Malfunction !: A Tac-Five Scenario

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Malfunction !

A Tac-Five Scenario
Combat Handgun 11/1998

SCENARIO Youre a police officer checking a remote warehouse after receiving a suspicious persons report. Suddenly, an armed man jumps from the shadows and begins to shoot. You return fire, but your pistol malfunctions after the first shot. That malfunction must be cleared quickly ROCE!"RE t signal, run forward and pick up pistol from under whats covering it, then clear malfunction and finish scenario. A#A!IN SCORE !ive"second penalty for failure to utili#e available cover or for not neutrali#ing hostile target. lternate scoring will declare shooter !EA! for failing to use cover while clearing malfunction, especially if he remains in the open for any length of time. NOTES $alfunctions to be set up for autos could include double feed, stovepipe, unlatched maga#ine, empty chamber, failure to close, etc. %evolver problem could be a pulled bullet that has tied up the cylinder or a case rim under the e&tractor. 'istol is covered from view so shooter cant see problem. (ont let shooter watch until after his turn.

SCORIN$ )ach target must have at least one center hit *% any combination of hits to total seven points. ny number of shots may be fired, at the discretion of the shooter. +hen satisfied that all targets are neutrali#ed, the shooter may simply stop firing to stop his time. ny target that does not have at least one center hit or a combination of hits totaling seven points will add a five"second penalty to the shooters total time. )ach hit on a bystander or hostage target will count for a five"second penalty, and a five"second penalty may also be given for failing to properly utili#e cover, or for other serious tactical mistakes. ,he final score will be total time, plus any penalties assessed against the shooter. $ajor caliber cartridges such as the .-- $agnum, .-. /olt, .-. /', .-0 S1+, .2.3 $agnum, etc., will be scored at ."-"4 points in each target #one. $inor caliber rounds such as the .25 Special, 6mm', etc., will be scored ."2"4 in each #one. ,his roughly reflects the stopping power of the various cartridges. A#TERNATE SCORIN$ FOR TRAININ$ "R OSES 7f any target does not have the re8uired point total, the shooter will be declared !EA! at that spot.

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