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First Presbyterian Church 110 West 4th Street Yuma, CO 80759

970-848-5583 e-mail: January 2014 Vol. 7, Issue 1

Let us join together as a church family on January 5th following worshipfor lunch Then we will take time to honor and remember Pastor Marcias time and ministry with our congregation Cake and Punch will be served at 1:30 pm

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January 2014

The Presbyterian Powerline

Dear friends, Three years ago last fall I arrived in Yuma, excited about the ministry that lay ahead as I accepted my first called position as a solo pastor (having previously served as an interim solo pastor). Some of you will remember the last minute scramble when I realized we hadnt put a 7th year sabbatical in my Terms of Call I certainly wanted that in place as I was very excited to be at a church where together we could learn and grow and discover Gods unique calling for the church in Yuma. I was looking forward to several years of ministry together and the stability that would bring to my life. But as most, if not all, of you know, that was not to be. And this month well be saying farewell following the service on January 5th. Even as my heart breaks for unrealized expectations, I want to express my appreciation for so many of you who have opened your hearts and lives to me -- in many ways I feel as though wed just begun. But I am actively seeking to trust God to take whats been built into my life during this time and to use it for his purposes in future ministry. I have learned so much through this last year about myself, my call to ministry, being a pastor, and about the beauty of and necessity of living our lives as Christ instructs. I also must trust that God will take the good from my time with you and allow it to bear fruit in your lives as well. One of the most difficult parts of leaving a pastorate is our mutual responsibility for a clear end to my role as your pastor. While my caring for you must come to an end, please know that I will keep you close in my heart, always hoping and believing that God will continue his good work in your life. In the weeks to come I hope you will draw near to God, take time for his Word, and see this as a time to go deeper in understanding the God who never disappoints, is always with us and for us. Thats what I hope to do in this time of transition as well. Much that is ahead for me is unknown at this time, but Im planning to spend the winter/spring in Colorado Springs. The couple that spoke at my Installation in Yuma, longtime friends Jim and Leta, are missionaries who will be in Hong Kong and Indonesia during that time and I hope to be a blessing to them by covering the expenses at home while they minister overseas. My time in Colorado Springs will be spent seeking a new call to ministry. You can pray with me for diligence and wisdom as I work through the call process of our denomination. Things rarely happen quickly but it would sure delight me if God surprised me this time! As you anticipate a time of Interim ministry, place your hopes and expectations in God. Even if every previous interim time has seemed a disappointment, pray that things will be different this time. Seek the healing and transformation of the congregation that will bring an end to short-term pastorates. Welcome the one whom God sends to serve in your midst. Ask for their help and guidance personally as well as corporately. Speak up, stand up, contribute your gifts and talents in serving Christ in your church. And always remember: Christ is Lord of the Church. Pastor Marcia

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January 2014

The Presbyterian Powerline

Christianity After Religion wants us to look at the end of church and the birth of a new spiritual awakening. The data is clear: religious affiliation is plummeting, yet interest in spirituality is on the rise. So what is behind this change in American religion? Some contend that were undergoing yet another evangelical revival: others suggest that Christian belief and practice is eroding entirely as traditional forms of faith are replaced by new ethical choices. Offering direction and hope to individuals and churches this book offers an approach to faith with a newfound freedom that is both lifegiving and service driven. A new year and new books just go together however, this year the Library News section is going to mix it up some. There will still be new books added to the library and reviewed, along with the new books, a book already in the church library collection will be reviewed again it will probably be one that for one reason or another didnt get wide readership. Lets start with Stealing the Preacher , set in 1880s Texas where the church in Piney Woods is in search of a preacher. Crockett Archer, a newly minted preacher, is on his way to interview at a church when hes forced off the train by an outlaw and presented to the mans daughter as the preacher she requested for her birthday. For months Joanna Robbins had prayed for a minister to breathe life back into the abandoned church at the heart of her community. Just when it seems her prayers have been answered, it turns out the parson is there against his will and has dreams of his own calling him elsewhere Is there any way she can convince Crockett that he is were he is supposed to be? A Most Peculiar Circumstance is a delightful blend of love, laughter and a woman who wont give up fighting for whats right. While attending a womens suffrage rally, Arabella Beckett offers to help a young woman and they end up in deep trouble. Arabella doesnt want help from an arrogant knight in shining armor, but private investigator Theodore Wilder is involved as a favor to Arabellas brother. When independent Arabella turns out to have radical ideas, Theodore finds himself at his wits end. As the trouble Arabella stirred up becomes life-threatening, the unlikely couple must face the possibility that they might have landed in the most peculiar circumstance of all love. It is Living History Day in Ivy Bay and many businesses are putting on demonstrations of what life was like in historic Cape Cod in A Classic Case. At part of the excitement is a reenacted bank robbery at Ivy Bay Bank & Trust, but something goes wrong when the fake crime turns out to be real. The entire town is shocked, the police stage a manhunt without success, and the bank already rumored to be in trouble may have to close. Can Mary Fisher solve this crime and prove that the bank manager wasnt the masked gunman that robbed his own bank? Shes sure he is not guilty, but then who is? Scripture is filled with examples of men and women whom God used late in life, often with great impact they were ordinary men and women who discovered that the latter years of life can be some of the most rewarding and fulfilling. In this moving book, Nearing Home, Billy Graham reflects on his life and contemplates what God still has in store for him. He also shares how he has learned to deal with grief, uncertainty and loss by focusing on the promises found in the Bible. England, 1930s, a mystery, whats not to love about Rules for Murder? Drew loves a mystery, but he usually finds it in a novel, not the grounds of his country estate. When a party at Farthering Place is ruined by murder and the police seem at a standstill, Drew decides to look into it himself with the help of his friend Nick. Joining them in the search is a beautiful American debutante, the three try solving the mystery as a lark using the methods from their favorite novels. Trying hard to remain one step ahead of the killer, Drew must decide how far to take this increasingly dangerous game.

Next Session meeting is scheduled for Jan. 21, 2014 at 7:00 pm. Committee Reports are due in church office January 16, 2014. Devotion for January, Bill McCracken.

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January 2014

The Presbyterian Powerline

Its not too late to pledge or to return your puzzle piece.

Wanted : Youth Director

The church is currently seeking a youth director. This is a paid salary position with part time hours. If you are interested in a ministry with the youth of the church and can expend approximately 10 hours a week towards this goal, then we would love to have you pick up a job description and application in the church office foyer.

During this transition time -- until we have an interim pastor in placethe Session has assigned themselves to a number of duties to see that we continue to function as a congregation and the church family is taken care of. If you have any concerns in any of these areas please contact the Session member listed or any Session member. Worship: Carol Heltenberg and Randy Wenger Will arrange for speakers and make sure worship happens each week Pastoral Care: Marie Wenger and Kent Josh (plus Deacons) Communication: Vicky Glanz, Kent Josh and MellaDee Hagemann. Will do visitation or arrange for people to be visited if out of town in hospital. Interim Pastor Search: Jody Rogers & Bill McCracken Will work with Presbytery Committee on Ministry to find the right interim. The Session members may also recruit other members to help them from the congregation. If you are asked to serve in this way please say YES! Even after an interim pastor comes, we as a congregation must take care of each other and not expect one person to do it all. Let us even more, join together as a true family in Christ.

Annual Meeting
The Church Annual Meeting will be January 26th Committee Chairsplease turn in your Annual reports by email to the church office.

New Website
We are almost ready! Special links to: Newsletter Calendar Library (Carol has worked hard on this) and much more! Watch the newsletter & bulletin for updated information.

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January 2014

The Presbyterian Powerline

Celebrating 25 years

January 9Circle2 pmMemorial Hall Lesson 7: A WAY OF SEEING Philippians 4:8 Lesson 8: KEEPING YOUR FOCUS 1 Chronicles 29:19 Bible Study Leader: Marie Wenger Hostess; Linda Clark

PW GATHERING January 232pm Program: Thank OfferingCarol Heltenberg Hostewss: Marie Wenger All women are welcome

Deacons: The Ministry of Compassion and Service Ice Cream Social at Yuma Life Care and Parrish Care Helped with summer brunch Sent four buckets for flood cleanup Helped with harvest festival Presented Devotional Booklets to members in Yuma Life Care & Parrish Care Annual Christmas Eve reception Donated funds to Yuma District Hospital for military

Thank you for your generous donations to the Deacon fund to make these activities possible. Linda Clark Janet Cullen Chris Ediger Alison Hisam Barbara Olsen Lori Neill Mike Neill Shirley Serl

CE - Christian Education C/LCongregational Life MEM - Memorial M/O- Mission and Outreach P/G - Property & Grounds JHY - Junior High Youth SDSacred Dance SHYSenior High Youth W/M-Worship & Music WCR-Wheelchair rides YMA-Yuma Ministerial Assoc.




Wed 1
Office Closed

Thu 2

Fri 3

Sat 4

Marcias farewell dinner & reception

5:00 EQIT 5:30 SD

9:00 Calendar Mtg 5:30 W/M 7:00 C/L

5:30 BellSong 6:30 Choir

9 2:00 PW Circle



Bible Presentation Bible Night ????

3:30 5:00 5:30 5:30 Stewardship EQIT SD M/O

9:00 Ministerial 1:00 Finance 7:00 Deacons

5:30 BellSong 6:30 Choir

Session Reports Due

Annual Reports Due Due



5:00 EQIT 5:30 SD


5:30 BellSong 6:30 Choir

2:00 PW



Newsletter Deadline

7:00 Session


5:00 EQIT 5:30 SD

5:30 P/G 7:00 CE

5:30 BellSong 6:30 Choir



Annual Meeting

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January 2014

The Presbyterian Powerline

Sunday, January 5, 2014 10:30 am

Greeter(s): Julie Rahm & Deanna Smith Worship Leader(s): Lila Harr Organist/Pianist: Leslie Woody Nursery Attendant: Kathi Glanz Communion Servers: Vicky Glanz, Susan Bute, MellaDee Hagemann, Linda Clark

1 6 11 15 2 4 4 5 5 7 9 16 Marian Warren Jaret Glanz Riley Richardson Reinard Janssen Don Rutledge Rik Chance Kelly Seward Julie Pletcher

Francis & Mary Rogers Trent & Jacqie Monk Don & Betty Jo Seedorf Randy & Bev Wenger

Sunday, January 12, 2014 10:30 am

Greeter(s): Mel & Jackie Domine Worship Leader(s): Randy Wenger Organist/Pianist: LuAnne Hoch Nursery Attendant: Mary Brandner

Sunday, January 19, 2014 10:30 am

Greeter(s): Jaret & Kathi Glanz Worship Leader(s): Lainey Mekelburg Organist/Pianist: Leslie Woody Nursery Attendant: Mariya Mekelburg

16 Sarah Seedorf 18 19 21 Jailyn Mekelburg Carl Malchoff Vickie Flemister

I would like to thank the church for the wonderful fruit basket. They seem extra good at this time of the year. Marilyn Van Norden

Sunday, January 26, 2014 10:30 am

Greeter(s): Worship Leader(s): Kathi Glanz Organist/Pianist: Linda Frank Nursery Attendant: Lila Harr

21 Tom Mekelburg 21 Zia Zahller

22 Maddox Hisam 22 Caleb Brandner 24 25 26 27 Taryn Hisam Rick Seedorf Gannon Gleghorn Kyli Blach

27 Linda Clark 27 29 Cody Brandner Michael Pieper

31 Saralynn Vetter

December 2012
2 9 16 105 87 138

December 2013
1 8 15 22 24 29 65 70 79 107 99

January Candlelighter Jailyn Mekelburg

23 107 24 174 30 77

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The Presbyterian

First Presbyterian Church 110 West 4th Street Yuma, CO 80759


STAFF: Pastor.... Rev. Marcia Muir Office Administrator & Presbyterian Powerline Editor ...Marilyn Van Norden CE Director.... . . . . . . .....Mary Brandner Custodian .... Carol Heltenberg Nursery Attendant .....Brooke Muirheid

SESSION: Clerk of Session........Julie Rahm Treasurer.......Randy Wenger ELDERS: Finance & Endowment:................... Randy Wenger Ruth Seedorf, Chair Property & Grounds:.........Leonard Snelling Mission & Outreach.......Jody Rogers Christian Education: ..........Kent Josh Worship & Music:...........Carol Heltenberg Personnel:.. Marie Wenger Nominating:......... Bill McCracken Congregational Life:... MellaDee Hagemann .......Vicky Glanz

DEACONS: Linda Clark Janet Cullen Chris Ediger Alison Hisam Lynn Malchoff Barbara Olsen Lori Neill Mike Neill Shirley Serl

Our Mission Statement As Gods children we will: Worship God with open hearts; Share Christs love with open arms and open doors; Serve Gods world guided by the Holy Spirit.

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