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Contact Information


H.No.43 katkuyan Old City Bareilly(U.P) Mobile: +91 99!""111 +91 9!#$%"% #4 &'Mail: na(i).*iet+,)ail.-o)

.ntend to build a -areer in a leadin, -or/orate o* 0i'te-0 en1iron)ent 2it0 -o))itted 3 dedi-ated /eo/le4 20i-0 2ill 0el/ )e to e5/lore )y6el* *ully and to 2ork a6 a key /layer in -0allen,in, 3 -reati1e en1iron)ent.

Profesional E !erience: 70ree )ont06 on 8ob trainin, in (Core Database "#stem Pvt. Lt$% on ora-le1$,(9B:) at ;inu5 3 2indo2 en1iron)ent.

Professional &'alifications:(.)ec* +Information , )ec*nolo-#% 2it0 ././01 *ro) 2't're Instit'te of En-ineerin, )ec*nolo-# a**iliated to <auta) Budd0 7e-0ni-al Uni1er6ity4 ;u-kno2 in %$13.

Aca$emic &'alifications: .nter)ediate in %$$# *ro) <...C Bareilly U.P Board 2it0 .0.301 )ark6. Hi,0 =-0ool in %$$4 *ro) <...C Bareilly U.P Board 2it0 .4..51 )ark6.

)ec*nical Proficienc#:Environment : >indo264 ;inu5 Lan-'a-es : =?;4 6$bms : Ora-le(9i41$,)4 M6 :--e664 =?; =er1er %$$!

In$'strial )ranin-:Com!an# Name D'ration )ec*nolo-# : : : Core databa6e 6y6te) / 3 Mont0 Ora-le 1$, (9B:)

=tron, /roble) 6ol1in, and analyti-al 6kill6. <ood at trouble'60ootin,. ;o1e to 2ork a6 a tea) )e)ber 3 at t0e 6a)e ti)e 0a1e ability to lead t0e ,rou/. 9eter)ini6ti-4 Hard2orkin,4 <ood a/titude and rea6onin, -a/abilitie6. ?ui-k learner 2it0 t0e ability to ,ra6/ ne2 te-0nolo,ie6 and 6o*t2are.


Of Interest:=o*t2are &n,ineerin, =@l Ora-le (9B:)

Personal Details:Aat0erB6 Na)e 9ate o* Birt0 =e5 Marital =tatu6 Nationality ;an,ua,e6 : : : : : : Mr. ;ai@ :0)ad Malik 16t Can4 19 9 Male =in,le .ndian &n,li604 Hindi

Place: -

(M$. Na7im


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