HFC January 12 2014 Bulletin

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Holy Family Catholic Church

830 Main Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96818 Telephone: 422-1135 Fax:423-0389 Email: HFC830@gmail.com and Sebchacko@hawaii.rr.com The Baptism of the Lord January 12 2014 PASTORS CORNER

Mass Schedule
Monday-Saturday: 7:15 AM Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sunday: 8:30 AM, 11:00 AM & 7:00 PM 1st SundaySamoan Mass-2 PM 3rd Sunday-Pohnpeian Mass-2 PM Confessions Saturday: 4:004:45 PM and after daily Masses First Friday of the Month Benediction After 7:15 am Mass

This week-end we celebrate the Baptism of Jesus at the Jordan. In this Year of the CONSECRATED LIFE, it is important for us to understand and appreciate the significance of the Sacrament of Baptism. The Baptism of John was that of Repentance with water only . The Baptism that we share with Christ is that of Water, Fire and the Spirit. In my homily, I shall explain the difference between the baptism done by John and the Sacrament of Baptism, which we have received by the power of Jesus Christ. The difference is not just subtle, but essential that makes us grasp its significance. Our First Reading from Isaiah speaks of liberation from our sins. In the Second Reading from the Acts of the Apostles, we read about the speech made by Saint Peter, immediately after baptizing a Roman Centurion called Cornelius. The Gospel from Matthew describes what happened when Jesus was baptized at the Jordan. Our Gospel Readings are from Matthew throughout this Year. Saint Mathew was a tax collector and an Apostle. He was an eye-witness to all that was preached and done by Christ. Let us follow the Scriptures according to Matthew and try and deepen our faith and re-dedicate our lives to attain the values of the Gospel of Christ. Fr Sebastian


Matthew 4:19

WEBSITES PARISH: Holyfamilyhonolulu.org ACADEMY Hfcahawaii.org


St. Anthony of Egypt

The life of Anthony will remind many people of St. Francis of Assisi. At 20, Anthony was so moved by the Gospel message, Go, sell what you have, and give to [the] poor (Mark 10:21b), that he actually did just that with his large inheritance. He is different from Francis in that most of Anthonys life was spent in solitude. He saw the world completely covered with snares, and gave the Church and the world the witness of solitary asceticism, great personal mortification and prayer. But no saint is antisocial, and Anthony drew many people to himself for spiritual healing and guidance. At 54, he responded to many requests and founded a sort of monastery of scattered cells. Again like Francis, he had great fear of stately buildings and well-laden tables. At 60, he hoped to be a martyr in the renewed Roman persecution of 311, fearlessly exposing himself to danger while giving moral and material support to those in prison. At 88, he was fighting the Arian heresy, that massive trauma from which it took the Church centuries to recover. The mule kicking over the altar denied the divinity of Christ. COMMENT: when people speak of life as a rat
race, one who devotes a whole life to solitude and prayer points to an essential of the Christian life in all ages. Anthony s hermit life reminds us of the absoluteness of our break with sin and the totality of our commitment to Christ. Even in Gods good wo rld, there is another world whose false values constantly tempt us.


Jan. 13-Monday-6:30 pm-Bible Sharing Jan. 14-Tuesday-6:30pm Our Lady of Perpetual Help Jan. 20-Monday-Martin Luther King Jr. Day Jan. 20-Monday-6:30 pm-Bible Sharing Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Jan. 21-Tuesday-6:30pm Our Lady of Perpetual Help Feb. 1-2 Weekend- Ministries Fair

Thank you for your prayers for the Priests Retreat from January5th till January 10th. The main topic was : Having a Priestly Heart, like the Heart of Jesus. The Retreat Master was Father James Kubicki SJ the Director of the Apostleship of Prayer.


All Ministry Leaders are requested to prepare a Table and materials/literature to attract volunteers to the various Ministries that they represent. This Fair will be on the First weekend of February. Please invite somebody to become more active in our Parish Ministries. Thank you.

Alleluia Praise the Lord

Our Weekly Offerings
January 5, 2013 Thank you for your generous contribution for the past weekend. 5:00 PM 8:30 AM 11:00 AM 7:00 PM $911.81 $1783.00 $986.25 $1,338.98

A special Diocesan Stewardship Conference will be held at Holy Family Church on Saturday January 25th from 8 AM till 2 PM. All members of the Parish Finance Committee and the Parish Council are invited to attend. Thank you.



Church Bulletin: EditorJoe Padron, Phone 423-2439. Bulletin deadline is Tuesday 12:00 noon. Please email notice and picture if applicable to pad.ronjoe@gmail.com

KINDERGARTEN OPEN HOUSE 2014 Wednesday, January 15, 2014 4:00 5:30 PM Holy Family Catholic Academy will host an Open House for prospective parents of 2014-2015 Kindergarten applicants. Parents will have an opportunity to visit the kindergarten classrooms and speak with the teachers. Come out to see what Holy Family Catholic Academys kindergarten program has to offer. *Eligible kindergarten applicants must turn five years old by August 31, 2014. Testing for new students in Grades 1st- 8th will be held on Saturday morning, February 8, 2014. Please call Leilani Patiak at Holy Family Catholic Academys main school office (808)423-9611, ext. 301 for additional information, or learn more about our parish school at www.hfcahawaii.org ====================================

Pope Captures Imaginations Well Beyond the Catholic Church Less than a year into his pontificate, Pope Francis has become a phenomenon far beyond the Catholic Church. As Time magazine observed in naming him Person of the Year, Pope Francis has captured the imagination of "young and old, faithful and cynical," by placing himself at the center of important conversations of the times: "about wealth and poverty, fairness and justice, transparency, modernity, globalization, the role of women, the nature of marriage, the temptations of power." "At a time when the limits of leadership are being tested in so many places, along comes a man with no army or weapons, no kingdom beyond a tight fist of land in the middle of Rome but with the immense wealth and weight of history behind him, to throw down a challenge," said Nancy Gibbs, Time's managing editor, in explaining the choice. By changing not the doctrine of the church but the tone and focus given to everyday issues, Pope Francis has become a part of admiring dinner table and happy hour conversations among people who previously may have given little thought to anything a pope did. "The reason what he does is so powerful is he talks like Jesus and acts like Jesus," said Michael Gerson, a former speechwriter and adviser to President George W. Bush and now a columnist for The Washington Post, author and fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. He was among panelists at a Dec. 2 program at Georgetown University sponsored by the Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life, on the topic of Pope Francis and the poor.
One indication of how Americans respond to the tone set by Pope Francis may come as bishops prepare for next year's extraordinary Synod of Bishops. For the first time, everyday Catholics are being encouraged in many dioceses to weigh in on the synod topic -- the family

For the Canonization of Pope John the XXIII and Pope John Paul II
Dates April 22 May 3, 201 4 Cost $3250.00 PLUS $700 Airport Taxes

Departing Honolulu on Delta at 9 PM Returning on Delta at 5.55 PM on May 3.

Places that will Be visited: ROME:


18, 2014

NEW PARISHIONERS: Newcomers are encouraged to register with the parish and are welcome to participate in all parish activities and ministries. Registration forms are available in the back of the Church.

Diocesan Prayer for Vocations

Heavenly Father, your divine Son taught us to pray to the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into His vineyard. We earnestly beg you to bless our Diocese and our world with many priests, deacons and religious who will love you fervently and gladly and courageously spend their lives in service to your Son's Church, especially the poor and the needy. Bless our families and our children, and choose from our homes those whom you desire for this holy work. Teach them to respond generously and keep them ever faithful in following your Son Jesus Christ, that under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and with the inspiration of Saint Damien and Saint Marianne the Good News of redemption may be brought to all. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen

Message from Bishop Larry Silva

Over 2000 years ago, Jesus called men and women to be his followers, and he commissioned them to "Go out to all the world." Since Jesus is risen from the dead and is present in his Church, he continues to call men and women to serve him by serving his people as priests, deacons, religious sisters or brothers. There is a great need for those who will teach the faith to our children and youth, who will serve the homeless and hungry, who will visit those in prison, who will announce the Good News of Jesus .
These are not just functions, but responses to a call issued by Jesus himself in his love for the Church and the world.

Universal Call to Holiness

"Christ is calling each of you to work with him and to take up your responsibilities in order to build the civilization of Love." Vocation discernment resources Its encouraging that there are so many good resources available to help young people discern a religious vocation, and Catholic Digest Magazine has chosen from some of the newest and best media available. Many of these resources are videos that provide a fascinating window into what it is like to be priests and nuns. Beloved DVD: God wants to do unbelievable, phenomenal, and surprising things in your life beyond your wildest dreams, so let him, says Sister Anna Laura in Beloved, a heartening documentary about the Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia in Nashville, Tennessee. Beloved provides an interesting look into what it is like to live as a Nashville Dominicanpraying, working, teaching, singing, and playing as a community.
RomanCatholicVocations.blogspot.com is onestop shop, including links to many orders, dioceses,


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