Atomic Structur1

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Atomic structure

Electrons- negatively charged particles found in the outer part of the nucleus. Nucleus- particle with no charge because it has the same amount of electrons and protons. The nucleus holds most of the mass in an atom Protons- positively charged particles in an atom.

1 H Hydrogen 1.008

27 Co


Nuclei- An atoms symbol that is characterized by its atomic number and mass number. Superscript- the superscript is the top number which is the atomic mass number. Subscript- that subscript is the bottom number which is the atomic number.

Electron configuration- how the electrons are arranged in the energy levels of an atom. Energy level 1 2 3 4 5 6 Electron capacity 2 8 18 32 50 72

Bohr models Draw the nucleus Put the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus. The first energy level or orbital should only have 2 electrons when you get to the second energy level you should put the electrons in pairs.

On the first energy level you can only put 2 electrons of the 9 protons. On the second energy level you can put as much as 8 electrons then you have to put or make another energy level.


P+= 25 N= 35

P= 8 N=16

32 Ge Germanium 72.61

9 F Fluorine 19.00

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