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LISTENING 1 - Where is Angela working at the moment

A) Britain B) the USA C) Asia

2 - Angela likes her job because she

A) loves being in dangerous situations B) never knows where she'll go next C) enjoys watching important events happen

- What !i! Angela bring home "rom #ong $ong%

A) pictures B) carpets C) urniture

& - What time !oes Angela's !a( begin%

A) !"#$ a"m" B) %"#$ p"m" C) &$"$$ a"m"

) - Where !i! Angela meet her bo("rien!%

A) at her sister's house B) at university C) in 'ong (ong

* - What !oes Angela !o to rela+%

A) She cooks a meal B) She goes sailing C) She goes shopping

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