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Periodic table

The periodic table has 18 groups of elements. Group 3-12 are transition metals because they are between metals and nonmetals. Periods are rows and there are 7 rows staring with hydrogen and ending with francium. Groups go across. Energy levels on the periodic table: 2-8-18-32. Metals are on the left of the staircase and non-metals are on the right of the staircase. Mercury, Boron, Bromine and Tellurium are all liquids at room temperature. Boron, Silicon, Germanium, Arsenic, Antimony, Tellurium, Polonium, Astatine these elements are metalloids because they have properties of metals and non- metals. Francium is the most reactive metal and an alkali metal because its in group 1A and fluorine is the most reactive non-metal. The elements in group 2A are alkaline earth metals. Group 7A is a group of halogens. Halogens are the closest group to being noble. Group 8A s made up of all noble gases and they are the most stable and every other element on the periodic table wants to be like them. Elements in the same group have the same valence electrons. If an element loses an electron it gets a positive charge. If an element gains an electron it gets a negative charge. Electronegativity Electronegative increases to the right and the groups. Ionization energy Ionization increases to the right and up the groups. Atomic radius Atomic radius increases by going down the periods and across the groups.

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