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from Equation (1.17) where we use Equation (1.41) for A. When taking derivatives of A we will use the relations ikx = ik eikx e t [eikx (k)] = ik [eikx (k)] Therefore E=i 4 V 4 V k (k) a (k)eikx (k) a (k)eikx 2 1 ikx a (k)eikx k (k) a k (k) (k)e 2k (1.44) (1.42) (1.43)





Notice that the second terms in Equation (1.44) and Equation (1.45) are the Hermitian conjugates of their respective rst terms, as they should be, because in the expression for A the same is true and E and B are derived from A. Classically the E2 and B2 in Equation (1.20) contribute equally to the energy. We might therefore expect that to be the case here too, so only one of two terms would need to be calculated. This expectation is not correct as will be shown below by calculating both terms. We begin with the simpler |E|2 term using Equation (1.44) |E|2 = E E =
k , 4 V k 2 k, k 2 ikx a (k)eikx (k) a (k) (k)e

ik x (k ) a (k )eik x (k ) a (k )e


When working out this expression we get four terms, each summed over k, , k , . There are two types of exponentials among the four terms: those with the difference and those with the sum of k and k in the exponent. We reorder Equation (1.46) with the terms involving the difference k k rst |E|2 = 4 2V
k k a (k)a (k )ei(kk )x (k) (k ) + h.c. k,k

4 2V

k k a (k)a (k )ei(k+k )x (k) (k ) + h.c.

k,k ,,

(1.47) The symbol h.c. indicates the Hermitian conjugate of the previous term but with the proviso, indicated by the line over h.c., that in a product of operators their original order is preserved. Thus the h.c. of a (k)a (k ) is

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