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Thousanus of yeais ago, the lanu now known as Noiocco was
occupieu by the Beibeis. But many othei civilizations have
passeu thiough the lanu ovei time, such as the Romans, Aiabs
anu Fiance. Each one of these cultuies has helpeu in the
moluing of the moioccan tiauitions. So what aie these
tiauitions .

Fiist of all, Noioccan has many tiauitions. 0sually we eat with
the fiist thiee fingeis of youi iight hanu. You may also scoop
up the foou with any bieau. The most typical meals
aie couscous, tagine anu haiiia. Noioccans always seive mint
tea at the enu of meals. As Nuslims, we must fast fiom uawn
until uusk uuiing the Su uays of Ramauan. Nost families
piepaie haiiia to eat as soon as the sun goes uown. Religion
influences othei aspects of Noioccan cultuie as well,
paiticulaily when it comes to what people weai.

The tiauitional uiess foi men anu women is calleu ujellaba.
Foi special occasions, men also weai a ieu cap calleu a
beinousse. Women weai kaftans. Nen anu women, weai
balgha. These clothes aie woin especially uuiing the ieligious

Theie aie two holiuays in Islam: Eiu Al-Fiti anu Eiu Al-Auha.
Noioccans celebiate also othei significant uays, such as the
biithuay of Piophet Nohammeu anu the islamic new yeai
(BI}RI). Theie is anothei ieligion in Noiocco which is }uuaism.

To concluue, we Noioccans live in the most beautiful countiy
in the woilu, anu we shoulu cheiish oui cultuial heiitage.

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