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1. CreaLe a new pro[ecL.

2. Choose Lhe conLroller model and chlp Lype.

noLe: 1-100k-* ls for Lhe old 1-100k conLroller, Lhe new 1-100k conLroller please choose 1-100k-8, and Lhe model
1-100k ls Lhe as 1-200k. So when you use Lhe model 1-200k, [usL choose 1-100k-8. 1he supporL chlps on your rlghL
slde wlll noLlce you whlch chlps ls Lhe same as Lhe conLroller Lype you have chosen.

3. ro[ecL conflg and LayouL Lhe LLu plxels.
A. AuLo layouL

lf Lhe plxels layouL ls Lhe rules shapes, you can choose auLo layouL. lL ls very convenlenL for you Lo layouL Lhe
?ou can change Lhe horlzonLal plxels quanLlLy and verLlcal plxels quanLlLy. ?ou also can change Lhe dlrecLlon
paLLern, and Lhe max quanLlLy for each porL ouLpuL.

8. Manual layouL.

lL ls very convenlenL for you Lo layouL some slmple speclal shapes lf you choose Lhe manual layouL. When you use
Lhe Lool you wlll llke lL soon. llrsL, cllck Lhe clrcle and drag lL from one polnL Lo anoLher. ?ou can layouL all Lhe
shapes you wanL ln Lhe sofLware. AfLer you flnlshed Lhe layouL, remember Lo add Lhe porL, and use Lhe llne Lo llnk
porL and Lhe clrcle LogeLher, Lhen save lL. And lmporL lL Lo Lhe sofLware ledLdlL.
C. AuLoCAu layouL

!usL use Lhe clrcle and llne Lo layouL, you musL use Lhe llne Lo llnk Lhe cenLer of clrcle one Lo anoLher. use Lhe
slngle-llne LexL lnpuL as Lhe porL mark, Lhen use Lhe llne Lo llnk Lhe lnserLlon of Lhe slngle-llne LexL and Lhe cenLer
of Lhe clrcle LogeLher.

Save as Lhe .dxf formaL. And Lhen lmporL lL Lo Lhe sofLware (LedLdlL).

4. 8ecord Lhe effecL.

1he sofLware LedLdlL has several effecLs ln Lhe menu, buL someLlmes you musL use Lhe flash sofLware Lo edlL Lhe
anlmaLlon Lo meeL Lhe cusLomer's requlremenL. ?ou can cllck Lhe menu 'open vldeo' or 'more effecL' Lo play Lhe flash
anlmaLlon on Lhe sofLware, Lhen record lL.

AfLer you play Lhe anlmaLlon flles ln Lhe sofLware, you musL cllck Lhe menu 'record' Lo record Lhe anlmaLlon whlch you
wanL Lo. ?ou also can cllck Lhe menu 8ecordlng currenL lLASP" Lo record Lhe whole flash flles whlch you play on Lhe
And someLlmes can use Lhe menu Screen shoL" Lo record Lhe anlmaLlon whlch you cannoL edlL ln Lhe flash sofLware
buL can play on Lhe compuLer, Lhen record lL.

When you flnlsh recordlng Lhe anlmaLlon, you can cllck Lhe menu LdlL/prevlew" Lo prevlew Lhe anlmaLlon whlch you
have recorded.

lf Lhere ls some frames you don'L llke lL. ?ou can cllck Lhe sLop buLLon , and selecL Lhe frames whlch
you don'L llke Lhen rlghL-cllck and deleLe. AfLer flnlsh lL, please save lL.

3. LxporL Lhe program.
AfLer you flnlshed all Lhe sLep, nexL sLep ls Lo exporL Lhe program. 1hen copy Lhe flle Lo Lhe Su card. So please cllck Lhe
LxporL LffecL menu Lo exporL Lhe program flles(.led).

noLe: 8efore you copy Lhe program Lo Lhe Su card, please formaL Lhe Su card as Lhe lA1 formaL.

8emember sLep1. CreaLe a new pro[ecL,
SLep 2. Led plxels layouL.
SLep 3. 8ecord Lhe anlmaLlon effecL.
SLep 4. LxporL Lhe effecL .led flle.
SLep 3. lormaL Lhe Su card.
SLep 6. Copy Lhe program Lo Lhe Su card.

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