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b) What is the maximum score?

Steps: To find the maximum score you must plug in the amount of hours (6) which we calculated from part a) to get the max score. S(6)= -6^2+12(6)=63 1. =-36+72+63 2. =99 3. The maximum score you can receive in the class is a 99 with 6 hours of homework c) Based on the function, what Will be the score if a student does no homework? Steps: Now you must plug in 0 for t since we want to find the score of ) amount of hours spent doing homework. S(0)= -0^2+12(0)+63 1. =0+63 2. =63 3. The score you can receive in class with doing 0 hours of homework is 63 2. (4 points) The height of Carl, the human Cannonball, is given by h(t) = -16t2 56t 40 Where h is in feet and t is in seconds after the launch.

a) What was his height at the launch?

Math Work Equation: h(t)=-16t^2+56t+40

Plug in 0 for t since we need to find the height for 0 amount of seconds spent in the air. 1. h(0)= -16(0)^2+56(0)=40 2. 0+40 3. Carals height off the ground at 0 seconds is 40ft. b) What is his maximum height? Equation: h(t)= -16t^2+56t+40 1. b/2(a)= -56/2(-16) 2. -56/-32= 7/4 Then plug in 7/4 to find max height 1. -16(7/4)^2+56(7/4)+40 2. -49+98+40=89 3. Carals maximum height after launch is 89 during 7/4 seconds.

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