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Assault-down but not out !

By Pete Schultz 02/1996 SCENARIO You are a uniformed police officer on foot patrol at a local outdoor rock concert on a hot summer night. While questioning several young men about an apparent altercationyou are suddenly assaulted by the man facing you! The attack is unexpectedand you go down flat on your back. As you try to recover several of the people standing over you draw weapons and advance. You must act quicldyl PROCEDURE Squat close to the ground with elbows on knees. At signalroll over onto your back and slap hends flat onto ground out to the side. Come updraw pistol and engage all hostile targets. Time will stop at last shot fired. PALADIN SCORE Five second penalty for each target not neutralized. NOTE Slapping hands on ground is for safetyto slow draw downuntil you can sit up or otherwise get legs and feet down out of line of fire.

SCORING Each target must have at least one center hit OR any combination of hits to total seven points. Any number of shots may be fired, at the discretion of the shooter. When satisfied that all targets are neutralized, the clock may be stopped by hitting the stop plate. Any target that does not have at least one center hit or a combination of hits totaling seven points will add a five second penalty to the shooters total time. Each hit on a bystander or hostage target will also count for a five second penalty . TIME ONLY WILL COUNT TO DETERMINE WINNER ALTERNATE SCORING If any target does not have the required point total, the shooter will be declared DEAD at that spot.

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