Class Schedule Campus C Major: Public Relations: Semester/Batch: 5 / XV ACADEMIC YEAR: 2013 - 2014

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ACADEMIC YEAR : 2013 - 2014
08.30 - 10.00 Room 14 sychology CommunlcaLlon 1echnlques roLocol & MC lndoneslan Legal SysLem ubllc 8elaLlons Cnllne
PR Gloucester 5tl lotmowotl, M.5l Atlef 8oktl, 5.5os MA 1omosoow, M.5l klkl 5oewotso
15-1 C 10.30 - 12.00 2nd Floor MC8 2 / CuallLaLlve rlnL Medla & rod. Workshop CrganlzaLlonal CommunlcaLlon
A.Jby Atomoo, M.5l Ioe nottlooto 5etlowoo, M.5l ueJJy Mobotmoo, M.5l
08.30 - 10.00 Room 15 MC8 2 / CuallLaLlve rlnL Medla & rod. Workshop CrganlzaLlonal CommunlcaLlon
PR Chelsea A.Jby Atomoo, M.5l Ioe nottlooto 5etlowoo, M.5l ueJJy Mobotmoo, M.5l
15-2 C 10.30 - 12.00 2nd Floor sychology CommunlcaLlon 1echnlques roLocol & MC lndoneslan Legal SysLem ubllc 8elaLlons Cnllne
5tl lotmowotl, M.5l Atlef 8oktl, 5.5os MA 1omosoow, M.5l klkl 5oewotso
08.30 - 10.00 Room 17 lndoneslan Legal SysLem MC8 2 / CuallLaLlve CrganlzaLlonal CommunlcaLlon 1echnlques roLocol & MC
PR Hampstead MA 1omosoow, M.5l kool cbooJto, 5.5l uoolotl 5etlowotl, M.5l keooto 1ltto kotolowoo, M.5l
15-3 C 10.30 - 12.00 2nd Floor sychology CommunlcaLlon ubllc 8elaLlons Cnllne rlnL Medla & rod. Workshop
vetoolko 5oepomo, M.5l koezot Moolooo, 5.lp Ioe nottlooto 5etlowoo, M.5l
08.30 - 10.00 Room 18 sychology CommunlcaLlon ubllc 8elaLlons Cnllne rlnL Medla & rod. Workshop
PR Victoria vetoolko 5oepomo, M.5l koezot Moolooo, 5.lp Ioe nottlooto 5etlowoo, M.5l
15-4 C 10.30 - 12.00 2nd Floor lndoneslan Legal SysLem MC8 2 / CuallLaLlve CrganlzaLlonal CommunlcaLlon 1echnlques roLocol & MC
MA 1omosoow, M.5l kool cbooJto, 5.5l uoolotl 5etlowotl, M.5l keooto 1ltto kotolowoo, M.5l
13.00 - 14.30 Room 12 sychology CommunlcaLlon lndoneslan Legal SysLem MC8 2 / CuallLaLlve
PR Notting Hill 5tl lotmowotl, M.5l llly loJtloty, 5n ltofessot Alo llllwetl
15-5 C 15.00 - 16.30 2nd Floor 1echnlques roLocol & MC ubllc 8elaLlons Cnllne CrganlzaLlonal CommunlcaLlon rlnL Medla & rod. Workshop
keooto 1ltto kotolowoo, M.5l koezot Moolooo, 5.lp uoolotl 5etlowotl, M.5l Ioe nottlooto 5etlowoo, M.5l
13.00 - 14.30 Room 13 1echnlques roLocol & MC ubllc 8elaLlons Cnllne lndoneslan Legal SysLem rlnL Medla & rod. Workshop
PR Soho keooto 1ltto kotolowoo, M.5l koezot Moolooo, 5.lp MA 1omosoow, M.5l Ioe nottlooto 5etlowoo, M.5l
15-6 C 15.00 - 16.30 2nd Floor sychology CommunlcaLlon MC8 2 / CuallLaLlve CrganlzaLlonal CommunlcaLlon
5tl lotmowotl, M.5l ltofessot Alo llllwetl uoolotl 5etlowotl, M.5l
13.00 - 14.30 Room 14 rlnL Medla & rod. Workshop MC8 2 / CuallLaLlve CrganlzaLlonal CommunlcaLlon ubllc 8elaLlons Cnllne
PR Gloucester Ioe nottlooto 5etlowoo, M.5l kool cbooJto, 5.5l uoolotl 5etlowotl, M.5l 5lllb Aqooq woseso, M.5l
15-7 C 15.00 - 16.30 2nd Floor sychology CommunlcaLlon 1echnlques roLocol & MC lndoneslan Legal SysLem
vetoolko 5oepomo, M.5l Atlef 8oktl, 5.5os MA 1omosoow, M.5l
13.00 - 14.30 Room 15 lndoneslan Legal SysLem sychology CommunlcaLlon 1echnlques roLocol & MC CrganlzaLlonal CommunlcaLlon
PR Chelsea MA 1omosoow, M.5l vetoolko 5oepomo, M.5l Atlef 8oktl, 5.5os ueJJy Mobotmoo, M.5l
15-8 C 15.00 - 16.30 2nd Floor rlnL Medla & rod. Workshop MC8 2 / CuallLaLlve ubllc 8elaLlons Cnllne
Ioe nottlooto 5etlowoo, M.5l llbom ltlsqooooto, uk 5lllb Aqooq woseso, M.5l
17.30 - 19.00 Room 10 sychology CommunlcaLlon MC8 2 / CuallLaLlve 1echnlques roLocol & MC lndoneslan Legal SysLem
PR Epping uotooq 5obtoto, M.lsl, pslkoloq llbom ltlsqooooto, uk Atlef 8oktl, 5.5os MA 1omosoow, M.5l
15-9 C 19.30 - 21.00 1st Floor ubllc 8elaLlons Cnllne CrganlzaLlonal CommunlcaLlon rlnL Medla & rod. Workshop
koezot Moolooo, 5.lp 5lotowotl l.lottl, M.kes Ioe nottlooto 5etlowoo, M.5l
cn: acd/f-cs/0043/00/03/cabc

ACADEMIC YEAR : 2013 - 2014
08.30 - 10.00 Room 3 CusLomer Servlce rofesslonal MC8 2 / CuallLaLlve lnLerculLural CommunlcaLlon
MKT Oxford Circus koJl Mooollooq, uk Alex 5obot, M.5l Alloo u.5ootloqo, MAll
15 - 1 C 10.30 - 12.00 Ground Floor ollLlcal CommunlcaLlon ManagemenL SLraLegles 1eam & ro[ecL ManagemenL 8aslc ManagemenL & AccounLlng
kofloJlo Akll, M.5l Nelly Nollotle Mo'otlf, M8A lmoooel notoqolooq, M.5c wobyo uewooto, MM
08.30 - 10.00 Room 4 ManagemenL SLraLegles 1eam & ro[ecL ManagemenL ollLlcal CommunlcaLlon
MKT Piccadilly Nelly Nollotle Mo'otlf, M8A lmoooel notoqolooq, M.5c kofloJlo Akll, M.5l
15 - 2 C 10.30 - 12.00 Ground Floor CusLomer Servlce rofesslonal 8aslc ManagemenL & AccounLlng MC8 2 / CuallLaLlve lnLerculLural CommunlcaLlon
koJl Mooollooq, uk lotbfl A.komoll, 5 Alex 5obot, M.5l JJy 5etlobotJooo, M8A
08.30 - 10.00 Room 5 ollLlcal CommunlcaLlon 1eam & ro[ecL ManagemenL 8aslc ManagemenL & AccounLlng
MKT Edgware kofloJlo Akll, M.5l lmoooel notoqolooq, M.5c wobyo uewooto, MM
15 - 3 C 10.30 - 12.00 1st Floor lnLerculLural CommunlcaLlon CusLomer Servlce rofesslonal ManagemenL SLraLegles MC8 2 / CuallLaLlve
5osoo uovles, nNu Aloo lyo 5ompooq-8ooJle, M8A usep 5oboJ, lbu Albett, M.5l
13.00 - 14.30 Room 3 lnLerculLural CommunlcaLlon 8aslc ManagemenL & AccounLlng ollLlcal CommunlcaLlon
MKT Oxford Circus 5osoo uovles, nNu lotbfl A.komoll, 5 2otmoosyob, lbu
15 - 4 C 15.00 - 16.30 Ground Floor CusLomer Servlce rofesslonal 1eam & ro[ecL ManagemenL ManagemenL SLraLegles MC8 2 / CuallLaLlve
koJl Mooollooq, uk lmoooel notoqolooq, M.5c usep 5oboJ, lbu Atl wlJoJo, lbu
13.00 - 14.30 Room 4 CusLomer Servlce rofesslonal 1eam & ro[ecL ManagemenL ManagemenL SLraLegles 8aslc ManagemenL & AccounLlng
MKT Piccadilly koJl Mooollooq, uk lmoooel notoqolooq, M.5c usep 5oboJ, lbu wobyo uewooto, MM
15 - 5 C 15.00 - 16.30 Ground Floor lnLerculLural CommunlcaLlon MC8 2 / CuallLaLlve ollLlcal CommunlcaLlon
Cesllle 5.8oot, M8A kool cbooJto, 5.5l 2otmoosyob, lbu
13.00 - 14.30 Room 5 8aslc ManagemenL & AccounLlng ManagemenL SLraLegles CusLomer Servlce rofesslonal
MKT Edgware Melvlo neoJtlks, 5 Nelly Nollotle Mo'otlf, M8A Aloo lyo 5ompooq 8ooJle, M8A
15 - 6 C 15.00 - 16.30 1st Floor MC8 2 / CuallLaLlve lnLerculLural CommunlcaLlon ollLlcal CommunlcaLlon 1eam & ro[ecL ManagemenL
A.Jby Atomoo, M.5l Alloo u.5ootloqo, MAll kofloJlo Akll, M.5l lmoooel notoqolooq, M.5c
17.30 - 19.00 Room 3 8aslc ManagemenL & AccounLlng lnLerculLural CommunlcaLlon ManagemenL SLraLegles 1eam & ro[ecL ManagemenL
MKT Oxford Circus wobyo uewooto, MM Alloo u.5ootloqo, MAll Nelly Nollotle Mo'otlf, M8A lmoooel notoqolooq, M.5c
15 - 7 C 19.30 - 21.00 Ground Floor CusLomer Servlce rofesslonal MC8 2 / CuallLaLlve ollLlcal CommunlcaLlon
koJl Mooollooq, uk llbom ltlsqooooto, uk 2otmoosyob, lbu
cn: acd/f-cs/0043/00/03/cabc
ACADEMIC YEAR : 2013 - 2014
08.30 - 10.00 Room 2 Clobal Medla & SocleLy sychology CommunlcaLlon MC8 2 / CuallLaLlve
IR Watford Atl wlJoJo, lbu vetoolko 5oepomo, M.5l Albett, M.5l
15-1 C 10.30 - 12.00 Ground Floor lndoneslan CommunlcaLlon SysLem CrganlzaLlonal CommunlcaLlon lnLernaLlonal ollLlc & Clobal Covernance Soclal uevelopmenL of lnLernaLlonal
kloo lebtl 8oet, uk Ctoclo kocbml AJlotsl, MM 2otmoosyob, lbu koJl 5okooJot, lbu
13.00 - 14.30 Room 2 MC8 2 / CuallLaLlve CrganlzaLlonal CommunlcaLlon Soclal uevelopmenL of lnLernaLlonal
IR Watford A.Jby Atomoo, M.5l Ctoclo kocbml AJlotsl, MM koJl 5okooJot, lbu
15-2 C 15.00 - 16.30 Ground Floor Clobal Medla & SocleLy lndoneslan CommunlcaLlon SysLem sychology CommunlcaLlon lnLernaLlonal ollLlc & Clobal Covernance
Atl wlJoJo, lbu kloo lebtl 8oet, uk vetoolko 5oepomo, M.5l 2otmoosyob, lbu
17.30 - 19.00 Room 2 CrganlzaLlonal CommunlcaLlon lndoneslan CommunlcaLlon SysLem MC8 2 / CuallLaLlve
lnLernaLlonal ollLlc & Clobal Covernance
IR Watford 5lotowotl l.lottl, M.kes kloo lebtl 8oet, uk ltofessot Alo llllwetl 2otmoosyob, lbu
15-3 C 19.30 - 21.00 Ground Floor sychology CommunlcaLlon Soclal uevelopmenL of lnLernaLlonal Clobal Medla & SocleLy
uotooq 5obtoto, M.lsl, pslkoloq koJl 5okooJot, lbu Atl wlJoJo, lbu
cn: acd/f-cs/0043/00/03/cabc
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