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Business Communication 2.


Year Size #of Industry Business Nationality

COMPANY Est. (Large, Medium, Employees Line (s)
COSCO 1961 Large More than Logistics Container CHINA
70,000 Shipping

Midea 1968 Large Up to Manufactu Household CHINA

100,000 ring Appliances

Meng Niu 1997 Large Up to Foods Dairy CHINA

Business Communication 2.0/Winter09/COMPANY DATA MATRIX (page 2/3)

Major Major Past Current Future

COMPANY Services Products Achievements Projects Goals

COSCO Eco- See the The To become a

friendly, development multinational
efficient Chart 1 of multi- company, and
and purpose fleet strive to achieve
reliable the interests of
container maximizing
shipping benefits (mainly
services pursue the
to global economic
clients efficiency
to achieve
development. To
strive to provide
a model for the
reform of
China's large
Midea Its core It successfully Trying to I n 2010, Midea will
products achieved an average
include growth rate of 60% popularize strive to become the
residential AC, and 50% respectively conversion air most valuable brand
commercial AC, in the 80s and the 90s. conditioner of home appliances of
large-scale Since the arrival of the
China and an
central AC, new millennium,
washing Midea maintains a internationalized
machine, growth rate of 35% consumer electrical
electric cooker, annually. appliances
refrigerator, In 2007, sales revenue
water dispenser, of Midea increased by manufacturing super
microwave 30% and hit a record giant and ascend
oven, dish of 75 billion Yuan, before the 5th of white
washer, while export sales
induction went up by 40% to household appliance
cooker,electric 3.12 billion USD suppliers in the world,
fan, electric compared to 2006. In with record-breaking
warmer, water the assessment of
sales revenue of 120
heater, kitchen ChinaMost Valuable
range, range Brands 2007, brand billion Yuan.
hood, sterilizing value of Midea ranks
cabinet, electric No.7 by surging to
chafing dish, 37.829 billion Yuan. In
electric oven, Jun 2007, Midea
vacuum cleaner, ranked the 3rd in the
small household list of Guangdong's
appliances and Top 100 Enterprises
other homehold by Guangdong
appliance Enterprise Union
products, as Committee and
well as other Guangdong
supporting Enterprise
products, such Association. In
as compressor, October 2007, Midea
electric motor, was placed 52nd by
magnetron and National Bureau of
transformer. Statistics among the
China's Top 500
Large-scale Enterprise
Groups. While
keeping a rapid
growth, Midea also
makes active
contribution for local
development. Since
1990, Midea has paid
tax totaling 10 billion
Yuan and donated
nearly 120 million
Yuan for social
welfare and the cause
of education.
Meng Niu Normal Meng Niu Dairy was To ranking to To build a dairy
Temperatur awarded “the No. 1 world top 15 production and
e Liquid Consumer in the dairy service
Milk World of TFA Aseptic
companies enterprise
before the year
Packages”, and “the
Ice Cream 2011
Company of the First
Competitive Ability
Products Among Chinese Dairy
Industry”. The
company was in the
list of 20 Important
Enterprises and
named as “ Enterprise
with Projects Worth
Billions of RMB” and
“Key Protected
Enterprise”. The local
governors granted it
awards of “No. 1 Tax
Contributor” and
Contributor for Fast
Growing Economy”.

Chart 1
Canadian International Freight Forwarders Association (C.I.F.F.A.)----Best Carrier of the year- Far East
2009/4 Cargonews Asia----Best Shipping Line-Transpacific
China Shipping Gazette----gold medals of Best Carrier including Best Integrated Service Prize, Best
2008/11 China--U.S. Carrier, Best China--Middle East/India Carrier, Best China--Southeast Asia Carrier, Best
Inland Water Carrier (PanAsia Shipping), silver medals on Best China--Europe/Med
Canadian International Freight Forwarders Association (C.I.F.F.A.)----Best Carrier of the year- Far East
2008/3 the Board of Harbor Commissioners of Long Beach----Green Flag Award
2007/11 Shanghai Shipping Exchange (SSE)----Creditworthy Liner Company of Year 2006 (Grade AA+)
Canadian International Freight Forwarders Association (C.I.F.F.A.)----Best Ocean Carrier of the year - Far
East Trade Lane
Lloyd’s Loading List----“Fastest Transit Times”awards for the UK- PRC/HongKong/Taiwan Service and
the UK- South-East Asia Service
2007/4 Port of Long Beach----Green Flag Award
China Shipping Gazette----five gold medals of Best Carrier including Best Integrated Service Prize, Best
2006/11 China--U.S. Carrier, Best China--Europe/Mediterranean Carrier, Best China--Japan Carrier (PanAsia
Shipping), Best China--South Korea Carrier and silver medals on Best China--So
Shanghai Shipping Exchange (SSE)----"Excellent Qualifications & Credibility in International Liner
2006/6 Freight Transport Buyer Asia (FTB Asia)----“Shipping Line of the Year”
2006/6 Tianjin Port Group----Foreign Trade Throughput Contribution Prize
Canadian International Freight Forwarders Association (C.I.F.F.A.)----Best Ocean Carrier of the year - Far
East Trade Lane
2005/11 INFORMA, the publisher of Lloyd’s list----“Shipping Line of the year”
2005/10 The Commission for the National Cultural and Ethics Progress----The national model unit
Canadian International Freight Forwarders Association (C. I. F. F. A.)----"The best carrier of Far East/
East Canada service "
2005/4 Cargonews China----"Best Shipping Line - China Trade"
Shanghai Shipping Exchange----Ecellent Qualifications & Credibility in International Liner Service of the
year 2004
Lloyd’s List DCN----Australian Shipping & Transport Awards: “Sailing Schedule Reliability” for North
China Australia service
Lloyds loading list (London-based)----"Schedule Reliability awards" on Far East trade and South
Atlantic trade
Canadian International Freight Forwarders Association (C. I. F. F. A.)----"The best carrier of Far East/
East Canada service "
Shanghai Shipping Exchange----Excellent Qualifications & Credibility in International Liner Service of
the Year 2003
Lloyd’s List DCN----Australian Shipping & Transport Awards: “Sailing Schedule Reliability” for Australia
to East Asia service
2003/7 The Maritime Safety Administration of China----36 vessels gain the "Safety Credential of the Year"
2003/3 China Shipping Gazette----The best "Integrated Service" and The best "Carrier in China-Europe service"
China Shipping Gazette----Excellent Carrier in “China-America Service”, “China-Mediterranean Service”,
2003/3 “China-Japan/Korea Service”, “China-Southeast Asia Service”, “China-Oceania Service” and “Intra
China Service”
Canadian International Freight Forwarders Association (C. I. F. F. A.)----"The best carrier of Far East/
East Canada service "
Lloyd’s List DCN----Australian Shipping & Transport Awards: “Sailing Schedule Reliability” for Australia
Shanghai Shipping Exchange----Excellent Qualifications & Credibility in International Liner Service of
the Year 2002
2002/6 World Trade Magazine----Top 10 of the "Best Ocean Carrier Provider"
Lloyds loading list (London-based)----"Schedule Reliability awards" on Far East and Southeast Asia
Lloyd’s List DCN----Australian Shipping & Transport Awards: "Customer Service" for Australia to East
Asia service and “Sailing Schedule Reliability” for Australia to North Asia service
2001/4 China Shipping Gazette----The best "Integrated Service" and The best "Carrier in China-Europe service"
China Shipping Gazette----Excellent Carrier in “China-America Service”, “China mainland-Hong Kong
2001/4 Service”, “China-Gulf/Mediterranean Service”, “China-Japan/Korea Service”, “China-Southeast Asia
Service”, “China-Oceania Service” and “Intra China Service”
2001/2 《Lloyd’s Freight Transport Buyer》----Sailing Schedule Reliability” on Southeast Asia service
《Lloyd’s.List&Freight liner》----“Sailing Schedule Reliability” on China-Northwest Europe service,
South Atlantic service and American Gulf-Northwest Europe service
Lloyd’s List DCN----Australian Shipping & Transport Awards: "Customer Service" and “Sailing Schedule
Reliability” for Australia to North Asia service
2000/8 American shipper----title one of the most experienced carriers of high service quality
Lloyds loading list (London-based)----the 7th Regular Liner Transportation Award Ceremony of 1999:
2000/5 "Schedule Reliability awards" on U.K-Southeast Asia trade, U.K-China Mainland/Hong Kong/Taiwan
trade and U.K-Atlantic of South America and American Gulf trade
Lloyd’s List DCN----Australian Shipping & Transport Awards: “Sailing Schedule Reliability” for Australia
to South East Asia service
Lloyds loading list (London-based)----"Schedule Reliability awards" on U.K-China Mainland/Hong
Kong/Taiwan trade and American Gulf trade

Business Communication 2.0/Winter09/COMPANY DATA MATRIX (page 3/3)

COMPANY Why I think this company is “great”

COSCO Be good at seizing opportunities and innovative reforms, more than 40 years of
continuous efforts to make company stronger and stronger.
Midea Product was good, and in home appliance market has been a steady
development,,so Midea may become "great" visionary companies.

Mengniu In the situation that Yili Group almost monopolized the dairy market Mengniu still
can develop rapidly and occupy large areas of the market.

WRITTEN BY WangTiantian 왕천천

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