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Performance Standard

Apply knowledge acquired in a variety of situations using some
appropriate language conventions.
B4 DB1
Reading and making inferences using contextual clues.
B4 DB1 E1
Able to make inferences using contextual clues in a text.

Instruction: read the article below. Then use the information on the cause and effect
relationship to complete the graphic organiser.

Childhood obesity has reached high proportions in many countries. Sence the
1970s, the rate of obesity has tripled among children aged 2 to 12 years and doubled
among those aged 12 to 16 years.
Many social factors have negatively influenced the physical activity and
eating behaviour of children. Children spend too much time on indoor activities like
watching TV and surfing the Internet. Having busy parents has resulted in increased
consumption of fast food that is high in fat. As high as the consumption of soft drinks
that are strongly flavoured with sugar. Environmental factors like urban
neighbourhoods having less open space for physical activity and more traffic on
streets often cause parents to keep their children inside the house.
Childhood obesity increases the risk of medical problems as well as
psychological issues. Obese children can suffer from heart complications, including
diabetes and lower life expectancy. They are also more likely to have low selfesteem. This may also lead to the child shying away, eventually becoming lonely and
opting for anti-social things like drug abuse. Childhood obesity can prove to be a lifethreatening condition over a period of time. With growing age, the problems may
become more severe. Prevention is better than cure. So some steps need to be
taken to ensure a healthy life for the children. Healthy diet, proper exercise and
inculcating good habits in the child are some methods to solve the problem of


Social factors:
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________

Environmental Factors
3. ________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________


Medical Problems

Psychological Problems

How to prevent obesity


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