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Tori Badura 10/3/2013 Career Journal 6

1. Hematologist 2. Hematologists must have a bachelors degree and complete four years of medical school. After medical school, they must do three years of residency. Hematologists also has to participate in something called a fellowship, which is like a residency but more in depth. Only after they have completed their fellowship can they finally enter their career full-time. 3. Hematologists are doctors that work with and cure diseases of the blood, bone marrow, ect., and sometimes work with cancers too. They spend a good amount of time in the laboratory examining their patients blood samples, and also work very closely with their patients to diagnose the problem. They may perform surgeries if it is part of the patients treatment. 4. $235,929 per year 5. Source Documentation: Hematologist Job Description, Career as a Hematologist, Salary, Employment Definition and Nature of the Work, Education and Training Requirements, Getting the Job. Retrieved from Hematologist.html Windermere, Anna. Education Required to Become a Hematologist. Demand Media. Retrieved from Healthcare Salaries. Hematologist Salary. Healthcare Salaries. Retrieved from 6. This career is related to what we are studying because a hematologist might be the one to give a glucose tolerance test. In my opinion, this would be a pretty cool job. But it has such extensive

schooling, I feel like I would be an old woman by the time I was actually in the field. And that also brings the conflict of family into the picture. It would be really hard for me, or anyone, to raise a family while going to medical school and doing your residency. And the fellowship is something I have never heard of and just adds on even more training. I dont think this career would fit that well into the personal plans I have for the future.

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