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Peopling the Americans

Ancient peoples who first settles in America

Key Points

Some of the following terms were once Native American tribes found
throughout the Americas. Generally, these names would be most of the
things you would thing about when thinking of local tribes.

 Olmec
 Maya
 Aztec
 Inca
 Hohokam
 Anasazi
 Adene
 Hopewell
 Mississippian

America has had a great story, and a lot of the history is uncertain. Really,
we don’t know why man wasn’t originally birthed in America, and somehow
people found places that are farther and harder to get to than America, like
my favorite country, Australia. However, some of the titles in the book
consist of:

➢ Ancient Peoples Come to the Americas

 Hunting and Gathering
 The Development of Agriculture
➢ Complex Societies Flourish in the Americas
 Empires of Middle and Southern America
 Ancient Desert Farmers
 Mound Builders

Section 1 Assessment

Dates Location
Olmec 1200 Mexico
Adena 800 Great
B.C. Lakes
Hopewell 800 Great
B.C. Lakes
Anasazi 100 South
A.D. West
Hohokam 100 South
A.D. West
Mississippi 600 Great
an A.D. Lakes
Aztec 1200 Mexico

3. EVALUATING I believe that the Adena, Hopewell, and Mississippian tribes

were the most advances because they excelled at trade, they had finely
crafted copper and stone pipes. Realistically they are the more advanced
tribes of their time.

4. APPLYING I believe that the single greatest accomplishment was the use
of copper, this would make everyday life so much easier in terms of building
items such as axes, spears, ect. Yet, I do find that farming was the absolutely
most important thing that the Native Americans could have done. Because
now instead of hunting for food and maybe starving they could at least feed
everyone all year long.

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