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Michael Zeiler Hour 6 Sunday, October 20, 2013 Exhibit: Drivers License Benchmark: ersonal Mana!

e"ent Skill: 102# Demonstrate safety and self-control requiring minimum direction and supervision. $hrou!hout our lives %e %ill have to do countless thin!s on our o%n& 'e "ust do the", sa(ely and %ithout su)ervision& 'e have to be sel(*disci)lined enou!h to be sa(e and do the best +ob %e can %ithout anyone "a,in! us& ossibly the best e-a")le o( this is drivin!& . have had "y license (or si- "onths no%& $hrou!h this ti"e . have learned a lot o( ho% to drive sa(ely& . have learned %hat to do and also %hat not to do& /o% in the end o( these si- "onths . a" a "uch sa(er driver& . learned, li,e everyone, ho% to be sel(* disci)lined and ho% to be s"art even %hen drivin! alone& $his is an e-a")le o( 102# Demonstrate safety and self-control requiring minimum direction and supervision. .t is an i")ortant lesson (or "e and others to learn& .t ,ee)s the roads sa(e and allo%s us to increase in res)onsibility& 'ithout this, %e %ould al%ays re"ain 0teena!ers1 and %ould never beco"e real adults& . %ill also need to ,ee) this in "ind %hen . !et into "y career& . %ill be %or,in! in a Lab %ith a lot o( che"icals& Much o( "y %or, "i!ht be on "y o%n at "y o%n station& 2or this reason, it is very i")ortant (or "e to be able to %or, sa(ely on "y o%n& .( not, very bad thin!s could ha))en %hen dealin! %ith che"icals that could )otentially hurt "e& My everyday li(e also calls (or this s,ill& . have to use this s,ill in +ust about everythin! . do& . "ay %ant to do so"ethin! that "i!ht be really (un but dont because it is +ust too unsa(e& .t %ould also !et in the %ay o( "y doin! a !ood +ob& 2or all o( these reasons and "any "ore, . %ould say that this s,ill is the "ost i")ortant . %ill learn in "y entire li(e&

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