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A Stumbling Block Or A Stepping Stone

Modern life has bought us closer to one another than even before. We influence
one another in all sorts of ways. God wants us to be, not stumbling blocks, but
stepping-stones for one another.


First Reading (Numbers 11: 25-29)
Up to this the gift of prophecy had been given to Moses. Now many others are
given it. Joshua resents this, but Moses welcomes it.

Second Reading (James 5: 1-6)

This contains a strong condemnation of wealth, especially when it is obtained
through the exploitation of the weak.

Gospel (Mark 9: 38-43, 47- 48)

Anyone who is not against us is with us. But woe to those who would scandalize
the little ones.


Let us pray to the Lord that he will help us at all times to be stepping stone and
not a stumbling block to others. R. Lord, graciously hear us.

For Christians: that they may be a light to others and never a source of darkness,
a helping hand and not an obstruction. Lord, hear us.

For all employers: that they may never exploit their employees; rather that they
may treat them in such a way as to further their dignity and self-respect. Lord,
hear us.

For all those who been victims of exploitation or scandal: that they may
overcome the obstacles that have been placed in their path. Lord, hear us.

That they may never destroy the visions of others, or make a mockery of their
ideals, or pour cold water on their efforts. Lord, hear us.

For local needs.


“Woe to the person

who leads the little ones astray
It were better
that a millstone were tied around his neck
and that he were drowned in the depths of the sea”.

What would Christ say of today’s abortionists

who terminate the lives of the little ones
even before they see the light of the day?

Or of today’s drug pushers

who wreck the lives of the young?
Or those who corrupt the young,
pouring slopes ever the souls?

If you saw a young tree vandalized

you would be angry
because of what the tree could have become.
Christ saw a marvelous potential
in every child (and in every person).
He did not want to see that potential ruined.

A writer, looking at a little child

in a railway carriage, said:
“This is a life full of beautiful promises.
Little princes in legends are no different from this.
Protected, sheltered, cultivated,
what could this child not become?”

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