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10:00am – 327 Graff Main Hall

August 25, 2009

Members: Joe Heim, Kerrie Hoar, Becky LeDocq, Adrienne Loh and Bart Van Voorhis
Visitors: Bob Hoar and Sibbie Weathers

1. July 29 Minutes amended and approved: M/S/P

2. No Chair’s Report:

3. Faculty Senate Blog:

a. Bob Hoar and Sibby Weathers joined the meeting to discuss having two Faculty
Senate blog sites on the Posterous website. This would be a pilot program and
would include one site for Faculty Senate correspondence and one site for Faculty
Senate committee agendas and minutes.
b. Items are posted chronologically; therefore, subject lines should include the
committee name, content (e.g., minutes/agenda) and the date.
c. This site would not be a two-way blog (i.e., no feedback would be posted) and would
be moderated by the Faculty Senate office. In addition, minutes would not be posted
to this site until they have been approved by the committee.
d. Motion to approve the pilot use of the Posterous website to develop two sites to post
Faculty Senate correspondence and Faculty Senate committee agendas and
minutes. M/S/P

4. Faculty Senate and Committee Replacements:

a. One-Semester CLS Seat (replaces Bradley Butterfield who has a course conflict):
Carol Angel will replace Bradley Butterfield for Fall 2009 semester.
b. Two-Year At-Large FS Seat (replaces Bruce Riley): Chuck Lee will replace Bruce
c. One-Year SAH FS Seat (replaces Brian Udermann): Since the number of open seats
was equal to the number of candidates at the last election, there are no ready
replacements for this seat. Motion to replace Brian Udermann (1-year SAH seat)
with Rick Mikat. M/S/P
d. Textbook Rental Oversight Committee: Faculty Senate will need to choose three
faculty members to serve on this committee. The Chair will put out a call for
e. Academic Program Review Committee Seat (replaces Sharon Jessee): Motion to
replace Sharon Jessee with Mary Tollefson on APR. M/S/P
f. Consultative Layoff Committee Seat (replaces Bradley Butterfield): Motion to replace
Bradley Butterfield with Ron Glass. M/S/P
g. Hearing Committee: Faculty Senate will need to add two more first alternates and
nine second alternates to this committee. The Chair will put out a call for volunteers.

5. Convener’s Meeting:
a. This meeting will take place at 9:00am on September 1, 2009, in the Faculty Senate
chambers (325 GMH). All SEC members should be in attendance if possible.
b. Items for discussion will include responsibilities of the convener, chair and secretary;
posting to the Posterous site and committee charges.

6. H1N1 Update:
a. The Chair has been attending the H1N1 planning meetings.
b. Updated recommendations from the CDC now include guidelines for universities and
have changed the recommended isolation time from 7 days to 24 hours after all signs
of a fever have disappeared (without use of medication).
c. The FS Chair’s welcome letter will include information about H1N1.

7. Furlough Letter from TAUWP:

a. Local members of TAUWP have asked for Faculty Senate endorsement of a letter
regarding the implementation of furloughs.
b. SEC discussed this letter and, while they support the premise of the letter, found that
they could not support the current language in the letter.
c. This will be conveyed to TAUWP so that they can decide whether or not they would
like to make changes to the letter, send it to Faculty Senate as is or if they would like
to meet with SEC to discuss the letter further.

Meeting adjourned at 11:35am.

Respectfully submitted,
Kerrie Hoar, secretary

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