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bonds surety : anything that binds, fastens, unites : the person, firm or corporation that provides the guarantee for the contractors bonds

proposal bond

: guarantee to enter into a contract if awarded

performance bond : guarantee to execute the work in accordance with the terms of the contract payment bond guarantee bond : guarantee to pay all obligations arising from the contract : guarantee workmanship and quality of materials and equipment


bidding proposal tender documents invitation to bid bid bulletin

instruction to bidders


Sec I Sec II

Definitions and Documents Laws, Regulations, Site Conditions, Permits and Taxes

Sec IV Sec V Sec VI

Equipment and Materials

Premises and Temporary Structures Protection of Work and Property Labor, Work and Payments

Sec VII Contractor- Separate Contractors Sub-contractor Relations Sec VIII Suspension of Work and Termination of Contract Sec IX Responsibilities and Liabilities of Contractor and of Owner

Sec x

Authority of Architect, Engineers and Project Representatives

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