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ur eyes and take a moment to imagine yourself as a fifty foot tall giant, thenvisualize a distant, brilliant flash of as thur

eyes and take a moment to imagine yourself as a fifty foot tall giant, thenvisualize a distant, brilliant flash of LIGHT (Kether) high above you. Vibrate the Name: EHEHE!Bring the LIGHT down through the Aperture ofBrahman in the top of your skull (Tibetan Hoc Phutspot) and illuminate the left side of your brain (Chocmah) as the LIGHT down through the Aperture ofBrahman in the top of your skull (Tibetan Hoc Phutspot) and illuminate the left side of your brain (Chocmah) as you vibrate: YAR! Visualize this as aswirling, luminous gray cloud. Let the LIGHT flow over to the right hemisphere and vibrate:AHMASHAO ELOHIM ! Visualize a black triangle (Binah) . Move the LIGHT ofBrahman in the top distant, brilliant flash of LIGHT (Kether) high above you. Vibrate the Name: (Kether) high above you. Vibrate the Name: EHEHE!Bring the LIGHT down through the Aperture: EHEHE!Bring the LIGHT down through the Aperture ofBrahman in the top of your skull (Tibetan Hoc Phutspot) and illuminate the left side of your brain (Chocmah) as you vibrate: YAR! Visualize this your giantform extending above you, thus enabling you to lower your consciousness point into your body as theLIGHT descends. Bring the LIGHT down into your throat and vibrate: ELOown into your throat and vibrate: ELOur eyes and take a moment to imagine yourself as). Still looking up with your eyes closed, now imagine your giantform extending above you, thus enabling you to lower your consciousness point into your body as theLIGHT descends. Bring the LIGHT down into your throat and vibrate: ELOown into your throat and vibrate: ELOur eyes and take a moment to imagine yourself as a fifty foot tall giant, GHT descends. Bring the LIGHT dur eyes and take a moment to imagine yourself as a fifty foot tall giant, thenvisualize a distant, brilliant flash of LIGHT (Kether) high above you. Vibrate the Name: EHEHE!Bring the LIGHT down through the Aperture ofBrahman in the top of your skull (Tibetan Hoc Phutspot) and illuminate the left side of your brain (Chocmah) as you vibrate: YAR! Visualize this as aswirling, luminous gray cloud. Let the LIGHT flow over to the right hemisphere and vibrate:AHMASHAO ELOHIM ! Visualize a black triangle (Binah) . Move the LIGHT to a point just aboveand between your eyes. Vibrate: OOL! (EL) and visualize a bright blue square (point upward like adiamond) (Chesed). Still looking up with your eyes closed, now imagine your giantform extending above you, thus enabling you to lower your consciousness point into your body as theLIGHT descends. Bring the LIGHT down into your throat and vibrate: ELOown into your throat and vibrate: ELOur eyes and take a moment to imagine yourself as a fifty foot tall giant, rture ofBrahman in the top of your skull (Tibetan Hoc Phutspot) and illuminate the left side of your brain (Chocmah) as you vibrate: YAR! Visualize this as aswirling, luminous gray cloud. Let the LIGHT flow over to the right hemisphere and vibrate:AHMASHAO ELOHIM ! Visualize a black triangle (Binah) . Move the LIGHT to a point just aboveand between your eyes. Vibrate: OOL! (EL) and visualize a bright blue square (point upward like adiamond) (Chesed). Still looking up with your eyes closed, now imagine your giantform extending above you, thus enabling you to lower your consciousness point into your body as theLIGHT descends. Bring the LIGHT down into your throat and vibrate: ELOown into your throat and vibrate: ELOur eyes and take a moment to imagine yourself as a fifty foot tall giant, fifty foot tall giant, thenvisualize a distant, brilliant flash of LIGHT (Kether) high above you. Vibrate the Name: EHEHE!Bring the LIGHT down through the Aperture ofBrahman in the top of your skull (Tibetan Hoc Phutspot) and illuminate the left side of your brain (Chocmah) as you vibrate: YAR! Visualize this as aswirling, luminous gray cloud. Let the LIGHT flow over to the right hemisphere and vibrate:AHMASHAO ELOHIM ! Visualize a black triangle (Binah) . Move the LIGHT to a point just aboveand between your eyes. Vibrate: OOL! (EL) and visualize a bright blue square (point upward like adiamond) (Chesed). Still looking up with your eyes closed, now imagine your

giantform extending above you, thus enabling you to lower your consciousness point into your body as theLIGHT descends. Bring the LIGHT down intur eyes and take a moment to imagine yourself as a fifty foot tall giant, thenvisualize a distant, brilliant flash of LIGHT (Kether) high above you. Vibrate the Name: EHEHE!Bring the LIGHT down through the Aperture ofBrahman in the top of your skull (Tibetan Hoc Phutspot) and illuminate the left side of your brain (Chocmah) as you vibrate: YAR! Visualize this as aswirling, luminous gray cloud. Let the LIGHT flow over to the right hemisphere and vibrate:AHMASHAO ELOHIM ! Visualize a black triangle (Binah) . Move the LIGHT to a point just aboveand between your eyes. Vibrate: OOL! (EL) and visualize a bright blue square (point upward like adiamond) (Chesed). Still looking up with your eyes closed, now imagine your giantform extending above you, thus enabling you to lower your consciousness point into your body as theLIGHT descends. Bring the LIGHT down into your throat and vibrate: ELOo your throat and vibrate: ELO

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