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Solubility 3 types of solutions Solute- dissolving particles. Solvent- the substance thats doing the dissolving.

Solution- Combination of solute and saturation. 3 ways substances can dissolve in water Dissociation- Separation of ions as I dissolve. Disperation- Breaking into smaller pieces. Ionization- Happens when molecules loss or gain electrons.

Factors that affect rates of dissolving Surface area Stirring Increasing temperature

Solubility Solubility is the amount of a substance that can be dissolved in a given amount of solvent. Formula: ?/g______/100 H2O@?degrees Celsius

Solubility curve

3 types of solutions Saturated solution- Hold as much of the solution as possible. Unsaturated solution- Holds less than the max amount can. Supersaturated- Holds more solute than it can.

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