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Works Cited Broad Street Map. Snows journalism data. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Jan. 2014. <http !!""".the#a$rdian.%o&'.

John Sno" $sed this &ap (%reated b) Sno" hi&se*+, to tra%k do"n "ho had #otten %ho*era +ro& drinkin# the Broad Street -$&p.s "ater. Cho*era /&a#e. Cholera images. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Jan. 2014. <https !!""".ph.$%*a.ed$'. 0his pi%t$re "as per+e%t +or &) "ebsite be%a$se it e1p*ains the "ho*e o$tbreak in &) opinion and &akes the it easier to $nderstand. sad sparrow piano music calm. Youtube. Sparro", n.d. Web. 9 Jan. 2014. <http !!""".)o$t$be.%o&!"at%h234C9ha05o6%3k'. this &$si% +it &) the&e in &) opinion be%a$se this son# "as 3er) sad and &) topi% is 3er) sad. 7o$ ha3e %ho*era. You have cholera. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Jan. 2014. <http !!""".*ibrar)thin#.%o&'. i $sed this i&a#e 8$st as a +$n thin# to %han#e the serio$s &ood o+ the sit$ation.

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