Filmcritique Humanities Almedina Zahirovic-2 1

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Zahirovic 1 Almedina Zahirovic John Carlisle HUMA1100 January 2, 2013 Let the Right One In The title of my film

I chose to do my film critique on was Let the Right One In. The year it was released was in 2008. The original language of the film was in Swedish. The director of this film was Tomas Alfredson. Some of the main actors include: Kare Hedebrant (the boy,Oskar) and Lina Leandersson (The girl, Eli). The plot story is basically surrounded around a boy named Oskar that grows up in a town in Sweden with his mother. Oskar is severely bullied at school, he does not have many friends and the children of his school call him piggy. Oskar lives in an apartment complex next to Eli. He meets this peculiar girl and unwittingly befriends her. However Eli has a secret that she keeps from everyone. She has a father-like figure that protects her and brings her blood from other humans for her to feed on. Later Oskar falls in love with Eli but she will not let him into her life and her secrets. Elis father-like figure ends up almost getting caught trying to get blood from a boy. He becomes agitated and he pours acid on his face. Eli finds this out and she goes to the hospital and kills him. Eli and Oskar become boyfriend and girlfriend. Oskar ends up hitting the boy that bullied him for so long with a stick and he finally stands up for himself, after that no one at his school bothered him anymore. Oskar later finds out that Eli is a vampire and that she cannot age. She helps him kill the bullies that have been bothering him. He ends up as her fatherlike figure, and they run away together.

Zahirovic 2 The story Let the Right One In, addressed the social issues that children have with bullying. In a mysterious way it had also addressed the relationship between two outsiders and the struggles that they endure together. The philosophical issues addressed in this film were the ways that these two people learned to cope with one another. They did not look at it as a differentiating thing even when they knew that they were not the same in anyway and that they would have to learn how to cope with one another even if that meant changing everything. Another philosophical event that was addressed was the unrealistic nature of a vampire living in our world, of course, but this is a primary factor. During a point in the story the two children find peace within themselves, even if it is in an extravagant way. Oskar finds peace within fighting the bully off and preserving his state of mind. He finally concluded that he should not allow himself to be treated like that and he finally deals with the issue. He also finds answers, he knew Eli was strange from the begging he just did not know how to address it, she finally reveals her secret and opens up to him. Eli also finds answers, she needed to replace her father-like figure and found Oskar to do that. She also found someone she can devote her love and friendship too. The argument of this piece of work was Oskar and Eli finding peace within themselves, accepting a not-so-normal friendship and helping each other. The argument also focused on what Oskar was going to do with these children bullying him everyday and him not standing up for himself. Taking into consideration that the argument of work was Oskars denial to the way of his life and wanting to stand up for himself as well as deciding what to do at this point. The cultural differences I noticed were that Swedish people have a peculiar way of presenting how their vampires are according to their culture. In the movie they point out that vampires nap when it is daytime outside, and if they go outside during the daytime they can burn

Zahirovic 3 alive. They also believe that killing a vampire would include sticking a blade through their heart. They have modern cities, and they also look like small villages. Their lifestyles would totally depended on the part of town they are living in. It is very snowy in the movie and it looks like they live in the North Pole. Their hands look flushed from the cold and they are always shaking and they are usually cupping their hands together trying to warm-up their hands. They like to humor themselves in smoking, drinking, and gambling. Their clothing looks like it was from 2001. Since it is winter in the movie, they wear winter clothing, so nothing much, the usual sweaters, scarfs, gloves, and boots. I did learn a little about their history, well pertaining to their beliefs about vampires. During this time in the movie, strange murders were happening and everyone was very flustered about it. No one really thought that a vampire was behind it until Eli started biting people and sucking their blood. They are very old fashioned when it comes to their supernatural beliefs. I would recommend this movie to a vast majority of people that love vampires, horror and bullying stories. I however wouldnt recommend this movie to people that dont enjoy these things, because honestly it is not that great of a movie, they could have done so much better. I would enjoy seeing another movie like this but less vague. I would have preferred that it had more background knowledge to it and a longer story. I felt as if Let the Right One In was rushed through before the audience had a full understanding of the story before they got to the ending. It ended very quickly and I did not enjoy that about the movie. This honestly is a little weird compared to the movies that I usually watch. I like movies that have a great story line where I can be informed on every outcome that might come up, I also do not like watching

Zahirovic 4 sexual movies that involve 12 year olds, it is just disturbing. I really love horror movies but this shouldnt even be classified as a horror. THIS MOVIE WAS NOT SCARY AT ALL. I believe you assign foreign films to us so that we can gain appreciation for films from other countries. Also you want us to look at it with an in-depth perception, analyze it and write your own personal feelings on it. We explored all aspects of the movie that pertained to everything we had studied in Humanities.

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