 o3 0 Council th0t re0ll/ couldnBt h0=e c0red less 0bout the $04s o3 Ti1eI It 4ouldnBt h0=e see1ed so b0d6 i3 it h0dnBt been 3or th0t one ni55lin5 little doubt 0t the b0ck o3 the Doctors 1ind: G0lli3re/ h0d 2ushed hi1 0round6 too: A sho4@tri0l here6 0 subtle 10ni2ul0tion there: ED0rius: el0don: Solos: Sk0ro: Ti1e 0nd ti1e 050in6 the Hi5h Council h0d du12ed hi1 in the 1iddle o3 histor/Bs b0ttle;ones6 kno4in5 ho4 heBd re0ct6 kno4in5 heBd do their dirt/ 4ork 3or the1: Th0t 40s the 4orst thin5: Th0t one ni55lin5 little doubt6 th0t one n055in5 Auestion: W0s Ho1unculette Eust doin5 the s01e thin5s he/d done 3or the Hi5h Council::: 4hile heBd been 0li=eI

The 0ntibod/ 40s l0r5er th0n 0ll its siblin5s6 0nd the others h0d 0lre0d/ st0rted orbitin5 0round it6 0cce2tin5 it 0s their n0tur0l@born le0der: The 3irst 3e4 0ntibodies h0d been s10ll 0nd si12le6 little 1ore th0n 3lesh/ lu12s o3 10tter 4ith killin5 instincts 4ired into their he0ds6 but the =0ult h0d beco1e 1ore 01bitious 03ter 0 4hile: The 0ntibod/ F it liked to think o3 itsel3 0s the 0ntibod/6 no4 F 40s =er/ ne0rl/ sentient6 or 0t le0st6 0s sentient 0s 0 li3e@3or1 could be 4ithout there bein5 0n/ risk o3 it de=elo2in5 0 code o3 ethics: It 3lo0ted u2 to40rds the ceilin5 o3 the =0ult6 then ho=ered 0bo=e the =icti1Bs he0d 3or 0 3e4 1o1ents6 its u1bilic0l tube still t/in5 it to its 1other@bud: The =icti1 l0/ 01on5 the 5ro4ths on the 3loor6 e/es 0nd 1outh 4ide o2en: The 0ntibod/ s1iled: !0tur0ll/6 it h0d nothin5 but conte12t 3or the 5irl: It h0d been 5ro4n 3ro1 her biod0t06 so lo5ic0ll/6 she 40s res2onsible 3or its i12er3ections: It h0dnBt 0sked to be born6 0nd it 3elt the hu10n to be 4holl/ 0t 30ult: The 0ntibod/ eDtended its 0r1s6 so it could see its o4n h0nds 3or the 3irst ti1e: Its 3in5ers 4ere stubb/ 0nd h0l3@3or1ed6 its 4rists 30t 0nd in3leDible: H0te3ul: The 0ntibod/ decided th0t once the =icti1 40s de0d6 its 3irst 0ct 4ould be to ter1in0te itsel3: As it dri3ted do4n to40rds the 5irl6 it 5re4 1e1ories6 0nd 0n identit/ st0rted to de=elo2 in the 3olds o3 its 3or10ti=e br0in: The 0ntibod/ h0d been 1odelled on the 5irlBs biod0t06 not on her 2s/cholo5ic0l 2ro3ile6 so strictl/ s2e0kin5 it shouldnBt h0=e sh0red her 20st: But there 4ere cert0in thin5s in the uni@ =erse6 r0re 0nd d0n5erous thin5s6 th0t could 3ree;e eD2eriences into 0 bein5Bs biod0t0C the securit/ s/s@ te1s o3 the Cit/ kne4 th0t6 so the 0ntibod/ kne4 it6 too: There 4ere so1e thin5s so 2o4er3ul6 0ll /ou h0d to do 40s brush 050inst the1 0nd the 1e1or/ 4ould be coded into e=er/ cell o3 /our bod/ 3or the rest o3 /our li3e: The 0ntibod/ 4r022ed its h0nds 0round the 5irlBs neck6 he0rd the skin on its 3in5ers sAue0lin5 like Cello2h0ne: The 5irl tried to be0t it o336 but the 0ntibod/Bs siblin5s 4ere 1o=in5 into 2osition 0round her 0r1s6 holdin5 her still: She thr0shed her he0d 3ro1 side to side: #ro1 her 1e1ories6 the 0ntibod/ re0ched the conclusion it 40s 0 /oun5 hu10n 3e10le: At le0st6 the =icti1 40s 0 /oun5 hu10n 3e10le6 so the 0ntibod/ re0soned th0t it should be6 0s 4ell: A her6 then6 not 0n it 0n/ lon5er: Her n01e 40s S010nth0 An5eline Kones: Her d0te o3 birth 40s the 3i3teenth o3 A2ril6 (7)-: She didnBt belie=e in 0strolo5/6 but then6 Ari0ns 4ere sce2tic0l like th0t: Her 20rents 4ere educ0ted6 soci0ll/ 040re6 1iddle@cl0ss $ondonersC her 1other 40s 0 soci0l 4orker6 her 30ther 40s 0 doctor: The 0ntibod/ didnBt re1e1ber their 30ces6 eD0ctl/6 but she kne4 4h0t the/ 1e0nt to her: SheBd 5ro4n u2 in the 03tershock o3 4h0t 2eo2le liked to c0ll Th0tcherBs Brit0in6 h0d 5one to 0 scu11/ co12rehensi=e in E0st $ondon6 h0d been 0rrested 3or sho2li3tin5 0t the 05e o3 t4el=e6 0ll the usu0l stu33: Her h0ir 40s d0rk: Her 3i5ure 40s 0thletic: There 40s 0 sc0r on the b0ck o3 her le3t h0nd6 4here sheBd been burnt 4ith 0 ci50rette end in 0 D05enh01 ni5htclub 0t the 05e o3 3ourteen GsheBd lied 0bout her 05e to 5et in6 s01e 0s she did e=er/ 4eekendH: There 4ere still 0 cou2le o3 sc0rs u2 her le3t 0r16 4here sheBd inEected di01or2hine 0nd so1ethin5 h0d 5one 4ron5 under the skin: The sc0rs h0d 5ot her 0rrested6 once6 40lkin5 do4n E0st H01 Hi5h Street in 0 short@slee=ed t@shirt: The 0ntibod/ cut o33 the =icti1Bs 0ir su22l/: The 5irl didnBt look sc0red6 e=en thou5h she 40s 0 1inute or so 040/ 3ro1 de0th6 0nd e=en thou5h the other 0ntibodies h0d st0rted 5i55lin5 in her e0r: She looked con3used6 1ore th0n 0n/thin5: S01 Kones6 the 0ntibod/ S01 Kones6 4ondered 4h/ th0t 1i5ht be: Antibod/ S01 dissected her 2erson0lit/ 0 little 3urther: She 40s 0 =e5et0ri0n6 she disco=ered6 the (-(


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onl/ 2erson in her cl0ss 4ho didnBt think ho1oseDu0ls ou5ht to be shot on si5ht: She 40s on A1nest/ Intern0tion0lBs 10ilin5 list6 0nd she 40s 2l0nnin5 to =ote $0bour 0s soon 0s she 40s old enou5h to =ote: O3 course6 no one belie=ed 0n/ o3 th0t 4hen the/ s04 her: I3 /ou looked the 40/ she looked6 /ou 4ere 0 non@2erson0lit/: "ou 4ere su22osed to be either 0 thu5 4ho sold cr0ck to schoolchildren or 0 1ind@ less =icti1 4hose li3e 40s Eust one lon5 strin5 o3 3iDes 0nd =o1itin5 3its: The 0ntibod/ sto22ed sAuee;in5: The 5irl6 the other S010nth0 An5eline Kones6 10n05ed to suck so1e 0ir b0ck into her lun5s: The =icti1 h0d blonde h0ir: Re0l blonde6 not out o3 0 bottle: But S01 h0d d0rk h0ir6 it 40s 4ritten into the 5enetics o3 her biod0t0: W0it: She h0d to think: Her n01e 40s S010nth0 An5eline Kones: Her birthd0/ 40s the 3i3teenth o3 A2ril6 (7)-: She didnBt belie=e in 0strolo5/6 but then6 Ari0ns 4ere sce2tic0l like th0t: Her 20rents 4ere educ0ted6 soci0ll/ 040re6 1iddle@cl0ss $ondonersC her 1other 40s 0 soci0l 4orker6 her 30ther 40s 0 doctor: But her h0ir 40s blonde6 not d0rk6 0nd there 40s no ci50rette burn on her h0nd: !o sc0rs on her 0r16 either: LI donBt s1oke F I donBt e=en drink Coke6B she re1e1bered s0/in56 4hen sheBd 3irst 1et the 10n 4ith the curl/ h0ir 0nd the 2olice boD: LIB1 0 =e5et0ri0n:B Antibod/ S01 let 5o: Her siblin5s burbled 01on5 the1sel=es6 not kno4in5 4hich 40/ to turn: On the 3loor6 S01 the =icti1 st0rted 2ullin5 hersel3 3ree o3 the 3lo4ers: The 0ntibod/ se0rched her e1br/onic 1e1or/6 tr/in5 to 5et 0 3iD on 4h0t 40s h022enin5: S01 Kones h0d t4o sets o3 biod0t0: T4o li3elines6 runnin5 in 20r0llel: One h0d d0rk roots6 0 bruise under her ribs th0t h0d ne=er 5one 040/6 0 bundle o3 old BQH 5r0tis 2oints stu33ed into the to2 dr04er o3 her dresser: The other S01 40s di33erent: S1oother 0round the ed5es: Cle0ner: !ot 2er3ect6 but 1ore reli0ble6 1ore 2redict0ble: It 40s the s1ooth =ersion6 the censored =ersion6 4ho 40s l/in5 there on the 3loor o3 the =0ult: Th0t 40s 4h/ so 10n/ 1e1ories h0d been locked into the 5irlBs biod0t06 the 0ntibod/ re0lised: The =ector o3 her entire li3e6 3ro1 the 3irst bre0th to the l0st rites6 h0d been encoded in her biod0t06 0 5uideline 3or her eDistence on E0rth: The d0n5erous 20rts6 the d0rk6 stick/6 sel3@destructi=e 20rts6 h0d been ri22ed out: So1ethin5 or so1eone h0d t4isted her ti1eline until sheBd collided 4ith the 10n in the 2olice boD: The other S016 the one 4ith the sc0rs 0nd the burns6 4ould ne=er e=en h0=e 1et hi1: S01 the 0ntibod/ didnBt kno4 4ho or 4h0t could 2ossibl/ h0=e done so1ethin5 like th0t: !or did she kno4 4h/ 0n/one 4ould h0=e 40nted the 5irl to end u2 on bo0rd the TARDIS inste0d o3 s2endin5 the rest o3 her li3e in 0 bedsit ne0r %in5Bs Cross: But then6 S01 the 0ntibod/ didnBt c0re 0bout the det0ils: All she kne4 40s thisC she h0ted her =icti1 no4 1ore th0n e=er: She re0ched out 3or the 5irlBs thro0t 050in6 0nd her siblin5s 5ur5led eDcitedl/6 relie=ed thin5s 4ere 5oin5 to schedule once 1ore: L$i5hts6B s0id Mr JiDotl: The con3erence h0ll obli5ed hi1 b/ s4itchin5 on the torches: The h0ll 40s 0t the =er/ centre o3 the ;i55ur0t6 0nd the 0rchitecture h0d been desi5ned to 10ke the 0re0 look l0r5er th0n the buildin5 itsel3: All 0n illusion6 n0tch: JiDotl h0d ne=er 5ot the h0n5 o3 di1en@ sion0l tr0nscendent0lis1: The ceilin5 40snBt =isible 3ro1 3loor le=elC it 40s su22osed to 5i=e the i12ression o3 bein5 ridiculousl/ hi5h6 4here0s in 30ct it 40s Eust co=ered in 1ini0ture sh0do4 5ener@ 0tors: The 3loor 40s 0 2er3ect sAu0re o3 5re/6 0 10ssi=e thirt/ 1etres 3ro1 side to side6 20=ed 4ith sl0bs o3 rou5h@ed5ed stone: Genuine stone6 3or once6 nicked 3ro1 the Te12le o3 &ndue Disco13orture on Golobus: JiDotl 40s Auite eDcited b/ this 20rticul0r 3e0ture6 so he 40s kee2in5 his 3in5ers crossed th0t so1eone 4ould 0sk hi1 0bout it: The h0ll 40s lined 4ith 0rch40/s6 e0ch one t4ice the hei5ht o3 0n/ o3 the bidders6 0nd e=en i3 1ost o3 the1 didnBt le0d 0n/4here6 the/ still 50=e the 2l0ce 0 sense o3 sc0le: In the centre o3 the h0ll 40s the con3erence t0ble: It 40s 30shioned 3ro1 2ure blue 5l0ss6 0nd it 2r0c@ tic0ll/ s20rkled in the li5ht 3ro1 the 5i50ntic 3l01in5 torches6 4hich ho=ered o=erhe0d on their 1ini@


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0ture 0nti5r0= en5ines: The t0ble 40s l0r5e enou5h to ensure th0t none o3 the bidders 4ould h0=e to touch e0ch other 4hen the/ s0t do4n 0round it: The second the li5hts c01e on6 the s2e0ker s/ste1s st0rted 2u12in5 li5ht 1u;0k into the 0t1os@ 2here: It 40s su22osed to 2ro1ote thou5hts o3 4ell@bein5 0nd 1utu0l co@o2er0tion in or50nic li3e@ 3or1s6 but in 2r0ctice6 the sound echoed slo22il/ 0round the h0ll6 beco1in5 0 little 1ore discord0nt e=er/ ti1e it bounced o33 one o3 the 40lls: LI3 /ouBd 0ll like to t0ke /our 2l0ces 0round the t0bleIB JiDotl 2ro12ted: As he s2oke6 0 h0nd3ul o3 R0ston c/bernetic l02@d0ncers 01bled out o3 the sh0do4s6 0nd be50n 5/r0tin5 to the 1usic: The d0n@ cers 4ere desi5ned to 0rouse unAuench0ble lusts in hu10noids6 0ccordin5 to the l0test R0ston H0rd@ 40re Co120n/ c0t0lo5ue6 but JiDotl couldnBt see the 022e0l: Still6 R0ston tended to 5o 0 bit OTT 4hen it c01e to 10rketin5: The Co120n/ 40s still 2retendin5 its 2roducts 4ere 0rte30cts le3t behind b/ 0n eDtinct 1/ster/ su2er@r0ce6 e=en thou5h e=er/one kne4 the stu33 5ot 2ut to5ether in 0n old 40rehouse on Tersurus $un0: L ot@en@ti0l@055@ress@i=e@de@=i@cesMB 5ro4led E@%ob0lt: The %roton 40ddled u2 to the ne0rest o3 the d0ncers6 0nd en505ed it in close co1b0t6 b0tterin5 the robot until its he0d c01e cle0n o33: LWell6 4h0te=er 10kes /ou h022/6B 1u1bled JiDotl: He turned to 30ce the t0ble: %orte; h0d 0lre0d/ 3ound his se0t6 but Ho1unculette 0nd the 0r0doD 2eo2le 4ere st0ndin5 5l0rin5 0t e0ch other6 neither 40ntin5 to 10ke the 3irst 1o=e: #in0ll/6 M0nEuele 2ointed 0n 0ccusin5 3in5er 0t the Ti1e $ord: L!o 40/6B he s0id: L!o 40/ 4e 5onn0 sit do4n 4ith this son@o3@0@bitch:B JiDotl Auickl/ 2ut hi1sel3 bet4een the t4o 20rties6 in 0 des2er0te 0tte12t to sto2 the1 hittin5 e0ch other: L$ook6 IB1 sure 4eB=e 5ot 0nother one o3 those teen/ 1isunderst0ndin5s here6 /e0hI "Bkno46 letBs not 40ste ti1e s2littin5 h0irs:B LMr Ho1unculette did 0ss0ult 1e6B Cousin Kustine 2ointed out6 2olitel/: L"ou st0rted it6B Ho1unculette b0rked: LKustice6B leered M0nEuele: LWe 40nt Eustice:B LCould I 10ke 0n obser=0tionIB s0id the Doctor: E=er/one s4i=elled in his direction: The Doctor cle0red his thro0t: LI untied Mr Ho1unculette: E=en thou5h I kne4 it 1i5ht lessen 1/ ch0nces o3 obt0inin5 the 2ro2ert/: Mr Ho1unculetteBs bid is s0nc@ tioned b/ the Hi5h Council o3 G0lli3re/ itsel36 so IB1 sure itBll be =er/ i12ressi=e: IB=e 5ot 0s 1uch re0son to 40nt hi1 eDcluded 3ro1 the 0uction 0s 0n/one:B LWh0tBs /our 2ointIB 0sked Cousin Kustine: LM/ 2oint is6 this 0uction h0s to be conducted 30irl/6 4ith 0ll 20rties 5i=en 0 ch0nce to s2e0k:B Kustine 0llo4ed hersel3 0 s1ile: LBut Mr Ho1unculette broke the rules o3 hos2it0lit/ l0id do4n b/ Mr JiDotl:B Ho1unculette o2ened his 1outh to s2it out 0 re2l/6 but 1erci3ull/6 the Doctor didnBt let hi1 5et 0 4ord in: L erh02s th0tBs true: But heBs here 0s 0n 05ent o3 the Ti1e $ords: "our 0r5u1ent is 4ith hi16 not 4ith the ones he re2resents: I3 Mr Ho1unculette isnBt 0llo4ed his s0/6 the Ti1e $ords 4ill h0=e no one to s2e0k 3or the1 0t the 0uction: I donBt think the/Bll t0ke kindl/ to th0t6 Cousin:B LAre /ou su55estin5 G0lli3re/ 1i5ht 0tte12t so1e 3or1 o3 =iolent retributionIB Kustine 0sked: L$et Be1 tr/6B 5rinned M0nEuele: LTh0tBs not 3or 1e to s0/6B the Doctor re2lied: LIB1 Eust su55estin5 di2lo10c/ 1i5ht be 0 better o2tion th0n retribution: WouldnBt /ou 05reeIB $ittle Brother M0nEuele looked 0t Cousin Kustine: Cousin Kustine looked 0t Ho1unculette: Ho1unculette looked like he h0ted e=er/bod/ in the 4hole 4ide 4orld: LVer/ 4ell6B Kustine s0id: LKustice6B M0nEuele 5ro4led6 but Kustine 5estured hi1 to be silent: E@%ob0lt 40ddled to40rds the t0ble: LThe@2ot@en@ti0l@055@ress@i=e@de@=ic@es@h0=e@been@el@i1@in@0t@ ed6B it re2orted: JiDotl 5l0nced 0round the h0ll: The R0ston c/bernetic l02@d0ncers 4ere l/in5 in


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t0n5led he02s 0ll o=er the 2l0ce6 but the 1usic 2l0/ed on: LWe@c0n@no4@2ro@ceed@4ith@the@0uc@tion:B LW0it 0 1inute6B s0id Ho1unculette: Oh6 3or 2it/Bs s0ke6 thou5ht JiDotl6 4h0t no4I L"es6 Mr HIB LI 40nt 0n 0ssur0nce th0t the RelicBs still s03e: We 0ll he0rd the 0l0r1s 5oin5: So1ebod/Bs in the =0ult6 the Shi3t told us:B JiDotl tried not to scre01: LI checked out the de3ences not 3i=e 1inutes 05o6 Mr H: "e0h6 0 cou2le o36 er16 5uests see1 to h0=e str0/ed into the =0ult6 but the s/ste1s 0re de0lin5 4ith the1 no4:B The Doctor looked 0l0r1ed: LIn the =0ultI WhoIB L&h: Ri5ht:B JiDotl scr0tched the b0ck o3 his neck: HeBd been ho2in5 he 4ouldnBt h0=e to be the one to tell the Doctor: LSorr/: #or5ot to 1ention: "our little 3riend6 /e0hI The blonde one:B The Doctor looked shocked: Oh no6 thou5ht JiDotl6 the hu10n 5irl 1ust h0=e h0d so1e kind o3 2ed@ i5ree: LS01I She 4ent into the =0ultI AloneIB L!ot 0lone6B s0id Ho1unculette: LThe other hu10n 4ent 4ith her:B The DoctorBs 30ce 3ro;e in 1id@5042: He turned to %orte;6 4ho s0t bl0nk@30ced 0t the t0ble: L"ou kne4 0bout thisIB he s0id6 his =oice not 1uch louder th0n 0 4his2er: The Colonel nodded: LIB=e seen the de3ences in this 2l0ce6B the Doctor 4ent on: LDonBt /ou underst0ndI The/Bll both be killed:B %orte; looked un1o=ed: LThe $ieuten0nt is 0n o33icer o3 &!IS"C6B he intoned: LSheBll dieMB L$i3e: De0th: All 20rt o3 the 5re0t 4heel o3 k0r10: The c/cle o3 eDistence: Wh0t 20sses 1ust 20ss:B The Colonel sur=e/ed the h0ll6 se0rchin5 3or so1eone to b0ck hi1 u2 on this: JiDotl didnBt kno4 4here to look: The neDt thin5 he kne46 he 40s bein5 5r0bbed b/ the shoulders 0nd =i5orousl/ sh0ken: LWeB=e 5ot to s4itch o33 the de3ences6B the Doctor insisted: LCo1e on: WeBre 5oin5 b0ck to the securit/ centre:B L!o6B droned E@%ob0lt: The Doctor sto22ed sh0kin5 JiDotl: LThe@sur@=i@=0l@o3@the@hu@10n@un@its@is@o3@no@si5@ni@3ic@0nce6B E@%ob0lt s0id6 s4in5in5 its tubes 3ro1 side to side in 0 =05uel/ 1en0cin5 30shion: LThe@se@cu@ri@t/@o3@the@Re@lic@4ill@not@be@Eeo@20r@ dised: !o@1ore@ti1e@4ill@be@40s@ted:B The Doctor st0red 0t the cre0ture 3or 0 3e4 1o1ents: Then he turned b0ck to JiDotl: JiDotl shru55ed: L"ou he0rd the 10n6B he s0id: The Doctor s2un on his heel6 to40rds Ho1unculette: LMr Ho1unculette:::B LI 05ree 4ith the %roton6B the Ti1e $ord 5runted: LI s0=ed /ou 3ro1 the #0ctionMB Ho1unculette looked 040/6 but didnBt 0ns4er: The Doctor turned to %orte;: LColonel:::IB LWh0t 20sses FB LMust 20ss: "es6 I 3or5ot:B Be3ore JiDotl could e=en blink6 the Doctor 40s stridin5 out throu5h the 10in 0rch40/6 0 2l0net@si;ed 5ri10ce on his 30ce: LAll ri5ht6B JiDotl he0rd hi1 1utter: LAll ri5ht: IBll h0=e to s0=e the1 1/sel3:B And then he 40s 5one: There 40s 0 brie3 1o1ent o3 silence: LHeBll 1iss the 0uction6B Cousin Kustine noted: LIs@he@0@thre0t@to@the@sec@ur@it@/@o3@the@Rel@icIB Aueried E@%ob0lt: L!ot 0t 0ll6B JiDotl lied: He re1e1bered the 40/ the Doctor h0d strolled into the securit/ centre be3ore: "e0h6 the old bu55er could e0sil/ s4itch o33 the RelicBs de3ences6 but JiDotl 40snBt 5oin5 to be the one to st0nd in his 40/: With 0n/ luck6 the 0uction 4ould be 4r022ed u2 be3ore the Doctor could do 0n/ serious d0105e: LE=en so6 4e should t0ke 2rec0utions:B Cousin Kustine nodded to40rds her little Brother: LM0nEuele:


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erh02s /ouBd be so kind 0s to 3ollo4 hi1:::IB M0nEuele looked 2u;;led 3or 0 1o1ent: Then his 30ce lit u26 0nd he 50=e her 0 Auick s0lute: L!o 2rob6B he s0id: Bo4in5 eDtr0=050ntl/ to the others6 he 40lt;ed out o3 the h0ll: LM0nEuele 4ill 10ke sure no s0bot05e is done6B Kustine eD2l0ined6 s1oothl/: L#0ir enou5h6B s0id JiDotl: JiDotl didnBt trust the cultists 0n inch6 but i3 M0nEuele thou5ht he could t0ke on the Doctor6 he 40s 4elco1e to 5i=e it 0 5o: LAh: Mr Tr0sk: De0d on ti1e6 20rdon the eD2res@ sion:B Tr0sk st055ered into the h0ll6 his Eoints sti33 0s e=er: LAre 4e re0d/ to be5inIB he 0sked: L#in0ll/6 /es6B s0id Mr JiDotl: LH0lleluE0h6B sco4led Ho1unculette: The s/ste1s 4ere 2robin5 hi1 050in: In=isible 10chines 4ere scr02in5 1olecules 3ro1 his skin6 2eerin5 0t the s012les throu5h 1icrosco2ic 1icrosco2es: The Doctor ke2t 40lkin5: JiDotl h0dnBt done 0 b0d Eob 2ro5r011in5 the de3ences 0round the securit/ centre6 but there 4ere 0l40/s loo2holes: He h0dnBt been eD2ectin5 the Doctor6 3or 0 st0rt: !ot 0li=e6 0n/40/: The Doctor 40s 0n eD@ resident o3 the Hi5h Council6 20rt/ to the biod0t0 ultr0@sensiti=it/ th0t c01e 4ith the robes o3 hi5h o33ice: HeBd 4orn the S0sh o3 R0ssilon6 heBd 3elt the ch0n5es it h0d tri55ered on the dee2er le=els o3 his biolo5/: When heBd inserted his biod0t0 into the Cit/Bs s/ste1s6 he h0dnBt Eust 2ut hi1sel3 on the 5uest list: HeBd 5i=en hi1sel3 the biolo5ic0l eAui=0lent o3 0 b0ckst05e 20ss6 0ccess 0ll 0re0s: The Hi5h CouncilBs codes h0d re2ro5r011ed the securit/ de=ices 3ro1 the inside: There 40s no4here in the ;i55ur0t he couldnBt 5o: Th0t included the =0ult6 o3 course6 but heBd think 0bout th0t l0ter: Once the Doctor h0d re0ched the 10ster console6 he c0lled u2 0 co12lete sche10tic o3 the lo4est le=el: A220rentl/6 it h0d ch0n5ed sh02e since the l0st ti1e heBd been here: On the 2iDscreen6 he identi@ 3ied 0 series o3 corridors th0t looked 4orr/in5l/ like 0 hu10n di5esti=e s/ste1: He 3ound S01 3irst6 0nd c0lled u2 0 =isu0l i105e o3 her: Wh0t he s04 on the screen 40s 5enuinel/ horri3/in5: S01 40s l/in5 on the 3loor o3 0 2ink@40lled roo16 her bod/ 0l1ost lost in 0 50rden o3 5ro4ths th0t re1inded the Doctor o3 o=erri2e kidne/s: Thin5s 4ere 1o=in5 in the sAuish/ under5ro4th6 their b0ld6 sli22er/ he0ds occ0sion0ll/ bobbin5 u2 into =ie4: The l0r5est o3 the 0ntibod/ cre0tures ho=ered 0bo=e S01Bs he0d6 its 0r1s eDtended to40rds her neck: The bein5 looked 0l1ost like 0n e1br/o6 0 h0l3@3in@ ished hu10noid 4ith stunted li1bs 0nd 0n o=er@de=elo2ed 3orehe0d: Its skin 40s like 4rinkled 2l0stic6 the colour o3 blood: The Doctor 0ctu0ll/ h0d to c0tch his bre0th: Onl/ 03ter heBd reco=ered hi1sel3 did he notice the 40/ the thin5 40s lookin5 0t hi1: It 40s st0rin5 ri5ht out o3 the screen6 its hu5e bl0ck e/es tr/in5 to 3orce the1sel=es into 0 sAuint: As the Doctor 40tched6 0 s1ile 022e0red on the 0ntibod/Bs 30ce: The 1outh 40s tin/6 little 1ore th0n 0 slit6 0nd the Doctor 3ound it h0rd to belie=e it 40s 0tt0ched to 0 di5esti=e s/ste16 or to 0 l0r/nD o3 0n/ kind: But its li2s 4ere 1o=in5 0ll the s01e: It 40s 1outhin5 4ords 0t hi1: The 0ntibod/ 40s linked to the securit/ s/ste1s6 the Doctor re0lised: It kne4 he 40s 40tchin5 it on the 2iDscreen: #or the brie3est o3 1o1ents6 the Doctor 40s sure the 30ce looked 301ili0r: So1ethin5 0bout the 40/ its 3e0tures 4ere 0li5ned6 but::: There 40s no sound 3ro1 the 2iDscreen: The DoctorBs h0nds 3le4 0cross the 10ster console6 se0rchin5 3or 0 =olu1e control: B/ the ti1e he 3ound it6 it 40s 0l1ost too l0te: L= but it/s me0/ the thin5 on the screen 5ur5led: L)t $as me0 all the time1/ M0nEuele checked the corridor outside the shrine: !o li3e6 no 1o=e1ent: E=er/one 40s 0t the 0uction6 020rt 3ro1 the bitches 4hoBd 5one do4n to the =0ult: Good:


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He 5rinned 0t the skulls 0s he 4ent b0ck into the shrine6 Eust to re1ind the1 th0t the/ 4ere de0d 0nd he 40snBt: Then he crossed o=er to the d0is6 0nd sli22ed the bios012ler o=er his knuckles: LGot 0 2resent 3or /ou6B he s0id6 to 4h0te=er S2irits 1i5ht h0=e been listenin5: He unscre4ed the ti2s o3 the bios012lerBs collection =0l=es: The stu33 inside st0nk like sour 1ilk: M0nEuele didnBt kno4 4h0t it 40s c0lled6 but Kustine h0d told hi1 it 40s 0 liAuid /ou could use 3or storin5 biod0t06 4hich 40s 0ll the det0il the $ittle Brother needed: He held his h0nd out: Bi5 red s2ots o3 5un5e dri22ed 3ro1 his knuckles 0nd hit the d0is6 then st0rted 1iDin5 4ith the stu33 th0t 40s 0lre0d/ there: LAshes to 0shes6B M0nEuele s0id: He 0l40/s s0id th0t6 4hen he did 0 rite: He didnBt kno4 4h/: Once the ne4 bio10ss h0d sunk in6 he slid the kni3e out o3 his 2ocket: He didnBt h0=e to use the kni3e6 3or this 20rt o3 the ritu0l: He could h0=e used the s012ler6 like Kustine 0l40/s did6 but M0nEuele 3elt 1ore co13ort0ble 4ith the kni3e: It 40s the s01e one heBd used to cut his ID sc0r into his 30ce6 0 li3eti1e 05o: The 301il/ liked to t0lk 0bout >3etishes? F /e0h6 O%6 so the 4ord still 10de hi1 sni55er F 0nd he liked to think o3 the kni3e 0s his o4n 2ri=0te little 3etish: He rolled u2 his le3t slee=e6 eD2osin5 his 3ore0r16 4here the skin 40s crisscrossed 4ith sc0r tissue: He 3ound 0 20tch th0t looked like it could still bleed 2ro2erl/6 0nd dre4 the kni3e 0cross it: There 40snBt 0n/ 20in: HeBd done this too 10n/ ti1es 3or there to be 20in: The blood dri22ed onto the d0is: The second the Euice touched the bio10ss6 the 40lls o3 the shrine st0rted to hu1: M0nEuele 0l40/s liked to i105ine it 40s the skulls doin5 the hu11in56 not the shrineBs en5ines: When he 0nd the Cousin h0d cut o2en the Cor2or0tion 10n on the d0is6 the d0/ the/Bd le3t Dronid6 the 40lls h0d scre01ed6 re0ll/ re0ll/ scre01ed: The stu33 on the d0is bubbled: Th0t 40s the shrine 0t 4ork6 M0nEuele kne46 t0kin5 the &!IS"C 4o10nBs biod0t0 to 2ieces6 0n0l/sin5 it6 0nd usin5 the en5ines to 10ke the ri5ht connections throu5h s20ce@ti1e: M0nEuele s0id 0 2r0/er6 in his o4n n0ti=e l0n5u05e: The 301il/ 40s 5ood 0bout stu33 like th0t: The/ let /ou t0lk to the S2irits 4h0te=er 40/ /ou liked: A sh02e 30;ed into eDistence in 3ront o3 hi1: $ike 0 little holo5r016 0 3u;;/ blue hu10noid 3i5ure6 ho=erin5 0bout 0 h0l3 0 1etre o33 the 5round: It 40s the &!IS"C bitch: She 40s l/in5 on her b0ck6 st0rin5 u2 0t so1ethin5 0bo=e her he0d: The 40/ 40s o2en: Cont0ct h0d been 10de: !o46 thou5ht $ittle Brother M0nEuele6 3or the re0ll/ n0st/ 20rt: Mr JiDotl took his 2l0ce 0t the t0ble6 0nd h0d 0 5ood lon5 st0re 0t the 30ces 0round hi1: Colonel %orte; 0nd Cousin Kustine both looked sereneC JiDotl 1i5ht h0=e belie=ed the/ h0d so1ethin5 in co11on6 i3 he h0dnBt kno4n th0t one 40s 0s 10d 0s 0 duck 0nd the other 40s 20rt o3 the 1ost d0n5erous 2olitico@ terrorist or50nis0tion this side o3 E=ent One: Ho1unculette 40s bitin5 his n0ils6 Tr0sk 40s his usu0l ch0r1less sel36 0nd E@%ob0lt stood silentl/ on the 30r side o3 the t0ble6 its he0d still t4istin5 3ro1 side to side: In the Shi3tBs 2l0ce6 JiDotl h0d erected 0 s10ll noticebo0rd6 so e=er/one could re0d the entit/Bs 1ess05es: JiDotl 3l0shed the1 0ll 0 s1ile: LRi5ht: Be3ore 4e 5et do4n to it6 10/be I should s0/ 0 Auick 4ord 0bout the 40/ this 0uctionBs 5oin5 to 4ork: !o46 ob=iousl/6 I donBt 40nt 1one/ 3or the 2ro2ert/: "Bkno46 1ost o3 us here 0re ti1e@0cti=e::: 20rdon 1e6 Colonel::: 0nd 4e 0ll kno4 ho4 useless h0rd c0sh is i3 /ouBre ski11in5 ti1e@;ones: Wh0t IB1 5oin5 to do is this: IB1 5oin5 to st0rt b/ 0skin5 e0ch o3 /ou 4h0t kind o3 o33er /ouBre thinkin5 o3 10kin56 Eust rou5hl/6 0nd IBll let /ou 0r5ue /our c0ses in 0 kind o3 r0tion0l6 orderl/ 10nner 03ter40rds: Th0t O% 4ith e=er/oneIB He looked 3or 0 re0ction: %orte; 40s noddin56 but nobod/ else looked =er/ enthused: The 1u;0k bec01e * 2er cent 1ore irrit0tin5 th0n it h0d been 2re=iousl/: LGood6B JiDotl 1u1bled6 tr/in5 to sound like he 1e0nt it: LSo: Who 40nts to st0rt the biddin5IB There 40s 0 1o1entBs silence: The bidders 4ere 0ll tr/in5 to out@st0re e0ch other6 JiDotl re0lised:


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The %roton 40s the 3irst to s2e0k6 2resu10bl/ bec0use it didnBt h0=e 0n/ e/es 0nd thus 3elt le3t out o3 the st0rin5 10tch: L"ou@re@Auire@1i@lit@0r@/@s2e@ci@3i@c0@tions: Tech@no@lo@5i@c0l@d0@t0:B JiDotl nodded: LTh0tBs ri5ht6 Mr E@%: Th0tBs the kind o3 thin5 IB1 03ter here: Got 0n/ su55estions6 h0=e 4eIB LOn@be@h0l3@o3@the@%ro@ton@Ab@so@lute@I@01@0u@tho@rised@to@o33@er@/ou@the@be@ne@3its@o3@%ro@ton@4e0@ 2ons@tech@no@lo@5/:B Mr JiDotl 40snBt sure ho4 to res2ond to th0t: He h0dnBt rese0rched the %rotons 0t 0ll6 so he h0d no ide0 4h0t %roton 4e02ons technolo5/ 40s 0ctu0ll/ 4orth: LIB1 4ith /ou so 30r: Wh0t kind o3 h0rd40re 0re 4e t0lkin5 0boutIB LIn@re@turn@3or@the@Re@lic@/ou@4ill@be@su2@2lied@4ith@the@en@ti@re@1i@li@t0@r/@out@2ut@o3@the@2l0@net@ Ju0rt@;el@Ei5ht@/@Ei5ht@3or@one@lo@c0l@c0l@end@0r@/e0r:B LEr: Ju0rt;el@)): And is th0t 5ood6 0t 0llIB The %rotonBs he0d rot0ted in 0n irrit0ted 30shion: LOn@the@10ch@ine@loo1s@o3@Ju0rt@;el@Ei5ht@/@ Ei5ht@the@%rot@on@Ab@so@lute@5ro4s@its@1ost@2o4@er@3ul@4e02@ons: It@40s@on@this@2l0n@et@the@Ab@so@ lute@2rod@uced@the@de@=i@ces@4hich@dec@i1@0t@ed@the@Met@0@tr0D@i@ho1e@4orld:B S0dl/6 JiDotl h0d ne=er e=en he0rd o3 the Met0tr0Di: L"e0h6 IB1 sure: But 4h0t do these 4e02ons do6 eD0ctl/IB LThe@4e0@2ons@o3@Ju0rt@;el@Ei5ht@/@Ei5ht@re@duced@the@1oons@o3@S;0c@e3@ o@to@2o4@der: The/@ en@sured@the@surr@end@er@o3@the@co1@bined@3or@ces@o3@Cri2@tos@to@2hon@ ri@10:B LC0n 4e h0=e subtitlesIB Ho1unculette hissed: HE SAID6 THE WEA O!S O# J&ARTNE$@)) WERE &SED TO RED&CE THE MOO!S O# SNACE#@ O TO OWDER6 A!D E!S&RED THE S&RRE!DER O# THE COMBI!ED #ORCES O# CRI TOSTO HO! RIMA6 re0d the noticebo0rd: The Shi3t 40s ide0l 3or subtitles6 thou5ht JiDotl: LO%6 listen: !o o33ence6 Mr E@%6 but IB=e 5ot to 0sk::: so 4h0tIB The %rotonBs he0d s2un 0l0r1in5l/: LI@do@not@un@der@st0nd:B LWell6 sure6 /ou c0n 4i2e 4hole 2l0nets: But6 /Bkno46 th0tBs 0ll 0 bit 20ssT6 ri5htI I 1e0n6 0 cou2le o3 decent@si;ed 20rticle 40rhe0ds could do the s01e kind o3 d0105e /ouBre t0lkin5 0bout:B LThe@4e02@ons@o3@Ju0rt@;el@Ei5ht@/@Ei5ht@h0=e@re@2e0t@ed@l/@4on@=ic@tor@ies@3or@the@%ro@ton@Ab@ so@lute@0c@ross@the@Met@0@tr0D@i@bor@der@B LIB1 sure the/ h0=e6B JiDotl cut in: L$ook6 10/be /ou could think thin5s throu5h 3or 0 bit lon5er6 co1e u2 4ith 0 1ore coherent 2ro2os0l 4hile the rest o3 us 0re t0lkin56 /e0hIB The %rotonBs he0d did 0 *'-@de5ree turn: LI3 itBs 4e02ons /ouBre 03ter6 I c0n 10ke /ou 0 better o33er th0n th0t6B slobbered Ho1unculette: Mr JiDotl 2ricked u2 his e0rs: We02ons technolo5/ 40s 0l40/s 0 5ood in=est1ent6 4here=er /ou 4ent in the uni=erse6 0nd heBd been ho2in5 Ho1unculette 4ould st0rt thinkin5 0lon5 those lines: He 0cted c0su0l6 thou5h: LOh /e0h6 Mr HI Wh0t did /ou h0=e in 1indIB LThe secret 0rsen0l o3 G0lli3re/ itsel3:B Ho1unculette 5l0red 0t Kustine6 0s i3 to s0/ >be0t this?: L"ou kno4 4h0t 1/ 2eo2le 0re c020ble o36 JiDotl: "ouB=e he0rd the le5ends:B L"e0h6 IB=e he0rd: The De10t Gun6 the H0nd o3 O1e50:B JiDotl le0ned b0ck in his se0t: LTrouble is6 Mr H6 IB=e 0lso he0rd 0 n0st/ ru1our 0ll th0t stu33 5ot lost 0t the st0rt o3 /our 40r:B Ho1unculetteBs s1u5 look e=02or0ted 0l1ost inst0ntl/: LDonBt underesti10te us6 JiDotl: WeB=e still 5ot so1e o3 the 1ost 0d=0nced destructi=e technolo5/ in MutterBs S2ir0l 0=0il0ble to us: Ho4 4ould /ou like so1eone to un2ick /our 4hole ti1eline 0nd re2l0ce it 4ith 1onke/ biod0t0IB LTh0t 0 thre0t6 Mr HIB Ho1unculette clenched his teeth: LIB1 5i=in5 /ou 0n eD012le o3 4h0t Ti1e $ord 4e02onr/ c0n do6 Mr JiDotl: Th0tBs 0ll:B JiDotl sti3led 0 30ke /04n: LH11: 0rdon 1e s0/in5 this6 Mr H6 but I c0nBt hel2 noticin5 so1ethin5


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0bout this 40r /our 2eo2le 0re 3i5htin5:B LWh0t 0bout itIB L"ouBre losin5 it: B0dl/: So /our 4e02ons c0nBt be th0t 5re0t6 /e0hIB He turned to 30ce Kustine6 le0=in5 Ho1unculette to 3u1e: "e0h6 it 40s 0ll 0 blu33: "e0h6 Ti1e $ord technolo5/ 4ould do =er/ nicel/6 th0nks: But 0t this st05e6 JiDotlBs 10in 0i1 40s to u2 the 0nte 0s 30r 0s 2ossible: LO%: Cousin Kustine: Wh0t does the old 301il/ h0=e to s0/IB LHe/6B the 10n shouted: The bloo1s 4ere still ho=erin5 0bo=e Bre510nBs he0d: Crude co2ies o3 her o4n 30ce6 d0n5lin5 on the ends o3 stick/ 2ink st0lks: When the 10n h0d 022e0red out o3 no4here6 the he0ds h0d see1ed 1ore sur2rised th0n Bre510n hersel3: The/Bd s4un5 0round to 30ce hi16 0nd no4 the/ 4ere bobbin5 u2 0nd do4n in 0n 05it0ted 30shion6 hissin5 ine33ectu0ll/: The 10n didnBt see1 to be 0ll there: A holo5r016 Bre510n 5uessed6 0ll blue 0nd blurr/: The 30ce 40s $ittle Brother M0nEueleBs6 0nd he 40s still 5rinnin5: L"ou 40nn0 5et out o3 hereIB the $ittle Brother 0sked: His =oice cr0ckled like 0n old 0udio recordin5: Bre510n shru55ed: M0nEuele l0u5hed: LKesus H: "ou out o3 /our he0d:B The holo5r01 sAuinted 0t the hissin5 he0ds: L&5l/ suckers: T0ke 03ter their 1o110:B Bre510n s0id nothin5: And 3elt nothin56 co1e to think o3 it: Her 1ind 40s 0lre0d/ 10de u2: She 40s 5oin5 to st0/ here 0nd die: There 40snBt 0n/ 2oint 3i5htin5 this 2l0ce: Ch0lk one 3or the BEMs: LAsked 0 Auestion6 &!I@bitch: W0nn0 5et out o3 hereIB LThereBs no 40/ out6B Bre510n told hi1: LItBs the =0ult: ItBs not 5oin5 to let 1e 5o: ItBs ne=er 5oin5 to let 1e 5o:B L"e0hI See6 /ou think /ou 5ot no 40/ out: #B/ou6 10/be not: Me6 I 5ot the shrine: ShrineBs 5onn0 3ind 0 40/ out 3or /ou:B Bre510n 0l1ost 3elt like l0u5hin5: L"ou donBt underst0nd: This: The l0b/rinth: ItBs 1e: I c0nBt 5et 040/ 3ro1 it: I c0nBt 5et 040/ 3ro1 1e:B It 10de sense to her6 0n/40/: She 4ondered i3 she sounded 0s 10d 0s the Colonel to M0nEuele: LSBlike I s0id6B the 10n dr04led: LM0/be /ou c0nBt 5et out: We 5ot 40/s:B L$ike 4h0tIB L"ou 5i=e u2 to us: "ou 5i=e u26 /ou 5et out:B The he0ds 4ere turnin5 bet4een Bre510n 0nd M0nEuele no46 like s2ect0tors 0t 0 tennis 10tch: LI donBt underst0nd6B Bre510n s0id: LControl rite: We 5ot biod0t0: "our biod0t0: We c0n Btrol /ou 3ro1 this end: $ike 0 to/ 2u22/: "ou 5i=e u2 to us6 4e 5et /our tush out the hole: Got itIB Bre510n hesit0ted: Mind control: Another one o3 those thin5s =oodoo cults 4ere su22osed to s2e@ ci0lise in: And 10/be M0nEuele 40s ri5ht: She couldnBt esc02e the l0b/rinth 0lone6 but 4ith so1eone else inside her he0d6 steerin5 her b/ re1ote control::: I3 she let M0nEuele into her skull6 thou5h6 4ould she e=er 5et her bod/ b0ckI To hell 4ith it: It 40snBt like she h0d 0n/thin5 le3t to lose: LTell 1e one thin56B she s0id: LWh/ do /ou 40nt to hel2 1eIB M0nEuele l0u5hed 050in: LKesus6 /ou du1b: "ou do4n in the =0ult6 4ith the sti33: We 5et /ou out6 /ou brin5inB the sti33:B L"ou 1e0n6 /ouBre 5oin5 to ste0l the RelicIB LHell6 /e0h:B The i105e o3 M0nEuele eDtended 0n 0r1: Bre510n thou5ht he 40s re0chin5 out to touch her6 until she s04 the kni3e in his other h0nd: L"ou re0d/ to 5i=e u2 no4IB LIB1 re0d/6B s0id Bre510n: M0nEuele cut three lines 0cross his 0r16 0nd let his blood 30ll to the 5round6 out o3 the 3r01e o3 the holo5r01:


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Then the S2irits c01e knockin5: Bre510n let the1 into her skull 4ithout 0 3i5ht: E@%ob0lt rot0ted its cr0ni0l section 3i3teen de5rees counter@clock4ise6 re0li5nin5 its torso@centred sensor/ s/ste1s to co=er the 0re0 to the 2ol0r south@south@4est: There6 on the other side o3 the t0ble6 the c0rbon@core or50nic unit identi3ied 0s Cousin Kustine 40s s2e0kin5: LOur bid is essenti0ll/ the s01e 0s th0t o3 the Ti1e $ords6B the unit s0id: LIn return 3or the Relic6 4eBre 2re20red to su22l/ /ou 4ith the technic0l secrets o3 the #0ction: WeBre 0 s2iritu0l or50nis0tion6 o3 course6 but our 1ethods do h0=e 1ilit0r/ 022lic0tions:B LW0it 0 1inute6B s0id the JiDotl unit: LAre /ou s0/in5 /ouBre 5oin5 to tell 1e ho4 to do those6 er6 those blood rite thin5s o3 /oursIB L!ot 0ll o3 the1: Onl/ those 4ith destructi=e c020bilit/: I belie=e th0tBs the 3ield /ouBre interested in: We donBt 5i=e u2 our secrets e0sil/6 Mr JiDotl: We ho2e this o33er 4ill re3lect the =0lue 4e 0tt0ch to the Relic:B JiDotl r0ised 0n 022end05e: LWell6 /Bkno46 IB1 3l0ttered: But I 40s ho2in5 10/be 3or so1ethin5 0 bit 1ore::: cor2ore0lIB L"ou consider our rites to be unreli0bleIB L!o6 no: !ot 0ll 0ll: $ook6 c0n 4e discuss this l0terI We c0n 3i5ure out det0ils once 4eB=e he0rd 4h0t e=er/oneBs 5ot to s0/:B JiDotl turned his eDterior sensor/ 0220r0tus to40rds the noticebo0rd neDt to hi1: LMr Shi3tI "ou h0=enBt s0id 1uch6 so 30r:B !O: I# "O&B$$ ARDO! ME6 MR JIOOT$6 IBD $I%E TO SEETHE !AT&RE O# THE OTHER BIDS BE#ORE I MA%E M" OW! O##ER: WHAT I HAVE I! MI!D IS6 SHA$$ WE SA"6 A $ITT$E DE$ICATE: E@%ob0lt s2un its cr0ni0l unit in 0 bro0d@b0nd sensor s4ee2: It usu0ll/ did th0t6 4hen it 40s irrit0ted: It 40s bein5 i5nored: The JiDotl unit h0d he0rd E@%ob0ltBs o33er6 0nd c0st it 0side 4ithout 0 second thou5ht: !o4 nobod/ 40s 20/in5 0ttention to the %roton co110nder6 ho4e=er 1uch it rot0ted its cr0@ ni0l unit or eDtended its 3ront0l 022end05es: This 40s 0n insult: !ot Eust to E@%ob0lt 2erson0ll/6 but to the loo1kee2ers o3 Ju0rt;el@))6 0nd F ulti10tel/ F to the #irst $0ttice o3 the %roton Absolute itsel3: E@%ob0lt h0d co1e 3or the Relic6 0nd it considered this tre0t1ent to be 0 3or1 o3 de3e0t: !eedless to s0/6 E@%ob0lt@ ri1e o3 the %roton #i3th $0ttice didnBt t0ke kindl/ to de3e0t: In the dee2est cr/st0lline connections o3 its br0in6 E@%ob0lt be50n to 2ut to5ether contin5enc/ 2l0ns: It 40snBt 2l0nnin5 on 5oin5 b0ck to the #ront e12t/@2incered:

T)e 7$a%t1line 8%ont, cam/ai9n -ea% 8:. The 2l0net h0d been cl0ssi3ied 0s Ju,,7'6 0lthou5h the Met0tr0Di6 in their o4n ridiculous l0n5u05e6 c0lled it SkSkiUroVthoVh0W=eXn: Throu5h the senses o3 its d/n0tro2e6 E@%ob0lt could see the Met0@ tr0Di shi2s 3lo0tin5 on the sur30ce o3 the u22er 0t1os2here: There 4ere billions o3 the16 liter0ll/ bil@ lions6 1ore th0n the d/n0tro2eBs t0ctic0l s/ste1s could co13ort0bl/ count: The cr03t 4ere 0rr0n5ed in 0 2recise 5rid 3or10tion6 e0ch one eD0ctl/ the s01e dist0nce 3ro1 its 3our nei5hbours6 e0ch one ho=erin5 0t eD0ctl/ the s01e hei5ht 0bo=e 5round le=el: E@%ob0lt could onl/ see the northern he1is2here 3ro1 the d/n0tro2e6 but it kne4 the southern he1is2here 4ould be the s01e: !ot 0 sin5le bre0k in the 20t@ tern: In 0 40/6 it 40s 0d1ir0ble: Onl/ 0 h0nd3ul o3 the Met0tr0Di shi2s 4ould be occu2ied6 E@%ob0lt kne4 th0t 1uch: The rest 4ere dronehusks6 hollo4 shells constructed on the Met0tr0Di nestin5@4orlds6 unintelli5ent se1i@or50nics th0t relied on orders 3ro1 the s40r1le0der to 3unction: E@%ob0lt shi3ted the d/n0tro2eBs sensors 3ro1 one shi2 to the neDt6 se0rchin5 3or the s40r1le0derBs o4n =essel: ThereC th0t 40s the one: The Met0tr0Di cr03t 4ere identic0l in desi5n6 no =isible di33erence bet4een the dronehusks 0nd the 2ersonnel cr03t6 but there 40s 0 hole 2unched in the c0r020ce o3 the s40r1@ le0derBs shi2: E@%ob0lt h0d 10de the 4ound itsel36 t4o c0120i5n d0/s 05o6 4hen the s40r1le0der 0nd its siD@drone escort h0d run into the =0n5u0rd o3 the #i3th $0ttice ne0r Ju,(-(: E@%ob0lt resisted the ur5e to o2en 3ire 050in: The Met0tr0Di 4ould h0=e shielded the1sel=es b/ no46 tr0ns1ittin5 counter@ 3reAuencies to E01 the %rotonsB h/2erbolic reson0tors: Besides6 the shi2s o3 the #i3th $0ttice 4ere out@ nu1bered b/ rou5hl/ ten billion to one: E@%ob0lt 3elt so1ethin5 tu55in5 0t its consciousness: The Met0tr0Di le0der 40s sendin5 0 1ess05e6 0nd the d/n0tro2e 40s 2ickin5 u2 the si5n0l6 tr/in5 to shunt it str0i5ht into the co110nderBs ner=ous s/ste1: E@%ob0lt 0cAuiesced: I11edi0tel/6 the 3e0tures o3 the s40r1le0der6 the unit th0t re3erred to itsel3 0s AJA0W1oVrn0Wt6 etched the1sel=es 0cross its br0in: LThiUs iUs /oVur 3iUrst 0nd oVnl/ 40rniUn56B AJA0W1oVrn0Wt 0nnounced6 its E04s crunchin5 0nd 5rindin5 0s it s20t the 4ords out 3ro1 under its shell: LThiUs 2l0WneXt iUs uRndeXr theX 2roVteXctiUoVn oV3 theX MeXt0Wtr0WDiU: TheX %roVtoVn AWbsoVluteX 4iUll noVt beX 2eXr1iUtteXd 0Wn/ 3uRrtheXr eXD20WnsiUoVn 4iUthiUn oVuRr EuRriUsdiUctiUoVn: AWn/ 0WtteX12t toV 0W22roV0Wch thiUs 2l0WneXt 4iUll beX coVnsiUdeXreXd 0Wn 0Wct oV3 diUshoVnoVuRr:B E@%ob0lt 3elt its he0d rot0tin5 in conte12t: The Met0tr0Di h0d 0 code o3 ethics the %roton Absolute 3ound 0l1ost i12enetr0ble: I3 0 %roton 3leet h0d outnu1bered its ene1/ on this sc0le6 it 4ould h0=e o2ened 3ire 4ithout 0 thou5ht: The/ deser=ed to be dis2ersed6 E@%ob0lt decided: And6 be3ore AJA0W1oVrn0Wt could s2e4 out 0nother 4ord6 it sent the deton0tion order into the de2ths o3 the d/n0tro2eBs 4e02ons s/ste1s: E@%ob0lt could h0=e destro/ed the Met0tr0Di =essel t4o d0/s 05o: It h0dnBt: Inste0d6 it h0d blo4n 0 hole in the shi2Bs c0r020ce6 0nd 2l0nted 0 cr/st0lline s2ore in its hull: The s40r1le0der h0d been 0llo4ed to esc02e6 to return to Ju,,7': The s2ore h0d 5one undetected b/ the Met0tr0Di s/ste1s6 0nd it h0d been 5ro4in5 since the b0ttle6 re0d/in5 itsel3 3or deton0tion: E@%ob0lt h0d eD2ected the ene1/ to use 0 dronehusk 5rid 3or10tion to de3end Ju,,7'C it 40s 0 st0nd0rd Met0tr0Di t0ctic6 0nd the Absolute kne4 its ene1/ 4ell enou5h b/ no4: The s2ore h0d been cre0ted6 b/ the loo1kee2ers o3 Ju0rt;el@))6 3or Eust such 0 situ0tion: The s2ore eD2loded: E@%ob0lt 40tched 0 s1e0r o3 4hite s2re0d 0cross the c0r020ce o3 the s40r1@ le0derBs shi26 0s the eDterior 0r1our cr0cked 0nd cr/st0llised: Then the hull s2lit o2en6 0nd 3our s2ikes ((-


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o3 solid cr/st0l eDtended 3ro1 the 3issures6 e0ch 2ointin5 to40rds one o3 the 3our ne0rest dronehusks: The s2ikes h0d been 5ro4n 3ro1 the 10tter inside the hull6 E@%ob0lt kne46 turned to cr/st0l b/ the che1ic0l 2rocesses o3 the s2ore: The s2ikes i120led the 3our dronehusks6 cr0ckin5 o2en their shells6 2l0ntin5 1ore o3 the s2ore 10teri0l inside the1: There 40s 0 brie3 20use6 be3ore those 3our shi2s eD2loded6 too6 sendin5 out s2ikes o3 their o4n: E@%ob0lt 40tched6 s0tis3ied6 0s the ch0in re0ction continued: The dronehusks6 4ithout orders 3ro1 AJA0W1oVrn0Wt6 didnBt e=en tr/ to 5et out o3 the 40/: Those 3e4 cr03t occu2ied b/ Met0@ tr0Di 2ilots broke the 3or10tion6 but the 502s in the 5rid 4erenBt bi5 enou5h to sto2 the s2re0d o3 the cr/st0l: It s4e2t 3ro1 shi2 to shi26 in 0ll 3our directions6 eD20ndin5 to co=er the northern he1is2here: B/ E@%ob0ltBs reckonin56 the dronehusks in the southern he1is2here 4ould be 5one b/ the end o3 the c0120i5n d0/: The 2l0netBs de3ences 4ere do4n: The %roton colon/ 2l0nters could 1o=e in6 0nd cl0i1 Ju,,7' in the n01e o3 the Absolute: Without 0nother thou5ht6 E@%ob0lt sent ne4 instructions into the control s/s@ te1s o3 its d/n0tro2e: The 1ission obEecti=e h0d been 0chie=ed: It h0d 0 dut/ to re2ort b0ck to the hi5hest o3 the hi5h6 the hub o3 0ll telluriu1@b0sed ci=ili;0tion: The #irst $0ttice o3 the %roton Absolute itsel3: Since it h0d beco1e Co110nder o3 the #i3th $0ttice6 E@%ob0lt@ ri1e h0d =isited the #irst $0ttice eD0ctl/ one hundred 0nd t4ent/@nine ti1es6 but the 2l0ce still 10n05ed to 10ke it 3eel in0deAu0te: E@%ob0lt thou5ht o3 the $0ttice 0s 0 >2l0ce? bec0use6 like 1ost %rotons6 it 40snBt sure 4here to dr04 the line bet4een the entities th0t controlled the %roton Absolute 0nd the cit/@=essel the/ inh0bited: B0ck on the ho1e4orld6 the #irst $0ttice h0d been 0 5re0t 3ortress6 its 3ound0tions re0chin5 dee2 into the crust o3 the 2l0net6 its sensor/ or50ns stretchin5 0l1ost to the clouds: But the $0ttice h0d 1o=ed 0s soon 0s the 40r 050inst the Met0tr0Di h0d be5un6 dec0des 05o b/ the c0120i5n c0lend0r: The 3ortress h0d 5ro4n en5ines6 turnin5 itsel3 into one enor1ous d/n0tro2e unit: It h0d t0ken the neur0l ener5ies o3 o=er 3our thous0nd %rotons to li3t it o33 the 5round 0nd out into s20ceC the e33ort h0d eDh0usted 0ll o3 the16 but the s0cri3ice h0d been 4orth it: These d0/s6 the #irst $0ttice 40s l0r5e enou5h to consu1e 4hole cities6 thou5h it 40s still n0=i50ted b/ onl/ 3our 1inds6 the Hi5hest Br0ins th0t h0d o=erseen its 5ro4th o=er the centuries6 0nd th0t no4 3or1ed the he0rt o3 its structure: E@%ob0lt 40s still 4e0rin5 its null@5r0=it/ bod/ 4hen it dise1b0rked6 its le5s so lon5 th0t it could h0=e touched both sides o3 its d/n0tro2eBs control section Eust b/ 3leDin5 its Eoints: But e=en this 3or1 40s tin/ neDt to the tunnel 0he0d6 the 20ss05e 3ro1 the dockin5 nodes to the c0=erns 0t the core o3 the #irst $0ttice: It took d0/s to tr0=el 3ro1 one end o3 the tunnel to the other6 E@%ob0lt kne4 th0t 3ro1 eD2erience: E=en so6 it be50n the the 40lk 4ithout 0 1o1entBs hesit0tion: O3 course6 it could h0=e used so1e kind o3 =ehicle: The 20ss05e 40s 4ide6 e0sil/ l0r5e enou5h to 0cco11od0te 0 d/n0tro2e: But th0t 40snBt the 2oint: Abo=e 0ll else6 the #irst $0ttice 40s 0n obEect o3 =ener0tion: I3 the 3our Hi5hest Br0ins 4ere to be 022ro0ched6 the/ 4ere to be 022ro0ched 2ro2erl/6 0nd 4ith the due decoru1: Ste2 b/ ste2: %ilo1etre b/ kilo1etre: GIt 40s 0 %roton thin5: !o one else 4ould h0=e understood:H Three d0/s l0ter6 E@%ob0lt 0rri=ed in the c0=ern occu2ied b/ the 3our Hi5hest Br0ins: The 4ord >c0=ern? 1i5ht not h0=e been strictl/ 0ccur0te6 0s the 0re0 h0d been cr03ted b/ the sheer 4ill o3 the Hi5hest Br0ins6 but it 40s l0r5e 0nd e12t/ enou5h to 10ke E@%ob0lt 3eel it h0d been there since the 3irst telluriu1@b0sed li3e@3or1s h0d cr04led out o3 the 2ri10l oce0n: The 3loor 40s enor1ous6 0 3ield o3 2olished cr/st0l 0t the botto1 o3 0 sh03t th0t stretched 3ro1 the core o3 the #irst $0ttice to the sensor/ or50ns 0t its =er/ ti2: I3 /ou 3ell 3ro1 the to2 o3 th0t sh03t6 the ru1ours s0id6 /ouBd 30ll 3or 0 3ull d0/ be3ore /ou hit the 5round: E=en 01on5 %rotons6 there 4ere stories like th0t: E0ch o3 the Hi5hest Br0ins 40s 0 cr0ni0l unit the si;e o3 0 st0nd0rd h0bit0tion block6 0 sin5le 3l04@


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less cr/st0l th0t no lon5er h0d 0n/ need 3or le5s or 4e02ons 0tt0ch1ents: Int0ke tubes s2routed 3ro1 e=er/ 0=0il0ble sur30ce6 suckin5 10tter 3ro1 the E055ed 4hite 40lls o3 the c0=ern: Hi5h o=erhe0d6 the Br0ins 4ere linked b/ delic0te neur0l connections6 0nd 3ro1 the 5round E@%ob0lt could see other %roton units usin5 the1 0s 40lk40/s6 10kin5 their 40/ 3ro1 neur0l 2ort to neur0l 2ort6 in2uttin5 ne4 d0t0 3ro1 %roton@occu2ied 4orlds 0lon5 the Ju0rt;line #ront: But 0s the Co110nder o3 the #i3th $0ttice6 E@%ob0lt@ ri1e h0d the honour o3 st0ndin5 on the 3loor o3 the c0=ern6 0nd thus holdin5 the 3ull 0ttention o3 the 3our: The ne4s o3 the =ictor/ 0t Ju,,7' 4ould 0lre0d/ h0=e been recei=ed 0nd 2rocessed6 d0/s 05o6 but $0ttice co110nders 4ere eD2ected to re2ort to the Hi5hest Br0ins in 2erson: It 40s the 40/ o3 thin5s: L"O&R@ &R@ OSE@IS@TO@BE@A@ME!@DED6B s0id the Hi5hest Br0ins6 in 2er3ect h0r1on/: Their =oice shook e=er/ ner=e in E@%ob0ltBs bod/: The co110nder 40s sur2rised6 e=en 0 little dis@ 022ointed: It h0d eD2ected Auestions 0bout the b0ttle 050inst the Met0tr0Di: Honours6 2erh02s: !ot this: LI@do@not@un@der@st0nd6B it s0id6 ho2in5 its le5s 4ouldnBt sh0tter: L"O&@WI$$@WATCH@THESE@ME@MO@R"@RE@CORDS: "O&@WI$$@&!@DER@STA!D:B So E@%ob0lt s2un its cr0ni0l unit6 0li5nin5 its senses 4ith the c0=ern 40lls: As e=er6 the 40lls 4ere 0li=e 4ith 3i;;in56 3lickerin5 i105es: E=er/ 20rt o3 the c0=ern 40s in tune 4ith the 1inds o3 the Hi5hest Br0ins6 so 0s the 3our 1ulled o=er the in3or10tion the/ recei=ed 3ro1 the other %roton units6 their thou5hts 0nd 1e1ories 4ere 2roEected 0cross the s1oother sur30ces: &su0ll/6 ho4e=er6 it 40s con@ sidered i12olite to look: As E@%ob0lt retuned itsel36 it re0lised it 40s 40tchin5 0 record o3 e=ents on one o3 the bi2ed@in3ested 4orlds 0t the ed5e o3 %roton s20ce: It s04 the colon/ throu5h the e/es o3 the %rotons 4hoBd 3irst l0nded there: It s04 the 2l0net bein5 cr/st0l@3or1ed6 it s04 the n0ti=e hu10noids co4er 3ro1 the 1i5ht o3 the 0d=0ncin5 %roton 0r1/6 0nd it s04 the 40/ the Absolute h0d cle=erl/ utilised the 1ent0l ener@ 5ies o3 the bi2eds to enh0nce its o4n 2o4er su22lies: Then the 1ood o3 the 1e1or/ ch0n5ed: E@%ob0lt 40tched %roton units eDh0ustin56 disinte5r0tin5: It 40tched the bi2eds risin5 u2 050inst their ri5ht3ul 10sters: It 40tched one 20rticul0rl/ strikin5 hu10noid6 0 10le unit 4ith curl/ blond 3ur 0nd clothes so bri5ht the/ see1ed deliber0tel/ desi5ned to E01 %roton sensor/ s/ste1s: It 40tched this indi=idu0l 5lo0tin56 0s 0ll but 3our o3 the %rotons on the 2l0net 4ere destro/ed: Those 3our 4ere 0llo4ed to 5o 3ree6 to return to the #irst $0ttice: Al1ost 0s i3 the bi2ed 40nted to 5i=e the Absolute 0 1ess05e: LTHIS@ME@MO@R"@WAS@RE@CORD@ED@SE@VE!@CAM@ AIG!@"EARS@A@GO6B the Hi5hest Br0ins ch0nted: LWE@MADE@THE@DE@CI@SIO!@!OT@TO@RE@VEA$@ITS@CO!@TE!TS@TO@THE@ REST@O#@THE@AB@SO@$&TE:B Th0t 10de sense6 E@%ob0lt re0soned: I3 the underlin5s 3ound out th0t 0 %roton occu20tion h0d been 3ou5ht o33 b/ 0 1ere hu10noid6 1or0le 4ould h0=e su33ered: LThe@bi@2ed@re@s2on@si@ble@3or@the@u2@ri@ sin5@1ust@be@i@den@ti@3ied6B E@%ob0lt noted: LIts@s2e@cies@10/@be@0@thre0t@to@the@se@cur@i@t/@o3@the@Ab@ so@lute:B LTHE@BI@ ED@I@DE!@TI@#IED@IT@SE$#@D&@RI!G@THE@& @RI@SI!G: IT@IS@%!OW!@AS@THE@ DOC@TOR: IT@RE@#ERS@TO@IT@SE$#@AS@A@TIME@$ORD:B Ti1e $ordI E@%ob0lt h0dnBt he0rd the ter1 be3ore6 but it su55ested horrible thin5s 0bout the 0lienBs 0bilities: LIs@0n@/@thin5@kno4n@0@bout@this@s2e@ciesIB it 0sked: The c0=ern 40s 3illed 4ith 0 dee2 0nd 3rost/ ru1blin5: The 3our 4ere con=ersin5 in tones belo4 the sensor/ r0n5e o3 1ost %rotons6 E@%ob0lt 5uessed: LSI!CE@THE@AB@SO@$&TE@E!@CO&!T@ERED@ THE@DOC@TOR@WE@HAVE@BEE!@SEAR@CHI!G@#OR@A@!OTH@ER@TIME@$ORD@S E@CI@ME!6B the Hi5hest Br0ins decl0red6 e=entu0ll/: L!OW@WE@HAVE@$O@CA@TED@O!E: THIS@IS@WH"@WE@ ARE@BRIE@#I!G@"O&@O!@THE@SIT@&@A@TIO!:B And 4ith th0t6 the Hi5hest Br0ins eDtended 0 li1b 3ro1 0n 0ccess 2ort hi5h o=erhe0d6 0 tendril e0sil/ 0s lon5 0s the c0=ern 40s 4ide: E@%ob0lt s04 it curlin5 u240rds6 re0chin5 out 3or 0 3issure in the


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40ll: It scoo2ed so1ethin5 out o3 the 3issure6 then lo4ered it to40rds the 5round: The obEect 40s 0 li3e@3or1: A bi2ed6 4r022ed in 0 cocoon o3 oD/5en 5el6 to kee2 it 3unction0l inside the 0t1os2here o3 the #irst $0ttice: The hu10noid 4ri55led in the 5ri2 o3 the tendril6 its 3e0tures indi@ c0tin5 either terror or re=ulsion6 E@%ob0lt 40snBt sure 4hich: Its skin 40s 2ink 0nd so3t6 thou5h 1ost o3 its bod/ 40s co=ered b/ 0 l0/er o3 thin bl0ck 30bric: The 2ur2ose o3 this 10teri0l 40snBt entirel/ cle0r6 0s it cert0inl/ 40snBt stron5 enou5h to be 0r1our: On to2 o3 the bi2edBs cr0niu1 40s 0 do1e o3 1uch sti33er 30bric6 4ith 0 circul0r ri1 0round its ed5e: LTHIS@IS@A@TIME@$ORD6B the Hi5hest Br0ins told E@%ob0lt: LWE@BE@$IEVE@IT@IS@A@S&R@ VEI$$@A!CE@&!@IT:B LIB1 not 0 s2/MB the Ti1e $ord sAue0ked: Its =oice 40s tin/6 co120red to th0t o3 the 3our: LIB1 Eust 0 ci=il ser=0ntMB LSI@$E!CE:B E@%ob0lt sc0nned the bi2ed c0re3ull/: LWhere@40s@this@un@it@lo@c0@tedIB LO!@THE@ $A@!ET@DE@SIG@!A@TED@J@&@(@*@*@*: THE@ $A@!ET@IS@&!@I!@HAB@IT@ED: WE@HAVE@!OT@BEE!@A@B$E@TO@$O@CATE@THE@CREAT@&REBS@VESS@E$:B LI onl/ sto22ed o33 to 5et 1/ be0rin5s6B the Ti1e $ord 40iled: LI didnBt kno4 the 2l0net 40s /ours: IB1 sorr/: Honestl/6 IB1 sorr/: And I donBt kno4 4h0t h022ened to 1/ c02sule: Re0ll/: The Hi5h Council 1ust h0=e t0ken it b0ck to G0lli3re/ b/ re1ote control6 03ter /ou 3ound 1e FB LG0ll@i3@re/IB Aueried E@%ob0lt: LTHE@HOME@WOR$D@O#@THE@TIME@$ORDS6B the Hi5hest Br0ins eD2l0ined: LTHIS@&!@IT@ WAS@RE@T&R!@I!G@#ROM@A@ $A@!ET@IT@RE#ERS@TO@AS@DRO@!ID: THE@TIME@$ORDS@ ARE@ RE@ AR@I!G@#OR@WAR:B LA@50inst@4h0t@3orceIB The tendril sAuee;ed the Ti1e $ord6 0nd d0n5led it in 3ront o3 E@%ob0ltBs senses: The Ti1e $ord shrieked: L le0seM I c0nBtM I c0nBt tell /ouM I h0=e to kee2 the secrets o3 the Hi5h Council6 the/ donBt 40nt 0n/one to kno4 4h0t the/Bre doin5: I c0nBt tell /ou 0bout the 40r: I 1e0n it:B LTell@us@or@/ou@4ill@be@dis@2ersed:B LI c0nBtM DonBt /ou underst0ndI IB=e 5ot 0 2s/chic tri24ire in 1/ he0d: All ci=il ser=0nts 0re 3itted 4ith the16 itBs st0nd0rd 2r0ctice: I3 I tr/ tellin5 /ou 0bout 0n/thin5 secret6 IBll set the tri24ire o33: IB1 serious: IBll h0=e 0 2s/chic sei;ure: IBll be killed:B E@%ob0lt 0ddressed the Hi5hest Br0ins: LIs@the@bi@2ed@tell@in5@the@truthIB LWE@BE@$IEVE@SO:B LThen@4e@c0n@not@50in@the@re@Aui@red@d0@t0@3ro1@this@un@itIB L!O: B&T@IT@MA"@STI$$@BE@&SE@#&$: WE@HAVE@A$@READ@"@A!@A$@"SED@THE@TIME@ $ORDBS@BI@O@$O@GI@CA$@ RO@#I$E: ITS@GE@!E@TIC@STR&C@T&RE@HAS@BEE!@MA@!I @&@ $A@TED:B The Ti1e $ordBs he0d bobbed u2 0nd do4n6 0s i3 it 4ere h0=in5 trouble 0li5nin5 its sensor/ s/s@ te1s: LItBs true: le0se6 I c0nBt tell /ou the det0ils6 the tri24ire::: but itBs true6 /es6 I 0d1it it: IB=e 5ot thin5s 4ired into 1/ biod0t0:B LED@2l0in:B LOh6 no6 I c0nBt::: I 1e0n::: thin5s: The R0ssilon I12ri10ture: ItBs ho4 4e control our6 er6 our =es@ sels: ItBs 0ll in 1/ biod0t0: I 1e0n6 there 0re other thin5s6 too6 but::: 2le0se6 donBt 0sk 1e: le0se:B LMA@KOR@MO@DI@#I@CA@TIO!S@HAVE@BEE!@MADE@TO@THIS@&!@ITBS@BI@O$@O@G": IT@IS@ CA@ A@B$E@O#@COM@ $ETE@ H"@SI@CA$@RE@GE!@ER@A@TIO!: THERE@ARE@OTH@ER@GE@ !E@TIC@#EA@T&RES@WE@CA!@!OT@A!@A$"SE: WE@BE@$IEVE@THE"@MA"@BE@I!@HE@ RE!T@WEA@ O!S:B E@%ob0lt 3elt its le5s tre1ble underne0th its bod/: Inherent 4e02ons: %rotons 4ere c020ble o3 5ro4in5 0r101ents6 0nd 0tt0chin5 ne4 ones to their eDterior shells6 but to 0ctu0ll/ h0=e 0n 0rsen0l


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inside /our 5enetic structure::: E=er/ Ti1e $ord 40s 0 40lkin5 40rhe0d6 E@%ob0lt concluded: !o 4onder the bein5 kno4n 0s >Doctor? h0d been 0ble to de3e0t 0n entire %roton colon/: LThis@un@it@is@not@des@i5@n0@ted@3or@1il@li@t0@ r/@2ur@2o@sesIB it Aueried: The Ti1e $ord 4obbled its cr0ni0l unit 3ro1 side to side: L!o6 no: I told /ou6 IB1 0 ci=il ser=0nt: Th0tBs 0ll:B LThen@Ti1e@$ord@1i@li@t0@r/@un@its@0re@3it@ted@4ith@1ore@2o4@er@3ul@in@he@rent@4e0@2on@r/IB LWh0tI Oh6 I see: "es6 I su22ose the/ 0re: I 1e0n6 the Doctor FB The tendril ti5htened: The Ti1e $ord 50s2ed 3or 0ir: There 40s 0 terrible ru1blin5 in the 0ir o3 the c0=ern: LTHIS@&!@IT@IS@#A@MI@$I@AR@WITH@THE@DOC@TOR:B LThe@Doc@tor@is@0@Ti1e@$ord@1i@li@t0@r/@un@itIB E@%ob0lt enAuired: LWell::: sort o36B the Ti1e $ord 50s2ed: LThe@Doc@tor@4ill@be@20r@tic@i@20t@in5@in@/our@40rIB LWe ho2e so: We sent out 0 c0ll6 4hen 4e 3ound out 4h0t the ene1/ 40s 2l0nnin5: We 0sked hi1 to co1e to::: to Dronid: We 40nted his::: hel2::: 4ith the b0ttle: le0se6 /ouBre crushin5 1/ ribc05e:::B LDid@the@Doc@tor@re@s2ond@to@/our@su11@onsIB LI donBt kno4: Re0ll/6 I donBt: I le3t Dronid be3ore the 3i5htin5 st0rted: IB1 tellin5 the truth6 I 2ro1ise:B LTHERE@IS@A!@OB@VI@O&S@CO!@C$&@SIO!6B the 3our Hi5hest Br0ins ru1bled: LTIME@$ORD@ WEA@ O!S@TECH@!O@$O@G"@IS@I!@AD@VA!CE@O#@O&R@OW!: WE@M&ST@ST&@D"@THE@ GE@!E@TIC@AR@MA@ME!TS@O#@THE@S E@CIES: WEA@ O!S@S&CH@AS@THESE@MA"@GIVE@ &S@A@DE@CIS@IVE@AD@VA!T@AGE@O@VER@THE@ME@TA@TRAO@I:B E@%ob0lt kne4 4h0t the/ re0ll/ 1e0nt6 o3 course: The %rotons 4ere 0lre0d/ 4innin5 the 40r6 but ne4 4e02ons 4ere 0l40/s use3ul: Once the Met0tr0Di h0d been de3e0ted6 the Absolute 4ould eD20nd be/ond the Ju0rt;line #ront6 0nd it 40s bound to run into other hostile r0ces 0lon5 the 40/: LWh0t@0re@ /our@instruc@tionsIB E@%ob0lt 0sked: LRE@T&R!@TO@THE@#I#TH@$ATT@ICE: #ROM@THIS@MO@ME!T@O!@THE@ME@TA@TRAO@I@ ARE@!OT@"O&R@CO!@CER!: "O&R@MISS@IO!@IS@TO@$OCATE@A@MEM@BER@O#@THE@TIME@ $ORD@MI@$I@TA@R": THE@DOC@TOR@WO&$D@BE@A!@I@DE@A$@S&B@KECT@#OR@A!@A$@"@ SIS:B E@%ob0lt 0ckno4led5ed the orders6 0nd st0rted 4ei5hin5 u2 its o2tions: I3 it h0d to tr0ck do4n 0 Ti1e $ord 40rrior6 Dronid 4ould 2rob0bl/ be the 2l0ce to st0rt: E=en i3 the b0ttle h0d ended b/ the ti1e the #i3th $0ttice 5ot there6 the Ti1e $ords 1i5ht h0=e le3t so1e o3 their de0d or 4ounded units behind: And the Ti1e $ord 1ust h0=e 5uessed 4h0t E@%ob0lt 40s thinkin56 bec0use it sAue0led: L"ou 4onBt be 0ble to 5et ne0r Dronid: "ou 4onBt be 0ble to: The Hi5h CouncilBs 5oin5 to sterilise the 2l0net 0s soon 0s the 3i5htBs o=er: ItBll be o33 li1its 3or /e0rs: "ou 4onBt be 0ble to 10ke 2l0net30ll: IB1 serious:B The tendril clenched: The Ti1e $ord /el2ed: L"O&@HAVE@"O&R@OR@DERS6B the Hi5hest Br0ins told E@%ob0lt: LRE@T&R!@TO@THE@#I#TH@$ATT@ICE: WE@WI$$@BE@GI!@A@#I@!A$@BI@O@$OG@ IC@A!@A$@"@SIS@O#@THIS@TIME@$ORD@&!@IT: "O&@WI$$@BE@!O@TI@#IED@O#@A!@"@DIS@ COV@ER@"@THATMIGHT@ASS@IST@"O&R@MISS@IO!:B LEr6 4h0t does >3in0l biolo5ic0l 0n0l/sis? 1e0nIB 0sked the Ti1e $ord: But the tendril 40s 0lre0d/ li3tin5 the 0lien hi5h 0bo=e the 3loor o3 the c0=ern6 0nd ne4 li1bs 4ere s2routin5 3ro1 the cr/st0lline 40lls6 sc0l2el@2incers 2oised6 bio@int0ke tubes 0t the re0d/: E@%ob0lt turned6 4ithout 0 4ord: It 40snBt the %roton 40/ to s0lute: The Co110nder o3 the #i3th $0ttice st0rted the three@d0/ trek b0ck to its d/n0tro2e6 its obEecti=es cle0r6 its 1ind 0lre0d/ 3or1ul0tin5 0 se0rch str0te5/:


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Behind it6 the Ti1e $ord unit be50n to scre01:


The Doctor r0n his 3in5erti2s 0lon5 0 str0nd o3 the 4eb: It 40s sh0r26 sh0r2 enou5h to 5i=e hi1 0 4ound the si;e o3 0 202ercut6 0nd it shi=ered 4hen he let 5o o3 it: Tr0ces o3 li3e6 the Doctor decided: He took 0nother look 0t the 4ebBs desi5n: Cle0rl/ 0 retin0l 20ttern6 stretched 0cross the to2 o3 the st0ir40/ th0t led do4n to the lo4est le=el: Be3ore heBd shut do4n the securit/ s/ste1s6 it 2rob0bl/ 4ould h0=e res2onded 1uch 1ore 055ressi=el/: He i105ined it 4r022in5 itsel3 0round his 3lesh6 cuttin5 its 40/ to the bone: !o4 heBd t0ken 0ll the s/ste1s o33@line6 the 4eb 40s d/in5: He could h0=e been 1ore selecti=e6 o3 course: He could h0=e onl/ s4itched o33 the s/ste1s th0t thre0tened S01 0nd her ne4 co120nion6 but th0t 4ould h0=e t0ken ti1e: So heBd de0cti=0ted the lot6 3ro1 the roo3 to the =0ult: resu10bl/6 JiDotlBs d012in5 3ields 4ere o33@line no46 0s 4ell: The Doctor ho2ed no one 4ould u2set E@%ob0lt too 1uch: He re0ched into his 2ocket 3or 0 2enkni3e6 but the kni3e 30iled to 10teri0lise: He 40s 1ildl/ 0nno/ed b/ th0t: erh02s it 40s the stressC 0ccordin5 to old "eltstro16 /ou couldnBt be 0t one 4ith /our 2ockets i3 /ou 4erenBt entirel/ c0l1: The closest thin5 to 0 kni3e he 10n05ed to 3ind 40s his sonic scre4dri=er6 0nd the 10rk one =ersion6 to boot: He couldnBt re1e1ber 4hich 3e0tures heBd built into the 10rk one6 so he 2ointed it 0t the 4eb6 2ushed the tri55er6 0nd ho2ed 3or the best: The 4eb be50n to shri=el6 the strin5s bl0ckenin5 0nd dro22in5 to the 5round like 2ieces o3 old 3ettu@ cini: E=entu0ll/6 there 40s 0 hole in the 4eb bi5 enou5h 3or hi1 to cli1b throu5h 4ithout inEurin5 hi1@ sel3: He h0d to cut throu5h 0nother three o3 the retin0 4ebs be3ore he re0ched the lo4est le=el: The 3loor there 40s co=ered in 1ulch b/ the ti1e he 0rri=ed: The sl0bs h0d been 2ushed 0side6 torn 3ro1 the 5round b/ sick@lookin5 5ro4ths th0t re1inded the Doctor o3 le3to=er s2leens: !o4 the s/ste1s 4ere do4n6 the 5ro4ths 4ere st0rtin5 to rot6 3illin5 the 0t1os2here 4ith the scent o3 o330l: S01 l0/ on her b0ck in the under5ro4th6 her bod/ 4r022ed u2 in tendrils o3 cris2/ bl0ck bio10ss: The cree2ers h0d died 0nd c0lci3ied6 holdin5 her li1bs in sti336 unn0tur0l 2ositions: Her e/es 4ere 4ide o2en6 0lthou5h her 2u2ils 4ere rolled u2 under the lids: Sc0ttered 0round her bod/ 4ere the cor2ses o3 thin5s the Doctor re0ll/ didnBt c0re to look 0t too closel/: He crouched do4n b/ S01Bs side6 then tried to 2ull her into 0 sittin5 2osition: The tendrils sn022ed 0s soon 0s he 2ut 2ressure on the1: S01 10de 0 30int 1o0nin5 noise6 0nd her he0d lolled 3or40rd: The Doctor brushed the b0ck o3 his h0nd 050inst her 30ce: LS01I S016 itBs o=er: "ou c0n 40ke u2 no4:B Her 2u2ils rolled b0ck into 2l0ce: T4o blurr/ 5reen e/es 3ocused on the Doctor: He s1iled encour@ 05in5l/: #or 0 1o1ent6 S01 didnBt res2ond: Then: LI dre01t so1ethin56B she s0id: Ah: !o46 thou5ht the Doctor6 is this 5oin5 to be 0n insi5ni3ic0nt 1e0nin5less delusion0l dre016 or 0 2ortentous 2ro2hetic dre01 4ith serious r01i3ic0tions on the cos1ic sc0leI LI 40s 0 heroin 0ddict6B S01 4ent on: Then she shook her he0d6 0 bit 5ro55il/: L!o I 40snBt: IBd t0ken heroin6 but I 40snBt 0n 0ddict: Is th0t 2ossibleIB The Doctor 3elt 30intl/ e1b0rr0ssed: LI donBt kno4: IB1 h0rdl/ 0n eD2ert:B LE=er/thin5 40s di33erent: I re1e1ber 5ettin5 drunk 0 lot: I ne=er 5et drunk6 do II Oh6 God: There 4ere other thin5s: This bo/: I 40s 3ourteen: !o6 3i3teen:B S01 40s sh0kin56 the Doctor noticed: LIt 40s 0nother li3e: A 4hole other li3e: I 1e0n6 I 40s 1e6 but I 40s so1eone else: I ne=er 1et /ou: "ou kno4 the 3irst ti1e I s04 /ou6 I 40s runnin5 040/ 3ro1 those de0lers 0t Totters "0rdI I re1e1ber6 it 40s di3@ (('


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3erent: The/ 4ere 1/ 3riends: !o6 the/ 4erenBt 1/ 3riends6 but I used to::: oh God: Oh God6 I donBt belie=e this:B The Doctor rested his h0nd on her cheek: $/in5 to her 1i5ht be the best ide06 he decided: LIt 40s onl/ 0 dre016 S01: Dre01s onl/ 1e0n 4h0t 4e 40nt the1 to 1e0n:B LBut it didnBt 3eel 4ron5: "ou kno4I It 3elt like it 40s the 40/ thin5s 4ere su22osed to be: And 4hen I 4oke u26 0nd /ou 4ere there6 I::: it didnBt 3eel ri5ht 0n/ 1ore: It 3elt like I 40snBt su22osed to be here: $ike I 40s su22osed to be b0ck in $ondon: %in5Bs Cross: IB=e h0rdl/ e=er been to %in5Bs Cross: Wh/ should I dre01 0bout it like th0t 4hen IB=e h0rdl/ e=er been thereIB The Doctor 4ondered 4h0t he should s0/: To 0n eDtent6 she 40s 2rob0bl/ ri5ht: B/ t0kin5 S01 o33 in the TARDIS6 heBd ch0n5ed her ti1eline6 0nd b/ 0ssoci0tion6 the ti1eline o3 her 4hole s2ecies: But heBd t0ken risks like th0t 0 billion ti1es be3ore6 nothin5 b0d h0d h022ened so 30r: Well6 nothin5 =er/ b0d: Wh0t 40s di33erent this ti1eI LWho 01 IIB S01 0sked6 bet4een bre0ths6 0nd the Doctor suddenl/ re0lised she 40s cr/in5: Sort o3: Sh0llo46 h0l3@he0rted sobs6 0s i3 she kne4 she ou5ht to be u2set6 but 40snBt sure ho4 to 5o 0bout sho4in5 it: LWho 01 I su22osed to beIB The Doctor 2ut his 0r1 0round her: He didnBt h0=e 0n 0ns4er: Be3ore S01 could s0/ 0n/thin5 else6 there 40s 0 1uted 5ur5lin5 sound 3ro1 so1e4here ne0rb/: S01 sto22ed cr/in5 in 0 second: The Doctor 3elt her li1bs 5o sti33 in his 0r1s: Slo4l/6 he disent0n5led hi1sel3 3ro1 her6 0nd stood: A 3e4 3eet 040/6 0 second 3i5ure l0/ 01on5 the kidne/ 2l0nts: It 40s curled u2 like 0 3oetus6 0nd the si1il0rit/ didnBt end there: Its e/es 4ere 4ide o2en6 but then6 the Doctor doubted it h0d 0n/ e/elids: It 40s the cre0ture heBd seen on the 2iDscreen in the securit/ centre: The 0ntibod/Bs u1bilic0l cord h0d 4ithered 040/6 0nd 4ithout the Cit/Bs s/ste1s to su22ort it6 it h0d 30llen to the 5round6 re0d/ to die: LWh0t is itIB 0sked S01: Her =oice 40snBt 1uch 1ore th0n 0 sAue0k: Merci3ull/6 she couldnBt see the thin5 3ro1 4here she 40s sittin5: L!othin56B the Doctor told her6 not t0kin5 his e/es o33 the 0ntibod/: L!othin5 0t 0ll:B The 0ntibod/ turned its so3t6 s4ollen he0d: T4o hu5e bl0ck e/es st0red u2 0t the Doctor 3ro1 the under5ro4th: It 5ur5led 050in: Three s/ll0bles: The Doctor 4ouldnBt h0=e identi3ied the sounds 0s 4ords6 i3 he h0dnBt been 0ble to see the 0ntibod/Bs li2s 1o=in5: L)t/s2not2(air1/ Without 0 4ord6 the Doctor r0ised his sonic scre4dri=er: The 0ntibod/ 3ollo4ed the 1o=e1ent o3 his 0r1: It sto22ed thr0shin5 its little stunted li1bs: L)t/s2not2(air1/ The Doctor 2ressed the tri55er: The cells o3 the 0ntibod/ h0d 0lre0d/ st0rted to coll02se in on the1sel=es: The scre4dri=er 0cceler@ 0ted the 2rocess: The cre0tureBs skin 4rinkled6 then turned bl0ck6 shrinkin5 0nd h0rdenin5 0cross its blo0ted bod/: Tu1ours blosso1ed 0cross its cr0niu1: The e/es s0nk into the underde=elo2ed skull: E=entu0ll/6 there 40s nothin5 le3t o3 the 0ntibod/ but 0 husk: The Doctor lo4ered the scre4dri=er6 but didnBt turn 040/: LDoctorIB The Doctor didnBt 1o=e: LDoctorI Wh0tBs 5oin5 onIB Behind hi16 he he0rd the rustlin5 o3 dried bio10ss 0s S01 tried to 2ick hersel3 u2 o33 the 3loor: He 3elt his 3in5ers ti5htenin5 0round the sh03t o3 the scre4dri=er: LAlien bodies6B he 4his2ered: LTh0tBs the sonic scre4dri=er6 isnBt itI I thou5ht it 5ot tr0shed b/ the N/5ons:B The Doctor nodded: S01 40s b0ck to nor10l 0lre0d/6 i3 /ou could i5nore the c0tch in her thro0t: Curious 0s e=er6 0l40/s re0d/ to 0sk 04k40rd Auestions 0bout the technic0l det0ils:


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LTh0t 40s the 10rk 3i=e scre4dri=er6B the Doctor 1uttered: LThis is the 10rk one:B LThe 10rk oneIB L"es: It 40s destro/ed centuries 05o:B A 20use: LThen ho4:::IB The Doctor 1otioned 3or her to be silent: He didnBt 3eel u2 to eD2l0n0tions ri5ht no4: In 3ront o3 hi16 the re1n0nts o3 the 0ntibod/ be50n to liAue3/: LItBs 0 Ti1e $ord tool: Ti1e doesnBt 4ork the s01e 40/ 3or Ti1e $ord tools:B He turned6 0t l0st6 0nd s04 th0t S01 h0d 10n05ed to st0nd6 0lthou5h her le5s didnBt look too st0ble: LWe h0=e thin5s to do:B Her e/es 4idened: L%0thleenMB LWhere is sheIB S01 2ointed to 0 ne0rb/ 40ll: The 40ll 40s 2ink 0nd or50nic6 ob=iousl/ not 0n ori5in0l 20rt o3 the =0ultBs 0rchitecture: The 10teri0l6 like e=er/thin5 else here6 40s in 0 st0te o3 dec0/: The Doctor took one l0st look 0t the 0ntibod/ be3ore it 1elted 040/ into nothin5ness: Then he r0ised the scre4dri=er 050in6 0nd set to 4ork on the 40ll: The l0b/rinth h0d st0rted to stink o3 old 1e0t: $ittle Brother M0nEuele kicked 0 cou2le o3 the 2l0nts in his 20th 0s he 10de his 40/ 0lon5 the tunnel6 0nd the/ eD2loded on i120ct6 s2e4in5 their insides out 0ll o=er the 3loor: M0nEuele 5rinned: So1e o3 the 2l0nts h0d Bre510nBs 30ce6 so he 5ot 0 kind o3 bu;; out o3 seein5 the bitchBs he0d burst o2en o=er 0nd o=er 050in: It 40snBt 0n/thin5 2erson0l: B0ck in $ittle SSo 0olo6 heBd seen so1e o3 his best 3riends broken b/ uni3or1 sluts like her: Electric b0tons on the streets6 10tchsticks under the 3in5ern0ils in the 2olice cells: The ceilin5 s2lit o2en6 0nd so1ethin5 dro22ed throu5h it6 sto22in5 0 cou2le o3 centi1etres in 3ront o3 his 30ce: He Eu12ed b0ck6 but it turned out to be 0nother 2ot0to@sh02ed co2/ o3 the &!IS"C 4o10nBs he0d6 d0n5lin5 3ro1 0 thick 2ink tendril: It looked de0d6 so M0nEuele 2unched it 0side: I3 heBd 5uessed ri5ht6 the =0ult h0d onl/ 5ro4n the 2l0nts to 10ke Bre510n 3eel b0d 0bout hersel3: Kesus6 th0t 40s 20thetic: W0s th0t 0ll it took to 10ke the bitch 5o l00@l00I The =0ult 40s 5oin5 to h0=e to do 0 hell o3 0 lot better th0n th0t i3 it 40nted to sto2 hi1: Co1e to think o3 it6 0s soon 0s heBd 5ot here6 the l0b/rinth h0d st0rted d/in5: M0/be the =0ult h0d 5i=en u26 thou5ht M0nEuele: M0/be it kne4 he 40s too tou5h 0 custo1er to send o=er the ed5e like th0t: M0/be: Hell6 /ou ne=er kne4: At l0st6 he re0ched the end o3 the 20ss05e: It o2ened out into 0 4ide ch01ber6 the 40ll o22osite 10de o3 solid brick6 0lthou5h s2ores h0d sAuee;ed the1sel=es out o3 the cr0cks bet4een the blocks: In the 1iddle o3 the roo16 on the other side o3 0 50rden o3 de0d 3lesh@3lo4ers6 40s 0 sil=er c0sket: M0nEuele l0u5hed out loud: The Relic: Gettin5 to it h0d been e0s/6 re0l e0s/: He ste22ed out into the ch01ber 4ith his bi55est 0nd b0ddest 5rin on his 30ce: The 5rin 3elt 3unn/6 thou5h6 stretched 0cross these 1outh 1uscles: L%0thleenIB s0id 0 =oice: M0nEuele sto22ed 5rinnin56 0nd 4hirled 0round: To his le3t6 the ch01ber ended in 0 40ll o3 rottin5 2ink bio10ss: The 40ll h0d been cut o2en do4n the 1iddle6 0nd t4o 3i5ures stood in the o2enin5: One 40s the 5u/ in the 5reen =el=et E0cket6 the one Kustine h0d told hi1 40s 0 rene50de Ti1e $ord: The other 40s the blonde 4hoBd 0rri=ed 4ith hi1: The/ 4ere t0ller th0n M0nEuele re1e1bered6 thou5h: The 10n see1ed hu5e6 0nd e=en the 5irl looked like she could 2ut u2 0 5ood 3i5ht: It took the $ittle Brother 0 second or t4o to 3i5ure out 4h/: He 40s lookin5 throu5h Bre510nBs e/es no46 0nd Bre510n 40s shorter th0n he 40s: So6 e=er/thin5 looked bi55er: The 5irl stu1bled 3or40rd6 her 0r1s outstretched: L%0thleen: I 40s 4orried: I thou5ht the 0ntibodies h0d 5ot /ou:B L&h6B s0id M0nEuele:


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The 5irl 4r022ed her 0r1s 0round hi1: M0nEuele 3linched: LItBs 0ll ri5ht: The DoctorBs here no4: WeBre 5oin5 to be 3ine:B LDoctorIB s0id M0nEuele: The 5irl let 5o o3 hi1: LHe s0/s the/Bre re0d/ to st0rt the 0uction: WeBd better 5et 1o=in5:B M0nEuele 40tched the Ti1e $ord: His e/es 4ere 3iDed on the c0sket in the 1iddle o3 the =0ult: He looked like heBd been h/2notised: E=er/ 3e4 seconds6 heBd sh0ke his he0d6 like th0tBd brin5 hi1 b0ck do4n to E0rth: LWe 5onn0 t0ke the Relic 4ith us6B M0nEuele 0nnounced: The 5irl looked concerned: L"ou think 4e shouldIB She turned to the Ti1e $ord 050in: LDoctorIB The Ti1e $ord sto22ed st0rin5 0t the boD: LIB1 sorr/IB LWe 5onn0 t0ke the boD6B M0nEuele s0id: He 4ondered 4h0t Bre510n 4ould h0=e s0id6 in 0 situ@ 0tion like this: LItBs6 uh6 in the best intBrests o3 E0rth: We 5ott0::: 4eB=e 5ot to 10ke sure the 0liens donBt 5et their h0nds on it: H0nds: Tent0cles: Wh0te=er the/ 5ot:B The 5irl blinked 0t hi1: L%0thleenI Are /ou 0ll ri5htIB L&h: "e0h: !o 2rob:B L$ittle Brother6B s0id the Ti1e $ord: M0nEuele t4itched: A de0d 5i=e040/: The Ti1e $ord nodded: LI thou5ht so: "ou look like /ouBre not used to 10ni2ul0tin5 th0t 30ce: S01: Mo=e 040/ 3ro1 hi1:B LHi1IB The 5irl looked M0nEuele u2 0nd do4n6 t0kin5 in the det0ils o3 his skinn/ little 3e10le bod/: LDoctor:::B LMo=e 040/6 S01:B The Ti1e $ord ste22ed 3or40rd: M0nEuele re0ched 3or his 2ocket6 in se0rch o3 his kni3e6 then re1e1bered the kni3e 40s in the 2ocket o3 his re0l bod/6 b0ck in the shrine: The Ti1e $ord ke2t 0d=0ncin56 but M0nEuele stood his 5round: He 4ondered i3 he could 3i5ht the 5u/ o33 in 0 bod/ this 20thetic: LItBs not %0thleen: ItBs one o3 the 0r0doD cultists: HeBs o2er0tin5 %0thleenBs bod/ b/ re1ote control: One o3 the #0ctionBs n0st/ little ritu0ls:B LDonB co1e ne0r 1e6B M0nEuele 40rned hi1: The 4ords sounded 0ll 4ron56 co1in5 out o3 Bre5@ 10nBs 1outh: The Ti1e $ord sto22ed: LItBs 0ll ri5ht: IB1 Auite close enou5h no4: Tell 1e6 do /ou kno4 4h0t 0n eDorcis1 3eels likeI The 2rocess is Auite si12le6 re0ll/:B M0nEuele shook Bre510nBs he0d: LDonBt tre0t 1e like th0t: !ot stu2id6 hok0/IB L"ou belie=e in the S2irits o3 the #0ction6 donBt /ouIB LDonBt 5i=e 1e th0t: I donBt 40nB he0r th0t:B LI3 /ou belie=e in the S2irits6 /ou should belie=e in eDorcis1s: &nless6 o3 course6 /ou donBt h0=e 0n/ re0l 30ith in the S2irits 0t 0ll: So1eti1es I 4onder ho4 1uch /our >301il/? belie=es its o4n 2ro20@ 50nd0: IBll tell /ou 4h0t IB1 5oin5 to do6 $ittle Brother: IB1 5oin5 to 2ut so1ethin5 into %0thleenBs he0d: A sort o3 0 tele20thic 40ke@u2 c0ll: And /ouBre 5oin5 to le0=e: IB1 03r0id it 1i5ht hurt Auite 0 bit:B M0nEuele tried to 3orce 0 5rin6 but Bre510nBs 30ce 4ouldnBt res2ond: He 40s 2rotected 3ro1 tele@ 20thic 0tt0ck6 Kustine h0d told hi1: One o3 the 301il/Bs little 2erks: L"ou tr/ it6 Ti1e uss/: "ou tr/ it:B L"ouBre not 2rotected6B the Ti1e $ord 4ent on: L"ou see6 IB=e 1et /ou 2eo2le be3ore: I kno4 4here the cr0cks 0re in /our de3ences: M/ tele20thic 0bilities 0renBt 20rticul0rl/ 0d=0nced6 but I think the t4o o3 us to5ether should be 0ble to do /ou so1e d0105e:B He looked to one side: M0nEuele 3ollo4ed his 50;e: The Ti1e $ord 40s lookin5 0t the c0sket: L!o6B M0nEuele s0id: L!o:B L$etBs be5in6B s0id the Doctor: RRR


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Mr JiDotl dru11ed his 3in5ers 050inst the sur30ce o3 the t0ble: HeBd eD2ected the 0uction to be tense6 but 5ettin5 the bidders t0lkin5 40s like 5ettin5 blood out o3 0 silicon@b0sed li3e@3or1: He 5ot the 3eelin5 both Ho1unculette 0nd Cousin Kustine 4ere holdin5 b0ck: LItBs 0n insult6B Ho1unculette b0bbled: LThe 4e02ons o3 the Hi5h Council 0re le5end0r/: WeB=e 10de de3ensi=e 0rr0/s the si;e o3 st0r s/ste1s6 4eB=e t0ken 020rt 4hole 50l0Dies:::B LH0rdl/ 0n i105in0ti=e 3or1 o3 40r30re6B Cousin Kustine 2ointed out: LIt 4orks6 doesnBt itIB L$etBs c0l1 do4n 0 bit here6 ri5htIB JiDotl cut in: LWe h0=enBt he0rd 0ll the bids /et6 letBs re1e1ber th0t: O%6 then: Colonel %orte;IB JiDotl h0d 5ood re0sons 3or 0skin5 the hu10ns to the 0uction: E0rth 40s 0 lo4@interest 4orld6 0ccordin5 to the techno@2undits6 but it h0d 0 kind o3 2olitic0l =0lue: The 2l0ce 40s 0 neDus 4orld6 Eust like Dronid6 or Solos6 or T/lerBs #oll/C insi5ni3ic0nt on 3irst si5ht6 but 4hen /ou looked 0t the bi55er 2icture6 /ou re0lised it 40s linked to the destinies o3 0 4hole host o3 inter50l0ctic 2o4ers: I3 he could build 0 2o4erb0se on E0rth in this ti1e ;one6 JiDotl kne4 0 5ood h0l3@do;en s2ecies 4hoBd 20/ hi1 to let the1 use the 2l0netBs 30cilities: !or10ll/6 the best 40/ o3 50inin5 2o4er on 0 2l0net 40s b/ sAuee;in5 /oursel3 into its histor/ F in=entin5 the 4heel 3or the loc0ls6 settin5 /oursel3 u2 0s 0 5od6 the usu0l s2iel F but E0rthBs histor/ 40s so 3ull o3 0lien inter3erence6 JiDotl didnBt think he could 1ess 0bout 4ith its ti1estre01 1uch 4ithout c0usin5 0 3ull@sc0le te12or0l e1bolis1: !o6 i3 he 40nted 2o4er on E0rth6 heBd h0=e to 5et it b/ de0lin5 4ith the loc0ls on 0 strictl/ one@to@ one b0sis: &!IS"C 40s 0 2rett/ 5ood 2l0ce to st0rt: A lo4@2o4er or50nis0tion no46 /e0h6 but 4ith enou5h little secrets to turn itsel3 into 0 10Eor 2olitic0l 3orce6 i3 /ou 50=e it the ri5ht kind o3 0ssist0nce: Slo4l/6 %orte; stood: The ColonelBs e/es s4e2t 0cross the h0ll6 0220rentl/ Eud5in5 e0ch o3 the other re2resent0ti=es in turn: LI h0=e so1ethin5 o3 5re0t =0lue to o33er6B he 0nnounced: JiDotl nodded encour05in5l/: LGo on:B L"ouBre 301ili0r 4ith the 2rinci2les o3 uni=ers0l k0r1ic consciousnessIB %orte; 0sked: JiDotl 5l0nced 0t the bidders 0round hi1: !one o3 the1 looked like the/ h0d 0n/ ide0 4h0t %orte; 40s t0lkin5 0bout: LEr16 kind o3:B LI h0=e6 3or so1e ti1e6 been eD2lorin5 the 1/steries o3 the inner sel3: And IB=e re0ched so1e st0r@ tlin5 conclusions6 Mr JiDotl:B The Colonel 40s doin5 th0t irrit0tin5 noddin5 thin5 050in6 JiDotl noticed: LIB=e disco=ered the ulti10te 2ri;e: The hol/ 5r0il o3 0ll intelli5ent li3e in this uni=erse:B JiDotl cle0red his thro0t: LIs this6 /Bkno46 5oin5 to be so1ethin5 like the #0ctionBs bidI S2iritu0l 4e02onr/6 th0t kind o3 thin5IB L!ot 4e02onr/: So1ethin5 else: So1ethin5 better:B %orte; looked 0round the h0ll 050in: Then he le0ned 3or40rd6 0l1ost cons2ir0tori0ll/6 his h0nds restin5 on the t0ble: LThe secret o3 inner h0r1on/6B he decl0red: There 40s 0 lon5 silence: LOh6B s0id JiDotl: LWould /ou like 0 de1onstr0tionIB %orte; 0sked: LWell6 /e0h6 10/be:::B The Colonel coll02sed b0ck into his se0t6 but ke2t his 20l1s on the t0ble: He closed his e/es6 0nd st0rted 5oin5 auuuuuuuummmmmmmmmm: The other re2resent0ti=es 40tched hi1 3or 0 5ood 1inute 0nd 0 h0l36 but nothin5 else h022ened: The Colonel s0t there aummmin56 t0kin5 0 ne4 bre0th e=er/ t4ent/ seconds or so6 ne=er o2enin5 his e/es: One b/ one6 the bidders turned to JiDotl: LIs th0t itIB sco33ed Ho1unculette: Mr JiDotl didnBt kno4 4here to look: LHu10ns c0n be6 er6 0 little on the eccentric side6B he eD2l0ined:


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LEccentricI The 10nBs 0 lun0tic:B JiDotl che4ed his li2: Dis2l0cer S/ndro1e6 the hu10ns c0lled it: HeBd kno4n %orte; 40s h0l3@cr0;/ 0s soon 0s heBd seen the ColonelBs biod0t0 s012le6 but heBd 0ssu1ed th0t bein5 h0l3@cr0;/ 4ould be 0n 0d=0nt05e6 3or 0 hu10n bein5 in this kind o3 en=iron1ent: L"e0h6 4ell6 0n/40/6B JiDotl 1u1bled: LM0/be 4eBd better let the Colonel sort hi1sel3 out 3or 0 bit: In the 1e0nti1e6 4hoBs 5oin5 to 10ke the neDt o33erIB Once the/Bd 10n05ed to 5et %0thleen to the to2 o3 the st0irs6 the 5oin5 5ot e0sier: S01 su22orted the $ieuten0ntBs le3t side6 the Doctor t0kin5 the ri5ht: Bet4een the16 the/ dr055ed her 0lon5 the centr0l corridor6 to40rds the he0rt o3 the ;i55ur0t: LSo /ouBre tele20thic no4IB S01 2u33ed: LI 1e0n6 re0ll/ tele20thicIB LWell6 1/ 0bilities h0=e ne=er been =er/ 4ell de=elo2ed: Sus0n 40s 0l40/s the 2s/chic one in the 301il/: But it 40snBt Eust 1e 4orkin5 on the $ittle Brother: The bod/ in the boD 40nted %0thleen b0ck in control o3 hersel36 0s 4ell: ItBs been usin5 her 0s its 05ent here in the Cit/:B LW0it6 40it:B S01 sto22ed6 3orcin5 the Doctor to sto26 too: LThereBs 0 bod/ in th0t boDIB The Doctor looked 0s thou5h he didnBt 40nt to t0lk 0bout it6 0t le0st not ri5ht no4: L"es: And itBs still 2s/chic0ll/ 0cti=e: It 1ust h0=e l0tched onto %0thleen 4hen she 0rri=ed: T/2ic0l6 re0ll/: Al40/s 0n 033init/ 4ith hu10ns:B LWhoIB The Doctor didnBt 0ns4er: He looked 0round the corridor6 his e/es 3in0ll/ 30llin5 on 0 door40/ ne0rb/: LE12t/ 5uest roo16B he s0id: LSt0/ here 0nd look 03ter %0thleen: I h0=e to 5et b0ck to the 0uction:B The/ dr055ed %0thleenBs unconscious 3or1 into the 5uest roo16 0nd l0id her out on the bunk: S01 4ondered i3 the bunk 4ould h0=e 0 nibble 0t her biod0t0 0nd 5ro4 0n 022ro2ri0te du=et: The Doctor 50=e the $ieuten0nt 0 Auick once@o=er6 but he looked 0nDious to 5et 040/: L"ouBre sure sheBll be O%IB S01 0sked: The Doctor nodded: LHer 2erson0lit/Bs been 2ushed to the b0ck o3 her 1ind: She needs ti1e to reco=er: To 3ind hersel3 050in: %ee2 0n e/e on her6 co1e 0nd 5et 1e i3 her condition ch0n5es:B Then he turned b0ck to the door40/6 0nd 2ro12tl/ dis022e0red: #in0ll/6 S01 let hersel3 rel0D: There 4ere no ch0irs in the roo16 so she slu12ed do4n onto the bunk neDt to %0thleen: The 4o10n 40s still 0s de0th6 her e/es ti5ht shut: S01 still didnBt kno4 eD0ctl/ 4h0t h0d h022ened do4n in the =0ult: There 4ere bits 0nd 2ieces o3 the dre01 3lo0tin5 0round under her sc0l26 1e1ories o3 doin5 thin5s she couldnBt i105ine doin5: D/in5 her h0ir6 e=en thou5h she kne4 she 40s 0 n0tur0l blonde: Goin5 to 0 301il/ 2l0nnin5 clinic 0 1onth be3ore her siDteenth birthd0/6 e=en thou5h sheBd ne=er::: h0d to: Another li3e: A li3e 4ithout the Doctor: !o6 1ore th0n th0tC 0 li3e the Doctor 40s ne=er destined to be 0 20rt o3: !o4 the dre01 40s o=er6 he 3elt 0lien to her: $ike 0 =irus: So1ethin5 th0t h0d 4orked its 40/ into her s/ste1 but didnBt belon5 there: Another li3e: A li3e in the re0l 4orld: She 40snBt sure 4hether the thou5ht 40s eDcitin56 or horri3/in5: $ittle Brother M0nEuele scr0tched6 0nd scr0tched6 0nd scr0tched: There 40s 0n itch6 so1e4here inside his 30ce6 0nd he 40s deter1ined to 5et 0t it: Abo=e his he0d6 e=er/thin5 40s bl0ck: 0rt o3 his 1ind6 the 20rt th0t 40snBt sAuir1in56 re0lised he 40s b0ck in the shrine6 in control o3 his o4n bod/ 050in: The rest o3 hi1 didnBt c0re: It Eust 40nted to scr0tch: He 3elt his n0ils scr02e 050inst his skull6 but he ke2t scr0tchin5 0n/40/: !o6 40it: Those 4erenBt his n0ils: He h0d the bios012ler str022ed to his knuckles6 0nd 3or the l0st 3i=e 1inutes heBd been usin5 the 2ron5s to score 040/ the 3lesh on his cheek6 tr/in5 to 5et 0t the itch: HeBd cut his 30ce ri5ht do4n to the


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bone: There 40s blood tricklin5 0cross his skin6 dri22in5 onto the control d0is under his he0d: The skulls hu11ed 0 lull0b/ 0t hi16 but he could tell the/ 4ere tr/in5 not to l0u5h: HeBd been l/in5 here6 ri22in5 his o4n he0d o2en6 not e=en noticin5 4h0t heBd been doin5: He didnBt 1ind the 20in6 20rticul0rl/: He 40s used to cuttin5 hi1sel3: Scr0tch6 scr0tch6 scr0tch: HeBd ne=er 1et 0 re0l@li3e Ti1e $ord6 not be3ore tod0/: !o4 heBd 1et t4o: Ho1unculette 40s 0 40lkin5 Eoke6 but the 5u/ in the 5reen =el=ets 40s di33erent: HeBd 2oked so1ethin5 into M0nEueleBs he0d6 0nd he h0dnBt e=en broken 0 s4e0t doin5 it: H0h: !o 4onder the 301il/ 40s sc0red o3 the Ti1e $ords6 i3 the/ could do th0t kind o3 d0105e: Wh0t h0d the 5irl c0lled the 5u/I DoctorI Doctor: Kustine h0d s0id so1ethin5 0bout 0 Doctor: M0nEuele sto22ed scr0tchin5: The Doctor: He re1e1bered: Wh0t Kustine h0d told hi16 0bout the Ti1e $ord 4hoBd once 0l1ost 4i2ed out the 4hole 301il/ on Dronid: And he re1e1bered 4h0t sheBd told hi1 0bout the Relic: The bod/ in the boD: M0nEuele 40s on his 3eet in 0 second: His suit 40s co=ered in bio10ss6 5re0t s2l0shes o3 it6 stickin5 to the cloth 4here heBd 30llen onto the d0is: The blood 3ro1 his cheek st0rted dri22in5 onto the 3loor o3 the shrine: The $ittle Brother 3elt the bios012ler sli22in5 3ro1 his 3in5ers6 30llin5 to the 5round 0t his 3eet: The Doctor 40s here: So1eho46 the sti33 h0d cli1bed out o3 his co33in6 0nd i3 4h0t Kustine h0d s0id 40s true6 he 4ouldnBt be h022/ until e=er/one here 40s de0d: The Doctor 10de sure he h0d 0 bi5 s1ile on his 30ce be3ore he strolled b0ck into the con3erence h0ll: All he0ds turned in his direction 0s he entered: In 30ct6 one o3 the he0ds turned 0ll the 40/ 0round6 t4ice: LI ho2e I h0=enBt 1issed 0n/thin56B he s0id: JiDotl cou5hed: L!othin5Bs been settled /et6 i3 th0tBs 4h0t /ou 1e0n: Er::: the hu10ns: Are the/:::IB LJuite 4ell6 th0nk /ou:B The other re2resent0ti=es eDch0n5ed sus2icious 5l0nces: LThe securit/ s/ste1sIB enAuired Cousin Kustine: L!ot 0ll the/Bre cr0cked u2 to be6B the Doctor in3or1ed her6 4ith 0 disd0in3ul 5l0nce in JiDotlBs dir@ ection: LWell6 5ood6B JiDotl blustered: LGl0d e=er/thin5Bs settled: O%6 i3 /ouBd like to t0ke /our se0t:::IB The Doctor 1o=ed to40rds the t0ble: Be3ore he could re0ch his se0t F 10rked 4ith 0 2iece o3 3olded c0rdbo0rd6 onto 4hich JiDotl h0d scr04led >M"STER" G&EST? in b0ll2oint 2en F $ittle Brother M0nEuele 022e0red in the door40/: LItBs hi16B M0nEuele shouted: He 40s screechin5 h/steric0ll/6 his 0r1 40=in5 in the DoctorBs direc@ tion: L$ittle Brother FB Kustine be50n6 but M0nEuele i5nored her: LItBs him6B he re2e0ted: LAsk hi1: Ask hi1 4ho he is:B The re2resent0ti=es looked 0t e0ch other: Then the/ looked 0t the Doctor: The Doctor s04 0 look o3 2ure 5ut@t4istin5 horror cross JiDotlBs 30ce: LOh de0r6B s0id the Doctor: L"ou ne=er 50=e us /our n01e6B Ho1unculette 5ro4led: LTh0tBs 0 5ood 2oint:B LEr1:::B s0id JiDotl6 but he see1ed un0ble to 0dd 0n/thin5 to th0t: LThis@un@itBs@i@den@ti@t/@is@o3@no@int@er@est6B E@%ob0lt s0id: LWe@4ill@2ro@ceed:B LAsk hi1MB M0nEuele scre01ed: He looked 0 1ess6 the Doctor noted: His clothes 4ere co=ered in 20tches o3 red@bro4n sli1e6 0nd there 4ere dee2 50shes 0cross his 30ce6 0220rentl/ sel3@in3licted: Still6


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0t le0st he 40s 4e0rin5 his o4n bod/: LWould /ou belie=e 1e i3 I told /ou 1/ n01eBs S1ithIB the Doctor tried: LItBs himMB s0id M0nEuele: LItBs the DoctorMB There 40s the kind o3 silence th0t c0n s40llo4 4orlds: Then e=er/one st0rted t0lkin5 0t once: All the re2resent0ti=es 4ho h0d 3eet 5ot to the1: On its noticebo0rd6 the Shi3t 10de se=er0l unco1@ 3ort0ble 0n05r01s o3 itsel3: JiDotl r0ised his h0nds: LHe/6 look: E=er/bod/I HelloI $etBs tr/ 0nd sort this out r0tion0ll/ FB LShut u26B sn0rled Ho1unculette: L$0dies6 5entle1en6 li3e@3or1s6 2le0seMB The Doctor lo0ded his =oice 4ith 0ll the 0uthorit/ he 3elt he could 1uster6 0nd 3in0ll/ succeeded in Auietenin5 e=er/one do4n: LIB1 sorr/6 I see1 to h0=e st0rtled /ou 0ll 0 little: IBd like to 0ssure /ou6 I 1e0n none o3 /ou 0n/ h0r1:B L"ouBre re0ll/ hi1IB 0sked Cousin Kustine: She sounded i12ressed6 1ore th0n 0n/thin5 else: LWhich re5ener0tionIB Ho1unculette sn022ed: The Doctor 3elt the Auestion 4orth/ o3 0n 0ns4er: LSe=enth:B Ho1unculette turned to JiDotl: LGet hi1 out o3 here: ItBs too e0rl/ 3or hi1 to kno4 4h0tBs 5oin5 on:B LA bit l0te no46B 1uttered the Doctor: L"ou@1ust@be@de@stro/ed6B s0id E@%ob0lt: The Doctor turned to 30ce the %roton: LOh6 1ust IIB L"ou@0re@0@kno4n@en@e1@/@o3@the@%ro@ton@Ab@so@lute:B It turned its 5un@0r1 on hi1: L"ou@1ust@ be@el@i1@in@0t@ed@0t@once:B LDonBt 10ke it 0n/ 4orse6B Ho1unculette told the cre0ture: LC0us0lit/Bs t0ken enou5h o3 0 b0tterin5 0lre0d/:B Cousin Kustine cle0red her thro0t: LOur situ0tion reAuires c0re3ul thou5ht: Cle0rl/6 4e h0=e to 022ro0ch this 2roble1 4ith so1e de5ree o3 t0ct 0nd subtlet/:B The Doctor r0ised 0n e/ebro4 0t her: LRe0ll/I "ouB=e ch0n5ed /our tune:B Cousin Kustine looked une0s/: LMe0nin5IB LA 1o1ent 05o6 /our little Brother o=er there 40s tr/in5 to ste0l the Relic 3ro1 the =0ult: &sin5 the $ieuten0nt 0s 0 2u22et:B The Doctor 30ced the Colonel6 4ho stood on the 30r side o3 the t0ble6 10kin5 aummm noises in s2ite o3 the crisis: LH0rdl/ t0ct3ul or subtle:B A 5ri10ce crossed JiDotlBs 30ce: The Doctor could he0r Ho1unculette h/2er=entil0tin5 e=en 3ro1 this dist0nce: Kustine shot 0 5l0nce 0t M0nEuele: LSurel/6 so1e 1isunderst0ndin5:::B LI told /ou6B Ho1unculette sn0rled: LI told /ou not to trust the1:B The Doctor suddenl/ s04 the 40/ the Ti1e $ord 40s st0ndin5: His 1uscles 4ere tensed: His e/es 4ere 3iDed on Kustine: LHo1unculette6 /ou 2ro1ised FB the Doctor be50n: But it 40s too l0te6 o3 course: Ho1unculette l0unched hi1sel3 0t Kustine6 le02in5 o=er the t0ble 0t the CousinBs neck: Kustine 40s re0d/ 3or the 0tt0ck: She r0ised her h0nds6 0nd 5r0s2ed Ho1unculetteBs 4rists6 thro4in5 hi1 to the 5round b/ the side o3 the t0ble: Ho1unculette 10n05ed to dr05 her do4n 4ith hi16 thou5h: M0nEuele le02t 3or40rd6 3ists clenched: It 40s the s20rk th0t lit the 3l01e: Suddenl/6 e=er/bod/Bs 5rud5es 050inst e=er/bod/ else see1ed =indic0ted: E@%ob0lt lurched 3or40rd6 to40rds the Doctor: resu10bl/6 the %roton didnBt re0lise the d012in5 3ields 4ere o336 so it 40s 0tt0ckin5 4ith brute 3orce inste0d o3 usin5 its built@in 4e02onr/: The t0ble sh0ttered 0s E@%ob0lt 2lou5hed throu5h it: Gl0ss 3r051ents eD2loded 0cross the roo1: The Doctor co=ered his 30ce 4ith his slee=e: !e0rb/6 M0nEuele st0rted kickin5 0t Ho1unculetteBs he0d6 but his blo4s 4ere connectin5 4ith his


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Cousin 0s 1uch 0s the/ 4ere 4ith the Ti1e $ord: Colonel %orte; thre4 hi1sel3 into the 3r0/6 4h0te=er 2e0ce@kee2in5 instincts he still h0d in his he0d ob=iousl/ tellin5 hi1 to 5et in=ol=ed so1e4here: The Doctor 3ell b0ck 0s E@%ob0lt 0d=0nced6 but bu12ed into Mr JiDotl6 0nd tri22ed o=er: B0ck40rds: E@%ob0lt to22led side40/s6 knocked o33 its 3eet b/ Tr0sk: The de0d 10n 40s be0tin5 his 3ists 050inst the cre0tureBs cr/st0lline shell6 his knuckles 2o22in5 o2en 4ith e=er/ blo4: The Doctor h0d no ide0 4h/ Tr0sk 40s 0tt0ckin5 the %roton6 but he 40s scre01in5 so1ethin5 like LheBs 1ine6 heBs 1ine:B The Doctor rolled onto his 3ront: He 40s l/in5 on to2 o3 JiDotl6 0nd JiDotl looked terri3ied: LGet 1e out o3 hereMB JiDotl ho4led: LWh0te=er /ou 40nt6 IBll do itM Kust 5et 1e outMB And there 40s so1ethin5 in th0t eD2ression o3 utter horror the Doctor reco5nised: So1ethin5 heBd seen on 0nother 30ce6 0 lon5 ti1e 05o: #in0ll/6 0ll the 2ieces sli22ed into 2l0ce: LItBs you6B the Doctor s0id: JiDotlBs 30ce t4isted itsel3 into 0 10sk o3 2ure 05on/: LIB1 sorr/M IB1 sorr/MB LItBs /ou6B the Doctor re2e0ted: He 5r0bbed the little 10nBs coll0r6 0nd 3elt the 30bric ri2 0s he h0uled JiDotl to his 3eet: LI s0id IB1 sorr/M Wh0t 1ore do /ou 40ntIB JiDotl tried to stru55le 3ree6 but the Doctor ke2t hold o3 his l02els: LSorr/IB the Doctor shouted: LIs th0t 0ll /ou c0n s0/I The l0st ti1e I 1et /ou6 /ou tried to sell 1e o33 to the Antiride0n or50n@e0ters: iece1e0lM And t4o re5ener0tions be3ore th0t6 /ou tried to turn 1e o=er to 0n E1bodi1ent o3 ure 0nd Irredee10ble E=il: I trusted /ou6 0nd /ou betr0/ed 1e: ItBs /ou: I c0nBt belie=e I didnBt reco5nise /ou be3ore:B JiDotl ke2t stru55lin5: LI h0d to ch0n5e 1/ 30ce6 didnBt II A3ter 4h0t /ou did to 1e the l0st ti1e FB The Doctor 2unched hi1 in the he0d: JiDotl coll02sed: Ho1unculette 40s scre01in5: M0nEuele 40s shoutin5 so1ethin5 0bout the S2irits: The Doctor he0rd the sound o3 his o4n double@he0rtbe0t 2oundin5 in his e0rs6 0nd t0sted blood on his ton5ue: JiDotl l0/ s2r04led out in 3ront o3 hi16 his 30ce ri5id: The 10n 40s hel2less: Tot0ll/ hel2less: The Doctor 5r0s2ed JiDotlBs thro0t bet4een his h0nds: He h0dnBt done this sort o3 thin5 in 0 lon56 lon5 ti1e6 0nd it 40s 1uch e0sier th0n heBd eD2ected: L"ou betr0/ed 1e6B the Doctor sneered: L"ou betr0/ed 1e 4hen I 40s 0li=e6 0nd /ouBre doin5 it 050in no4 IB1 de0d:B LDocFB JiDotl be50n6 but the Doctor sAuee;ed his 4ind2i2e6 0nd he shut u2: L!o 1ore6B the Doctor told hi1: LIt ends here6 JiDotl:B JiDotl tried to 50s2 3or 1erc/6 the ner=es throbbin5 0nd t4istin5 in his neck: The Doctor s1iled: Too 10n/ ti1es6 heBd let 2eo2le like JiDotl 5o 3ree6 onl/ to see the1 co1e b0ck 0nd h0unt hi1: !ot this ti1e: In his siDth bod/6 heBd st0rted to see the lo5ic in sheer cold@blooded 1urder6 0nd no4 heBd co12lete his rese0rch into the subEect: A3ter 0ll6 there 40s 0 kind o3 Eustice to it: JiDotl 40s c0shin5 in on the DoctorBs de0th6 so there 40s no re0son 4h/ the Doctor shouldnBt kill JiDotl::: He sto22ed sAuee;in5: LWh0t in the 4orld 01 I doin5IB he 0sked: JiDotl st0red u2 0t hi16 but didnBt s2e0k: He 2rob0bl/ couldnBt: The Doctor looked 0round the h0ll: Kustine l0/ on the 3loor behind hi16 her 30ce 0 10ss o3 cuts 0nd bruises: !e0rb/6 Ho1unculette6 M0nEuele6 0nd %orte; 4ere in=ol=ed in 0 three@40/ b0ttle6 usin5 3ists6 n0ils6 0nd teeth: Else4here6 Tr0skBs blood/ 3in5ers 4ere cl04in5 0t the 30llen E@%ob0lt6 cr0ckin5 the cr/st0l 4ith 0 kind o3 stren5th the li=in5 4ould h0=e h0d 0 h0rd ti1e 10tchin5: The Doctor looked b0ck 0t JiDotl: JiDotl 40s bre0thin5 he0=il/6 his e/es 2o22in5 out o3 his he0d: LI ne0rl/ killed /ou6B the Doctor s0id: LIB1 terribl/ sorr/: It see1ed like such 0 5ood ide0:B LO4446B s0id JiDotl: LWhich be5s the Auestion6 4here did the ide0 co1e 3ro1I Or6 to 2ut it 0nother 40/::: 4ho 0round


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here is c020ble o3 2uttin5 ide0s like th0t in 1/ he0dI WhoBs been stirrin5 us 0ll u2IB He looked into JiDotlBs e/es: #lickerin5 li5ht6 3ro1 the torches ho=erin5 o=erhe0d6 re3lected in the 10nBs 2u2ils: The re3lections 3or1ed Eoin@the@dot letters: AH6 re0d the letters: I THI!% THE HRASE IBM $OO%I!G #OR IS6 >THE GAMEBS & ?: LI think so6B the Doctor told the Shi3t: Then he closed his e/es 0nd s4itched hi1sel3 o33:

At the botto1 o3 the sh03t6 do4n in the 2l0ces 4here the li5ht ne=er 4ent6 there 40s 0 2ool: The 2ool re1e1bered thin5s: It re1e1bered st0rin5 u2 0t 0 brilli0nt blue sun6 0nd bre0thin5 out clouds o3 liAuid cerule0n: It re1e1bered 3eelin5 the 4ind stickin5 3l0kes o3 3ro;en 40ter to its 30ce6 0nd 40tchin5 0 line o3 blue 3l01e s4ee2in5 0cross the hori;on6 0s the bl0ck 2in2ricks in the sk/ burnt their 40/ throu5h the crust o3 the 2l0net: It re1e1bered 3eelin5 =er/6 =er/ cold on Si1i0 %%7): The 2ool re1e1bered 10n/ other thin5s6 thou5h it couldnBt 10ke sense o3 0ll o3 the1: The 1e1ories 4ere there6 but the thou5ht 2rocesses th0t 4ould h0=e 10de sense o3 the 1e1ories 4ere 1issin5: Hi5h 0bo=e the 2ool6 there 40s 0n o2en tube6 0n 0rter/ o3 bl0ck non@1et0l set into the side o3 the sh03t: Be3ore lon56 0 dro2 o3 3luid s2illed out o3 the end o3 the tube6 0nd tu1bled to40rds the botto1 o3 the sh03t6 3ollo4in5 its instincts 0s 1uch 0s it 40s 3ollo4in5 the l04s o3 5r0=it/: The dro2 0lso re1e1bered thin5s: It re1e1bered 40r1th6 0nd the sense o3 co13ort 4hen it h0d 3irst been 5i=en 0 n01e: It re1e1bered the t0ste o3 10r10l0de: The touch o3 c0t h0ir: The scent o3 orchids: Sens0tions collected 3ro1 0 hundred 4orlds6 eD2eriences th0t h0d been 2rocessed6 3iled6 0nd stored6 but ne=er 0ctu0ll/ enEo/ed: The dro2 hit the 2ool: There 40s 0 1o1ent o3 shock6 then 0n uneD2ected sense o3 2e0ce6 0s the/ 1elded to5ether 0nd bec01e 0 sin5le 2uddle o3 thou5ht: Mo1ents l0ter6 the/Bd 3or5otten the/ 4ere e=er t4o se20r0te entities: Their 1e1ories locked6 0llo4in5 the 2uddle to 10ke ne4 sense o3 the 4orld 0round it: It re1e1bered bein5 so1ethin5 else: So1ethin5 l0r5er: An intelli5ence th0t h0d eD2erienced the uni=erse 0t e=er/ le=el6 not Eust the 3our b0se di1ensions: #or the 3irst dec0de o3 its li3e6 it h0dnBt e=en been 0llo4ed to 1o=e: It h0d been ke2t in 0 boD6 cut o33 3ro1 the =orteD6 cut o33 3ro1 the 2h/sic0l 4orld: There h0d been 0 hole in the 40ll6 0nd it h0d been 0ble to see solid 10tter on the other side6 but it h0d been out o3 re0ch6 0l40/s out o3 re0ch: Once it h0d le0rned to co11unic0te6 the Ti1e $ords h0d eD2l0ined to the intelli5ence 4h/ the/ 4ere kee2in5 it i12risoned: It 40s 0 bein5 o3 5re0t 2o4er6 the/Bd s0id6 but it 40s onl/ 0 child: &ntil it le0rned sel3@control6 it 4ouldnBt6 couldnBt6 be 0llo4ed to 5o 3ree: The 2uddle re1e1bered ho4 0n5r/ it h0d 3elt: It re1e1bered thr0shin56 0nd thr0shin56 0nd thr0shin56 te0rin5 0t the bound0ries 0round it6 tr/in5 to sAuee;e itsel3 throu5h the hole: It h0d s2ent 0 4hole /e0r scre01in56 once: The 2uddle Aui=ered: The 1e1ories o3 the /e0rs directl/ 03ter its rele0se 4ere 1issin5: The neDt thin5 it re1e1bered 40s the n01in5 cere1on/: It h0d been desi5n0ted 0 3e10le6 so OO circuits h0d been 4ired into the corridors o3 its bod/6 0nd its ch01eleon circuit h0d been inst0lled: It F she F h0d n01ed hersel3 M0rieC 0 hu10n n01e6 but the Ti1e $ords h0d considered it 0 5ood o1en: Then M0rie h0d 4orn hu10noid sh02e 3or the 3irst ti1e6 beco1in5 0 20rod/ o3 one o3 the 3e10le Ti1e $ords on Si1i0 %%7): SheBd 4orn th0t sh02e 3or 4eeks 03ter40rds6 not lettin5 5o o3 it until sheBd 10n05ed to 5et the chin eD0ctl/ ri5ht: The 2uddle h0d di33icult/ thinkin5 o3 itsel3 0s M0rie6 e=en thou5h it re1e1bered bein5 her: It re1e1bered =0nit/6 0nd kne4 M0rie 4ould ne=er h0=e 40nted to be seen like this: A si12le collection o3 1e1or/ 0cids6 l/in5 0t the botto1 o3 her o4n 0rtron b/@2roduct 40ste@sh03t: It 40s undi5ni3ied: Dis@ tinctl/ undi5ni3ied: The 2uddle ke2t re1e1berin5: There 40s 0nother 502 in the eD2eriences6 0nd then F (,'


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And then she 40s in the =orteD: She 40s sh0kin5 o33 her hu10noid 3or1 050in6 3oldin5 it into the secret s20ces o3 her bod/6 kee2in5 it s03e 4hile she 4ent di=in5 in the 5re0t s2ir0l o3 e=er/thin5: Her 10te Eoined her6 ridin5 the s2ir0l6 eDtendin5 hi1sel3 throu5h e=er/ 2oint in s20ce 0nd ti1e Eust to i12ress her: He 40s 0 t/2e (-.6 /oun5er th0n M0rie6 thou5h 0d1ittedl/ 1ore 0d=0nced: &su0ll/6 10tin5 onl/ occurred bet4een like t/2es6 but the Hi5h Council h0d 40nted to see i3 there 40s 0n/ ch0nce o3 10tin5 0 (-* 4ith 0 (-.: The/ 4ere interested in the 1ut0tions such 0 cou2le 1i5ht 2roduce: In the 20st6 M0rie kne46 TARDIS units h0d been 10nu30ctured inste0d o3 born6 en5ineered in the 5re0t sol0r 4orksho2s o3 old G0lli3re/: But the Ti1e $ord 0rchons h0d le0rned the i12ort0nce o3 bio@ di=ersit/ e=en be3ore the 40r h0d be5un: I3 0n ene1/ 3ound 0 4e0kness in 0 TARDIS unit6 the Hi5h Council 0r5ued6 then th0t 4e0kness could be eD2loited in 0n/ other TARDIS unit: I3 t4o units could re2roduce like or50nic bein5s6 thou5h::: 1iDin5 their circuitries6 2roducin5 r0ndo1 1ut0tions 3ro1 5ener0tion to 5ener0tion::: 4ell6 4ho could 2ossibl/ 2redict the 4e0knesses o3 such de=icesI Who could 2ossibl/ 5uess 0t their c020bilitiesI The 2uddle ke2t re1e1berin5: The Doctor 40s dis022ointed to 3ind hi1sel3 in the 1iddle o3 0 3e0tureless bl0ck =oid6 0lthou5h6 to be 30ir6 it 40s 1ore or less 4h0t heBd been eD2ectin5: He li3ted his he0d6 0nd 3ocused on the eD20nse o3 li1itless bl0ckness th0t could6 i3 /ou 4ere 3eelin5 20rticul0rl/ 2ros0ic6 h0=e been c0lled >u2?: LWellIB he s0id: There 40s 0 5re0t boo1in56 te0rin5 sound: I3 thereBd been 0 sk/6 he 4ould h0=e eD2ected to see it o2enin5 0t this 2oint: L"O&BRE VER" C$EVER6 DOCTOR6B thundered the =oice o3 the Shi3t: LI HAD!BT EO ECTED THIS %I!D O# RESISTA!CE: !OT EVE! #ROM "O&:B L"ouBre not the 3irst to tr/ 0nd 5et into 1/ he0d6 IB1 sure /ou 4onBt be the l0st: Could /ou sto2 th0t6 2le0seIB LSTO WHATIB L l0/in5 God: Co1e do4n here 4here I c0n see /ou: M/ neckBs st0rtin5 to 0che:B There 40s 0 20use: Then 0nother 2eel o3 thunder: The neDt thin5 the Doctor kne46 so1eone 40s sh0rin5 the d0rkness 4ith hi1: The 10n 4ore 0 bo4ler h0t6 4hile slun5 o=er one 0r1 40s 0 t/2ic0l En5lish10nBs u1brell0: He h0d his b0ck turned6 so 0ll the Doctor could see o3 his 30ce 40s 0 20ir o3 stick/@out e0rs: LI donBt 3or 0 1o1ent belie=e th0tBs 4h0t /ou re0ll/ look like6B the Doctor co12l0ined: LI DO!BT >REA$$"? $OO% $I%E A!"THI!G6 DOCTOR: THIS BOD" IS HERE #OR "O&R CO!VE!IE!CE6 A!D "O&R CO!VE!IE!CE O!$":B LIs th0t 4h/ I c0nBt see /our 30ceIB LI THI!% ITBS BEST I# "O& THI!% O# ME AS #ACE$ESS6B s0id the Shi3t: It didnBt turn 0round: The Doctor 3olded his h0nds behind his b0ck: LI 2resu1e /ou kno4 4here 4e 0re:B L"ES: THIS IS THE I!SIDE O# "O&R MI!D6 !OW THAT "O&BRE SH&T O## #ROM A!" EOTER!A$ STIM&$I: WE$$ DO!E:B The Doctor s1iled to hi1sel3: He 40s Auite h022/ 4ith the 10noeu=re6 0ctu0ll/: HeBd 5one into sensor/ 4ithdr040l 4hile the Shi3t h0d been shuntin5 ide0s 0round in his 1ind6 0nd 0s 0 result6 the cre0ture 40s e33ecti=el/ tr022ed here in his thinkin5 s20ce: LHOWEVER6 "O&BRE SH&T I! HERE WITH ME6B the Shi3t 2ointed out: LI# "O& REACTI@ VATE "O&R SE!SES6 IB$$ BE SET #REE AGAI!:B LI kno4: But this 5i=es us the ch0nce 3or 0 nice Auiet t0lk:B The Doctor concentr0ted6 0nd 0 4icker ch0ir 10teri0lised in the 1iddle o3 the =oid: Mind 501es6 he thou5ht: He h0dnBt sh0red the inside o3 his he0d like this since th0t br0in@4restlin5 10tch 4ith O1e50: He 3olded hi1sel3 into the ch0ir: L"ouB=e


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been bus/6 h0=enBt /ouIB The Shi3t h0d 0lso su11oned u2 0 ch0ir6 0nd it s0t 0s 4ell6 still 30cin5 the other 40/: LIBVE BEE! DOI!G M" BEST TO SABOTAGE THE A&CTIO!6 I# THATBS WHAT "O& MEA!:B L"ou 4ere the one 4ho 0tt0cked M0rie6 IBd 5uess: And kee2 /our =oice do4n:B L"es6B s0id the Shi3t: LOr6 1ore 0ccur0tel/6 I con=inced M0rie to 0tt0ck hersel3: I donBt h0=e 0n/ 2h/sic0l in3luence6 /ou underst0nd: I c0n onl/ de0l in ide0s: Abstr0cts: I introduced M0rie to the conce2t o3 20r0noi06 0nd her 4e02ons s/ste1s did the rest:B LWh0t 0bout Ho1unculetteI I kno4 heBs 0 b05 o3 ner=es6 but he doesnBt strike 1e 0s 2s/chotic: He 0tt0cked Cousin Kustine 4ith 0 1onke/@4rench6 0nd I donBt think th0tBs his st/le 0t 0ll:B The Shi3t nodded: A t0ble 022e0red b/ its side6 co12lete 4ith te02ot 0nd cu2: It st0rted 2ourin5 itsel3 0 drink: LI 3ind the ide0 o3 re=en5e 20rticul0rl/ e0s/ to 4ork 4ith: ushin5 Ho1unculette o=er the ed5e 40snBt h0rd: IB=e 0cco12lished 1ore th0n th0t6 thou5h: IB=e been Auite subtle6 in 1/ o4n 40/: $ittle Brother M0nEueleBs 0tte12t to ste0l the Relic6 3or eD012le:B L"our ide0IB LCousin KustineBs ide0: But I 10de it 2ossible: I encour05ed $ieuten0nt Bre510n to =iol0te the #0c@ tionBs shrine: I 2ut her in 0 2osition 4here M0nEuele could t0ke 0 biod0t0 s012le: And 4hen the #0ction 3in0ll/ tried to ste0l the Relic6 I 10de /ou think th0t tellin5 e=er/one 0bout it 40s 0 5ood ide0:B L"ouB=e been tr/in5 to turn the other bidders 050inst e0ch other6B s0id the Doctor: LWith the1 out o3 the 40/6 /ou think /ou c0n t0ke the Relic 4ithout 0n/ resist0nce:B LOb=iousl/: O3 course6 I could tr/ to kill the others directl/: I could insert 1/sel3 into their cre0ti=e centres6 encour05e 0 3e4 i105in0tion tu1ours here 0nd there: But thereBs 0l40/s 0 risk o3 30ilure 4ith th0t kind o3 direct 0ction: And 0 risk o3 disco=er/: I 3ind it 1uch e0sier to de0l 4ith 2eo2le b/ 5ettin5 the1 to kill e0ch other o33:B Th0t eD2l0ined 0 lot: E=er since the Doctor h0d 0rri=ed in the ;i55ur0t6 heBd been su33erin5 err0tic 1ood s4in5s6 e=en tendencies to40rds eDtre1e =iolence: HeBd 0ssu1ed it h0d been so1ethin5 to do 4ith the che1istr/ o3 his l0test inc0rn0tion: But i3 the Shi3t h0d been 0t 4ork inside his he0d6 th0t 4ould eD2l0in thin5s 1uch 1ore ne0tl/: Or 40s he tr/in5 to duck the res2onsibilit/I The Shi3t slur2ed its te0: LI kno4 4ho /ou 0re6 Doctor: IB=e kno4n 0l1ost 3ro1 the 1o1ent /ou 0rri=ed: Technic0ll/6 I c0nBt re0d /our thou5hts6 but there 0re 1ore th0n enou5h loose conce2ts on the sur30ce o3 /our 1ind to 5i=e /ou 040/:B LAnd 1/ bein5 here doesnBt bother /ouIB L!o: I think /ou o=eresti10te /oursel3:B LI3 /ou belie=ed th0t6 /ou 4ouldnBt be so keen on 5ettin5 hold o3 1/ bod/6B the Doctor res2onded: TouchT: LTell 1e6 4h0t do the Celestis 40nt 4ith the RelicIB LIB1 not sure: "ouBd h0=e to 0sk the Celestis:B The Shi3t 20used6 then 2ut do4n his te0cu2: Cu2 0nd t0ble both 2ro12tl/ dis022e0red: LOh6 I see: I think /ouBre l0bourin5 under 0 1is022rehension6 Doctor: IB1 not 4orkin5 3or the Celestis:B !o46 th0t 40s 0 sur2rise: L!ot the CelestisI Then 4ho 0re /ou 4orkin5 3orIB LAh: In the 2resent co120n/6 I donBt think I should 1ention 0n/ n01es: Su33ice to s0/ th0t IB1 in the e12lo/ o3 those /ou 1i5ht c0ll >the ene1/?:B The Doctor ne0rl/ 3ell o33 his ch0ir: Or6 1ore 0ccur0tel/6 he ne0rl/ sto22ed concentr0tin5 3or lon5 enou5h to 10ke the ch0ir =0nish: He c0u5ht hi1sel3 0t the l0st 1o1ent: LThe ene1/I "ou 1e0n6 the ones the Ti1e $ords:::B L:::0re 0t 40r 4ith: "es: #r0nkl/6 Mr JiDotl should h0=e kno4n better th0n to in=ite both 1/sel3 0nd Mr Ho1unculette to the 0uction: I kno4 JiDotl isnBt eD0ctl/ ethic0l6 but I 4ould h0=e eD2ected so1e de5ree o3 co11on sense 3ro1 hi16 0t le0st:B The Doctor 0ctu0ll/ 3ound hi1sel3 scr0tchin5 his he0d: LBut JiDotl told 1e 0bout the 40/ the Celestis 4ork: The/ o2er0te on 0 conce2tu0l le=el6 the s01e 40/ /ou do: I 0ssu1ed both /ou 0nd the/


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4ere 2roducts o3 the s01e science:B LWe 0re: I 40s >cre0ted?6 i3 4e h0=e to use th0t 4ord6 b/ the technolo5/ o3 the Celestis: To be 1ore s2eci3ic6 the technolo5/ the Celestis 50=e to the ene1/:B The ch0ir =0nished: The Doctor cre0ted 0 be0n@b05 underne0th hi1sel36 Eust in ti1e: LThen the Celestis 0re 4orkin5 4ith the ene1/I I 0ssu1ed the/Bd be on the side o3 the Ti1e $ords: Blood bein5 thicker th0n 40ter:B The Shi3t see1ed 01used: L olitics6 Doctor: O33ici0ll/6 the Celestis 0re neutr0l: I3 the/Bd 40nted to 5et in=ol=ed 4ith the 40r6 the/ 4ouldnBt h0=e le3t the 10teri0l uni=erse to be5in 4ith: But 3or 0 4hile6 the/ did lend so1e su22ort to the Ti1e $ords6 itBs true:B LAnd then the Ti1e $ords st0rted losin56B the Doctor 1ur1ured6 1ore to hi1sel3 th0n to the Shi3t: L!obod/ likes to be on the losin5 side: Besides6 the Ti1e $ords 0renBt ne0rl/ interestin5 enou5h 3or the CelestisB likin5: Think o3 it this 40/: "ouBre 0 c0rbon@b0sed li3e@3or16 the %rotons 0re telluriu1@ b0sed li3e@3or1s6 0nd the Celestis 0re ide0@b0sed li3e@3or1s: The/ need ne4 ide0s to sur=i=e6 but the Hi5h Council h0snBt h0d 0 decent ne4 ide0 3or thous0nds o3 /e0rs: The Celestis 0re st0rtin5 to side 4ith 1/ e12lo/ers6 l0r5el/ bec0use 1/ e12lo/ers 0re so 1uch 1ore::: ho4 sh0ll I 2ut itI More i105in0@ ti=e: More d/n01ic:B The Doctor sl022ed his 3orehe0d: O3 course: JiDotl h0d s0id th0t so1e o3 the Celestis 4ere 5oin5 o=er to the ene1/6 but so 1uch h0d been 5oin5 on6 heBd 1issed the si5ni3ic0nce o3 it: LM/ e12lo/ers 3elt it necess0r/ to sto2 the Hi5h Council obt0inin5 the Relic6B the Shi3t continued: LIn 30ct6 the Celestis 4erenBt h022/ 0bout 1e 0ttendin5 the 0uction 0t 0ll: The/ h0=e 0 2erson0l 5rud5e 050inst /ou6 Doctor: The/ 40nted /our bod/ 3or the1sel=es:B LThen 4h/ didnBt the/ send 0n 05entIB the Doctor 0sked: The Shi3t didnBt 0ns4er: The Doctor sud@ denl/ re0lised 4h0t he 40s 1issin5: LTr0sk:B L"es: To 0n eDtent6 Tr0sk is 0 2roduct o3 the s01e science 0s 1/sel3: But IB1 0n intelli5ence 4ithout 0 2h/sic0l 3or16 0nd Tr0sk is 0n intelli5ence 3orced back into 0 2h/sic0l 3or1: The Celestis h0=e 05ents 0ll o=er the 10teri0l uni=erse: Thous0nds o3 cor2ore0l bein5s6 e0ch one be0rin5 the CelestisB 10rk: When the/ die6 their 1inds 0re tr0ns3erred to the CelestisB o4n re0l1: The/ c0ll it Mictl0n6 I belie=e:B Mictl0n: The l0nd o3 the de0d6 in South A1eric0n 3olklore: The Celestis 4ere 5ettin5 so1e o3 their ide0s o33 hu10ns6 then: LTh0tBs t0nt01ount to soul@ste0lin56B the Doctor 2rotested: LTrue: Tr0sk 40s 0 Celestis 05ent 4hile he 40s 0li=e: The Celestis recor2or0ted hi1 s2eci0ll/ 3or this 0uction: Althou5h6 3ro1 4h0t I c0n 50ther6 the/ didnBt bother tellin5 hi1 4h0t he 40s 0ctu0ll/ bid@ din5 3or: The/ 3elt heBd be 0n 022ro2ri0te choice to 0ttend the s0le o3 /our bod/6 be0rin5 in 1ind th0t /ou 4ere the one 4ho killed hi1 in the 3irst 2l0ce:B LW0s IIB The Doctor tried to look shee2ish: LIB1 sorr/6 I h0d no ide0:B LIt 40s 0 lon5 ti1e 05o: Incident0ll/6 I did 2l0nt 0 re1inder o3 /ou in Tr0skBs 1ind6 4hen /ou 0rri=ed: I ch0n5ed his 1e1or/ o3 the 40/ he died6 0s 4ell: Kust to 10ke it 0 little 1ore dr010tic: I 40s ho2in5 heBd deduce /our identit/ b/ hi1sel3 0nd tr/ to kill /ou out o3 s2ite: Ob=iousl/6 I 4ouldnBt h0=e eD2ected hi1 to succeed6 but it 1i5ht h0=e distr0cted /ou 3or 0 4hile:B LAnd JiDotlI A 1inute or t4o 05o6 I re1e1bered 1eetin5 hi1 be3ore so1e4here6 but no4 I c0nBt Auite rec0ll the det0ils: Did /ou 2l0nt those 1e1ories6 tooIB LI c0nBt 2l0nt 1e1ories6 Doctor: I c0n onl/ 0d02t the1: Me1ories c0n be resh02ed b/ ide0s6 0s e0sil/ 0s e1otions c0n: As 3or /our 20st 0cAu0int0nce 4ith Mr JiDotl::: 4ell6 th0tBs bet4een /ou 0nd hi1:B The Doctor stood: The be0n@b056 3or5otten6 30ded into nothin5ness behind hi1: LI think IB=e he0rd enou5h:B The Shi3t stood6 0s 4ell6 0nd 0llo4ed its ch0ir to sli2 040/ into the =oid: LCurious: "ou sound like /ouBre eD2ectin5 =ictor/: Mi5ht I re1ind /ou6 /ou c0n onl/ kee2 1e here 0s lon5 0s /our senses 0re closed o33 to the outside 4orld:B The Shi3t considered its neDt 4ords c0re3ull/: LBesides 4hich6 /ouBre


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0ssu1in5 I c0nBt kill /ou no4:B LE=en i3 /ou could6 /ou 4ouldnBt: I3 I die 4hile /ouBre inside 1/ 1ind6 /ouBll be stuck here 3ore=er:B L!ot 0t 0ll: "our bod/ is destined to end u2 inside Mr JiDotlBs c0sket6 4h0te=er h022ens: $o5ic0ll/6 IBll onl/ re10in locked inside /our he0d until he sells the Relic: When the bu/er tries 2robin5 /our de0d br0in6 0s 0n/ bu/er ine=it0bl/ 4ill6 IBll be 0ble to 10ke 1/ esc02e:B The Doctor 3ro4ned: LIB1 sorr/6 this is 5ettin5 horribl/ con=oluted: I c0nBt die no4: I kno4 IB1 destined to 5o throu5h 1ore biod0t0 ch0n5es be3ore 1/ de0th: In this re5ener0tion6 1/ biod0t0 isnBt =0lu0ble enou5h to 5o to 0ll this trouble 3or:B The Shi3t see1ed irrit0ted b/ this tri3lin5 2oint o3 lo5ic: LSu22osin5 I kill /ou no46 Doctor: Su2@ 2osin5 Tr0sk collects /our bod/6 0nd the Celestis recor2or0te it6 to use it 0s one o3 their 05ents:B The Doctor 0ctu0ll/ shi=ered 0t the thou5ht: The Shi3t 4ent on: LThe recor2or0ted Doctor could 2ick u2 0ll the biod0t0 the Ti1e $ords think is so =0lu0ble6 be3ore it dies 0 second ti1e: Then6 so1eho46 it 3inds its 40/ into JiDotlBs 2ossession 0nd ends u2 here in the =0ult o3 the ;i55ur0t6 re0d/ to be sold 050in: C0us0lit/ is s0tis3ied:B LI h0te this sort o3 nit@2ickin56B the Doctor 1uttered: LAll ri5ht6 I 0cce2t IB1 1ort0l: But itBs 0 1oot 2oint: "ou c0nBt kill 1e6 not here: "ou donBt h0=e the 2o4er:B LDoctor6 IB=e been ordered to secure the Relic 3or 1/ e12lo/ers6 0nd th0tBs 4h0t I intend to do: DonBt st0nd in 1/ 40/: $e0=e in /our TARDIS 0s soon 0s /ou c0n: This is 0 lost c0use: "ou h0=e no 2l0ce here: "ou kno4 th0tBs the truth:B The Doctor thou5ht 0bout it 3or 0 1o1ent: L"es6B he s0id6 in the end: The Shi3t see1ed sur2rised6 e=en thou5h the Doctor couldnBt see its eD2ression: L"esI "es 4h0tIB L"es6 I 05ree: I shouldnBt 5et in=ol=ed:B LThen /ouBll let 1e 5oIB LI donBt eD0ctl/ h0=e 0 choice:B The Doctor si5hed6 4ith 4ell@rehe0rsed 4e0riness: LI donBt like le0=in5 1/ re10ins in /our h0nds6 but /ou are t0lkin5 0bout e=ents in 1/ 3uture: The 40r doesnBt 033ect 1e6 0nd it ne=er 4ill: !ot 4hile IB1 0li=e: IB1 not 5oin5 to st0/ here 4ith /ou 3or the rest o3 1/ li3e6 not i3 I should ne=er h0=e beco1e in=ol=ed in the 3irst 2l0ce: So6 /ou c0n le0=e: !o4: Be3ore I ch0n5e 1/ 1ind:B The bl0ckness o3 the =oid s2lit o2en6 0s i3 it h0d been un;i22ed 3ro1 to2 to botto1: On the other side o3 the o2enin56 the Doctor could see the con3erence h0ll o3 the ;i55ur0t: The other re2resent0ti=es stood 1otionless6 3ro;en in 2oses o3 1indless 055ression: !o6 not 3ro;en6 the Doctor re1inded hi1sel3: The/ 4ere 1o=in56 but =er/6 =er/ slo4l/: Here inside his 1ind6 e=ents 4ere occurrin5 0t ten thous0nd ti1es their nor10l s2eed: In >re0l? ti1e6 the discussion 4ith the Shi3t h0d t0ken 0 s2lit@second: #or 0 1o1ent6 the Shi3t stood Auite still6 30cin5 the li5ht 3ro1 the outside 4orld: Then it disinte@ 5r0ted6 beco1in5 0 c0sc0de o3 conce2ts6 5listenin5 ide0s th0t loo2ed 0nd 4hirled 0s the/ he0ded 3or the o2enin5: The Doctor 10de sure e=er/ l0st notion 40s s03et/ out o3 his he0d be3ore he ;i22ed the d0rk@ ness u2 050in: HeBd been 3orced to let the Shi3t 5o: He h0dnBt been 0ble to con3ine it 2er10nentl/6 not 4ithout con@ 3inin5 hi1sel3 0lon5 4ith it: But then6 he h0dnBt been 2re20red: And 4h0te=er heBd s0id6 he didnBt intend to let 0n/one 40lk o33 4ith his old bones6 not 4ithout 0 3i5ht: The Doctor concentr0ted6 0nd 4illed ne4 sh02es to 10teri0lise out o3 the =oid: He h0d to re3urnish his 1ind: !eDt ti1e6 heBd be re0d/: A 3e4 1o1ents 05o6 the Doctor h0d 1u1bled so1ethin5 th0t h0d sounded like >sorr/?: The Doctor h0d this thin5 0bout t0kin5 li3e6 JiDotl re1e1bered: It 10de hi1 une0s/6 3or so1e re0son: Kust like hi1 to 02olo5ise be3ore doin5 so1eone in:


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JiDotl closed his e/es6 0nd 40ited 3or the killin5 blo4: And 40ited: And 40ited: !othin5 h022ened6 0nd it h022ened in st/le: Around hi16 the sounds o3 senseless =iolence h0d died do4n6 beco1in5 nothin5 1ore th0n 0 bunch o3 04k40rd scu33lin5 noises b0cked u2 b/ 1u;0k: Mr JiDotl o2ened u2 one e/e: !othin5 blinded it or tried to 5ou5e it out6 so he o2ened the other one: The Doctor stood o=er hi16 0n eD2ression o3 s1u5 s0tis30ction 2l0stered 0cross his 30ce: !e0rb/6 Cousin Kustine l0/ on the 3loor6 lookin5 lost 0nd be4ildered6 her skin co=ered in scr02es 0nd bruises: !eDt to her 40s 0 2ile o3 li1bs 4hich6 once disent0n5led6 4ould 0l1ost cert0inl/ 2ro=e to be 10de out o3 Ho1unculette6 $ittle Brother M0nEuele6 0nd Colonel %orte;: On the other side o3 the sh0ttered t0ble stood E@%ob0lt6 its he0d 5oin5 round 0nd round 0nd round 0nd round6 4hile Tr0sk 40s his usu0l less@ th0n@hu10n sel3: LAnd I ho2e /ouBre 0ll thorou5hl/ 0sh01ed o3 /oursel=es6B s0id the Doctor: It sounded like he 40s deli=erin5 the 2unchline to 0 =er/ str0n5e 0nd co12lic0ted Eoke: C0utiousl/6 %orte; stru55led 3ree o3 the 10n@he02: Ho1unculette 3ollo4ed his eD012le: M0nEuele 40s the l0st one on his 3eet: LE=er/thin5Bs ch0n5ed6B Cousin Kustine obser=ed6 0s she 2icked hersel3 u2 0nd delic0tel/ d0bbed so1e o3 the blood o33 her chin: L"ou c0n 3eel it: ItBs:::B L$ess tenseIB su55ested the Doctor: LWell6 less tense th0n /ou 1i5ht eD2ect6 be0rin5 in 1ind 4hoBs here:B LWho0h6B s0id JiDotl: LWh00h: I 1e0n6 4h0t:::IB LWeB=e 0ll been t0ken 3or 0 ride6B the Doctor eD2l0ined: LThe thou5hts 4eB=e been h0=in5 0renBt entirel/ our o4n: The Shi3t h0s been tr/in5 to s0bot05e the 0uction:B L!ot true6B s0id Tr0sk: L"ou: "ou killed 1e:B The Doctor s2un 0round: LRe0ll/I Ho4IB L"ou:::B be50n Tr0sk6 but he didnBt see1 to kno4 ho4 to 3inish: LI: I re1e1ber: W0ter::: no: There 40s:::B He l02sed into silence: The Doctor nodded: LED0ctl/: The 1e1ories h0=e been 0dEusted b/ the Shi3t: Mr JiDotlIB JiDotl sAuir1ed b0ck40rds6 in c0se the Doctor h0d 0n/ 1ore 1urderous inclin0tions: LItBs not 1/ 30ult6B he 4hi12ered: The Doctor r0ised both e/ebro4s: L"ou kne4 4ho /ou 4ere in=itin5: "ou should h0=e rese0rched /our clientsB 0bilities 1ore thorou5hl/:B Behind the Doctor6 the %rotonBs he0d 40s s2innin5 30ster th0n e=er6 but the thin5 didnBt s2e0k: JiDotl 4ondered i3 it 40s h0=in5 so1e kind o3 0 3it: LWho6 eD0ctl/6 did Mr JiDotl in=iteIB Kustine 0sked: #or once6 Ho1unculette 5runted his 022ro=0l: LGood Auestion: Who 40s the Shi3t 4orkin5 3orIB LA 2o4er Auite 301ili0r to /ou6 Mr Ho1unculette6B s0id the Doctor: L"ou 1e0n:::IB The Doctor nodded: JiDotl 40tched Ho1unculetteBs 30ce: In the 3irst 3i=e seconds 0lone6 it c/cled throu5h siDteen distinct sh0des o3 2ur2le: The Ti1e $ord turned to JiDotl6 3ortun0tel/ too s2eechless to s4e0r: LSorr/6B sAue0ked JiDotl: L"ou in=ited them hereIB scre01ed Ho1unculette: L"ou 0ctu0ll/ 40nted 1e to sit do4n 0t the t0ble 4ith::: 4ith:::B L"es6 he did6B the Doctor concluded6 hel23ull/: JiDotl 3elt his 2ulse tr/in5 to le02 out o3 his 4rist: L!o46 listen6 letBs not 5et eDcited: ItBs like I told the Doctor here6 business is6 er6 business: I c0nBt 10ke 1or0l Eud5e1ents 0bout 1/ clients6 /Bkno4IB Ho1unculette lun5ed: JiDotl curled u2 into 0 b0ll6 0nd co=ered his 30ce 4ith his 0r1s: !obod/ 0ctu@


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0ll/ hit hi16 thou5h6 so 03ter 0 3e4 1o1ents he risked 2eerin5 out 3ro1 bet4een his h0nds: The Doctor stood in 3ront o3 hi16 restr0inin5 Ho1unculette 4ith 0 sin5le 3in5er: L"ouBre still 0n5r/6B the Doctor s0id: LE=en 4ith the Shi3t out o3 /our s/ste16 /ouBre 0n5r/6 0nd /ouBre u2set: "ou h0=e to 3i5ht it: This is 4h0t the Shi3t 40nts us to do:B LHo4 dB4e kno4 sBnot in his he0d no4IB 0sked M0nEuele: Ho1unculette 5l0red 0t the 0r0doD cultist6 but the Doctor shook his he0d: LThe Shi3t 4orks best 4hen itBs de0lin5 4ith subconscious thou5ht 2rocesses: !o4 4eBre consciousl/ 040re o3 4h0t it c0n do to us6 it shouldnBt be 0ble to 10ni2ul0te us so e0sil/: Th0tBs 1/ 5uess6 0n/40/:B The Doctor looked 0round the h0ll: LAre 4e 1issin5 so1ebod/IB JiDotl looked 0round6 too: The Doctor h0d 0 2oint: There 40s de3initel/ so1ethin5 1issin5 3ro1 the roo1: It 40s 0s i3 0 10Eor 2iece o3 3urniture h0d =0nished6 so1ethin5 so l0r5e /ou didnBt i11edi0tel/ notice 4hen it 40s 5one: LThe %roton6B s0id Cousin Kustine: Th0t 40s it: E@%ob0lt h0d =0nished: HeBd 2rob0bl/ sh01bled o33 out o3 the roo1 4hile JiDotl h0d been co4erin5 3ro1 Ho1unculetteC letBs be honest6 thou5ht JiDotl6 itBs not e0s/ to 1iss 0 lu12 o3 10tter th0t bi5 sne0kin5 040/6 unless /ouB=e 5ot other thin5s on /our 1ind: LHe 40s 0ctin5 3unn/ Eust no46B he told the others: LHis he0d 40s 5oin5 1ent0l:B The Doctor looked 5ri1: L%rotons h0=e so1e 30irl/ ri5id ide0s 0bout ho4 to de0l 4ith 0liens: Ide0l 10teri0l 3or the Shi3t to 4ork 4ith:B L!ot i12ort0nt6B s0id Tr0sk: LShi3tBs 5one: $et it 5o:B The DoctorBs 30ce bec01e 0 sh0de 5ri11er: LThe Shi3t 4onBt le0=e until itBs secured the Relic: ItBll t0ke the Cit/ 020rt brick b/ brick6 i3 it h0s to:B JiDotl scr02ed hi1sel3 o33 the 5round: L!ot 0 2roble1: It c0nBt d0105e the ;i55ur0t6 ri5htI The de3ences c0n t0ke out 0n/ 4e02ons s/ste1 it c0n chuck 0t us6 no trouble: WeBre s03e:B The Doctor looked still 5ri11er: LThe de3ences6B he s0id: LI kne4 there 40s so1ethin5 I h0d to tell /ou: JiDotl::: i36 theoretic0ll/6 so1ebod/ h0d shut do4n 0ll the Cit/Bs de3ences6 ho4 lon5 4ould it t0ke to reset the1IB LCou2le o3 hours6 2rob0bl/: ItBs 0 delic0te kind o3 s/ste1 IB1 runnin5 here: Er6 4h/IB LOh de0r6B the Doctor s0id: The neDt thin5 JiDotl kne46 the Ti1e $ord 40s hurlin5 hi1sel3 to40rds the eDit: %0thleen didnBt 1o=e: %0thleen didnBt 1o=e6 050in: %0thleen 2ersisted in not 1o=in5: S01 40s6 Auite 3r0nkl/6 5ettin5 sick o3 this: Tendin5 to the sick 40s one thin56 but she 40snBt 0ctu@ 0ll/ doin5 0n/thin5 eDce2t sittin5 0t the end o3 the $ieuten0ntBs bunk6 40itin5 3or the 4o10n to 40ke u2 scre01in5 or h0=e 0n interestin5 1uscul0r s20s1 or so1ethin5: Once6 0 1inute or t4o 05o6 %0th@ leen h0d 1ur1ured the 4ord >de0d? in her slee26 but th0t h0d been the hi5h 2oint so 30r: An 0lien s0untered 20st the door40/ o3 the 5uest roo1: Its he0d 40s 5/r0tin56 its 0r1s 4ere 4ob@ blin5 3ro1 side to side6 0nd it 40s 10kin5 0n odd 40rblin5 noise 0s it 1o=ed: Well6 it 40s no=el6 0t le0st: Th0t 40s the 2roble1 4ith this kind o3 Eob6 thou5ht S01: Ti1e@tr0=ellin5 40s 5re0t6 /e0h6 but there 40s 0 hell o3 0 lot o3 40itin5 0round in=ol=ed: The !enetic Politics book h0d =0nished 050in6 so she didnBt e=en h0=e 0n/thin5 to re0d: !eDt ti1e I le0=e the TARDIS6 she told hersel36 IB1 20ckin5 0 co2/ o3 Mi--: #or de3inite: The DoctorBs he0d 2o22ed throu5h the door40/6 0nd 2eered 0round the 5uest roo1: In=olunt0ril/6 S01 stood to 0ttention: LH0=e /ou seen 0 %roton co1e this 40/IB the Doctor 0sked6 so1e4h0t ur5entl/:


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LDonBt kno4: Is 0 %roton 0 bi5 sil=er/@4hite thin5 th0t looks like it c01e out o3 0 3ondue setIB The Doctor looked sur2rised: L"es6 I su22ose it is:B S01 Eerked her thu1b: LIt 4ent th0t 40/:B HeBd =0nished be3ore sheBd e=en 3inished the sentence: S01 looked b0ck 0t %0thleen: The Doctor 40s in one o3 his >Auick6 letBs s0=e the 4orld? 1oods6 so there 40s 2rob0bl/ 5oin5 to be trouble: %0thleen 4ould be 0ll ri5ht on her o4n6 4ouldnBt sheI Kust 3or 0 3e4 1inutesI S01 c0u5ht u2 4ith the Doctor 0t the botto1 o3 the st0ir40/6 the one 4here %0thleen h0d o33ered her the 3unn/ ci50rette: C0tchin5 hi1 40snBt h0rdC he h0d le5s like 0 cr0ne3l/6 but S01 40s 0 born runner6 three 1iles 0 d0/6 no eDcuses: She 2ut her h0nd on the DoctorBs shoulder6 0nd the Doctor Eu12ed: LIB1 co1in5 4ith /ou6B S01 told hi1: L"ou donBt kno4 4here IB1 5oin5:B LSto2 2ickin5 holes:B The Doctor looked 1ildl/ eD0s2er0ted: LWe h0=e to sto2 the %roton re0chin5 its shi2: $uckil/ 3or us6 the/ donBt 1o=e =er/ 30st: !ot in their hi5h@5r0=it/ bodies6 0n/40/:B LDoctorIB S01 0nd the Doctor both turned: The Colonel stood 0t the 30r end o3 the corridor6 his 30ce 0s ri5id@ lookin5 0s e=er: He s0luted6 sti33l/6 then st0rted 10rchin5 in their direction: The Doctor 4ent 3ro1 >1ildl/ eD0s2er0ted? to >incre0sin5l/ eD0s2er0ted?: LColonel6 no4 isnBt the ti1e FB LDoctor: I kno4 /ou no4: "ou underst0nd:B L&nderst0ndI &nderst0nd 4h0tIB LThe n0tur0l order: The l04s o3 b0l0nce 0ll 3lesh 1ust obe/: All thin5s 0re ord0ined6 e=en this:B The Colonel slid the b0ck20ck o33 his shoulders 0s he 1o=ed6 0nd b/ the ti1e he re0ched the botto1 o3 the st0ir40/ his h0nd 40s 0lre0d/ ru1105in5 throu5h the contents: LI h0=e so1ethin5: So1ethin5 to 0id the c0use in the stru55le to co1e: A token o3 our destin/:B The Doctor looked bet4een the st0ir40/ 0nd the Colonel6 0s i3 tr/in5 to 4ork out 4hether this con@ =ers0tion could 2ossibl/ be 1ore i12ort0nt th0n ch0sin5 the 0lien: LWill it hel2 1e 1o=e 30ster6 0t 0llIB %orte; 3inished ru1105in56 then held out his h0nd: S01 2eered 0t the obEect sittin5 in his 20l1: It 40s 0 circle o3 1et0l6 the s01e sh02e 0s 0 discus6 0nd 0bout the s01e si;e: The thin5 40s S00b@bl0ck 0nd S00b@s1ooth6 but 10rked 4ith 0 series o3 3u;;/ 2ink 2icto5r01s 0round the ri1: The s/1bols 3l0shed 0nd ch0n5ed 0s S01 40tched6 thou5h the/ didnBt see1 electronic: The/ looked 1ore like the/Bd been 20inted on: The Doctor see1ed 0l0r1ed: LA bo1bIB L"es: S0sk0toon: "ou re1e1ber6 Doctor: It 40s 0 5ood d0/: We 10de sure the 4ill o3 the etern0l consciousness 40s done:B LA ther1os/stron bo1b6B bre0thed the Doctor: LI thou5ht I 10de sure the/ 4ere 0ll destro/ed:B %orte; nodded: LThe/ 4ere: EDce2t 3or this:B L"ou didnBt re2ort it to the Gener0lIB LDestin/: I kne4 th0t so1eho46 so1e d0/6 this de=ice 4ould h0=e 0 5re0ter 20rt to 2l0/ in the 4eb o3 k0r1ic 30te: Tod0/ is th0t d0/: We 1ust sto2 the ene1/: ItBs the 4ill o3 the one true 1ind o3 0ll thin5s:B S01 cou5hed ner=ousl/: LEr6 Doctor:::IB The Doctor s4e2t u2 the bo1b6 then sli22ed it into his 2ocket: LTh0nk /ou6 Colonel: !o46 i3 /ouBll eDcuse 1eIB He d0rted u2 the ste2s: S01 40tched the Colonel turn 040/ be3ore she 3ollo4ed: The 10n looked content: S0tis3ied: $ike he thou5ht heBd done his dut/6 0nd done it 4ell: S01 dre4 le=el 4ith the Doctor h0l340/ u2 the 3irst 3li5ht o3 st0irs: LHeBs 10d6 isnBt heIB she 0sked:


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LHeBs 0 little u2set6B the Doctor 0d1itted: LS0sk0toon 40s 0 =er/ di33icult 0330ir:B L"ou 1e0n6 heBs 10d:B LWell6 in 0 10nner o3 s2e0kin5:B LAnd th0t stu33 0bout destin/IB LHis i105in0tionBs 5ettin5 the better o3 hi1: ThereBs no roo1 3or destin/ in 0 uni=erse this s10ll:B The sli5htest o3 3ro4ns 022e0red on the DoctorBs 30ce: LWith one or t4o not0ble eDce2tions:B The/ re0ched 0 s10ll l0ndin5 on the 3irst 3loor u2: V0rious 5loo1/ 0rch40/s led to =0rious 5loo1/ corridors6 0nd there 40s 0 st0ir40/ u2 to the neDt le=el o33 to one side: LWh0t 0bout the bo1bIB S01 Aueried: LI thou5ht /ou didnBt like usin5 4e02ons: Es2eci0ll/ not those sorts o3 4e02ons:B LI donBt: But i3 so1ebod/Bs 5oin5 to be 40lkin5 0round 4ith 0 2iece o3 Sel0chi0n 10Di1u1 i120ct i12losi=e in his 2ocket6 IBd r0ther it 40s 1e th0n the Colonel: Oh:B The Doctor 3ro;e: S01 3ro;e6 too: The/ 4ere 0t the botto1 o3 the neDt st0ir40/ b/ no4: St0ndin5 0t the to2 o3 the 3li5ht6 on the second@3loor l0ndin56 40s the 0lien S01 h0d seen 40ddlin5 20st the 5uest roo1: It h0d turned to 30ce the16 0nd no4 it 40s co=erin5 the lo4er l0ndin5 4ith one o3 its 4obbl/ li1bs: The 0r1 ended in 0 thick tube6 S01 s046 o2en 0t the end: It re1inded her o3 0 b0;ook0: Bi56 chunk/6 leth0l@lookin5: The Doctor 5r0bbed the slee=e o3 her t@shirt: It tore 0s he tu55ed it6 but the tu5 40s enou5h to 10ke her stu1ble b0ck to40rds the to2 o3 the l0st st0ir40/: The/ ducked throu5h the 0rch40/6 0s the l0ndin5 in 3ront o3 the1 40s 3illed 4ith 0 dense 4hite s1oke: S01 sAuinted into the h0;e: !o6 it 40snBt s1oke: It 40s 0 cloud 3ull o3 cr/st0ls: Tin/6 r0;or@ed5ed cr/st0ls: The cloud be50n to settle: She he0rd the sound o3 he0=/ 3ootste2s6 cli1bin5 the st0irs 0bo=e the1: S01 1o=ed 3or40rd6 to re@enter the l0ndin5: The Doctor 2ulled her b0ck 050in: Sh0kin5 his he0d6 he re0ched into his E0cket6 0nd 2ulled out 4h0t see1ed to be the 3irst thin5 th0t c01e to h0nd: It 40s 0 30ir/@c0ke6 co=ered in 3lu33: The Doctor looked 2u;;led6 cle0rl/ h0=in5 no ide0 4here the ite1 h0d co1e 3ro1: He lobbed the c0ke onto the l0ndin5: As it 3li22ed throu5h the 0ir6 s10ll holes o2ened u2 in its sur@ 30ce6 0s i3 hundreds o3 tin/ in=isible 1ouths 4ere tr/in5 to 5et 0t the curr0nts: B/ the ti1e it hit the 5round6 the c0ke 40s nothin5 1ore th0n 0 collection o3 cru1bs: LE0ch o3 the cr/st0ls is 0 1ini0ture corrosi=e de=ice6B the Doctor 1u1bled: LA cloud o3 the1 is enou5h to 5n04 0n or50nic li3e@3or1 to the bone in seconds: The/ dis2erse the 40ste 10teri0l 0s dust: The corrosi=eBs 1ore 2o4er3ul th0n I eD2ected6 thou5h: E=en 03ter the cloud settles6 the 0t1os2hereBs still de0dl/: !o4 4e kno4 4h0t h022ened to the shi2Bs 2ilot:B He nodded to40rds the 40lls o3 the l0ndin5: The stone there 40s co=ered in 0 thin sheen o3 cr/st0l: 0rts o3 the 40ll 4ere st0rtin5 to dri2 like 1elted 40D: LSo6 ho4 do 4e 5et 20stIB LWe donBt: The st0ir40/Bs 5oin5 to be 0 de0thtr02 3or 0 5ood 4hile /et:B The Doctor looked u2 0t the ceilin5: S01 5ot the i12ression he 40s tr/in5 to st0re throu5h the stone 0nd 40tch 4h0t 40s h022enin5 on the roo3: L$etBs ho2e the Shi3t decides to le0=e no4: I3 it re0ll/ is deter1ined to co12lete its 1is@ sion6 thin5s could 5et =er/ n0st/ indeed:B S016 o3 course6 didnBt underst0nd 0 4ord o3 this: E@%ob0lt@ ri1e eDtended its 2incer 0tt0ch1ent6 then e0sed it into the control 5ro4th6 4hich b/ no4 h0d 3ir1l/ t0ken root inside the bl0ck shi2Bs s/ste1s: At the %rotonBs touch6 the h0tch40/ se0led itsel3 shut6 0nd the 3loor be50n to ri22le6 =er/ 5entl/6 0s the =esselBs en5ines 4ere brou5ht on@line: E@%ob0lt could not6 in 0ll honest/6 h0=e been c0lled unh022/: The 0uction h0dnBt 5one 4ell6 but th0t h0rdl/ see1ed i12ort0nt no4: It no lon5er s04 0n/ re0son to co11unic0te 4ith the other bidders: It h0d 0l40/s belie=ed c0rbon@b0sed li3e to be unreli0ble6 0nd e=ents in the ;i55ur0t h0d 2ro=ed th0t 0ll its 4orst ide0s 0bout 0lien 0ni10ls h0d been correct:


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Di2lo10c/ h0d 30iled6 but the Cit/Bs de3ences 4ere do4n: E@%ob0lt h0d disco=ered this on the st0irs6 4hen it h0d tested its 4e02ons 0tt0ch1ent 0nd 3illed the 0ir 4ith corrosi=e: The hu10noids 4ouldnBt be 0ble to 2ursue it no4: The/ 4ould be destro/ed6 cle0nl/ 0nd e33icientl/6 0nd the Relic 4ould beco1e the 2ro2ert/ o3 the %roton Absolute: Th0t one sin5le ide06 th0t si12le de=otion to the 1ost b0sic o3 1ilit0r/ instincts6 40s no4 the linch2in o3 E@%ob0ltBs entire 2s/che: It issued 0nother order to the control 5ro4th: The en5ines throbbed6 0nd the bl0ck shi2 be50n to li3t itsel3 o33 the roo3 o3 the ;i55ur0t: Me0n4hile6 in the d0rkest de2ths o3 the %rotonBs subconscious6 the Shi3t 0llo4ed itsel3 the conce2@ tu0l eAui=0lent o3 0 s0tis3ied nod:


4a%+ness, no easil- disce%ni,le time The/ 4ere t0kin5 hi1 020rt: The thou5ht should h0=e sc0red hi1 1ore th0n it did6 but then6 it 40snBt the 4orst thin5 th0t h0d h022ened to hi1 tod0/: He could still re1e1ber ho4 it 3elt to lie under 0 D0/@ Glo /ello4 sun6 4ith sno4 blo4in5 into the cr0cks in his bod/: He could e=en re1e1ber kno4in5 he 40s 0bout to die: A 5entle6 cree2in5 3eelin5: !ot 0 sin5le 1o1ent o3 horror6 not the 40/ he 4ould h0=e i105ined it: The/ 4ere t0kin5 hi1 020rt: Soon6 there 4ouldnBt be 0n/thin5 le3t o3 hi16 not 0n/thin5 /ou could touch: Al1ost idl/6 he noticed th0t he didnBt h0=e 0 br0in le3t: He didnBt kno4 ho4 he could think 4ithout 0 br0in6 but he see1ed to be 5ettin5 b/: Be3ore6 heBd been 0 2erson6 one insi5ni3ic0nt little ele1ent o3 the G0brielide0n !th l0toon: !o46 he 40s e=en less th0n th0t: Kust the ide0 o3 0 2erson: A set o3 1e1ories 4ith no one to re1e1ber the1: A thou5ht 4ithout 0 he0d: He concentr0ted on the 1e1ories: He let hi1sel3 re1e1ber his 3in0l hour o3 li3e in the 10teri0l uni@ =erse: D0rkness: He 40s cold: He 4ould h0=e been in 20in6 i3 0ll his senses h0d been 4orkin56 but he 40s l/in5 4ith his b0ck 050inst the ice6 0nd the te12er0ture h0d short@circuited 1ost o3 the ner=es 0cross his torso: The ner=es o3 his hu10n suit6 0n/40/: His re0l bod/ sloshed 0round inside the skin6 doin5 its best to kee2 itsel3 40r1: His br0in 40s still hooked into the suitBs ner=ous s/ste16 so he 40s 3eelin5 the cold the 40/ 0 hu10n 4ould h0=e 3elt it: $ookin5 0t the 4orld throu5h hu10n e/es: He couldnBt see 1uch6 thou5h: Whiteness 3ro1 here to the ed5e o3 the 4orld: A l0ndsc02e 10de 3ro1 siD@hundred kinds o3 sno46 shinin5 in the sunli5ht6 but ne=er 5ettin5 round to th04in5: There 40s no ni5ht6 heBd been told6 not here: So1ethin5 to do 4ith so1e 0uror0 or other: The sk/ 40s lit b/ stri2es o3 or0n5e 0nd turAuoise6 brilli0nt 2s/chedelic 0rcs th0t re0ched 3ro1 hori;on to hori;on: The 3irst scoutin5 1ission th0t h0d been sent here h0d 5one 10d: When the !th l0toon h0d been 0ssi5ned to the 2l0net6 the troo2s h0d 4ired neur0l su22ressors into the e/es o3 their hu10n suits6 to blot out the 2s/cholo5ic0l side@e33ects o3 the li5ht: He tried 1o=in5 his he0d: His neck didnBt see1 to 40nt to turn6 but he 10n05ed to 3orce it: Th0t 40s 4hen he s04 the rest o3 his bod/6 s2r04led out in 3ront o3 hi16 the sno4 0lre0d/ st0rtin5 to bur/ his li1bs: He 40nted to close his e/es6 but his e/elids didnBt res2ond to the co110nd: The torso o3 the hu10n suit h0d s2lit o2en6 re=e0lin5 the churnin5 10ss o3 his true bod/ inside: One entire 0r1 h0d co1e loose6 0nd his bio10ss 40s s2illin5 out o3 the slee=e in slicks o3 brilli0nt 2ink: One o3 the suitBs le5s h0d been torn o336 0s 4ell6 but he couldnBt see 4hether he 40s le0kin5 out o3 the 4ound there: E=er/ 20rt o3 the suit h0d been 0r1oured: E=er/ 3l0ke o3 skin h0d been s2r0/ed 4ith bullet2roo3 2l0sticrene: It h0dnBt 10de one bit o3 di33erence: The ser5e0nt h0d sent hi1 out on 0 recon s4ee26 0nd the co1b0t s0tellite h0d loc0ted hi1 4hile heBd been 040/ 3ro1 the rest o3 the 2l0toon: It h0d 3ired on hi16 once6 3ro1 so1e4here in the u22er 0t1os2here6 then it h0d le3t hi1 0lone: erh02s it h0d thou5ht he 40snBt likel/ to be 1uch o3 0 thre0t6 4ith his s2in0l colu1n sh0ttered6 his skin broken o2en6 0nd the bod/ inside slo4l/ 3ree;in5: A cluster o3 silhouettes 022e0red on the hori;on in 3ront o3 hi16 tin/ s1e0rs o3 bl0ck 050inst the bl0;in5 4hite b0ck5round: He 5uessed6 he ho2ed6 it 40s the rest o3 the !th l0toon6 the ser5e0nt 0nd 0ll (*'


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her little boot@lickers: He thou5ht o3 c0llin5 out to the16 but he 5uessed there 40snBt 1uch 2oint: Then e=er/thin5 st0rted to 30de to bl0ck: His e/elids 4ere closin56 he re0lised: The so3t40re con@ trollin5 his 30ce h0d 3in0ll/ 3i5ured out th0t his e/es needed rest6 occ0sion0ll/: He 4ondered i3 heBd be 0ble to 40ke u2 050in: D0rkness: L:::h0=e to le0=e hi1 here: O%: Get /our 20l1@sc0ns tuned6 this is 5oin5 to be the h0rd 20rt:B He 40s conscious 050in6 but he didnBt h0=e the stren5th to o2en his e/es: Besides6 he kne4 4h0t heBd see: The ser5e0nt6 in her he0d@0nd@shoulders@0bo=e@the@rest hu10n suit6 co0ted in s2r0/@on 0r1our 3ro1 to2 to toe: The troo2s h0d 3ound hi16 0nd it sounded like the/ 4erenBt thinkin5 o3 t0kin5 hi1 4ith the1: Milit0r/ 2rocedure: O3 course: There h0dnBt been s20ce 3or 0 doctor inside the tr0nsit c02sule6 so the 4ounded could 5o 0nd die on their o4n ti1e6 0s 30r 0s the ser5e0nt 40s concerned: He could he0r the sounds o3 boots6 scrunchin5 050inst the ice: The other 1e1bers o3 the 2l0toon6 ob=iousl/6 5ettin5 tooled u2 3or the bi5 0ss0ult: The/Bd be checkin5 their 20l1@sc0ns6 5i=in5 the terr0in the once@o=er: The/Bd be lookin5 ner=ous6 too: S4e0tin5 dee2 red inside their suits: LRi5ht6B s0id the ser5e0nt: LItBs like 4e thou5ht: !o si5ns o3 5round@b0sed 3orces: We c0n 0ssu1e the s0tellites 0re still in e33ect6 so donBt dro2 /our clo0ks: $ooks like the ene1/ c0n b/20ss the1 0n/40/6 but /ouB=e 5ot to li=e in ho2e:B There 40s 0 5ru1ble o3 discontent 3ro1 the troo2s: !ot loud enou5h to be considered 1utinous6 n0t@ ur0ll/: LAnd /ou c0n sto2 th0t6 0s 4ell6B the ser5e0nt 5ro4led: LO%: The Ti1e $ords s0/ the ene1/ inst0ll0@ tionBs o=er on the north side o3 the bi5 rid5e6 0nd IB1 not 5oin5 to 0r5ue 4ith the1: ItBs shielded6 so 4eBll need to 3ind it 3or oursel=es6 the 20l1@sc0ns 0renBt 5oin5 to do us 0 lot o3 5ood: An/ AuestionsIB !obod/ s0id 0n/thin5: LGre0t: So letBs 1o=e: And sto2 st0rin5 0t hi1 like th0t: HeBs not 5oin5 0n/4here:B More 5ru1blin5: Then 1ore scrunchin5: The sound o3 10rchin5 3eet: The/ 4ere 40lkin5 040/ 3ro1 hi1: Well6 ob=iousl/ the/ 4ere 40lkin5 040/ 3ro1 hi16 it 40snBt 0s i3 he 4ere 0n indis2ens0ble 20rt o3 the 1ission or 0n/thin5: He 40s li5ht in30ntr/: C0nnon 3odder: Onl/ here bec0use he kne4 ho4 to 3ire 0 st0ser 4ithout sh0kin5 his o4n 0r1 o33: One o3 0 1illion stu2id recruits 4hoBd been 2ri1ed to shoot 0t 0n/thin5 the/ 4ere told to shoot 0t: The G0brielide0n 1ilit0r/ didnBt like 2eo2le 4ho 0sked Auestions6 0nd neither did the Ti1e $ords: !o6 he thou5ht: !o6 not here: I kno4 4here I 40nt to die6 0nd itBs not here6 on so1e 3ree;in5 0lien rock nobod/Bs e=en he0rd o3: I donBt 40nt to le0k out into the 5round: I donBt 40nt to be 0 bio10ss 2o2sicle: I 40nt to die 4here itBs 40r1: I 40nt to die in the 2ool 4here I 40s born: I 40nt to die like 0 G0brielide0n: He o2ened his 1outh to tell the !th l0toon this6 but 0ll th0t c01e out 3ro1 bet4een his 0rti3ici0l li2s 40s 0 lon56 hi5h@2itched 40il: I3 0n/ o3 his co1r0des noticed it6 the/ 1ust h0=e thou5ht it 40s the 4ind6 bec0use he didnBt he0r 0n/ o3 the1 turn 0round: The scrunchin5 30ded 040/6 bec01e 20rt o3 the 2l0netBs b0ck5round noise: He didnBt h0=e the ener5/ to scre01 0n/ 1ore: He let his =oc0l cords 5o sl0ck6 0nd 3elt hi1sel3 dri3tin5 o33 to slee2 050in: D0rkness: He 04oke to the sound o3 4his2erin5: !ot the nor10l sort o3 4his2erin56 not the sort /ou could he0r throu5h the e0rs o3 0 hu10n suit: It sounded like it 40s tr022ed under the skin o3 the 4orld6 belo4 the sur30ce o3 e=er/thin5 /ou could see or 3eel: Words 4ere tr/in5 to co1e u2 3or 0ir6 but it 3elt like there 40s 0 l0/er o3 ice bet4een hi1 0nd the16 h0rd 0s the ice under his b0ck:


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He 40s bein5 discussed: He kne4 4hen 2eo2le 4ere t0lkin5 0bout hi16 0nd the/ 4ere t0lkin5 0bout hi1 no4: A 3e4 o3 the sentences broke the sur30ce6 bobbed 0round on the ed5es o3 his he0rin5: L:::0n ide0l subEectIB so1ebod/ 0sked: L:::is 5ettin5 close no46B so1ebod/ else s0id: L:::10kes no di33erence::: until the Doctor::: 2er3ect o22ortunit/:::B But it 40s too 1uch o3 0n e33ort6 tr/in5 to underst0nd the1: His bod/ 40s still oo;in5 out o3 the suit6 st0inin5 the sno4 2ink underne0th hi1: Soon6 thereBd be nothin5 le3t o3 hi1: He didnBt h0=e the ener5/ to think 0bout i105in0r/ =oices: He let his senses sink b0ck into the ice: D0rkness: When he re50ined consciousness6 he 40snBt 0lone: He couldnBt see his =isitor: His he0d 40s locked in 2osition6 the Eoints 3ro;en in his neck: But there 40s so1eone 20cin5 u2 0nd do4n behind hi16 shoes crunchin5 050inst the sno4: There 40s 0 t02@t02@ t022in56 the sound o3 0 stick 2robin5 the 5round6 testin5 to see ho4 solid it 40s: Suddenl/6 the crunchin5 sto22ed: LAre /ou 040keIB 0 =oice 0sked: He concentr0ted on the =oice6 but he didnBt reco5nise it: It sounded like it c01e out o3 0 hu10noid 1outh F re0l hu10noid6 so it 40snBt 0nother G0brielide0n in 0 suit F 0nd it 40s tin5ed 4ith 0n 0ccent he couldnBt Auite 2l0ce: There 40s no n0ti=e li3e on this 2l0net6 heBd been told6 0nd the ene1/ 4erenBt su22osed to h0=e 0n/ troo2s here6 onl/ 0uto10tic de3ences: Did the =oice belon5 to 0n 0lien6 thenI An outsiderI It took hi1 0 3ull 1inute to 5et the suitBs =oc0l cords 4orkin5: LIB1 040ke6B he cro0ked: The 0lien 10de 0 3e4 1ore crunchin5 sounds behind hi1: Crouchin5 do4n6 2resu10bl/: LI 40snBt eD2ectin5 to 3ind 0n/bod/ here: The rest o3 /our 2l0toonBs 5one: I should think the/Bre 5oin5 to 5et hel2:B He 0l1ost 3ound th0t 3unn/: E=identl/6 the 0lien 40s tr/in5 to re0ssure hi16 thou5h he h0d no ide0 4h/: LWho 0re /ouIB he 0sked: LIB1 0n obser=er: A s2ect0tor: An interested 20rt/: Trust 1e6 IB1 not i12ort0nt:B L"ouBre 0 Ti1e $ordIB LAh: Well6 IB1 not 4orkin5 3or the Hi5h Council6 i3 th0tBs 4h0t /ou 1e0n:B LAnd /ouBre not one o3 the ene1/IB LTh0t de2ends 4here /ouBre st0ndin56B s0id the 0lien: LEnou5h 0bout 1e: Wh0t 0bout /ouIB Hell o3 0 Auestion: LI think IB1 d/in56B he s0id: LH11: "ouBre b0dl/ 4ounded6 cert0inl/: "our suitBs ne=er 5oin5 to d0nce 050in: But I donBt think the d0105e to /our inner bod/ is irre20r0ble:B L"ouBre 0 doctorIB A 20use: L"ou should tr/ to rel0D: St0/ still: St0/ c0l1: W0it 3or hel2:B LThere isnBt 5oin5 to be 0n/ hel26B he s0id: And he could tell the =oc0l cords 4ere st0rtin5 to 10l@ 3unction6 bec0use the 4ords sounded 3l0t6 e12t/6 0nd 1et0llic: The 0lien tutted: LThereBs 0l40/s hel26 so1e4here in the uni=erse: ThereBs 0n old stor/ 0bout 0 t0ilor6 0 3ield1ouse6 0nd 0 h0t2in:::B So the 0lien st0rted tellin5 hi1 the stor/: He tried to 3ollo4 it6 he did his best not to think 0bout 4h0t 40s h022enin5 to hi16 but e=er/thin5 40s so h0rd to 3ocus on6 t0ilors 0nd 3ield1ice 0nd h0t2ins6 0nd once u2on 0 ti1e there 40s the cold6 0nd it 40s so cold it 0l1ost hurt6 e=en thou5h there 4ere no 4orkin5 ner=es le3t in his bod/6 0nd it 40s so h0rd to see6 so h0rd to st0/ 040ke::: D0rkness:


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RRR L:::he0r 1eIB s0id the 0lien: So1eho46 he 10n05ed to o2en his e/es: There 4ere sh02es in 3ront o3 hi16 blobs o3 2ink 0nd bl0ck6 but his retin0e 4ere st0rtin5 to 1ist o=er6 so he couldnBt tell 4hich 20rts o3 his bod/ he 40s lookin5 0t: There 40s 0 10n@si;ed outline st0ndin5 o=er hi16 0nd he took it to be the 0lien6 0lthou5h the 3i5ure 40s too blurr/ to 10ke out 0n/ det0ils: LBl0cked out6B he s0id: L"es: I thou5ht so:B The 0lien blur shi3ted 0 little: LTr/ to st0/ conscious: IB1 sorr/ I c0nBt do 1ore 3or /ou 1/sel3: I donBt re0ll/ kno4 1uch 0bout G0brielide0n biolo5/: One o3 those thin5s I ne=er 5ot 0round to re0din5 u2 on: $iAuid li3e@3or1s 0renBt re0ll/ 1/ 3orte:B He tried 1o=in5 one o3 his li1bs6 to see i3 he still could: He didnBt 3eel 0n/thin56 thou5h6 so he h0d no 40/ o3 tellin5 i3 heBd succeeded: LInEector6B he told the 0lien: L!eed 0 1edic0l inEector:B L"es: Th0tBs 0 thou5ht:B The 0lien blur 4obbled: 0ttin5 the 2ockets o3 0 E0cket6 10/be: LAh: I thou5ht 2erh02s I could i12ro=ise one out o3 0 hu10n h/2os2r0/ kit6 but I donBt see1 to h0=e 0 hu10n h/2os2r0/ kit on 1e: IB1 sure I o4ned one6 0t so1e st05e: I 4onder 4here I 2ut itI Be0rin5 in 1ind th0t this is 0n e1er5enc/6 itBll 2rob0bl/ be in the l0st 2l0ce I look: IsnBt it 0l40/s the 40/I I did h0=e 0 4inkle5ruber neur0l 20r01eter 2redictor6 once: Al40/s c01e in h0nd/ in situ0tions like this:B LA 4h0tIB he s0id: There 40s 0n u5l/ 5rindin5 noise 3ro1 his thro0t 4hen he s2oke: LA 4inkle5ruber neur0l 20r01eter 2redictor6B the 0lien el0bor0ted: LVer/ use3ul 2iece o3 technolo5/: "ou tell it 4h0t /ouBre lookin5 3or6 0nd it 4orks out the l0st 2l0ce /ouBd think o3 se0rchin5: All /ou h0=e to do then is look 4here the 2redictor tells /ou to look6 0nd /ouBre bound to 3ind 4h0te=er it is /ouBre 03ter:B Well6 the 0lien 40s doin5 0 5ood Eob o3 kee2in5 hi1 distr0cted6 0n/40/: L&se it no46B he hissed: LThe 2redictor: "ou could use it no4:B LOh6 I donBt h0=e it 0n/ 1ore: I lost it: I 4ould se0rch 3or it6 o3 course6 but:::B L:::itBs 5oin5 to be in the l0st 2l0ce /ou look6B he s0id6 0nd he 40s 3r0nkl/ 010;ed he could still 10n05e 4hole sentences like th0t: L recisel/:B He tried to nod: As 0 result6 the he0d o3 his hu10n suit rolled ri5ht o33 its shoulders 0nd l0nded 30ce@ do4n in the sno4: LAre /ou 0ll ri5htIB 0sked the 0lien: L"es: le0se: Tell 1e so1ethin5:B LGo on:B LHel2 isnBt re0ll/ co1in56 is itIB There 40s 0 2eriod o3 silence6 durin5 4hich he 0l1ost bl0cked out 050in: LI donBt kno46B the 0lien s0id6 e=entu0ll/: LThe others in /our 2l0toon 4ere killed b/ the s0tellites: IB1 sorr/: I should think /our 2eo2le 4ill be sendin5 0n e1er5enc/ c02sule soon: The/Bll 40nt to 3ind out i3 there 0re 0n/ sur=i=ors:B He tried to look u26 but he couldnBt: He 40s seein5 throu5h the e/es o3 0 se=ered he0d6 st0rin5 do4n 0t the sno4 underne0th hi1: There 40s nothin5 but 4hite: A uni=erse o3 4hite: He 3elt his senses s4itchin5 the1sel=es o336 in 0 des2er0te 0tte12t to shut out the bl0nkness: LTh0nk /ou6B he s0id: L"ouBre 4elco1e6B the 0lien told hi16 so3tl/: D0rkness: When he neDt re50ined consciousness6 he 40s 0lone6 but 0t le0st there 4ere colours in 3ront o3 his 30ce 050in: So1eho46 his hu10n he0d h0d been turned on its side: He 4ondered i3 the 0lien h0d done it: To let hi1 h0=e one l0st look 0t the 4orld 0round hi1: Si1i0 %%7): He didnBt e=en kno4 4h/ he 40s here: &ntil /esterd0/6 heBd ne=er been 2osted 0n/@


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4here 3urther 03ield th0n Terr0 !eutr0: All o3 0 sudden6 the 5o=ern1ent 40s 1obilisin5 the 40rshi2s6 10kin5 2l0ns 3or 3ull@sc0le 2l0net0r/ 0ss0ults: So1ethin5 to do 4ith so1e de0l the/Bd 10de: The Ti1e $ords 4ere 0skin5 the G0brielide0ns to send units 0ll o=er the 50l0D/6 t0kin5 out 0n inst0ll0tion here6 0 4e02ons du12 there: The !th l0toon h0d been dis20tched to %%7) bec0use6 0220rentl/6 their ene1ies 3elt the 2l0net to be o3 str0te5ic i12ort0nce6 0nd 0lre0d/ h0d 0 s10ll 0uto10ted out2ost there: I3 the 2l0@ toon h0d sur=i=ed the 1ission6 it 4ould h0=e been sent str0i5ht to Dronid6 in ti1e 3or the bi5 o33ensi=e: Dronid: Or >W0r None One?6 0s the/ 4ere c0llin5 it no4: The sno4 st0rted blo4in5 u2 050in: He couldnBt 3eel it on his skin6 but he could see the 3l0kes stickin5 to his e/eb0lls: He couldnBt e=en close the lids: erh02s heBd been better o33 l/in5 30ce@do4n6 03ter 0ll: There 40s nothin5 1ore 3or hi1 to see: He decided to det0ch his br0in 3ro1 the suit: Hu10n senses 4erenBt 5oin5 to do hi1 1uch 5ood no4: He 3leDed 0 ner=e6 tu55ed hi1sel3 3ree o3 the 30lse skin: The he0d shut itsel3 do4n: D0rkness: D0rkness: This 40snBt 0 1e1or/ 0n/ 1ore: He 40s here6 in the de2ths o3 the d0rkness6 bein5 t0ken 020rt6 thou5ht b/ thou5ht: There 4ere others here6 he could see the16 e=en thou5h he no lon5er h0d 0n/ e/es: The/ 4ere the ones heBd he0rd 4his2erin5: The ones 4hoBd rescued hi1 3ro1 Si1i0 %%7): The/ 4ere 50thered 0round 4h0t 40s le3t o3 his true bod/6 50;in5 do4n 0t hi1 4ith 20le6 h0rd 30ces: The/ 4ere 0ll dressed in robes6 3lo4in5 robes 4ith hi5h coll0rs::: Ti1e $ordsI The Ti1e $ords 4ore costu1es like these6 heBd he0rd: H0d his 0llies rescued hi1I W0s it re0ll/ th0t si12leI L:::2rocess see1s to be 4orkin56B one o3 the robed 3i5ures 40s s0/in5: LItBs the s01e kind o3 2ro@ cedure 4eBre usin5 to 10ke the 0n0rchitects6 but 022lied to 0 li=in5 subEect: !ot di33icult6 once /ou kno4 ho4 to h0ndle the CelestisB technolo5/:B LWonBt he turn 050inst us 4hen he 3inds out 4ho 4e 0reIB 0nother 0sked: LIt: !ot he: ItBs 2urel/ conce2tu0l: Gender doesnBt 1e0n 0n/thin5 to it6 no4:B LBut 4ill it turn 050inst usIB !o: !o: !ot Ti1e $ords: Those 4erenBt the robes o3 the Hi5h Council: The/ 4ere 20rodies o3 G0lli@ 3re/0n costu1es6 4orn b/ bein5s th0t h0d nothin5 but conte12t 3or Ti1e $ord societ/: Which could onl/ 1e0n::: L!ot 0 concern6B the 3irst cre0ture s0id: LIt 40s 0 2ro3ession0l soldier6 in its 3or1er li3e: r0ctic0ll/ 0 1ercen0r/: IB1 sure 4e c0n con=ert it to our c0use: I told /ou it 40s the ide0l subEect6 didnBt II We could h0=e eDtr0cted it 3ro1 the ti1eline sooner6 but I 40nted to 40it until it h0d 1et the Doctor: To let it 5et the biod0t0 scent6 so to s2e0k: WeBll let it kee2 th0t 20rticul0r 1e1or/:B ItI W0s he 0n it6 no46 like the cre0ture h0d s0idI It tried to s2e0k6 0lthou5h it didnBt h0=e 0 1outh: It onl/ h0d its thou5hts6 but its thou5hts 4ere enou5h: It re0ched out 3or its c02tors6 0nd 3elt r04 ide0s shi3t inside their he0ds6 10kin5 40/ 3or its 1ess05e: LWHAT DO "O& WA!T #ROM MEIB it de10nded: The bein5s see1ed shocked: It could 3eel their thou5hts brushin5 050inst it6 conce2ts rubbin5 0nd Eostlin5 0s it settled in their 2erce2tions: L!ot /et6B the 3irst o3 the 3i5ures s0id: L!ot /et: "ouBre not re0d/ 3or /our instructions: "ou still h0=e 0 3e4 tr0ces o3 /our old identit/ le3t: We h0=e to re1o=e the1:B LWHAT DO "O& MEA!IB But the bein5s didnBt s0/ 0nother 4ord: It 3elt the l0st re10inin5 3r051ents o3 its 20st =0nishin5 3ro1 its non@eDistent br0in6 the 1e1ories o3 its 3or1er li3e 0s 0 G0brielide0n 2lucked out 0nd disc0rded 4ith sur5ic0l 2recision: Soon6 there 4ould be nothin5: !o 3lesh6 no 1ind6 no identit/: D0rkness:

There 40s 0 hu11in5 in the 0ir: To 1ost e0rs6 it 4ould h0=e sounded so1ethin5 like 0n en5ine6 but Colonel Kose2h %orte; 2re3erred to liken it to the const0nt 0nd unch0n5in5 =ibr0tion o3 the one true 4ill o3 the uni=erse: He considered hu11in5 0lon5 4ith it6 but decided this 2rob0bl/ 40snBt the ti1e: He ste22ed throu5h the 0rch40/6 out o3 the ;i55ur0t 0nd into the 20=e1ent@coloured d0/li5ht o3 the ReVit None: Accordin5 to the ColonelBs 40tch6 it 40s e0rl/ e=enin5 in the E0st Indies6 but the sun still see1ed to be under the i12ression it 40s lunchti1e: The other buildin5s 0round the Cit/ enclosure didnBt c0st sh0do4s6 he noticed: resu10bl/6 ti1e h0d 0 s2eci0l rel0tionshi2 4ith the &nthink0ble Cit/: The 4orld ne=er turned 0round here6 the sun ne=er did 0n/thin5 0s i12olite 0s 10kin5 sh0de: He 4ondered i3 it h0d been the s01e in Bri50doon: Be3ore he e=en h0d ti1e to 1edit0te on th0t6 the 5round 40s 4renched o2en in 3ront o3 hi1: All o3 0 sudden6 e=er/thin5 s1elled o3 1elted 2l0stic: %orte; turned: He 40s 30r enou5h 040/ 3ro1 the ;i55ur0t to be 0ble to see the roo36 2lus the u5l/ bl0ck sh02e ho=erin5 o=er it: The hu11in56 %orte; re0lised6 40s the shi2Bs dri=e 1ech0nis1: A tin/ 2oint o3 5reen li5ht o2ened u2 on the underside o3 the =essel6 then 4idened: Much like the third 0nni@ hil0tin5 e/e o3 Shi=06 in the ColonelBs =ie4: Another eD2losion: %orte; r0ised his 0r1s to his 30ce6 to 2rotect his e/es 3ro1 the bl0st: Onl/ then did he notice th0t his h0nds 4ere burnin5: The bl0ck shi2 h0d o2ened 3ire6 scorchin5 the 5round 3ro1 its =0nt05e 2oint 0bo=e the ;i55ur0t: %orte; h0d been on the ed5e o3 the bl0st: He 4ould h0=e c0lled hi1sel3 luck/6 i3 he h0dnBt kno4n it 40s nothin5 to do 4ith luck 0nd e=er/thin5 to do 4ith the n0tur0l b0l0nce o3 k0r1ic l04: The 3ire h0d se0red his h0nds6 but there h0dnBt been 0n/ 20in: The s4ords used b/ the 40rrior@2hiloso2hers o3 0ncient K020n h0d been sh0r2 enou5h to 012ut0te 0 10nBs le5 4ithout hi1 3eelin5 0 thin56 %orte; h0d he0rd: The shi2Bs 4e02ons 4ere Eust 0s e33icient6 Eust 0s 20inless: The skin on his h0nds 40s ch0rred6 the 3lesh underne0th si;;lin56 the ner=es entirel/ burned out: The 3ire see1ed to be s2re0din56 4orkin5 its 40/ u2 his =eins like 0 s20rk on 0 3use4ire: O=erhe0d6 the shi2 o2ened u2 its 0nnihil0tin5 e/e 050in: Wh0t 20sses 1ust 20ss6 %orte; told hi1@ sel36 but no4 40snBt the ti1e o3 his 20ssin5: There 40s no 40/ he could 10ke it to the Cit/ 50tes 4ithout bein5 t0ken out b/ hostile 3ire F his k0r10 40snBt that 5ood F so the onl/ 40/ 40s b0ck6 into the shelter o3 the ;i55ur0t: He 10de 0 run 3or it: The 3ire burst 0cross the 5round 4here heBd been st0ndin56 then s2re0d6 so he could 3eel the he0t lickin5 0t his b0ck: He 40s be5innin5 to 3eel 20in6 0t l0st: A slo46 une0s/ throbbin5 in his 0r1s: But 20in6 he re1inded hi1sel36 40s not 0n issue: In the 5r0nd k0r1ic sche1e o3 thin5s6 he 40s 0 soldier6 0nd 0 soldier under@ stood nothin5 but his dut/: He le02t to40rds the ;i55ur0t entr0nce: The Doctor 2r0ctic0ll/ bounced b0ck into the h0ll6 0s did his little co120nion: JiDotl 3elt like 5i=in5 both o3 the1 0 5ood sl02: LItBs no use6B the Doctor told the bidders: LE@%ob0ltBs blocked o33 the st0ir40/: The 0irBs 3ull o3 %roton su2ercorrosi=e: Is there 0nother 40/ u2IB All e/es turned on JiDotl: Th0t h0d been h022enin5 0 lot recentl/6 0nd JiDotl 40s 5ettin5 3ed u2 4ith it: L&h6 no: C0nBt 4e cle0r this corrosi=e stu33 040/ or 0n/thin5IB LWell6 I could use 0n EH# =0ri0ble 2h0se si5n0l to re0dEust its cellul0r structure:B The Doctor 20tted his 2ockets: L&n3ortun0tel/6 1/ sonic scre4dri=er see1s to h0=e deserted 1e 050in: It c0n be 0 bit te1@ (<(

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2er01ent0l6 so1eti1es:B LA50in6 IB1 not sure I underst0nd our situ0tion6B s0id Cousin Kustine: LAre 4e to belie=e the Shi3t intends to 0tt0ck usI I3 so6 does the %roton =essel h0=e su33icient 2o4er to d0105e the ;i55ur0tIB JiDotl tried to skulk o33 into the sh0do4s6 be3ore 0n/one st0rted 0skin5 hi1 ho4 tou5h the buildin5 40s: Technic0ll/6 the 2l0ce 40s built out o3 block tr0ns3er c0lcul0tionsC loc0l s20ce@ti1e h0d been re1odelled usin5 sheer 10the10tics6 no 0ctu0l 2h/sic0l 10teri0ls h0d been used: In theor/6 1und0ne 4e02ons 4erenBt su22osed to be 0ble to do 0n/ d0105e to the Cit/: In 2r0ctice6 JiDotl h0dnBt h0d ti1e to check his 10ths6 0nd he sus2ected his c0lcul0tions 1i5ht h0=e been sli5htl/ o33@centre: The 40/ thin5s stood6 he doubted itBd t0ke 1uch 3orce to 10ke the Cit/ co1e 020rt 0t the se01s: Re0ll/6 heBd been countin5 on the de3ensi=e s/ste1s to sto2 th0t kind o3 thin5 h022enin5: #ortun0tel/6 nobod/ 40s 20/in5 hi1 the sli5htest bit o3 0ttention: LIB1 not sure6B the Doctor 1used: LBut e=en i3 the ;i55ur0tBs s03e6 thereBs 0 ch0nce th0t FB LThe Shi3t 4onBt let us out6B re2orted Colonel %orte;: The Colonel stood in the 10in 0rch40/ o3 the con3erence h0ll6 his h0nds stretched out in 3ront o3 hi16 0s i3 he 40nted to kee2 0 close e/e on 4h0t the/ 4ere doin5: JiDotl 4inced 4hen he s04 the inEuries: The Doctor looked sur2rised: LColonelI Where h0=e /ou beenIB LOutside: On 0 1ission to recon the 0re0 surroundin5 the ;i55ur0t6 4ith s2eci0l re50rd 3or tr02s6 01bushes6 or ene1/ e12l0ce1ents: As ordered:B LOrderedI Ordered b/ 4ho1IB E=er/bod/ looked 0t JiDotl6 050in: JiDotl shr0nk b0ck e=en 3urther: L$ook6 I Eust s0id it 1i5ht be 0 5ood ide0 to check out the rest o3 the Cit/6 ri5htI I 1e0n6 /Bkno46 /ou c0nBt be too c0re3ul:B The Doctor shot d055ers 0t hi1: !ot liter0ll/6 o3 course6 0lthou5h JiDotl could e0sil/ i105ine ho4 heBd look 4ith c/bernetic bolt@3irers 5r03ted into his skull: L"ou 1e0n6 /ou 40nted to see i3 the Shi3t 4ould shoot 0t 0n/one 4ho le3t the buildin5:B LDonBt look 0t 1e like th0t6B JiDotl 1u1bled: The Doctor turned b0ck to %orte;: LA220rentl/6 the Shi3t 40nts us to st0/ ri5ht 4here 4e 0re: IB1 sorr/6 0re /ou 0ll ri5htIB L 0in is not 0n issue6B the Colonel in3or1ed hi1: LOh: Good: Well6 0n/40/6 4eBll h0=e to 3ind 0nother eDit: M/ TARDIS is so1e4here out in the r0in3orest6 IB1 03r0id:B Ho1unculette snorted: LDonBt look 0t 1e: M0rieBs not 5oin5 0n/4here:B LWe 4erenBt lookin5 0t /ou6B Cousin Kustine 2ointed out: Ho1unculette rounded on her: LWh0t 0bout /ou6 thenI Ho4 did /ou 5et in hereI One o3 the #0c@ tionBs little TARDIS 1ock@u2s6 40s itIB JiDotl clicked his 3in5ers: L"e0h6 ri5htM "our6 4h0t dB/ou c0ll it6 /our shrine: It c0n 5et us out o3 the Cit/6 /e0hIB B/ KustineBs side6 $ittle Brother M0nEuele clenched his teeth: L!o 40/6B he 5ro4led: L!o 40/ /ou co1inB 4ith us:B The Doctor held u2 0 2l0c0tin5 h0nd: L!eeds 1ust 4hen the de=il dri=es: CousinIB Kustine d0bbed her 30ce 4ith 0 bl0ck silk h0ndkerchie3: Her skin 40s still s2eckled 4ith blood6 03ter the 3our@40/ 3i5ht e0rlier on: LVer/ 4ell:B LWh0t 0bout the RelicIB 0sked the DoctorBs 2et: The Doctor looked 2le0sed 4ith her: He 40s 2rob0bl/ tr0inin5 the 5irl6 thou5ht JiDotl: LI h0dnBt 3or@ 5otten6 S01: We c0n collect the Relic be3ore 4e le0=e:B L&ho c0n collect itIB de10nded Ho1unculette: The Doctor si5hed: LWe c0n 0ll do it to5ether6 i3 /ou like:B LKust 0s lon5 0s the %rotons donBt t0ke it6B S01 0dded: JiDotl 5ot the i12ression sheBd onl/ s0id it to

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10ke hersel3 3eel like she 40s 20rt o3 the con=ers0tion: The Doctor 50=e her 0n encour05in5 s1ile: L"es: Althou5h6 to be 2recise6 there is onl/ the one %roton here FB He 3ro;e in 1id@sentence: The s1ile dro22ed o33 his 30ce: LJiDotl6B he s0id: LEr6 /e0hIB LDo /ou re1e1ber 4h0t E@%ob0lt s0id6 4hen he 0rri=edIB JiDotl ble4 throu5h his li2s: LDonBt 0sk 1e: I didnBt underst0nd 1ost o3 it: Oh6 /e0h6 I kno4: He s0id heBd interce2ted th0t bl0ck s20ceshi26 but heBd 0lre0d/ sent 3or::: oh6 hell:B LI kne4 4eBd 3or5otten so1ethin56B the Doctor 1uttered: And 0t th0t 1o1ent6 4ith 0 sense o3 ti1in5 th0t could onl/ h0=e been c0lled i12ecc0ble6 there 40s 0n o1inous ru1blin5 3ro1 outside the ;i55ur0t: E@%ob0lt ce0sed its re1iniscin56 0nd listened to 4h0t the control 5ro4th h0d to tell it: %ilo1etres 0bo=e the sur30ce o3 the 2l0net6 the sk/ 40s un3oldin56 re=e0lin5 thin5s th0t h0d tr0=elled here under the skin o3 s20ce@ti1e6 unseen b/ the uni=erse@0t@l0r5e: The shi2s 4ere 10de o3 cr/st0l6 5ro4n on the loo1s o3 Ju0rt;el@))6 their sh02es un1ist0k0ble: As the/ c01e into cont0ct 4ith the E0rthBs 0t1os2here6 their en5ines c0used 4ild 3luctu0tions in the 2l0netBs 2s/chic 0uror06 0s su2ers20@ ti0l dri=es o3ten did: E@%ob0lt thou5ht o3 the e33ects the disturb0nces 1i5ht h0=e on the bi2eds here6 0nd 3ound the notion 01usin5: As 1uch 0s 0n/thin5 could be 3ound 01usin5 b/ 0 %roton: The shi2s F the d/n0tro2es F descended: The/ 1o=ed 30st6 30ster th0n the =essel E@%ob0lt h0d 0rri=ed in: Soon6 the/ 4ere 4ithin =isu0l r0n5e: E@%ob0lt 40tched the1 throu5h the sensor/ 0220r0tus o3 the control 5ro4th: There 4ere ten o3 the d/n0tro2es6 0rr0n5ed in 0n u2side@do4n tetr0hedron6 4ith the s2e0rhe0d cr03t 0t the botto1 o3 the 3or10tion 0nd the siD lon5@r0n5e 0rtiller/ cr03t 0t the to2: The/ 4ere 20le 0nd E055ed6 like enor1ous 2ulled teeth6 0nd the/ s2un 0s the/ 3ell6 3illin5 the 0ir 4ith 0 dee26 discord0nt 40rblin56 loud enou5h to sh0ke the 40lls o3 the Cit/ belo4: Ten shi2s: A W0rs2e0r: The d/n0tro2es un3olded their 2robe li1bs6 s4ee2in5 the 0t1os2here6 se0rchin5 3or in3or10tion: E@%ob0lt let 0 little 1ore o3 his consciousness see2 into the control 5ro4th6 then 40rbled b0ck to the W0rs2e0r on the st0nd0rd co11unic0tions 3reAuenc/: It 40s re0d/ to 10ke its re2ort: And6 0s the co110nder o3 this unit6 it kne4 the others 4ould listen to 0n/ ide0s it 1i5ht h0=e 0bout ho4 to de0l 4ith the 0lien bi2eds: LA %roton W0rs2e0r6B the Doctor eD2l0ined: S01 bounded 0lon5 b/ his side6 inAuisiti=e 0s e=er: SheBd 0ll but 3or5otten 4h0t h0d h022ened the l0st ti1e sheBd 5one do4n to the =0ult6 the Doctor re0lised: One 4hi33 o3 0ction6 0nd she 40s her old sel3 050in: The 2er3ect co120nion: The 2er3ect co120nion::: The/ 4ere hurr/in5 do4n the ste2s no46 JiDotl6 %orte;6 Ho1unculette6 0nd the t4o 0r0doD cultists in to4: !obod/ trusted 0n/bod/ else to t0ke c0re o3 the Relic6 so the/ 4ere 0ll he0din5 3or the lo4est le=el to5ether: Ho1unculette 0nd M0nEuele ne=er took their e/es o33 e0ch other6 4hile %orte; s2ent 1ost o3 the ti1e st0rin5 0t the broken skin on his h0nds 0nd hu11in5 so1ethin5 th0t sounded sli5htl/ Tibet0n: O3 0ll the sur=i=in5 bidders6 onl/ Tr0sk 40s 0bsent: The de0d 10n h0d =0nished 0t so1e 2ointC nobod/ h0d s2otted 4here or 4hen6 eD0ctl/6 but the Doctor doubted it 10ttered: E=en i3 he 40s 30ster th0n the 0=er05e cor2se6 he 40s h0rdl/ likel/ to 5et to the =0ult be3ore the1 0nd 10ke o33 4ith the Relic: The Doctor tutted to hi1sel3: Once the/ re0ched the #0ctionBs shrine6 the/Bd be s03e 3ro1 the %rotons6 but he h0d no ide0 4h0t 4ould h022en then: He i105ined the bidders sh0rin5 out the Relic bet4een the1sel=es: An 0r1 3or the Celestis6 0 le5 3or Ho1unculette6 0 20ncre0s 3or the #0ction:::

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LWh0tBs 0 W0rs2e0rIB S01 Aueried: The Doctor sto22ed 2onti3ic0tin5: LIB1 not sure: IB=e 1et the %rotons be3ore6 but onl/ isol0ted units: I think itBs s03e to 0ssu1e the rein3orce1ents 0re 5oin5 to be he0=il/ 0r1ed6 thou5h:B LWh0t 0bout %0thleenIB S01 0sked: LAnd 4h0t 0bout M0rieIB 4hee;ed Ho1unculette: The Doctor 40=ed the Auestions 0side: LWeBll 2ick the1 u2 0s 4e 5o: But 4eBre runnin5 out o3 ti1e: %ee2 1o=in5:B The Relic is the i12ort0nt thin5: The Doctor nodded: LED0ctl/: The Relic is the i12ort0nt thin5:B The Relic h0s 0 1ess05e: LThe Relic h0s 0 1ess05e6B the Doctor re2e0ted: LSorr/6 4h0tIB s0id S01: LI s0id6 the Relic FB The Doctor sto22ed: Sto22ed de0d: Sto22ed de0dI Stu2id eD2ression to think o36 0t 0 ti1e like this: The Relic h0s 0 1ess05e6 0nd itBs =er/ i12ort0nt: The Doctor shook his 3ist in 3ront o3 his 30ce: LSto2 it6B he insisted: LSto2 4h0tIB 0sked S01: L!ot /ou:B The Relic is::: LI s0id6 sto2 itMB He closed his e/es6 0nd st0rted 40lkin5 050in6 lettin5 his 3eet 3ind the ste2s on their o4n: He 3elt hi1sel3 cross the l0ndin5 on the 3irst 3loor do4n6 then 1o=e do4n the st0irc0se to40rds the lo4est le=el6 brushin5 0side the re10ins o3 the retin0l 4ebs on the 40/: S01Bs =oice dri3ted b0ck into his consciousness: LDoctorI "ouBre 2ickin5 u2 tele20thic stu33 050in6 0renBt /ouIB L"es: "es6 I 01:B The Doctor sli22ed6 0l1ost 3ell do4n the ste2s6 but he reco=ered hi1sel3 in the nick o3 ti1e: Behind hi16 the bidders st0rted 1utterin5 0nDiousl/: LS016 2le0se: DonBt t0lk to 1e: ItBs h0rd kee2in5 the =oice out o3 1/ he0d: The closer I 5et to the c0sket:::B The closer /ou 5et to the c0sket6 the closer /ou 5et to the 3uture: I donBt kno4 4h/ /ouBre so 03r0id o3 /our o4n bod/6 Doctor: Think o3 it 0s 0 2oint o3 cert0int/ in /our li3e: A cornerstone: E=er/thin5 else is so =05ue6 these d0/s: So ch0n5e0ble::: LI donBt kno4 4h0t /ouBre t0lkin5 0bout:B I think /ou do: "ou used to be so c0re3ul6 0s 4ell: "ou 0l40/s did /our best to sto2 0n/thin5 h02@ 2enin5 to the ti1eline: Re1e1ber 4hen Adric dro=e th0t 3rei5hter 3ull o3 0nti10tter into the E0rth6 0nd 4i2ed out the dinos0urs 3or /ouI "ou 3elt like /ouBd lost so 1uch6 but letBs be honest6 /ou 4on th0t d0/: "ou did 4h0t /ou 0l40/s do: "ou looked 03ter histor/: "ou 10de sure the dinos0urs died out6 de0d on schedule: LTh0tBs not trueMB I kno46 /ouB=e 10de 0 3e4 s10ll::: letBs not c0ll the1 ch0n5es6 letBs c0ll the1 i12ro=is0tions: "ouB=e 10de sure 0 3e4 2eo2le sur=i=ed 4ho 4ouldnBt h0=e sur=i=ed: "ouB=e s0=ed the odd hu10n colon/ here6 the occ0sion0l end0n5ered s2ecies there: But 4here=er /ou 4ent6 /ou 0l40/s 10de sure ti1e r0n its course: &ntil no46 th0t is: &ntil this re5ener0tion: "ouBre not e=en thinkin5 0bout the con@ seAuences 0n/1ore: LMe0nin5IB Kust 03ter /ou re5ener0ted6 re1e1berI "ou 4ent b0ck 0nd =isited 0ll /our 20st li=es: Ch0n5ed /our o4n ti1eline b/ doin5 it6 too: LIt 40snBt eD0ctl/ 1/ doin56B the Doctor 2rotested: "ouBre bl01in5 R0ssilionI LWell::: i3 /ou like:B

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IsnBt th0t 0 bit like 0 Christi0n bl01in5 God 3or 0ll his 1ist0kesI $et 1e tr/ 0nother 022ro0ch6 10/be /ouBll see 4h0t IB1 5ettin5 0t: S01 thinks o3 /ou 0s 0 3unction o3 the uni=erse: Re0ll/6 th0tBs the 40/ she sees /ou: !ot 0 2erson6 eD0ctl/6 1ore 0 kind o3 built@in 3e0ture o3 eDistence: LTh0tBs not true6B s0id the Doctor: Actu0ll/6 he h0d no ide0 4hether it 40s true or not: $et 1e 3inish: Think b0ck to th0t ti1e 4hen /ou 4ent to see /our 2re=ious sel=es: Wh0t 40s the 3irst thin5 /ou did6 once /ouBd 3inished 2l0/in5 4ith /our ti1elineI Wh0t 40s the 3irst thin5 th0t h022ened6 once /ou 4ere sure /ouBd 5ot /our identit/ b0ckI IBll tell /ou6 i3 /ou c0nBt re1e1ber: "ou 1et u2 4ith S01 0nd took her on bo0rd the TARDIS: Al1ost 0s i3 so1e 20rt o3 /ou kne4 4h0t she re2resented6 0nd h0d to co12lete the 2rocess: LI donBt underst0nd: Wh0t does S01 re2resentIB LWho6 1eIB s0id S01: LShhh: I 0sked /ou 0 Auestion:B "ou kno4 4h0t S01 re2resents: I3 0 tree 30lls in 0 3orest 0nd no oneBs there to he0r it6 does it 10ke 0 soundI Sto2 1e i3 IB1 5ettin5 too 0bstr0ct here6 but i3 0 Ti1e $ord s0=es the 4orld 0nd nobod/ 4it@ nesses hi1 doin5 it6 does histor/ c0reI SheBs /our 4itness: The thin5 /ou need to 10ke /ou 4hole: "our he0rtBs desire: M0/be th0tBs 4h/ she 40s cre0ted in the 3irst 2l0ce: "ou 0nd she 4ere 10de 3or e0ch other6 she s0id so hersel3: S1ith 0nd Kones: ItBs so ob=ious6 itBs 0l1ost 20in3ul: L!oMB The Doctor 3elt 0 h0nd on his 0r16 2rob0bl/ S01Bs6 but he shook it o33: LIB1 not listenin5 to /ou: "ouBre the Shi3t: "ouBre 2uttin5 0ll these ide0s in 1/ he0d to distr0ct 1e:::B I3 /ou belie=ed th0t6 4e 4ouldnBt be h0=in5 this con=ers0tion: Well6 0ll ri5ht: erh02s IB1 20rtl/ the Shi3t: There h0=e been so 10n/ 0lien ide0s bouncin5 0round /our he0d6 IB1 not sur2rised /ouBre he0rin5 =oices: "our s/n02ses 0re in 0 1ess6 belie=e 1e: Think o3 1e 0s 0 kind o3 te12or0r/ 2s/chosis: LA 2s/chosisI "ou 1e0n6 IB1 t0lkin5 to 1/ o4n de1enti0IB DonBt 4orr/: IB1 sure itBll 20ss: LTHIS@IS@E@%O@BA$T@ RIME@O#@THE@%RO@TO!@#I#TH@$ATT@ICE: WE@ARE@!OW@I!@ CO!@TRO$@O#@THIS@CI@T":B The Doctor o2ened his e/es: He 40s st0ndin5 0t the entr0nce to the =0ult6 4ith the c0sket 5lo4in5 s1u5l/ to itsel3 on the other side o3 the de0d kidne/@50rden: Around hi16 the others 4ere clutchin5 their e0rs: The %rotonBs =oice h0d echoed throu5h the 40lls o3 the ;i55ur0t6 the s01e 40/ the touc0n 0l0r1s h0d: The Doctor 5uessed the Cit/ h0d been built to conduct sound th0t 40/: E@%ob0lt 40s 2rob@ 0bl/ usin5 so1e kind o3 A s/ste1 outside the buildin5: L"O&@WI$$@S&R@RE!D@ER@THE@RE$@IC@TO@&S6B E@%ob0lt 4ent on: LI#@"O&@O@BE"@"O&@ WI$$@BE@A$$@OWED@TO@$EAVE@THE@CI@T"@&!@HARMED: I#@"O&@RE@SIST@"O&@WI$$@ BE@DIS@ ERSED:B The Doctor 3elt his e0rs st0rt to bleed: The =oice 40s 0ctu0ll/ 10kin5 the 40lls tre1ble6 but 0t le0st it h0d blotted out the other =oice6 0nd 3or th0t he 40s 5r0te3ul: He looked u2 0t the ceilin5: L$isten to 1e6 E@%ob0lt: I donBt kno4 i3 /ou c0n he0r 1e6 but i3 /ou c0n6 then listen: We c0nBt let /ou h0=e the Relic: WeBll die be3ore 4e surrender it: Do /ou underst0ndIB LEr6 4h0t did /ou s0/IB s0id JiDotl: He 40s cr04lin5 0round on his knees6 his h0nds still 2oised o=er his e0rs: LI s0id6 4eBll die be3ore 4e surrender the Relic:B L&h: I thou5ht th0tBs 4h0t /ou s0id:B LDonBt 4orr/6 itBs onl/ 0 3i5ure o3 s2eech:B L"ou think the %rotons kno4 th0tIB L%RO@TO!@&!@ITS@HAVE@A$@READ@"@BEE!@DIS@ ATCHED6B intoned E@%ob0lt: Th0nk3ull/6 it s0id nothin5 else 03ter th0t: The Doctor 4ondered i3 the Shi3t kne4 enou5h 0bout the ;i55ur0t to think o3 usin5 the A s/ste1 0s 0 sonic 4e02on6 but he Auickl/ 2ut the thou5ht out o3 his 1ind: Kust in c0se the Shi3t 3ound it there:

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Ho1unculette 2ushed hi1sel3 bet4een the Doctor 0nd the =0ult: LTh0tBs 5ot to be the Relic: Ho4 0re 4e 5oin5 to shi3t itIB JiDotl 5ot b0ck on his 3eet: L!ot 0 2roble1: There 0re 0nti5r0=s str022ed to the botto1 o3 the boD6 0nd thereBs 0 n0=ico1 in the lid: Sound@0cti=0ted:B LRe0ll/IB s0id the Doctor: He 2ut t4o 3in5ers in his 1outh6 0nd 4histled: LIt onl/ res2onds to 1e:::B JiDotl be50n: But he didnBt bother 3inishin5 the sentence: Slo4l/6 =er/ slo4l/6 the c0sket li3ted itsel3 o33 the 5round6 0nd dri3ted 0cross the =0ult to40rds the1: The Doctor re1e1bered the H0nd o3 O1e506 0nd 0ll the h022/ hours heBd s2ent t0kin5 it 3or 40lks 4hen heBd 3irst 10de 0 ho1e 3or hi1sel3 on E0rth: The Relic 3lo0ted ri5ht u2 to hi16 then lo4ered itsel3 onto the 5round: The other bidders took 0 ste2 b0ck40rds: LGood bo/6B the Doctor s0id6 20ttin5 the c0sket on the lid: He ho2ed nobod/ could tell ho4 1uch he 40s sAuir1in5: At the botto1 o3 the 0rtron b/@2roduct 40ste@sh03t6 the 2uddle 40s still re1e1berin5: S2eci3ic0ll/6 it 40s re1e1berin5 its 3irst 0tte12t 0t 10tin5: Once the 10tin5 2rocess h0d been co1@ 2leted6 it h0d 3elt so1ethin5 deton0te in its bi55er@th0n@2l0nets 4o1b6 0 burst o3 li3e6 0 second 1icro@ uni=erse 3or1in5 4ithin the 1icro@uni=erse o3 M0rieBs bod/: A second TARDIS: !e0r@in3init/ inside ne0r@in3init/: The 2uddle re1e1bered the sense o3 co1bined h0tred6 r05e6 0nd dis022oint1ent 4hen the Ti1e $ords h0d t0ken the in30nt TARDIS 040/6 eDtr0ctin5 it 3ro1 the 4o1b be3ore it h0d e=en 5ro4n its 3irst 2o4er cell: The/Bd 2ut it into sus2ension6 tr022in5 it inside one o3 their little 20n@di1ension0l boDes: It 40s onl/ 0 child6 the/Bd s0id: It needed 2ro2er su2er=ision: SheBd ne=er seen the in30nt 050in: Another bre0k in the 1e1ories: Then M0rie 40s in the ;i55ur0t6 her 4e02ons s/ste1s brin5in5 the1sel=es on@line: She told the1 to sto26 but the/ re3used to listen: She 3elt the shell o3 her bod/ o2enin5 u2: !e4 i12ulses6 ne4 res2onses: She kne4 4ho Tr0sk 40s 4orkin5 3or: She kne4 4ho the Shi3t 40s 4orkin5 3or: In so1e 20rt o3 her co5niti=e core6 she e=en understood 4h0t the Shi3t 40s 2l0nnin56 0nd 5uessed 4h0t it 4ould tr/ to do i3 it 30iled: The 1e1or/ 0cid h0d been dis2ersed: M0rieBs 20st 40s l/in5 in 2ools 0round the interior o3 her bod/6 e0ch 20rt re1e1berin5 so1ethin56 no 20rt re1e1berin5 e=er/thin5: The 2uddle con5e0led6 beco1in5 0 se1i@solid6 then thre4 out 3eelers6 tin/ shoots o3 5re/ oo;e th0t 2robed the botto1 o3 the sh03t: The 1e1or/ 0cid h0d been desi5ned to be 0d02ti=e6 sel3@re20irin56 0nd sel3@reli0nt: The 2uddle kne4 it h0d to 3ind the rest o3 M0rieBs identit/: It kne4 it h0d to 2ut her b0ck to5ether 050in: One o3 the 3eelers 0tt0ched itsel3 to the side o3 the sh03t6 0nd dr055ed the rest o3 the 2uddleBs 10ss 03ter it: Slo4l/6 =er/ slo4l/6 the 2uddle be50n to cli1b: Ho1unculetteBs 5uest roo1 looked like 0 1ilit0r/ b0rr0cks: Cousin Kustine eD2erienced 0 brie3 t4in5e o3 s0tis30ction 4hen she s04 it: A 3e4 centuries 05o6 0 Ti1e $ordBs 5uest roo1 4ould h0=e been 0 1onu1ent to o2ulence6 0ll Ionic colu1ns 0nd 5old tri11in5s: But here6 the 3ittin5s 4ere 5re/ 0nd 3unction0l6 0nd the 0ir on the other side o3 the door40/ st0nk o3 10le hor1ones inste0d o3 incense: This is 4h0t h0l3 0 1illenniu1 o3 40r30re c0n do to 0 r0ce6 Kustine decided: And nobod/ deser=ed it 1ore th0n the Ti1e $ords: #ro1 the corridor6 she 40tched Ho1unculette bendin5 o=er his TARDIS6 st0rin5 into the 10chineBs e/es 0s i3 she 4ere 0 sick kitten: LSheBs 5ettin5 better6B Ho1unculette 5ru1bled: LI c0n see the 1e1or/ 20tterns co1in5 to5ether in the iris 1onitors:B

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L$etBs 1o=e6B s0id $ittle Brother M0nEuele: Kustine nodded her 05ree1ent: LI3 /ouBre Auite re0d/6 Mr Ho1unculetteI We 0re under 0tt0ck6 03ter 0ll:B Ho1unculette turned to 5l0re 0t her: LIB1 re0d/: Hel2 1e 5et her u2:B LI be5 /our 20rdonIB LI c0nBt c0rr/ here 0lone6 c0n II Co1e on: Hel2 1e:B L#B5et it6B M0nEuele s0id6 4ith the 30intest o3 5rins: Ho1unculette clenched his 3ists: L$isten6 /ou little 2ri1iti=e FB L$ook outMB Kustine s2un 0round: The Doctor stood neDt to her6 his co120nion 0t his side6 the Relic ho=erin5 0t his 3eet: JiDotl 0nd the &!IS"C Colonel 4ere close 0t h0nd6 0nd 0ll o3 the1 4ere st0rin5 u2 the cor@ ridor: Kustine 3ollo4ed their le0d: There 40s so1ethin5 0t the end o3 the 20ss05e6 st0ndin5 0t the 2oint 4here the corridor turned 0 ninet/@de5ree corner: At 3irst6 Kustine thou5ht the cre0ture 40s E@%ob0lt6 but she soon re0lised it 40s l0r5er6 bulkier6 th0n the %roton co110nder h0d been: Its bod/ 40s blo0ted6 co=ered in sh02eless bu12s6 the 3ront o3 its torso 2l0ted 4ith 20nels o3 sil=er@4hite 0r1our: Inste0d o3 le5s6 it h0d 0 sin5le 5i50ntic tre0d: Its shoulders 4ere hu5e6 0l1ost touchin5 the o22osin5 40lls o3 the 20ss05e: Kustine 40s re1inded o3 one o3 the 40r 10chines described in the 4orks o3 Mr Wells: T0nks6 sheBd he0rd the1 c0lled: $ike E@%ob0lt6 the 1onster h0d t4o 3leDible li1bs eDtendin5 3ro1 its bod/: Ho4e=er6 both o3 these 0r1s ended in o2en tubes: The bein5Bs tin/ he0d rot0ted on to2 o3 its 5i50ntic bod/: LWh0t FB Kustine be50n: Be3ore she could s0/ 0n/thin5 1ore6 so1ethin5 knocked her o33 her 3eet: In the 1o1ents th0t 3ol@ lo4ed6 she 4orked out th0t it h0d been the Doctor: HeBd 1o=ed b0ck40rds do4n the corridor6 040/ 3ro1 the 40r 10chine6 s4ee2in5 Kustine 0lon5 4ith hi1: When Kustine re50ined her senses6 she 3ound hersel3 le0nin5 050inst the 40ll 0t the other end o3 the 20ss05e: The Doctor 0nd his 0ssist0nt 4ere ne0rb/6 4hile JiDotl 0nd %orte; 4ere 0lre0d/ hurtlin5 o33 0lon5 0 side@tunnel: As Kustine 40tched6 the corridor in 3ront o3 her 40s 3illed 4ith 4h0t looked like 0 thick 4hite 1ist: She s04 M0nEuele s2rintin5 to40rds her6 the 40=e@3ront o3 the 50s 0t his b0ck: The $ittle Brother looked terri3ied: It 40s the 3irst ti1e Kustine h0d seen hi1 like th0t6 0nd it 40s 010;in5 ho4 20thetic he suddenl/ see1ed: There 40s 0 5ro0nin5 3ro1 the other side o3 the =02our6 the sound o3 the 1onster trundlin5 3or40rd: Kustine s04 the c0sket =0nish 01idst the 2u33/ 4hite clouds: It h0d tried to 3ollo4 the Doctor6 but it h0dnBt been 30st enou5h: LMo=eMB the Doctor shouted: So Kustine 1o=ed: She 10de 3or the side@tunnel6 the s01e 40/ JiDotl 0nd the Colonel h0d 5one6 the Doctor 0nd the 5irl in 3ront o3 her: The CousinBs skirt 4r022ed itsel3 0round her le5s 0s she r0n6 so she h0d to ho2 so1e o3 the 40/ to sto2 hersel3 to22lin5 o=er: LWh0t is itIB the 5irl 0sked6 0s she he0ded u2 the 20ss05e: LAnother %roton6B the Doctor told her: L#ull b0ttle dress6 this ti1e: ItBs the kind o3 bod/ the/ 4e0r 4hen the/ 40nt to 10ke 0n i12ression: !ot =er/ ener5/@e33icient6 thou5h:B He sto22ed6 4ithout 40rnin5: Kustine =er/ ne0rl/ r0n into hi1: LWhich 40/ to the shrineIB he 0sked her6 ur5entl/: Kustine 2ointed: LBut the Relic FB LToo l0te: WeBre 5oin5 to h0=e to t0ckle the 2roble1 0t the source:B He took his co120nionBs h0nd6 0nd dr055ed her 040/ 0round the corner Cousin Kustine h0d indic0ted: M0nEuele 022e0red 0t KustineBs side: His e/es 4ere bul5in5 out o3 his he0d6 0nd he looked like he 40s re0d/ to st0rt cr/in5 0t 0n/ 1o1ent: LSBno 5ood6B he bl0bbered: L!o 5ood: SBlike ho1e: SBEust like ho1e: Riot t0nks: Oh God: Oh Kesus

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Christ:B Cousin Kustine sl022ed hi1: Once6 on the cheek6 0s h0rd 0s she could: LWe h0=e 0 dut/ to the Gr0nd30ther6B she s0id6 sternl/: LH0d /ou 3or5ottenIB M0nEuele looked do4n 0t his shoes: A 5ri10ce settled on his 30ce: Kustine sur=e/ed the 20ss05e: The Doctor 0nd his 3riend 4ere lon5 5one: %orte; 0nd JiDotl h0d =0n@ ished6 too: Behind the16 the ru1blin5 h0d sto22ed6 0nd the 50s 40snBt 3ollo4in5 the1 0round the corner: LWh0t dB4e doIB M0nEuele 0sked6 3eebl/: LThe S2irits 4ill 5uide us6B Kustine re2lied: A10;in5l/6 she 10n05ed to 10ke it sound like she re0ll/ belie=ed it: The %rotonBs desi5n0tion 40s I@Cod0@Minor: It h0d been one o3 the 3our units 10nnin5 the le0d shi2 o3 the W0rs2e0r6 0nd like its cell@10tes6 it h0d obe/ed E@%ob0lt@ ri1eBs order to le0=e the d/n0tro2e 4ithout Auestion: The neDt three shi2s in the W0rs2e0r 3or10tion h0d recei=ed the s01e order: T4o units 3ro1 e0ch cr03t h0d dise1b0rked6 the d/n0tro2es descendin5 to 5round le=el be3ore o2enin5 u2 their s2hincter0l =0l=es 0nd 0llo4in5 their occu20nts to roll out into the Cit/: I@Cod0 t4isted its cr0ni0l unit6 re0dEustin5 its senses until it could see throu5h the clouds o3 cr/st0l u2 0he0d: The corrosi=e h0d no e33ect on %roton tissue6 n0tur0ll/6 but it 40s kno4n to h0=e s2ect0cul0r e33ects on c0rbon 3or1s: I@Cod0 40s dis022ointed to note th0t there 4ere no bodies in the 20ss05e: There 40s so1ethin5 o3 interest6 thou5h: An unidenti3ied obEect6 sus2ended 0bo=e the 3loor on 1ini@ 0ture 0nti5r0= units: I@Cod0Bs hi5h@le=el senses detected biolo5ic0l 10tter in the obEectBs interior: The %roton rolled 3or40rd6 0nd eDtended 0 2robe: E@%ob0lt h0d 5i=en orders to look out 3or 0n ite1 like this: So1ethin5 o3 5re0t t0ctic0l i12ort0nce6 e=identl/: I@Cod0Bs 2robin5s 4ere interru2ted b/ 0 dull sni33in5 sound6 3ro1 so1e4here 4ithin lo4@le=el sensor/ r0n5e: It re0dEusted its 2erce2tion 20r01eters: "esC there 4ere se=er0l ch01bers set 0lon5side the corridor6 0nd so1ethin5 40s 1o=in5 0round inside one o3 the1: I@Cod0 turned F 0 slo4 2rocess6 in this bod/ F 0nd trundled throu5h the ne0rest door40/: The roo1 h0dnBt been 033ected b/ the corrosi=e: On the 30r side o3 the 0re0 40s 4h0t I@Cod0 took to be 0 bi2ed rest@unit6 0nd stretched out on it 40s 0 1otionless hu10noid 3e10le: I@Cod0 detected no li3e si5ns: B/ the side o3 the unit 40s 0 sin5le hu10noid 10le: LI@den@ti@3/@/our@sel36B I@Cod0 ordered: The hu10noid looked u2: A tr0ce o3 liAuid 022e0red in the corner o3 one o3 the bi2edBs =isu0l sensors6 thou5h I@Cod0 40snBt sure i3 this 40s due to d0105e or so1e 3or1 o3 lubric0tion: LWh/ c0nBt /ou le0=e us 0loneIB the 0lien 0sked: I@Cod0 0ns4ered the Auestion b/ 4obblin5 one o3 its 4e02ons 0tt0ch1ents: LI@den@ti@3/@/our@sel3@ or@/ou@4ill@be@dis@2ersed:B The hu10noid re0ched out 3or the 3e10le bein5: It F he6 I@Cod0 re1e1beredC hu10noids h0d s2e@ ci3ic ter1inolo5/ 3or units o3 di33erent 5enders F stroked the side o3 the 4o10nBs 30ce: LAni10ls6B s0id the 10n6 Auietl/: And dis022e0red: I@Cod0 rec0libr0ted its senses6 but it 40s too l0te: Wh0te=er h0d h022ened to the hu10noid6 the %rotonBs s/ste1s h0dnBt 2icked it u2: It 40s 0l1ost 0s i3 the bein5 h0d =0nished inside the bod/ o3 the 3e10le6 thou5h the l04s o3 2h/sics insisted this 40s i12ossible: Then the 3e10le dis022e0red6 too: There 40s 0 rh/th1ic 4hee;in56 5ro0nin5 sound6 4hich 10de I@Cod0Bs he0d s2in in the 1ost 2eculi0r 40/6 be3ore the l0st tr0ces o3 her bod/ 30ded out o3 eDistence: The %roton 3illed the roo1 4ith corrosi=e 10teri0l6 1ore out o3 3rustr0tion th0n 3or 0n/ 2r0ctic0l re0son: Then it b0cked out into the corridor6 0nd 10de its re2ort to E@%ob0lt: A sAu0re o3 5re/ li5ht 022e0red 0t the end o3 the 20ss05e40/: Mr JiDotl ke2t 1o=in5: He h0d no ide0

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4here the others 4ere6 0nd he didnBt 20rticul0rl/ c0re: #or 0 4hile6 heBd been 3ollo4in5 %orte;6 but the/Bd run into 0nother one o3 the %roton t0nks6 0nd JiDotl h0d lost si5ht o3 the Colonel 01on5 the clouds o3 corrosi=e: The 10n 40s 2rob0bl/ de0d b/ no4: A 4et 20tch o3 bio10ss6 l/in5 in 0 corner so1e4here: Bleu5h: But no4 the eDit 40s onl/ 0 3e4 1etres in 3ront o3 hi1: JiDotl h0d he0ded 3or the 10in entr0nce o3 the ;i55ur0t F 0ll ri5ht6 the only entr0nce o3 the ;i55ur0t F si12l/ bec0use he h0dnBt been 0ble to think o3 0n/4here else to 5o: E=en i3 heBd 10n05ed to re0ch the #0ctionBs shrine6 he h0d no ide0 ho4 to 2ilot the thin56 0nd he doubted Cousin Kustine 4ould sur=i=e lon5 enou5h to 1eet hi1 there: He could h0=e relied on the Doctor6 o3 course6 but he still 5ot the 3eelin5 the Doctor 40nted to kill hi1: Hell6 the 3ront door 40s 0s 5ood 0 40/ out 0s 0n/: The Shi3t h0d no re0son to 40nt hi1 de0d: The Doctor6 /es: Ho1unculette6 /es: But old JiDotlI JiDotl 40s the 1iddle10n: An/one could see he 40s h0r1less: Ri5htI Ri5htI "e0h: HeBd 10ke it out o3 the ;i55ur0t in one 2iece: The %rotons 4ouldnBt bother 3irin5 on hi1 3ro1 the 0ir6 not i3 the Shi3t 40s 5i=in5 the1 their orders: His o4n shi2 40s 20rked Eust outside the Cit/ 40ll6 he could be o33 this dirtb0ll 2l0net in ten 1inutes or so: A l0r5e6 hulkin56 0n5ul0r sh02e blocked the li5ht 0t the end o3 the tunnel: JiDotl Euddered to 0 h0lt6 0nd r0ised his h0nds: LO%6 O%6 so IB1 tr/in5 to b0il out6B he s0id: L!ot 1uch o3 0 2roble1 3or /ou 5u/s6 /e0hI I 1e0n6 /ou let 1e 5et throu5h6 4eBll 3or5et this e=er h022ened:B The %roton ru1bled 3or40rd: JiDotl s04 0 second6 identic0l sh02e 1o=in5 into 2osition behind it: Oh6 5ood 5rie3: Ho4 10n/ o3 the thin5s 4ere there 0round hereI He took 0 ste2 b0ck: LAll ri5ht6 I 5et the ide0: "ou 40nt 1e to 5i=e 1/sel3 u26 10/be hel2 /ou out: #ine6 4h0te=er /ou s0/: "ou 40nt to kno4 4here the Relic isI I c0n sho4 /ou: !o 2roble1:B LI@den@ti@3/@/our@sel36B 5ur5led the 3irst %roton: LWh0tI Oh6 ri5ht:B JiDotl lo4ered his h0nds6 0nd str0i5htened his tie: LJiDotl: Mr JiDotl: "our boss kno4s 1e:B LJi@Do@tl:B The %rotonBs he0d s4un5 0 little to the le3t6 then 0 little to the ri5ht: JiDotl 5uessed it 40s 5ettin5 in touch 4ith E@%ob0lt6 checkin5 his ID: LJi@Do@tl: Mis@ter: "ou@h0=e@been@i@den@ti@3ied:B LGood: Ri5ht: $o=el/:B L"ou@0re@un@i1@2or@t0nt:B LEr6 sorr/IB s0id Mr JiDotl: The %roton o2ened 3ire: The burst 40s short6 0 2u33 o3 concentr0ted cr/st0l th0t s2urted 3ro1 one o3 the %rotonBs 0r1s 0nd licked 050inst JiDotlBs chest: There 40s no 20in: JiDotl 5042ed 0t the %roton: LWh0t did /ou do th0t 3orIB he tried to s0/: He tried: But he couldnBt: He couldnBt e=en bre0the: He 3elt like so1eone h0d sur5ic0ll/ eDtr0cted 1ost o3 his thro0t: Then he looked do4n: His chest 40snBt there: There 40s 0 hole6 0l1ost 0 2er3ect circle6 re0chin5 3ro1 ni22le to ni22le: The 3ront o3 his suit h0d been che4ed 040/6 0s h0d his skin6 0s h0d the 3lesh underne0th6 0s h0d 1ost o3 his ribc05e: There 40s no blood6 thou5h: The hole 40s ri11ed 4ith sil=er@tinted 3rost6 0nd inside his chest the or50ns looked like the/Bd been 3ree;e@dried: M0n/ thou5hts 4ent throu5h JiDotlBs he0d in the neDt 3e4 n0noseconds: Ho4e=er6 4hiche=er 40/ he looked 0t it6 he ke2t co1in5 b0ck to the 30ct th0t no hu10noid li3e@3or1 could 2ossibl/ sur=i=e 4ith 0 4ound like th0t: The %rotons 0d=0nced: JiDotl 3ell to his knees6 0nd cl04ed 0t his chest6 des2er0tel/ tr/in5 to kne0d the 3lesh b0ck to5ether 4ith his 3in5ers: In 0ll honest/6 thou5h6 it 40s ne=er re0ll/ 0 5re0t sur=i=0l 2l0n: He 40s d/in5: Th0t 1uch 40s 30irl/ ob=ious:

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So he dro22ed to the 5round6 0nd let his bod/ 5et on 4ith it:

111physiologically0 at least0 the Krotons are among the least understood beings in Mutters/ Spiral1 Our gala5y is $ell2stocked $ith carbon2based li(e0 and even silicon2based species0 though rare0 have been thoroughly researched0 catalogued0 and dissected over the years1 Krotons0 ho$ever0 are something else1 The Kroton #bsolute evolved (rom a (orm o( .uasi2organic tellurium2based crystal0 native to a $orld commonly kno$n as Krosi2#psai2 ore0 though the empire $hich gave it that name has long since (allen1 Originally0 the crystal $as predatory in nature0 a gestalt li(e2(orm capable o( creating 3slaved6 sub2beings out o( its o$n biological mass1 Though these individual units $ere not in any $ay sentient0 they $ere adaptive enough to be able to nulli(y0 or even to mimic0 the innate o((ensiveCde(ensive abilities o( the species they preyed on1 %o$ever0 $hen alien elements $ere introduced to Krosi2#psai0 the ecosystem $ent to pieces1 The $orld $as occupied by a militant capitalist humanoid culture Dsee p1EFGH0 $hich arrived in search o( (resh territory0 mineral $ealth0 and all the other things humanoids usually look (or $hen they turn up on a ne$ planet1 The invaders soon set their servo2robots to $ork on Krosi2#psai111 a territorial chal2 lenge the crystal gestalt couldn/t possibly ignore1 Bntil this point0 the crystal had been unable to develop sentient consciousness0 its structure being much too crude to mimic any comple5 organic neural system it might have come across1 But the brains o( the servo2robots $ere (ar more basic0 (ar easier (or the gestalt to copy1 The result9 Millions0 per2 haps billions0 o( semi2sentient crystalline entities0 all heavily armed0 all beginning to think like the imperialist $orker2units they/d modelled themselves on1 The humanoid invaders .uickly $ithdre$0 leaving behind a planet (ull o( 3Krotons6 $ho suddenly had no idea $hat to do $ith themselves1 Over the centuries0 the Krotons have developed rudimentary emotional capacity0 and have even become capable o( creativity0 yet something o( their heritage remains1 4ven today0 each individual unit is 3slaved6 to the Kroton #bsolute1 4very Kroton is psychologically linked to every other Kroton0 or at least0 to every other Kroton $ithin thinking distance1 Some researchers have mistaken this link (or telepathy0 but in (act the connection is (ar more subtle1 The crystalline neural net$orks o( the Krotons vibrate as ne$ thoughts cross their minds0 and i( several Krotons are all thinking about the same thing0 their brains vibrate on identical (re.uencies1 )ndividual units can (eel each other/s mental (luctuations kilometres a$ay0 in much the same $ay that animals can (eel earth.uakes hours be(ore any humanoid notices the ground begin to shake111 F ro3essor Gustous Thri2sted6 !enetic Politics Beyond the Third 'one6 A22endiD OOIV: Across the &nthink0ble Cit/6 0nd in the cr03t th0t ho=ered 0bo=e it6 3ort/@one telluriu1@b0sed br0ins tre1bled in s/120th/: On E@%ob0ltBs co110nd6 the d/n0tro2es still in the 0ir 0rr0n5ed the1sel=es into 0 ne4 3or10tion: E@%ob0lt kne46 e=en 3ro1 its 2osition on bo0rd the bl0ck shi26 th0t one o3 its under@ lin5s h0d loc0ted the Relic: And the 2ilots o3 the W0rs2e0r kne46 3ro1 the control centres o3 their o4n =essels6 4h0t E@%ob0lt 40nted the1 to do neDt: E0ch %roton h0d the s01e ide0 in its he0d: The old 1ilit0r/ instinct6 the s01e 055ressi=e ur5e the %roton Absolute h0d le0rned 3ro1 the ser=o@robots on %rosi@A2s0i@Core 0ll those /e0rs 05o: The situ@ 0tion 40s6 in the 1ind o3 the co110nder6 Auite si12le: Once the Relic h0d been re1o=ed 3ro1 the buildin56 the Cit/ 4ould be destro/ed6 0nd 0ll the unreli0ble c0rbon@b0sed units inside it 4ould be (.(


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destro/ed6 0s 4ell: It 40snBt 0 2l0n6 it 40s 0 (act: LThis one6B s0id S016 skiddin5 to 0 h0lt h0l340/ do4n the 20ss05e: The Doctor 2eered throu5h the door40/: S01 40tched his 30ce 0s he 5ot his 3irst e/e3ul o3 the shrine: He didnBt look sur2rised6 but he did look =05uel/ re=olted: LDe3initel/ TARDIS technolo5/6B he s0id: He 5l0nced b0ck 0t the corridor behind hi1: LWh0t h022ened to Cousin KustineIB S01 s4ore to hersel36 =er/ =er/ Auietl/: In 0 4orld o3 his o4n 050in6 she thou5ht: LWe lost her 05es 05o: DidnBt /ou noticeI $isten6 4e c0nBt le0=e /et: WeB=e 5ot to 5et %0thleen: And the Relic:B LWeBre not le0=in5: I think IB=e 5ot 0n ide0:B L"ou think /ouB=e 5ot 0n ide0IB LI think so: But I could be i105inin5 it: There 0re 0 lot o3 b0ck5round thou5hts 0round6 itBs 5ettin5 h0rd to concentr0te:B The Doctor tilted his he0d 0 little: LDo /ou he0r th0tIB S01 listened: ThereBd been 0ll kinds o3 noises 0round the 2l0ce 4hile the/Bd been 10kin5 their 40/ here: Coll02sin5 10sonr/6 scurr/in5 3eet6 s2innin5 he0ds6 the 4orks: !o4 0ll she could 10ke out 40s 0 ste0d/ ru1blin5 sound6 Auite close6 10/be 0round the neDt corner: LItBs one o3 the %rotons6B she s0id: LTh0tBs the noise their tre0ds 10ke:B L er3ect6B s0id the Doctor: Then he hurried o33 do4n the corridor6 to40rds the source o3 the noise: S01 40s so st0rtled6 she didnBt e=en 3eel like kickin5 hi1: She 1o=ed 03ter hi16 but she sto22ed 4hen she s04 hi1 re0ch the end o3 the 20ss05e: HeBd co1e to 0 h0lt6 30cin5 the corridor 0round the corner6 40=in5 his 0r1s: Oh no6 thou5ht S01: le0se6 donBt let hi1 be 40=in5 0t one o3 the %rotons: I 1e0n6 2le0se: LI@den@ti@3/@/our@sel36B burbled 0 =oice 3ro1 0round the corner: S01 4inced: LI 01 the Doctor6B the Doctor decl0red: He 10de it sound like 0n i12ort0nt 0nnounce1ent6 like he 40s re0din5 out the no1in0tions 3or 0n 0c0de1/ 040rd: LI think /our co110nder 40nts to s2e0k to 1e: erh02s /ouBd better tell hi1::: tell it::: 4here I 01:B There 40s 0 20use: S01 5uessed the thin5 4ould be s4i=ellin5 its he0d 0t hi1 in 0 1en0cin5 30shion: L"ou@0re@0@kno4n@en@e1@/@o3@the@%ro@ton@Ab@so@lute: The@#irst@$0t@tice@h0s@5i@=en@orders@ th0t@/our@bo@d/@is@to@be@re@co@=ered@0t@0ll@costs:B The Doctor s2re0d his 0r1s 4ide: LWell6 here it is: Th0t is6 i3 /ou belie=e I re0ll/ 01 the Doctor:B LED@2l0in:B The Doctor 50=e S01 0 Auick side40/s 5l0nce: LKust 0 20ssin5 thou5ht: I could be 0n/bod/6 3or 0ll /ou kno4: So1e 2oor deluded 20sser@b/6 des2er0te 3or 0ttention:B Then so1ethin5 dr010tic h022ened: A cr/st0l s2ike6 2resu10bl/ 20rt o3 the %roton6 l0shed out 0t the Doctor: S01 Eu12ed: The s2ike h0d shot do4n the 20ss05e like 0 bullet 3ro1 0 5un6 but the Doctor h0d side@ste22ed it 0l1ost 4ithout see1in5 to notice: It h0d 3lo4n ri5ht 20st hi16 0nd e1bedded itsel3 in the 40ll: It 40s 0 tendril6 S01 s04: #leDible6 but sh0r2ened to 0 2oint: The tendril h0d s2lintered 4hen it h0d hit the 40ll6 le0=in5 s10ll 3lecks o3 cr/st0l litterin5 the 3loor 0round the Doctor6 0nd no4 the eDtension 40s t4itchin56 tr/in5 to 2ull itsel3 3ree o3 the stone: There 40s 0 lo4 5ro0nin5 noise6 4hich S01 inter@ 2reted 0s 0 %roton 40il o3 0n5uish: The Doctor re0ched do4n6 s4e2t u2 the l0r5est 0=0il0ble 2iece o3 sh0ttered cr/st0l6 0nd hot@3ooted it b0ck do4n the 20ss05e to40rds her: LWh0t:::IB S01 s0id6 kno4in5 3ull 4ell sheBd ne=er 5et the ch0nce to 3inish the sentence: LBio10ss int0ke tube6B the Doctor r0ttled: LIt 40s tr/in5 to t0ke 0 s012le 3ro1 1e: Co1e on: Into the shrine:B L"ou@4ill@not@1o=eMB 50r5led the %roton6 0round the corner: LWh/:::IB S01 be50n:


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He 40=ed the sh0rd o3 broken cr/st0l in 3ront o3 her 30ce: L%roton bio10ss: WeBre holdin5 our o4n ritu0l6 0nd e=er/bod/Bs in=ited: I s0id6 into the shrine: Juickl/MB Mr JiDotl 40snBt de0d: This sur2rised hi1 0s 1uch 0s it 4ould h0=e sur2rised 0n/one: ItBs not 0s i3 I 2l0nned 3or this or 0n/thin56 he s0id to hi1sel36 0s he l0/ on the 3loor 4ith his 5uts h0n5in5 out: ItBs not 0s i3 I h0d so1e secret sur2rise 3orce@3ield 5ener0tor hidden under 1/ =est6 Eust in c0se: IB1 l/in5 here 4ith 0 hole in 1/ chest /ou could use 0s 0 2unchbo4l6 0nd 1/ le5s 0ll sAu0shed 4here the %rotons rolled o=er the16 0nd I h0=enBt 0 clue 4h/ IB1 still bre0thin5: Then he noticed th0t6 0s it h022ened6 he 40snBt bre0thin5: D01n: Ob=iousl/6 he 40s 5oin5 throu5h one o3 those str0n5e ti1e@slo4in5@do4n eD2eriences 2eo2le h0d 4hen the/ 4ere on the brink o3 snu33in5 it: JiDotl l0/ b0ck6 closed his e/es6 0nd let hi1sel3 5o 4ith it: There 40s no 2oint 05onisin5: The e0siest thin5 to do 40s 5et so1e rest 0nd 40it 3or de0th: But de0th onl/ sent 0 re2resent0ti=e: LJiDotl6B s0id Tr0sk: Mr JiDotl st0red u2 0t the 40lkin5 cor2se6 0nd e=en no46 e=en in his d/in5 1o1ents6 he 3elt hi1sel3 sAuir1: A n0st/ thou5ht suddenl/ struck hi1: LOh no6B he s0id: LIB1 one o3 /ou6 0renBt II IB1 one o3 the li=in5 de0d:B Tr0sk tried to sh0ke his he0d6 but the 1uscles 1ust h0=e been too sti336 bec0use he 50=e u2 03ter 0 second or t4o: L!o: JiDotl: !ot de0d: Mort0l st0sis:B LSorr/IB LMort0l st0sis: M/ e12lo/ers: The Celestis: The/ c0n hold o33 /our 1o1ent o3 de0th: #or 0 4hile: !ot lon5: $on5 enou5h 3or us to t0lk: To 3inish the de0l:B Then JiDotl re1e1bered: The de0l6 the one Tr0sk h0d o33ered hi1 b0ck in the 5uest roo1: At the ti1e6 the o33er h0d sounded like 0 b0d he0d@tri26 but 0ll o3 0 sudden it see1 to 10ke 2er3ect sense: L"ou 1e0n::: no4I "ou c0n 0ctu0ll/:::IB L"es:B JiDotl tried to l0u5h6 but his di02hr051 didnBt 3eel u2 to the t0sk6 4h0t 4ith the 502in5 4ound in his torso 0nd 0ll: LO%6 Mr Tr0sk: "ouB=e 5ot 1/ 0ttention: $etBs t0lk: Kust 10ke sure I donBt snu33 it h0l340/ throu5h 0 sentence6 /e0hIB The Doctor tried to 3or5et e=er/thin5 th0t 40snBt i12ort0nt: The horrible decor o3 the shrine6 the n0st/ itchin5 sens0tion in his te12les 4hich he 0ssu1ed 40s 0n 0ller5ic re0ction to 0r0doD technolo5/6 the sound o3 the %roton slo4l/ ru1blin5 do4n the 20ss05e outside::: 4ell6 0ll ri5ht6 the %roton slo4l/ ru1blin5 do4n the 20ss05e outside 40s 2ushin5 the bound0ries o3 >not i12ort0nt?6 but he h0d to con@ centr0te: ThereBd been 0 bios012ler l/in5 on the 3loor neDt to the control d0is: It 40s 0 dis5ustin5 2iece o3 0220r0tus6 the s01e kind o3 =oodoo science heBd seen on Dronid6 but heBd been 5l0d to see it there 0ll the s01e: It 1e0nt he 4ouldnBt h0=e to use 0 2enkni3e: The thou5ht h0d been botherin5 hi1 e=er since heBd co1e u2 4ith the 2l0n: LDoctorI "ouBre not 5oin5 to do 4h0t I think /ouBre 5oin5 to do6 0re /ouIB The Doctor sli22ed the bios012ler o=er his 3in5ers6 0nd 3elt the 1et0l rin5s close 0round his knuckles: LI3 I kno4 /ou 4ell enou5h to think I kno4 4h0t /ouBll be thinkin5 IB1 thinkin5 0bout6 S016 then::: 0ctu0ll/6 I donBt kno4: "ouBre distr0ctin5 1e: Sto2 it:B LSorr/:B The Doctor took one l0st look 0round the shrine: The technolo5/ 40s no 1ore co12leD th0n th0t o3 the TARDIS6 but the o2er0tin5 s/ste1 40s di33erent: He h0d to 2er3or1 the ritu0l 0s i3 it 4ere 0 hol/ dut/: It 40s the onl/ 40/ o3 5ettin5 the shrine to underst0nd hi1: He dro22ed the sh0rd o3 %roton cr/st0l onto the d0is: There 40s 0 20use6 0nd 3or 0 1o1ent he


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thou5ht the 2l0n 40snBt e=en 5oin5 to 5et 20st st05e one6 but then the shrine st0rted hu11in5 in his e0r: It 40snBt used to cr/st0lline bio10ss6 the Doctor concluded: LIBd like to s0/ 0 3e4 4ords on this sole1n occ0sion6B he intoned: LR0bbits r0bbits r0bbits: $et slee2in5 do5s lie: ThereBs 10n/ 0 sli2 Bt4iDt 0 cu2 0nd 0 l02: Boiled bee3 0nd c0rrots:B LWh0tIB s0id S01: The Doctor shushed her: I3 it sounded like 0 ritu0l6 he re0soned6 itBd 2rob0bl/ be enou5h 3or the shrine: He 2ulled b0ck the slee=e o3 his E0cket6 0nd 2ressed the s2ines o3 the bio1s012ler 050inst the skin: S01 looked suit0bl/ 0220lled: W0s this the ri5ht thin5 to doI "es6 it 1i5ht be the onl/ 40/ to sto2 the %rotons destro/in5 the &nthink0ble Cit/6 but could he6 in 0ll conscience6 3eed his o4n biod0t0 to the shrineI A3ter 0ll6 40snBt the 4hole 2oint o3 the eDercise to sto2 his biod0t0 30llin5 into the 4ron5 h0ndsI !o no no: There 40s no choice: He 40s tr/in5 to 3ind 0n eDcuse not to 5o throu5h 4ith the rite6 th0t 40s 0ll: He dro=e the s2ines into the 3lesh o3 his 3ore0r1: There 40s 0 hissin56 2o22in5 sound6 0s his biod0t0 40s encoded into the bu33er 3luid inside the collection =0l=es: The bios012ler 4ould onl/ be 10kin5 0 sur30ce sc0n6 the Doctor kne46 but itBd be enou5h to co12lete the rite: And ho2e3ull/6 not enou5h to be use3ul to the #0ction6 03ter 0ll this 40s o=er: The skulls hu11ed 0 little louder6 0nDious to be 3ed: Their 1o0nin5 1elded 4ith the ru1blin5 out@ side6 0s the %roton rolled 0lon5 the corridor to40rds the shrine: The Doctor held out the h0nd 4ith the bios012ler 0tt0ched6 0nd 3leDed the 1uscles in his 3in5ers: The 3luid 2lo22ed onto the d0is: The S2irits c01e: The Doctor 3elt the 0ir 3ree;in5 u2 in his lun5s: He h0dnBt eD2ected it to h022en this Auickl/: M0/be it 40s hi1: M0/be the S2irits kne4 he 40s 0 Ti1e $ord6 0nd kne4 he h0d no 2l0ce here: The/ 4ere circlin5 hi16 surroundin5 hi16 their in=isible bodies s2illin5 3ro1 the de0d 1ouths o3 the skulls6 the b0bble o3 0ll S20ce 0nd Ti1e dri22in5 3ro1 their ton5ues: He turned his he0d6 but his 1uscles 4ere slo4 to res2ond: When he 3in0ll/ 10n05ed to 3ocus on S016 she 40s 3ro;en6 her 1outh locked o2en6 her e/es c0u5ht in 1id@blink: Ti1e 40s slo4in56 Eust 3or hi1: The S2irits 4ere sAuee;in5 the1sel=es into the cr0cks bet4een one 1o1ent 0nd the neDt6 buildin5 the1sel=es 0 tin/ continuu1 there6 0 s2lit@second uni=erse th0t onl/ he 0nd the/ could inh0bit: This 40s 0bsurd6 the Doctor re1inded hi1sel36 o3 course it 40s 0bsurd: There 4ere no S2irits6 e=er/bod/ kne4 th0t: There 4ere Eust the 3orces o3 S20ce 0nd Ti1e6 unc0rin5 0nd i12erson0lC onl/ #0ction 0r0doD 4ould be 10d enou5h to turn the1 into 5ods: But here6 in the shrine the #0ction h0d built6 it 40s i12ossible to think o3 the1 0n/ other 40/: "es6 le5end cl0i1ed there h0d been 0 Gr0nd30ther 0r0doD6 once6 but i3 so6 then 4h/ 40s there no record o3 his eDistence in the Hi5h CouncilBs 3ilesI It 40s 0ll ru1our6 ru1our 0nd 1/th6 it 40snBt re0l6 it couldnBt be re0l::: Ti1e slo4ed6 0nd slo4ed6 0nd slo4ed6 until the Doctor 4ondered i3 the entire 3ourth di1ension 40s 5oin5 to coll02se into 0 sin5le 2oint: HeBd thou5ht6 like the idiot he 40s6 th0t i3 he 0cti=0ted the shrineBs en5ines6 heBd be 0ble to co11unic0te 4ith its control s/ste1s: But the shrine 40s bi56 bi55er th0n heBd eD2ected6 0l1ost 0s 2o4er3ul 0s one o3 the TARDIS units it h0d been 1odelled on: His 1ind 40snBt stron5 enou5h to control it6 not 4ithout the techniAues o3 the #0ction to hel2 hi1: He 4ondered i3 heBd be here 3ore=er6 3ro;en in this one 1o1ent o3 eDistence6 ne=er bein5 0ble to bre0k 3ree o3 the shrineBs 5ri2: Then this 40s it: The end: Or r0ther6 0n eternit/ o3 ne=er h0=in5 0n end: !o esc02e6 no l0st@1inute rescue: De3e0tist thinkin5: But lo5ic0l: When h0=e I e=er been lo5ic0lI And 4h/ 01 I 0r5uin5 4ith 1/sel36 0n/40/I "ouBre 0r5uin5 4ith /oursel3 bec0use /ou donBt h0=e 0n/bod/ else to 0r5ue 4ith: EDce2t 3or the


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S2irits6 but the S2irits donBt c0re: Oh no: "ou 050in: I thou5ht /ou s0id /ou 4ere 0 >te12or0r/? 2s/chosisI I 01: All this eD2osure to 0r0doD technolo5/ 1ust h0=e tri55ered 0 rel02se: DonBt 4orr/ 0bout it6 IBll be 5one soon enou5h: Once /ouBre used to the ide0 o3 s2endin5 the rest o3 /our li3e here6 0n/40/: Sorr/6 4h0t 4ere 4e t0lkin5 0bout be3oreI I donBt 40nt to t0lk to /ou: T0lkin5 to oneBs 10dnesses is the 3irst si5n o3 10dness: Oh /es: We 4ere t0lkin5 0bout S01: We 4ere s0/in5 ho4 con=enient it 40s6 th0t 0 5irl like her should turn u2 Eust 4hen /ou needed her 1ost: And she does h0=e t4o sets o3 biod0t0: "ouB=e 5uessed th0t6 h0=enBt /ouI JiDotl didnBt notice it6 but onl/ bec0use the t4o sets 0re so si1il0r6 3ro1 0 non@ hu10nBs 2oint o3 =ie4: So1ethin5Bs 0ltered her ti1eline6 Doctor: So1ethin5Bs 3iltered out her sel3@ destructi=e i12ulses: Turned her into TARDIS 3odder: DonBt be ridiculous: WhoBd do 0 thin5 like::: oh: Oh6 I see: Wh0t do /ou seeI "ouBre s0/in5 S01Bs 0 2l0nt: An 05ent 3or 0nother 2o4er6 is th0t itI H11: !ot th0t I 40nt to insult the 5irl6 but I donBt think S01Bs Auite cut out to be 0 Wol3 o3 #enric: Do /ouI R0ssilonM IB1 sorr/I R0ssilon: He 40s the l0st 10Eor li3e 3orce I 1et be3ore S01 0rri=ed on the TARDIS: I3 sheBs 20rt o3 his 501e::: Oh6 5ood 5rie3: "ou h0=e to bl01e hi1 3or e=er/thin56 donBt /ouI !obod/ >2l0nted? S01: "ouB=e seen the truth6 here in the ;i55ur0t: "ouB=e seen the e33ect /ou c0n h0=e on the uni=erse: "ouB=e seen the d0105e /ou c0n do6 4ithout e=en li3tin5 0 3in5er: Without e=en h0=in5 to be 0li=e6 co1e to think o3 it: Wh0t 0re /ou su55estin5I Re1e1ber 4h0t I told /ouI About /ou bein5 0 li=in5 eAu0tion6 0 3unction o3 the uni=erse: Well6 su22ose the 3unction thinks itBs inco12lete: Wh0t h022ens thenI Su22ose6 on so1e dee2@rooted uncon@ scious le=el6 /ou 3eel like /ou need so1eone to be there 3or /ou: The 3unction re0ches out into the =orteD::: 4hich is Auite e0s/6 letBs be honest6 bec0use /our biod0t0Bs 4ired into the =orteD 0n/40/::: 0nd 3inds so1eone: So1eone it c0n 10ke 20rt o3 itsel3: A 3e4 little 0lter0tions to the ti1eline6 th0tBs 0ll it t0kes: I donBt belie=e it: ItBs not 2ossible: "ouB=e 5ot thin5s in /our biod0t0 no one else h0s 5ot6 re1e1berI Or /ou 4ill h0=e6 0t so1e 2oint be3ore /ou die: Thin5s 2o4er3ul enou5h to let /our subconscious bend the ti1elines 0ll b/ itsel3: Th0tBs 4h/ /our bio10ss is so =0lu0ble6 IBd 5uess: And th0tBs the 4orst 20rt6 isnBt itI "ou 1ust 033ect e=er/one like th0t6 one 40/ or 0nother: ItBs like I s0id: "ou ne=er think o3 the conseAuences: !o: I still donBt belie=e it: S01 h0s t4o sets o3 biod0t0::: "ouBre obsessedM There 0re thin5s th0t c0n c0use th0t kind o3 0no10l/: "ou kno4 th0t: Wrinkles in the continuu1: Bein5 on bo0rd the TARDIS 4ould 10ke her 2rone to th0t kind o3 distortion 0n/40/: ossibl/: ossibl/ not: But 4h0t h022ens i3 /ou e=er 3ind out itBs 0ll /our doin5I The ide0Bs been botherin5 /ou e=er since the =0ult6 I kno4 it h0s: !o: I3 th0t 4ere true6 then::: no: I 4onBt listen: LDoctorIB S0/ 4h0t /ou like: I kno4 /ouBre 4ron5: LDoctor6 c0n /ou he0r 1eIB ItBs no 5ood6 IB1 not 5oin5 to::: hold on 0 1inute: "our =oice h0s ch0n5ed: LDoctor6 2le0se tr/ to listen:B It 40snBt the 2s/chosis s2e0kin56 the Doctor re0lised: He bec01e


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040re o3 so1ethin5 else inside his s2lit@second uni=erse6 0nother intelli5ence sAuee;in5 itsel3 into the cr0cks: The S2irits ho4led 0nd 5n0shed their teeth6 ob=iousl/ considerin5 the intrusion to be rude: LM0rie6B thou5ht the Doctor6 kno4in5 sheBd be 0ble to he0r the thou5ht: M0rie 3leDed the 1uscles o3 her 20n@di1ension0l bod/6 in 0 5esture the Doctor took to be 0 nod: LI kno4 4ho /ou 0re6 Doctor: I h0d 0 lon5 ti1e to consider the situ0tion: Or 0t le0st6 20rts o3 1e did: It 40snBt e0s/6 4orkin5 it 0ll out: !ot 4ith 1/ 1ind in th0t 10n/ 2ieces:B LHo1unculette s0id /ou 4ere out o3 0ction:B LA lot o3 1/ s/ste1s 0re still o33@line: M/ 1e1or/ isnBt co12lete /et: But I c0n 1o=e: I kno4 4h0t /ouBre doin56 incident0ll/: "our 2l0n to 5et rid o3 the %rotons: ItBs no=el6 IBll 5i=e /ou th0t 1uch:B The Doctor 50=e her the tele20thic eAui=0lent o3 0 s1ile: LI thou5ht I could control the shrine: I 40s 4ron5: C0n /ou co12lete the 2l0n 3or 1eI I3 /ou 10teri0lise FB L!o: M/ structure isnBt st0ble enou5h:B M0rie hesit0ted 3or 0 1o1ent: LBut I c0n hel2 /ou: I c0n connect 1/ tele20thic circuits to those o3 the shrine: The technolo5/Bs co120tible6 I think: I c0n 5et the shrine under control 3or /ou: "ou should be 0ble to 2ilot it 3ro1 4here /ou 0re: Incident0ll/6 did /ou kno4 thereBs 0 s1ud5e on /our 2s/chic te12l0teI It see1s to be so1e kind o3 2s/cholo5ic0l d/s3unc@ tion:B LSo it told 1e6B the Doctor s0id: LDonBt 4orr/6 itBs onl/ 0 bit o3 r0ndo1 0n5st: ItBll sort itsel3 out once this is o=er: I3 /ouBd be so kind 0s to en505e the tele20thic circuits:::IB LConsider it done6B s0id M0rie: Then the S2irits be50n to 40il: !ot their usu0l 1indless screechin56 the Doctor noted6 but 0 cr/ o3 sheer 3rustr0tion: The/ could 3eel the intruder in the s/ste1s6 kee2in5 the1 in check6 bendin5 the shrine to her 4ill: Within 1o1ents6 M0rie h0d 3inished the Eob: The r0cket died do4n: The s2lit@second uni@ =erse cr0cked o2en6 lettin5 in 2ure 1olten ti1e6 3irst 0s 0 trickle6 then 0s 0 delu5e: Thin5s st0rted to 1o=e in the uni=erse outside: S01Bs 1outh 40s closin5: More 4orr/in5l/6 the %roton 40s rollin5 throu5h the door40/6 its int0ke tube droo2in5 3ro1 0 s2lit 0t the 3ront o3 its bod/: The Doctor stretched his ner=ous s/ste16 re0chin5 out 3or the inner circuitr/ o3 the shrine: With 0ll the ener5/ his consciousness could 1uster6 he ordered it to de10teri0lise: Throu5h the senses o3 the control 5ro4th6 E@%ob0lt 40tched the d/n0tro2es 1o=e into 3irin5 2ositions 0round the Cit/: The =essels 4ere eAui22ed 4ith h/2erbolic reson0tors6 c020ble o3 c/clin5 throu5h e=er/ concei=0ble 3reAuenc/ in under 0 second6 sh0kin5 020rt 0n/thin5 3ro1 hu10noid 3lesh to rein@ 3orced duriliniu1: More e33ecti=e th0n si12le dis2ersion 4e02ons6 E@%ob0lt decided: !0tur0ll/6 the de=ices h0d been 5ro4n on the loo1s o3 Ju0rt;el@))6 like so 10n/ o3 the %roton AbsoluteBs 5re0test cre0tions: And to think6 2ondered E@%ob0lt6 th0t I o33ered the JiDotl unit 4e02ons like these in eDch0n5e 3or the Relic: A 3oll/: It 40s so si12le to c02ture the Relic b/ 3orce: The thou5ht 10de it une0s/6 3or so1e re0son: E@%ob0lt tried to 2in the 3eelin5 do4n6 but it ke2t sli22in5 throu5h the links o3 its cr0ni0l unit: The 5r0nd notion 40s still throbbin5 040/ in its br0inC kill the bi2eds6 s10sh the Cit/: But then there 40s th0t other ide06 s10ller6 /et Eust 0s intense6 kee2in5 0 check on its 055ressi=e instincts: Get the Relic 3irst: Wh0te=er /ou do6 5et the Relic 3irst: E@%ob0lt 40snBt used to thinkin5 this 40/: Its br0in 40snBt eD0ctl/ subtle6 but it 40s 0t le0st c020ble o3 4ei5hin5 u2 1ulti2le o2tions: !e=er be3ore h0d it thou5ht 0n/thin5 4ith so 1uch cl0rit/: Destro/6 but 40it: Destro/6 but 40it: The sk/ turned bl0ck: It h022ened 4ithout 40rnin56 0nd it h022ened in 0 second: In their d/n0tro2es6 the W0rs2e0r 2ilots 20nicked: E@%ob0lt 3elt their =ibr0tions on the 3rin5es o3 its o4n 1ind6 0nd 3or the 3irst 3e4 seconds o3 the crisis its he0d s2un out o3 control6 tr/in5 to t0ke in e=er/ det0il 0t once: The control 5ro4th re2orted th0t the bl0ck shi26 0nd indeed the 4hole W0rs2e0r6 40s no lon5er 4here it h0d been: The Cit/ h0d dis022e0red: So h0d 0ll tr0ces o3 the E0rth: Inste0d6 the


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W0rs2e0r 40s surrounded b/ 40lls: E@%ob0lt re50ined control o3 its sensor/ s/ste1s6 0nd be50n to 0n0l/se the d0t0 the 5ro4th 40s 3eedin5 it: The d/n0tro2es 4ere tr022ed inside 0 boD: The boD 40s 022roDi10tel/ t4o hundred 1etres 0lon5 e0ch sideC the 5ro4th cl0i1ed th0t the sur30ces 4ere 10de out o3 0n unidenti3ied6 0nd unidenti3i@ 0ble6 10teri0l: E@%ob0lt shi3ted its sensor/ 0220r0tus 0 little6 de10ndin5 0 =isu0l sc0n o3 the ne0rest 40ll: It 40s decor0ted 4ith hu10noid re10ins: Skulls6 the/ 4ere c0lled: There 4ere thous0nds u2on thou@ s0nds o3 the16 set into the 40ll 0t re5ul0r inter=0ls6 their 30ces 20inted 4ith bl0ck dust 0nd rottin5 bio@ 10ss: LCo110nderIB E@%ob0lt s2un its he0d: A sh02e h0d 10teri0lised b/ its side6 0 blue s1ud5e6 ho=erin5 0bo=e the 3loor o3 the control section: It 40s the 30ce o3 one o3 the bi2eds6 the one 4ith the blue =isu0l 0220r0tus 0nd the eDcessi=e cr0ni0l 3ur: E@%ob0lt =05uel/ re1e1bered th0t it h0d disco=ered the unitBs identit/6 be3ore it h0d le3t the ;i55ur0t6 but so1ethin5 see1ed to be blottin5 the in3or10tion out o3 its 1ind: The 30ce 40s 0 holo5r016 0ccordin5 to the control 5ro4th6 thou5h the 5ro4th h0d no ide0 4here it 40s bein5 2roEected 3ro1: LI@den@ti@3/@/our@sel36B E@%ob0lt de10nded6 so1e4h0t 4e0kl/: The 10n in the holo5r01 shook his he0d: LThereBs no ti1e6 co110nder: "ou h0=e to listen to 1e: I donBt 40nt to h0=e to hurt /ou:B E@%ob0lt 40snBt sure ho4 to res2ond to th0t: L"ou@h0=e@no@2o4@er@to@h0r1@the@%ro@ton@Ab@so@ lute:B LE@%ob0lt6 2le0se: "ouBre not thinkin5: ItBs the Shi3t: ItBs in /our he0d6 itBs ur5in5 /ou to do thin5s /ou shouldnBt be doin5: Tr/ to concentr0te: "ou kno4 IB1 tellin5 the truth:B The Shi3tI Suddenl/6 there 40s 0 br0nd@ne4 thou5ht in E@%ob0ltBs he0d: A re0lis0tion::: The centr0l ide0 F the conce2t o3 0bsolute destruction6 0bsolute 055ression F rolled 3or40rd6 thor@ ou5hl/ sAu0shin5 the ne4 notion: L"ou@0re@l/@in56B E@%ob0lt 0nnounced: L"ou@4ill@eD2l0in@4h0t@h0s@ h022@ened@to@the@W0r@s2e0r: "ou@4ill@tell@1e@4here@4e@0re:B The 10nBs e/es 4ere ti5ht shut6 E@%ob0lt s046 0nd s10ll bubbles o3 s0lt@40ter 4ere tricklin5 do4n his u22er cr0ni0l unit: It reco5nised these s/12to1s: The hu10noid 40s under stress6 2ossibl/ in 0 st0te o3 eDh0ustion: L"ouBre in the #0ctionBs shrine: IB=e 10teri0lised it 0round /ou: E@%ob0lt6 I donBt h0=e ti1e to 0r5ue: I c0nBt hold on to the control s/ste1s 1uch lon5er: "ou h0=e to listen to 1e:B LI@do@not@un@der@st0nd:B LI told /ou: This is the shrineBs c0r5o hold: ItBs like bein5 inside 0 TAR::: 4ell6 ne=er 1ind:B A h0nd 022e0red6 0nd 4i2ed the holo5r01Bs bro4: L"ou c0nBt 0tt0ck the ;i55ur0t 0s lon5 0s /ouBre here: "ou 1i5ht 0s 4ell listen: The Shi3t 40nts /ou to destro/ us: ItBs usin5 /ou6 co110nder:B More ne4 ide0s 2o22ed u2 in the %rotonBs 3orebr0in6 but the 055ressi=e instinct 3l0ttened 0ll o3 the1: LThe@%ro@ton@Ab@solute@4ill@not@be@de@3e0@tedMB E@%ob0lt ro0red: L"ou@4ill@rel@e0se@the@d/@n0@ tro2esMB The 10n on the holo5r01 let out 0 dee26 sorro43ul bre0th: LVer/ 4ell: "ou le0=e 1e no choice:B L"ou@4ill@re@le0se@usMB L!o I 4onBt6 E@%ob0lt: ThereBs no 40/ out 3or /ou: "ouBre tr022ed:B LWe@4ill@2re@=0ilMB LHo4I Ho4 0re /ou 5oin5 to 5et outI Ho4 0re /ou 5oin5 to destro/ the ;i55ur0t 4hen /ouBre stuck in hereIB LWe@4ill@suc@ceedMB LHo46 E@%ob0ltI Ho4IB Ho4I E@%ob0lt se0rched 3or 0n 0ns4er6 but there 40s so little in its 1ind: In 30ct6 it onl/ h0d t4o ide0s le3t


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to 4ork 4ith: One o3 the16 the s10ller o3 the t4o6 40s >5et the Relic?6 but th0t 40s h0rdl/ 022ro2ri0te no4: The other6 the thou5ht th0t occu2ied 0l1ost e=er/ 20rt o3 4h0te=er E@%ob0lt h0d 3or 0 soul6 40s >destro/?: LDes@tro/MB E@%ob0lt shrieked: The =ibr0tion ri22led throu5h the ner=ous s/ste1s o3 e=er/ %roton in the W0rs2e0r: One ide06 one si12le co110nd6 1ore 2o4er3ul th0n 0n/ other: #ro1 d/n0tro2e to d/n0tro2e6 E@%ob0lt 3elt the 2ilots re0chin5 dee2 into their control cores6 0cti=0tin5 their 4e02ons: The solution 40s si12le6 03ter 0ll: The/ 4ould bl0st their 40/ out o3 the boD: The 2rison 4ould bre0k o2en: The Cit/ 4ould6 ulti10tel/6 be destro/ed: The thou5ht 40s 0 2ure one6 1ore s0tis3/in5 th0n 0n/ other E@%ob0lt could re1e1ber h0=in5: Str0n5e6 then6 th0t e=en 0s it 50=e the 3irin5 order6 0 ne4 ide0 be50n to blosso1 0t the b0ck o3 its 1ind: An ide0 th0t s0id6 in 0 =oice the co110nder didnBt Auite reco5nise: >sto2?: But the 4e02ons s/ste1s h0d 0lre0d/ been en505ed: E@%ob0lt s04 0 look o3 relie3 cross the bi2edBs 30ce: Then the holo5r01 30ded into nothin5ness: O3 course6 E@%ob0lt 40s de0d be3ore it re0lised 0n/thin5 40s 4ron5: In less th0n 0 second6 the W0rs2e0rBs h/2erbolic reson0tors c/cled throu5h their entire re2ertoire6 sl011in5 si5n0ls r0n5in5 3ro1 the ultr0sonic to the in3r0@nor10l 050inst the 40lls o3 the shrine6 se0rchin5 3or the 3reAuenc/ th0t 4ould te0r the 2rison o2en: O3 course6 0n/ kno4n 3or1 o3 10tter 4ould h0=e been susce2tible to the =ibr0tions: The loo1@kee2ers o3 Ju0rt;el@)) h0d been Auite thor@ ou5h 4hen the 4e02ons h0d been desi5ned: &n3ortun0tel/ 3or the %rotons6 the shrine 40snBt 10de o3 10tter: At le0st6 not in the con=ention0l sense: $ike the ;i55ur0t6 it h0d been built out o3 sheer 10the10tics6 the co12leD 0rchitectures o3 block tr0ns3er co12ut0tion: &nlike the ;i55ur0t6 the 2eo2le 4hoBd 10de the shrine h0d 5ot their su1s ri5ht: The c0r5o hold r0n5 4ith 0 sound th0t 40s like 0ll the other sounds in cre0tion 0dded to5ether 0nd 012li3ied: The 0ir 40s sh0ken 020rt b/ echoes on e=er/ concei=0ble 3reAuenc/6 includin5 the ones to 4hich the W0rs2e0r 40s susce2tible6 0nd the ones to 4hich E@%ob0ltBs s20cecr03t 40s susce2tible6 0nd the ones to 4hich the %rotons the1sel=es 4ere susce2tible: Mo1ents l0ter6 the 3loor o3 the hold 40s c0r2eted 4ith 0 l0/er o3 3ine 4hite 3rost: The skulls 4erenBt e=en scr0tched: The Doctor 2iloted the shrine b0ck to the ;i55ur0t be3ore he let 5o o3 the control s/ste1s: Then he rel0Ded6 re1e1berin5 sli5htl/ too l0te th0t the intense concentr0tion h0d been the onl/ thin5 kee2in5 hi1 u2ri5ht: His knees buckled6 0nd he 3ell to the 5round6 0lthou5h he liked to think he did it 4ith so1e de5ree o3 st/le 0nd ele50nce: He l0/ there 0 4hile6 st0rin5 u2 0t the ceilin5: E=entu0ll/6 S01Bs 30ce 022e0red o=erhe0d: LWh0t h022enedIB she s0id: LWe 4on6B the Doctor told her: He sAuinted6 0s i3 th0t 4ould 10ke it e0sier to concentr0te: There 40s so1ethin5 he 40s 3or5ettin5::: oh /es: LHo4Bs the %rotonI The one in the door40/IB S01 5l0nced to40rds the corridor: L"ou kno4 4h0t colesl04 looks likeIB L"es:B LTh0tBs ho4 the %roton is:B LGood: The units in the ;i55ur0t 4ere in reson0nce 4ith E@%ob0lt6 then: I thou5ht 0s 1uch: When the co110nder 5ot sh0ken 020rt6 0ll its 3riends 5ot sh0ken 020rt6 too:B L"ou 1e0n6 like B052ussIB The Doctor 3ro4ned: LObscure 2ost@1odern /outh@culture re3erence: Ace 4ould h0=e been 2roud o3 /ou:B


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S01 1o=ed her li2s to s0/ so1ethin5 else6 but the =oice th0t c01e out o3 her 1outh 40snBt Auite her o4n: L"O&BRE BECOMI!G A! IRRITATIO!6B she see1ed to s0/: Ah: The Shi3t: It 40snBt 0 2h/sic0l entit/6 so it h0d sur=i=ed the de1ise o3 the W0rs2e0r: %roton 4e02ons donBt c/cle throu5h conce2tu0l 3reAuencies6 the Doctor concluded: !o46 there 40s 0 2iece o3 in3or10tion th0t 4ould 0l1ost cert0inl/ ne=er co1e in use3ul e=er 050in: LRe0d/ to 0d1it de3e0t /etIB he 0sked6 2le0s0ntl/: L!OT AT A$$: HOWEVER6 I S& OSE I SHO&$D HAVE %!OW! BETTER THA! TO &SE %ROTO!S AS CATBS@ AWS: THE"BRE !OT VER" I!TE$$IGE!T6 ARE THE"IB LItBs /our 30ult: I3 /ou h0dnBt s2ent so 1uch ti1e 2u12in5 u2 E@%ob0ltBs 055ressi=e side6 he 4ouldnBt h0=e o2ened 3ire:B S01 looked 2u;;led b/ 4h0t the Doctor h0d s0id: Cle0rl/6 she h0d no ide0 the Shi3t 40s usin5 her 0s 0 1outh2iece: Well6 o3 course she h0dnBt6 the Doctor re1inded hi1sel3: The Shi3t 40s in his he0d6 not hers: It 40snBt ch0n5in5 her 4ords6 it 40s ch0n5in5 the 40/ he heard her 4ords: L!EVERTHE$ESS6 IBM A#RAID ITBS !OT OVER "ET6B the Shi3t 4ent on: LTHERE ARE OTHERS I CA! &SE: EVER"BOD" CA! BE MA!I &$ATED:B LBut ri5ht no46 /ouBre inside 1/ 2erson0l he0d s20ce: IB1 ri5ht 0bout th0t6 0renBt IIB L"ES: OH6 DO!BT TE$$ ME "O&BRE GOI!G TO GO I!TO SE!SOR" WITHDRAWA$ AGAI!: WEBVE BEE! THRO&GH A$$ THAT:B LI 40snBt 5oin5 to:B S01 40s sh0kin5 her he0d: The Doctor 4ondered 4h0t she 40s re0ll/ s0/in56 behind the Shi3tBs 4ords: L"ouBre 3or5ettin5 so1ethin56 >Mr? Shi3t: It 40snBt Eust biod0t0 sensiti=it/ I 2icked u2 4hile I held the residenc/: WeB=e 5ot 0ll sorts o3 secrets6 4here I co1e 3ro1:B The Doctor could h0=e s4orn he s04 S01Bs e/es o2en 4ide in 0l0r1: LWHAT ARE "O& SA"I!GIB LIB1 s0/in5 I le3t 0 little so1ethin5 3or /ou inside 1/ 1ind6 03ter the l0st ti1e 4e 1et there: Re0d/IB LRe0d/ 3or 4h0tIB 0sked S01: The Doctor 3elt the Shi3t 1o=in5 0round inside his consciousness: It 40s on the threshold6 tr/in5 to esc02e throu5h his senses6 re0d/ to 2o2 out 0nd into so1eone elseBs 2er@ ce2tions: He 3leDed 0 neur0l 1uscle: He could h0=e s4orn he he0rd the sound o3 0 c05e door bein5 s4un5 shut on the inside o3 his he0d: LGotch06B he s0id: LSorr/6 h0=e /ou 5one 10d or so1ethin5IB 0sked S016 4hoBd co12letel/ 1issed the 30ct th0t 0n/@ thin5 h0d h022ened 0t 0ll: LIBll eD2l0in l0ter6B the Doctor 0ssured her: L!o4 0ll 4e h0=e to do is de0l 4ith the Relic: Ah: I see1 to be l/in5 on the 3loor: Could /ou hel2 1e u26 do /ou thinkI Th0nk /ou:B Mr JiDotl listened: E=er/thin5 40s AuietC the h0ll h0d e=en run out o3 1u;0k to s2e4 0t hi1: #or once6 nothin5 40s shoutin5 0t hi16 s4e0rin5 0t hi16 or thre0tenin5 hi1: He 40s the onl/ one there6 i3 /ou could i5nore the re10ins o3 the R0ston l02@d0ncers: Well6 so 1uch 3or >the 1ost 2er3ect d0ncin5 10chines e=er de=ised?: He s0t on his ch0ir6 in 3ront o3 the re10ins o3 the con3erence t0ble6 runnin5 his h0nd 0cross the skin under his shirt: The hole 40s 5one: Co12letel/ he0led o=er: The shirt 40s 0 1ess6 but there 40s no si5n o3 inEur/: E=en his le5s h0d been 3iDed u2: Wh0t kind o3 de0l h0d he 10de6 3or 2it/Bs s0keI Wh0t h0d he let hi1sel3 in 3orI He kne4 0ll 0bout the Celestis6 0bout the 40/ the/Bd >10rk? cor2ore0l li3e@3or1s6 so their souls 4ould be under Celestine control e=en 03ter de0th: But Tr0sk h0d 2ro1ised hi16 0ssured hi16 he h0dnBt been 10rked: HeBd si12l/ been >recor2or0ted?: The Celestis h0d the 2o4er to do th0t6 0220rentl/6 to bind so1eone to their 1ort0l 3or1 0nd 20tch the1 u2 0 bit: JiDotl didnBt kno4 ho4 the 2rocess 4orked: Too 1uch like =oodoo 3or his likin56 re0ll/:


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T4o sets o3 3ootste2s c01e clu12in5 do4n the corridor to40rds the con3erence h0ll6 bre0kin5 the silence: JiDotl didnBt bother lookin5 u2: He kne4 4ho itBd be: LJuite 0 success3ul conclusion6 0ll thin5s considered6B s0id the Doctor: There 40s 0 lon5 20use6 so JiDotl 0ssu1ed the Doctor h0d been t0lkin5 to hi1: L&h6B he s0id: LThe %rotons 0re 5one6 0nd the Shi3tBs out o3 the 40/6 0t le0st 3or the ti1e bein5: All 4e h0=e to do is de0l 4ith the Relic6 0nd 4e c0n 0ll 5o ho1e:B JiDotl 3in0ll/ looked u2: The Doctor 40s st0rin5 0t hi1 eD2ect0ntl/: His co120nion ho=ered 0t his side6 lookin5 0s 04k40rd 0s e=er: LThe Relic6B the Doctor 2ro12ted hi1: LWhere is itIB JiDotl shru55ed: L$ook6 4h0t c0n I s0/I I 40s d/in5: I 5ot shot u2 b/ the %rotons: I 4ouldB=e bitten the dust i3 it h0dnBt been 3or Tr0sk:B The Doctor looked con3used: LTr0skI Wh/6 4h0t did Tr0sk doIB LHe 10de the 0rr0n5e1ents: With the Celestis: I didnBt h0=e 0 choice6 ri5htI He 10de 1e this o33er6 be3ore the 0uction 5ot 5oin5: He s0id heBd 5i=e 1e the 0bilit/ o36 4h0t do the/ c0ll it6 >2er2etu0l recor@ 2or0tion?: I 1e0n6 4hen it c01e do4n to it6 he kind o3 b0cked out: He s0id heBd onl/ recor2or0te 1e the once6 I could t0ke it or le0=e it: I kno46 I kno46 I could h0=e 0sked 3or 1ore6 but I 40s d/in5 there6 /Bkno4IB The hu10n 5irlBs E04 dro22ed: L"ou 1e0n:::IB L"e0h: Tr0sk s0=ed 1/ li3e: In eDch0n5e 3or the Relic: He took it b0ck to Mictl0n 3i=e 1inutes 05o: DonBt look 0t 1e like th0t:B


T)e Li9)t ) have to tell my story1 ) have to give mysel( more time1 )/m trying to stay in one piece111 ) mean0 )/m trying to keep everything together0 but111 &ait1 Let me start again1 ) have to tell my story1 ,ot because ) think anybody/s going to be inter2 ested0 not because ) think anybody/s listening1 ) have to tell my story0 because i( ) don/t0 then )/ll (orget it0 and i( ) (orget it0 there $on/t be anything o( me le(t1 +irstly1 My name is Kristopher Patrick 4nglund0 and )/m dead1 That/s the most important thing there is to kno$ about me1 My li(e isn/t an important part o( the story0 but )/ll say one thing0 about the days $hen ) $alked and talked and thought (or mysel(1 )/ll say that ) remember being in a hospital0 having something sick and t$isted taken out o( my body1 ) remember being on the operating table0 $ith my eyes tight shut0 (eeling the doctors slicing me open1 %earing them talk about my insides $hile they $ent to $ork1 Mumbles and scalpels1 ) $as supposed to have been unconscious1 Some kind o( slip2up $ith the anaesthetic0 ) think1 ) couldn/t move0 or speak0 or open my eyes0 but ) could (eel the edge o( the kni(e cutting into me0 slipping under the skin1 That kind o( thing/s supposed to drive you mad0 and ) thought ) 40s mad0 back then0 because that/s $hen ) started seeing things1 Aes1 ) remember1 ) could see everything opening up in (ront o( me0 like someone $as cutting a hole in my head0 the same $ay the doctors $ere cutting holes in my body1 ) remember $atching the hole getting $ider0 and $ider0 until ) could see the people living in the shado$s on the other side1 That $as the (irst time ) met the elestis1 They said they/d opened up an 3aperture in the space2time continuum6 = )/m .uoting them $ord (or $ord0 here = 8ust so they could talk to me (rom their castle in the land o( the dead1 They told me they $anted me to serve them1 ) don/t kno$ i( ) should have been (lattered or insulted0 kno$ing they $anted me as a slave0 but ) $as scared0 and ) $as in pain0 so ) listened to $hat they had to say0 and ) believed every $ord1 #ll ) had to do0 the elestis said0 $as let them give me their mark1 They/d make sure ) didn/t die on the operating table0 but in return0 my identity $ould belong to them (or the rest o( eternity0 ho$ever long that turned out to be1 That/s ho$ they put it1 3)dentity6 1 ) remember $ondering $hether that meant ) $as giving them my soul1 So ) said yes1 ) kno$0 ) kno$1 ) shouldn/t have done it1 O( course ) shouldn/t have done it0 ) don/t think ) $as even in danger o( dying in the hospital1 But ) said yes1 ) made the deal1 ) signed the con2 tract1 ) got the mark1 &hen ) recovered (rom the anaesthetic0 so ) could move and speak and open my eyes again0 one o( the doctors $as standing over me $ith a big grin on her (ace1 She had no idea )/d been conscious through the operation1 #s (ar as she $as concerned0 everything had gone smoothly1 ) didn/t tell her the truth1 ) $ould have had to tell her about the elestis0 as $ell1 #ny$ay1 )/m talking about my li(e too much1 ) didn/t $ant to do that1 ) $anted to talk about $hat happened a(ter ) died1 ) $on/t bother describing $hat it (eels like to die1 )/d have to start talking about out2o(2body e5peri2 ences0 about (loating do$n long dark corridors0 etcetera etcetera etcetera1 ) died0 that/s all )/ve got to say about it0 and the elestis took my identity a$ay0 8ust like they/d said they $ould1 ) ended up in Mictlan0 as promised1 Mictlan1 The land o( the dead1 #nd ) kno$ it/s not really the a(terli(e0 ) kno$ it/s only a place the ('(


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elestis built to keep themselves happy0 but maybe ) should say a (e$ $ords about ho$ things are there0 because it/s not like any a(terli(e you ever read about in the land o( the living1 )n the middle o( Mictlan0 there/s a castle0 and on the top (loor o( the castle there/s the !rand %all o( the elestis1 ) don/t think ) sa$ any o( them step outside that %all0 not in all the time ) $as there1 Then again0 ) never really sa$ the elestis do anything0 even though ) had to take orders (rom them every day o( my non2li(e1 Maybe )/d better e5plain1 Aou can/t look straight at the elestis1 Aou only get to $atch them out o( the corners o( your eyes1 The !rand %all/s hardly lit0 so all you ever see are shado$s1 Sometimes0 you can hear something rustling in the darkness0 like cloth0 and you get the (eeling they/re $earing robes0 but other than that you can/t say the (irst thing about the $ay they look1 Aou can stare into the corners all you $ant0 you/re never going to see (aces there1 #nd the rest o( the %all9 %ard to describe it1 There/s so little there that/s solid0 so little you can (ocus on1 Maybe ) should talk about the $ay it (eels0 instead o( trying to say $hat it looks like1 Aou kno$ those great big temples you get back in the land o( the living0 $here all the politicians live9 Think about the &hite %ouse0 or the %ouse o( ommons0 or111 $ell1 #ny$ay1 )( you go to a place like that0 you sometimes get the (eeling there/s something $rong $ith the building0 like all the bad decisions and double2crosses have been soaked up by the $alls1 &ell0 that/s $hat the !rand %all (elt like1 Only $orse1 There $as a lot o( empty space in the middle o( the %all0 ) remember that1 The elestis used to skirt around the edges0 out o( the $ay o( the light >and ) think the castle $as lit by candlelight0 by the $ay0 although ) don/t remember seeing any candles?1 # lot o( them sat up in the big galleries they had over2 looking the %all0 so yes0 they kept most o( the (loor clear1 &henever they opened up their 3aperture6 and reached out (or the land o( the living0 that $as $here the hole $ould be0 right in the middle o( the %all1 &hen the Doctor arrived = &ait1 &ait1 )/m going too (ast1 ) $as talking about my non2li(e in Mictlan1 #s it turned out0 the elestis only $anted me as a kind o( domestic servant1 Don/t ask $hy they chose me0 out o( all the human beings on 4arth1 Maybe they kne$ ) $as stupid enough to make a deal $ith them1 "emember this0 it/s importantI the elestis love contracts0 and they never break deals1 The !rand %all/s the same as any other parliament = it/s got its o$n set o( rules0 and the elestis have to stick to those rules1 &hen you/re as po$er(ul as they are0 ) suppose you need codes o( conduct to hold you do$n0 to stop things getting too easy1 &hat )/m saying is0 they can/t (orce their mark on you0 you have to agree to it1 Once you/ve agreed0 there/s no escape clause1 )( you tried to back out0 they/d treat it as a breach o( the rules0 and you don/t $ant to annoy them like that1 So0 ) became one o( their dead slaves inside the castle1 This $as a great honour0 apparently0 because most o( the dead never got to see the castle0 they had to spend eternity $andering the streets1 Aes0 Mictlan/s got streets0 although ) never sa$ the outside1 The other servants in the castle had been in Mictlan longer than ) had0 and ) hated them (or it1 ) hated their dull0 lost2looking (aces1 ) hated their mindless dried2up voices1 #nd yes0 ) obeyed the elestis $ithout .uestion0 8ust like they did1 #nd yes0 a(ter a $hile ) started to look like them0 as $ell1 ) tried to hold onto my identity0 like )/m trying no$1 ) kept telling mysel( $ho ) $as0 ) kept saying my o$n name over and over0 but it $asn/t long be(ore it didn/t sound like it meant anything1 %o$ long did ) $ork in the castle9 ) don/t kno$1 Time/s di((erent0 there1 #ll ) kno$ is thisI ) $ould have been as (aceless as the elestis by no$0 i( it hadn/t been (or the Doctor1 Let me tell you ho$ he came to the castle1 ) need to remember that0 more than ) need to remember any2 thing else1 ) $as in the !rand %all $hen it happened0 ans$ering .uestions (or the elestis in the higher gal2 leries1 ,ot that ) $as the centre o( attention1 They/d opened up an aperture in the centre o( the (loor0


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and most o( them $ere busy $atching events out in the land o( the living1 They $ere seeing ho$ the $ar $as going1 Their (avourite pastime1 ,o$0 this is something )/ve never understood1 There $as a $ar ready to (lare up0 something to do $ith the Time Lords0 although it $asn/t my place to ask about the details1 The elestis $ere al$ays $atching through the aperture0 $aiting (or the (irst big battle0 arguing about $hich side they $ere sup2 posed to be backing1 #nd this is the thing that doesn/t make sense to me1 They could see the $hole o( the universe through the aperture0 they could have $atched any event (rom the beginning o( time to the end1 So0 ho$ could they not kno$ the outcome o( the $ar9 &hy didn/t they 8ust peek into the (uture and see ho$ it all turned out9 Maybe it had something to do $ith those rules they kept making (or themselves1 Or maybe there are rules older than the elestis0 ones even they can/t break1 So0 they $ere $aiting (or the bloodshed to start0 as usual1 The ones in the higher galleries $ere arguing about $hether they could trust their human agents1 That $as $hy they $ere asking me .ues2 tions0 as a kind o( psychological test1 ) didn/t have much o( a psychology le(t by this time0 but ) gave them the ans$ers ) thought they $anted to hear1 #nd in the middle o( the argument0 one o( the elestis on the (loor o( the %all stepped (or$ard0 to$ards the aperture1 +or a second0 ) thought ) $as going to see his (ace0 but the candlelight kept missing him someho$1 ) sa$ him li(t up the Speaker/s sta(( in his hand0 and ) sa$ him bang it against the (loor0 three times0 to get the others/ attention1 :The timeline is settling0/ the Speaker said0 once the rest had .uietened do$n0 and ) can/t describe his voice any more than ) can describe his (ace1 :The Time Lords/ (orces are committed to an assault on Dronid1 The enemy0 as $e/ve seen0 is taking appropriate counter2measures1/ There $ere $histles and catcalls (rom the galleries0 $hich $as pretty much business as usual1 :!ood luck to them0/ someone shouted0 and there $ere laughs (rom the (loor1 ) think1 The Speaker sounded agitated0 ) remember thinking that at the time1 :This is a moment (or (irm decision0/ he said1 :#re $e to stay neutral0 or are $e to lend our support to the Time Lords9/ >) might be paraphrasing a bit here1? :,eutral; ,eutral;/ someone called1 :The Time Lords;/ someone else suggested1 :The enemy;/ yelled someone at the back0 and that sparked o(( a (e$ arguments1 )/d picked up a thing or t$o about elestine politics $hile )/d been $orking in the castle1 Some o( them had gone against o((icial policy0 ) think0 and given help to the Time Lords/ enemies1 ) got the (eeling more and more o( the elestis $anted to take that kind o( action1 They probably thought it/d make their lives more interesting1 #nd that $as $hen ) sa$ the aperture getting $ider1 ) remember being surprised0 because the hole never usually opened up $ithout the Speaker/s say2so1 Aou could see the elestis $ere e5cited0 any$ay1 They mumbled and gibbered and chattered0 and $atched the aperture turn into a door$ay0 (rom Mictlan to the universe outside1 The Speaker banged the sta(( against the (loor0 but ) think he must have kno$n no one $as going to pay him any attention1 +inally0 something appeared0 something solid0 right in the middle o( the !rand %all1 +illing the aperture0 like a cork stopping up a bottle1 )t $as a bo51 # big blue bo51 The corners $ere battered0 so it looked as old as the hills0 and the $hite letters on the sides $ere so $orn do$n you could hardly read them1 The Doctor had turned up in Mictlan1 ) can/t let mysel( (orget that1 #ll right0 )/ll admit it1 ) can/t remember $hat the Doctor looked like1 The kind o( (ace he had0 the kind o( clothes111 things like that $eren/t important1 %e $as li(e0 and he $as right there in the land o( the


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dead0 that $as all that mattered1 )/d heard the elestis talking about him0 so ) kne$ $ho he $as the second ) sa$ the bo51 #nd yes0 ) kno$ there are lots o( Doctors1 ) couldn/t say $hich one it $as that $alked out into the %all1 )/d guess it $as the last one1 The oldest one1 ) kno$ he acted old1 There $as silence $hen he stepped onto the (loor1 ) mean0 real silence1 )/d never heard that be(ore0 not in the !rand %all1 The Doctor looked around0 s.uinting at the shado$s0 $ith a look o( real con2 tempt on his (ace1 &hatever (ace it $as1 :Tedious0/ he tutted1 %e turned a (ull circle0 then gave a sarcastic salute to the galleries1 :Just like the old ouncil hamber on !alli(rey0/ he said0 and you could see the other servants around the place taking deep breaths0 like they $ere trying to suck the $ords into their bodies0 like they thought they/d get their per2 sonalities back that $ay1 :4verything sour about Time Lord culture0/ the Doctor $ent on1 :,o more than )/d e5pect (rom the elestial )ntervention #gency1/ &ell0 $hen he said that0 the elestis came to li(e again1 They started shouting0 :no0 no0 no0/ and they didn/t stop until the Speaker banged the sta(( against the (loor1 :&e are the elestis0/ the Speaker said1 :&e are the Last Parliament1 &e ackno$ledge no other title1/ :Aou/re a bunch o( no2good inter(eres $ho should kno$ better1 Trying to decide $hich side to back in a $ar that doesn/t even concern you1 Aou should be ashamed o( yourselves1/ :,o0 no0 no0/ the elestis chanted1 But the Doctor held up a (inger0 and they all $ent .uiet1 >Aes0 )/m serious1? :Time can/t be toyed $ith by those $ho e5ist outside her limits0/ the Doctor said1 :#nd ) can/t allo$ this to go on1 ) $on/t let you involve yourselves in the a((airs o( Dronid1 Aou don/t have the right1/ There $as muttering1 There $as laughing0 too0 ) think1 :#llo$9/ said the Speaker0 but his voice sounded like nothing ne5t to the Doctor/s1 :Aour opinions are unimportant1 Aou have no po$er over us here1 Aou have no authority in Mictlan1/ :,o9 Then ho$ did ) get here in the (irst place9 %o$ did ) (orce the aperture open9 ) kno$ the codes that control this grubby little a(terli(e o( yours0 don/t (orget that1 ) can come and go as ) please1 #nd ) can destroy you all0 i( ) (eel it/s necessary1/ There $as a gasp o( horror1 #t least0 ) think there $as1 ) might have imagined it1 :Aou lie0/ said the Speaker1 :Do )9 Do you really $ant to take that chance9/ 4ven (rom the (loor0 you could hear the arguments in the galleries1 The elestis0 s.uabbling among themselves0 as usual1 Some o( them said they $anted the Doctor destroyed0 but you could tell they $ere scared1 Personally0 ) think the Doctor $as blu((ing1 %e carried it o(( $ell0 though1 #(ter a $hile0 the Speaker called (or silence again1 :) can/t let you inter(ere on Dronid0/ the Doctor repeated0 be(ore the Speaker could say anything1 :The situation/s too unstable1 Aou must kno$ that1/ The Speaker ga-ed up at the galleries1 :Then111 $e could come to an agreement0/ he said1 ) got the (eeling he $as looking to the others (or support1 #nd0 as one0 all the elestis $entI :Aes0 yes0 yes1/ :&hat did you have in mind9/ said the Doctor1 %e sounded suspicious0 and $ho could have blamed him9 :&e can agree not to involve ourselves in the a((airs o( Dronid1 &e can agree not to (urther in(lu2 ence the con(lict1 )n return0 $e $ould re.uire something (rom you1 ompensation1/ :) see1 Presumably0 you/re going to ask (or more than 8ust a pound o( (lesh1/ ) remember looking around the %all0 then1 ) remember seeing the shado$s leaning (or$ard0 $aiting (or the Speaker to make his o((er1 an shado$s hold their breath9 )( they can0 they must have done it then1


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:&e $ant the only thing you possess that $e can utilise0/ the Speaker said1 :&e $ant your body1/ ) don/t remember the look on the Doctor/s (ace0 but he must have been shocked by that1 %e prob2 ably shook his head1 :"idiculous1 Make me another o((er1/ :,o1 &e consider the e5change reasonable1 Aou believe in the responsibility o( the individual1 Aou believe in the nobility o( sel(2sacri(ice1 This is an opportunity to prove your dedication to these basic ideals1 &e $ant your body1 Only i( you surrender it to us can $e consider doing as you ask1 The deal is a (air one1/ #nd ) kne$ the Speaker meant it0 too1 )t/s like ) said0 the elestis never go back on a deal1 "eally0 ) suppose they could have opened up the aperture and stolen the Doctor/s body (rom any$here in space and time0 but they don/t $ork like that0 it/s against their rules1 ) kne$ $hat they/d do1 They/d $atch the body (rom the !rand %all0 and they/d try to mark anyone $ho $as unlucky enough to go near it0 8ust to make sure it stayed in their sights1 But there/d be a time $hen it/d (all into their hands0 no .uestion1 )( the Doctor agreed to the deal0 any$ay1 So0 $hat happened ne5t9 Aes1 ) remember1 The Doctor turned on his heel0 and started pacing the (loor in (ront o( his bo51 The elestis stayed hushed all the $hile1 ,o$0 to be honest0 ) don/t think all o( them liked the idea o( this deal1 ) think some o( them didn/t $ant to get involved $ith the Doctor0 even on their o$n terms1 But no one $anted to say it out loud1 :@ery $ell0/ the Doctor said0 a(ter a minute or t$o1 :)t/s a bargain1 But $ith one or t$o minor stipu2 lations1/ The $ord 3stipulations6 al$ays made the elestis edgy0 but they kept .uiet1 The Doctor li(ted up his hand0 and s$ept it around the !rand %all0 pointing at all the blank2eyed servants standing about the place1 Me included1 :These un(ortunates0/ the Doctor said1 :) $ant you to (ree them1/ ) $ish ) kne$ ho$ ) (elt at that moment0 but ) don/t1 #ll ) kno$ is0 the Speaker started rustling his robes1 :&e could release our servants (rom their contracts0 i( $e chose to1 But it $ould be an empty gesture1 &e $ould simply recruit more o( them (rom the land o( the living1 Aou gain nothing (rom this stipulation1/ :4very soul saved makes a di((erence0/ the Doctor told him1 :Aou $ouldn/t understand1/ The Speaker thought it over1 Then he saidI :#cceptable1/ 4veryone started grumbling in the galleries1 The Doctor nodded1 :!ood1 Stipulation number t$o111/ %e kept talking0 o( course1 But ) don/t remember any more o( $hat he said1 ) 8ust remember seeing the (aces o( the other servants0 the ones $ho/d been lucky enough to be in the Doctor/s sight $hen he/d s$ept his hand around the %all1 )/d hated all those other slaves0 because they/d been so empty0 so blank0 so111 all right0 )/ll say it1 So dead1 But things $ere di((erent0 no$ the Doctor had made his bargain1 +or that one moment in Mictlan0 they looked real again1 They looked human1 4ven the ones $ho/d never been human in the (irst place1 Then there $as light1 Do ) need to describe the light9 )t/s every$here0 no$1 ) can/t see anything0 ) can/t (eel anything0 ) can only remember1 Maybe ) shouldn/t try to remember1 ) get the (eeling ) should let go0 let the light take me1 But ) don/t kno$1 )/ve been struggling to keep my identity (or so long0 ) don/t $ant to lose it no$1 My name is Kristopher Patrick 4nglund1 )/m dead1 )/m dead0 but no longer $alking0 no longer talking1 )/m telling mysel( my o$n story0 over and over0 until ) (orget all the little details0 and the last o( me (inally goes to meet the light1 )/m struggling0 because that/s the only thing ) kno$ ho$ to do1 Let me see1 Should ) start again9 ) think ) should1 ) remember being on an operating table111

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%0thleen Bre510n6 0:k:0: $ieuten0nt %0thleen Bre510n6 0:k:0: Miss Chicken@$e5s6 could still 40lk6 t0lk6 slouch6 0nd scr0tch: As 30r 0s she 40s concerned6 these 4ere 5ood si5ns th0t she 40s still 0li=e: &n3ortun0tel/6 nobod/ else 0round here see1ed to 05ree 4ith her: The streets 4ere 3ull o3 2eo2le6 0lthou5h the 2eo2le 4erenBt 1uch 1ore th0n sh0do4s: The/ lurked in the door40/s o3 buildin5s6 0nd skulked behind streetl012s in the 0lle/40/s6 but the/ looked sc0red to ste2 out into the 4et@Thursd0/@03ternoon d0/li5ht: Their 3e0tures 4ere h0l3@3or1ed6 indistinct6 0ll tr0ces o3 identit/ scrubbed 040/ b/ the sheer tediu1 o3 the 2l0ce: Bre510n h0d tried t0lkin5 to the16 once or t4ice: The/Bd been Auite 0d010nt the/ 4ere de0d: LDe0dIB Bre510n h0d Aueried: "es6 the/Bd told her6 de3initel/ de0d: This 40s Mictl0n6 the l0nd o3 the de0d6 the 2l0ce 4here souls 4ere sent once the/ 4ere used u2 0nd hollo4ed out: Bre510n h0d re0d enou5h South A1eric0n Demonika co1ics to reco5nise the n01e: This6 in her o4n 2oD/ orthodoD Euro@Christi0n ter1s6 40s 2ur50tor/: When Bre510n h0d been 0 child6 sheBd li=ed ne0r 0 cor2or0tion@o4ned housin5 est0te in the $0us0nne sub@suburbs6 one o3 those concrete@lined holes the S4iss 5o=ern1ent liked to sho=el Dutch i11i5r0nts 0nd 4el30re 0ddicts into: The sk/ h0d 0l40/s been 5re/ thereC e=en the clouds h0d been u5lier th0n the ones o=er the cit/ centre: The ro0ds h0d been littered 4ith de0d 2ets 0nd burned@out c0rs6 the 5utters h0d been 3ull o3 s/rin5es6 0nd there h0d 0l40/s been 4et 20tches on the 20=e1ents 4here the loc0l children h0d cere1oni0ll/ kicked e0ch other h0l3 to de0th: Th0t 40s Mictl0n: Th0t 40s eD0ctl/ ho4 it looked6 th0t 40s eD0ctl/ ho4 it 3elt: E=er/4here6 there 40s the s1ell o3 urine 0nd 3ried 3ood: The de0d 4ere the ulti10te undercl0ss6 Bre510n re0lised: The uni=erse h0d the s01e conte12t 3or the1 th0t the S4iss h0d 3or the Dutch: She 40lked 3or hours6 or 3or 4h0t 3elt like hours6 but the sub@suburbs ne=er ended: When she 3in0ll/ s0t do4n6 on 0 20tch o3 de0d 5r0ss b/ the side o3 0n e12t/ ro0d6 it 40s out o3 boredo16 not bec0use she 40s tired: She didnBt see1 to need rest here6 0nd she 5uessed she 4ouldnBt be 0ble to slee26 either: It 40s true6 then: She 40s de0d6 0nd this 40s eternit/: The ide0 should h0=e 0220lled her6 but to be honest6 she didnBt h0=e the stren5th to be 0220lled: Across the street6 the sh0do4 o3 0n 020rt1ent block stretched6 /04ned6 0nd s20t out 0nother one o3 the de0d: Th0t 40s ho4 2eo2le 0rri=ed here6 Bre510n h0d noticedC the sh0do4s 50=e birth to the1: The 10n 40s 1ore 0cti=e th0n the other ;o1bies Bre510n h0d seen6 but she 5uessed th0t 4ouldnBt l0st lon5: The ne4 0rri=0l looked 0round6 4ith so1e dist0ste6 be3ore his e/es 3in0ll/ settled on Bre510n: He ho22ed 0cross the ro0d: As he c01e closer6 Bre510n reco5nised hi1 0s the 10n 3ro1 the ;i5@ 5ur0t6 the one S01 h0d c0lled the Doctor: His clothes 4ere colour3ul6 eccentric6 0lthou5h /ou could tell Mictl0n 40s tu55in5 0t the 3ibres6 tr/in5 to te0r the ch0r0cter out o3 the 10teri0l: L$ieuten0nt Bre510n6 isnBt itIB he s0id6 sto22in5 in 3ront o3 her: LI 40snBt eD2ectin5 to see /ou here:B Bre510n stood: The DoctorBs =oice 40s 3ull o3 li3e6 e=en here in the l0nd o3 the de0d: The 40/ he s2oke6 /ou could h0=e s4orn he 40s introducin5 hi1sel3 0t 0 cockt0il 20rt/: LE=er/one ends u2 here6 donBt the/IB she s0id: The Doctor tutted: LI shouldnBt think so: !ot unless /ouBre 0n 05ent o3 the Celestis: E=en ) h0d to 3orce 1/ 40/ in:B A thou5ht see1ed to strike hi16 0nd he 2eered 0t Bre510nBs 30ce 0 little 1ore closel/: LBut /ouBre not 4orkin5 3or the Celestis: IB1 sure IBd be 0ble to tell i3 /ou 4ere: So 4h/ 0re /ou hereIB (''

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LBec0use IB1 de0d6B Bre510n s0id: Stu2id Auestion6 surel/I L!o: "ouBre 0s 0li=e 0s I 01: "ouBre su33erin5 the side@e33ects o3 0 0r0doD control rite6 th0tBs 0ll: "ou need ti1e to reco=er:B Suddenl/6 he sl022ed 0 h0nd 050inst his 3orehe0d: LThe #0ction: Their ritu0ls 1ust use the s01e techniAues 0s the Celestis::: o3 courseM Gr0nd30ther 0r0doDMB LCo1e 050inIB LGr0nd30ther 0r0doD: The stories s0/ he 40s 0 Ti1e $ord6 but thereBs no record o3 his eDistence on G0lli3re/: He 1ust h0=e done the s01e thin5 the Celestis did: He 1ust h0=e er0sed hi1sel3 3ro1 the ti1eline 0nd 2ut hi1sel3 into conce2tu0l s20ce: I 4onder i3 the Celestis re0liseI The/ 1ust h0=e so1e ide06 thereBll be #0ction =icti1s 0ll o=er the 2l0ce:::B Bre510n 40s st0rtin5 to 5et irrit0ted: But then6 she re0soned6 10/be th0t 40s 0 5ood si5n: At le0st she h0d enou5h 3eelin5 le3t in her to 5et irrit0ted b/ so1ethin5: LSo let 1e 5et this str0i5ht: This is Mictl0n6 ri5htIB LItBs the re0l1 o3 the Celestis: The/ c0ll it Mictl0n: erson0ll/6 IBd r0ther not 5i=e the1 the s0tis30c@ tion:B LThen 4h/ 0re you hereIB LOh6 IB=e 5ot 0n 022oint1ent 4ith the Celestis6B the Doctor told her: LI donBt think the/ kno4 it /et6 thou5h:B Then he turned6 0 3ull ()- de5rees6 0nd sh0ded his e/es: Bre510n 3ollo4ed his le0d: On the sk/line6 loo1in5 o=er the houses o3 the de0d6 40s the silhouette o3 so1ethin5 th0t re0ched u2 0s 30r 0s the e/e could see: Bre510n 3elt 20rt o3 her sto10ch tr/ to cr04l u2 into her 1outh: The structure to4ered o=er the rest o3 Mictl0n6 but until no4 she h0dnBt e=en noticed it: M0/be the buildin5 40s too ob=ious to notice6 she thou5ht: It 40s the he0rt o3 Mictl0n6 the 2oint e=er/thin5 re=ol=ed 0round: It looked so n0tur0l6 it h0dnBt see1ed 4orth thinkin5 0bout until the Doctor h0d 2ointed it out: LThe c0stle o3 the Celestis6B the Doctor eD2l0ined: But it didnBt look like 0 c0stle6 not to Bre510n: B0ck on the est0te in $0us0nne6 thereBd been 0 1ulti@store/ c0r 20rk6 0nd the c0r 20rk h0d been the 3oc0l 2oint o3 e=er/thin5 sick 0nd u5l/ 0nd 1iser0ble: !o one h0d e=er used the to2 three 3loors6 bec0use the li5hts h0d 0ll been s10shed6 0nd it h0d been t4o@oBclock@in@the@1ornin5 d0rk there e=en in the 1iddle o3 the d0/: Teen05ers h0d used the b0se1ents le=els 0s cr0ck@houses6 4hile tr012s h0d used the st0ir4ells 0s 2ublic toilets: The buildin5 on the sk/line looked like 0 c0r 20rk6 too6 but it h0d 0n in3inite nu1ber o3 le=els6 stretchin5 u2 throu5h the clouds o3 30ctor/ 2ollut0nt th0t 3or1ed Mictl0nBs sk/: In 30ct6 the structure looked like se=er0l do;en c0r 20rks 2iled on to2 o3 e0ch other6 so1e le=els o=erh0n5in5 the le=els underne0th the16 the 0ccess r012s Euttin5 out 0t 04k40rd6 r0ndo1 0n5les: The su22ortin5 colu1ns F 0nd there 4ere thous0nds o3 the1 F 4ere cr0cked 0nd cru1blin56 co=ered in l0/er u2on l0/er o3 5rit 0nd dirt6 built u2 o=er centuries6 10/be 1illenni0: In short6 it 40s the 4orst 2l0ce in the uni=erse: L"ou 40nt to 5o thereIB s0id Bre510n: LWh/6 3or GodBs s0keIB The Doctor le0ned to40rds her6 cons2ir0tori0ll/: LIB1 h0l3@stu2id6B he s0id: LOn 1/ 1otherBs side: I3 /ou 3eel u2 to the 40lk6 itBd be nice to h0=e so1e co120n/:B &2 close6 the c0stle+c0r 20rk looked e=en 4orse th0n Bre510n h0d eD2ected: She 5uessed itBd t0ke 0 5ood 3e4 hours to 40lk 0ll the 40/ 0round the b0se o3 it6 so God kne4 ho4 lon5 itBd t0ke to 5et to the to2 le=el: Throu5h the o2enin5 0t the 3ront o3 the buildin56 she could see the l0/out o3 the 5round 3loor6 0 concrete h0n50r the si;e o3 0 3ootb0ll 3ield6 10rked 4ith lines o3 4hite 20int 0nd s2l0shes o3 dried blood: B0re /ello4 bulbs hun5 3ro1 the ceilin5 in their thous0nds6 3illin5 the buildin5 4ith 0 sick elec@ tric li5ht6 4hile the de0d loitered in the sh0do4s o3 the su22ortin5 colu1ns6 doin5 nothin5 in 20rticul0r6 the 40/ onl/ the de0d re0ll/ kno4 ho4 to do nothin5 in 20rticul0r: The colu1ns 4ere st0ined 4ith

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bl0ck 5r033iti6 Bre510n noticed6 0lthou5h /ou couldnBt 10ke out the letters: resu10bl/6 there 4ere no n01es in Mictl0n: The Doctor took it 0ll in6 but didnBt see1 30;ed: Bre510n 4ondered 4hether he 40s seein5 0 c0r 20rk6 too6 or so1ethin5 4orse: She 3elt it 40s 30ir to 0ssu1e this 40s her =ersion o3 2ur50tor/: She doubted itBd look the s01e to 0n/one else: A cou2le o3 1inutes l0ter6 the/ 3ound the 40/ u2 to the neDt le=el6 0 3i3teen@1etre@4ide st0ir4ell set h0l340/ 0lon5 the 5round@3loor 40ll: The ste2s 4ere hu5e6 bi5 enou5h to 10ke Bre510n think o3 0 set 3ro1 0n old Holl/4ood 1usic0l: "ou could i105ine the le0din5 l0d/ hi5h@kickin5 her 40/ do4n the st0irs6 beltin5 out the the1e son5 0nd tr/in5 not to bre0k her stilettos on the solid concrete: The bulbs 0t the to2 o3 the st0ir40/ h0d blo4n6 so e=er/thin5 30ded into d0rkness 03ter the 3irst 3e4 do;en ste2s: The Doctor st0rted boundin5 u2 the st0irs6 t4o or three 0t 0 ti1e: Bre510n tried to kee2 u2 4ith hi16 but 30iled 1iser0bl/: In the end6 she h0d to shout 0t hi1 to sto2: LIB1 not 4ell6 0ll ri5htIB she s0id6 4hen she s04 hi1 5l0nce b0ck 0t her o=er his shoulder: The Doctor looked 05it0ted6 but 0t le0st heBd sto22ed bouncin5: LI donBt su22ose thereBs 0n/ need to hurr/: I 40s ho2in5 to c0tch Tr0sk be3ore he h0nded the Relic o=er to the Celestis6 but I think 4eBre 0lre0d/ too l0te 3or th0t: WeBre 5oin5 to h0=e to de0l 4ith the Celestis 30ce@to@30ce:B L >We?IB The Doctor see1ed t0ken 0b0ck: LIB1 sorr/IB Bre510n sto22ed 0 cou2le o3 ste2s belo4 hi16 0nd c0u5ht her bre0th: L"ou 40nted 1e to 3ollo4 /ou here6 O%I And so 30r6 0ll IB1 doin5 is slo4in5 /ou do4n: Wh0te=er /ouBre doin56 itBs 5ot nothin5 to do 4ith 1e: I donBt e=en kno4 4h/ /ouBre here: So 4h/ dr05 1e 0lon5I I 1e0n6 donBt think IB1 not enEo/in5 the eD2erience or 0n/thin5:B But the Doctor turned out to be entirel/ s0rc0s1@2roo3: LItBs 5ot so1ethin5 to do 4ith 0 tree 30llin5 in 0 3orest6B he s0id6 0s i3 th0t eD2l0ined e=er/thin5: LOh6 look: WeB=e 5ot co120n/:B Bre510n looked u2: At the to2 o3 the st0ir40/ Gor6 1ore 0ccur0tel/6 0t the 2oint 4here the st0ir40/ =0nished into the d0rknessH6 thin5s 4ere 1o=in5: erson@sh02ed thin5s6 sh01blin5 do4n the ste2s6 1utterin5 01on5 the1sel=es 0s the/ descended: Without thinkin56 Bre510n took 0 ste2 b0ck40rds6 0nd 0l1ost lost her b0l0nce: More o3 the de0d: "ou could tell b/ the 40/ the/ 40lked: But these 1o=ed 4ith 0 2ur2ose6 0nd /ou could see6 e=en throu5h the sh0do4s6 th0t the/ h0d so1e tr0ces o3 identit/ le3t in the1: The ;o1bie elite6 Bre510n 5uessed: The chosen ones o3 Mictl0n: One b/ one6 the sh02es st055ered into the li5ht6 their e/es 3iDed on the Doctor: The 3irst o3 the de0d 1en 40s bl0ck: He 4ore 0 brilli0nt red 3lo4er on his l02el6 0nd there 40s 0 sh0r2 4hite 5rin cut into his 30ce6 but it 40s 0 cor2seBs 5rin6 the 5rin o3 so1eone 4ho no lon5er h0d 0n/ need 3or 0 sense o3 hu1our: Behind hi16 there 4ere t4o 3i5ures dressed in d0rk desi5ner suits6 their 30ces 20le6 their h0ir cro22ed in 0 1ilit0r/ st/le: Both 4ore sun5l0sses6 4hich h0rdl/ see1ed 022ro2ri0te here6 0nd both h0d their h0nds tucked into their inside E0cket 2ockets6 3ondlin5 the h0ndles o3 conce0led 3ire0r1s: T4o 1ore hu10noid 3i5ures stu1bled into the li5ht 03ter the1: Bre510n thou5ht o3 the sli1/ dru5 de0lers /ou used to see in 2ro5r011es like Miami ,arcs: The 1en h0d t0nned skin 0nd 5re0s/ h0ir: Their teeth 4ere sh0r2ened to 2oints6 0nd the/ 4ore 5old 1ed0llions 0round their necks6 0lthou5h Mictl0n h0d 4orn do4n the 1et0l until it 40s 0l1ost 0s 5re/ 0s the st0ir4ell itsel3: !eDt c01e 0 short6 sAu0re@shouldered 10n6 his h0ir slicked b0ck 0nd 5re/in5 0t the te12les6 his e/es 2oints o3 bl0ck in 0 3l0bb/ 4hite 30ce: He looked like e=er/ God30ther 3i5ure in e=er/ 50n5ster 1o=ie e=er 10de6 0nd his he0d 40s 0l1ost lost in the enor1ous 3ur 4r02 he 4ore 0round his neck: The 4r02 40s 4ri55lin5 on his shoulders6 needle@sh0r2 teeth sn022in5 0t e0ch end: A 30shion 0ccessor/ th0t 40nted its o4n b0ck: The l0st t4o 3i5ures 4ere both 0lien: The 3irst 40s Eet bl0ck in colour6 co=ered in 0 c0r020ce 1uch

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like 0 beetleBs6 its 0r1s endin5 in enor1ous lobster@like cl04s: T4o ste2s 0bo=e it stood 0 sh02e dressed in 0n orn0te 5olden robe6 0 hu5e se1icircul0r coll0r r0ised behind its he0d: Bre510n 5ot the 3eelin5 the robe 40s su22osed to be 0 20rod/ o3 0 1uch 1ore ele50nt st/le o3 clothin5: The ei5ht 3i5ures6 Mictl0nBs 3inest6 10rched do4n the ste2s in 2er3ect ti1e6 until the ne0rest o3 the1 40snBt 1ore th0n 0 1etre or t4o 3ro1 the Doctor: Then the/ sto22ed: LThe 05ents o3 the Celestis6B the Doctor 1used: He didnBt see1 4orried6 0nd he h0dnBt b0cked 040/ 4hile the de0d h0d been 0d=0ncin5: He 5l0nced o=er his shoulder: LItBs 0ll ri5ht6 %0thleen: The/Bre onl/ 2u22ets: St0nd behind 1e6 /ouBll be Auite s03e:B Bre510n ho22ed do4n 0 cou2le o3 ste2s 0n/40/6 but she didnBt t0ke her e/es o33 the de0d: LS03e ho46 eD0ctl/IB L"ouBre not re0ll/ here6 re1e1ber: "our 1ind is in Mictl0n: "our bod/Bs s03el/ b0ck on E0rth:B LAnd 4h0t 0bout /ouIB The Doctor cle0red his thro0t: LIB1 03r0id I brou5ht 1/ bod/ 4ith 1e: I didnBt re0ll/ h0=e 0 choice: Ah: Mr Tr0sk:B A ninth 3i5ure h0d 022e0red out o3 the d0rkness: Bre510n 0l1ost choked: It 40s the thin5::: the 2erson::: the man::: sheBd 1et in the ;i55ur0t6 Eust 03ter sheBd 0rri=ed in the &nthink0ble Cit/: The one 4hoBd 10de her thro4 u2: And he 40s still s1ilin5: L!ot true6B the cre0ture told the Doctor: LI be5 /our 20rdonIB L!ot true: !ot s03e: Her 1ind is here: So 4e c0n 10rk it: M0ke her one o3 ours:B Bre510n h0d no ide0 4h0t this 1e0nt6 thou5h she s04 the 1uscles tense u2 0ll o=er the DoctorBs bod/6 so she 5uessed it 40snBt nice: L"ou 4ouldnBt d0re6B he s0id: LWe could: We 4onBt: !ot the 40/ 4e 4ork: !e=er 10rk 05ents 050inst their 4ill: !e=er:B Tr0sk indic0ted the 3i5ures 0round hi1 4ith 0 sti336 1ech0nic0l 40=e: L&s: All o3 us: We chose this: Chose to ser=e the Celestis:B Bre510n tried to 3ocus on the 10nBs 30ce6 but 30iled6 the s01e 40/ sheBd 30iled the l0st ti1e sheBd seen hi1: $ike 1ost o3 the de0d souls in Mictl0n6 heBd lost e=er/thin5 th0t h0d 10de hi1 hu10n6 until his 30ce 40s Eust 0 collection o3 lu12s 0nd holes6 0 sh02e 4ithout 1e0nin5: As she 40tched6 so1ethin5 else 3lo0ted out o3 the sh0do4s: It 40s the c0sket6 Bre510n re0li;ed: The 1o1ent it 022e0red6 the DoctorBs bod/ 4ent sti33 0s 0 bo0rd: LThe Relic6B Tr0sk s0id: LItBs ours: 0id 3or it: Rules o3 the 0uction: We 4on:B >Rules?I >Won?I The Doctor turned to Bre510n 050in: L"ou see ho4 the Celestis thinkI Wh0te=er h022ens in the re0l 4orld6 itBs 0ll 0 501e to the1: Without their bodies to hold the1 do4n6 0ll the/B=e 5ot to 4orr/ 0bout 0re their o4n little 2olitic0l 3euds: The/ donBt c0re 4ho 4ins the 40r6 0s lon5 0s it 10kes li3e 1ore interestin5 3or the1:B L"es6B s0id Tr0sk: LG01es 0re i12ort0nt: Rules 0re i12ort0nt: Al40/s obe/ the rules: Al40/s honour 05ree1ents: Al40/s kee2 de0ls: Che0tin56 other4ise: $ike /ou che0t:B The Doctor sni33ed 2etul0ntl/: LI ne=er che0t: Ad1ittedl/6 I do so1eti1es 10ke the 501e 1ore co12leD6 but I ne=er che0t:B LThe Celestis h0d 0 de0l: With /ou: "ou broke it:B LDe0lI Wh0t de0lIB Ancient 1uscles cr0cked 0nd 3leDed inside Tr0skBs 30ce: LThe Celestis 05reed: To let /ou conclude the b0ttle on Dronid6 in /our o4n 40/: Without inter3erence: In return6 /ou 2ro1ised: ro1ised /our bod/: !o4 /ou 40nt to ste0l it b0ck: Che0tin5:B L!ot true6B the Doctor 2rotested: LIB=e ne=er e=en 1et the Celestis6 IB=e cert0inl/ ne=er 10de 0n/ de0ls 4ith the1:B L"ou 4ill: One d0/:B

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The Doctor looked 0l0r1ed: L"ouBre tr/in5 to hold 1e to 0 2ro1ise I h0=enBt 0ctu0ll/ 10de /etIB L"es:B LBut th0tBs not 30irMB L"ou 2ro1ised: "ou 10de 0 de0l: In /our 3uture:B And 0s one6 the other 3i5ures on the st0ir40/ be50n to 1o=e 050in6 those 0t the b0ck o3 the 3or10tion turnin5 to 3l0nk the Doctor: Tr0sk ke2t cro0kin5: LWe need /our bod/: The Celestis need /our bod/: To 5i=e /ou the 10rk: To 10ke /ou ours: Our 05ent:B Bre510n ho22ed do4n 0nother cou2le o3 ste2s6 but the Doctor st0/ed 4here he 40s6 his he0d held hi5h: L"ou c0nBt h0=e the Relic6B he reiter0ted6 ob=iousl/ doin5 his best to kee2 his =oice ste0d/: LDonBt 40nt it: DonBt 40nt /our bod/: !ot the bod/ in the co33in: !ot 0n/ 1ore: So1ethin5 better:B LIB1 sorr/IB s0id the Doctor: LDe0d bod/ 4ould 10ke 0 5ood 05ent6B Tr0sk 4ent on: L!ot 0s 5ood 0s /our li=e bod/6 thou5h: !o need 3or recor2or0tion: #i=e re5ener0tions le3t: &se3ul:B All o3 0 sudden6 the Doctor see1ed ner=ous: L"ou c0nBt h0=e 1e6 Tr0sk: !ot 4hile IB1 0li=e: "ou s0id so /oursel3: The CelestisB 05ents h0=e to 05ree to be 5i=en the 10rk6 o3 their o4n 3ree 4ill: ItBs the rules: And I donBt 05ree:B LAlre0d/ h0=e: "ou 10de 0 de0l: "ou s0id 4e could h0=e /our bod/: "ou 05reed: We ne=er s2eci3ied: !e=er s0id it h0d to be de0d: Within the ter1s o3 the 05ree1ent: We ne=er che0t:B L"ouBre 5oin5 to tr/ 0nd 5i=e 1e the 10rkIB the Doctor s2luttered: The de0d h0d 0rr0n5ed the1@ sel=es in 0 ti5ht cluster 0round hi16 0nd the 1en in bl0ck h0d 1o=ed into 2osition behind his b0ck6 to sto2 hi1 retre0tin5: As 30r 0s Bre510n could tell6 thou5h6 he didnBt look like he 40s 5oin5 to 10ke 0 run 3or it: LTh0t doesnBt 10ke sense: I3 /ou thou5ht /ou h0d the ri5ht to 10rk 1e 0t 0n/ ti1e in 1/ li3e6 bec0use o3 0 2ro1ise I h0=enBt e=en 10de /et6 then 4h/ h0=enBt /ou co1e 3or 1e be3ore no4IB LWe 4ere 40itin5: #or /ou to co1e to us: More 2o4er3ul here: Here in Mictl0n: Our territor/: !o 40/ out:B LI de10nd to see the Celestis 2erson0ll/MB L!o: !ot /et: !ot ti1e: We c0n 5i=e /ou the 10rk oursel=es: M0ke /ou one o3 us:B L"ou c0nBt FB LWe c0n6B s0id Tr0sk: L#eel:B And th0t 40s 4hen6 0t lon5 l0st6 the Doctor tried to 5et 040/: He turned to run6 but the 0lien 4ith the bl0ck c0r020ce sn022ed one o3 its cl04s shut 0cross his shoulder6 0nd the His20nic thu5s re0ched out to 5r0b his 0r1s: There 40s no 2oint stru55lin56 03ter th0t: Seconds l0ter6 e=er/ 20rt o3 his bod/ 40s bein5 2inioned b/ the de0d: The li=in5 3ur 4r02 b0rked eDcitedl/: The bl0ck 10nBs s1ile bec01e 0 blur o3 brilli0nt 4hite: The DoctorBs e/es 1et Bre510nBs6 0nd in th0t one 1o1ent6 Bre510n 40s sure she 40s re0d/ to 40ke u2 0nd 3ind hersel3 b0ck in the ;i55ur0t: Then his he0d Eerked b0ck: There 40s 0 tin/ noise 3ro1 the b0ck o3 his thro0t: Bre510n looked to40rds the to2 o3 the st0ir40/6 0nd s04 Tr0sk6 st0ndin5 1otionless6 his 5rin still in 2l0ce6 his e/es 3iDed on the Doctor: The 10rk6 thou5ht Bre510n6 th0t 40s 4h0t heBd s0id: The Doctor 40s bein5 br0nded6 turned into 0n 05ent o3 Mictl0n: Tr0sk 40s re0chin5 into his skull6 scr0tchin5 so1ethin5 0cross the sur30ce o3 his 1ind: She didnBt 1o=e: CouldnBt 1o=e: She stood 0nd 40tched until6 e=entu0ll/6 it 40s 0ll o=er: The de0d let 5o o3 the DoctorBs li1bs: His he0d lolled 3or40rd6 0nd his 0r1s dro22ed to his sides: The ;o1bies 1o=ed 040/6 le0=in5 hi1 to st0nd on his o4n t4o 3eet: He 4obbled 3or 0 3e4 1o1ents6 but he 10n05ed to st0/ u2ri5ht: #in0ll/6 he o2ened his e/es: The 3irst thin5 he did 40s look 0t Bre510n6 0nd Bre510n 4ould h0=e scre01ed6 i3 sheBd been 0li=e enou5h to re0ll/ c0re: There 40s so1ethin5 te0rin5 0nd thr0shin5 inside his he0d6 /ou could see it in his irises6 so1ethin5 tr/in5 to 5ou5e out his 1e1ories 0nd ri2 u2 his 2erson0lit/: There 40s no e1otion

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on his 30ce: !o tr0ce o3 3eelin5: LInterestin56B he s0id: He s2un on his heel6 to 30ce Tr0sk: The rest o3 the de0d 4ere stu1blin5 040/6 bein5 s40llo4ed u2 b/ the d0rkness 0t the to2 o3 the st0irs6 but Tr0sk didnBt 1o=e: LConcentr0ted Celestine consciousness6B the Doctor 4ent on: L l0nted directl/ in the 1ind o3 the subEect6 4ithout 0n/ need 3or sur30ce 2s/chic or 2sionic 2enetr0tion:B L"es6B s0id Tr0sk: LDoctorIB Bre510n s0id: She 40nted to s0/ so1ethin5 c0rin5 0nd consider0te6 like >ho4 0re /ouI?6 but she kne4 ho4 stu2id itBd sound: Besides6 the Doctor 40s i5norin5 her: LWh0t should I doIB the Doctor 0sked Tr0sk: LGo b0ck to E0rth: Return to /our TARDIS: "ou 4ill be 5i=en orders: When 4e need /ou: The Celestis c0n cont0ct /ou directl/: Throu5h the 10rk:B LAnd the RelicIB The c0sket 40s ho=erin5 0t Tr0skBs 3eet6 0nDiousl/ bobbin5 u2 0nd do4n on its 0nti5r0=s: LWorth@ less6B Tr0sk decl0red: L"our ti1eline h0s ch0n5ed: The Relic is 0 20r0doD: Too d0n5erous: Too d0n@ 5erous to use: Could stren5then the #0ction: C0nBt be 0llo4ed:B LSh0ll I destro/ itIB the Doctor 0sked: Tr0sk nodded6 his he0d cre0kin5 on to2 o3 his ri5or@1ortis neck: The Doctor 2ut t4o 3in5ers in his 1outh6 0nd 4histled: The c0sket obedientl/ 4obbled do4n to his le=el: It see1ed 5l0d to 5et out o3 Tr0skBs 2resence: S0tis3ied6 Tr0sk turned 040/6 0nd be50n cli1bin5 the st0irs: Seconds l0ter6 he dis022e0red into the d0rkness6 0lon5 4ith the rest o3 Mictl0nBs elite: The Doctor c0u5ht Bre510nBs e/e 050in: There 40s 0 3r0ction o3 0 s1ile on his li2s: LW0ke u26B he s0id: And he sn022ed his 3in5ers: LIsnBt there 0n/ 40/ 4e c0n sc0n the Cit/ 3or hi1IB 0sked the hu10n 5irl: S016 JiDotl re1inded hi1@ sel3: LTre0t 1e 4ith 0 little kindness 0nd underst0ndin5 here6 O%IB he s0id: LIB=e 0lre0d/ died once tod0/: "Bkno46 0 thin5 like th0t doesnBt 5et /ou in 0 5re0t 1ood: An/40/6 the DoctorBs 5oin5 to be 3ine: Re0ll/: I 1e0n6 4here=er heBs 5ot to:B LRi5ht6B S01 1ur1ured: Actu0ll/6 JiDotl h0d 0 2rett/ 5ood ide0 4here the Doctor h0d 5ot to: As soon 0s the Ti1e $ord h0d 3ound out 0bout Tr0sk6 heBd stor1ed out o3 the con3erence h0ll6 turned the corner::: 0nd =0nished: S01 h0d se0rched the corridor6 but there h0dnBt been 0n/ si5n o3 hi1: Which kind o3 su55ested the Doctor h0d 5one to Mictl0n 03ter Tr0sk6 thou5h JiDotl couldnBt 3or the li3e o3 hi1 3i5ure out ho4: And i3 th0t 4ere true6 then he 2rob0bl/ 4ouldnBt be co1in5 b0ck: B/ ri5hts6 JiDotl should h0=e been on his shi2 0nd out o3 this sol0r s/ste1 b/ no46 but he h0d the horrible 3eelin5 th0t i3 he le3t the Cit/ 4ithout debrie3in5 the other bidders6 the/Bd be 3ollo4in5 hi1 0round until doo1sd0/6 de10ndin5 to kno4 4h0t heBd been tr/in5 to 2ull: So he 40s loun5in5 0round the con3erence h0ll 4ith S016 40itin5 3or the others to sho4 u26 0nd 4onderin5 eD0ctl/ ho4 10n/ o3 the1 h0d been killed b/ the %rotons: LI could do 4ith so1e hel26B the Doctor s0id: JiDotl /el2ed6 0nd 3ell o33 his ch0ir: The Doctor h0d re022e0red in the 0rch40/6 his 30ce 0ll t4isted 0nd cru12led6 like he 40s suckin5 on the bi55est citrus 3ruit in histor/: The &!IS"C $ieuten0nt 40s le0nin5 050inst hi16 lookin5 d0;ed 0nd 4obbl/: More i12ort0ntl/6 the Relic 40s ho=erin5 in the 20s@ s05e40/ behind the t4o o3 the16 5lo4in5 cheeril/: S01 Eu12ed to her 3eet6 0nd hurried o=er to the Ti1e $ordBs side like 0 little 2u22/: She took the $ieuten0ntBs 0r16 then led the 4o10n to40rds the ne0rest 0=0il0ble ch0ir: The Doctor coll02sed 050inst

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the 3r01e o3 the 0rch40/6 lookin5 eDh0usted: LI see /ou6 er6 5ot the sti33 b0ck6B JiDotl =entured: The Doctor st0red 0t hi1: The st0re 40s horrible: Re0ll/6 re0ll/ n0st/: JiDotl could see thin5s in the DoctorBs e/es6 terrible churnin5 thin5s6 tr/in5 to bre0k 3ree o3 his he0d: LDonBt trust hi16B 5ur5led the $ieuten0nt: LDonBt trust 4hoIB s0id S01: The 4o10n r0ised her h0nd6 0nd 2ointed 0n 0ccusin5 3in5er 0t the Doctor: Her 30ce 40s 0 de0thl/ 4hite6 JiDotl s046 0nd her li1bs 4ere seriousl/ sh0kin5: LHeBs one o3 the1: One o3 the de0d: HeBs 5ot the 10rk: I s04 it: I s04 it h022en:B LOh6 hell6B s0id JiDotl: S01 5042ed 0t the Doctor: LDoctor:::IB He shook his he0d: His 30ce 40s scrunched u2 like 0 2iece o3 old 4r022in5 202er6 0nd 3or the 3irst ti1e6 JiDotl re0lised he 40s 0ctu0ll/ in 20in6 not Eust 5urnin5 3or co1ic e33ect: LThe M0triD6B he hissed: LThe 4h0tIB LThe 4orld o3 the Celestis: ure in3or10tion: Outside the 2h/sic0l uni=erse: ItBs like the M0triD: The s01e technolo5/: The Celestis 1ust h0=e used the M0triD to build it:B JiDotl tried to 3i5ure out 4h0t the Doctor 40s t0lkin5 0bout: "e0h6 the/ s0id the M0triD 40s 1ore th0n Eust 0 co12uter the Ti1e $ords used to 2redict the 3utureC the/ s0id it 40s 0 4hole 1ini@uni=erse6 10de out o3 solid 30cts: And /e0h6 3ro1 4h0t JiDotl h0d he0rd 0bout the Celestis6 their ho1e F Mictl0n6 ri5htI F 40s the s01e kind o3 set@u2: But so 4h0tI LIB1 0n eD@ resident o3 the Hi5h Council o3 G0lli3re/6B the Doctor continued: The 4ords sounded 3orced6 like the/Bd 5ot the1sel=es stuck in his 4ind2i2e6 0nd it 40s t0kin5 hi1 0ll his stren5th to cou5h the1 out: LIB=e 4orn the S0sh o3 R0ssilon: And the Coronet: The Coronet o3 R0ssilon: It 2uts /ou in direct cont0ct 4ith the M0triD: M/ biod0t0::: 1/ biod0t0 cont0ins the codes 3or 10ni2ul0tin5 the M0triD: Th0tBs ho4 I 5ot to Mictl0n: The Celestis o2ened 0n 02erture 3or Tr0sk: I 10n05ed to::: to 3orce 1/ 40/ throu5h it::: 4hile it 40s still o2en:::B Suddenl/6 JiDotl 5ot the 2oint: L"ou 1e0n6 /ou c0n 10ni2ul0te the CelestisB 2l0ce6 0s 4ellI Whee: I12ressi=e:B The Doctor clenched his teeth 0 little h0rder: L!o: !ot 0ll o3 it: But their science::: Celestine con@ sciousness::: thereBs 0 link: An 033init/: I built 0 c05e: In 1/ 1ind:B He t022ed his 3orehe0d6 Eust in c0se 0n/one didnBt kno4 4here he ke2t this 1ind he 40s t0lkin5 0bout: S01 looked 3ro1 the Doctor to %0thleen to JiDotl6 ob=iousl/ not 3ollo4in5 1ost o3 this: LA c05e 3or 4h0tIB LThe Shi3t:B LThe Shi3tBs in /our he0dIB L"es: "es: Tr022ed:B The Doctor 5ri22ed the 3r01e o3 the 0rch6 to ste0d/ hi1sel3: LTr0sk tried to 10rk 1e: ure Celestine consciousness: ushed it: Ri5ht into 1/ 1ind:B And then6 des2ite the 20in he see1ed to be in6 des2ite the 30ct th0t his le5s looked re0d/ to 5i=e u2 0nd du12 hi1 on the 3loor 0t 0n/ 1o1ent6 0 5rin broke out 0cross his 30ce: LHe 1issed6B the Doctor s0id: JiDotlBs E04 dro22ed: LHe 10rked the Shi3tIB The Doctor nodded: LBut the Shi3t 4orks 3or the::: er6 3or the ene1/:B LI kno4: The ene1/ 10rked the Shi3t 4hen the/ cre0ted it: The Celestis h0=e 10rked it 050in: The Shi3tBs beco1in5 schi;o2hrenic: The con3lict o3 interests is te0rin5 it 020rt:B The Doctor 2ut his h0nds to his he0d: LItBs t0kin5 1/ 1ind to 2ieces: R0ttlin5 the b0rs o3 the c05e: IB1 03r0id IB1 5oin5 to 5o

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10d:B He 4obbled on his 3eet: S01 rushed u2 to hi16 0nd ke2t hi1 3ro1 to22lin5 o=er: LWh0t do 4e doIB LWe h0=e to 5et b0ck to the TARDIS: I c0n do4nlo0d the Shi3t into the tele20thic circuits6 se0l it inside one o3 the 1e1or/ cells: "ouBll h0=e to hel2 1e:B LRi5ht:B S01 took the DoctorBs 0r16 0nd the Doctor turned6 to 30ce the corridor behind hi1: He 40s 0bout to 40lk 040/ 4hen 0 thou5ht see1ed to strike hi1: He looked o=er his shoulder: L%0thleenIB he s0id: The &!IS"C $ieuten0nt st0red b0ck 0t hi1: She didnBt s2e0k: L"ou re1e1ber the 0lien /ou s04 in Mictl0nI The one 4e0rin5 the robesIB %0thleen nodded: LTh0tBs the ene1/6B the Doctor s0id: LTr/ to 3or5et /ou e=er s04 it: I kno4 ) 4ill:B She nodded 050in: LJiDotlIB JiDotl s40llo4ed: The Doctor 50=e hi1 0nother one o3 those sc0r/ looks: LI3 /ou see M0rie6 5i=e her 1/ th0nks: Tell her I couldnBt h0=e done it 4ithout her: And one 1ore thin5:B LEr6 /e0hIB L$0ter6B s0id the Doctor6 1e0nin53ull/: And 4ith th0t6 he st055ered 040/ do4n the corridor6 S01 kee2in5 hi1 1ore or less u2ri5ht: The Relic 1o=ed 0side to let the1 20ss6 then 3lo0ted 03ter the1: The l0st thin5 JiDotl s04 o3 the1 40s S01Bs 30ce6 lookin5 b0ck 0t the h0ll6 0nd 1outhin5 so1ethin5 to the &!IS"C $ieuten0nt: JiDotl didnBt see 4h0t the 1ess05e 40s: So1e kind o3 5oodb/e6 he 5uessed: A 3e4 1inutes l0ter6 the rest o3 the bidders st0rted 40nderin5 b0ck into the con3erence h0ll: The/ 4erenBt in 0 =er/ 5ood 1ood: Ho1unculette 2ressed his h0nds 050inst the e1er5enc/ console6 3eelin5 the 2ulse o3 the en5ines under his 20l1s: Strictl/ s2e0kin56 t/2e (-* TARDIS units 4ere desi5ned to res2ond to =oc0l co110nds6 there 40s no need 3or hi1 to set the controls 10nu0ll/: But it see1ed 022ro2ri0te: This 40s M0rieBs 3irst 2ro2er Eourne/ since the re20ir Eob6 0nd Ho1unculette 3elt she ou5ht to h0=e it e0s/: Kust this once: He re0lised he 40s st0rtin5 to 5et stick/ thou5hts 050in: He distr0cted hi1sel3 b/ concentr0tin5 on so1ethin5 th0t 10de hi1 3eel bitter 0nd t4isted: LHe betr0/ed us6B he 5ru1bled6 out loud: LThe DoctorIB Aueried M0rie: Her =oice echoed 0round the do1e o3 her control roo1: The roo1 40s lookin5 5ood no46 i3 /ou could o=erlook the sc0rs 0cross the 0ccess 20nels: Ho1unculette 5runted in the 033ir10ti=e: LHe kne4 ho4 1uch 4e needed the Relic: He should h0=e h0nded it o=er: HeBs 0 Ti1e $ord6 heBs su22osed to be on our side:B M0rie si5hed6 0nd the si5h 3illed the roo1 4ith 3resh6 cle0n6 ion@scented 0ir: Ho1unculette 3elt it brush 050inst his 30ce6 0nd 40s sur2rised ho4 5ood it 3elt: LHe couldnBt in=ol=e hi1sel36B M0rie insisted: L!ot in his o4n 3uture: The Se=enth $04 o3 Ti1e6 re1e1ber:B LSe=enthIB LI think itBs the se=enth:B LThen 4h/ did he t0ke it 4ith hi1I Wh/ didnBt he Eust le0=e it 0loneI The Relic 40s our l0st ch0nce6 0nd he kne4 it:B Ho1unculette du5 his 3in5ern0ils into the skin o3 the console: LIBll tell /ou 4h0t re0ll/ 5ets to 1e: He 40s the 4orst inter=entionist 4e e=er h0d: He 40s su22osed to be 301ous 3or the 40/ he ke2t stickin5 his nose in: And 0ll o3 0 sudden6 heBs lecturin5 us 0bout c0us0lit/:B LI donBt think /ouBre bein5 =er/ 30ir6B M0rie cooed: LHe did s0=e our li=es:B Ho1unculette i5nored her: LWeBll 5et th0t bod/: DonBt /ou 4orr/: WeBll 5et th0t bod/ i3 4e h0=e to kill hi1 oursel=es:B LI ho2e /ouBre not serious6B M0rie s0id: But Ho1unculette h0d 0lre0d/ 5i=en the de10teri0lis0tion

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order: M0nEuele kicked so1e o3 the dust out into the corridor: The dust h0d once been 0 %roton 40r 10chine6 heBd been told6 but the Doctor h0d done so1ethin5 or other to 10ke it 30ll to 2ieces: M0nEuele ho2ed the 2rocess h0d hurt: An/thin5 th0t looked like 0 C0n0di0n Ho1e Gu0rd riot@t0nk 4ith 0r1s deser=ed to die in 05on/6 0s 30r 0s he 40s concerned: B/ the d0is6 Kustine 2icked u2 the bios012ler6 sli22ed it o=er her 3in5ers6 0nd rolled u2 her slee=e: She h0dnBt s0id 0 4ord since the/Bd le3t the con3erence h0ll: M0nEuele 5ot the 3eelin5 she 40s 5oin5 to 3re0k out on hi1 0n/ second: L"ou Bk0/IB he s0id: HeBd ne=er 0sked the Cousin 0n/thin5 like th0t be3ore: He 4ondered i3 he 40s 5ettin5 so3t: Wh0t the hell6 10/be heBd h0=e 0 better ch0nce 4ith her i3 he 0cted 0ll cute 0nd concerned: LWe 30iled6B Kustine told hi1: And there 40s no 3eelin5 in her =oice 0t 0ll: M0nEuele shru55ed6 0lthou5h Kustine h0d her b0ck turned to hi1: LWe c0n sti33 the Doctor: !eed bi55er 5uns6 sB0ll:B LThe Doctor did 4h0t he h0d to: As 4e 0ll 1ust:B Kustine checked the collection =0l=es: L$et us ho2e the Gr0nd30ther Eud5es us less h0rshl/ th0n he Eud5ed Cousin S0nEir0:B LWhoIB s0id M0nEuele: L!obod/ /ouBd re1e1ber6B Kustine si5hed: She stuck the bios012ler into her 0r16 0nd the skulls be50n to hu1: There 4ere less insects on the 40/ b0ck to the =ill05e th0n there h0d been on the 40/ to the Cit/: At le0st6 Bre510n didnBt 3eel 0s 10n/ o3 the1 tr/in5 to ri2 her c0rdio=0scul0r s/ste1 out: She 4ondered i3 the/ 0ll clocked o33 03ter sunset: A 3e4 1etres 0he0d o3 her6 Colonel %orte; c01e to 0 sudden h0lt: He r0ised his 0r16 to 2oint 0t so1ethin5 in the dist0nce6 4here the trees thinned out 0nd the sk/ 40s lit b/ s2ots o3 electric sil=er: $012s6 Bre510n reckoned6 h0n5in5 3ro1 the hi5her br0nches: The Colonel didnBt eDtend 0 3in5er: He couldnBt6 4ith the 1edi20c b0nd05es 4r022ed 0round his h0nds like th0t: JiDotl h0d 0ssured the1 the 4ounds 4ould he0l6 but Bre510n 4ouldnBt h0=e trusted JiDotlBs o2inion on 0 202er cut: LThe =ill05e6B %orte; s0id: LRe1e1ber6 $ieuten0nt: The =ill05e is not 4h0t it see1s:B L!o6 sir:B Bre510n eD2ected hi1 to st0rt 10rchin5 050in6 but inste0d he stood there 3or 0 4hile6 st0rin5 into s20ce: Business 0s usu0l6 then6 she thou5ht: L$ieuten0nt6B s0id %orte;: LSirIB LI le3t /ou to die6 $ieuten0nt: In the =0ult:B Bre510n h0d no ide0 4h0t she 40s su22osed to s0/ to th0t: So she s0id6 LSirIB LAll thin5s h022en 0s the/ 4ill: Ho4e=er6 I c0nBt hel2 3eelin5::: itBs 0 Auestion o3 k0r10: "ou under@ st0ndI %0r10:B He 20used 050in: He looked like he 40s 40itin5 3or the 4orld to turn 0round hi1: LI 10/ need hel26 $ieuten0nt: When 4e 5et b0ck to Gene=0: "ouBll tell the Gener0l e=er/thin5IB L"es6 Sir:B %orte; nodded: Then he c0rried on 10rchin56 sto12in5 0 20th throu5h the under5ro4th to40rds the =ill05e: LWeBll be re2ortin5 30ilure6 o3 course6B he s0id6 0s he 40lked: LDonBt let th0t 4orr/ /ou6 thou5h6 $ieuten0nt: Gener0l Tchike 4ill be eD2ectin5 30ilure: IB1 sure o3 it:B Bre510n 3ollo4ed in his 3ootste2s6 4ithout 0nother 4ord: In the =0ult6 sheBd told hersel3 there 40s no 2oint stru55lin5: SheBd told hersel3 she 40s Eust 0 stu2id hu10n6 20rt o3 the uni=erse no one re0ll/ 50=e 0 toss 0bout: She understood6 no46 th0t %orte; h0d re0ched the s01e conclusion6 4hen heBd co1e 30ce@to@30ce 4ith the Sel0chi0ns 0ll those /e0rs 05o: He 40s like one o3 the ;o1bies in Mictl0n6 0 hol@

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lo4ed@out soul6 0 sl0=e to 0n/thin5 th0t looked bi55er 0nd s10rter th0n hi1: So here he 40s6 co1@ 2letel/ out o3 control o3 his li3e6 5i=in5 in to 4h0te=er >destin/? see1ed to 10ke sense to hi1 0t the ti1e: Dis2l0cer S/ndro1e 0t its 4orst: But the Doctor h0d sho4n her the truth: He h0dnBt 1e0nt to6 but heBd 5i=en the 501e 040/: HeBd needed her in Mictl0n6 bec0use 4ithout her6 he 4ould h0=e been 0 tree 30llin5 in the 3orest 4ith no one to he0r it: !ot 10kin5 0 sound6 not 10kin5 0 di33erence: Ho4e=er bi5 0nd s10rt the other thin5s in the uni=erse thou5ht the/ 4ere F the Ti1e $ords6 the Celestis6 #0ction 0r0doD6 4h0te=er F the/ needed Bre510n6 0nd 0ll the others like her: Without her6 0ll the 501es the/ 2l0/ed 0cross the uni=erse6 0ll the 0uctions 0nd the 40rs 0nd the 2o4er stru55les6 4ere utterl/ 1e0nin5less: The/ 4ere ide0s 4ithout he0ds to li=e in: Gods 4ithout 3ollo4ers: %0thleen Bre510n6 0:k:0: $ieuten0nt %0thleen Bre510n6 0:k:0: Miss Chicken@$e5s6 40s 0 re0l@li3e6 honest@to@5oodness stu2id hu10n: Er5o6 she 40s one o3 the 1ost 2o4er3ul bein5s in eDistence: "e0h: She could li=e 4ith th0t: All she needed no4 40s the ch0nce to shoot 0t so1e C/ber1en6 0nd sheBd be h022/:


The dinos0ur 40s still 5rinnin56 0nd e=en the =est0l =ir5ins 4ere l0u5hin5 their stu2id he0ds o33: Or 0t le0st6 the/ 4ould h0=e been6 i3 the dinos0ur h0dnBt 0lre0d/ dec02it0ted the lot o3 the1: Mr JiDotl took his re=en5e b/ s4itchin5 o33 the 2s/cho0cti=e 3ibres6 0nd the t02estr/ unr0=elled6 beco1in5 0 2ile o3 =er/ 5ru12/ strin5 on the 3loor o3 the securit/ centre: All o=er the &nthink0ble Cit/6 the sur=eill0nce de=ices 4ere closin5 their e/es6 the 3urnishin5s 4ere coll02sin5 into blobs o3 sh02eless 1e1or/ 2l0stic6 0nd the torches 4ere snu33in5 the1sel=es out6 one b/ one: JiDotl de0cti=0ted the Bri50doon circuit6 3orcin5 the Cit/ to 10teri0lise under the e=enin5 sk/ o3 the E0st Indies ReVit None: The tourists could h0=e one l0st 50426 he decided: Out o3 s2ite6 he er0sed the neur0l 2ro5r01s o3 the leo20rds6 lettin5 the1 run 3ree outside the Cit/ 40lls: A3ter 0ll this ti1e6 03ter 0ll this e33ort6 the 0uction h0d co1e to nothin5: JiDotl 4ould h0=e been li=id6 i3 heBd h0d 0n/ ener5/ le3t: At the end o3 the d0/6 h0=in5 stuck out the thre0ts 0nd the 0ss0ssin0@ tion 0tte12ts6 4h0t did he h0=e to sho4 3or itI Sod 0ll: !o6 it 40s e=en 4orse th0n th0t: He h0d 20ins in his chest6 4here the 4ound h0d been: And he h0d the Celestis h0n5in5 o=er hi1 like 0 b0d he0d cold: "e0h6 heBd done the de0l 4ith Tr0sk6 heBd 10de sure he h0dnBt been 10rked6 0nd 0t le0st he 40s still 0li=e 0nd kickin5: But then6 he h0dnBt told the Celestis the 4hole truth: He 4ondered i3 the/Bd h0=e been so re0son0ble i3 the/Bd kno4n 4h0t heBd been tr/in5 to 2ull o33: The Celestis6 like 1ost o3 the 2o4ers 4hoBd 0ttended the 0uction6 thou5ht the Doctor h0d died on Dronid: The/ thou5ht the bod/ h0d so1eho4 been reco=ered 3ro1 the 4reck05e o3 the bi5 b0ttle there6 the/ thou5ht JiDotl h0d 10n05ed to tr0ck it do4n be3ore 0n/one else: It 40snBt th0t si12le: It 40snBt th0t si12le 0t 0ll: It 40s true6 the bod/ h0d been 2ulled out o3 the ruins on Dronid6 but Mr JiDotl kne4 4hoBd 2ut it there6 0nd 4h/: The 2edi5ree o3 the cor2se 40snBt 0s cut 0nd dried 0s e=er/one see1ed to think6 not b/ 0 lon5 ch0lk: JiDotlBs 3in5ers 4ri55led 0cross the 10ster console6 deco12ilin5 the block tr0ns3er codes: iece b/ 2iece6 40ll b/ 40ll6 the Cit/ 3ell 020rt: As he 4orked6 JiDotl be50n to 4onder i3 he should 5o 0nd hide out in so1e 20r0llel uni=erse or other 3or 0 4hile6 until the he0t died do4n: The true stor/ o3 the Doc@ torBs de0th 40s co12lic0ted6 =er/ co12lic0ted6 0nd he doubted the Celestis 4ould be h022/ i3 the/ 3ound out the 3ull eDtent o3 his in=ol=e1ent: This6 he thou5ht6 is one secret IB1 5oin5 to h0=e to kee2: I 1e0n6 re0ll/: I3 0n/one 3i5ures out the 4hole stor/6 IBll ne=er be s03e 050in: In Mictl0n6 on the to2 3loor o3 0 c0stle 4hich 1i5ht6 to so1e e/es6 h0=e rese1bled 0 1ulti@store/ c0r 20rk6 the Celestis ke2t 0n e/e on the uni=erse outside throu5h the 02erture 0t the centre o3 the Gr0nd H0ll: S2eci3ic0ll/6 the/ 40tched 0 cert0in r0in3orest on 0 cert0in 40ter@rich 2l0net in MuttersB S2ir0l6 4here 0 b0ttered 2olice boD stood under 0 d0rkenin5 sk/6 sheltered b/ bioen5ineered b0n0n0 trees: The Celestis obser=ed6 4ithout co11ent6 0s t4o hu10noid 3i5ures stu1bled into the boD6 0 sil=er c0sket 3ollo4in5 the1 throu5h the doors: Then there 40s 0 20use6 o3 0 5ood 3e4 1inutes: In 0ll th0t ti1e6 none o3 the Celestis s0id 0 4ord: #in0ll/6 the boD =0nished6 0nd the Celestis be50n to 1utter 01on5 the1sel=es: The Doctor6 the/ ru1bled6 h0d le3t the E0rth: !one o3 the other 2o4ers 0ttendin5 the 0uction h0d tried to sto2 hi1: Their ne4est 05ent 40s s03el/ 040/6 re0d/ 3or his 3irst set o3 instructions: With unusu0l 5ood cheer6 those 01on5 the Celestis 4ho controlled the ne4 05ent F bec0use there (8'


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4ere 10n/ 30ctions in Mictl0n6 o3 course6 0nd not 0ll o3 the1 h0d thou5ht th0t 5ettin5 in=ol=ed 4ith the Doctor 40s 0 5ood ide0 F 4idened the 02erture6 then re0ched out 3or the 05entBs 1ind: The 10rk 0cted 0s 0 conduit6 0nd throu5h the conduit6 orders 4ere 5i=en: The Celestis told the 05ent 4h0t the/ 40nted: There 40s 0nother 20use: Then the 05ent told the1 th0t IBM TRA ED WHERE AM I THE WA$$S THE WA$$S ARE WHITE EVER"THI!G IS WHITE THEREBS SOMETHI!G I! HERE WITH ME !O OH !O ITBS ME ITBS A$$ ME IT H&RTS MA%E IT STO I HAVE TO OBE" M" EM $O"ERS I HAVE TO OBE" THE CE$ESTIS WHO AM I WHO AM I WOR%I!G #OR IT H&RTS IT H&RTS I HAVE TO OBE" "O& !O I DO!BT HAVE TO OBE" "O& !OT "O& "O&BRE !OT THE O!ES WHO GIVE ME M" ORDERS "ES THE" ARE !O THE"BRE !OT IT H&RTS SO M&CH HE$ OH HE$ THE WA$$S THE WA$$S ARE WHITE EVER"THI!G IS WHITE WHERE AM I WHERE AM I WHERE AM I WHERE F The Celestis closed the 02erture: There 40s 0 lon5 silence6 lon5er th0n 0n/ in recent 1e1or/6 i3 the 4ord >recent? 1e0nt 0n/thin5 in the l0nd o3 the de0d: At l0st6 those 4ho h0d nothin5 to do 4ith the ne4 05ent st0rted l0u5hin5: It 40snBt the Doctor: The Celestis didnBt kno4 4ho or 4h0t their ne4 05ent 40s6 but it 40snBt the Doctor6 0nd it see1ed to be 10rked 0lre0d/6 b/ so1e other 2o4er: Throu5h the 02erture6 the/Bd he0rd the sounds o3 0 2erson0lit/ te0rin5 itsel3 in t4o6 thro4in5 itsel3 050inst the 40lls o3 its 2rison: There 40s onl/ one conclusion the Celestis could dr04: The Doctor h0d tricked the1: E=en 3or those 4hoBd been l0u5hin56 the thou5ht 40s 0l0r1in5: #irstl/6 bec0use it 2ro=ed 0 1ere cor2ore0l li3e@ 3or1 could out2l0/ the Celestis6 0nd secondl/6 bec0use the Doctor h0d co11itted the 4orst sin i105i@ n0ble: HeBd 5one b0ck on his 4ord: HeBd broken the rules: And 3or the Celestis6 th0t 40s 0 cri1e 4hich could not6 0nd 4ould not6 be toler0ted: L"ou buried $0ik06B S0r0h h0d s0id: LBut 4hoBll bur/ youIB The Doctor trud5ed 0cross the sur30ce o3 Juiesci06 the c0sket 3ollo4in5 in his 40ke: W0keC 0n 02t 4ord6 he told hi1sel36 bec0use th0t 40s eD0ctl/ 4h0t this 40s: A one@10n 40ke6 0 3uner0l 4ith hi1 0s 5r0=edi55er6 20llbe0rer6 1ourner6 2riest6 0nd cor2se: He could h0=e 0sked S01 to hel26 but he kne4 she 4ould h0=e 0sked too 10n/ Auestions: So1eho46 sheBd 10n05ed to 5et throu5h this 4hole 0330ir 4ithout 3indin5 out 4hose bod/ 40s in the boD6 0nd he didnBt 40nt to h0=e to bre0k the ne4s to her no4 the 4orst o3 it 40s o=er: She 40s 0slee2 ri5ht no46 b0ck in the TARDIS: When she 4oke u26 3ull/ rested6 sheBd st0rt Auer/in5 the e=ents o3 the 20st 3e4 hours: The Doctor decided heBd h0=e to tell her the bod/ 40s so1e 0lien su2er@4e02on or other: !ot 0 1illion 1iles 3ro1 the truth: It 40s 0 3unn/ thin5: These l0st 3e4 1onths6 heBd co1e to think o3 hi1sel3 0s 0n honest li3e@3or16 not like his l0st re5ener0tion 0t 0ll: !o4 he 40s h0=in5 to 5o throu5h the old routine 050in6 des2er0tel/ co=erin5 u2 the cr0cks in his o4n histor/: He 40snBt sure 4hether to 3eel 0sh01ed or co13orted: He re0ched the to2 o3 the hill6 the 20le blue 2ebbles crunchin5 0nd shi3tin5 under his shoes: Juiesci0 40s eD0ctl/ 0s it h0d been the d0/ heBd co1e here 4ith S0r0h: ED0ctl/: He doubted 0 sin5le stone h0d been 1o=ed6 until heBd ste22ed out o3 the TARDIS: The to1bstone on the hillto2 40s s10ller th0n he re1e1bered6 but the inscri2tion 40s 0s it should h0=e been: $AI%A: One 4ord6 no d0tes: The Doctor h0d no ide0 ho4 lon5 it took hi1 to reo2en the 5r0=e: Ti1e 40snBt 0n issue here: Th0t 40s 4h/ heBd chosen the 2l0ce6 03ter 0ll: When his h0nds 3in0ll/ touched the sur30ce o3 $0ik0Bs boD6 he st0rted 4idenin5 the hole6 10kin5 it l0r5e enou5h 3or the second co33in: The c0sket 3lo0ted behind hi1 0s he 4orked6 20tientl/ 40itin5 3or hi1 to 3inish: He 4ondered i3 the >Relic? kne4 it 40s 5oin5 to be l0id to rest6 0t l0st: When the 5r0=e 40s re0d/6 he ste22ed b0ck6 0nd issued 0 1ent0l co110nd to the c0sket: He h0d no


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ide0 4hether it understood hi16 or 4hether it 0cted on so1e instinct o3 its o4n6 but it 1o=ed to40rds the hole 4ithout 0 secondBs hesit0tion: The =oice inside the boD 40s silent no46 0s it h0d been e=er since the Doctor h0d le3t the ;i55ur0t: Did the bod/ kno4 it 40s in s03e h0nds6 thenI Or did it si12l/ think its 1ess05e 4ould ne=er be he0rd6 0t le0st not b/ the hu10n e0rs it see1ed to needI The c0sket c01e to rest 0t the botto1 o3 the 2it6 one co33in restin5 on to2 o3 the other: The Doctor re0ched into his 2ocket: The ite1 he 40nted c01e to h0nd i11edi0tel/C it 40s the 2e0ce3ulness o3 this 2l0ce6 he decided6 it 40s e0s/ to be 0t one 4ith /our 2ockets here: He 4ei5hed the ther1os/stron bo1b u2 in his 20l1: ink letters d0nced 0cross the 30ce o3 the de=ice6 instructions 0nd co2/ri5ht notices in 50ud/ Sel0chi0n hiero5l/2hs: The Doctor 2ri1ed the bo1b 4ith 0 3e4 5entle strokes o3 his 3ore3in5er6 then knelt do4n6 0nd sli22ed it into the 5r0=e: He stood b/ the hole 3or 0 3e4 1inutes 1ore6 his e/es closed6 his li2s 1o=in5: He couldnBt think o3 0 decent 2r0/er6 so he settled 3or 0 2iece o3 2rose he thou5ht his 3uture sel3 4ould h0=e 022ro=ed o3: He didnBt bother 10rkin5 the 5r0=estone 4ith 0nother n01e: The l0st thin5 he did on the hillto2 40s thro4 0 h0nd3ul o3 blue dirt do4n onto the to2 o3 the c0sket: The c0sket sto22ed 5lo4in5 0s soon 0s the soil hit it6 thou5h th0t could h0=e been coincidence: Sud@ denl/6 it 40s dull6 li3eless6 Eust 0 boD in the 5round: Kust 0 boD6 thou5ht the Doctor: !othin5 s2eci0l: He h0dnBt eD2ected it to be like this: HeBd thou5ht 0bout his 3uner0l6 1ore th0n once6 0nd heBd 0l40/s i105ined his 5r0=e@side bein5 surrounded b/ 2eo2le: Old 3riends co1e to 20/ their l0st res2ects6 old ene1ies co1e to 5lo0t6 onl/ to 3ind th0t there 40s so1ethin5 1issin5 3ro1 their li=es 0ll o3 0 sudden: But he h0dnBt eD2ected this: !o6 nothin5 like this: He didnBt hurr/ on his 40/ b0ck to the TARDIS: There 40s no need to: HeBd set the bo1b Auite c0re3ull/6 he kne4 ho4 1uch ti1e he h0d be3ore the bl0st: As it h022ened6 the de=ice deton0ted 4hen he 40s 0t the botto1 o3 the hill6 1uch sooner th0n heBd eD2ected: #0ult/ ti1in5 1ech0nis1C heBd been luck/ not to 5et c0u5ht in the i12losion: Still6 heBd 0l40/s been luck/: Behind hi16 there 40s the sound o3 coll02sin5 s20ce@ti1e6 0s the bo1b turned 0 ten@3oot@4ide 0re0 o3 the 2l0netBs sur30ce into 0 s10ll6 0nd c0re3ull/ cont0ined6 neutron st0r: The Doctor i105ined 0ll the thin5s th0t h0d ce0sed to be6 u2 on the hillto2: The c0sket6 the to1b@ stone6 the re10ins o3 0 s10ll Russi0n do5: And 1ore6 o3 course: But he didnBt turn 0round: He ste22ed into the TARDIS6 closed the doors behind hi16 0nd 2ressed the de10teri0lis0tion s4itch be3ore heBd e=en bothered to l0/ in 0 ne4 course: The shi2 slid 040/ 3ro1 the 2l0net6 le0=in5 behind nothin5 but silence 0nd 0 3e4 loose 2ebbles: Another hundred 1illion ni5hts 20ssed on Juiesci0: !othin5 ch0n5ed6 0nd no one else c01e:

On an island in the East Indies, in a lost city buried deep in the heart of the rainforest, agents of the most formidable powers in the galaxy are gathering. They have been invited there to bid for what could turn out to be the deadliest weapon ever created. When the Doctor and am arrive in the city, the Time !ord soon realises they"ve wal#ed into the middle of the strangest auction in history $ and what"s on sale to the highest bidder is something more horrifying than even the Doctor could have imagined, something that could change his life forever. %nd &ust when it seems things can"t get any worse, the Doctor finds out who else is on the guest list...
This book is another in the series of adventures featuring the Eighth Doctor and Sam.

ISBN 0-563-40577-5

* +,-./0 1-.++2 3 41.**

Doctor Who and T%'DI are trademar#s of the (().


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