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10:00am – 327 Graff Main Hall

July 15, 2009

Members: Joe Heim, Kerrie Hoar, Becky LeDocq, Adrienne Loh (via conference call) & Bart Van
Visitors: Bob Hoar

1. Chair’s Report:
a. Furloughs: January 15, 2010, and January 14, 2011, have been forwarded to UWS
as official all-university furlough days for UWL. Since these dates fall during J-term,
they will need to be approved by Faculty Senate as non-instructional days. SEC will
bring the following motion to the first Faculty Senate meeting of the 2009-10
academic year for approval. The Faculty Senate designates January 15, 2010, and
January 14, 2011, as non-teaching days. (M/S/P)
b. Dates: The following dates will be scheduled for fall semester Faculty Senate
meetings: 9/17, 10/1, 10/15, 10/29, 11/12, 12/3 & 12/17 (if needed). Spring dates
will be scheduled as soon as the BOR has approved their spring meeting dates.

2. Posterous Website (Bob Hoar): This website could be used to keep the campus community
and committees updated on what is going on in Faculty Senate and its committees. Very
simply, this website is a free service for educational entities. Each committee would have its
own “blog” site to which all agendas and minutes could be added by simply including the
blogs email address in the committee email list.
a. How does this site differ from the Faculty Senate website? Agendas are not posted
to the FS website and there is a significant time lag for the posting of minutes.
b. What if something is posted by accident? Someone will be in charge of monitoring
this site and committee chairs/secretaries would need to be instructed on what items
should be included on this website.
c. When would we begin using this site? Fall 2009 implementation.
d. SEC will discuss Posterous further at its next meeting.

3. Committee Nominations:

a. Joint Promotion Committee: (M/S/P)

2-year continuing term
Gwen Achenreiner
Tom Kernozek
Kim Vogt
Gubbi Sudhakaran (replacement for Bruce Riley)
1-year continuing term
Roger Haro
Sharon Jessee
Aaron Monte
Ronda Smith
3-year continuing term:
Gary Walth
Jodi Vandenberg-Daves
Gary Gilmore
Steve Senger
b. Consultative Layoff: (M/S/P)
2-year continuing term
Joe Anderson (CLS) – Associate
Eric Kraemer (CLS) – Professor
Mark Gibson (SAH) - Assistant
1-year continuing term
Sandra Krajewski (CLS) – Professor
Gwyn Straker (SAH) – Assistant
Andrew Stapleton (CBA) (replacement for Paul Keaton)
3-year continuing term
Diane Morrison (CBA)
Bruce Osterby (SAH)
Bradley Butterfield (CLS)

c. IAS Career Progression Committee: (M/S/P)

2-year continuing term
Suzanne Anglehart – SAH
Kerrie Hoar - SAH
1-year continuing term
Elise Denlinger (IAS Committee Rep) – CLS
Melissa Wallace - CLS
3-year continuing term
Betsy Knowles – CBA
Thomas Reinert - CLS

d. Committee on Faculty Committees: (M/S/P)

Steve Brokaw - convener
Virginia Crank
Tom Gendreau
Jeff Baggett
Deb Hoskins

e. Senate Elections Committee: (M/S/P)

Joe Anderson
Jennifer Miskowski
Sarah Shillinger

f. Ombudspersons: (M/S/P)
Mike Abler - SAH
Kim Vogt - CLS
Keith Sherony – CBA
It was mentioned that the role and availability of Ombudspersons needs to be better
communicated to the campus community.

4. Faculty Senate Replacements: Both Bruce Riley (at-large senator) and Brian Udermann
(SAH senator) will need to be replaced due to their new administrative duties. Chuck Lee
may be a viable candidate for the at-large seat. The SAH seat has no backups from the
latest election, so names will need to be submitted. SEC will discuss seat replacements at
its next meeting.
5. Faculty Senate Standing Committee Charges for 2009-10: Special charges were discussed
(through Hearing committee). The discussion will be continued at the next SEC meeting.
Adjourned at 12:06pm.
Respectfully submitted by Kerrie Hoar, secretary

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