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Confrontation Get there first!

Combat Handgun 05/1998

SCENAR ! Late at night while approaching your car on a lonely side street you are confronted by a lone gunman. You see a suspicious individual suddenly appears as he aggressively steps up he sweeps back his jacket to display a pistol in his waistband.

"R!CE#$RE Take turns- first one shooter initiates the action then the second shooter starts it. The designated shooter will start the action when ready by turning and engaging his target. The second shooter will react and try to beat his opponent in hitting his own target. Targets must be neutralized to count. n the second run the other shooter goes first. SC!R NG The winner obviously will be the shooter who can neutralize his target first. N!%ES The point 0f this e!ercise is to demonstrate how difficult it can be to overcome an aggressor"s advantage when he starts first. #fs hard to overcome your own reaction time. $on"t let other shooters watch until their turn. %se this drill as a training e!ercise only.

SC!R NG &ach target must have at least one center hit OR any combination of hits to total seven points. 'ny number of shots may be fired( at the discretion )f the shooter. *hen satisfied that all targets are neutralized( the clock may be stopped by hitting the stop plate. 'ny target that does not have at least one center hit or a combination of hits totaling seven points will add a five-second penalty to the shooter"s total time. &ach hit on a bystander or hostage target will also count for a five second penalty. +umber value on targets differentiates between major ,-.')/ to . 0.12'34 and minor ,5mm and down4 calibers. % &E !N'( ) '' C!$N% %! #E%ER* & NE ) NNER

A'%ERNA%E SC!R NG lf any target does not have the re6uired point total( the shooter will be declared #EA# at that spot.

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