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Liberian Man Writes News On Blackboard A 35-year-old Liberian man writes the news on a blackboard mounted in his shack

to keep his poor countrymen informed of current events. Alfred Sirleaf has been writing the news for the last 1 years. !he blackboard news is gathered using a small portable radio and " around the impoverished African country. correspondents

!he correspondents sometimes send photos to Sirleaf via his cellular phone and he prints the pictures at a nearby #nternet caf$ for posting on the blackboard. Sirleaf said% &'y goal is to educate his countrymen as illiteracy is rampant in Liberia. #t also keeps people informed so that they will not be fooled.( Conversation Topics Describe our !eelings A) *) # like the news. +o% the news makes me angry. ,eport to your partner about your day. -se these sentences to help you.

My News"

!oday was !he most interesting thing # saw # had a discussion with !he discussion was about .n !/% # watched # ate # Conversation $uestions" 0hat is your favorite newspaper1 2o you have a favorite news program1 2id you watch or hear the news today1 0ould you like to be a teacher like Alfred1 2o you like #nternet cafes or 34 rooms1 0hat is your goal in life1 2o you believe everything you read% see or hear on the news1 News %tories" ,ank these and share your rankings with your partner. 5 *usiness 5 Local news 5 6ashion 5 !echnology news Africa

5 Sport 5 4elebrity gossip 5 #nternational politics 5 0eather & Minute Discussion"

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