Hidden Truth Forbidden Knowledge

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HIDDEN Hidden Truth Forbidden Knowledge It is time for you to know. By Steven M. Greer, M.D. ‘Aili tev Nop oft bak ty be reproduce any form roy ary electro metal eas incadng norton sd eal Ses dou rie pein fom he pubis in wring Pablse’sCouoging in Publication {Provided by Quay Books, tne) rect Seven den ath, frbien knoe it tine fr yu to know / Steven M. Gres. Ison b96r2382-7 1. Gre, Steven M.__ 2. Center forthe Say of xtesial ineligenceDiogphy. 3 Haman acm etounes "Unde fyng bect-Sghings nd encounters. Chiat Extereial ances. Tie ‘BF2ns0.78 208 co. 982 QBtbss00034 Cover Awork over design & graphics Ron Rast Joe Howard POBox seireo SILL Sommanet Tr Fron, CO 8046 Ata, TC 73789 jedan soon Printed in the Unie States of America Adee lings wo: ‘Coming Pot I: PO. Box 265 crore, VA 22922 Prdced by 122i In 27702 Crown lie Pog” #14, Sue D4 Tides Ranch, CA 92688 This boo is dedicated to all four children, and to establishing a sustainable civilization on Earth ~tving in Universal Pace. Other books by Dr. Greer: “Bstraterestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications” “Disclosure: Miltary and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest ‘Secrets in Moder History” ‘To obtain Dr. Greer’ books or for more information about the Disclosure Project seve dislooreprjctog Disclosure Project PO. Box 265, Crozet, VA22920, For more information about the Center forthe Seay of Extraterrestrial veligenee: wuwcetion csert PO. Box 265 Crozet, VA22920 Table of Contents Acknowledgements Foreword Introduction ‘Author's Notes. 1 Improbable Messenger 2 Coming Fll Circle 3 Our of the Shadows '5- Marriage Made in Heaven. 5 - Forgiveness and Fath 6- Inettible Oneness 7 Universal Peace 8 Toral Tnsformation = Information in Unconventional Ways 10-"Tone of Creation 11 The Offer 12-Gobsmacked! - 13 = Truth Stranger than Fetion 14- Disinformation 15 ~The Crossing Poin of Light 16 Circles of Power 17 = Legacies Lost. 18 Asal Body Extractions 19. "We are always with you" 20-A Different Day 21 ~ Electromagnetic Tanser 22-ABillion Scnallting Lights 23 nity 24 Stagecraft 25 - Out of the Loop, 26 - The New Era 27 —Truly Quantum, Cosmie Moment 28 - Uneiveling the Matrix 29 -Witnes Testimony 30. Monster of Unchecked Power. $3 Separation of Church and State -A Myth 432 Behind dhe Scones 5 332A New World Ifyou cam ake i SRRRRRSEEzgSSESEERT ES seBuacesaeabsasce 35- A Guided Meditation: ‘The Strcture ofthe Universe 36 Boundless Mind 37 - The Drop andthe Ocean are One 38 - Celestial Pereeption 39 - Gradations of Energy 44- Tner-stellar Commnity 41 Phase Transition 42 Universal Spirituality. 43 ~ Accessing Consciousness. ‘44-A Celestia Quality, 45 - The Generation of Transformation, 45- The Group Mediation: Contacting ET ‘Beings and 2 Meditation and Prayer For Earth SgeRgeRy 8 ‘Acknowledgements, [My hcartle thanks to the following people who dircetly helped with “Hidden Truth - Forbidden Knowledge” and to the many, many other - oo numerous to count ~ who ported my work ver the years. ve sup "Norm Fletcher who took his time atthe book dictation to take ear of all, the uping: Joan Korenbilt and Vicki Longhofer for ther help with the editing; ‘Brian O'Leary for the foreword: Ron Russell for his arework fr the cover; Joel Howard fr hie graphic lls Jan Bravo for er devoted suppor in every way nd my wife, Emily for her support and love and ber he as as one of the witneses called her - “Chief of Stall” inher position Foreword “UFO research is lading us kicking and screaming into the scence ofthe went century” Je Allen Hck ‘The human experiment on planet Earth is on the verge of self destruction. Looking at the threats of nuclear wa, the chemical and bio- logical ecocide, global climate change, proliferating weapons on Earth nd in space, the greed of corporations, and the gross cronyis and mis- ‘management ofthe U.S. government, the bloated military budgets and aggression, the distactons of our cultural conditioning, the spread of fear and ignorance the suppression of life-saving technalogis, the dis- parity of wealth and poverty among ws, tis amazing we ate still er. Barely Do we have any hope? My answers, we can only try. And if we do try where can we find the answers? Enter Dr. Steven Gree. Almost cwemty years ago I first met Steve Greet 2 Teeture I gave at the Unity Church in Arden, North Carolina, Having left my career a a Iainstream space scientist at Princeton Univenity and. Science Applications International Corporation, I was then beginning to liberate ‘myself from the confines and expectations of Wester science. Twat also ntensly studying the UFOVET phenomenon rejected by most of my low scientists, Now Lf elt fee w explore and expres our transcendent realty So was Steve. A brillant young ER physician with UROJET experi- ‘nce, Dr. Greer and I alked into the night when we frst met. We begin ‘to make connections we were bath jst beginning to understand: that ET visitations were not only real, dhey could assist us in overcoming the Jnuman-caused global erst. Since then, Steve has provided amazing leadership in penetrating the mysteries not only ofthe phenomenon ‘self, bur the shadowy comers of US. government and corporate cover ‘wp oft. Asa result, Dr. Greer has proven himself time and time again 2% anes and emerge waror oo the leting edge of planetary ge. Fist he founded the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Antelligence (CSET), im which he introduced the concept of ambase 10 Hidden Tah — Forbidden Krouledge sadorship beeween humans and offplanctculeures—but this ime not mnerely sience fiction, Holding all-night expeditions in UFO bot spots round the world, his groups would vector in craft through the use of Tight, sounds and visualization which he coined as Close Encounters of Fifi Kind, aka. CE-S, The workshops continue tobe offered to inter- ‘sted seen. "Then he embarked on the difficult task of locating and receiving video/DVD testimonies of over one hundred U.S. government UFO/ET. ‘witnesses under The Disclosure Project, culminating in a major press conference in Washington, D.C., in May 2001, These revelations under~ score along, sordid history of governmental and media secrecy and the Acquison of technologies such as microclectronics, antigravity propul- ‘ion and zerospoine, of “fre” energy. from our visitors. This massive cover-up has been gong on for almost sx decades, since the UFO crash ‘near Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947, an event which was eerainly ‘not asd by balloons, a alleged by the US. Ai Force. Such myths are only accepted by the ignorant or the powerful and thei subject. ‘Dr. Greer’ pioneering work on disclosure inevitably led to farther understanding the depeh and credibility of ET contact accounts as wells the cover-up itself, fr example, the “abowe tp secret” research gong on near the infamous Groom Lake, Nevada and elsewhere. ‘Steve Grecr isa sprtul warrior of high calling, juxtaposed agnint thor forces dentiffing themselves a the “United States”. The later are criminal who must be brought to justice for so many reasons evident to fever more of us, as we watch the fll ofthe American empire. Dr. Greet, ‘more than anyone, hat produced the clearest evidence of a UFOVET cover-up ane now its up tthe est of us to embrace it. “Hidden Truth Forbidden Knowledge” gives the most up-to-date acount of the ‘ast accumulation ofthat evidence from an autobiographical perspective Wea story about disclosure ofthe greatest mysteries of our time from a courageous soul unlicholden tothe trannies that grip us in the most ‘powerful nation on Earth, “Just as importantly, i provides us with a narrative of the benign nature of these offplanetcultres, that we are beng visited by those who tre empathetic about the human condition, while atthe same time not directly interfering (the so-called Prime Directive made famous by Star ‘Tek. Ieis sobering wo think ha, onl since the United States pioneered. Foreword u stationed in Roswell, dhe bomb was created in Los Alamos, the fist one ‘exploded in Alsmagordo, and mises to deliver future bombs were test cd in White Sands—allin New Mexico, a nents ofthe maltary-industr- complex. Was it just coincidence tha the 1947 Roswell UFO crash sso happened thee? Doubefl: he horrors of nuclear technology would ‘make any compassionate ET race want wo rush to that area, as they have ever since to military and nuclear installations elsewhere. Pethaps they ae helping to prevent the horrors they too don't wish to sce unleashed by irresponsible bumans. ‘We Earthlings need all he help we can get, so why not embrace the phenomenon for what is, to marvel at che wonder, kaving behind our cultural biases? Only through expanding our knowledge and taking politcal action can we make the needed shifts, and tha is what Dr. Greer isso good at doing. In many ways, the UFO phenomenon tells us more about ourselves thn about our mysterious visitor, and the mirror they hold infront of ‘us frightening—yet hopefil if we listen w De. Greer’ words. For ‘sample, his founding of Space Energy Access Systems (SEAS) i provide ng support to inventors with revolutionary new energy technologies that could give the world clean, cheap and decentrliacd energy, thas ending the ol coal, and nuclear Age and the virtual end of human-caused pole Jution and climate change. Wet the New Energy Movement are work- ing closely with SEAS Power and other organizations wo advocate the importance of R&D of new energy technologies, currendy suppressed by ovweefil vested interests ‘On the evening of my frst meeting with Dr. Greer, the Unity min- ister Chad O'Shea presented me with a bumper sticker, *The truth shall Sct you fice but firs if wll piss you of” Ife allow oursclves 1 vent aout not to deny our dite circumstances, and then move onto sol ‘ons, we might have a chance asa civilization. ‘This courageous work is not fr the meek Many cuting-edge sci ‘entists have been threatened, murdered, and otherwise suppresied by ascades of disinformation and personal atacks. Dr. Greer has endured this, tou benefit “This book could be dhe most imporan you wil read Is not only fall of wanseendent truths, ip cal to action to shit de paradigm fom terrestrial eyranny to peace, sustainable and just cosmic community. ‘Apollo Astronaut, Dr. Bran O'Leary, 14 Sepe. 05 y il i Ae a il i ft i il Hue GE Aa "i Ht Cie Hl une ly i ve i i i i p Hi Hi iH Spa ti im ah al WHY did an emergency physician who had been chairman of a busy ER his career to get out to the world the information that we e? WHAT had! nally experienced — from childhood onwards — that gave me the knowledge of cosmic cultures, cosmic consciousness and a glimpse of the wondrous future that awaits humanity? WHAT are the new energy and propulsion technologies that can give us a new world, free of pollution, poverty and conflict? What is the nexus where Mind, Space, Time and Matter all come together — and how might this be used technologically by an advanced civilization? WHAT does the blue-print of the next 500,000 years of human civilization ‘on earth look like — and how can we transition to that time? What did I find — and experience — as | met with heads of state, CIA officials, billionaires and covert who in turns are desperate to maintain the secrecy and yet pray for ; relief from the black box they have nailed shut around them? WHO has been keeping this Hidden Truth and Forbidden Knowledge secret — and most importantly, why? Steven M. Greer, MD 1. Greer has provided amazing leadership in penetrating the mysteries not | only of the phenomenon itself, but the shadowy corners of U.S. government and corporate cover-up of it. As a result, Dr. Greer has proven himself time | and time again as a fearless and energetic warrior on the leading edge of | planetary change. This book could be the most important you will read. It is not only full of transcendent truths, it is a call to action to shift the paradigm from terrestrial tyranny to peaceful, sustainable and just cosmic community.” From the foreword by Dr. Brian O’Leary, Apollo Astronaut ISBN 096732382-7 | | | | VI IMI ra 24l :

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