Quantum 33

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with the terms involving the difference k k rst and insert the four products of the type Equation (1.60) in their appropriate terms to get E B = 4 2V 4 2V
i(kk )x { (k) a (k)a (k )} k + h.c. (k )e


a (k)a (k )ei(k+k )x { (k) (k )} k + h.c.

k,k ,,

(1.61) We exchange the integration over all of space with the summations and use Equation (1.48) as before to nd that the double sum over k and k reduces to a single sum over k. The time-dependent exponentials cancel in the two terms with k = k but not in the two terms with k = k d3 x E B = 2
k,, a (k)a (k){ (k) (k)} k + h.c. k


a (k)a (k) e2ik t { (k) (k)} k + h.c.

(1.62) Note that all terms are proportional to k as they should be because E B should be parallel to k for each value of k. The second sum is zero because its terms are antisymmetric under the exchange k k, while positive and negative values of k appear equally. This is good because the time dependence of Pem is removed as expected because the momentum of an electromagnetic eld in a vacuum is conserved. We also get rid of the troublesome terms involving the dot product of polarization vectors whose factors have too few or too many complex conjugations and are evaluated at different values of their momentum. To show that the second sum in Equation (1.62) is zero, we split the sum over k into two equal pieces, each with a factor 1 2 in front, and then replace k k in the rst sum a (k)a (k) e2ik t { (k) (k)} k

1 2 1 2

k,, k,, k ,, k,,

a (k)a (k) e2ik t { (k) (k)} k + a (k)a (k) e2ik t { (k) (k)} k a (k )a (k ) e2ik t { (k ) (k )} (k ) + a (k)a (k) e2ik t { (k) (k)} k (1.63)

1 2 1 2

Inspection shows that the last two sums cancel each other because of the minus sign in front of k in the rst of the two sums. The factors multiplying k and k in the last two sums are equal because a (k) and a (k) commute

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