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Take Control of your information

Simplified viewing, collaboration & sharing

For any company information is the second most important

asset after employees. Adeptol provides the technologies and
tools that can help you take control of your information and
share it in a secure way. Adeptol ECM Imaging products help
enterprises worldwide protect, and manage the information so
that it can be made accessible, searchable, shareable, and,
ultimately, actionable without worrying about the security as-
The company's flagship product, Server Based Document Viewer
uses AJAX and Flash technology to create fast rendering of docu-
ments on the fly and includes a unique set of capabilities to ren-
der, enrich and dynamically deliver content. On top of this
platform, our customers and our partners build information ac-
cess and delivery solutions used by various industries, publishers,
government agencies and other large enterprises to accelerate
the viewing of documents.

For most companies, getting software products to market on

time, on budget, and with the right features and functionality
is always a challenge. But it doesn't have to be. The technology
behind our products has been in development since 90s by our
predecessors and is continuously enhanced and improved.
Adeptol works with organizations around the world, in every
industry, in the public and private sectors, and of every size,
from startups to the Fortune Global 500. Our customers include
banks and other financial services firms, manufacturers,
healthcare and life sciences organizations, Internet service and
telecommunications providers, airlines and transportation
companies, educational institutions, and public-sector agen-

Our differentiated value comes from our sustained and sub-

stantial investment in R&D, the industry's broadest portfolio of
imaging viewing technology solutions, hundreds of technology
and SI partners and our ability to create total integrated
solutions—all designed from top to bottom by us—and our com-
mitment to delivering the best Total Customer Experience in
any industry.
Adeptol On Demand CloudConnect
Ÿ Protect vital business documents
Improve collaboration with secure viewing
Ÿ Avoid expensive software licenses
Adeptol On Demand CloudConnect technology enables you to link the documents on
your servers to the viewer on our server and offers a unique experience for your Ÿ No capital investments up front
customers. You remain in control of your documents on your servers and still make
use of ease of setup as there is no installation involved. Simply connect to our serv- Ÿ Retain documents on your servers
ers in cloud and you are up and running.
Ÿ Connect in cloud
This option is perfect when you have lots of documents on your server and do not
want to upload them to an external server and want to remain in control of your Ÿ No installations needed
documents or when your documents are frequently changing.

Adeptol On Demand CloudConnect is FREE for basic use, but comes with advertise-
ments and banner ads. You can get started by simply getting a Free Key here. For
Enterprises and Websites looking for a more professional look and feel with ad-
vanced capabilities, full control, faster load times and no advertisements - a Per-
sonal License of CloudConnect can provide all that & much more.

Using Adeptol CloudConnect you can put the viewer in your web page simply by
embedding a small piece of JavaScript code in your web page and the viewer will
display the document. There are no requirements on your server, no installations
or setups involved and best of all documents remain on your servers - so no Uploads
needed either.

Simply connect to our server in the cloud and offer the full viewer experience to
your customers and users without the overhead of buying any hardware, managing
servers and additional spending.

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malesuada tincidunt. Cras in neque. Sed lacinia, felis ut sodales pretium.
Adeptol On Premise
Transforming information into business results

Adeptol Enterprise On Premise Products meets today’s collaborative

challenges with all the components that distributed organizations need
to manage and share content on the web. Adeptol Products are designed
to be deployed on any environment and allowing easier integration ac-
celerating user adoption, aiding compliance and reducing support re-

Adeptol products are designed for the needs of even the most security-
sensitive environments. By adding Adeptol Imaging Services to your con-
tent management systems, CRMs or other applications, you can provide
incremental security controls over how content is viewed across the or-
ganization, how access is authorized under complex, dynamic condi-
tions, and how critical information is shared securely among various

Create a self-optimizing viewing application today with the most widely

Ÿ Install and set on your servers deployed server based viewer. Adeptol products offer greater customer
value and ability to create new business opportunities while delivering
Ÿ Integrate with your existing user access controls quick viewing, built–in information rights management, security and
scalability to applications. Maximize the value of your information infra-
Ÿ View, collaborate, annotate on documents structure investments by lowering costs and risks and ensuring optimal
performance and agility for rapid response to business demands.
Ÿ Restrict printing, saving and copying on
Business Benefits
Ÿ Dynamic policy control - Drive product leadership, differentiated customer experience, and op-
erational excellence through an AJAX powered fast rendering viewer.
- Create intuitive digital experiences and use information to collaborate,
make decisions, and automate processes.
- Transform infrastructure and content into information that supports
business growth and change.
- Control documents at user level, document level or even your own de-
fined access levels. Integrate right into your application with an easy to
use API.
- Define your own controls and control document printing, saving, view-
ing and even navigation.
Adeptol can help you retain your customers and streamline your content
integration efforts. Leverage Web 2.0 technologies to get a completely
scalable content viewer that easily handles any type of content in virtually
unlimited volume, with additional capabilities to support high-volume
transaction and archive environments.

Our enterprise-class infrastructure was built to meet the needs of the

world's most demanding global enterprises. Based on AJAX technology you
can easily integrate the viewer into your application with complete ease.

Support for all Platforms

Works on Windows (32bit/64bit) and Linux (32bit/64bit).

Compatibility with more than 99% of the browsers

Tested & verified for compatibility with 99% of the various browsers on dif-
ferent platforms.

More than 200 Document Types Supported

Support for more than 200 Document Types including Microsoft Office 2007
documents (docx, xlsx, pptx), Office 2000 (doc, xls, ppt), Open Office (odt,
sxw, ods, sxc. odp, sxi, odg), Images (jpg, bmp, png, gif, tiff), Adobe PDF

Conversion of Microsoft Office documents to PDF & SWF on server

Adeptol Document Viewer allows an unlimited number of users to convert
any format of Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents to PDF &
SWF on a server. Quick and easy conversion of most of the document to an
Adobe ® Flash ® (SWF)

No need for installation of MS Office or Adobe Software

All reading, access and conversion of documents is done within the server
resulting in no need for licenses for Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat or oth-
er softwares.

Not a Virtual Printer Based Converter

Adeptol Document Viewer is based on Multiple Tenancy Concept resulting in
faster conversion rates and performance as multiple users can access the
server at the same time and get various documents converted simultane-
ously. No more waiting in the printer queue for other documents to get
converted first.

Faster Conversion
Adeptol Document Viewer is based on a Multiple Tenancy Concept and
hence is significantly faster than other products with similar functions.

Conversion of documents to PDF

Documents can not only be converted to SWF but also to PDF, this offering
your users not only the ability to view the documents in a web based envi-
ronment but also to download the documents in PDF form

Easy System Integration

Adeptol Document Viewer Server provides easy system integration with web
applications, content management systems, and other software. Integrate
the server directly with your application and call Java Code directly from
within your code.
3333 Bowers Avenue, Suite 130
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Ph: (415) 935-3620
Fax: 859-993-1651

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